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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 3 Oct 1901, p. 5

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"'" NI Fa! - . sapling an " Ito-born n V: m. morning I bnhnun by q " ‘ “Ban. “ambled and to“, Mis paling our one log, severing - ' '3titmttrliteslr. no In khan to wc" _ "gates n. d rt the '3" ween WM!!! Lama nunnau Inn :34 J,','a1',e,'lt of: N no 3:81)], Min L. Steamer were united in the holy ily.,', In ' e MNMK1 p .r bondeo! metrimony. The youngennple 9.}, amount to netarly $1,000 Petr dar. The drove to Berlin, where Rev. J. . Bow- :»_»_m°r the peyment of theee tarty nan tied the knot. Daniel Stenlfer, Slum-alumna] I“. been of mutttt bene- brother of tin brided was beet man; f". , while Hie: Raina nilrnen enter o 'i,i,t', ttttmaine" ingenerel, and {:rmege the groom, supported the bride. The iiite'ht,,ttltTd the value o in . bride “d groom no " pram ONO? C8 minimum Plum m m: ingehoneymoon 2,t,t2,rtttt,t, We V lure-oh one and entail great can St the wining mp e every hepplneee erection - en proepe ty. Ri l of ig'e,l'1'2,'l,",','l, The re Mr, and Mn. P. Kneehtel, of Berlin, 't ltf W 'lTlfti2"l'l'el'lT'll'dt" erent 'lt""' " the home of Daniel tttlit-t M nodal . pun, bdeelued by every farmer inter- -- __ i; m ”be thottest paringerepitt the NEW DUNDEE. if Mr- viaitad, and the annually in- b L_.., V‘M “ atit urea e in evidence of thel Pa lie Lihrarr--0ar public library an l i, . (2)91,“ the empie not eat gee 'g','dr,1','d e ehipment of over 32% , . oxmuvoonhe mammal: (ltr',,'?'),,',',,',', 'c,'g'. 1:3?" mith'; It . tthaq been grown,'in eorne once, been asked for by membere and those IE? or three yeere in eucceeelou on the gunman Will: ',"2't", be lilo-Md to " - . now att erwente have been st. , ' mm" with ntufaetory reenlte. t6ndodtotsoprtstnpttr. There ere new f rr ‘m thump grown h proper t4F over four hundred dollars worth of . - . r wouldbe tremstlta1 in cleaning hooks in the library. We are pleaeed V L . w- lend. (4) That we lwned new. 'tte/trp, the pm” that our library is VF w the: would lead us to doubt that gro g npop rity ttttd rapidly itt. we -. creasing its membership. Now that E 'l., 9'” an t” successfully trtom1 in the long tall and winter nights ere ep- . . cdhtriot " on Iano on tstairlr preaching and people have more time tR ', loll where corn, turnips, ete., era to reed we expect e great many more 37M” crown. (5) That the booutotmtaken out, and “my econ ll .e ,v re‘n have been eble topey hey? 12',,td t which the viii-3e may i ;.(".'m'“ net ee rou . My! ton of 12 per cent. beets,and , R’s. 'ES','lgum.-r, is our duty to F. ”I. exceedingly good return: on min remind the people of this vinege ii'ratertnvettnsnts te,P,tt,r, that our while wheel in- n n A an I nu vn o-trs-thtm “in ‘dwqthum . H“!!!- d M - ‘3, you; - hate. With. . mun-mum we P, . “when been e ene- kt pee momma-noon- 't5. . with proved beyond a _ . ‘3”! he“ can be new '3iithh vicinitynaenem ' 'g . t.b.mtmtti' the ennui-h- - , from“ to: the utilize- a... in! _ But hetero say " x eeoldhe expeeted to loeete . ”given point the {more of the 1lli, ., . lint given renown-hie gun- to k the production of e endieient " ,7 . Mtteet to keep the mutation , tide-tun [tie computed that 6000 a; A (but would be required ennuW FF", . 0 sqft the demand of one - a} ' 3 . At the sir-ont time the city "W end the town ot Gait ere ‘ T m etrennoue effort: in order fif, Weepiteliete to locate . sugar [3" "finerr at thou points. It is mm, high time for the farmers of may end busineu men of the 3 3 of Berlin to take hold of thie‘ Ind endeavor to mive at eome T ' election. What are the presi- ”‘05 and adhere of the North Water- mums Inetitute doing by way of 'i.':'iioeott" thieimportent industry! No G. . opportunity hue ever pro-outed 7 ite the exeroiee of neefulneee by _'i3g",he Former’e Iii-mute than the pre- ywmin oonneetion with the - Cre loan-try. By ell menu- let lame ' _ he mode at once, let meetings of gm he called and the matter cue Willy and intelligently dieoueeed with a rm to immedinto notion. Profeuo‘ ?tmytttorortlt, who carries greet weight Eminenciei men Interested, strongly {innuendo 101110 point near the town , I Balm " n moot deeirnble location {at the erection of a sugar beet tae- iitrr We give the following inf1rtmv l/tfiat recording the auger beet industry i"iu's “relented to n deputation from gout, while recently visiting in Michi- (In in search ofinformauon regarding has" been industry. j ‘Gulph in to Into the tine, Pattie rink ; _ B in nationhood bu not proved I moon... The Patric-Taylor Ps will use it for factory if u. uncul- of South Waterloo vi" ' hmwndon " New Hamburg _ _ a, We! Thur-day, mm of lii5ih e and. w. Rou will " , 'llkt't, not!" at New Ron- , 'J, ’, min: ofthe nun any. IIB' © , In: the rue-peyote of ‘ "a, ‘ . 7 outlay-low to Authorize ' i5iii)f ‘ “973500111 “menu- , 't v. ' fol-tho Royal Carpet ‘ ' 'sag-ttt dang Moon-In W. “no Afternoon of Th . an. a. W. , ”We [berating Win an urn» Ian-bur, thtitser of Wool. " lucid out Ind win rtqit Cm}, Ohio, mm: more. VMmgugbt MW. Imm60 ”and Pm.-Inlldlhl0bwhdm tttta In): IM,0M, no round un- cl Emma. - " P. Lum- coma mBehitrhttiimtettttt, Nor- "ht-e'c..teKaadWs D. n trttt,ttrl "t'rrtmttm, Mth I Tdrl2iiiil'u"tdl'i,l'ill= tlattttq 'a%t,et,',,ttt, 1. no nmn....A nub-t atttRrattt. - I; _ 're"rttrttttottqd so. In an: came-gnu do.» w “NM. Thou» omuump.... . am Thu _ “mun-h.- ',tA"rtlflllthtl n 'tWM-ttta, ttte' LI um; 3%.» -t-att'"d""f - nu. "an“. mbl‘ no Huh: TI- Ould an”): shim-dud. yiitGriiFiCita1lyjtihGtii:.yurd." ;....- tttur/ttt 533:. MI I. a token: _ am... “I”... Holdall...» urchins... “Polk... Btu-w W.. Pro-dung... man-v- DutahW-. WWI-mm. -dtrigqipti7tY. ttet" Gingham... ”...-H .... am....,. .91 "_...'...., aural-...... .. Bemmthett....... has! Canadian. Pulled " I .-. Dutch My...“ The II.“ New. I“ Matmlirtsider are enjoying the Pun-Am. this weak. Osborn jun an. "ightroettoed all“ advantage of the cheap was hu trat, my wan-94 “r1992 Eat-:- a. and kn smnwl'um u: a. a. Bow- mun. Tttia u urm mend trip not!»m1dr.....u¥rud anohn Schmidt, of Berlin, IN'Ipllldhtl hol- ids, " Dahmotdnlo UM Mr Ind Mn H. D. Daimler. Mr Dunne“. matt- ing nu tile and brick banne- “dunn- Inor more an over. . _ . . .Mr Btitee brick yard A in {911 operation yeie.. ....Mr J. W. Schweitzer bu my bo- cOme the who: at . iittts, rid, than horn bull, Duke of York, bred by Mr Doyle no” Elam. Mr A. Freeman In: aim patch-ed from them. brood “beam mu hm. Brii.Ttttt protracted meetings in the U. B. church will be continued this week. . _ . . .Beve. Burkholder and Boo. tottler wlll preach in the Mennonite church here on Thursday evenlng.... W. Monger, constable. " J Leone, peld our hamlet a visit on Saturdny. It seems that he was looking tor a. long- fiagorod pedlu, who, together with an overcoat end some other utlclee not his own, disappeared Very suddenly from the nbove mentioned place. He kept track of his man as far " Peter-- burg It would bevell lf theee long- lingered. gentry mild be caught, " it is a bad type orturatytesr to be " large In any community._ . _ w. . Psrrtottai--L. Schweitzer wheeled to Buffalo, when be upon: seven! ts', " the Pan-American. . . ...John Sue en- reiter nod Nuthaniel Hofstoner, both of anheim, wheeled to Wtstortstrurg on Sunday” ....Mlu Princmn Devin Io- compmlad her column, Mr. and In. Schweitzer. on Saturday and Bonds: to visit friend: to the you): Wedding-A my quiet wedding took place near this plus on Wadnetdny of an week, when Edwin Hullman ind mu L. Maufftsr were muted In the holy bondnol mntrlmony. The '.o,rgrg,r',1,': drove to Berlin, where Rev. J. . B.yr- Pahiie Lihrarr--0ar public library nu just received I chipment of our (my duller: worth of book- A mmv bee of these books ere books that hue been naked for by members and than members will donbtleu be pinned to know that their went- have been at. tended to so promptly. There are now over four hundred doiiara worth of books in the library. We are pleased to Inform the public that our library in growing in popularity end rapidly in- creasing its member-hip. Now that the long tall and winter nights ere ep- proeching and people hue more time to reed we expect e great many more boohto be taken out, end may soon have I library ot which the village may Jrvryrfett proud. _ _ P. B. Exmnittattott.--rtlts our duty to again remind the people of this village and mum, that our public whool in. mdl holding I public eumlmtian nut Friday Moon, this m: 111mm. Dr. Bloc hm Hall, count“ to pro- mt tho Lama: osmium!!- and the child!“ In" map-T41 t 2gl,rt trr-ttapt-ttiam wont. to “a. that “wild. Happily Wsdded.--0a Wodneldny of “we“ Iuothoto! on: olmom dov 01de to Ihm thojm I and norm" of life with no out n s. dear to him. This Wu Wu. Woman who I" nan-nod to m.- uomo .uory,of thtv m. The "nun" In performed it Berlin, who“ the wedding party Med to our Ti1rwefor wiper. An mu. time "a may: m t o oven- " than to young c, {pic In mm as!» an hue- _ " - _ BrtA,-..atev. mun. from Win.. ning hold Isl-vh- in the brunt obligation!” tlt/tly . . Ala to I nun: Pup]. our village " md the W Home hold " Waking”. In! loud-y noting. All in placid with tho programme, on which were a umber tif ”he“ by my» mm "qt-tta, '0 Ion tte.yat..tyehlt and 1yrrreyc. .n'tittrttstii-trudatBer. nulmmknmdod by a hm "rb.rOtte_Bqe.tfftrttrNtar. MANNHEIM Ooh-M .7” 786 714 646 ‘637 f 6f _ _ , r A. - g I I _ 3 tlt . - . a. , trSlieii' 'IM _ " m t 37 't.filis'ri.tlt no mutt-utmmu 004 ttite E'tirtt'itstti(iiiif;i; ohm out. . a. mat a. “In; um rim t'et,t'ttt, I)» «We. to an 786 Gaunt hunt, which also)“ 7 " in Man in nab “may bring Irn'lt, 6 46 ed a Row Humbug in the nu an, 037 maths chair occupied try Mini " Moderator, not. mummy- of 579 Philldolpbiu, mm m 'iiii;iG 6 18 the Common“ by Modem»! Prat. p. " Rum. Tin ehair h the Tttat , 88 Mr. Booker, who will ttttt part '1 it far Ion or may. um 5 . CWO 'Nl! J Bertha-rm mew-amm- Minute-MW A by link of the mttbrer. m on yen-into. our - Immanuel church in Miebilee Idem. Thin norm Rev. Jacob loud “Jim I' "l f2"S't pastor, . n e - noon e mm sketch ol the ohm, ”mulled by R». P. mm, the prologue-let, no reed, end-dame- eIIene delivered by Mr. o. Fleieeh new, odmonof the church in 1851 at the time of its orgeniutien. end tome! the Madem- of the first when. This evening, Rev. G. Fetter, of New York om. another former- putor. will punch e "na"") oppropnnte tor the wooden. _ _ HISTORICAL SKIICH. In the yen 1847 Rev. A, Reneehen-‘ bunch wee lent to Connie by the Amerloen Bible and Trent Society to and out whether there In on opening among" the German settlers tor or Colporttmr labor nmonget them. Mr. Ratuottetttttmgh " that time we: not a Baptist. After hie return to United State: he recommended that e Colpor- tour be nut and Henry Schneider, e brother of Mr. Fred Snyder, of this town, come over and labored in thin vicinity. Hie firat two convene were Otto Flsiatthhautrr, who lived in Bridge- gort, end Denlei Weber, ot New Hom- urg. . The mm of $12,212 95 was collected a: the custom: 0mm during bspteav. r. MC. Boritmteetrtitptt, mmmmmm ThtUNY7Nr. “halal-an Id“ d m m,mm.oo. It. has» ie up am in a. Ttet-t Ban. 0- You; “,me 1mm Dam. hum-(Dull. an Honor, Just!» Babel-non, " preside at the {all was». which open here a week from to-dsy. Mr. Schneider wan not a Baptist st this time. in the your 1860. He Wu married in that year end e boy was born to .the familr. They invited Rev. Mr. Reneehenbuech to come over to Cenodn to oepuze the boy. but Mr. Rnueehenbnech had become n Reprint during the period of bio absence, Ind wrote back that he could not trapt " rho child 'until it mu old enough to believe in tiriiii and knew Bil saving grace. This Ill very startling new- to Mr. Schneider, and be, along with Mr. Floiuchhnner began ta neural: the Scripture. in reference to Ile Pte.: During the month of September 6 births, 5 ',n','x,', and 6 deaths were reported a the on Clort’l‘omoo. he LadieeAurimtrT ottherY.M.C.A. meet. " the rooms this evening. 1m- porttust bulimia will be trnnuoted. "e Rev. J. P, Cowling, who in visiting friends In town patched In ths.Bloom gnzdnlo U. B: (march on Sunday oven- In 1851 Ree, Mr. Rtsutrottetttmatttt wee invited over to Claude ud accept- ed the imi anion. He preached " many points throughout the neighbor- hood, but especially in the Free Church " Bridgeport. Be condnbted the tht baptismal reryice " Behmidt‘e Creek, nee: New Hamburg. " which six were baptized. oir. t Mr. By, Schneider and wife. Mr. u. Pleuehhtuter and wife, and Mr " Weber and wife. All of these bust since pulsed nwny with the exception of Mr. F'ieigqhhaatsr. The number: f converts grew in a lime while m ll Rev. Mr. Rtutsehtstttrturtsh organizvd a Bepunt church with By. Schm-idrr an pastor, and Meme.~ Ptetgetttnutltr end 'Weher wan "tta dcncone. In the year following 47 lemon had been converted end baptized. ink, Mr. John J. Just-on bu roam-d from Ohio Ind visited nu Mend. tn Berlin for I few dun before 101" to Detroit. Boom Chm-shill, who bu ban of unaound mind for name PIM",,',', 3." relonod from the ooumy on Mend” morning. Henry M, Wheat}, . wall-known carpenter of thin tttmt, and " the hmpiulol Saturday of Bright'- than. a. no In MI 68th your. Tho he". Ind rig gouging to Dr. Hon-horse! nu gr on sand” 'mrrttttg. The horn n. 'at,", nou- anioo. Tho May I“ V dul- The pm in tho atttioet out!" 'inert- than by an. P.J.Meet, forum-I1 'tfBehttt, - Archbishop Handba- having both mama by In. an bun mod tts can. Wm Ann-v. Both] h colo- brooh‘ the 4thtt oumvopoory at Mo “and” h tho town no"! pit, not Wank». ohm ho lo T',,'t,'N tho “I tttto-ttht" on port tho Thigdetrhett_t sun BERLIN NEWS. u i' 'glestt B. .' '.t, 'i" _ nu _ , a 'FbiitFiMI " tbe-tFatt"" ‘ at = ','Pga,'uttt"d.'tl 1 whom. an. td','),'"',','?," “by It. hm“: t 4! anon um: an. In. In, sauna tap-mm 1051101863. . . w 13180333”. Mr. V“ _idl'l,1','Mt'ilS'2tt Jab-cue. but tte hm: clam dun aid”: guidance. Ir. Gum-nu was 'ttOtter-trear-tf 186f, _ “new whoa by In. our“ ”datum", who was hand: yoga)” 101971. A _ -- Brig. AM u- ull-d adu- uoud, sud new In: myoc- 1873 to 1876. l Pcmyunthoohunh "AIM:- 'mt nun“ - I. - - In Odour Bu. Mr. Alton not“ and In. Arm, at pram - " PM',' O.,' "a pastor hm Iron 1875 to . In 1810 Mr. Argo! Maud cad Bu. Jacob hum-n. mo! Chicago. cum. 'u.aattteetqqtodrtri1 beloer of tho church Atrtttir.., an a In" your; mama pregnant! with leap- at! band: (in!h Ina-h!- panama, and it wu dating his time that the pun-n: church o4tliers,wttttotst the new addition In 1'g,t,da','tgt were 163 2err, u as puwntc. Be twine n Mym_1899. --- - _ Bu 0. Fetter, now “New York City, and the newly elected editor of "Der "tttttrote", was and In 1890 Ind mashed hero for “no yam. Mr. “not In I100 aboittmdattd uneconfqlApum. _ _ _.A__ Rev. Mr. Fetter resigned in 1897, and wee eueeeeded by the present pater Rev. F. friedrieh In October ot that you. The church em look buck- wud wdey Ind' (but God for BU manifold kindnueee Dowel-d them, end and to Him give in the glory for their pug mecca. In memory ot the event the church he new“! In Ebenezer by remodelling the church to the extent of 87000. Soon “on the organization of the church I LadiW Hmloury Society Wu formed and oonaldorably over $1000 bu been raised " the away. Daring than fifty yam 381 permu- lnvo been baptized on their own con- tendon; 121 hive been received by letter; 73 pom!“ have boon “eluded; 32 of which were again received on centurion ot faith. The Young People’s Society has also "listed In the work of the church, 3nd ita growth has beo‘anory encour- iog. At present the Society "pporta annlve missionaryjn far-off India. The attttutitm oould not be scoured from 1861, but from 1868 the sum of $12,534 has been ruined for benevolent toitmirtotrfry pu'pogon. __ _ The Sunday School no orgmiied noon the: the handing of the church and Inn been II lawman: heml- In the work ot the church. Over 100 aotttNN hue been converted, bummed and received Into the church. - - With such a gunman nod succul- ful career the German Baptists of thin town can we" Jabilatt' over the "on: of their reaching an “mummy mark and will undoubtedly be con- iiriGiGiiii by their 11mm- of other denomination, In well u the citizen: of the town 1n_genenl. ' Division Court was held before and“ Chisholm on Tnuday. . The High gtstiool Boardmoeta Friday evening. . . The mm portion of the Bank of Commercoh greatly Improved in ap- pomunoo by the erection of I “on. w . . Tho "msples of St. Pete“ Church in being put in remnant for. the chime- whkh will be min during Novembet. Mr Ghee B. Gllleeple will open one I jewellery mspatr ehopln the Gunmen Block " an only date. Mr Ollie-vie worked for Mr P. Peqnetmet eome years ago, and bee “nee eequlred eon~ elder-able knowledge in repelrlng, bev- ing been employed In eome ofttte large repelr ehope In the United Stem. We - for Mr Gllleeple e fur nine of the may. of Berlin when. Mr. Henry BrubaoMr, of Waterloo '2,1?t',t; an that If Berlin no“ u good a. any would - the County Gourd"- ofthe of 1000 but: of gavel and .60 and In" the road on radar!“ “not Improvod. no aUo say. that "no tumor: in the tannin]: would be ,rillttttt to wort “no any. for one day'n pay until are work W” 'ttell",; prm Med Berlin would pay the mum but "turuar owning .Conoublo Bond was unending out. duties in hoping an loltoron around howl: mom; on, whoa he "rttttt . can In . 3 you; fellow who did not hood tho cont-blah "move an” ottqtttnttd and gun It Home! mud-able mph nu morning the oihttder I’M ham Ponce lam-mm war and "I Med tl “whats”. Thom Mow n- my unruly - m I... mm m " "I “and BI. Wor- IND “was! to lulu-I no In to no human: It low (In: all} - thte m to n m The are an and“ a 4.46 on mums-name Manon Ind sun to In all-N’- hot-non Foundry-hut 'ttetttettad my!“ 'l'S2,'tl'ltt11'ytttt,it1M - y t a r at Inuit-M Abound but ttt,'2tet'tP,tltt In, the n in“ “Rx“ not - tt,tfStuat. a! A as... "L " . 115113161130 '0'!!! " ce Foam, now he via Nacti In loch known-I. al.- day (or (htiotri..-tliitMg boron m1" to: but». _ In. 1.1. m at” ofttti, M W‘ . b I! 3 trget thm 'lilli) ”y.” o ttMt IA' .. art: via . who} tt m o 1 so. um u',Td'lt; and my t't'12'l"fd who may data to w this month with than. Thu In. to play no}. on Though!“ Dar. “dwivahqu Lulu be all-urine.“ New?“ l A v “will: rt " an Natdeti" cl gal than: mm It, Vb.- llu ”he o, land Melt cl I: “who Eaton-15¢”. t Ir, We cl “than I Leda. at New? tl,'; it» many no W y _ “In PM 3101!, of " PM“ Latin-n enrol), 'iid Pro! Allan 'heutrd the uncut match while than It,',", not aw ttoqititm lu ”so My '8: on ttnd-ttt the Union Jack mad the Sun no Strip“. The brldo looked uoudlnw‘ pretty and bacon! In: whlu Dachau nun mlumo lar, um: PM! 1m, tucked .3th And purl tumm- lagt. Lune Mio Gertrude Belch, duugh'er of Dr and Mr- Reich, ot Em.. Hum, Penn, and Mew-of tho bridq {Looked rory onto " Ibo precedod the brldu u 1lormr girl. She won . love- lt blue organdlu dress. Mira Elmore Bohorer, slavery! um bride. was maid ot honor and looked hwdwmo iu a ‘whlto prgatuiio costume with lace trim- mlnge. Mies Olive Clemons, B. A,, comm of the buds, was the bzldumud And lb. - looked prettier tun she Mid to-dsy, in 110'“, blue tilt orgthtt- ldlo over tomato drain. Each of than young ladle. corded huge boquota of omaxlons and rows. Mr Sidney Bar. rlok. of Toronto, supported the groom. The bride In: the moment ofmny nimble and mm), pronoun, amount which were good-id 01:0un from tho groom and hit another. Bee may friends I!" Join wlth the Trauma; in Itching Mr and Mm Lodor 3 happy and pmperoun wedded life. After the ceremony the newly wei- ded couple received the ootsgrortt;latiom at the guesu, who were the immediate relative! and Meade of the connecting parties, mar which they u: down to e eumptuou- 2tN repent. Mr and Mr: Loderhft on t e 6.26 train on I honeymoon trip through the eeelern 8tates, after which they will take. up their reeidenee In Nor York. ' ' Sand-y wu the lat time Ber Carl S. Smith took charge of the eervichs of St John'e church here a pastor. The church we- well filled in the morning, notrrithatattdimt the rain, while in the evening the church wee crowded by membere and Meade. The rector choee as his evenlhg'e text Mint. 25; M, 36; "Por I we: an hungered end ye glve meet; T wee thlmy and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger and ye took me in; neked and ye clothrd me; I warn elck and ye visited me; I “will trtWott'ttttit ye came unto mp." Mr Smith, An hie fwrmon showed that loyalty to Chriet in tho manner that the text lmpllee meme service to our (snowmen. In Icloeing hie (ll-mane he referred to the feet that the flro year: he bu went in Berlin here been very plenum end} will - be torgotten; He thnhed‘ the memhem of the church on hum of hie wife and blues" for their many {induce-es and hoped the: new may be their: in {more ”are. After the eervlce all bade t "mall to It end Mrs Smith, who leave on rTueede‘y to! Wuhington, D. C. The members of the Ancient Order of United Workman, Logo No 164, were "at home” lee: evening ttt their friend- end had an their hrlt, encore oftto GrendLodge. 0 themfertherewere‘ present Grand Owner J. M. Pereg- rine; Grand Recorder M. D. Carder Gnnd Treuurer F. G. Invood ra Binder Deputy, w., A. Boldno. An excellent Wm wee rendered, in when Rd Moder new e lie-her e! mandolin l'ty the Concordance:- tom Mann " Outward». Breeds w. but?» eed L, Burden my e number eeleetione and In INA. Week-1' large grephophoee vs New!“ irtto mice. Addreue m delivered by the Grad allure, I» R1130:- Eden and Dr It. G. Leena. edmeate were eerved ether whiel e new howls enjoyed. Th: London Con-ell will ret 32.0000: t'Sltu'T, hand: . the Dalia VIII ’ m out of“) mm, 'i','2ltet. who hurl-ed " Mr with I tg elem "Lil. - J. P. an. 'Jlu'W,', Th can w- aw. _ The Paris an: Tm "rr.-- Laat “and“ PM {In} In. formed new)“: Faun:- um owing to lam Writ-mud- M h but.“ 00 the b mm. T2tgtg','lef, h I emu-am WM Thoma": lartbomuund . [and 1tgttlr,?, ma. mun-aw 'trrA 311mm 't'tt"duSht't,",'; ,fiflllitgt mum rqNAtt “commune-wan ”N’DF'AQ'HN Enigma] ' ' _ tit2gut','d'd “NM. "3.3.": RECTOR SMITH‘S FAREWELL. AN ”T033! WIDDIIG. A. O. U. W. ' AT HOME.” on bu t VII“ Pg, " " It. Ppt o . " ' Dnmdoons In. you who. Imam - i, y aoA.peruesr-hrr-arrtast,ibtssa9ii --. " -sttgeu-rosritdeteitr. Ton-Minpuhfbu . Te “up. Betr-t-sth.atsteeaairtoFea. ""r, - ati',',.":',':':,,',',,:,',',,',".','.",, {use rt'2,tttt _' '.. ”a; " in. home-pun. ' navy, own at Huh ttl PN - " in. Win" mph- in brovnguy.bh&' i ' . "P, pun wool "0r.tl'.______'__rCi',"tc,i5ir ' 64 in Vane iam, snd chariot: in all the nursed M. a“ 1.25 and 1.50;!xyud. - -- - _ A, - "3:13! " ' , Wir. .11 wwlrmuauu. ftiePuritr+ air3Q 3 - (yer heevy), st tht “$1.00 per yud. , . "V/rj' 5;; 'll,', . full “up at new: clothe. ,1,"t2,'g1tg1ih,talt,) ' - [new in ell the new» linden. drone trimming- to H??? Bl - stuns; A full line of - ulh, glen tattisuaa, new. tr: 'dit I - Soiee), hillee. duchell eatin- en an silks any. meow}, b), .. P. A epoeiel line of bUeY eilk grenadine! nibble It!" . Bt ,r-rudinistook.' new“ UNDERWEAR. A full line of ladies' uni Ohildren'e Y' io, b lil ' my lire), in veete or drewen It Mo, 60e, 75c, 81 end 31 [tMM, , Special value: in Kidglovee, minnow. gloves, tsttmr6ti-'ar " " MI ribbons, hendkerehinfe, We. l" fi’t'V-jfir‘ STAPLES. We ere showing extre mines in table h'nam, hi , , B, qt ll [ kins. shootings, comm, eheker funnel: and mummy; Cie ",,-c"S I BLANKETB. Gingrieh'e pure n'l wool blankets my night q /t'6.l "ff 9 ' or grey. Luge nine, grey or white eheker fhausel hinged '3 H 1.00 e pair. - . ict-l, ‘22 LADIES MANTLES. Ail the newest style: in ladies' marthrrii I , I cepee, in horn, bleak, navy, green and brown. ' __ 1:ik m FURS. Fancy ceperinee, btna,rnttis, callers. jet-ken and fur , = f . on in tsll clueee of fur. _ _ i ’* MILLIg'oI'i'RY. Our millinery deputment is now in full I k a V " wiehin a fashionable Ut or bonnet should eee our eke p; g s.'rr; ge muglls"llWl'. We have muted the services of e f H" - Til " dreeemnker. Any Indy of the Ts iii-City wishing an n ' , 8iM garment. should have their order At this department, every "it Tr I; ole guaranteed} perfect. fit. Try us for snobby fall suit '8 . btjlliti derd Fabian Sheets given ewey free every month. ’kgij' r Acting Upon. The Requests , , The Crawford Peaches . . Great Corner tttorb: 50in. pssrsitiirooi, not of lingual W a“: e hrom mm! .tmlearrt3uthexitrt' .ng..th 'dt '.' , . ”Ix __. G. .. -r l . Cy-. ‘41.; OF our wanna mtatmnemtorritnt than: topiokout Mini! a foe their Trading he utudohilvmwohnod itudtodotsttidimttmytutV begtoakonemdnllholéingumougdnstmfo kin lit- inuthoirutliot tonmsni-aodgsttussrett fd'.',", Anamofoprohgggin‘budnqtotpgpahugm "A' ,r-errr1-diiidernor1otrtsoieeeAu and dc oo-ttatt uranium ell tet'dety;tltuititt they-0pc." km in e quotion beyond doubt; it may at time-seen . MtK inconvenience for you but fame of habit will soon q"eTtttr" the; We will eee "at we offer you inducement: It. ttt time in the my of better "I“ than our audit“ MEI-Mew tr Hi" I“ . . ', ‘. . "le Nyceiie.ft, _ ”audio-inn! um.“ kindly ii.ti'tr're's'r"t'hrdrid; ”baton buying“ in out . Amman-u tutr-tttti-Kava" “WWI-Wyn ' Bricker & 'Diebel. tor-ism mmpmtom. Geo. lhasenf1ug, AT THE as”:

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