E Winter Will Catch You :53 kit, "is Savory Master :3» r)::':' GOOdS. b?.. Soecial Attentiotrtotht Milling-y and Dressmaking Departments, Waterloo County's Greatest Store Ir- Width!- . Walloon-om. (Yo hi era, Hatters, Shoes and Furnishers Tttttalt, for Hudmre. ht. Hun-Una Ind "mung. I. not Bunk of mmum. _ A. O. Boehmer Go. Cask and ths, Prism. ‘1 A few words: in general about our ltock this full god that. in that vie have gathered together the best “luau known to tho trade. We can conscientiously any that we halide we have thts,tineert goods we hove ever shown. Every debartmgnt is now ready And if you will spore an A little ot your time )0 will be planned to show you through. IT' . 1611'th n good-1mm for full? It you do _ V atemttweesanbeos" We're right here to _ you in my. Light Prices I' In. mum gt Prion that 'Btttt.t I. Equal!“ Anywhere . . . 'yell. Wow. bignd we’re Min fut rules MI. the NEW 'g'rg?tllh"h handsome ', ‘Vhlpuaurnelfyouwould luv-numb that , wins.“ “‘11: and wan. Not out in W - L' - - . . “Mini-mum. ‘W do'nprie- on man fol-h, tin Jls'r.l't1'lla"rhflu'li1'lTldlf1'a"' Good Lanterns â€Hmong-mug.“ THE D. 40 Rut", J. Fauna" & Son, A. O. Behmer Go), A. Weseloh a Go., ..ON. IF WE DONT, but we hope to can h you tirstwith our uewmlrbo-dlle For five common ragged-edged one dollar bid. we will give you an up-to dateirontoverco"with ve1veteoitae lape's, faced with lilk. blue and black beater or grey Cheviot cloth for 85.00. Store next to Poet Office, Berlin Bee our Literivereoata at t8.00, $10.60, $12.00 and $14.00- " in need of clothing come to us. u . . Overcoats . . Peter Harrnmtn, "##m. Money Back if Not SauJH. 1mm b Tim waste:- ttm gatgr, 0 mm mm on czar: In Ibo world brood tttttth foranybody. Th"; e I Invory 501ml!†am. The PM it will. Ienmleh n raven I',N'J,g'i This ttt,tt2 . I a»! do": ad lmpglbh auburn." dry up the mat. Trytsn'ouv. Wain" m in and.“ inn; 00.. Berlin. HMITEB. Seamless. COUNTY "PIE Ci6t it'iiiFf, It I _ 7 - D tt'.tg,tthtat4ttt'd w. to We! 'ttget 1thrattqr. deue no it. - 'r.tert. an. Themo we all! I. Is ererieul nor-in - our.†h och-re there wees alt W eel-g, Is pres-m teen-ll other hire an. be“ getabrttr, on the an do], “lemma-l lone whiten "a, y b the we: end lulled work d-ttatetrt. Gmhlmverennmunu. Tumble tuttresemt gentry should not heubeen allowed on the grenade. The exhibi- tion of live week In good. in hot ber. rer the at my previous felt. There no e tine cubic. d plants end Bo-. The exhibit mm: wee not up to that of previous you owing to the {allure iot the crop. The speellneu, while not numemu, were. however of I he, qul ity. The root department wee and. Eula ole- no well represented st the sampled diepleyed were la the meehenieel department the ex- hi idol: use I feilnre. Not enough intereet is teken in It br. our mechan- ics and the inducements offered ere an s mil to mete it I euooeu. The more». nnt’s exhibit was represented only try) Wm. Kslasrborn, who displayed n line I station of drese goods end lsdlee' wear. The interest in this department is slight. The Wellesley band mulled excellent music in the evening end en- livened the proceedings during the day with their line selections. We had the pleasure of greeting MmL J.Breit- haupt, hrP.P., Berlin, Geo. Moore end A. B. McBride, Waterloo, end Meson. Peter Bohrmen and Geo. Hoffman, of Sebringville. The more was well re- presented. - _ . , . _ . . Britth-John mud-mu, of Union- ville, bu eold his tim, {Inn to W. J. O'to, who will likely take nonunion soon . _ _ . _ HUT. Mr. Francisco, of Ber- lin, preached here in the New Jerus- lem church lest Sunday....c. Kennel palhmuter tor thll ward,. hu eon- meneed his duties. We hope he will be eble to secure enough money to rebuild acme of 'ter eldewelke. , 3 c, iurroGu.-c. Meyer and daughter, Mam." trading A few dares " Bomb Bend, Ind. .' . .Gultno Woiwado mid son no lponding a few dlyl with the formal-’3 three daughters ln Datum. . . . Mr. and In Wm. Fol-lot no III] on a plenum trip to Yale and Don-alt, Mich, for I. few days... .J. Kinshasa: u away on n trip to his {arm new Saginaw, Mich. . . Ahso. D. Hill spent- féw dun with friends in the oountry.. . . Mr. and Mn. M. Sohanbgpont I for: days in Sobringille. . _ . Hy Duoneh lots on a trip to ale, mob. . . .Mr. and Mn. c. P. Ottmatttt upon: Sunday In Hawksvme. . . .Mr. and Mrs. George Globe. of Linwood, no winning Mond- hero for a few dare.. . no. Ind In. John Kennel sud Mrtr.C.Ermt,tortnttrlr ofttria neighborhood, but but of Hahn-ks, who came here In: wring on an extonded run, returned to Nob- ruh to-day. _ I'trrtttmar.-Mr. sud Mn. M. Ruther- ford are spending this not with friend- In GAIL. .. ..Mr. and Mrs. William. and baby, of Petersburg, spent Sutur- day and Band» " the home " par- onu......Elt. Porch, ofBerlin, III In the villages on Btuttur..-R. Canto, of Enamel), vigited " his home hero 1:" week. . . . . .Hu'ry Mandel], of Listowol, m In the vBiags on PM". ......A few from hon "tended an Milrorttn kit on P_ttftr. _ - Church Noutt--ChiidmN Du was chum-wed has on and.) tn the Pro-by- torlnn Bubbath to]: 001.. ... .Tho anal- vemry unless will be held in this Pmbquhn church non Band-y " 11 dolock s. m. amt 7 p. m., conducted by Rev. . momma. tht tho bull'- lng Mend-y T',2r n as. Mn; will be hold. Ta b0 umd In the Mann»! tho otittrott from a to tt (MM: which . grind ploy-lune mu b0 given by on†o alum. Among “awaken m L. J. Brawn, . P. P., of Berlin, Ind Luna lawn of anloo. Brhtb-A m M -qtdqttt would ' ott viii-30.93 39011.1"! Beter wwilr: Doe'LW tryi - Injured» Hunt)» t'1',t',et',l'ltl't'ut'ltf mam. minnowhrhonmcryv PesrtNtttBu.-..Frata II.tRsttettnrmsruft "termitostatataeutntanirratrormt hm, dim for Berlin Int week - upth- In!!! St. But...“ New Ind mamas tion with J. U. Clo-on- in the dry ,rtf)ftetrtPretrhtrDstmtt_r maze-n condom....somoofonrnldnuu dqevHttrftherd.....JasA.u- “who St, Jerome’s College, Berlin, dulled In- tttmth-d I M no" In camel-m our town Sunniâ€. Bone Atttrttr an Ra.uriiuaesa-tttb16th 'eo-tba. “MIDI youngmonhntor that mm m- who. -'trtt .d zu, In who“! 'titettiottaterr wank-no. Thu h I municipal-thus. It. vh- mu manta“: with†And non you: on m In! the w loll. loamy mm hunk-1mg"! pub. 'l'dlu'lrlllu'llUlrl, I.†twin "rBtel-edttoattoet....tt_ttttetr ovum-m .1“ Ma-Mt may: both-mun mm m Wcllaloy 'ttgtL's'emett has“ I" “.th run-mun not ad all mun. nun-wuulh W on - ltr, I), may 'eqt.trt-f1i.tteetdttt. “up". unarm- any!“ but! 'ttrt-h. 'h't'2lg't'?Sehtultt,,u',' was“! 'h..-aNe_trttrt-mat. tf,atrardt'iNttl -- mum.“ III. 'lr'ht'tt,flt'a"tt but may qatt.utt't-iy-tta.q_t" .. 0.3. (taxman-tum: Unmasking: ' tttn “hm.“ I†wait“: AIL“ ,msljz ttet AWJPU- . A“- -..: ...!5 WATERLOO, ONT! WELLISLIY. ST. mam C ROtbSH I LL, DISTRICT. its '83 'll? , Conferenee. Ntma.-a. W. stone, an: genera he .. ----_--r---- Inerohent, Intend- hnildlng a twenty â€snug; Atot eddldon to hie “monument ii - Blunts and By Beta, of Berlin and it, like um. Kneehtel, 0(0qu Wow-1°! "qseetttveU, m in town- " her mother on Sundey. . ..Ih Lime Mr. Shanta Intends building n home in in Snyder end like Lem-n Helm epem Ditutmrr.. . .hEr. Baattts, of Kahlil. n Thursday enema we then triad, urinals Gun-Inca Theat wIth mu Ida Dunner, ot nun...“ hisNmilram1-tstirrrtitttutti' J,; Bruker, of one, w: and†trith ftttrtmhortts..ittrommstmrTmrnisd m 1g2rnti,iiu1'lthetp'f,lr amt m. 1ftteBt,rtttntrtt vent to Okolohe on n nd no or epent We] end my Mlle-t 'm9....0tt8eptetrttter 16th in visiting Meade a Perle and seams. Mr. hm! Shem "- ordattted t min- ge .. ..Joeeph Bum "mmed home but. thle m. Amoe Weber wee a. ether ependIng . week a the pun . . ordllned e demon, Rev. 5. P. Comma m D. w. olemmumg In the Pan ot%Utiug.-'rtus bridge sum m st .1, m. 'reerk.-Mt.ardMri6Brits" prmttettrrorhing " Donia Helm» of 1stt In: sum» for Michigan, there we!" P'mml itt "I" hregs.. _'ru 08 they will my for . few weetr Mug Pr-run each] In ttid ot the Church b- their ehIldren....llre. Tm ma witl bake“! on loud-y evening next. eon ere 'ependlng e " week with she 300Ҡ80th. . ..The weuher " farmer's perente In 'eiottitmat....htt" pmeett is vet, unfavorable. It is ladle Snyder Ie Mung her em.- In mm] end elondy end has been no over 1it,t.thcit,'2t iti'f,isi'9?i,ic .. W n m, e e knee: , u. -------.----- . .,_ ....'I‘he Baum. elder an] be In unmmuan. ( at is" ..Ilv.ui In; I. I“ uI-Lm Ina-01ml, In. In tum-dull “WNW [lull 2t'N,,t was Americanâ€: away-1 Mal-and! rah 'nrotttH.8r.t, "dlt 'giert+et.mertW.L,Dr, “I†it. in a! ntgttt..-Ttsd. I. aesdt" b ugh-Milan.“ --.. aehulto9itrirdt-rrtpt.6We- taatqreeh....tegB. Thtat . mail. W" 1rdht'MlS'd't2t 1'tt can 'rttttuetusoletphrtau9,c.. E. Milk-And B. Good Man-d tn- mchlpeooun iaatt5ataMtr....e.Ba+ smutirtdttudaattrtttar,+tn, - stow qâ€. trttts1tuadtNee -. . Ila-mt. mu numb - - ....l. w. 3.8;“.th O 'at; M. . Ian - may...“ 2,tSrJN.q'di'hl'tgt'f.Wlg dars vlth J. v.3 ....†'Gr-et-gilt.:..".- iteidsU..tgr. “and. at nun, nova! Inn In: not an at tM homo-Ind by In. _ .... ya than in no do: a to an " Donia-put g,taidPtae.y o! "l _ Wham he a. _ 11331.93, t'ld 01, um tto/ Loom 87 “also Th Ida It). Br. rEU.'ilt"G 05, mm. M, cm " Ill-ab M, Mn. a. Bath 42, .Wttt.61,mi-ttn88,NedmM, 0mm. Jr. IIL--m.rr 80, Eli. 85, fdat 77, Aimed. 76, Frank 6A, Robert Br. IL-Alfred 83,Elunon 82,“de 68, Hoary 66.14;“: 63,30, 4.8,!er s. 40, Mary M.N. hmxAu.-J. More m on e,'gd day for when, IL". he will would some that. . Jill. M. Winn roturmd‘ on Sunday me: " "tettded VII“ with friend. In Owen 90:136.. . .Iluod In. Goa Stone an I Mr. Bud In. 0. Luther spent tb tow a". human? vmung 'ttit . . JN'lt In. In . Kootbor family,“ '_Me6tttrtr-d through the Vin-co on Way and patd . altoethgtttot2. N.DI-ttrie'a. .. . .Rov_. In; tutunilh octet. any)», wu In the Villa. on land» making huwmodll... Atuiso numbed our valiant- attended the Wall-day Show last Wednesday. We were an Informed " ya who won the rod tink- Ma, . ..Asoetg-%oMttoroetd_ in r?'ghlet2,',',t, T/gre'; ann- um. It o I an t your Roe. Housman, will In“ a and Contact)... operation only My from Ombu- llt to Nonmbsr 12m. Owing to the and†'fappl" they um only grind once . not. PrrrtaoarArgr-Mia. Agno- Album. of 811mm, who bu bun 'iaith-e with Mr. and m- vxnhllng, m on Wading-d†" Won-do, to turd I In week. ther.....John Blah Bt- cande an Walla-lay Show not! new to In" had a his. “0....“ L, Didonbskor, tmotor, ho hon wow and at a bum-Minna" m PmP.B.l., mtled clout public Ochoa! h Th-tar .tt-ogt “drowned m humbly (I In no mama-:91 my! tht coped: ....lln. Bati'itmitt--sd '11an with humanuld. an! I!" muggy-own mug-mod -atrtntrt_ertt1-tratrter ',',e',1'gd",l, $al'ylra't, 'g,'it'd',t my "no“ at- trtittteihriaetdrrtttl..Bd,aaame nonmnupudmud- oatm- duh Dana... Th cum mil- demmmw 'l"dalGTkulluTlllGll'lr" 31: WEEKS "lL'""" wuss -..-_..-.----r-. “many-“Lost. Fountain-Suck. BLOOIINGDALR. Wood-wok, Ont, ttl' 'r.-- Fm --- Manual-Gum t I learnt: Inn Or I-.--w. than. mm belonging to Albert King, new b1sshmttttttrtsttmrttoroit9o when thrmirirrtt or nix Inna from .ttmdtotsmtemtoestn1ti-rhirt hm, ding-rd. K13; had jun. [unsung-8....“ HM“ â€an†him. " wa- supposed MIIGMMQHDMCIHOV tQtattttemiatartodt-to8ttmt hon "revirt".fthM.....JasAau- uncut-mm wan-o out. MI -ttaqd I (and not. In 1sesttroAsoatotttitHt-tttattteatttittat Human-chum qtf0eetqe NWO.“ The Wood-mt mmmummmmmmhmm madman-I. It. will mupnaum pha- t" ta,,tt,tfurtTtt=Lt'SgPattl,t'22', it: â€In hm u- MM?“ M Imam-mm no u 'lilhbt,',',,TLrfgtiiNti MWNMWN- mumm- Pee, _ In “damnation“: tt hunt: nun-'14:; , w an." 0,. hm t,'Stl',t; 1tr2'ratt'irf, Ek?ilyiir,'il,'."ti?.. , m w “mm tths. F,1),ih1'i'lii1ilihth'hiilli 'i'ititit'yikiir't,'l an Pt'ttfM'dttt, Db â€In.“ Mb {0.3. Att but . 2",t.N',tttd1t'ft (ttttnet "uh . . an in 1: way, was ins-Q... ._ 91h"? _ 0"- VIE, H AWKSVI LLE. IT. ST. AGATRA 1M iiil/irfiri'iRjiauiidr"itri 1°“ l- a,aiiorrro,uwa-desrt" . Bud, m “I. â€3mm 5 E'i1F,ii'it'iti'i!,irli am; l mm with. vault-muck . "wank-yo,- â€than _9ir_the y: .77 L""-'"",'."-,"'.'""'"-""".'." naught-n.- vii-ny- on» my inning»! and but. “It!†“up! I'll“ 'eggtrd'aNtt.st't,htt1', tuna-hung». Tho yid- MMthub-nbm --yttHutlrrtrirttat tte', In; in. . m a“ up 'u - W. has 2tt',ttdgrtf.t',1tt,te,'taiii J Bette-t har, n Nun’s!“ ttttthots, Routines! Ivory V In. Thopuuhnur hm mun-ed tot-Mu. We'd-ems him but low)". and hop. tttat ho will" 'ttatttrAtutt.. Ptr-i-c-d lam: ind in in StllM, Hun-Ind Cul,dAMy, 1.1.. 11x't"at In and his DIM .8. huh....-.lr.'md In. an“. but.“ trip to to Minolta-Io- Wynn†[and Indian. mm In do Wnuvm in Bentham...†. “OJJtothmnBa-q Wat-Mud mucu- But-mm Mtrad-ttht5.a.Battrt,Tavutrtl., In mm. 11011021.“ annually AtrD.tmtto_totseedstor,Mm. J, Hahn's-rd. Norm.-Astsotttr ' who vigited Bomb on Rom-out Dar were Mr. new, mane s. Thoma In B. Bohweltur end In. What. ...Kr and In. John loudly. or, and Mr, and In. A. B. Ion-n, on “do; Kiowa-n Maude†..Bov. Mr. male: Ind Dr. In", ot Go", gave very qsrtettttsaraddrxs-in tho Intel-em of the Bible Society on 8utsdtsr. Mum 8mm: Ind Kenyon end “he. Dot- wller And Lnohlln were appointed col - for Blair and the newline ommu manly. . . . The amnion- el had noel-ad for theoanoury tyne “lo-ed with n hmdoomo wire fence, D. Body luring Ind m tttttttmat for rho-one... .llr. end In. Joe.Bllborn we mm with Motto In Boye- ....Ilr. and In. a. A. Tilt let: for Bttithlo on Tuned†morning to via“ the Pagg.Attmtittan....g. N. Slpee end temily spent Monday Mth Ml daughter tn New anchors. _ Notu-wt an curry that on: public school who: on tho 4th can.) Hill awn, “no lava of the auction on Mtmdnrrtttttamtmdtotiuis cnccrhc I um nohlct hold of labor, go- ing " ntnuaio-toChitta.-.Avort manning midway Marc-c wu do. lintcd Inc Sunday owning in tho [mania church, by In. Hunt, of) Linowcl, returncd 'etc',',',', from Akin. The church ded to' fgk'l'T2,ttg2iiiii"ttg'E, church built " B for the lawsuit. Builmn in Christ will he :1ch In: My, Oct. cm. In connccuon with the dodiccclcn . three duc’ Holi- nc- Donation will he hold. Minimal jthan dithemttreeuot Ontario no ox- It"circa"ltht', bu vii-d the . at Bar. Mr. Oahu-I, Nomadic; M, on in. an.“ at Mary- hnlmh.‘ In. Grain.- hu bun pm and wiih at and til-cue, won- gunil. hut " - informed the Is now lamina MU. OCTOBER 3.- my: a BIDIL BERG. CARSTAIRS. BLAIR. w _ _ Sgecial Display .7 ,/,',l'tIt'l1t'g'ihS,'t2tg,"d',q'tht'tll! thehmtrer%tttth. 2irgnittrfdt,"ga'titrta'fd ' Stylish, In! made gunman, an nionly lined, .ruait P'r-T) [en's resins and “itâ€, No. x, a, 3, 4, 5.6. 7; - "W _. _ “Soto 'fe., -' __ A --- --- ---- - ua Our nude math,ud'u=minm“ " ' a,,s,tuf,'t'gt%ttL"'gt',,1't iii',').?,?,?,":'?'-"?,. ", - nod bitching“: 3o. 3ti,aetdqoiemttdB. and. _ amspeeirllrimtitM. ,, - __ _ ._‘“~7~,‘:‘ . - teUttty.-.atirr lined capes. Kama: lining; silk treed. inches. long, 144 in group, worth aa,foe t6. 2d,t'algr,ut; _ broad clot ' large m collar. Thibet fur Mani A Ladies' bysslessssagn j.ebsts.. We! qattrt fl'al',fll','%".' - kj.L'rs' CAPERINEB: 'it,ttatgtgi,rtt'tgt.2,thft and; ___ npecial " "go "a 04.250- Sammy. tor lingo Mic ityti, Autumn cymbinuiom , 85.50, 06.50, ttao and .10. sem [it, tails, at 06.50, 88.56. " 810 and ba etch. _ gâ€, Cain-Alon. his Friday & {$93191 Our Sole Agencies - - . We hGre just setured the exclusive agency of all the follomng music publishers. Whitehall]: Maia Pub. Co. Olive:- Dle-on Co. M. Wham-I: & Bone. Jon. W. am & Co. . E. B, Henna & Co. 't'glaht'drd & Co. Hunt] 8.6m [S,r,2h? Music Co. George Win . It got. Eh & Bgnmberg. DitioifBroa. Wanless’ Music Store we" fan ' _ Isthenmn who needs, must hare, and shell have good shoes. His work requires him to - his feet. with well mnde,oomfoetabht shoes. He shsll have them. because we have got thorn for him. We - to the wants of the Working Man, and hove taken great care in selecting and buildini.of hi shoe. We have made his shoe I. study and â€lines of good shoes made of good lesthers,built upon hush If snythirx ever goes wrong with Our Shoes we use here to m e the wrong right. Mr. Workingmsn, We went your shoe trade. Shoes to please pm st 890 to $2.95. Come in and see them. They’re so good we like to show them whether you buy' or not. The Yellow Front. Berlin, Ont. Fall Hardware -irr1i, Talk - - . exam-We stock Bum, Pail-ad Gd M Imam: Ont-Peaks in in but " Wumw Gum-We all Mthingtort Gh- all. Purim-We buy in Ton lob only. Bnm~Wo nook loath. and abbot. Gm mailman-4m mind out“ not}. LumWe imp“ din-act Iron 'tattieut _ 9mm 8 Know-Don‘t hi1 was an: line W. buy din-cot horn tho m V. In" thi an: "ttee in an 'ttrutV. Em‘hg' ad up“ _ . , "£13; Mats. COLD Bum- Lu'rnmLWe have tho but. CAM Gummy-We stock awnings. no: Pm in nrrrriirsm Err, . WEE."- Walter A. Ziegler; M. Welchel a Son, LtM’IIuMMIUH Fur that: mum . P, - Your Shoe Man " 28nd M,&mthth'tUnntttK, ImBu8h SMYTH 3308., 15mg. W' Woollard ik Coil')';. New ttgt, iin 'tttll 'dl2ttii'il, New . n _ NewAmerlo-n Btitt In“. VN _ ‘3! New style in Union [AM he; a†, New line of bow tttm Iâ€. A E New line ot nth: mm. tho 'et' Amman pitta-nu. c.5dA New .Fall Hats w.o.aR.eolukarduam __g.§ gt,ughtl',d,,er,2rAll sais'. Glenn linootneckmah Pen-in- W"d'd"e'l'iT,%l'l'ta. if}; lull“. Nook. mun. Wan-rho“ Elmira and Ir'tzrniuimdtli' Just urinal tode-- YELLOW FRONT. The Man