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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 3 Oct 1901, p. 1

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5 Jrtttt,tt,l! (ill 9:391:22, _;r,'_r'_'i_'""'t'c1oodlls,,, Snecial Attention, tothte Milling)! and Dressmaking Department, Waterloo County's Greatest Store T ttir-tttsec-, f Wei-um”. 070 hi era, Batters, Shoes and Furnishers . A. O. Bmhmer Go. The Savory Roaster - nu hunk of Hamilton mm:- for End nu. Inc. Hunting and Heating. Call. and ons Prim. "â€"A few words in general about our stock this fall and the! in that we have gathered together the bent veins known to the We. We cm conscientiously guy that we believe we have thtr,tinetst goods we have ever shown. Every deirartmrst in now reody and if you will spare us A little of your time ye wilt be pleased to show you through. {1. 4m. was . good man for mm It {on do _ no we can lytrtette We're right ere to Jun Inc-1m: ' Light Prices I In. “atom. " Prion that $)-ttt0qtmthttltnytMteee. .. r", F . ' . .,, W. t Want! were makin has Jules tlit J/Pat the xsw 01mm? Inndaomo , itia6 when}! rerou14, but“ sn__uticlo !h.at E - - tt',lltfr."'"t" won’t blow out. in -e :Vsydownpfie. on name forks, tin "uo'lN'i1'hl'o'l'G1'u'lt'l"l1/g'Cla'r it“ an Ham 0. Coal-nun Good Lanterns o. 40 Rr); THE J. Foam" 81.8031, A. O. Bummer Co., A. Weseloh a Go., mama.) ON IF WE DON'T, but we hope to eat; h you turstwithour new,uxrtoda(e Por five common ragged-edged one dollar bid! we will give you an up-to datefly frontovercoatwith vetveteoitar Iape'ts, faced with silk. blue and black beaver or grey Cheviot cloth tor £5.00. Store next to Poet Office, Berlin See our Better overcoata " t8.00, $10.00, $12.00 and $14.00 ' If in need of clothing come to us. . . Overcoats . . Peter Harrnrntrr, "ax-:3“, Money Back if No', t9suefH. 3mm b Tm;l waste: ttm “Turn: , l o n or non chats In '/l'l “mums angst: tormbody. Thte a Tho bottom It cub -tbrnteu. nd and o the own.- Thin Inst. it trMtmtttttirttt.eturr to elm te,'Mt,'ll,'t tumor dry up be no”. Try A snout. We In" them In two “on. in” on. Darin. Damon-y Bennie-I Roam LIMITED. Seamless. COUNTY tttf.'httdlPitl "a node t6 o It. too oopi mood"- no been» - no when an. the obo- o meow-lubed loll! tlt/ttl " Pgtrlt It/edt no on: fair. Thoma wot-o Uh up to gt2"Vg."', in may “on b on on wee o W owing, we promo, Alt Goon-{oi 9th. kl" hole; bold in oboe ntt'tt on the ouno dag, r'P,,'t,etl, one" large exhibitor-o em, , h the lane] end lodloo' work department; Gunhlerowore humorou- The“ nimble lingered gentry ohoold not hovehoon allowed on the ground; The exhibi- tion of live one! woe good, in not bet- tar than." my proviono fair. There ', woo o tine "tttbit of plenum Iowa-o. I The exhibit of fruit woo not up to that ‘of previous yeuo owing to the failure ot the crop. The Ipocimenl, while not numerouo, were, however of n ting qnol ity. The root deponmene woo pond. Each elo- wu well represented st the sample dupioyed weloexooiion In the meohonienl department the ex- hl ltlon wee . failure. Not enoth intereot in token in it try, our mechan- ice and the inducement: offered ore tro one“ tomoke it n oucoeeo. The motel:- nnt’e exhibit wan represented only by Wm. Keltortorn, who displayed o tine auction of drone goods and Indloo’ weer. I The interest in this department lo alight. The Welleoloy band {unlinked excellent music in the evening end en- tinned the prooeodingo during the do, with their fine selections. We had the pleasure of greeting MoeergJ. J.Brelt- haupt, hrP.P., Berlin, Geo. Moore end A. B. McBride, Waterloo, and Melon. Peter Bohrmon and Geo. Hoffman, ot gtstrringrillts. The prele was well re- preeented. - _ _ " . = . soon. . - . _ .Rov. Mr. Francisco, of Bor- lin, preached hero la the New JtyrttaB- lem church In: Sundsy. .. .C. Kenna] pathmutor for thin mtrd,, has con- monood his duties. We hope he will he ublo to mum enough Inqnoy to rebuild some of ite eyelu. . ' " Briefs-John Hnndntdn, of Union- vme, In: sold his tims {Inn to W. J. trto, who gill lltelt, tug pong-yon PersoGu.-C. Meyer and daughter, Mam-re spending a [out days It South Bend, Ind.. ”Guts“ Woiwede and non are mending e tor dar with the farmer'- three daughters in Detroit. . . . Mr. and Mn Wm. Porter ere "my on e pieuure trip to Yule and Detroit, Mich, for a few deyl. . . .J. Xinginger in sway on a. trip to hie ism near Sumner, Mich. . _ Ahso. o. Hill spent. " due yith friends _in the coming. . . . Mr. end Mrs. M. animal) upon: a few days in f,',te'T2." . _ .Hy Dneneh ion on a trip to ale, Mich. . . .Mr. Ind Mrs. C. P. Ottmnnn open: Sunday in Hawk-ville. _ . .m. and Mn. Begs: Globe. of Linwood, ere visiting m here for a few dun. _ . .Mr. and Mn. John Kennel end Mrtr.C.Ermt,formesr1r of this neighborhood, but may of Rebuke, who oeme here but qtrttttr on an extended visit, returned to Neb- raeh io-dey. _ Ptrrttontbr-Mr. and Mm. M. Bullet- ford no spending this week with friends ln Gnlt......Mr. and Mrs. William and baby, of Pmtsbnrg, spent Sunr- day and Sunday at an home he per- ma" _-- .Elc. Punk, “Berlin, In In the village on Sunduy......H. Grote, of Hamilton, FiMtesd " " m. her. In: ,resok.-.rrarrr Mandel), of Lhtowol, m In the village on Friday. ......A few from hot. wand-d an “mutton Mr on 19:14:]. _ _ Church Noti-childrmN Dny van chewed has on Sunday In the Presby- mun swung not ool. . . . . .Tho mul- vcmry service- will be held in tho Proohytoyhn ohm non Band” " 11 o'clock I. In. and 7 p. m, conducted by Rev. M. IleGnllooh. On the follow Ing Monday owning I to. mom; will behold. T'e.griItbgrttresdigtttts beam: at the church from 6 to tt o'otmr%attor which n stud prom-ammo will be given by coal 0 talent. Among thoppahn m L. J. Bretthaript,, M. P. P., of Berlin, and Inn: McBride of wuotloo. _ Bghfb--A m and “in: occurred in air village on many, who: M “all”: of Mr. Tm; Md no anon-[y injured by thtttrqr mm the hay mow upon t pitch fork, Tb doo- m In. hope. for - recover» P-i-Fra" B. Schumann for Bulk: In: week to pk. up u litu- don wit“. U. (Home: in the dry pou- norm...Sorno clout-mun St. Jerome'- Comp, Benn, ,tatted our town Sow-day. 80mm or an magnum!“ that nun-nod in- 'titmioettrhir_es. This h a 1'geA','h"gett, agrd “a mm" I}. W o fimt eh. “an“ . AMttt on.- berttmrgha" atettded (I. Wand-y mun. not an all rum . a...“ ""' ""‘"“""" the 1',tta'Y, on the In nova he. "In. . also. Thy. o “a"! itsttrihq?rttt. 92W tfore-uri- --l ‘m INA" a. "P-er-lt-ut tt2lt,'1"gllgtiiiitfdt..t?, ITttettmaeit lbw-blends”, Lin-d, 'allil'd'Q In.“ unlu- wply "Fd......Dtttt't 1%....“ At1ettPPdttyst-tOY 'ii/tll';'??,:',"-:',;",'?, WATE RLOO, ONTARIO, MntLtamLIMr. ST. CMBHTS C ROSSH ILL. AND: DISTRICT. .23, 'tet il' chavomumPI-A- ”It.“ m:. I. - IMMIM l "te.e9et.nrt1, iii“ a Inna-'1'- lulu...“ 1t,l,'t.tg,trNttr,tWdleet WW nail-tuck.“- nan-nip» Tatum t'utrd'; W.B.Inlduuul¢l I my to to" and m m. ..Oco. “autumnalWMWth guy- 'tittt J. W. any“. .._.lb Int iiiotdA.tsviertVateitir'l, “In” it. h .14 mu...“ Ina-gun t.irltrtf.q'fd Icahn" c. Mdtodlmibbm mtwook....ln. nu b m tL',ttntht'Mga1t,Ml',t iruurrtttihqttn+trrtriiul.i".. human“; Good 'g'.".'.".',',.,',' ll mun t .... BaF t','v't,hl,trttg1eSl'te,hrai,','ltt; at" duo ,rtttshidies Brhti-Mr. Much, «I Elms, movsdursta.tnree_rt ttttttt homo owned by In. Hum....u tuettt1',','.f.qh"'lUa' Qtr. 115an up.... . ttirlueuitttttrootl Ila-$211.“ _ s _ ar, be ttaietrsttar:-. mrm. 2ttl2 " m... an, Loom 87 Adah- 75, Id. 15. ' St. iiiU.2lia as. can. on, em " mm. 66, Edna to, Both 42, Wm. 41, Em 88, am M, Oattar M. Jr. ma-mr", 80, Elli. 86, ya?. w, Aimed. 76, Punk 5”, Doha! Br. Ir.--' same-non 82,“de 68, Hoary 65.“:310 63,801 48,!” s. 40, Mary 11.34, PmtaotraIgt.--J. Mon lett on Bum-T day for Klrkton, wLou ho will .peetd, some tlute.. ..tfttr. M. Winn Mamet! on anarchy the! " "tmtded mu with friends in Own. Sound. _ . .Illuod In. Goo. Stone an 1 Mr. sun! In. C. Lionel- spam 3 law an” in Human: visiting Manda. . . JD. and Mm. Fred. limbo: And hull”)! WWII-nod through thet village on My and was was! new ”Dunk-hrs . _ ..Rar. Mr. Schmidt, ttf M. Jacobi, 1min the villqo on Monday making human-.1 calla. .. Atutus “who! our village" attended the Walk-lay Show In: Wuhan-day. We were not informed a yo: who won the M ttA- otn.. ..Asotttr-4.moWtitt-dtaert" in the U. beg,',t, mm 83:: aun- ing. 0n the folio: " was pastor Rev. Housman, will have to “and Canaan“. C opondol ovory My from Ombu- lst to Nmmbcr 1%. Owing to It. sunny rf apple. they will only grind ones . not. Mine Lizzie Kneehtel, oftultmqtted her mother on Sundey...,li- Elm Snyder end like Lean Hellman - Thursday mention with their tthad,. Klee Ida Detreiler, of Blair., "In. Bruker, of (hit, epent Sande, with her‘Eerente. . . Manama“ end hie mo er spent 3mm, and Sande: whiting friend- et Perle end “George. .. ..Joeeph Berton returned home after ependlng e week a the Pen.. . . D, W. Clemene in taking in the Pen tile week. . . .Mr.er:d Mra.BeetJ.Britsker left in: Setnnley for Michigan, where they will my for e for Week- riding their children. . . .Ilre. 'l‘neeler end eon ere kneading e " week with the farmer’s parents in Miohlgnn. ...\Iiee Lydia Snyder ie Mung her eieter in lichigen. . . All. Hugh loam-n, of Salem,ie the - tat - ','iNlrt."1t, ....'l‘heRoeevlllecldermill heln 1'mtaoarxtgr-Wa. Agne- Altman, of mm, who bu boon mm: with hand I“. My, ieft on Walnut!” fol-waldo: to ttgt I tow wack- tsanmlohn Rich Bt- tended an - show Ind m to but had I also mania. L. Wuhan, W, when n-u- mod n an “autumn" The Pet, I'. 1.l, piled}. our Tim. PmP.B.I., and about wkuo-ehoel h 1%rmftr 'ttttey' indnporudvu'y awrrmtrirtt to the otmdltfore1reratif.tttt M: -.ners.Ba1Ntrtet.ttteetiaorr_td willrolndn Wtttt Multichannjd. mam-s Philippians” mm nun! ,mus_ertr1-ttrttr" autumn-tweak. Iowan" may hwomdnothu- tnitttothi1-trtt-.C..ta,aii_ Bot-tht-dt-tds ”On- dnyln Dunn... Tho dim Imb- mum-WWW l-rm Or rar-.-..." an: “no new 1r1sshaerttttt,totr_i9t' Immomhhhm‘qon Imus-am...“ lam-ad ,rtttHtmPtHar.eDot'rrttttV and yawning... "334.“. ltr - we“! may.“ 93"-!- 'y-I-rece. stundkoonmmmhhh Human hm, 1t'tt'tgf.. mu had in» lulu " Em....Goo. lam Ind MOI” him. It In supposed ,rtftufotttP+rrDotmttorstsf" -itt_rttrrta1udtt-t.atotegt from any! "ittofthgtd.....Jtt..A.ut- momma-mm mm In“: In. panama s (new as" h mumwmzmnoum Bubvillomdumlm qflhtq%. awoken Thu WWI mlmmmmmmmmmhmm “magma... It. vh- mh'hplhutm pluc- t, an tt,tf2tt','tMtNegl'pgtatttllt In: no!“ horn. m3»... 'gf,'g,',tttgt'g hut- 2t,'Mr22ht'."i2td'gfglt'ht! cm a any who 1mtttthtqb' ”Min. IV munmn 'rttithtti.i, In I'tii'"?gtttt'dlhte tt but: mun-mm: , w a! - "st_tgtttitq "_td_uftmr.f1uttitto-ttytP'itqd Ilh2",t2llt'de'htt.'B unknown-MW tet qfitq watlngdownlnd "a thin. no gamma-””3. .0" , In!“ t Tttd th an" Pudding Eldorh'tlb '2ttti'."it 1flfd'fdl"ot tCh 1.5th $3.? ktAt.l; It. 'ttlt tttd Par. , “an and aTi 1iiiii"ci.i.EtiiFi, iiitifiiiyiir,'i', Wand 1%.... Quit It ”was um pant mind h tll.' Ania 2"2'gttPttl1t','lat'lt, '33-... tt .... , m t m Ftttrthfmtr....-ytttq. ‘m. a - .9 hat BLOOIIIGDALI HAWKSVILLB. " ttT . AGATBA “SEVILLE if“ NJ ' F if: FF" . ’ Jriiiittl, luff-3‘ mint-u; It. My. 01th Ill “WM-.mp1»! I‘m m‘m'w u not hull 't'ggttn'ch't,y'rt':t'f,'Nlt't 5.0“"...ka Tht y m. humus-aim! ttrttttt than; “In": um. the wot-ohm my! Ptht www.- wu y t 'gttrt',tdtTtfl.",1t but 11:110.... J Rom tor, I. boll-mm than. E. "that nary " In. Thopuehuor to" that and whim-I. We "loom. him but harm. and hope um he will u .tnittwtttbeta. P-u-c-d huh ad bl- ". an. HUI-aunt] Curl, 11 Albany. wt, ”mm- in any"; MI WI. o. B. Buhh.......llr and m.c.umumk.um tip to it. PtarAtVttmg My”... If.“ install). Bum: m lino wag. b'dm In ”new... It. mo. J. Bahama“ Hun, WWI.“ [hem Sal-spam Sand” mun. G. Han, Tubman. . It. m - lot: :1an AtrNtmtto-uittot_r,Mrs 111mm. N_oTm.--4trtpatg M who Vilma Bald» on Rolland Day veto Mr. Daddy Ill-nu 8. Tho-nu nod B, Schweitzer and In. Bambi” ...Kr on! in. John 1|on], “Find Mr. nod In. A. B. Mend): m Mung lichlunn magnum“. Mr. Ridloy Ind Dr. layer, ot our, ("in wry qtetertttsatuddrx-tssin tn. Interest: ot the Blblo Society on Snndny. Mme- "ttttsr nnd Kenyan and III-loo Doc- IM and Luciano were appointed col baton for mm and the townhno ‘ dubiou- manly. . . . Tho addition- sl land mired tor mammary know} enclosed with n manna who (once, D. Body having had the contract tor the no.2 . .Mr. and Mn. Jnmlborn - Bulky vim Mond- in Boy!- villo....lr. and In. G. A, Ttltutt " am.) on Tuesday thumb? to visit tttqhgt-Atnoruaat....J. N. Spec Ind funny upon: Mona” with ttia dough“: in New Embers. mania”, intendsxbuiiding tb won” foot addition to his um....louc Shunt: Ind Br Rats, of Berlin Ind Wallaby respectively, are in town. Mr. Blunts hands building n home in Mann!“ Baum, ot Kan-u. III-Ind In Cultur- on Thu-Id" with him may not! Tttf, tit nuke thin his mums. . . . onno Bun-burger an “out 891mm: wont. to Okotoh on n mum not. . . .0n Sopmbor 16th Mr. [and Sham: wu otdninod . min, but, while Mr. Anion Weber was ordained a demon. Rev. B. P. Coffman anointing. . . .The Whigs gag are " pro-em working It Dan-id McKrim- men’s putting in I new bridge" ..Tho thyrerinn main] in aid at the Church will bi hold on Monday evening next, Bomber 80th. ...The weather a pm: in very nnfavonbio. It is My“! cloudy and in: been so over News.“ are - that our public school unher- on the 4th can, In. Sir-n, hkcc louvc ot the section on Metmur,tmtamtt1Mtomrattois ottteehtgsett11 m Member, 10-1 lug cc cmicdouu-ytoChinc....Avcry‘ harrowing muons” cddrc- III " livcrcd lac: Sunday owning in the, Immune church, by Mm. Hunt, of Llnowcl, "turned mkciouury from Atria. Tho church m crawled to itatatattoettt-ttr. ”.1me church built ct Broad-non foe the Immune Bum-in Christ will be Guile-ted um My, Oct. hh. In carnation with the dedication c three dud Boli- Ir'" Convention will be held. Minimu- cm ditheeestpertattt Outs-inma- =1rrciht."8t hu rum! tho of M. Mr. Grub-r. Icthodln M, on m an.“ cf Marr- tttrbi In. Gnu- hu bccu proc- will: that and about, pneu- nuuh, but '0 In inter-mod uh. ll now hm duly. 5!! WEEKS WITHOUT WATER. WM, tha, tlt Ste- PM WWW! Ct My.” “In“? ttetgtie iitpstef I)". nummvouunsm in}... mun'u'or a: an. ma Ner-r. Tr. 'tet, out tree OCTOBER 3, 1901; WRITIIIOURNI. MARYBOROUGH. a IIDBLIIRG. CARSTAIRS. BLAIR. Egg?“ Ja. w. Sun & 00. H (mm l, BAM' tGe . - Wehvutbcnmdqlwhjachhfam . the longer lamb. Price: in the“ lino. no Om”. " " V Stylfth. atel1 and. My, all nicely listed, purl , ren’: teeters Ind um: No. I, a, 3, 4, 5. tr, r, price up” Ci)" "so to 're., -' -- 7 -- A U _ --- - _ _ I, Our Guano and. mantle- new.» ttr.rtt1ti, non, the mat and”. of Mrk. Oar pr no wt. .3 . - Ind buck. Win 30, 36, and 40 in“. Ind ' .. I" tspectre/jr ink-€- - - - A A - -- _' _-f., 2w CAPERINES: {We gal "MTLlt1t t'Palht: 'd special " "so trut, 04.35 on Saturday. :4 "om . ‘ 'fr': Bi' Autumn eyettAiteatioyv, 05.50. 06.10.” . ae. . TMs", M tails, at "sis, 08.50, " no and 9:2 . ' E o'Pr:'rr6 _ . . V ,' "sir, , c“ “' - Ptigq . tf ll BRO“?- M c... a... . Still " _ mr i = FURtk--mae lined curl. lining: Hum tilt m . inches long, I“ in "up; wort aa, tor :6. 2glii','g'girt, d' broad clot ' laige itstrm collar. Thibet fur trimming“ Imttstr . Ladies' by]: -fttriette.n jeketbtaey nun Jinittgt 5. _ - 'Cs2 , Seeoial DisBlay r, Egg}; Saturday Our Sole Agencies - " . F We haiejust secured the exclusive agency of all the {cunning music publishers. . Whih-Smlth Music Pub. Co. Oliver mm 00. Se." Witanrk & ' Tto-wh-rot/avlium * 00. Howie , HAVil-od & '4'l1'l1% B. Gordon. li." i Pinl Music Co. diseieire - t_ din . gab", 'ist' Bgvmborg. Wanless’ Music Stow V lathe men who neede,m1nt have, and shell have good limes. His work requires him to - his feet with well made,oomtoetatrie sham. He dull have them, because we have got there for him. We cater to the wants of the Working Men, and hue taken greet one in selecting and buildingI of " ehoe. We have made his shoe a. study end "lips of good shoes made of good%athetruilt upon honor.‘ If ,t,','Tot,ti wel- goes wrong with Our Shop. we on here to m e the wrong right. Mr. Workingmgmwe want your shoe trade. Shoes to please you " 89tt to 82.95. Come in and see them. They’re so good we like to show them whether you buy' or not - Your Shoe Man - The "now Front. - In!!!“ Nook, mun. Berlin, Ont. Fall Hardware dag Talk - - . _ Ptrrrr--We buy in Toes lob only. - Bum-We ml: W and robin. Gum: and "Bum-4m waived our N1 that. Luna-~We import direct 1m hm 8mm * Mien-Jim's hi] to u ou- lino. W. My dim from an m VI huhmuon 1nttt-ntr.1trerthtagi, an “no“. . _ "V '..' e' .5: flame as. Cow Bus-r hymns-LWe have tttq but. CArna CELINE-We stock 6min”. . _ In: Pm as Frmsos--Wo my u lug. “I. - cl Calm-We stock Rant. Fenland ind 1htqtthl manna OmoPeot-lo. in the but - - Wnnow Gum~-Wo_uoll Mthiryrtoes Gh- ent. _ Walter A. Ziegler, . M. Welchol a Son, Ltutleerhteamtotn,ri" moat-mm . ', 23nd M,t5mtth8ido1httt%BBti r6mss OF RT. ttght%ttg'ltlM'J,'g til w I n . ~N:w.Amu-ictn will Ml. Te _ .. New Itylo In Union ' Mb. 2 New line of bow tin. ' (,lu. New. line of tt.ht with. the ..rv Woollard ik (30% "YELLOW no“. Cir' New.FalI Hats i,ttgtht in .u Itnaidr-riit - OI lin f neckwou we. " rol"f,i,'Wl'd'd o kid gum-h. 'r'Eft",i A mm “an -e".' W. 8."'a"ll.'tutl,"rfltus “lamb,“ Blink! 053“” ' V In WWI! yyrrutttitl1trtttii'i Jm arrived tod.rt-- Man I

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