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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 19 Sep 1901, p. 5

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rid “and, Ttttht, _egtettid?fdr.'.".ta.P"f", rar, i'iiit.'t?fl?,'iteiya'sii,e: in but! tll=A"l'l'dr,' a; pg1tt"gt Jt Ltf,1tgt,'die. very snitch: fat “but. blank-numb: 6c “I AM WW Tb Wat-r100 nation in “domain; - Wetland" val Llnwood’l Civic Holiday. 21, 22, 23, 24 or 25 Ittg. of - for $1.00 " Email ug'l. _ Wttit Jun, quart. 750., Id pron. $1.00, " Ht-sMiug's. I Cull and use Brnogomnn’l Holland good- direct from Germany. . Tho choice-t ulcetlon of dress goods Ii]kl,eto., over shown at J. Utulrmuttt's, You cannot find I better collection of patternl for suiting: than Bt Bruege- mais, the tailor. Mr. A. G. Heller moved his jewelry Itore into the store formerly occupied by Struaer a Co. on Wednesday. The Martin Luther vereiry of the St. John's Lutheran Church held a literary entertainment at the church loudly evening. At J. Braegetmur'a you can nee the iittettt tugortment of {all goods for gen- tlemen’a garmenu. Don't forgot the millinery opening, on Tuesday, Sept. 24th, and following days at J.Umsltnatui'tr. more open on Tneaday evening. Geo. Fox, violinist, will open the concert. season in Waterloo with one of his popular concerts on Friday evening, September 27th, 1901. The regular monthly meeting of the Council or the Board of Trade will be held in the Old Council Chamber Fri- day evening at. 8 o'clock. The fall excursions to Ihstroit,Grarid Rapids and other Michigan points take place Sept. 26, 27 and 28--G. D. Lacoursc, G. T. ll. agent, Berlin. The masons commenced work on the foundation wall of Mr. J. Letter’s new building beside 11atsetstiag's grocery and along the G. T. It. track Tuesday morning. Mr. J. W. Schneider will open " cider mill Tuesday, the 17th lust, but on account of the poor apple crop he will only make cider every Tuesday in the week. numb-”Mot . Sunset & Co. moved into the More formerly oreupied by Docking Bron. Monday. The store has been thorough- ly OWyt hauled and preaents a greatly improved appearance. Whoever dues not put in theirsupply ot peaches this week will surely regret it, as they will advance very much. Btuentluit has made timely arrange- manta for heavy shmments this week. J. Caselie, tho high wire performer, recently fiiled an augmement with the 1liversidts Agricultural Society at Greene, N, Y., giving a two-act thrill- ing high wire and slack wire perform- ance. 7 Mr. J.H.Seaaram after an extended trip to Manitoba, the Northwest Territories and British Columbia re- turned to his home hereTuesday after- noon. Joe looks tip top, his trip evidently agreed with him, F Mr. Mark Lewis of the Zimmermann House appeared before Magistrate Weir at the Town Hall Mondav morn ing on B charge of giving liquor to a drunken man. The one was post- poned until our Holiday to allow the complainant to secure more evidence. Nelson Diehl, who rented a bicycle from Krueger Bree. for an hour about two weeks ago and never returmsd,tras engaged by Chief Flynn at Preston on Tuesday and taken to the Berlin goal. He will appear before the mlgiltrete Thursday morning. The Waterloo Produce Company in at present making important improve- ments to their building on Queen St. A neat and coey of%t, in the corner of the building facing Erb St. hat already been completed. The apartment where the office formerly was will be enlarged and need " a packing room. President Campbell and Secretary Devitt of the North Waterloo Agrieul- tttral Society are working time these day. arranging the null details in connection with the show in Berlin on Friday and Saturday next. Arrange- ments have been mede for entrance to Vietoria Park direct from the skating link on Gaukel street. where the poultryAne ens. ete. will be on "- hibition. The indication point to one of the moat successful show- in the my of the society. an: You no invited to come to the North Wm Exhibition on Friar amt "turdar,brp8. 20th And gut, sad lf you no inure-ted in new randy-to- wn: clothing And foot we" we Whinviu you to our store had on our new ftil goods toe everything '0 null you must be right in style, In 'i'fdt a: and who, or money re- Bo we mum to u- for - vuln- duhg an Fur Ind we vim-um my. A Would: a: fit:"'"""""""""'""'"- A than! Conan will be held in the Bedl- th on may "an In con- noodon wlth the North "l'llls.'l, Ag- rknlcntd May'- M. Ttre man- "all“! In" boon forum». Inm- 'at,', union of the Berlin Bud on th M. m not“ not a In Ind. a ado qtMr- 'lit Y, Hair- oni‘m dim “a... to man-nu “:3. no any 9! Ate] WI 0800 8101!. LOCAL NEWS W0 Drug jun, If. it can" H60]: all In”! W _ rar, kl -iaii. mark. will - W" Mutton». tttgeu.w-idGaso- dt . Iain 'qi.""'""'. - A today“? t.Tgttt'.'"St,tt machining”!!! u ". ' 'rt.N 'l"N'tardf. ““"" “M“ - _ - In” - m D .u bun-In tSe, lat I. tue, - 2","l?'9rl,uh1dt'l') ',"for, " tt'd'2a"t,', m 3g.uusosBaiitrtirioo. 21-1 . aterue,Uad . Inks-gm m: ttr-tredo' MI ”and wan-saw“ - ‘u-hh'yn-H 'u.r P", 1292?.“ "him-nanny um um. Apply a nut to Ili- 1(de “Tho A.O. Buckner Co., Halal, Mun. Ont. Imam-t A On You. It, Waterloo, 2m brick hon», 7 nomad Huh“. lmmcdlno -ims an be but Apply " um on... 87.tf. €0de BU Rom Judge Chhhohn hold tho Conn of nation a the Town mm bore Tuesday. 66 unme- won added to the You"? List, 49 by J. M. - nod 16 by Mr. Bcbiodol. " and wow stuck on and I for otha. chug. nude. Real but: Sold. The real estate properties belonging to the lete Wm. Young were sold by public suction Tuesday sfternoon. The family residence on King " was pur- chased by Miss Lizzie Young tor $3,500; Miss Currie Young purebued the toiletries. the property between the Methodist church and J, B. Snider's factory for 81,150, u lot on Duke 8t. with 40 feet frontage for 8380, u lot on Queen St. with 150 feet frontsge for $410 ; Mr. John Letter pnrehssed the tenement house on Queen " for $800. Saturday Muriel. There was a lively muket Beturdey ( moraing. Townepeople attended in large numberl and (“more supplied them with all kinds of produce. Butter sold at 20a. B 1b., while eggs sold nth 14e. and Iiie. a dozen. CoasidertrtM; fowl was olfered, ducks selling at 400. each. and chicken: at 25c. to 350.05%. Potatoes sold " 150. a peck. Cabbage, tomatuez, apples, celery. etc. were I plentiful and price: ruled shout the name a last week. Fir-t clue vocal sold at $5.25 to t5.75 a cord and second c‘aee wood " $3.60 a cord. l The fifth of the series of Pan-Ameri- can concerts and prize drawings given by the Waterloo Musical Society’s band i was held at Westside Perk Friday; evening. Though the evening was very damp and unpleasant over seven hundred music lovers of the Twin-City l were preasant and enjoyed sn evening of music. Bandmsster Walker had an excellent programme prepsred, which was rendered in s manner msttsetitt', great credit on our favorite band. Among the selections which deserve special mention were tho Mareh,"Bsnd and Bng1tts",eompomr4 by bendmsster Walker, the vslse, "With the Stream" and the overture "Tataeredir'. Miss Francis the solo oornetist, wee nu- evoidsbiy absent and her ports were well taken by Messrs. Smith sud Shoppurd. The vocal solo “The Honey molds and the Bee,” was rendered in fitlis style by Mr. Chas. Killer and was enthasiiurtic'ally encored. The distinctness of articulation made it a pleasure to listen to him. Mr. Killer is the possessor of s rich baritone voice and is one or Water- loo's rising young vocalists. Mr. Hil- born won first prize with tieket No. 7624, Mr. woellits second prize with ticket No. 7472, third prize, ticket No. 7689, is still uncalled for. The next Pan-American concert will be held in the Town Hall next week. " Mr. McIntyre, caretaker of Weeuide‘ Park, evidently leavee nothing undone l, to give the various picnic parties that i visit the park a thoroughlv enjoyehle. time. Vieitore are loud in their prewar of our park " an ideal picnic ground I with its pevillon, ehedy end cooi I groves, ire tine athletic ground- ef grand stand and splendid boating. To 1 theee advantage» mnet be edded the oourteoue and obliging official in oherge of the grounds who is indefetlgeble in his eiiorte to give everyone e good time. Mr, McIntyre hee received many words of apprecietion for hie in- I valuable eervicee and on eeverel ecce- eione theee have been supplemented by tengible token: of eeteem. On the occasion of the picnic of the Dumfrie: Foundry employs», of Gait. he wee eurprieed by the preeentetion of ecene end the other day the Cenede Woollen um. employee: presented him with the cloth for e Me cult of clothee. The“ token of thenke end good will ‘eeme an unexpected and egreeehle eurprieee end no doubt cheered him in his un- ceeeing effortt, to mete other, happy. Mr. McIntyre deem: to return NI elneere than to one ad .11 for M expreeelone of eppreeletlon Ind good will and mm; the the eeverel pude- will be back “an next you Ind h. will do all in bl. power to (In than I pleasant time. WATERLOO GUN CLUB DEFEATI WELLESLBY. The Wolloaloy and Waterloo Gun Club: held . friendly Ihooc a Week”. pork Maud“ monsoon. the load club winning thtrteam shoot by 12 m Good mm were made ooetaideetrtg the “was wind. The rank! Id. “not w. Trude: Id. Em Dr. Gm Br. B. Rm W. not" um lot mum. an. lat no Med II -o-rB_ddtq, A B. P. m 8,J. “LLB.- gqttr,1VAnt"6. - " -A... Pc,2i'jti) w. I'y,th.'uh, ','t'ttatdi"aNil a, a. Gi' 'ina'xb Bird 1't',rtttti.'d,1'M', 10, W, M. we». 0, OJ. ttmEth, PAN-AMERICAN CONCERT, Walled-y ou R PARK CARETAKER 25 Bird “loot 20 19 16 10 l7 mum-hut J. Am A. Hm a 21.3030“ Q ofA "a. al Vault». ' up. In - also the sell- Ins'set at the duh it. yes " dehsl his in Hassles. set be“ best our the sand at t” ',tefee,e a? hen isssllsbls PM be business en Ir. J. W. he h 1806 the was” was ' by Ir. W. " who all. to Vast-lee baked " by s large end veried “pm in the herdwen be“ gained es the unveiling rep- resented" of the hue sew meanne- tnrers, lbnrly & Dietrich, ot Gels. By means of am end energy, eonblned with not said shrewd bndne- disesrn- »n-tsuehebnsine- has been eateb- l lkhsd " would hsvs been eonsidered 1 out ot the” ot probability s few: , genre no. Conducting legs stores eh " both Wetsrloo and Elmira e iinn bu rbeen enabled to buy rsw mnerial in sneh large quntitiee " to establish I hue wholesele business with the inm- nhetnrers of Berlin end Weterloo, end r slso to Inshe it profitable' tor mailers ' throughout the eounty to come to them. ' It is here when builders end contrac- . tors come for their supplies end farm, , are from All points of the campus with- t in s rsdins of twenty miles come to ' this populer emporium to ehshe bends ' with the liable proprietor end get . their herdwere supplies. Streightior- 1 ward business dealings slwsys and the r lowest price compatible with reliable ' goods is the ionndntlon upon which . I this splendid business has been built 110 17 u l The large store adjoining their pre- mises and formerly occupied by Mr. I Fred Doerlng as s dry goods store was nearly rented, thoroughly overhauled to met t the new requirements, and the two m‘nnected with a large nrchwsy. Two other gata one above end one be- low, ere gained by this addition. and i while doubling the tioor space do not i provide my more room then is needed for the storage and display of the large stock curried. A representative ot l this psper bed the pleasure of a trip through this msmmoth establishment ‘ the other day. As is necessary in the' conduct of s large business everything seems to have been engaged accord- ing to a well defined system, separate ) departments being provided for the , many classes ot hardware lines curried. r In the main department of the store will befound sfull line of shelf end i heavy hardware, including J. C. Mo _ Fer-lends eelsbnted extra belting in I sizes 1 to 8 inches and rubber belting l in sizes from 1 to 6 inches. They are r [ also the sole local agents for the Dodge l a Wood Split Pnlleg which has been ljgenersliy spprove by manufacturers I j end recognized so the best pulley on i the market. In paints they are sole l l agents for ghtmrin-Willitsrms' celebrat- t ed product, the Sanderson Pearey . l ready-mixed paints and Ytslttntine'tt . and Muirhead't varnishes. up. No better indication of the lingual Incoeu which bu attended the trffort, of thin firm linoe entering the bullneu trout in Waterloo could be had than the met that they have just been com' polled to double their old quarters, the painters and carpenterl being yet biuy putting on the finUhing touche- ot what will be one of the largest and but unpainted hardware More: In the Province. A The ground floor of the new addition ie devoted exclusively to the diepley of this flrm'tr large etock of stoves end enemelled were. Among the menu- iectnrere repreeented are the “Happy Thought," (Wm. Beck & Co., Brent- ford); “Souvenir," (Gurney Tilden Co., Hamilton); "Penimnttsr," (Clare 1r'itiU,1','/l'lt These are recognized es atovee com ining beauty of eopeer- enoe with true economy in fuel Streneky’e celebrated steel enemPl were end other lines fill the ehelvee in thie department. In the rear of this is the tinemith Ihop, a department of the bounce- which, ts1tttoogh.ntttrodtMstd e com: e'e'ively short time ago has grown rupidiv. Going upstairs by e centrel stairtusae,1ightod by a cluster of incendeecent lights, one enter-e the wooden were desparttmmt, where are diepieyed pulhsrer,laddet "Daisy" and "Leader" churns, eoreen doors, nonle- wioker beekete, brooms, etc. Above the mein were in the heevy hardware department, where is etoeied all kind. of plumben’ end gee f1ttgrtf suppliee pumps, herveet tools end other heavy herdwere. To the male fitted up e only little epertment where e msguitV weent tense of linoleum end oil clothe ll- ehown. e - w................... .55 'E.8radgttet&tht't,mststmtt.... 807 B.0. Dotrtrtn,_..-... 46.66 aha. MW.ahry........ 18.75 Ll aD.l.,~laroal... 31.00 I M - Ir diiEiKiitCi'iiairiiFi - a. avg-mate m and it. _ n .L .593; The can” In divided Into chm com- pmmento. No.1 oontaining glu- ex- olullvely; No. 2, one, ropo,white lead, 2te" per, etc; No. 3, entirely In I. Situated to the nu- ofthe lion ere no good lined two my wmhoneee, 24x30 end 20160 feet, need no cement end iron bonu- mpeeuvely. Further but in the oil minute, iilled with boiled end rev oil, machine oil, turpen- une 000., while . qig yard in need for noting the Inge stock of newer pipe can! by eh. m. Mr. Weiehol & Son no to be con- mtnlltod upon the phenomena-l south ot Mr banne- In anlootn o t ttnd hare the but vial». of tho will. public tor . full mm of mm My. A We! the WM Communion- cn v.- M in til-council ember Thumb: att-ttttret a two o'clock. The" “pp-cum goo. mugg- WATER COIIISSIUNIRS HIST Gir,UA s- Bana- nnd’ Ban. Th - ot the whim mm [up won read and oaqtintted. _ 'heMimrtrtgmstrttttptt-rrt t,eet',,"tfi2te.'.t Wham T........ " an M Uttht ' 1.80 giOpening WWW M The Council met Wedneedny evening or the cell of the Mayor. . There were present Mean. Bean, Bechtel, l Umbaob, Conrad and Peppler. runner: AND PRINTING. The following account: were passed and ordered to be paid, The report III presented by B. E. Bechtel, chair- [ men. B. Flynn, eniary.............$ 35 00 P. Meyer, salary...... tq-... 25 00 J. Peppler, salary.-.. ...... 12 00 G. T. R., July aect........ Wm. Snider, lighting. . . _ .. Canadian Rubber Co., Beet., W. Conrad, express. . . . . . ., M. Welcbel & Son, econ... Chen. Koocker, D. R. 0.... Wm. Hogs, D. R. 0.. C. Huehnergerd, D. R. o. . c. Rachael, D. R. 0.... . . . Wm. Hogg, coal and wood. Town of Berlln, road roller Ed. Dermal, frontage. _ . . . " " newer con... . " " crushed stone " " trunk sewer. . J. B. Lichty, road work... J. B. Lichty, road work...... Jno. Domain, " " ...... Manna Wolf, tt " ...... Chan. Smith, " " ...... J. Schultz, indemnity. . . . _ . . . Conrad Brut, sprinkling Beet., " " geneml acct. . . . Jacob Brox, ap’riuning 5 was, 59 50 John Domakl, sewer farm. . . _ . .6 50 Memo Wolf, " " -.... (i 50 Allan Quickfall, " l" . tmtv 1 50 PITITIOFB you cum WA LIKE. A petition was received from Frank Knight and others for a four-foot cement walk on the south mde of Duke St. from King to Peppler; also from Geo. Sense!" and others for a 6-foot cement walk on south tide of Erb St. from the mill square to the race. The clerk having tsertihed to the petitions being suffieiently signed they were re- ceived and the walks ordered to be con- structed under the supervision of the Town Engineer. 1N8PEL'TOR APPOINTID. Mr. George Suggitt was appointed Inspector of cement walks at a salary of $1.50 per day during the pleasure of the Council. By-iew No.227.w authorize the issue ot debenfures for 65,000for the purpose of extending and perfecting the water works system, having received the use!“ of the duly quslitud electors, was timslly passed. Wm Works By-law Finally Fund and Much Business de. on motion of Wm. Conrad, seconded try o. M. Umbncb, the veranda on Poeblmnn's barber shop, Erb St.,whioh projects About 2 1-2 feet on the attest, wu ordered to be removed. Various other matter! were informally dlwuued and laid aver hr . future meeting. Two rinks of Boyd City bowlers came to Waterloo Wednesdny afternoon to pity . return match with two rink- of the 100d club. The visitor: no all old hand. at my game and mm tiny stieiseedtd in defeating the l by 13 show the guinea we very in- temtlng. The followlngll the MON:-- Guxu'u. WAnnmo. B. McMillan, W. M. McCIbo, G. Chapman, Tar. Hogg, A. M McKinnon, E. F. Magrtrm, A. F. H. Jones, - P, Hugh, “norm for Guelph, 18 that: Cha.. Bagel. who wu "noted In: week for brutally uniting " with. In brought Mon Polio. Mutants war Tuna” morning. In lingo] van and md told . vary cu! am. She RIM-d how her hound Md sly-ed " and tho erhtldtWtt, And an Uh. did m can to tire via: him my In... no Palm Ind-mu (no In.“ . ttttrtattt loom and told him how-- no at. the tser-tttM that. that bo- la.“ to Mn - MN. wit in. 'g1tMLt't'l'ti a an! III -* itrASlNT.t, if.“ W" - MAN AND WiFE SEPARATE!) E, Flnnomon, intimacy, L. Hummon, B. Briehte, BOWLING ON THE GREEN, '3“an TO In: REMOVED $5,000 ISY-LAW PASSED Town Council. Tuesday a “and”. tMtt.24 and 25. and followlng days, nip 22 mp 32, ir. Trdeea:eta.aaaaa... P. lid-cud, alanine“, A.W. Robam. J. Helping _ 13 158 hip 27 dip 14 g 00 nIrquger, ul I'I'ULULI, nbwuuou mu 6 (flCill'/e"rl'.l of Mr. Jacob Mandingo: on 4 00 Saturday. 4 t) Mr. J. A. c. Kemp loft Saturday at 74 25 ternoon for St. Catharina, where he 60 oo‘hu been tratuferred by the Bunk of 222 98 N Commerce. M 60 221 25 15 00 12 00 14 75 18 00 12 98 23 63 59 50 6 50 When we will show one ot the most select stocks of Millinery Goods ever shown in Waterloo. We will be pleased to see you at our openings. Store open Tuesday night Sept. 24th. 08 30 16 65 58 00 00 41 N r. Robert Fan-eat. in visiting " home here. Mr. John Filler returned from his trip to the Well: Thursday evening. Mrs. Peter Ufreltnarut is spending teveral by. with Mend- it London. Mrs. L. Brick" and Min Irene Brien! are Ipending a. Week with friends in Toronto. Mr. onb T7fUltmuttt was a visitor to the Walton: Fair, London, on Thursday. Mr.Wm. Snider attended a monthly meeting of the Canadian Millers' Fire Insurance Co, " Hummer) Fliday. Mute: Tom Seagram, who has been spending his holidays " his home here, left Fridny to resume his studio. " Lakefield,0at. Mr. and Mrs Milvermn, and Morilinger, of funeral of Mr. Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Emanuel Beam and Mr.G. M. Hahn left Saturday morning to spend a week with friends at Neuatndt. Mr. Walter Shantz and brother have returned from a. several daW trip to the Pan. Mr. and Mn. Conrad Huehnergard and Mrs. A, E. Sanderson are visiting the Pan American. Miss Ida Kuntz left Wednesday to resume her studies at Lorena Abbey, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stroll left Satur- day mowing to View the nights at the Ptu1-Atmsriean,Buiralo. Mr. Chas. Wauhbnm ot the local a. T. R. staff has been transferred to Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Walker left Saturday morning to take in the Pan. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ridden and Miss Bertha Ridden are visiting the Pan-American. Mr. D. Buekborrough and the Misses Buokberrough returned Thursday ovéning inst-spending the manna " their cottage, Port Kewaydin, Mus- koka. Mrs. J. Seyler and sons, Herman and Eddie, and Mr.Han-y German have re- turned from their trip to New York City. Mr. H. A. Simpson is spending a week at Welland on business. Mr. Wm. Snider was a visitor to Newton Monday. Miss Minnie Kaatz is visiting friends in Buffalo. Rev. Mr. Gilchrist was a visitor to Guelph Tuesday. Mr. W. Kumz left Tuesday mom. on a three weeke’ visit to friends at Bt1tralo. Mile Nellie Hagev left for Stoul'ville Tuesday morning to resume her duties in a millinery department there. Mr. and Mm. F. G. Hughes left on Tneaday morning on a week or ten days’ vacation trip to Montreal. Mr. Leslie Seybold returned to his home at Montreal Tuesday after spend- ing several days with friends in tovm. The Misses Carrie sud Lem-vine Hohmeier spent saturday and Sundny with friend- at Bright and New Ham- burg. Mr. Wm. Wagons-t attended the Guelph Central Exhibition on Wednes- dly. The many friends of Mr. Fred. Bil- liard, who bu been ill with typhoid fever " the Berlin-Waurloo Hoepiml for the part “tree weekend“ be pleased to lean the: he was able to be moved to his home Seem-day. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL Mn. Wm. Cork and finally left for their future home in Toronto Monday. Min Jennie Hobbs, whb bu been the guest of the Mia-u Buokbertough, un for Blur Mondty. In. Wm. Pouch hu min-nod to her home In Toronto that visiting Mend: hon. . Mrs. 1mm Ind two childnn, of (Hohhot, N. W. T., In the true" of Dr. and In. W. L. Billinrd. The Mines Eula Ind Berth. Devin - Sand.) And Mona” " Out, the - of Mr. and In. Joe. Mudht. Immune "g.'T'.t'dt'", “can! Dunn! ..-.-w. I. “on Gunman, from Wnorloo, an swabs I mph clam with Mood. and "who In till vicinity. aut '.2atltl “M... tc.' "ttNt" , m than“ it the. 24 In. 0.1). Dun on Bind-1. lam John Mailman,“ Llnk- Vlllo. In!" David, of m and tuna. at scum-a. mud a. but! an“, In,“ Jacob ”mt-IF.” David Merklinger, of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Proton, attended the Jacob Mandingo: on his $4,000 Having bought the bankrupt Stock of Black a; Cs, M of Dry Goods, Grannies, Crockery, Glassware, Boots and Shoes, W Paper, Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Cape, Hardware, on, " Dd rah on the S and in order to rtduce it we have hum Slaughter Sale endeavoring to make it the most remarkable and ‘ sistible Bargain Sale of which Hawlmville and vicinity have 078, _ perienced. Profit has been lost sight of and those who participate this sale will be saving considerable money. We invite your 1” ion of our goods for they must be seen to be appreciated. Tenn- thd Produce taken in exchange. Call early before the Rush. Opening . " The White and Brick Store, The Same Old Story Mr. Gus. Kuntz of the Alexander House left Wednesday morning to spend a. week at the Pan-American, Buffalo. You an -dia11y invited to attend Our Opening Di-phy whoa 1'.me the - imputation. in . Everyoxie claims to hive the best Pulor Cooh d Ranges in the town. 5; WHAT WE CLAIM . /el't,'!!, That we have the best parlor cooks and ranges. /4 That we have the heaviest stoves. _ i; That our stoves are not “has beans." I' That our stoves are made of Bourbon Steel. (i' That our stoves are not in the Combine. a" That we can save you 85 00 to $8.00 on a. stove. ll, That we can convince you of the above claims if you " spend a few minutes with us. I: Miss Ethel Futher of New Dundee in the guest of Mr. and Mrtr.P.tgDider. Mr.Geo. Moore is attending Canada's Central Exhibition " Ottawa this yank acting as judge of Clydesdale Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Krona are spending: tor days with friends in Taviawck. . Mr. E. G. Seyler after a plenum vacation baa returned to Toronto to resume his duties. Mr. J. Bricker, jr., moved his family into the residence on Erb Stu, next to the Bnuornfreund printing, offitNy on Tuesday., Hardware, Stoves, Tinwam, Plumbing and Pipe fitting, - _ Phone ME Mort near Pout 0mm. Mn. Mr. and MrtcW.0.Wtsitthgl attended the wedding of the farmer’s sister " Elmira Wedpndny evening. Min Luna Hughes after . any of seven or nigh: week- " Csneo,N.S., returned to her ttotne,%sorgrt 8t.,Wed- Deadly. Mr. J. Wm. “who! left Monday Afternoon to mama his studies at the London Medic-l College. Housman-.1200: and Fred. UNtadt spent Sunday with Prawn friend-L Mr. M. Immune, of Woodstock, unmod- MLKomp It the local brunch oftttq Bunk of Commerce and begun dum- Honda warning. Mr.Pertsy Morley bu been appointed to . position on the Bead offiee Btaff of The Mum-l Life of Cumin. Ho begin his dutiu load” morning. Mr. Goo. gehatlhetrn and In. Schneider. of Roche-yer, m visiting phoh' won", Mr. and Mm. C. Mull- Mr. and In. John Burkttolder sad "tttttter, of Lam, P... wore the can" of anln. Snider on Sunday. In E. Cooper, ttArttrynt,A.Y.mr1l Mr. ind. Mn Philip MM of Down, are the gun- a! m 1m wont, Mr. and In. LEMON-Dd. "TIVVV To Do Slaughtorod In the ont I M wet. AT TRE .... White Store in the Village of Hawksvillo. . no] In. To” War”, of ML,1"ru'Gd1"d'eG2'l.'lrrd'l *tea"e'ot"er,hdrs2.M. Krupp,“ lhim-mm: " not.) a? TheStorewillboopenon the evening of anti Dr. Nanchan- “mama All." ,mehept-ttmo1tttoet “Hum- 'eutt2SglS'td'ffk'")ll'dt1' d admin: TUESDAY & WEDNE§2AY, fiEr?T.__a4tirattd 25th and, Iorterrriigid TUESDAY 26th " BOTTOM PRICES. --ThaLLBBmtut0B-. WORTH of STOCK ego. EirlP9TT'ER, TP.. Sh SPIES, . B. Ryan ti 00:33; MILLIMBY, (r? MAN'I'LES, "ii DRESS Gogns, ", '4 SILKS, EU a J') AND tX?EtX_TaFt.Bs y', Absolute Watchnuker and jeweller. . . u tte,"',?;':?',-,',?,',?..,':,',:,":,:'.') . I 'i') Rii't'tt'iiii to“. h- w In. or M,~..‘i 1-,...1 When you set your the by 0' clock you feel pretty ',.',"atitg,Sit have absolutely the mt Una That's because it's oar m. ' know all about the time d tV end see that our cinch “It truth. The same principle all through our business. l thing we have tall. the ' means just what it nttt' b what it seems to be. is I thing for yol‘tto remember -, you need anything in oarltrtt " REMEMBER Tun Pm ‘? Wall Paper Half Prloo. NEW'ANQ"” We him reduced thi. season's patterns to an: Price, viz: 7c papal Me; [cc papers for so indao a... Our loss your pin. ", .505," Becker's E. J. RODS, Opposite Snider'. ml. WM Bookstore BERLIN. Rellablllty. ' Hawkttvi1le." li Central Block; Water!“

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