rNeSr2tttcar""""""" â€who Minot of s new Pled- dsnt a! the United States naturally - much saucy u to how in the - would lead to my Indies! “an: of netionsl potter in the Bd, Milan. Mr. Roosevelt was races-- nixed a something of a representative “the Jingo element in Uuited Sum: Mien, while the his President wee en exceptionally pesosahls and peace loving man, oomrvstive end otuuiour/ “use in his public sctions by n ought- fnl oouaidertstion, end lnduencsd by the sdviee ot a eereful cabinet. Ho use enl'sd nn expansionist and imperlalist, but the events which brought about â€pension were more forced upon him than of his seeking. Mr. Roosevelt on the other hand was regarded as de- cidedly in favor of var, n defender of tho policy of expansion on its meme, end not of necessity. We now have hie own public utterance as President: "I wink to state that it shall be my aim to continue absolutely unbroken the policy of Preeident McKinley for the peace, prosperity, and the honor of our beloved country." “The period of exclusiveness is past The expansion of our trade and com- merce is the pressing problem. Com- mttreial wsrs are anprotrtabls A policyo! goodwill and friendly trade relations will prevent reprlsals. Recl- proclty treaties are in harmony with the spirit of the times ; measures of re- taliation are not. If, perchance, some of our tariffs are no longer needed for revenue or to encourage and protect our industries at home, why should they not be employed to extend and promote our markets abroad? "Let us ever remember that our in- terest is in concord, not coutiict, and that our real eminence rests in the vic- tories of peace, not those of war. We hope that all who are represented here may be moved to higher and holder oftort for their own and the world'e good, and that oat of this city may come not only greater commerce and trade for us all, but more essential than these, relations of mutual respect, con- fidence and friendship which will deepen and endure. The policy of President McKinley was very clearly and definitely set forth in the speech he made at Buffalo im- mediately before his assassination: "Out earnest prayer In that God will graciously vouchsafo prosperity, hap- piness, and peace to all our neighbors, and like blessings to all the peoples and powers of earth." In the relations between Great Bri, tain and the United States as to the Nicaragua canny Roosevelt was be, lieved to have been not at one with the President at the time when she treaty run before the Senate. It is not likely that the change of the past week will disturb the relations which exist be- tween the British Empire and the Im- perm Republic. The announcement that the existing cabinet will be re- tained in oftiee is a farther guarantee that no disturbing changes are immi- nent. - . TEE RAILWAY BY-LAW. The property owners of Berlin hive decided by their votes on Monday that Berlin can do for years to come without C.P.R. connection, by turning down tho railway by-law by the narrow maj- ority of14, What the promoters of the Preemn and Berlin rnilway will do now remains to be seen. The poll for we runny by-law was as follower-- For Against. Enat Ward 123 80 Euthd Wm " South " North " Conn.“ The mun“ by-lnw fared a good deal worn thnn the the other by-law " the land: at the property owners, not be- me they did not no the necessity of additional market seeommodatlrrrt,but, It In supposed, the manner in which Inch Iddhlon wan to be made. The make: oommluoe, however, will have to ttod - for the farmers, md that 'ttttrt curly. The vow in the wads was as foooqm-. Em Wnrd - " - " 1cm: " contra“ "Be am of John Sta-oh, Wturloo II. but: prob-M. no luv-m F d lbw" $12,000. Imhoob Mullah: II the “I. BOTH BY-LAWS DEFEATED, Majority against, 14. Ian MARKET BY-LAW many “an id “Nautilus. .‘WvJ'FJ" "eeAe --q. b - ywulmh 417 For Against 79 123 303 64 M 48 69 61 Mr, 431 lot 119 " 523 86 88 C . . tumnbM, d In was. no... ttt o'nthtt'a,G'2ll1tkp, â€I td"?dt ,'et,d'a'gti iiiiiiietiftftatSttt2tt â€an: on 'tttree, tar, mini h am an my)»: 'Mdtt = the Pun-tn. It. Wald jugular†MA iriGksutj.m.tm+mtt- t.t,0ee2e'te12,'g,t'1',httrt'/. r with, W was tot . The sum: and. loan, which}... M can u - in the tsoqital mum“ talk-nay youth,“ on not. In. In a. new hosp- Buwr and! huehWMud Ital “an Inn 26 dun “but, thismornlng Qumran-or, Mr.Prr, with reooitptrs of .150. At M†u. ' on ofthe pemrtutss then In“: patient. in the Show!“ Mr. Fry come- on -ette."eedt'ee.f WINN- sg,t2tttMt1'dl ' PA", say "an Bout mu bu than! hub. an M morning the to“. Mr. wr, In Mon af “I. Hyaru- Mr. Fry coma would had In. to b. s ttrtam" and oblig- llll"llrd1lh'. The many Masds, of Mr. Jacob Dunn, Elmira, wilt mm to Inn ot an deal): ot MI tile on sun. any Moon, atUr In illm- of some months. It III thought last week that Mn. Dunks III recovering, but tho trope own family were In "in. The tuner-.1 “to. plus. on Wadnudsy. In Montreal mo 70 meet will bo n- W “damned in candy until that the departure of the Duke and Dachau of 00:an And York. In the Bghtot experience scrol- m lino enrome precaution In noun-try to Brett (huge! from that admin“ lunwy which the pmonoe of datinguhhed peeplo inspires. All live stock, excepting poultry. for the North Waterloo Show on Fri, day and Saturday next, must enter Victoria Park at the Gaukel St. entrance near the use factory. A document addressed to the Hon Wm Henry Draper, C. B., Chief Justice of Her Majesty's Court of Common Pleas of Upper Canada, peti- tioning the court to deal lenienily with one Paul Benedict, charged with per- jury and setting forth his ignorance of the English language as a probable cause for this alleged otfeneoaud dated the 2lst day of March 1859, has been forwarded " the Department of Justice to deteclise Klippert of Berlin. The veteran detective remembers the circumstancm of this case will and says all the petitioners, numbering 13, are dead excepting one named Rudolph Bechtel. This document is of no im- portance excepting its historical value. The old detective intends tobave it framed. Miss Lizzio Berry, teacher at Bru- bacher’s school on the Petersburg road, took a sudden attack of appendicitis on Friday and was brought to Berlin on Saturday. She was removed to tho Hospital on Sunday afternoon and at present has in a precarious condition. An operation was performed on Mr. A. Pequvwnt on Tuesday and proved very successful. Mr. Pequegnat has improved g-rn'iy since the operation, and union: other complications not. in, Mr. ll. Schlendst’s beautiful home, corner Glowski and Wellington sts., narrowly escaped being burned to the ground this afternoon? About 2.45 Mrs. Schlender heard her two little children say something about tire at the outside of the kitchen and, running out. she saw the cellar was all ablaze with tire. She immediately summoned the aid of Ald. C. H. Doerr and John lleiser, who were standing " the North Ward polling booth. They found the cellar in llamas. Water was poured on the are to no avail, it being tiually extinguished with stand. The child- ren had poured a gallon of gasoline over the tloor of the cellar and set a. match to it. The Berlin Rubber Comyauy’s tae, tory is running over time with a full staff of bands and yet tilsd itimpoasibrs to fill the orders as fast as they come in. The superiority of the wares man tifaitiaied Tir thisHfrhi is ‘being rieeok. 'aired tluroslout the Dominion and ac- cnrdir: m 0 present encouraging outlook the on puny will be obliged to enlarge their already extensive plant, in order to meet the growing demands for their goods. he will soon be around again etc. Mrs The Sewer Committee met Town Solicitor Clement. Tuesday evening and manged a plan of defense in the suit of the Town vs. Waterloo Township. Mr. I. K. Boos has purchased the residence forrmsrlyoecapied try Mr. W. J. Woollnrd on Riv street. Mr. Woollen! has moved into Mr. M. Lewle’ house on FrcJerfek street. Rev If Friedrich. Messrs Henry Lung nudJuiius Appel will represent the Ger- man Maptist church m 11w Canudian Bap- tist Conference which are“: at New Ham- burg on Friday next. The 17th annual meeting of the local W.C.T.U. will be bald on Tht1rsdayat 4 p.m. in the parlor of the Methodist Church. Reports will be given of the years work, delegates appointed to Prov. convention. election of offieerty iirrrtsu-u-tet "N! DEATH OF MISS J'5NNIE RUXTON The Galt Rteprr / of Friday last has the following a‘mnt the death of Miss Jennie Ronni" who nniil recent- ly was employed o' t, , Walper House. Her many Merlin. “we will be eorry to learn of her an†M ., demise: There died in can at 3 o'clock thig morning, Jennic- T: “on, . young woman of 23, who a few days ago underwent no or" '..', ion Deceased whose parents arc both dead was en!- played in Berlin at t n short time ago because of eevere illness, was removed to Gait. The funeral will take piece this afternoon to Mount. View Come wry, the service being conducted try the Rev. Dr. King. A otmaitt and I liner, Ml. Annie anton, of Toronto, hue been called to out on moonlit of the molmboly event. Mayor Bowlby accompanied . dop- ntatlon of anal: rrtttrmry rel',,", on . prospecting and wand run thig morning with tlb - to than: . pou- tble Mutton hr the museum-up mtltterr m the "out on" oomlng ttt Berlin. '2"ggl,',eNg,', their on- glnoet m was via: . It. nut gn,tl dllr mite"; on In. and I“ . to at - jl= S..trt at up on ttgltttatl'J1ti1ltsltt'atte', - - A -m 'IK, A PROBAbLB SITE B. Dunks I'VE“!!! ieiii,iiit25t, a.“ by (up M, loan I!“ Etel'.i'ii'iii (Maw. B-ttmat. u “out. Thom. mud to8860.W. It. Um â€an up My unprintgnd-ul'n W. J. B. Bilaer, who bu been the main entl eillciont. bookkeeper n the Bnltheupt Rune and Berlin Gun 0000 (or the put nix you, will - his connection with this concernon Bu- urdey evening He has “zoomed e lue~ rain and mponnibie position with the lerohenu’ we. Kunmwé‘ing Co., Toronto, end will enter upon dutie- on Monday evening.‘ Mr. Bilge! In: mule may mend: during hie reddence in Berlin who will regret his departure from their man, but will be planned to learn tttat he enters upon I larger field of neckline-a. Mr. Bilger will be greatly missed in eocial circles, in which be we: always a prime ttvvorita, and in religious circle: be we: 3 useful gworker, being an active member of lZion church, of the Young Peoples Alliance and a teacher in the Sunday {3611001. Mr. Bilger willeleo be missed in the Y. M. C. A., of which he has A representative of this paper had the pleasure of a trip in company with lumberman Ball, of Berlin, to the farm of Mr John Gildner on Tuesday after- noon. Mr Gildner is busy tilling his silo with ensilage corn. This silo is thirty feet above ground, fourteen feet below ground and is twelve feet in diameter. Mr Allan Shantz, of Water- loo T'p, was running a Deering corn harvester, while four teams and eight men hauled the corn to the cutter. Mr Gildner has twelve acres of heavy ensilage com which can be eat, hauled, run through the cutting box and blown up over the top of the thirty feet high silo in one day. Two men are em. played in the silo trampirtdom1 the ensilage during the process of cutting. This new system of treating corn fodder is becoming generally adopted by the farmers of Ontario. NEW JERUSALEM CONFERENCE The Canadian Association of the New Jerusalem Church which was in session in Berlin since Friday last, concluded their session on Sunday evening. There were about twenty delegates in attendance, all of whom exprcs ' v: Emir gratitiea'don at the suc- cess thar has attended the Association mama he past year. Ilosolutiotts of condnh-nce were passml\o the family of R-w. F. W. Tuark, former pastor of the New Jaruqalom church, .x'H. of Pursuant McKinley. been a director, and chairman of the Religious Work Committee for come years. The teachers and oititNyrs of Zion church presented Mr. Bilger with a beautifully bound teacher's Bible on Sunday last as a token of appreciation of his valuable services in the school. Berlin can ill mom to low Young men of Mr. Bilger'a stamp, and all will unite with we Telegraph in wishing Mr. Bilger every success in his new home in Toronto. on s ttttrdayoveaing the mmml ser- mon WIT delivered by Rev. L. Higgins. Chairman ofthe Canadian Association. On Sunday morning tho church was 'rroyiri, the occasion being the in- trtallation of Rev. Mr. Francisco a: pan l" of the heal New Jeruulem church. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L. P. Mercer, “Chicago. after which he preached an eloquent and ap- propriate sermon tor the occasion. In the afternom a very eoioum sew vice was held at. the church, at which the Lord's supper was dispensed to me delegates. In the evening Rev. Mr. Francisco preached a wiemiid sermon to a crowded house. Jiiiiig Manh- 1ttgrttit 'l'f."d'rl'll Pridar Henry Schmidt has laid an informa- tion against A. Rehmann, charging him rsith allowing his dogs to worry Schmidt’s sheep. Several days ago two dogs were seen worrying Schmidt’s sheep near the Grand river in the northern part of Berlin,'by two tramps who were loitering elong the river. They went to . mn named Hiutz, living near by, and told him about. it. Hint: secured a gun and shot. the two drga. On investigation it we: iound that the dog» belonged to Rehmauu. Schmidt, is now suing the orner of the dogs for the value of the sheep amount- ing to $148. Seventeen sheep were killed and ten wounded. The one was up Tuesday morning " the Police Court, but was ndjourued to. Friday next " 9 ofclock. MRS. KIPPER AND FRANK HE! MAN OUT ON BAIL. Mrs. Kipper's friend: ware unoccu- fat W. reaming her release from the County "il on Sunday evening by giving bond. for her Imps-mace “the "ll Anne- onUotobor 8th, to the “mom of $1200. Her own mog- nlunce In can for $600, Ind two for $300 ouch, furnished try her Mar And I friend. 1315‘ â€Mad tbat one of Canav- moat dtrttttgtststted h'ym will do- Md W n a. A“ Lhmwol Bunch Tho Brolthmpt “In t'a,T, Moth-3mg the but but Manner] to, "placing ttikti'ii'i,i, an and 'ttut,". The friends md rel-then of Frank Helman have succeeded In furnishing mtutanttn1tmil for the nleuo of the when“. Bond- wu-e furnished for Why Hum-n him", and Boo. tutrtuel Ila-m, In. Imam Faith, In. Helm“. and Mn POM]: gnu "ttttrttr" 8600 out. loin-aw. “hunted on Walnut, to cm a tho Pull â€up“. 8th. SEVENTEEN SHEEP KILLED LEAVING BERLIN A LARGE S1LO, new in. tht him it - M Wd “In. In“ [ ( â€nah!†la. . i - In. ala . M ( but“ who I†Lttetl'Wd rh mum, a“ upon-I. rd palmet- m den. In. any but tyet', in m Warn at“ "ttuser. " III ma. - that than than. or.“ Mod mun Datum, - Vols. an; ml: (loop feeling the Verdun “Puke God from whom alt blaming, tiom Prune Him nll erasure. here below Pui-e Him shove so heavenly but Praise Faber, Son, and Holy Ghost. Your month. no owing to tho lb tend-nu being larger than could ho comfortably aooommodatod, tho mu- m- of the church were compelled to and why: and mean. to “In“ their home of wouhlp, mud “(or much anxiety had hard work they hue oom- plesed the enlargement, had now have one of the most boaatiful and up- to- date church edition: in this vlclniny. Two addition: have been added to the side: or the church, the out aide being the larger of the two, which will be med an a Sunday Sonool room, while the west aids addition will u- oommodate the organ and choir, and underneath, the minister: nutty. Bath additions are of a Gothic design, being circular in shape. The large addition will be used an a furnace room in the basement, while the Sunday School room will be on the name level as the auditorium of the church, separated by two of Wilson's folding partitions. In case or an orertiow congregation the Sunday School ad. dition can be med by simply raising the partitions. The woodwork thrpugh- out is of quarted oak, while the ceiling and walls are decorated in terra cotta shades The whole edifice in well lighted ’and ventilated. The new Warren organ was manufactured by Kern a; Co., Wodetock, and for beauty of appearance and richness of tone, it has very few equals in Western Ontario. Mine Margaret Zoeller, ably presided on Sunday. The sermons on Sunday were preached by Prof. L. Kaiser, of the Theological Seminary, N.Y., and were most appropriate. He is a pleasing speaker and his discourses were ex- ceedingly practical. la the morning the service was in German and was attended largely by the members and adherents of the church. in the after. noon the church was crowded by friends of the congregation from other churches, the service being in English. The pastor eomiueted the service, and was assisted in the devotional exer- cises by Rev. P. A. MeEwan. of King street Baptist Church, who gave a short congratulatory address. He said it was a cause for rejoicing to see the work of God progress by the enlarging of old churches and the erection of new ones. The speaker reminded " hearers, however, that the secret of God's presence is not in the brick and stone walls that are erected, but it people The sermon by Prof . Kaiser was a masterly one, and was preached from St. John 12: 24, 25, viz: “Verlly, verily I say unto you, except it com of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but it it, die, it bringcth lorth much fruit. He that loreth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unm life eternal." He said the words were spoken by Christ in a ispiritAst.trlumph and not of despair. Christ saw through the visions of the cross, visions of glury. The speaker spoke of the principle of life through the death and :"--‘~-rw u cited as an example the grain of wheat, which contains life, bat must be buried in order to give out. what it contained. In order that we mav have life we must die to the world and the sin of the world. Conversion means sin of the world. Conversion means giving our old life of sin for a new one of holiness. Consecration and self- traeritiett are essentials menjoy the new iifn. _ . _ - _ Af you want " preserve your intlmsncts me it for the honor of God. If you want health, exercise your strength in the work of extending God's kingdom. If you want wealth, bestow it to the honor of God. The text taught whole htsartedtttsats and de- voredneee. Put your faith, zen), ex- perience, prayer love,hope and whole life in whenever you do for God and it shall bring forth fruit, " After the sermon the paator celled upon the Treuurer, Mr. Chas. Dunke, toer the financial statement. The cool of the new additions and organ end general improvement: was in the neighborhood of $7,000. of thin $3,560 had already been subscribed, leaving an indebmdnees of about $3,340. At the morning senice $606.80 had been snbecribed, and throughout the day the collections amounted to $1,230. The made of the day omvldod by choir Wu beautiful and irpproprists The evening service was very large- ly attended. Prof. Kline: preached an excellent ntmon in German which Wu greatly npproclucd by than who hard him, wu defeated in Balm Monday by an Idvam majority of fourteen was. The roan]: wu n genuine turgidâ€. tll are public meeting: held d the the. nanny-n supporting th manure, which prop-Dd a henna of $26,000 to the net and. Mr. Punt-on was not In Berlin an!“ an 'g1T anâ€, loving an mi be done , h “as no man of the â€to nu vary Witty My. - _ "iiiihdikit up I â€Nauru-Imam John Patterson’s Berlin. Preton & Hamilton electric railway, pangs try-law and this morning qrttnt do“ the tttrttdomt would but on the building of tho road, Mr. Pam and that while It night delay than M I tttrm, it mm as no as In. at at ki- n.- - -ltth.9q), tum-WWII- “Ventral-nu My. in the lives and hearts of this WAS DISAPPOINTED gunman Specter day ororktod by "tegtded try “Ab! v. Giiiii.iiGiiid Kiwi - ai.ai; udpn W 130 'ttNea'.",'; GU" has“ tbt mm». Fy,Eillitt'ilit' V ..."... no»: In damn. I: â€Mandi-â€lat Ita-a'; a. Shaw-mm may -trsgooartputitreoirttt to In? hummmmm' . I“ mod Ill luau-nu ad ttaetodB- dou- nnnb of In all ottue In: week nod 11.0.MC: marshy: $0101,va hum-u- Into the plan "an“ MIL It“, right. beside w. drug non. _ _ Wm- Ethel) -- A M‘ "e" took plu'o in than“ cunt on Wound-y In», uni in“, m [in minnow, â€up" dough“! a! Philip Ethan, at thin low, In and In the MI, bonds at mailman] to Mr. “Whom, of WW. The up“ not In manly mm by 3.71". [not The church In wet! wet! with Inui- uted Ipectnon. We wl-i the young couple th long and hippy mulled My. Again Wntérloo bu oeaaaitnt to counting†lir.N.8pudy.ihe talented, young, 'uing mullet-u, upon one albi- latest composition: for the plumth the Whnloy Royce Co ' of Toronto, It. now offering to the Cannot-n Inn-foul public. Itig e delightful bit of oom- position thin "Jttgomitrstttn" lunrh and in it Mr, Spud] Ihowl an in- dividuaiity all hie own. He in cerium- 1y a born mneicinu. Redolenz with much tender fooling, the Mazurka le written in the composer's but etyle,be- in: eirlrtly classical tn every dot-ll. AI long as Mr. szdy turns out eotnpoal- tious of this stamp, his much to sue- eeu will be ever onward. Bis many friends in Waterloo will Do doubt be planned to heir that his "Nrmturntrr," publishei several months ago, have been accorded a warm reception. The ‘sulre have been very gratifying und a mo of the foremost pinning here Ind mama the border haw) numbered lie t T; n Seamus-s" in their repertoire. Pr Tenor Ancere, of the Toronto Con- Ber'~1:'0"" cf 51 rimand one of tur fore may. twh-nr".',) in {he Dominion on Timmy of Maria, his also been pleased 10 gm?» Mr. Spain’s work. Iain than to be hoped that the "Jupsmitrtultn" Mazurka mill be no gratefully received Mr. Herman 8tuekbart, ot German Mills, lost a. valuable cow Saturday night, the symptoms of the dlueaae musing death very cloaely mumbling anthrax. An examination was made by Mr. fIenlsoefrer,CS., who, we are informed, gave it as his opinion that the animal may have contracted the disease through drinking the waters ot Sehneider's creek, which is claimed to be polluted by Berlin sewage. Notiee is hereby given thar I court will be held, pursuant to "The Ontario Voter's New Aer," by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Water- loo at Grassers’ Hotel in the village ot WLdgitpprt pn, Fridny the 27th day of September 1901 " 10 o’clock B, In. Fo hear and determine the several com hints of errors and omissions in the 1)i'll'l,t', Lists of the North Diviuion of the Munici- palit 'lllly AH persons having business at the Court are required to attend at aid time und mace. Dated at the Clerk’s oftioe, Blair, thin 13th day of Httt't ber_l901. -_- - as his other compositions, and win the popularity it so richly de-erves. It makes a delightful piano solo; " is not as diftiettlt as Mr. Spady’a former com? position and will no doubt be warmly welcomed by pianist and pupil alike. It sells at40e. a copy and may be had at Marten book store, Waterloo, and Becker’s book store, Berlin. "tt.w1ft1t School . . Books and guarantee satisfaction. I loam a 'tr-e" 'r m ' â€to†Iâ€. The use of suitable ghsses pong, uteertirt to give you. c . solicit your oo-titat in our NW†and save It eyes from strain, 19d In kindly lat",,',',",') inbred“ of prion Mon buying muting the evils which follow. in our lino. . ' Profit by the experience of omen. . 'ttttrt,',","'"" W “m“ I he Crawford Peaches . . m y Annmad'tohuthoirbattbiswukhdmm haw the mom who use them. in My Weextmineeyesfteeofdt- In. qtohit . Eyestrain. Martin Bros, For High, Public and Sep- arate School Text Books; also Scribblers, Exercise Books, Pen. cils. and any other school tmp- plies try A. G. HELLER, % of Re Voters List CLEVER IlUSlClAN the Township ot Waterloo for N OTICE Waterloo, Ont t; mam; A. TILT, Clerk of Towhship ot Wnterloo. Acting Upon The Requests 'l ' J"%tssssegsstMMNMMrss (2e,teohses The Great . Corner Store OF our very men customers to great them pend-ion to pick out premium in 'l2'll1'fl",' for their Trading Shape in. stead of silverwere we luvs decided to do so, end mum“, tmrt-m1r,ndp11ho1.dintrtstrHrtiHtutto bring“ in st their eerliest souvenienoe and get the excben on ell ewere of our change in business to the Cub gum; E wen-every pleesed indeed tonote thekind renerh end "O com-scenic“ we meive from ell sides;tlzst it is the proper syl- tem is s question beyond doubt; it msy st times seem s little inconvenience for you but force of habit will soon overcome thst. We will see that we offer you inducements from time to time in the wey of better velues than our credit More due pom1grueptt/.r,t.riorrt . . . , FALL f; OPENING Ts C".'"7rf, -iii.iriuiie,ilt' rAr oo-opention in our nun-prim and kindly til" your insptction of prion- before haying anything In our . , Our Annual Fall Opening will take place on when all the Newest Creations in Millin- ery, Mantles, Dress Goods, etc., will be shown. The Ladies of the Twin-City are cordially invited to attend. lugduy, Friday and Saturdty. Bricker 8: Irtehel. Toma ttatttp.t.1tAt.1t.tfr2.t.tAt...lBe. Geo. Jllasertfhtg, 26th, 21th and 28th. -at- “and“.