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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 12 Sep 1901, p. 5

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- Baryon bu been canard " We: a anon: a 01mm. l In. I look at the aeolian: value; b all“ nonp- " Dovm’. Drug Score, his W was!» ' mu your teaditstt premiums u and tn Geo. iIaaeufiag's adver- 7 s. . 9mm Indium Ind apprentice II.“ immediately " Mrs C. WI. 36 - M. 0n! Bargain Countet was)“ over It. not. during our inven‘ory shoe in. The Yellow From. Boot Palace, Mr. J, Fischer on Friday received a “that! of Oro-roar-old stall-fed cattle which he purchased at Toronto. Mr. g, E, Seaman's bottling depart- lnonc wn moved into the new building It the roll: of the King St. store on Monday. E. M. Dewitt, druggist, is this week shoulng a very large assortment. of medicated, toilet and bath soaps which no attracting considerable " tention. The Montana. pony sale attracud a Inna crowd Saturday. Q lite a number “the blanchos “me hold, tho prices musing from $20 to $25 each. Wu’re m vkitut fifty cont: appear like tdolllr. Read our advertisement; tr: In page. The Yellow From Bod PM, Berlin. It you want. a good saddle or driv- ing pony attend the Auction Sale on Sunnis)! next at the Berlin market at 9 Ban. Positively no reserve. Joseph mom Auctioneer. A Inge crowd attended the wce‘sly open air band cancel: given by the W. M. 8. band on the square Friday even has. A popular programme of music Wu rendered in capital style Mr. Andrew Schoeppler, who has been engaged as tailor, clothes clean or Ind dyer on King St. tor the past seven ind I tsalfyssars,left Monday for Detroit, who tt he will make his future home. Bin familynrnh the exception of two on, accompanied him. Mt..Albert Starr died at his home at Bt. Clements Samrday evening after a lingering illneu with that {dreaded disease, consumption. He was well known here, baring been mine clerk at the Zimmerman House for about twolve years. The funeral takes place an Wednesday. The Insurance bowlers were again victorious Thursday afternoon,winning by I some of 23 shots to 8\fter 16 ends pity. The following are the rinks: P, a. Hughes, M. S. Hellman, A, Thompson, E. W. Schmitt, J. Bespolor, C. S. Forrest, F.Haight,ship8. W.M.MeCatre,skip'23. We only sell the best elothimt and formic” made so if you want the best " small prices come to us for your fall and winter clothing and shoes. Our mom: “As we advertise so we do." We never disappoint. Come hereSatur- in And see our many special values in fall goods. A. Weseloh ' Co , urn to she post. uftiee, Berlin. The Central School rss-opened Mon- (by morning with a large attendance. All the teachers were present with the exoeptiou of Miss Willianis, who found it Impossible to be here on acéount of the illness of her sister. The pupils in her mm will have another week’s vacation. Both the scholars and teach, all were wearing smiles and there wee I - far it. During the nine weeks" vacation the school board had the sebool thoroughly renovated. Metallic ceiling! were put into eight rooms, the will. throughout the building were ttttted, the Interior end exterior of the binding minted, new sens were put Into two rooms, s new teacher's desk we! put into Miss Gregor”: room and the building throughout was thorough- ly vested end cleansed. The school tte,Sr, being cloned end the trees ed, pro-onto 3 much improved mullet Everything about the It,' nude as plenum u poul- ble hr th tencher end scholer. " - on new bout of hula: one of lie but sehools in the county. Dunn; home for “lo, minted on raft, " pornonlm apply to W. I. I. unwary-mm. 21-tf. “tarsus. th-ber a; Market. Th0 mommy pig mnrket held here 2tetl",t'l",1r was quite well “and- od bu I All mn I) plenum. A 1amotrtrrttrer 2tl woro othred,trtoe tt 1"f,0S.' 4 5 weeks old, :ngh glen . Pin 4 week. old sold at 1t'Ml'hWlfttSth'2,ht'la' a”. I $7 M10 . put wording b to at up. no hula More” mum "I won “and by both rumor. And bt-tttrt'. Produce "a plenum, and when ruled sum woman-u :'gh,dti'r3t,"d11t 315., use: a " to . s nun, " gunman I Datum “was”, phat-Ho to 600. I an, - m u man- man 36-1! l, Ionian 1l'tt,hhtt'attt a: _ ' V _ a,“ r“ _ th'a"l%"ATiaA? a. My In!“ ", i"i'iiieadiCf,"T,ej't 'rl,', 3mg... lttNt an. q 1edttf.'ue,. putter! -- a at but. In mpg! And In I; a. 1,. _ *u.4f...,.. . i.issi.rr; tr'. 'tam'"' 81m: neural-Ines W Ihr, WGCAL N EWS' (”with In; Store, rig-manned "In mum W T - My all aauia.iiTiiaui- a. T 1'tt a . d Ittt. n . tnlut MAM 'turi-est-te. H. ttr '.P.8.I. WWW “in“ “out . " malt-t Tt'aar. v" -- _ . - V _ .3 LI. “and than. and“ tht', ta-die" M ‘b to. Mt , as“; it!!! mu- out: -' an: ' an: " PMM,tt WW” n can a .1 Ann nib-hum an» ms d Wahw, mun-now an. Pum- “but; new um. we “who 'dit/tSdn'.' an a“. u 25 um: ity-trtln " it sou-l on out“ W.I.W2’J. _ nun cum-db! no.” (no. A. In. 21. . ri." In ”mam-um A“. A. Ramon Mk NO scum and loud "at. page: E. P. Sum: 16. was; " on. any", In tun, Doro- J. Andrlch 16. tum. Chm» lo, Chum», Co.» W. J. Hum}! 13. ')y, Ultra, B )Cbi’mi f"tt Waterhstt D ' Galt at Bowling. g,'ut, Htmnond, Hull, Lei, fiit Two not. of Wank» bowler: " kenny. Halon. MuirMIU il. an!” tented TI, “0:.sz mogul; club tl as; (G. '0 ), Hannah“. Km], thrree, Jane: p ace r " tomoon y shot... The {uncanny lube more; $333: Phhnon. 84:11pm" “d At m' - mm It Fee' w an N “loch; com won - 35 Hit: » w. I. Wt). V on. A. Inn ti. . A. an." u, E. P. Sum m J. Andrleh 10. W. J. Hum}! 13. “luminous Gd!" Bowling. Two link; ot Waterloo bowler! de- tained two that: d the Galt club " the hue: place “his, mot-noon by 9 anon. The (moth; ll the more: Gum. WATIBLOO. Harold, . P. 0, Hughes, Jammy, B. B. Brickor, Clare, . E. P. Susan, Simpson, skip 12. R. Hauht, skip 19. Gum. Humid, . ,lelllroy, Clare, . Simpson, Ikip 12 Gonnan, Phillip, Kauai, Patrick, nip 9 The titth of the some of Part-Amer' can concerts to be given by the W. M. S. band " Westslde park Friday even- ing. the 13th inst , promises to be the but of the tet"ott. A specie] pro- gramme hna been p'opatod by the bend. Miss Nellie Francis, a pleasing and urn-tic solo cornatistt his been apeciil- ly engaged for the evening. Special] prizes for the prize drawing should in- duce evelyone in the Thu-City to at- tend. The prizes are; th'uru ticket to BufTalo, 3 admissi-vn tickets to the exposition and Midway [lake's to 7 ditf,,rettt shows. 2. Return ticket to Buffalo, llullalo Bill's wild Ives show. Majority tor Wumloo, 9 mote. Pan-American Concert. 3 Expu'rsion ticket to Detroit. Come and erjwy an evening of music. Mr. Jacob Merklinger,fathor of Mrs. [ J. D. Door-sum, town, died at his real- dence, Short St., at 5 o’clock Tuesday afrernoor, at the age of GO years, b' months and 26 days. Deceased had lean ill tor about six months the after shots " la grippo being the cause of his death. He had only been a. real- dent of our town oinco January when he retired from farming. He was. bore In Wilmot in 1835 and has always followed the occupation of farming. He owned a farm on the 3rd line Weller Jey where he resided before moving to our town. [lo was married to Cattusr. ine Diem. To Mr. and Mrs. Mornin- gor were born eleven children, all of whom snrvlvo. They are-David of Himmler, Gottfried of Waterloo, Mrs. Martin \Voolfle of Tavistoek, Mrs. J. Death of Jacob Merklingen G. Docraam of Waterloo, Jacob of Woman, Mich.,Mrs. Thompson cf Bin- scanh, Mam, Peter and John of Link. ville, Mich.,Martin of Stratford, Henry and Lydia at, home. The narrowing uidow and family haw the heartfelt sympathy oftho community in their bereavemenz. The tuners! will be held on Satur- day afternoon at 2 o'clock from the neidence Short St ,to St. John’s Lathe eran church for service thence to Mount Hope' cemetery for interment. WATERLOO DEFEATS BERLIN AT TENNIS. The Berlin and Watorkm lawn tennis clubs played at Westside park Satur- day afternoon, the latter winning by Mro events. After, the winch the fort- nightly tea was held. The more is as follows: Seagram W, boat Bell, B, 6 3, 6.1 Snyder, V, beat Eamon, B, 6-1, 6-2 Jones, W, boat Berry, B, 7-5, 6 5. Kreutziger,W, " Gower, B, 6-8,9-T not fittiahttd. Boehmer md Bell, B, beat Sta-gram and Krontziger, W, 3-6, 5-7. The annual meeting of the Cmedlen Association of the New Jerusalem Church will be held in the temple of the Berlin Society Sept. 13th, 14th, and 15th, 1901. The Aiamsistiott will be convened at 2.30 gm. Fridgy Sept. 13m. _ -' Satan“, 6 p.11). a min] will be given under the III-picc- of the Ladue Aid. At"8 p.m. n Gina-ta will be given by the Church Choir. 8 p.m. Rev. F. L. Higgim of Toronto will deliver the Anna! Ad. dross. Sand-y 10.30 mm. luv. L. P. Mm of Chicago will but.“ Mr. Moi-co, Pum- of the Balm My. 11 Ban. Sermon by Mr. Karen. 3 pm. Athrttnutratiott of the Holy a? by Rev. Edwin Gould of Hon- I , -iated try Rer. Higgin- and -. Tpart. Semanby onedtho' linu- hs-rat while u mind to all that - hut the tendency to “1-1qu nova-dq- bu but: aloud to ii???“ b unlin- m a on y the mom of he Minn Homo land, by It.” c. Balm Md Ti. H [spring but no . nut '31 'ita9t'th..M, - 1",". fly”!!! E419; an: 'itrtamtttrn, and will to "a iiidir h 7 it. M'Mg. A W'E'W!md9~!!fi__|â€"Mmm#5m Singles. Mtrrr,B, beat Hendry,W. 2 6,6-2,3 6 gerahaw, W, beat Boebmor, B, 6-1, ANNUAL MEETING, ”5.1.50 Doubles A, B. PM in. C. S. Fat-rout, P. Pearson. A. W. Robula, J .Helpeler,uklp 11 I m 'ieee hold 3:31 “the 'att'.'", Mr. Ill'lLWl1'l'. my; Fr! @1912!!! _: Aer 30, The programme In no» honour my, eon-hung of pip." on pruned topic! by “can. T. N. Seriptnn. B. W. tcd?,'."",",',:',,"],,', Pinkonon, p.. B Foturly, Att or Con-on- and 8. B. Clapp, ttttd n ditonilon of . moot hr tore-ting and aural chateau- to tho "field workers ot the company tn which Mr.Wegtstsaat,thes Company’- Imam and Mr. Earl, 8apesritstendmtt of Agencies, and when took I premium part. On the morning of the 4th the Burp held its neunl monthly meeting in one of the, agency rooms, than being in attendance the Preeident of the Con» pany, Mr. Roht. Melvin, the two Vice- Preei‘ienta, Meson. A. Hoakin, IL.' C., and B. M. 3mm, K. c., M. P., to- gether with the following Dirocwn: ilon. Dr. Borden, Mini-tor of Militia, P, C. Bruce, M. P , J. Kerr Fiche, B. A , E. P. Clement, W. J. Kidd, B. A, Geo. A. Somerville, Hon. J. T.Gurow, K. C., and William Snider. The Manager, Mr, Geo. Wegenut, and the Secretary, MLW. H. Ridden. were the no: at. l A ' the business of the session wu‘ completed the Board held a conference1 “lib the agents. when many ideas and suggestions were tsxehtrnged,whitsh will be certain to be of great advantsgeto the laureate of the compnny in the future. Hon. Dr. Borden, Mlnieter of Militia, in the course of. ahort speech at the joint meeting assured these pro- rent of the high “an “ligand excellent repuu‘ion whim th, Miami Life of Cami; holds among the people d w: by the sea, and predzeted from present indications a moot prosperous and enc- ceeeful future tor it. The Pree'dent " the company, Mr. Robert Melvin, ed- dreeeed a. few words of advice and 6tt- eonragement to the ngency stems! all) did Mr. B. M. Britton, K.C., M. P., of Kingston. . Just before the company separated a most pleasing event took place in the way ot the presentation of a valuable and moat beautiful onyx clock, with gold Cupid ornaments, to Mr. C. E. German, of London, who for a number of years rendered very advantageous service to the Agents' Association an Secretary, and in other capacities. The prisretstation was made by Mr. C. B. Linton, of Hamilton, in a neat and felicitous speech, and Mr. German re- plied suitahly and feelingly,expreasing his hearty thanks for the worde of praise and commendation coming from hie fasllow-Nyst1tss, as voiced by Mr. Linton. At 2 p. m. the President and the Board of Directors entertained the axon cy staff at luncheon at McConkey’s. Toasts were proposed by Preeident Weleinto "The Eing"tutd"The Demiu- 1 I ion Parliament,”the latter coupled with the name of the Hon. Dr. Bordon,rrho, referring to the part Canada had taken in the Boer war,eommended the united patriotism of all political parties when the hour of danger came and Can- adian national interests were menaced. “The Mayor of Toronto" was the next toast, to which the city's Chief Magistrate, Mr. o. A. Rowland, responded in a most appropriate way, reierring to add highly commend- ing the mutual principle of life asenr- anee as illustrated by The Mutual Lite of Canada. The president next pro- posed the health of "The AgeptC'rrtth- out whose skill,zeal and faithful eervi- ees he said the whole fabric must fail. No more faithful men, he laid, worked for any gompany. _ _ . _ - DIRECTORS AND A0“ OF IUTUAL UPI OF CANADA. Mr. T. R. Earl, Superintendent of Agencies, responded in s few Words, expressing not the slightest doubt but tt.at the 31st of December, 1901, would show bun hnd been amsomp1irttod which they so much desired in the w” of business. Mr. J. Y. Omsby. or the Woodstock sgeney, end Mr. T. N 8esripture,oftlterTosotttpdirt6sterty, also replied in n few well chosen words, after which the "Prmidtmt sod Bond of Management" was proposed by W. Earl, we agents singing with hearty enihnsium "Por they no Jolly good fellows," one! which the ”seldom, Ir Melvin, Mr. Brnoe, If. P., Bowman sud Mr. Kidd, one“, responded btierfty on behalf ot “is Board. Onoonhoouu and forth. Full Auiuu irthat of an Want-n Bank of 2thtl,2,',', Hamburg Stadium Juno . on, ofNaanndu. g A Thaouomuo om of the M demuatttmotl. Mu,me we mtmtter,stttttterBaatk1ietgt1".- catch-om linoleum. $1700 on pro- M not“. balm - by III name. mum-ammun- mhnm. _ .. . Thom m (Inn " coll-uni security for {Amara notch, We“ Ind “has “any MM thr. mmm 3i. Mr. Llo- t'g?'tiPM 2Udtl' tg,,',". " on r- m. I ddi2Nn'i,t “It; Hannah-cu "tgtNast. To RECOVER 817011 BLOOM INQMLE MOTHERS who In worn with the duty of oaeistg for lumping younglton can can, bani? ' FATHERS to an money which ther will do if they TRADE AT . . . . t J. Uffolmann s, daughter of In. [an Boom-l, ot Wstaeioo, which took p150. In the mum Genoa! lie-null only has Sand-y morning u tho m of may you-I, munch!» close ot A t young lilo. {all ot bar Lad ' ad the nm ot but oath ho n- DEATH OF I138 ELLA “cl-nu. . Thy “a. of 30-.“- - W1. celved . with linure end prohnd regret. Ithhudly itrtt weeks time Mile Bechtel wee e vidtor to her home here in the enjoyment ot peedbert health, returning to Hemilten to be etrieken down ehortly alter-welds with e dieenee which quickly developed into A meet eerioue one f,2gr'dd'1"t An eperntion on Wedn , Int (eve temporery reliet‘ Beard-y morning marked the development of Alumina eympto-s and " e lent hope of “win; her life enother operation wee per- tained, but in vein. the lingered n,- til two doloek Sundey morning when the pueed peacefully ”my. After e ehort eerviee in Hemiltnn Sande, afternoon, the remeine were tat,' to the home of her mother in Water no on Monday. The funeral took place TCJIdI] " ternoon " one o’clock. A abort Ber- vice we: conducted " the home are: which the cortege prreeedod' to the Methodist. church, where the Bev.Geo. F. Salton, B.D., pastor of the Centen- ary Methodiet church, Bowman, de- livered on appreprieto and lmpreulve discourse on the words “What in your life,” in the conree oi which he widen eloquent tribute to the life of deoeued, referring to her singula- Mtrlitr, her earnest zeal end activity in all tonne of Clarion-n work, her meet And lov- oble diappeitiou and exemplery Clum- like choricter. The "helm were then taken to Blair end tsmtritptett to their flttttl resting piece in the bully bury- Ing ground, when tN,',',',','.'",',',',',', of her once-tore elmdy up, the ob- uqulee being conducted by Rev. Geo. :A. Mitchell, of Weterloo eluted by {the Rev. Mr. Johnston, oi Pregtaon. _ Ella. May Bechtel wee both in Bridgeport in 1871, being brought u, in Waterloo, when she we. educated in the Public and High Schools. About twelve your: ego ehe tempted en en- gagement in the omee of the Suntan! Manufacturing Company, Hamilton, filling position: in the breach Item of this tNttablightmtttt in Montreal, Lon- don, Toronto and Hamilton. with the absolute faithful”. Ind eta-lot devo- tion to duty, ohnreotexietio of her. An used mother, three brothel-e end eeven listen no left to mourn herlou. They have the deep eympnthy dunno, mend- in their sudden end unexpected be movement. The eeteem end eifecdon in whiethl deoeeeed wee held by her friende end1 eeeoeietee wee evidenced by the beenty and my of the ftarat oderinge. Everyone eeeme enxloue to contribute eoneleet loving tribute. Among theee were “Geta- Aier" of mu, orehide and uter- from the Benton-d Kenning toting Compeny, Henilton; e pillow composed of roeee and eaten hom her fellow employees; en enehor olroeee end eaten from her Oeh Hell Meade, Hemilton; e wreethof white meet from the Epworth Leecue of the Gunnery lethodlet church; ewreeth hem " ele- in the Gunnery Bentley Sohool end e wreeth of tt-tg88otttr end eetere from the Smiley School; e wreeth than Mn. Terrence, else from In. Eyck- men, two we! Indy Meade; e wreeth from her fellow More; e wreeth iron In. Heme-hen; en enchor o! roeeeend woetione from ‘Oek Hell, London; e on. ot white ‘roeeeend melon- netn unnamed London; e wreeth of hvdrenge en white lileee from Addieon Ttr , Wet- erloo; en enehor of pink end white meet from her nleeee - mm. end Hyrtie Beehtel; e wreeth of utae, gledioli, verhenee end hydreer from Mr. D. Decibel-rough end r. Geo. Bruce, Weterieo; e - at red roeee Item Mr. Geo. human, Hemline; e wreeth of green [one on In Phoebe Veteran Belt, end "Our Be- loved", e tltteat iaiil from thele-ily. It2ia','2t,f,1,',t 'lJyhu'tl',llr. mm: on. up . ......A.R.8t-t" has. has ”mumbling-grog! ugh; gsts'mi, 1....1'50 'i-mart mm]... my man mo um Imam luv-m T,'t,','putA"iutil,"ygt “a darnrithMr.artdhErs. W. 'd. Rondo. to - I , mm mound H who-K M tti-tdrti-ttottaat-t an Halon mammmu 1.0mm lownnmuu tar-slut "and I." m " m m "ta-tt ttt In: rg,tt"rlat'tted1"cid'i,l'; t"i7a"i'iiraiu7i'%irii7. one, at an“. - I ”I. mpg-n munic- tE-arid-ht-Ashe, Boon-cud." tgttttttt gunman-mm" mow min-paw... m at 'si-td-e,-.), ottoman-m Mo-tit a.” a.” to “I in 2t,MM ttJtttN.1'.t ’h ' HI no i"i'i'iieihl"tSii'iiSi'iiii,i, as... $tlWl8rll'f, u 2'Tdt'ltt t,gatretf, CARSTAI IS. ALTA. WATE R COO manuals-dbl)... In U,1tl'1hl61'lil'A'r21utgfgflt abanmdnpoIdehW __pgnon3mown. " not J. Damn} on Mt ' ' Wielthncwtem " "st link otttl.rtorm and mm the on foe My bright and fro-h. At J. mreimanit's. It. Goo. Weber haa ”new I mum u 8outttnmpeon. Mr. John Rttoe,qrtso bu boon 'pond- lng " vmuon " hU homo hare, ro- tumod to Chicago Baud". In. W. B. Bechtel nu remand to the Balm-Wanda) Boopital Wettna- day 1',g','ll"t waiving from In Muck “typhoid var. _ Mr. and In. I. P. Berthrong and lunar Frod.,who have boon the - “Dr. tad In. J. B. Webb, Itttt for their home " Waahington, D.C.,golng Uh Blalo Saturday morning. In. Enoch Hm: h unending . weak with friend- u Wilkerson. Mt. 000. Fox, violin”, intend: giv- ing mother of his popular concerts in Inorloo In the com-Io of the nut two "on like Alice Wilson, who bu been spending we put week mu nor ell- tor, Mn. J. 8. Lookie, returned to her homein Brooklyn, N. Y., 8tsturdar. She m accompanied by her nephew, Mater Alfred Young. Mr. Chm. thlloh in spending seven} any: " the Pan. Mr. A, G. Holler bu returned from his trip to the Pan. Mr. and Mn.F.W. Snider no spend- lng n vmuon r. Roche-tar and Buffalo. In. J. Crawford, of Ottarra, in whiting under the pmntal root. Mr. Geo. Pins. of Rochester, is the (not: of " brother, Fred. The Mina Curio and Call: Coma no spending a week as the Pan- America. Mr. and In. S. Snyder and the Mino- Bertie and Florence Snyder no taking in the light: " the Pan-Am. like E. C. Anthee very pleasantly enternlned the members of the Cur- tem Topic Club It her residence, George Bt., Wedneedu evening. Mr. sud Mn. Henry Bttff have re- amed from . three week! mu with friends in Ala-ton. like Bmgemnn bu returned from Toronto, where she attended the milli- nery openings, end has resumed her dutiee no head mllllner " J. Ufrttltmut'tg. A number of tho Emttgelitmlthurtstt choir trttemied the concert given by the Wumlnecer Abbey church choir, of London, Eng.. at Gan Thuredny evening. They were delighted with the new mgr-mine. -, _ Mr. Ind lfi Henry noon have "r- tuned from their trip to the Pan. Mr. Arthur Schmidt, ot manual, in handguns at his home has. Mr. War. Nobel left Monday to m. in the light. " tho Pun-American. Dr. RalptcLsturtmut, of Milvertttu, open: Sunny " the home of his Wr- anna, Mr. and In. Chas Laden-man. lie-n. Fred. Ham, ll. W. Boos and G. B. Moog! hue rammed from their "um nip to the Pun-Aunti- Mr. Ind In. Jacob 1Jfrtslmann, Mr. and In. W. Conrad, Mrs. A. amt Mug Hlldl Home: hue returned from dad: vim to the Pm. Ili- Almodn Schneider, an» upend- lug I two week-' mum: with Mandi In Detroit, hm returned home. Rev. B. 8. Hellman, of Berlin, neon- phd an pnlplwf the Evangelical chuck: very mental] Sunday evening. ”W800“ Mon loud” to ram. bar and!“ " the Gmlph eon- m In. ”not and m- sum, of Indians, an: avid: to friend- hon, ban "and homo. Hunk-In End: In: rammed homo OM and!“ until monuu with " an Rm " Cam-In, Album. “ohm-mm numb Mum mum: 'a u, tho Pun-An“. w. and In. J. W. Behold», alter avtrttrrtttt Min Buchanan. and... in. mud homo. W. W. Booth d Ill-Viqu Thur in}: gym, vim I. will ma It. and In. nmmn- And two Main,“ New York f,',1lpdt'.', re- turn! so.» I“. mm! a man!- d.r,rtt)r.agtdMruW. .rteed., lo'em Coll-to- IDMMVIIMIM a. -aettaetthayr,tnrutttrt_Mr" light can. 'ttatt." a In tonal-W . In. Aattsartddaa'gtster,Mi" Amt, wnmdwmhn mm. at mmnmwm. am a,“ to “I ho. hum“. _ PERSONAL AND SOCIAL» at Thu- bn- digtttftsted "and try Baat In t't','"d'tlltt, MMrdMt Jinn... A 'lla IN by " of .mmuumm chm-ulna: tyer-tho-der'.'. ”if? a; p"- It": Luann: males. The undersigned havin purchased the entire toek luck T ' viile,tst tb low mbtat on the gwill proceed " once 'dir,. of E: 'tttttgate, much below wholesale prices. The shock consists of tr,' Good. Booth hhTa, MÂ¥mude Clothing, Hata, Cafe, Gent's Furnishings, iifririGTa . wipe? It; ft fiz,,ettrt1', tl this is no humbuz. ,f,i','ii'iilit'i'i'itii,t i on n . once I p cet, 3 wi Antoni-h 01-h _ "."r't duce taken in enhance. you. Term. 1'P"'tt General Merchant, Eyestrain. Mr. Ed. Submit: of Hanover In the gust of In. brother Em on Tum”. The use of suitable glasses save the eyes from strain, and an k the evils which follow. Profit by the experience of others. The benefits of properly fitted glasses are testified tr? by the thousands who use them. We examine eyes free of charge and guarantee satisfaction. Mr.' Chm. Ruby bu resumed hi. duties " the Mutual Life 'ufter n wook'n "onion. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rooe and like Florence Done hue returned from them trip to the Pan. In. Wm. Home: of St. Louis, Mo., sad Mr. D, M. Pry of leGill Univer- lw, Montreal, are visiting Mend-in to". Neon-I. Robt. end George Romp len to-day to resume their “Mike " Upper Canada, Toronto, other spend- ing their venetian " their home here. In. Flames Snyder loft to-dndy for Tom», when also will “an " unprov- Gallop. Em Bron had the mum-mo on Tue-any to split his little an“: no u to mull-e mm mm The County Selector- MJmon will nutculomlny autumn the num- ber of Jinan M ”who during an. minim. The Islam no as. Honor, .ttgsCttiatttrttrs, Wilda: mm. to: Cong Tm M. J. Dom-n uni Ion,“ upon thou do- uhtol will «you an lumbar of iiGiaobumtir-ttrabtttarwttattip, VIII-comm. but ”I" but Ina-ninth. mborol mu was m simian ntmtter one!” Oman-mm Mic-Int. The will of tho late The. Wood; who and magi: Berlin, in ban and. pm minno- i'iit'iir,iiii,i) 'ii.rii':iiiil, atabmtt . can . am hi» Wm . 333...: u the allrr?, I Mr. T. R. Earl of Tmonw m a whim! to on: town Wednesday. " 'enho taeNts2tt, m t In lp than manumdMnlnm about mum-om A. G. HELLER, Wom‘ohowing-nulrm‘bc ot, a" M whiit i , udshippsdtteftmstuusuaititno, " to Imp than only buyers. Mound-t of Ir.omeqr-ndthrititt. a”: usrui-eutttoormsliehur.truoatorD-na - '- Btsudmtutsemstwxsoirortutgoddiin-ot' vary diatFj: Able things-Strut out: in prim. unong which ’0. 'iii pick up may good bargains. If pm can“ wait the Atitli' write fox-ample. '3 F Then up may poop]. looking for It“ GOODS, My than who are going tiny. M " " dun-um}- wand it may bs.uirtarwaiid I. 'r tion come- up, when-ecu: Igetthohcit fail.“ I“ Berlin, Aug. 21at, 1901. GREAT BANKRUPT SALE. (.' Dress . E 800 "and Bill. For Prim. . . Gaods r. s. SPIES, by WATERLOO. . Ryan ' Go. *3: Absolute Watchmaker and Jewéller. School C q . . Booksé-E Martin Bros, "i,:,, For High, Public and ' V - ante School Text Boob; V d: Scribblers, Exercise Boob. , , "_ cils, and any other school 'tiitil plies try _ 33% When you set your time by m clock you feel way are“ have absolute}; the correct iS; That'l because it'l our bulb. . know all about the time of . and lee that our clock um truth. The same principle i, all thyough our busineu. T i thing we have tell: the m' means just what its: mend In what it seems to be. htt ll I ' thing for you to remember I“ you need anything in outline. " Rxxmmn Tn: max t,» “at, . We have Cf,',':',",':') moon's pattetm to “be, viz: 7c papal 1 "err-Fira-ttlots I Our loan your gain. [1 Wall Paper Half Prloo. . "u- Becker', E. J. R008, L. dggygaAirt Opposite Snider‘s Hill. Waterloo, Ont. summon sp nun-LII the - Hawkesvlllo. Bookstore Ilium . Rellahlllty. Central B A: tlr2tt,'iiiil 22 1"9. si' sbyout ') bayou Q chums. _ 'trt,',',' e' all! i5. " 'E,'l Q dittimt w'

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