' United Sum since March 4, 1897. . ill , was born '5: mm, Trumbull Eh! Ir,0hio, on Jux. 29,1843. He , M?!, Wald taught school in MI Illlil 'thornvonlym. Be on- I» v. a private In the 23rd Ohio . 4w damn on June 11, 1861, "t 7 'es-tio" wu- rnpld,beeom- Bllr,, , w " on July25.1864. Ho 1 ' mMMGmeI-aln Enron, ‘ c. Emmet. and mu Immyt. ‘hIannkod smo- Volun- ll Mont Lincoln, " (Allan- L ulna 18, 1806. " ,dm‘huhudndyun , __, - tint unlined Itil > 1th not lemme ’ I. Donor. new] from the , (the [new and the Polit- ‘I ‘ BthanBrqttto-tfttternoet march, During the in! I , the mount“ of note who but f tref, to their high poeition . Wed one Czar ofRaasia, a llt “whim! the lamented Em, t I Me. In the lune time one tt i t of France bu alien, two - bolt!» United State- have ' iii. ,Ill'dend. and now another lies LN r-th. point of death for no othet I than that " head of the state I Xttod thopnblic eye and attracted ' Wan ofthe fanatic. i'Nu -ination of President Liu- , on April 14, 1865, was attended _ I stances that rendered the l deed more than usually I _ is in the eyes of the gazing _ t p .' The great ciyil war, the I "tet' ul issue of which for the North 1 p oolargely due to the tremendous ', my and capacity of Lincoln, was 1 9irt drawing to a close. Lee had _ imam on April 9 of that year ( E“! Sherman was about to virtually I “the war by forcing the surrender l, IaJohnson, on April 26. The North , {was rejoicing in a dear and hard-earn- ; "M Victory, when suddenly the country i f,†startled by the news that the great I Rte-idem had been shot in Ford's I :Theatro, Washington. While he was 5 in.“ with his family and friends ab- l “bed in the play, John Wilkes Booth, ', an actor, who with others had pre- ' w a plot to assassinate the several f loads of the government, went into the l Jittie corridor leading to the upper gouge-box, and secured it against in- trms by I wooden bar. Then enter ting the box, he discharged a pistol at 1h. head of of the President from he- 'tnd, the ball penetrating the brain. ,Ifoedishing a huge knife, with which Mwounded Colonel Rathbone, who Wpted to hold him, the assassin {gushed through the stage-box, escap- Ans behind the scenes and from the from, of the building. Twelve days Met he was traced to a barn and shot. Rho wounded President was borne to a item across the way, where he breath- ed his last " seven o’clock the next Ming. His funeral was one of the in“ memorable and pathetic ot state , nbooquies yet on record. " ‘- V The circumstances that surrounded _)itaiii' of President Garfield were not so . qttsiatatttly calculated to strike theima- “Mon, but the torture of eleven _ weeks’ agony so bravely and heroically borne, earned the deepest sympathy of t waiting world. James A. Garfield "imc inaugurated President of the 'y"c0ttttnd States on March 4, 1881, and .)iii.i, July 2 of the same year he was shot .', that the Washington station of the t More and Potomae Railway when a Mt the point of leaving for an extended r','ia.srr through New Engiaad. The 'sauuiis was Charles J. Guiteau, a dis- ; appointed offitmoeeker who had failed :irs6asumirtts to be appointed first as igllnistorto Austria and then consul- Iii-ral " Paris. This man tired two 'afttt, one of which took effeet in the 'ic:Tmaidettt's back. The wound was not {d tirat thought necessarily fatal. The' 3'th Md grazed the liver and lodged Er., tho walls of the abdomen. But the Oeat of the season greatly aggravated as ' qmptoms. The President's Buffer. ' ' were terrible and during many a. l " Mgr-dually sinking vitality he a, , , BE, till his death on Sept. 19. 'i3t trial of the assassin was prolong- ili K ‘The' pie. ot insanity was raised ’ T T not admitted. and Guiteau was Pu , Q Iontoneod and hung on June 30 . " . following year. at. Mule: ha been President. of ' “an 176 My mm... Jem- my hudiomém . can." of mm . In 1900 in "a m. ‘m.m;mmv Aunt , ' rushing“. 'at,"fttttf, qt-- noun-mm mm: a yuan: and is muon- T ,yitrarn1tyitfirhthtttt b-rm-te-tq. hung- mun-Ip- le- 'shreqEuerhtp, M! 99- irrarit.tait no at.“ In. as. (an: MM - 'oi.t.-'re-easa_. -rt of the United sun- at tstat) Bill on of . mal I. In cloned Pruident Rev-labor election by I d I! In“ M- .d "qhed m also“ an; 18, m [IATBD RULE“ â€hung-“If -" hash M.h n... Tho-I- wu Dominant! Mud an... a an of I tom to -.-M.. when has. to vet! (In! We. Then we law enli- eee. 'ho Indian: in In“ I. be main. “orient. . "no 'p.-rayho condition at the Maiden: u uncle-zed in nil in- port-n! Jltghtt'egy, Bil "-.- in. in i â€also, 114; resplention, 8.. When our-(ion wu “no on [PI-lint Inn " w.- neted the! the bullet Ind - wilh " n short _ - the chin n Irnmnt at the 2ttir'",t cont. Thi- _ -nte in! we. or - "novel. in! n alight in"- (nuon oi the tinne- wna produced. (In evldmn 01 which he appose- ed only lo-night. " In. been noo- - on Deon-n: oi thin nun dinlurbnm to .e8"9W'qt n new etitehel On. pnrtlnlly open the “an _ Thtm incident can"! xiv. rile to other coupliunionn, hnl " in column-tented to the pub- Ilc. u the eur'eon- in nae-“lune. wish to make their bulletin. ell- ilrely trunk. in conneqnence a! thin Rune-lien of the edue- oi the surf-0e wanna. henlin‘ ol the - will be nonewhni delayed. The President in now well enough to be- gin to tnko noun-human by Ihe mouth in the form oi pure lee! lune. Buffalo. Sept. ".--The corps of emln- 21 du'l in the County jun [or being tat surgeon: and phyulcuns in attend. drunk and disordmy in Gait, has Luce upon the wounded President to- “(and her time ard wasreletured this lay committed themselves without re- mornin lervatlon to the opinion that their pati- ' . , mt wasput ot danger. and that only the Through the generally of the Galt 2:311:21“ At,ec,"T/l",uittc"itis, threatened Preston and napalm manahaetartsrr, . no . ve assurnn ‘e , t . . " his recovery collectively over th ir Hid Aid. Rddftgl’ds unurlnbg 'imi2,' 'Wuatures In an athctat bulletin. at $000 has been ra sed to Pure. CUM) t 9 we. msorle 2t? could be asked 1 ea- ambulance for the Gala llCSDllal. Ion. cen c men, no matte how FBT f _ "i '" ttrontr their conviction. might be, could lbc evening train llnm inmate was not be expected to assume the grave "V?" an hourlate on Monday eT'ui.ng, 't'i'rl'e"r'elletd or! tftleg, proclaiming osthtg to the large 4srowds returning e cer a n y o t a recovery of a man trom Toronto Monday was the latst lying on a bed or pain with a bullet . 2 . . t.1 v . hole in his Itomach. But they went a ria) of the Exhibition excurnlon “use long ‘17:?v towardilt. individually and The annual picnic of St. Andrew's Severn ey. rug the day each of A fl . t - them, with td'l',2g,tfo"g ot Dr. Rlxey. gummy ‘cgo‘?! rm t', he“ on " at who did not leave the Milburn reek ar nexta w 0ttB ar . 2'r't.t, 51:33‘ 'ttTy, 322:6: onr 3:- Painters are putting on the finishing . ' e y " en a o I r ' , President, but publicly through the Puehes fe, the b'wedenborgen church agency of the press, that the danger lmprovementa. point had passed and that the Presl- was Wiggins, a W.C.T.U. lecturer, dent would m“ the attempt 1uton will give two addresses an the Y. M. hulim. -----r-- n A Malt A». 13.14.“ nfo_-nnnn aftagq - m nan-om AH- III p, In Futon“ Me, - "I or m "I'M . mul- new 0-. ..-v " u - m an m. taro-“I. bulletin. I'll-o. 11.. u-â€r-tuo. Iâ€. DO...- ..sub.. 8. . A!" mom " "git - - View": urns-n: As the time for voting on the Street Pequegnat will regret to learn of his Railway By-law in the town of Berlin severe illntysg. Ml’; “QUORUM twe approaches, the interest in this question suffered "tree". pain during the We" . . . few days, enlisting iroma disuse of ls becoming more intense. It " quite thebrain. noticeable that any hostility that Mr. A. S. Green returned on Sun- might hitherto have existed to the day from his holiday trip to Toronto road isiast vanishing. As the rate- and Buffalo. l payers of the town of Berlin become The firtst children and llower can-3 more conversant with the facts relative min. “Garlands of madnessâ€. will be as the Berlin and Preston Street Rail. C,r,,t',t1',,, J,tughu,i2,',', 2',t'te, _ "y’ thtmo.rt favorable does the light one should fail to be prteot and enjoy become III whieh the proposal ofthe this doiizhllul tumsicai.treat, and see Company asking the tywatotsubiseribe the beautiful tiwal dec:rations, Prof. $25,000 in stock, is viewed. There Zoellner will conduct Ibe' musical has been considerable objection raised garland Mivnr WWW†at the by some against the by-hor on account A . id t f . t . . n aec en o a serious as. are oe-< of the T,1,2'e2',', from tax: tron “I?“ curred to Mr. Allan shoemaker while certain man actnrers. n anot er driving with his wife and family near column may be {onnd aeomplete list Williamsburg Sumlay. The horse of those exemptions, their respective took fright and ran away, throwing amounts and the dams upon which le "Mills“?! out 0'; $501231) t J,t , . . , come one severe y ur u re. these exemptions expire. It will be Shoemaker escaped wirh a bruised "ell ty this schedule titat all the ex- ankle. The children were not inj red. "lotion". â€PM in last, thanthree While Mr. Daniel Schnarr v". Jeans with the exception of about driving in the vicinity of Mr. D, hi i thirty thousand dollars which will ex- snowmen, mm the um- wot-um. 191mm “\(3 wan, In about three horse became unmanageable an: an ‘years the expired exemptions will In- away. After galloping. cone! ttratritt _ A distance the horse stumbled and fell crease the assessment of the town by breaking its neck. Mr. Schnarr “m; $100,000 thus requiring those mantr thrown from the rig, and in falling to factnrers to pay their inst proportion the ground struck his little fingesr and of the railway debentures', 1ritii.yarlbrt.tiyri,t _ the by-law carries. It may be stated Mr. S. Stevenson is spending a few that an act was passed in 1900 making I weeks with friends in Paisley. fore granting either a bonus or ex- emption from taxation for the en- couragement of any manufacturing industry,to first submit such by-law to the vote of the people. And in order to make a. by-law valid it must have a majority of the votes cast. and two thirds of all the qualified votes in such municipality. We simply call attent- ionto this fact no that no one may anticipate my further exemptions to be made by any Municipal Council1 ‘ without the consent of the ratepayers It is a fact that Berlin want: Cmodian Ptutifie Railway connection, and want. Inch connection " the earlieet poeeible moment. It is also also: that meh connection is now within our reach and di that It neceeury in order to be put in mention of thie long coveted advantage in to vote in favor ofthe hy-law on this behalf on Monday neat and WtLWlll have the elcetric can from Gait in Berlin hetero New Yen'- day. . A prom hon-n wedding took place :Wodnudny as 'l,iflt'ltt ruldenco of Mr. lath) Slum-on, Mldam Tar- mac, when his “but, Kill Jennie labells, WM we the w". of Mr. Peter S. Weâ€, Italy of Gmnwro), B. C. Rev. J. 8. Williammr Dar., paw: of Trinity MIME: cures, summed†the my In the we. no. of ttte IMHO Ito-heron! the m. M III I. -daart. mm puny. in. no but my in tn rm at an ,irEBEtt--mMPsoge N UPTIALS THE RAILWAY BY-LAW be "in" TAtt "gun†" n tt “in . I. - Dori le an Mm... 110 "tttted ttl MI - this null... Min Wiggins, a W.C.T.L‘. lecturer. will give mo addressos an the Y. M. (LA. Hall on Friday afternoon and arguing. The many friends of Mr. Arthur Pequegnot will regret to learn of his severe illness. arr. Pequegnar 1m suffered extreme pain during tho past. few days, 'mfrering troma disuse of Lhebrnin. Mr. Gets MG, mind", - turned from M“ “and†"coin. after n rock’smu m Puqu. in than“ it. nun-pad cumin:- te of I'm amusrley raat m- ar. _ “b Ah. may ha MM tomb! no W “at!“ - in Tommy and to nab on duty a the Town Cloxk'l on“. Annie Hagan, who was Bet1tettettd to 21 day-in the County jail for being thunk and disorduiy in Galt, has ,etved her time ard was relaxed this morning. The firtst children and tlower cam- mm, “Garlands of Gladreesâ€, will be rendered at the New Jerusalem Church on Friday evening next. No one should fail lo be pttecnt and enjoy this dolizhuul musical treat, and we the beautiful tiwal decsrations, Prof. Zeellnor will eoadact the musical programme. Silver collection acme door. TL!) Manufetttvrtrra' Commute. of we um Town Cruncll ucommded n the Council mating on Monday "avenue that a tthor 5. submitted no she um “Lemuel; giving 9 bonus of W000 to we B. H. Burrows Carpet (notary ot Guclph. It In like}, the by- law will be Inbmmod. Emma nails, who plan Home Shew in Wand Reed’s greatest comedy, "Bumbog," the Berlin Opera How t'i'iir"9iti,ai?s'i, Sept. 12m, in en old (no: to in this city. Although this in the tlrtgt time the has been seen in her preeenc role she was a comic open prime donne, Ind did Patience, Uilvec'e, Bettina, end Germaine in I way to make everybody remember her. Miss F. Krug left on Monday to st- tend the Villa Marlo Convent " Mon- treal. . Mr. Will B. Woods returned on Mon- day from an extended visit with friends In Alberta. Minuet C. Boomer and L. Quirmbach returned on Monday evening from a week's win“ with friends in Toronto. At the Po1isstCourt Tuesday morning nine candidates were presented before Hie Worship Police Magistrate Weir, for the purpose of rendering an en- count of the deeds done in the body, during the haat twelve hours. Four of these named Joseph Foster. Wm Brooke, J. Barker and J, Berry wore committed bathe Central Prison for six months, for ugnnoy. Thie quer- tette have been enjoying the liberty of the town for tome days, bot lately they have induiged in the luxury of spending their nigh“ in out bounce. Thie evidence mu considered on Monday evening, under the maples of the Literary and Social Committoéa. The attendances wan mom-ad sltprrra- ent wont an enjoyable than“. D. B. Mumlmnn, let Vleo Pmldom, occupied the ohm in a wry Ibla runner. His opening “are" III witty tad inhalant], tad nu won reedvad by we Manon. The PTO- 'g',t,trp,',"t,f"L't'l,'t Marian: of hymn o m to by Rev. I! Gem-n, and Ree. Dr. Vim-nun.“ I Mutton br II- lu sun-m. all MqrMtq seq-mud ttm-tea. "a mill. Th M. at tho lb 'l; "will!" - . .. "L." . l: maiden: t mentioned 'tho Epworth We of Trinity Methodist Church bald sfdlyoophl W. to commit than for the term to!!!» I.†2 o’clock, by which Miss Louise Speeker was married to Rev. Lari: Andra, mum of nfiouritrhlttg cru- gregtuon at Deeboro, Untario. The ceremony waa performed under a C. tr.thtqtt&UB. IL who. * 00.1 mm Co. El. In: - G. Y. 0mm“: Goo. lamp» C. A. “a"; & Co. . Will-nu, Green & Bone Brown a hit - .. II. J. Balt - ' Nap-on Co. - John Whammy" - Ed. Holmn - - Lang Tuning Co. - Harlin Plumund Ortput Co. Diamond Furniture Co. . Alpha Chemical Co. - Von Neuhronn & Co. - MeBrlne a Co. - beautiful tloral and evergreen canopy, which was reached between tum Cnr- lands of fioqrers. Rev. W. C. Boost, pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran church, performed_tho ceremony. The bride looked exceedingly happy in a costume of white silk orgaudte. trimmed with ehifton timings, and'wnro the usual bridal veil, fastened with sprigs of myrtle. Her bridesmaid, Miss Leaner Zryd, of Hespelsr, Vere a most. borrowing dress of pink mous- seliuo do mic, and carried a huge bouquet of astors. Tho groom was attended by Mr. Otto Specker. of the University of Pennsylvsuia, Philadel- plain. A quiet wedding took place at 44 Weber street. on Tuesday afternoon at. Mr. Wm. P. Kreee, Berlin, and Mr. A. Allemmg, Elmira, ofmtiiyted " ushers. Mendelssohn'. wedding march was beautifully rendered by Hits Ottuia Conrad, of Waterloo, while the bridal party 0 tered the spacious Parlors, preceded by two tiower girls, the iittie Mine!- Dora and Eiiride Luna, niece: of the groom, and Masters o. Allemmg ind W. Schmaiz, as pages. After the ceremony was perfomwd n abort reception was held, and the guests, consisting of only the im- mediate relatives of the contracting parties, were served with a aumytu- one wedding dinner. Balsa a; Bagel. Co, Tho happy couple left on thn new ing train on a honeymoon m .and willvlsit relatives in Mocroe, Mich, and other point... Frank Holman, who wm ar-eated on Saturday and let out on rail of $600, was re-arreated Mom! ~y on a charge of obtaining money under {Mag pretencea. He wan again liberated on the recognizance of Munch†and wife for the sum oi84000.00 to appear on Thursday "riirxtNer6rirt W’s Mama; tram Weir, st the town of Berlin. Hrs. Margaret Kipper, of the Town of Benin, was arremd this afternoon on a charge of qpnspiracy to defraud. She was liberated on bail on her own recognizance to appear on Thursday hen, the 12tlt in“. A writ we: leaned Tneeday try Samuel Emu suing Frank Helmet: end wife forthe amount of $1400 and interest, on notes which Holman received ln pursuance of the alleged coneplracy ease of Helmen and Martha Kipper. The writ also sated to here the deed of the livery prenires set aside to a fraud on creditors. The case will be heard at the non- l try aim-id- in November,' before Hon. Mr. Justice Street. The “temp“ of lame unknnwn per- rrm or perman- " housebroaklng on ho] 3nd Abroin street and Margaret " ml. for “so put few month; show nn vign- club-10mm}, but instead in cTndividnuI are becomlng mm .ooragtto" sud rrquires that more or e .. gentmaunrubotokon hymn polio. hm; Lurly thin (Manda) morning about In“ o’clock Mn. W. H. Brdtbanpt was untamed by someone “wing the front dnnr of tho residence on Isl-gm: Am. and but shim-Md no In the cell-r. sh. landlady u'allld"ll' Chief Winurhdt, mrtitring him of hot nu- Mime whim. The but-[kn ovi- dcnuy boom the teKMtttrt. bell and convmlonmd quickly mas M an fun the home. When the cum inked he “I two person: waking from the dinenon of an. E. P. Cot-new! Melton, no". - by the Inca. who “med than Ind Md than“ has bathe. in It. Moira In“. Tho CHM an clu- m could and no any. - 7 Upon mum n Mr. Bnlthnpt'n Ion-M: nu unsound than†an ind mud to Intranet by paid" opeeitrtsorrrttteemtrttrrftpd"' In an m: at Hal-MID. 2'llturtiltt, to and an M Ion Ibo - 'ar, with - -e- " "-, . "i'ir.iir. trim-up: 5nd . Mood m minding m nub! " I 'utAttter m I an Oral m. IrtttYAm ANOTHER ATTEMPTED BURG LARY. . A SEPTEMBER WEDDING HEIMAN RE-ARRESTE D, ERNST SU 115 HEIMAN WHEN THEY EXPME.‘ tutti Inn. Amount of B"arsptioes nun], - 1000.00 45000 2050.00 -. 1300.00 [ 7000.00 - 6000.00 1600.00 0 5500.00 - 350.00 2000.00 mm _ an!» 2709.00 [ moo EASY WARD. - g600.00 SOUTH WARD 10000.00 WEST WARD moo "500 no 1 IMAM 7000.00 Briefs.-ibor Day was not a day at labor with all of us. A number from our midst throw oft their garb of labor and put on {Lair holiday garb to visit Outer ou most popular exhlbluon. Among the visitors"! Toronto on the 2nd we’re: Messrs. D. Sebmitr, EM‘it- mer, H. Harmer, J. Steckcnreittr and Moses Home: and Misses M.Swanz,hl. Winner and L. Mailman. All report having - a. pleasant day. The goo- W'to-ePN5 of the (allowing any evidenced a hie hume-cominn......A. C. Bow- man is being kept busy threshing and cutting enailage corn for his many cue- (omen. Mr. B-- has secured the loan of “motion engine for a short time, intending to run both machines, and than avoid delay to those who wish to get their corn Bored before the frosts set in......Whoat generally is sown somewhat later thin year than usual in order-to overcome the ravages of the Bosnian Fly. 7 _ Pereonale.---Samuel Sham: and ttig- tore visited friends near Conestoga on Sunday last. . . . ..Milton Strome and his mother took a business trip to Bar- lin on Tucsday.......loehnu Betsey leit for Berlin lent week,where he in attending the Berlin High School. Mr. Hersey panned hie Part I Jr. Leaving examination very creditebly last July, having taken honor standing. _ _ . _ _ Urine Snider, German Mills, called on his father-in-law, Mr. Shaun, here on Tuesday. . . . . _ Fred. Reier end A. C. Bowman spent a short time in B11ttalo at the Pan-American during the be~ ginning of the week......Rev. M. C. Bowman spent. Sunday in Markham. Ministerial hhsetirte.--A ministerial meeting was held in the o. B. church on Thursday and Friday of last week, when a number of very interesting topics were ably discussed by the min- isters and other: of the U.B.congrega- tion. The meetings, especially those of the evening, were largely attended. Magic Lantern Yitsmc--0tt Friday mama: a-TMolotyae from 300mm favored a large audience with an ex- hibition of view: illustrating ditrermtt money of Bunynn’l Piigrim’a Progress. The views were very good and were ot special interest to than who have read the work. Brito.-'rb. opening of the grocery department of the new firm, Buck & Schultz, takes place next Saturday, Sept. 14..... .Water-melone ere tn eeaeon......We are pleased to note that A. C. Hellmnn’e herd of Holstein cattle showed up well at the Toronto Industrial Fair. He had eight on ex- hibition and won seven prirea,of which eeverel were fltgta. There is no doubt bat that Mr. Hellman own the tittettt herd ot Watering in Cundo......l. Spreeman ,rhiatlttt, n merry tune; girl this time. Pttmtnni.--hfN. C. Dunke,of Borlin, in visiting at P. Lautatitusttlager's. . . .. Mean. A. Funny, D. sauna: And M. Barge: were st Berlin on Sunday loot. . . . _ .8. SnGIngmh, Pro-ton, wu the guest of M. Barge] on Sunduy sud Monday. . . _ . ne. and In. F. Snyder are visiting Manda in the ville " present. New Bruge.-Wttrk has commenced on the foundttlon for the ubnunenu of the new bridge to be built acros- tho river " this en The may of Ignoring men n humpend the pro- gress of the trort. - _ I" Death of MmDnid mngrutt.-The (unison; of “0:16.10 no lean called upon to mourn the Ian of We: of her citlzgns. but Timid-y "to re- nthu coll-I. David mum we" bid to mt in the Mennonit- mmmmh or the villus. A lap number of mm non In the futon] moon-don Vere Indium" ol 3 wank of lot- roMrtg tter-ttoe. Ind Manda. A ham and In“ hull: "can to mourn nub-o! I than! an! mam wif- nd tttether. 11:. - of Hand-lo and 'tter-ttr mm P-te-John Budd!“ no a mustache? and not“. Mum...†In. cum. Jhiittc2ttntca.LatpA,2t= on and“. Bum-Th 1):...an mm "and at m ItutTd with NEW DUNDEE, MANNHEIM FLORADALP Jon tat, with. Jun!) lat, In"! 13th. January lat, Jam-r, ta', January Ist, Octal»! 5th, 1901. Juan, Ith ION. Juana tpt.a' . Ann-r“; 1904. hungry Ist, 1904. Juan-y lat, 1908. July In, 1904. Junnny In, 1909 July In, 1909 January m, 1909 July Ist, 1909. Janna In, Janna In, Juana: In, July lat, J-nmry In, J a!) In, January In, July In, Ann 2:16, but ow. hm LtyN.'t,"S8 1004. lit I. 1003. Mror, 1904. 1908 MO', 1901 1903 You don't know the ddntineu any! "In: that an in '.8 - , . to these until the lot we put male tit-day has been - itiirM orvarietr in style and made! and menu m was. " others 'wool, and more sateen. Nearly alt wet-e lad: io. l. , Bl higher figures than these but we don't mind that Isle: I. we; ti; 'll please customers. - "bfi‘ , . . Je':, ',ti,rs, Women 3 Wear 1:3: Wrappers Are here now. Its a fortunate chance for many. We de- sire to adjust stock and have marked prices down to very low tite ures. These wrappers are made of tine quality Wrapperette inal- sorted patterns. Trimmed with braid to match. Separate waist lining. Valne for almost twice these prices. Acting Upon The Requests t ' The Crawford Peaches . or our very many customers to amt than . to pick out premiums in Crockery for their Min. tit. etead of silverware we len decided to dgto, end tstytreytr Beg to uk one and all balding m. “may! to . . it . in at their earliest convenience and got tho‘xchm u: m in?“ their earliest convenience and get the‘xch 19". all aware of our change in business to the Fl'r1tdf, ard we are very pleased indeed to notedthe kind renal-h - - cOur ment we receive from all si "r.tUt it in the m mini}: question beyond doubt: it may at an." n fa" inconvenience for pm but. force of habit will an m that. We will no. that we offer you induce-mm If..&0h time in the way of better value! thats out and“ “I a. mi!!! "tpppt $9 .g_ive m . . _ a a . - C'.""""".?'.";'?-;;)';; yin}; eo"rrttiot in ode arthtpeh. - kindly knee your Inspection of was bolero by“ astrtttht in our line. . Annmunood‘eobou theirbesuhi-mkndm no her. inglupahipmenu duty. - The prettiest creations in the line of Bricker & Diebel. new 'lasenfhttr, Mk,