f‘L 'i","ifel',QtxircaptiibEs. The IEolsons Bank. . mm In II“. HEAD OFFICE. MONITREAL may Gspttal - $2,500,000 We Fund . $2,050,000 _ Am! but!“ biz-Ines: dot-o. Col mu- “. Wu tuned pay-meta all mam Dominion or In] pkco In the you autumn: mum: slowed to. undue-1W1]: avian- Bunk u wet-1a "e". JACOB HIBPILZR. “an: “51.51100 R: and: Capital g; up) BANKOF HAMILTON TWAIN†Atosnerat banking business acted. 7 .. FARuxa' notes discounted. and tau-noes made to feed with, etc. Special antencion given to collect- intrthileNotet' and money loaned there. on " low rates. Debentures and Municipal bonds bought. A _ - T, -- -u LG.l_ A‘QII:‘_ dale securities. ’ Cheques on any bank cashed and rotleetioms made anywhere on most fuvolable terms. . ' k ..yu.......; wâ€... Money may be sent all over the, world IT, cheaply and with safety, by bank rafts sold by us. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. SAFE - coNTe.NIEN'r. Sums of $1 and more received and intereO allowed at highest hank rates. Interact added twice a year, in May and Novemher, s Money may be withdrawn at any time without trouble or delay. .. While the rate of interest may loom small when compared with that promlned 2 speculators. the incomeis mu. an the money is safe and can he trot when wantpd. J. P. BELL, Agent. BERLIN. BANK OF COMMERCE _ Deposits of one dollar and upward- Mcdved in the Savings Bank or on tsireeral Deposit and highest rates of [mung allowed. Drafts and Money â€Unwed on all points at lowest _ Bttentiort paid to the f Pet'? and out of town a ' Blank Notes for tanner: . _ C be on application. V, A, w. ROBARTS. MANAGER I" Terms Easy Payment Iâ€? T m - . We. Cetmet. . I’d-alps! and lntenqt mayhem}; paid uptrr -thtg payment-1 or they law may be not" - I. ma regular way. â€pm no if 3001133330005 a CO., no. as. an! Add“: 113. - ", Wit-doc. . on. ’IIIIIIIOVO n In! In: Slain-n a Tdchea made on all kind: of suit- can: men 5905;“. Irie and Where . To Borrow Money Early . mm the bst summer months '" win as. out not. every grmttttg amt Sunday " 6.15. 0. - will confer I lum- i; an mm " am In on " a - I... Bt., tarter’s ' Le Liver Pills. GRAIN MARKET. BERLIN BRANCH. m In. Felted-cl, THE CANADIAN mun Closing - . ' 1.995.750 . - 1,500,000 - - 17,000,000 23 B. B. 3mm "error do“. Col tran undated um attttN1trht - Ilium ma. 'h.rttpatt Amiâ€; with _ m "'_ v -- t . Cs bright mum-Maj. rtr.,'tt,1'llr; ' b “â€- It' . T, on“- - anu Km! and I“. “do In!“ .' gum), "e. naming; (an In “t Chi“. Mg. "di'" "an In C. “Milan-L . “In cumulus?"- I -M tgttgotttitkt hr haw. ... . V LIS, (um ttrev '.","d'l'LI'l VI.“ to mu m cm BMW] - I!" I /iiisiis.e.tTerriitxsrua. 8,ett.!'tP.e, yehtt.ht,ttf3. a . . It. mun-J. mu now-nu, Ion in to" on Tm on their I†to Shinto mu "lulu- and kind: can» tha. Gib In in? “It: maul“. at}. he†ot lb Anna, Hamlin, cu “wand†Honing. The am “but!" w. have noun! comment: ol In "tattttrh- men; worn“: out ttate to catch up with “menu old-u. The Canon- wm a norm: " Augâ€: were 09, M, Alma» 02,0“ more than the Mun for them mum in 1900. Mr. M. W. Brown bu chino ol Principal Buddnby’l division In the Cenlnl School, and Mr. W. Smelt." hu bun engaged to coach Mr menu's room for the term. Mr. John Hall, who tor runny you. operated a black-mm: shop in tho vtlhtgt, of Bridgeport. has canted anaugcnmnla to open up a they in the village of Bloomingdnlo. Min Maud den has: returned to Berlin utter a six weeks! visit to mluliven mud friend- in Toronto and Hamilton. F Guelph Herald--Hrs. Grader, of Berlin, has returned tstteravUit to Mr. and Mn. H. Bolton, Quob.tttt, are“. id" Hamilton Tittmp.--A very intercu- lug event took place, at Gore Street Methodist pamnago recently, it being the marriage of Mr. Kenneth Parker, oiToronto, to Mill Henrietta France-ca Yanke, of Berlin, Rev. T. J. minus performed the ceremony. Mrs. (UL) Eby, Miss Eby and mm Grace Eby left Fridnv for Preston where they will spend a few days with Mrs. Ebt's sister. Mrs. P. E Sham, before leaving for their ruturo home in l'hiladulphia, PB. . Idle his one Can Mr. Jos. Zuber, of lbe Grand Cnmral Iiorei,, is at preeeut having alterations and improvements made to his bar which when completed will be one cf the tinest and be†appointed in Canada. New counters and cabinets will he put in and the walls and cell ing will be metallic Mrs. Geo. Depplscb, one of Berlin’s olden and most respected maidenâ€. passed away on Tbutuday evening about 1030, at her rtsidence. comer ofSpetz and Scott sweets. The de roamed lady was in her 73rd. year and was born in Phemmll, Bavaria, Getmany. The funerul took place on Sunday gdtertsoon to St. Peter’s Church. G. F. Pepper, of Davenport, Iowa. a n prewmaxlve of the Collier Pab. Co., New York City, is in town u. present. Mr. Pepper has managed the Co's. business in Davpnporr, Philadelphia. and Memphis, Tenn. for a number of years. He is on a vacation and is visiting relatives, thrnuchouc the county of Waterloo and other points. Mr. 'Robert Wells of Waterloo Township, died very" suddenly on Thursday night, tho Gill inn“: of heart failure, aged 28 years. This young Thursday night, the 5111 inn“: of heart. failure,aced 28 years. This young gentleman‘ went to the Northweu co the late harvest excursion. tmt not feeling well returned in a few dun. The fuceral took placa on Sunday morning at 10 a. m. from the house to the Hospelor Cemetery. Mr. Harry' Baltzer’. the popular tajloftitlti mayâ€, has rammed H0 dams ma manager of the tailoring der- partment at the A. o, Hoebmer store. Harry’s skill as a cutter of gentleman's garmentsis well known and Ibo nuc- one of the tatIoring derartmvnt of this big acre la BBBEIGL‘V The dren- E135; deisartmentis again in chug of Miss Mekittri9. Miss Charlotte E. Wiggins, or, Toronto, will be in Berlin on Friday} Sept. 13th, to deliver two .lectnm.‘ In the afternoon an 3 o'clock she will speak in the Y. M. C. A. Lecture Hall on tome topie portalnlnz to child lifts; and in the evening in Trinity Metho- dm church on "1nrrnattity'tr Bartlet.†“Min Wiggins u “I excellent specter "tnd but " excellent murmur! ot "trttggage." -- Canaan (Munch) lSOnlinel. On Thursday evening Mr. Emil Sahara, of the t G. and R. oftitNt staff, on: coming from the tire boll on bin wheel, and reaching Frederick " number bicyclirt cams scorching pm, and the two wheels collided. Mr. Schulz 1m thrown over Ibo but". Mr. and loaded upon his rum mould- er, fracturing the would“ bone. The other fallow won knocked oval, but 01130er no ininrloo. _ The Water Commissioner: bud n special union Thursday morning to (“£an the "euatrility Bt doling morn madam Trolls Up to the mom‘ ninomn we“. have been uni; name do mtt furnish water, and other. no of no conic. on account dutch ah- ‘uneo from the pump homo, t won mat with the human at Mina um vim: an pump-bona- In ved m ton Bowerer, an an: a can walk that no - at "yetttts' "ttruett water in to in“, ad - 'ttthe on ant-WI m a". n no and“ no Inn at in an In a. punt. ' ai __-ee-er -e" t,..,,2,'er,u.d,'dic " " iii'iiii."giyt?Kiii, and †moo-n; tau-In [41ml Inn-lung tili?'ii"i'iirtti1F'slt, II in ON. when“ 1 'ii,iiiii;ii'tiiii'i"iiii,l 'N't J3; Qua Till cm - in. panic-Ml: we." Dun-nu Ind may - a sum. thin-h It“ on! "all, bar can (In but" «who at... aw and [in tho you». an In mm m ate-Mun“ (to m " you. wanna. Pmoonudhmhum on than art0 he n late “about“ lib in! than In any "who. you b a. Inlay of dentin] .'.'etet 9 I - mm, " any bu. W M b- ums»- ouuocbnng than“. vat tho mm. Al tutu-Imb- an†nil in held nus Than-by "et" tho Y. M, C. A. lull. Sodium a. N. [mud I» Y... C. A.. mind I lumin- Mr. 1Bas J. mu. Chum Nth-Pm, when! Commune, than. than a the quarterly muting at tho than!†hold on FM? min; it III W 10-900mm amnion of a. Bulb to m but“: 1902. The a: no Jnn’y MM to Mttt Inch-tn. a.†Con nation will tux-do about 300 delegates, capo-0d alm- reurbn, number- of mimosa, director: and member! of the who! Auxiliary. The Telegnph in conversation mm a gentleman who “we. can of (on, but Ibo frequently Vlnhl Berlin, “Id an we of (In groan“ tteti4siett) In con- necuon um: um was!" tmm In the lack of um: St SW coming toAtsri!n to , m Mandi. let Wm... - _-.._ -i" deem to and than, um“ burial; have to uk . paw-by throne and such “are: u. The national: suggests that the Council should uh immediuo action for the comm ot the many strangen "peeted In Berlin during the coming month. Gait. Sept. 5.--8peeht.--Mr. B. D. McConochio, western traveller for Mc-Coii Broa., oil merchants, Toronto, died in the Gail Hospital Fri- day evening. He was found who Inf-i iering‘ from peritonitis, And was removed to the ttcapital. As slut recouree an oporniion was decided upon, and he died a shim time liter- wards. The deceased was stun ot exception-i qualities. Succoosiul in bin business, n prominent spartan)": ‘und gifted with a pibnsing person-my, he was exceedingly popular through- Lout western Omsrio. Ho wss un- married. Mr. B. Devin, Sceretsry of the North Riding-of Waterloo Agricultural Society, says that never in the hitstory of rho Society have rho indicuione been more {unable for I unwound exhibition than more of the proton: year. He is being fairly deiuged with important correspondence in connec- tion with the coming exhibition which prominee a big lieu ot exhibitors. L r.-_...-- .- -_, -""' - It is ouooumgiug to nouns that fresh interest. in this local exhibition in being revived, and with the smac- tiona which will be furnished by the Board of Directors combined with the numerous entries being nude in every class the "M5NM8 of thin “now in fully assured Releued on $600 Bait-Tivo Chutes Preferred Against Him. The hearing of the cm of Frsute) Helmun on u change of conaplring with‘ Margret Kipper to defrnnd Samuel Ernst of $1400, took plus " the Police Court Saturday morning. Crown Attorney Bowlby unwed for the Crown, and Mum J. C. Haight ind II. M. Andrews looked after the inter- egttt of the accused. Mr. "tttttel Ernst was examined and ttMrttsed that he gave now to Bcimun to the mount or $1400 and about 6200in cub to the Woman, Kipper. an evidence duo ishowed In. Kip or had on on. ioccuiou demanded $5,000. A - “II-JfCBBimm, 61611511011. teatiBed Illa“ “d1. to having pntobued t mum " 10 children It". ptetnt 9mm - .. .m,___, " ttture'!'..'? Thin afternoon alter the evidence of Mr. Graham Jack-on In been! Crown Attorney Bovlby laid he would ask the Court to change the amount mentioned In the that lndlctment to $800. and would ley another iiiG5 mation charging Holman Illh securing the mm of $800 on may 17th, 1000 by Take pretenoee. He then and for an adjournment ol the 9y ee_eee. A war-n: I“ hand for the mat of Funk Hem-n on tho â€all! charge. Bail in secured, by the econ-ed, Frank Human and but!“ fund-hing bond. form. - -- -iiriijaAinet" ha I“. until next Thanh, st 10 Mn. A chiming house wedding took place In Prawn Than“, " lt? noon, " the home of use bride. In - or, when Mm Kate, â€0004 dnahm and". C. Sohlenm I“ an“. '13 muting. tp Mr. A. b. Edgar, of the C. R. Running But of that town. The heme I“ blank“, dam “MM" “$334 'tl',N IN". ceremony I. v. . Edmond». new of St. Johittt chum. The ma. Ill handsomely attiNd In " when“ no": of 'hlh “It dtmitr a“ {PM "tin TIt . Sal, tpr,,' w to to... It 'l'd'."llt,,'tlti,q",'f,rd ttttor A m- Imlh Helium, be“: an mud ottteteroe,artdMt" lute "ee an a W. all ot when an MM: mod and an“ hum - M Tho -tt at " trBttteh It. M u an... m 'fit%'i; i. 1., and a _ . V - a...“ NORTH WATERLOO SHOW. Inm'ni’mn‘h no ulna-Mm MI“ _ IARXIAGB AT PRESTON. HEIMAN ARRESTED, You araiiu, - flu-51m 1iliiiii?ilii .- ' i a up. I. 'ttgtg.' 'tttN to am at to m V - u. I: .. h I d†him. in? In t .e an no to 1 u$tfr, . John 4il?iiliryi'i1'itil5'ri',tie' ttmtv and. his all. and ttttb ta2"t J.llltt22t'. not at the PM All“, tho III. of a. Br-at. ndl, IN-, ad III - to Qua "In. at! limb "in. that all M Ito had bed In“ w, an.“ a.. guud I. III India can all. ml Inhibition. "In...“ . and an! mum my VII dud-pod, ending In the 'ttlag', Ibo m. enemy, and the an Mau the Bro-aha. Of em up at the Brownian-91ml dunno! Plan, tho fury QM, and the Brown“ and. follow. the amp]. ttt his PM In receiving the count at m maxim ttea, '/'te'2t2t th m a at a I dance- um Ittar." Georgian - In . {will} “an Plan," mu Eda. “but! u: . cumin: "AW. “Toddoluu†and "Timing" m pisyod by AIM 0 Ind Viol: Mamie. “Tho 01d Wow" In played to n - by Matpdo M1; and Van Philip sequin“! but. Iplond‘dly u “Ill-m Mary'. “Queen Flor-'6' 1aidie.-in-rmtttrsg were I shunning bevy of girls, Mania Shunâ€, Connie Spence, Lem von. ' Pix-eh and Snub Loyâ€. AI “Prince AldobIrIn†Anson KnInlf VII mwly Ind Manned. Ell rendmon of "Theron I New. In my Heart o! You" VII t moment Ind well rendered. Gear-go Weber no I tsapital “ebony nonconnelre ', Ind VII rho dude to the life. no mom! I hit in his long 'MI Blake Up DII Moon Ol' Town," Ind noel"! I but! eu- core. Adolph Ema and Ephle SugIrmIn were I {may 1m new grinder and be", and created eon- Adorable Immmen'. Arno nelson was the obtain; our of the-veal“ in his rolo " “PItrolm' n Homeâ€. Be) around more ot laughter. Other Brownie enumer- you wall repro- Ionted " follow: “Comet, Gunterâ€, George Krotr; Major rm, JoI Dom); “Billy Tool “out", Inn W; “Uncl- BImâ€, Louie m- “John Bull", Em. Wiett no; "1)de - Grazia", Herb King; “Plot. M.- kog", 0m Bangor; “Wop-"on. Strain", Hobo when; "A-traid-of- the-DIy,†Chas. Parson; “For and Skimâ€, Henry Delion; "'Ki-ittg not}, George Donors; "Beetlth Lam Book. George Dalian; "beetle" earn- me. A pretty deuce, iiiiildG "A may Perfumed Felt" wee Perforated by Celia Lewie Alber‘e Cline, leak Philip, Vere hiirii Gertrude Boehnier, Viole mum, Doerrtttp â€he, Olen Anna-en, Florence Cook Mannie Kern. Undoubtedly the em the evening wee the ttAtt welt, which elone wee worth the mice ot ndmieeion. Thin performance wee penicipebed in by five couple, vir.--violn leinke end lien Keller, Gertie Bochmer end John ‘Welper, Mabel Sweeper end Henry Dellon, Florence Cook end brain Huber, Lottie Wiper end Neleon‘ Semen. The lee: couch new won. the can. The ohorneee rendered by the whole 'e,','T,'l', were catchy end were ten cred in en eunuch menner. I“. Ma Dnnhe presided " the Meu'o end performed " deuce in e perk“ end emetic met. m. Melanin Douche eppeered be- fore the cnneln dimmed, end nude e abort eddreee. no eeid the Jtqttn children hue mede I recon! In that they perfonrtpd the pay me the than“: time for reheenel In the ten yea-e that the wodnodon bed been written. He referred w the he: that 1'gg 'tll wee “when“ a: 0mm dun perm ' en with three were drtttdtd not produce it en! - _ttte Iuelirt gem with aifuiatu nan-ml. lmn.,wu|vmmln Berlin . for am this wuk,the “mails. ms. 2t),','e1ggltgt,tgttl', m W. cor-ix-tatt and...“ ,rhattteh-tttftt, in in: an “my n to . o 'iii'iti'ei',g?b'i'3kt4 hud- uly-Mum tu‘hoPII-W cadmium to "It. in mum-bookmumoqul tn our! IN In any mm: a no grounds. emw'rmm and iraarttqrnettth. "tt'hfg,tt, dc by Shrun- O'BarB. . Oct-now In Shrine: of on. at the Ill-cum Manama-,0! with! M at twain mu m I. tho and PM by“! oarttrte with “3:323. m d It: ton, MAM t/lr,,21t,lla" " 'tt tttPt w no a. mm Mr. auec b to tfg'tetr'g'Nl'tl'd,"t up {hm-no. ‘h Mt-MB, DC! dawn-amt.“ Dug-80 bu“: "Minn - a- gmhn. mm...“- I.“ vmlulh “A: " It will. om. THI- DOUNDAIIII DICK“ mnmsmuadmuxm am when wan-a to mum in.» at: i“ in. J. J. cerium}! , Pet, A VISITOR FROM try, PAUL. a: - - all!!! from“: “I“ UFiiielFu mum ', Md“ M att-oi-tr-tttrt-Mr'. -ottiatsttt-mtteler. The" w MIN. «new on the “in“. M“! “l Itt PP, try, TaTGUiratraa an "lam-ins mgr- mm!“ .M‘EQ‘f-..-_: pgttttgLtttl"s2, “and! any-tool oftttettmrndarr tggi irhhrtsm-tirqtte-Meraastttrtt no: 'tadatsrtt;rursssttted,ttr-rd ttte 'tpd-ter' “whom mu- “Mm-soothe)“ Tumwmmmm gr,',',','.: troimtuttttrttetdtttoeb. The [ grown-nu and. to tho school- ‘dnrluthopnunt a." Mun-do 'Mmplmhdmtonry detail. tek?E'ih"si Irtit, . g,',",',) out e town tt Berlin tho: Ill, nd ototttmetstittn my Mandowiththe - eyetem with. out g,'eftNt"d euthority. We ere inhaled by Chairmen otthe - Committee that it " become quite onetomerym citizen-of the town to connect the ttveef1err pipee at their rein weter eieterne with the lower. Thin um Vreeulte in completely tuodtrte the newer {om during heavy nine and tendon it impoeoible to die- poeeofthe "tmtiowfrotsmdotttos?te i1ttertrttr bode " ml: times If parties having their rein-wear nuke eon- neotod in this wey, would mete them- eelvee comer-lent with Section 48 of the broom of the town for the regu- lnting of plumbing end to more the Ionian eondltion of buildings, they would ilnd it to read ttttmt-s ‘IBein-weter laden nut in no one he connected with the eewere except with the nppmel of the town engineer end sewerage Committee." Any breech of the try-law on thin behalf rendere the Minder lieble to $0.00 line or eix months lneeroeretlon in the oomlnon_geol "rith _or without herd a luvs had , A 5Y,"f tT2 bet' " 'P.' "? tue.: labor. In View of this faot lt would} (Ii-play windom on the part of “you lining and. the minute of making “lurk! annotation with the lower 3mm of the town " " once remedy in arm n ttut "rlimt moment poo- Iihlo. It is the intention of the sewer Commit“. to Mu“. I scrupulou- inupootion of all phot- owpootod of having my connection: with the new: union: calm-I1 to br-las. Th. flick “hi Cured III: at [In ’OI‘IQII Fowl-cl Flu-kl. “I never Indulge the pncticnl joke bitty, It," nld_n gentleman who in uniting the city. "Ind I have a good "an In uk- In; no son of and In Inch (bingo. Myers was I time In my lite when I wu {and .ertnrina-,pssdr_uytur?ted. on. an. trick: along this "no. But I in “moral yours xi“ 1 made my 'tBat dtort. t um lirlua in a smqil town In t Mr tat-n up up In hall. I an aunt. who I- "I h..- of tttpert" 30h than I vu. It's no my to “It ',t'dTd,"S11',t'g'lt; “on. '.Th"tnt1, todsy, ct tho" so 'é'fl'gr%4d' lame. L4tagriiatiFttyhSE VIOLA?†TOWN BY-LAWS. Alan: Amwm thne I you: In an. out to up toijn‘yhlftg I find go spend tome time with his friends. m wu n dual-h sort of a fellow and wu am a that period of “to when the ttold - and chlln he won impressed hing I. - the not: important thing In the "Mr and VII quick to parcel" " ,mnttte moistened-put. Iva-to “Whitehall undondthowuch and duh: utter ho had "lien asleep. Tho - 'r" tHed, and In: Mud ntih ed Ibont " o’clock. Be than hung M. "It. wild: mulled his watch and chain uul other volumes, on tho was“ " the he“ of tho bed. My out new ox- not): who" I could Ind It. Ind about 10:. t IIIppod stealth“! Into the roan. to!“ tho "It Ind be.“ to Hb, tho poek. ou. Alina-d rrlseti.urt gym]: pp ho In if! Inn! and" his pillow. Bans. has, has! I van not. t was not on. a... with the mom: "and " Iloltunhmnyhud. Imldtoeltho “a h I: bye! why-0}]. W532â€! on. out. and the Mood m (minim dun 'ngttl column. Mr an: CSM" "It“! th- rooln. U1 God? I slid. ‘Antdn. Pm and: - the eartmhor bank. I bid In 09 who - jug M char myth all bad rolled Java Into I, m wmnmlmn.nd.um --" I: not all my Mun. but. on In I m - of laughter. and n {can 'tvel lit-nag: Ieef u-Q. 'fret-d-tnd-tSR. I. hi attuned an had ftqtBt a". aitaFt-t1ttskattheeqruos ieata-r0tdteedtutPte.e a 'iiit"tt'"""""""" Cah- ' AMHMO. Petunia-Mundane -rthm teuuatriietett0tetr..tt1ert.'P, atau--ehlldrmt. The “I h Hind. vow-m. Ind no 1itSqe?i'?'iir'ia"i"i'iii'iiiiii' I.“ on ladle-lano- $'t'fltdWdllli"l,'b"ll'l'i7iri; "tseal',',)).','.',,"',",),".',',")'." MM â€Mu-I’M. uu. 'tair-tttet, _.-. o III-"Irwin“ =f."l1l"l%'riruaa,,..eo, -T.i-eert-..t.1tf.!rtt'.te iGi'nu-ri-maet't.-yrt.r hammn‘nmh «a... U -- " _ t.tuii'ikcggMtttrte',th'lit.'t, autumn-Inna! "tht - in. hO‘llonn-Ilhnonmm chin-pad“. Mala“) Si?iuf,ut."altt'='.'lt mutual-Mb) that.“ A PRACTICAL JOKER. I. Y. cattle Fly on . . FOR SALE BY Hardware Dealers, " The Popular Boot F; Shoe Store t,i,i", Boys and Girls. -qoo00ooo. "at, m by: I! I!!! m7nloymdmhm0un‘! at want.- no do an. an In! itiiiiiird “on M m In. W tt_..--.--. yummy-imam:- â€mm TradingAty1tpt mm ""i'"oooo-oooiooo. ’ _ Commencing mam morning-we will give Doubt. Tradhig Stamps until mrthir notice. _ Berlin. July 23rd, 9ttt. Farmers protect your cattle from the ravages of flies and insects by using our Cattle Insect Oil especially prepared for the purpose and guaran- teed to give satisfaction. Conrad. Eros, Jacob B. Boos, 8. SAUDER I: M. CIGAR STORE-553 A WW1 ““0. One that you'll nppndllq duty. the result when ,ritt out choice whims '» _' III-10d Mumm- . Of In kinds. Walling d Ind droeting good- “! fl out specialties, Non the Runny Track. Wat To Introduce their a†THIS MONTH Gouda-n flung J. DOERSAH; - PHOTOS, Get the right kind of kind, we hop them In “at. chance for kicks. Bump“! . $3 M) sud $5.00. 7 _ 3‘ School shoe-m In ‘ , r ’ and you need I Ibo. to » l l, and Ihohndknoohol a ' I romping boys And I'll. 'iii' thet you ttet the tit 'te "dl which can be had only a , "' Forum Doorman: ' Rtrit Prices Right. is"; Man ' Dialling am giving . in "eiii'E DOE RSAM'S The Sitter lam ", I;