. f 'hlth‘olr Mnglcdw ' 'Mlng .ert all Hum I glues variety of sub- ' Yunnan. The point need; . _ ‘ over and over Igniu a, _ __ i mean- nwthknowledge" " ' --t,ho due‘ppment of the ~ J, d .0 mind, ml should in tgig - A culture“ well â€intel- It' Jud moral training. Mann E t have" Btuto--a sound mind in 25 ' _ 1tm1r--dt not nbad ideal of the 'tD' ti-rn, even if it is ancient. . ’nnd teachers are largely to Ilti “hr the cramming system; the I by their love of having their d and girls "to shine†irrespective 'a- capacity, and the latter by ‘ _ was to make a good show- ‘ Let' “accumulations. (Mir school _ tr. .. . In. tar more good points in it bud points, and the latter can be Et, " ,. lugoly by the intelligent â€apathetic eo-operation of teach- , ’16 pants, The cure of the evils r Mal! in the hands of the people " , on. " . it“ vigorous protests against the Pte 7 of cumming comes from Prof. " , . Gordon Macgregor, for 21 years ' 'bb". trot physics at Dalhousie Uni Mth, i , N. B., who has just been ap tttltr, . to i111 the chair in the l'niver. , ' to? Edinburgh vacated by the cele- lil' - 'd Profr Tait. In reply to the $91; to his health at a complimentary I . Il " t tendered him on the eve of . departure he spoke at length main, ' " Mon the [Allure of our educational "7‘30 slid that he bad learned during , twenty years of educational work, _ it is not 'tknowledge" that our Ve". went. that they need, but what is F . MRI is "power." lle was a- lit ti P ' thatit had taken him all these 1llt i' tt.t,tind out thatlt is not know- ‘ . tmtpoworthatiis the great es - Still he was a little consoled ' " , that other teachers had been BEi “slow to learn, though Germany a '. __ forging ahead in this matter and I , Visited States is making great pro- " _ The successful men are those I P. gave power to use their experi- IE' . We want in our schools and B, P. esto be able to cultivate this ' , or. We all want the power of - L". ting M we go. We want to know il8t' lithe right thing to do at the 'tlf)ir _ The distinction was drawn be- Bl ' .. studying science from books and ttty." . . ', the classics from books. The Biii yen could simply absorb. The for- 3 (in: you had to Bght your way through. gills†book study of science had been "9, : - Walled notgnined power in M" ms, of science. The study of ' it ' - in our schools had been a mat- 'll 'tisramsning. It had given the 'thi knowledge,but not power. Our I .. mall wrong. We crush the - Iltt F-obtaining facultv out of our 3 Ar. rr Ye teschersmho go up for ex- Itll - . us, by telling them that they - .,‘osun' certain books. He (the .. .. , P" w l would abolish examinations , q6'teo, as had been done in Scot- G "tt Dunstan of examinations must " b) god so that in order to qualify 't " It 'tthall hsve been secured. In 1B,y,'t'tit we don’t mean to pump .- . I tlau' into our students; we went bC,'it' - to 'pomsr' in them, tho abil- '= “do something, to initiate.. The , ib Mil wrong in our colleges is I ' “which he had been complain- ' ht the schools, the mere getting “A“, 4 “who: of we “labor ' h; - by the Department of , " ' Sm, thou that more lave ' tgt ' hon atrih% during the . !2!lt ‘ & " compared um; 23 . Of than some luv. F! ", Vulgmtun we“ on. , ‘ “ta Ann“. Of the mm- lt1Ehti . all. loath an m ‘ ‘ In“ an 809 not ï¬ijo put examinationa.What docs I f van college dot "it gives the T ‘ â€It, opportunity for inveetL ., ' . opportnnny to find some- , "i, . Our madame can tell you . h the book, but he is likely to , .,ttMtrmr also. This has an effect ' 'ig ' Inf-charm of We country. Bti w In mttguJacturor itisurrmtmi- . inched- of Cello“) men who 5%. an: if need be hour thing now any r mama: that may arm. , IP' M' ftequmtt lagoon of the Gor- y Y ’ '6rmbr over his British ri. no out 0081‘ OF STRIKES in}, at 66 maul-human int he: who won MILThomoll “mm-t "A" hi}; Tri isn't-m i. Tun-J Evan-13:33. gnu mun-Ito: upturn in AGAINST CRAHKING if.“ on wear-Moro" M10311“ l““â€â€œâ€œ “a. The .1 Me --taauttt LP. met-Au in was III-Mr a. In m " "'L", ESP, FT . " a.†may in: “,7 r, 'NE Vi... r Ir, Law-My" †_ ’ ‘ “â€3; "' " _, iEiEEi?, - w. . n. , " . a c, (_'.-'-", - that! Miss E)' l = - “’7 _.lun e! P' 'iiiWii Mt at mam. an" an man-cub thew}! on I“ - Maths “I". h mum-un- that ottU alw- f communal.» an no end A l he]! 'tirettq note not an: to: one-4 quinerol the catch. " obtaining: t this canoe-elem, which uppennlly [ Imam}: tor we season, tire, men-Anal ' mixing tulsergttert loot twenty dtye’ l pay. This then,l.he only unwell", , wane-elm “like, bu achieved a' u mlonl not lou to the union on the whole truncation. All other strike. _ or " Increase of pay have either k felled or are null unsettled. ins recent issue, while discussing" matters relating to the dispoeal of sewage, we took occasion to refer to an impending law-suit between the Town of Berlin and the Township ot Water- loo. The prophesy then made has been "ritied by the issue of a writ of summons by the Township of Water- loo, claiming an injunction to restrain the town of Berlin from polluting Schneider’s Creek and to abate Sewer Farm nuisance. The heavy burden of responsibility herethYore resting upon theSewer Committee, and its Chair- man, Mr. A. Bricker, has by this 1sirtsoi'stamus been greatly increased. The SeWer Committee seems in no way responsible for this unfortunate action taken by the Township of Waterloo. Every chart has been put forth by them to avert if possible any legal proceedings. There are two facts which stand out prominently in' regsrdtothis question. The one is that the town must be allowed someway of disposing of its sewage. The other isthat those residing near the spot where this disposal takes place will either be obliged to move away or educate themselves to put up with more or less cultrriicrou8 unpleasant- nese. The fact should not be lost sight of that'wlsea this sewer farm was sold to the town of Berlin. it was dis- tinctly understood that it was for the purpose of making it an institution for the disposal of sewage. Since that time every precaution has been taken to introduce the most treitmtif1o in- ventions available for the purifleation and proper disposal of any refuse which may be discharged from the which may be discharged from the sewerage system of the town. Some of these inréniiona are still in the crude stages of experiment, nevertheless the Sewer Committee of the town have invariably sought and followed out the advice and instruction of the Provincinl Board of Health. In View of the manifest willingness of the town authorities to abate any nuisance which might be occasioned by this institution, it is hard to see the plan- sihility of the complaint broughtby the township against tha town of Berlin: Nor " ' the Sewer Committee unwilling at the present time to acquiesce in any renewable scheme for the improvement of the working of the sewer farm. Regarding Mr. Whitney's platform as enunciated by the Opposition leader in Toronto Tuesday evering, the Lon- don News (Independent) Sap:-- The leading defeot from a politician's point of View in that there is no single plank which stands out an unusually attractive. There Is ho item which is especially catchy Lnor avote winner. The platform promises much, but all platforms do that. The clause about legal reform in a Luge one, but not ex- plicit enough. So are some of the others. Some or the planks, such an the one called t1n,anets., are vague as yet. The whole platform is unpal- lshed and crude. lu l, store the elec- tion in really on. mr' l o planed down and made more night 9'. Feeling eonf1deat um. Iho reporta of patent! granted, wl~ l so have been In the habit of pulvlhhing heretofore, Intern-u a great m I , of our waders. we have decided for Il-n future to sup- plrmgtttarly a In» M paumu recently granted to paladin“ Information 763.114â€: 1 any of those patch“ will be supplied free of chug. by “can. Union N Marion, Patottt Amp, loaned and Washington, D. C., to any render who momma- the am at my [Igor when applying. Fiii Tiiariia (in. "a. an tm an 'Nt ml:- an “him a! " SEWER FARM INJUNCTION EDITORIAL NOTE NEW lNVitN “CNS I new Inâ€. " Cttee in an!“ unmjowyol 3'0“. s." " A commutation - mound from Manta-mam and Gunman-aw, $011615er for the Tonhlp 0! Paul. in in“ . Ter. - - P . â€It!" . , w i You! ." w an fhtue"t in . W ' ." W" “Mutual. . IRE-U 1’ 2-a, 3 T vr" the peuvut.ae--t'tjts_tyrttfar *4 adopted. _ Bum: Tonal au'. V L Thu curtmumttho Fr!" mu» 0 h' Atutitth4et_itsieettrtsart.iy' Tom may in . m ti or Cit1',i)L?,Tti,if2, on the 20ttt lat.' willâ€, In." J. att," , ‘Augull, 190t, hr at an. of . I in», J. M. Enabler, Lam. C. 1mm: tor the at; ot 88,000 for the Bay: ad C. IL Dust: can tho I banding of n map "t Jumb- Hd. new": pro-om. ISolomon limhmnn, for repairing the I Zuber tillâ€: ', t38 00; Gem SPepphar, For repairing washout. at W. Montrose, $24.50; Rowan and Elliott, on con- tract, thi'd payment, $50000; J. J. Donohm, fur work at foot bridge and night-watch man, 82.00; PaulMogaer, for nightuutch man at cross road,50c.; (,if:f,ij'ii,r: Jaguar for placing stakes in giver "ml night. watch, $1.50; William :Moeae , mr Samar pipes and worh,8ltr- 80; J. W. Wnger, for. removing and jdirrusr foot-bridge twice and one llanlcvn, to; John C. Ruehl, for work [and night watchman, $2; M. Brahman, [for r, y airing bridge at Winterhourne, "ltr. Geo. C. Bulmer, on C'octrsst,t225; ll! J Bowman, for plans for Floradale arch ""idg0 and expenses, 860.00; total 590:5 bu- Carried, - l _ . l LI "ed by J. L. Umbach, seconded l? Adam Matmsch that whereas lNews. Guthrie & Guthrie, solicitor: for the tog nahip pf Peel, have written topo new and clerk ot this corpor- ation asking this council to assist in maintaining aPeel road which they allege iaused in lien of pah of the town- Hints recently closed and, sold: _ ' tincurkmmm my" "6mttt+ettfteuet?P 'ttU Town- uhlpdwm on the Mttt do a! Augw, mmum In. " at. mute: zuomdssmmnu building. bridg- ugy. my. 5rd "and w IIIIMMMUW‘ iii; a; :5: at: has Township of Pod. o to I put of she totaling recently and and, mung an 1.3-! t'pdetr, would be “in: nub“ an T p of Woolwloh unla- the nutter In "pled itta MIndly In}. _ The commute. Ippointod " has lea-km roporud that may wow: u- commond that no gallon be ' In I! lenlug tho private road Indira to Frank Forbu’ mun. - Moved br, boob L. Umbuh, ne- onded by Solomon Koch, that By-h' 2io. 484 to pmvlde for the expenditm ot86,000 In erecting . bridge urol- the Conestoga River " m, Jacob. end for the expendizute of $2,000 for s new bridge n Flondale and to authorize woman of debenture: of the Town- tship of Woolwichlor the nmoum of $8,000 for the pnrpoee of ruining the amount: so to be expended be new read a third time and pat-sd.--' ried. _ "By-law No 484 we: read a mud time and passed; -- _ " ' Moved by Solomon Koch, seconded by Adnm Mattuech, that the Return- ing Omeer and Deputy Roturnlng Unicorn for holding the election on By- law for the luau of dehentunu and making their returns be paid $6 each and that $2 be allowed for each polling booth and that the Reeve grant his orders for the "ms-Carried. The Council adjourned for one hour at noon. . Council met again. All the members present. T Moved by Adam Mattusrohpoeonded by Solomon Koch, that By-law No.481 to assess the Township of Woolwich for the year 1001, mice [DNA on the dollar for County and Town-hip parpasets,tsnd By-law No. 483 to assess the several school sections in the Township of Woolwich for the year 1901 be read a third time and passod. 7 By-iiuvis Nod4tii and 483 were read a third time and passe. _ . _ Moved by James Howlet, seconded by J. L. Umbach, that the following accounts be paid and that the Reeve grant his orders for the several amountts:-Htmry Ritter, for sheep killed by dogs, $4.00; Ludwig Durst, for sheep killed by dogs, $4.00; Peter P. Martin, repairing culvert, F2.00; Menno Horst, damage to fame and crops, t3 00: Memo Horst, for sewer pipe and wosk, 36.50: Geo. Maurer, fur killing dog worrying sheep, $3 00; Solomon llmlumm, for repairing the Zuber tum; ', t38 00; Gem s.Pepplor, " repairing washout. at W. Manama, $24.50; Rowan and Elliott, on com tract, thi'd payment, $500.00; J. J. And whereas the said road in Peal is not the only road used in lien ot the aforesaid portion of mwnline. as there is a convenient road in this township used in lieu thereof to a greater extent than the Peel road in unedz Be it therefore resolved that Mr. A. B. MtrB:ide, solicitor of this township, bond is hereby instructed to write Messrs. Guthrie & Guthrie and tho move of the township of Peel to the effect that this council does not recog- nize the Peel road referred to as in road which this township is bound to assist in maintaining and that this council refuses to sssist in maintaining said road. Carried. _ _ Movedr by tPye Mannsob, second- ed by Jamcs‘Jawlot that thin council donor adjoum to wee: again " St. Jacobs on Tuesday, the 29th day of October mat, at 9 o’clock I. tlt. Car. tied. A derpatch from Windsor any: that tho owner! of peach orchard- in Batu county are at n lose to know what to do with their fruit. There is n glut of poncho. and the beat market price in 01.00 per bmhel vim-oa- I you 130 they received " 5nd $6 t bushel for only Cnvlordn, tto hind now to petitrtl. - . “m By I vote at the rate-payers 212 for an] 28 against. m Town of Mount I'm-m bu declded to purchuo the electric lighting plan: hereunto" opened by: print» ttrm In um Down. Bruce Legal 0m“. --Judtrts A. B." Klein. junior Judge for Bruce county. bu bow uppoiuud loud mater of the mo Court in "new to Mr. w. A. Homo, demand. Mr. [can Gem Noumea local “I“. The on. of Funk! Mn at um- ubu, mum D. I. link, In bun "ttlad â€when". mm an. mu ' at and " a! no N ilk'! Btrrqeh' VIII an: d "Gidiitrut," in the n of 'fd,'l'llh1t'ttaylGtilrS..l'l,'l/i' C-rtaet.-Ttt. elm niacin 013m Atntrut. In tho pupa at J. L. W193): 1901. , Cloth AN - -7 "_"'""-"""' "-"',"" hon . , Jun nub- M - a . --.- ..-.- Pnn-n'l _Il-. no alum at an “an†and by an Council In “I up now-tun Manta ot the Ct-ll" “no. Tho Hunt mad the TW'I to .17.: a-heh. It'zrica, tbr, ""5“" h from the Berlin Furniture/Co. II- 11131:! rob-to of 81.94, being the per teat. chased by the Tax' Collector fortune collected by hinu. 1geierred to Fluent. Commune. annex. Prom John' Wieglnd, Jnoob Shelly and Joseph B. Snyder, asking that in one ot petmon for sewer pipe along pom of 8mm], Bingemon and Lin- cuter mum in the East Ward, was handed in " the Council mesttng,tttts- they be given time to hand In I cont tra petition. No actionjaken. From residents on Duiid strmrt,aak- forafuur foot plank walk between John street and Courtland "onus on the south side, from the end of the present cement walk to Courtland Avenue. t'tliUdiiitiut mm» m J» *lttit 91. ml a. -ditttro amounted at 31931530. -iidn god.). 1)an- rounding your lmprovemuc “on. county mum! fm EMF!“ "r". _ _ Prom A, Rhianna, man: ho had been ditch-aged without must, in! was placed in " “tum! W- Eouhd that he and" it - for the month ot July. Roland to than“ Committee. 77 Prom residents living on the streets concerned that a sewer be connected with the sewer cn Frederick street, along Samuel street, south to Bingo man street, thence west to lllngemn streets, to Lancaster street, than south along Lancaster street to Chapel street. The Engineer recommended that work " requested in “use petitions be done and the chairmen ot the Sewer Committee and the Board of Works were authorized to proceed with it. The following petition will be of interest to citizens M large : From 38 merchants, stating that in accordance with Chapter 16, Section 4t, of the Municipal Act, town, cities and villages in the province are an powered to our by-hors prohibiting the seiiing, giving, distributing or re- ceiving oftrading stamps, coupons or other similar devices, and prohibiting any person, firm or corporation from using them. The petition claimed that by the we of trading stamps purchasers of gr 'a are imposed upon by being oblmrn to pay an enhanced price for got.ds,tho value of which is unknown, and therefore the business partakes uiihe nature of a iottery. The peritioners ' for a. by-law to prohibit the use of trading Mumps amongst the busin'ss people of the man. Prom resiio no on Mary street, po- titioning for a four foot plank walk on the north side of Mary street from Benton to Queen streets. . The matter wan referred to a com- mittee composed of J. Bingeman, C. H. Doorr, J. Cochrano and J. M. Staebler, who will look into the matter and report at the next. meeting. The Finance Committee presented the following report No. I;-- Market Committee. _ - ... . . . " 10 14 Fire and Water Com...... . . 35 93 Board of Works _.-...--..-- 1446 24 Sewage Com., maintenance.. 94 04 " " local imp._..... 37 10 Registry office, regi-t’n. fees 31 80 Berlin Gas Co. , repairs†. . . . 72 23 Berlin News~Recerd ...... _ . 125 00 H Elein,eattinit noxious weeds 4 07 Berlin Telegraph .. ........ 23 76 G. D. Lucomse, fares....... 2 06 Thutm error in: made in A. s. Hallmnn’l assume!“ of $000 And would recommend that the sum of $6.17 be refunded. and that the sum of 5.18 be struck off the Collectors! roll . Your Committee tind that no proper- tygu Dept: megdntgnngohvot Bros. Report we: adopted. The Finance Committee presented No. 2 report as ftl1owir 't . That the can of $1 53 be rotunda! to Arthur chnognut, executor of Bowing estate, being fltMy or inter.“ wrongly paid. .. M _ Thanh: sum of 31.30 be refunded to L. ll. Clarke for Tg'ltlr, In taxes to cement van: on rem “not. ' - That no lotion be taken to the communion!» hon the Canaan Trude Roviow' respecting ammo“! prwrttea1+rtpaMty. , Rayon 1m adopted. That the Episcopal Corporation of Hamllwn be allowed I refund of $4.31 on an: lull of lawman: and the m- msinlng $4.32 on second Imminent. bu struck off the colloctor’u roll. The Clerk no “mound to adver- me for mom for det-ttur- fbr $8,000th and mod by the Put Commissioners. - _ The German lupus: Church nu fraud the an of on. [In no“ and up {nodal-u", the an. to In nut-0d w the his 'ae Md. A model: - Aug. 220d, my In; “I. maximum ot I In: on In an» m 'gt,t%,Mtt up tho may "no" a tam-Iv- A. . .--. Aâ€. m Council “pm-ed it: willing- Iouwmmsimoon Bub-elm tgtpgt1flN'dtd 63 ot " . h- " MI! W rmcn couuxunn’s BENIN 'riiEirGiGaGiiiiirr ."ee â€at. __..'... Ody-m “may tc,'eft I.“ at I. dumb-mac In Town Can IQI "manu- 'ethttan't, 2epi','f1/1er'r1'dl'.', tutu-l“. a? Fund tt I more ml. Jot m I luv. Mum J. Cochran. 12., mm. pip. E Ibo TRADING STAMP PETITION OHIML BUIImS‘ coma turtcArw" d103,!!!†ttrt s 10 35 1446 94 37 I 31 $1882 36 duh. 'A"ifiUhkrrtii6iiit fit tx Inn-.03. Dana. Mn. J. Cum-,Ityor Boil» all J. I. humor - mph“ Io Ink tanker mwm Who was: d the View: and arm. - _ “'13:: Council Maud thttt,tt 9 my.“ you the 'dst," cal-WW " In. chuegm: St. to the tom, limit, a. nupyen wooing to am to stone and do the new ' tll'; vldlng tho you would do (In to In. with the rad roller. Tho Board at Work- was unlimited todos‘l the rolling with the new roller on Fred- ulok Bt. tam qunngut "can to the oorportulon limits, providing “no County C'opttoil grade sud gravel the name. . Alderman Stable: spoke In mhe. ence to the oponlng of the now was: loo roadway, Inning that tho town had nearly completed their part of the walk, but that Mr. Goo. Moon had failed to come to terms Illh the nub orhies. The town had paid Mr. Bier- wagon 6100 for hit land,'aud this gon- Ilemm urn-34's to n fund the money to tLo town in cue the council dead. to claw up the road. F Ttte out.» I! a.†.1 W comm.- but: " th- umb- d In!“ the all. qta"iot mommy looked m . new†a mung" only. 'le In Mae the when Mann ‘ n to more Mr. 3 MM. 2mm Butane, to pat a. an“. in proper any. and we: “a; arcs. IIIDIBICK nun IXPIOVIIII'II. The unproven-m of mum " will be wounded will " one. prodd- irttt n petition in also“! by nu tN3itaa. taxp-attNteulrrg the melt, ot enginun' fbeo,tittog and not at the md when and when my. Chairman Bruno, of the Board ot Workman asked If Wllorloo Inc will- ing to complete the sidewalk on King street. {mm ma eorporation limit to the cement walk running to Union are“. Mr. Bram: said it w" uudeutood that this would be dong by the Waterloo Council. The disorders of children seem to the rugged and hearty grown person. to be simple and not pertiettltrrlr dangerous. _ . irT‘Elar point of View on the pm of parents has been the cause of the lost of thousands of baby lite. _ _ You will alwayl find that the mothers who am succeufnl in bringing up families of hearty, hag†children with scarcely a day’s sic negate alwayl those who are careful to note the slightest evidence of illness Ind to check the diftitullty " once._ _ - They do not belong to the clan of mothers that amp“: their ohlldtou with shaping draugh's and similar medicines containing opiates. _ _ They stick to the purely vegoubie, healthfu! medigines which can irtiautile disorders quickly, had of we“ Baby’- Own Tablets are the beat of :11. The matter was left in nboyanco un- til the next mommy, and in the moan- tlme efforts will be made to corn to some agreement with Mr. Mer. _ - For colic, aimplé (even, croup, con: stipation, diarrhoea, irriinilan' tihttn teething, indigution and sleepleuneu, these tablets no I quick, when", never-failing cure. Diswlvod in In" the email“: baby will take them with out the slightest objection. Do not tride with medicine: concerning which you know nothing, vim: hero in n time-tried remedy which in mod con- mntiy and with the beet results in thousands of homes. ", A Mrs. R. II. Fox,0nmge Eugenia, says: "I have found Baby’s Own Tab- Iota a perfect medicine for children of all ago-mud would not be wimont than in the home. They MW] s baby comfort and mother's friend." Baby" Own Tablets m be (Mind st drug stores, or will be can: propdd upon receipt f,tfgt,e, century man-ins The Dr. illiuno’ Medicine Co., Dept. Many Deaths Largely Due to Ignorance on the Part of Mothers. T., Brocxvllle. Oat, The Lover of Bounty - by when the Rose new. He beat nbovo the use and pluclod from It. banana the meet nod but of in bit-om..--. bountiful, pureLWhito noâ€. _ . . The Lover of Beauty delighted in his human-red in main, and won it where the world might no it and know it to be " [no the but“ of A gran city In hon it, into I m that us hi- studio; 1nd mum it who“ his gun might mi - "and: it, bodmnk spin of in iovolinal. . The Lover of 80an wok - and brush und romdneed Ibo Ion; tint for tint, pom for potat, can. [or curve; till the rose on can†looked u pluck-bio " the to“ ttonrer is! done when he guys!“ up tttmek. . -iGi i,Giiti' bf rest. the ttatttaeed note drooped In head and wilted. Tho Resembles Jar-.1! in flamtr, but in NEVER IMPURE-- while 'gt,tf'lA/g,'te,ttr in qqatttr. It in ranking rapid wide: public hm because af-ttte-V facts. Drinks?! anâ€: an should give it a trial. iid Council adjourned at 10.10 TH! 21BW BOAD TO WATIBWO. Ceylon and India INFANT MORTALITY. AN ALLEGORY. NATURAL LEAF GREEN TEA This ought to he the unit event of the season. At least we have no idea where or when we on duplicete Inch en othrittt this new. We had to take the entire 1ot--aix hundged tmit..--to grt than st an prize we wanted. But now tint the goods are here we no proud d our purchue for we believe the: hundreds of men will be glad to n†the difrerenee of a. new unit. 600 Boys' and Men's In“... single bra-cud. ruc- que shape. all wool My blue and black war-tad rard'.'tt,rutf, eiot In double latched gel. bottom facing A. cut, uniceable liningl and trim. mingu. tin-Mm“. ...... ...... I'M Madman. limb hauled. no- q'mhepe- “M? o! att wool have» haunting-8&0“ The Man panned by when the White Role mo. And he who loved fiomytt, ttot alone for their beauty, but became God had made them iioweses, new I Roee oruhed to earth, braked and broten. Sleeping down, the Man lifted from the mad the stained and battered bloa- nom, wiped it carefully clean, and hid it away against bl. hurt, when he lovingly and 3110aneg were it tor. ever and "or tutms.-geart Lyall, Bop- tembor Canadian phylum. Mon“ sum. an». mama. dare guy Ind dark blown Ugandan tweed; stitched edge., fund 'ta3tan linings, cells: on vat, I m an to it, qua uh; ' mode ed riii'it,,lltii, vol-w twill. 11 black I: twill-1 t.tit.ehed {dash tetftririuninii 9951. Opening . window ha an" in out Into the amt below the no. one. pure, once mum. one his. And it fell when wu in Did the dirt. The Lover of Beauty found mum- Role with crimson tinta and I deeper frug- rance. V _ THE CANADIAN MGMINE SEP. TEMBER, 19m. There no two important and die- tlnotlvely Canadian articles in the MpumttsorNnadian Magazine. “an- eon A. It It" describes the the end growth of tint new city or the north.-. a mosquito haunted nan-keg in 1896, now I town with noun of mo:- nnd tnhtRritaetta, Thiouvelli ted. "Cape Breton, Pm and Mt," by W. L. Grunt. o non of Principal Grunt, of Qneen’e Unlvernlty, in . IpIendid pious of ammo writing. For eent- nrieo tut â€not! in n bottle-ground where the French md the English struggled toe camp“ Ill-Jinn outline. thig otrnuIe in o latex-Ii moot. This In tho illustrated wit picture. ot Mon! 5pm about Loni:- hours, and wlth eon-Into; bit-of onu- “mum - for whleh the wont! in km AloL m in thh be worthy ot would mention in entitled “Hnmmiu Bird. of Ontario," by C.W. Nah, one of the We“ outta-Ila to America on wild PM Aden Bhortt wine-oi “An Early median Shannan," and - I oeft:1 W tamtrtth.xror_ 1'tltl'l Eon. Blah“ Cartwright and och.- in the early - ot - mt"! "L Mh% “Tho thing In Med. in bounty In: dew-m. I have nod It In I attired, I new I.“ it, whr Md I kovp itt thll cuglgnwgy."_ A Lover of Bounty mum; this. " chimed: uriynulolthooutnryln an iiii,'é'i'ihk),'g,'at'h,?gt,'i?. tt upon In M Oman. 'p1ttgh'Elt"J,'k'R'l, ittt-titte Md L.0.Dotd,Mr wan-ad tiartee-trmtedtt%atd. Tummmmmmm tho and can!» mum on non, aitatmaadttoo" South Wharton uunu villain-Mo nodule-30mm for '" - â€mouthful. S. R. Ernst & Go., 2:7: :tig'g'22flgfltegnfzsg‘: ?ifi'.'t?i'tt W by The Wm. Buck Stove Co.. Linked. DI RiiiEiaTtbe7rruirFiFaf whom. mums. 'dr,'alli."".."'..r Rang; T M. Wolchel a Son, 'fAMIttttstt'utf 'i '91 hlgve "uPi2'tat'tt was ',lrlhT,h"rttM,'S't"-,et that Helga I anvil! "you ...."...tiatn P W. 1iiiriiiiig ".-"nrr."_a,-. Men’s Suite 50me Fore two pier. cum in tweed and moo-u plated from and huhpmulinod 2grti8ttttl well tailored and trimmed W, sud 28in., [ocular 'tMiA'ockarttsi. lib per suit..........................- eYg,uJst,t"hrgittte"/rtutgtt In as ' t , 1ra1tl'o1'lt7ra,'l tfllRe'lll MII, ha tweed,' 1ojUTauwiiGuriaia to wettretruhsr primal to 86 'ti',' ehtar missile, persuit ...... .... “I 86 deu' two piece mm. coat and knickers. well made And good to wear, only small size. in thid tirte,St 28, and an imstuss,worth 0150 and ty toCiearfor ...... ................ tar [? i) (a C2LalLa â€W.'†. F?r.aCc=CdEi=aGCz=.u" V Lt' (il kl E We we the ar-th, t3rusndKotorCa$w - New and Steal! “all with In. ".00 up We sin butâ€. full lino of nods-5a. 39M, an" My. Div. I: a all. BRANTFORD Gammon Whol- bolh chin Ind chunk- from " Sanderson's Bakery. Wonhwttbolulin wean: _ IBIUIHECVCI-u hmrttaito.t66. ---- --- t Miss hadla's, I King Street, BERLIN. ii.Eir2dJs)jv.GidGii 1901 Models stamped on the you; make of shoe-the shapes size And width you need. but once." Experiment till you nad the uniformlx good Then stick to K-- don't speculate. You’ll know it always by the Maker! pr_ic_e "T he Slater Shoe" In. " wanna. in}. ha. put - in"! fililliiery‘g J, 8. Runs, Sole Local Agent. nqylhon T " . ce _ seen In newer otylu and and“ than . " LOCAL AGENT. cut F11