ns â€" Corone th P car. and Residenceâ€" " Peemets 9 T n * Mr. Banasow, formerly of Berlin, 5 SH but now of North Dato‘hv.i:iud his io g‘?fl%ummm ty is doâ€" e t T d uiviogn o ga e toie nWe wapdy ways ‘ s _i * land of bis birth. _ . a â€"M"~ é‘ï¬- Harvey J Galt Reporter: Mr. Louis Lang, of ~BC. &}_"‘h* Berlin, was in Galt Tuesday . . Miss Â¥, *\ Winterhalt, of Berlin, visited Galt 1 s ... friends Tuesday. . Mr. Joseph Huck, of ‘% â€" gcfln,mpl:hdl‘?tuu "{)nu†% , N rown alt t n t, to witness Cl . _E oo dict "TAiZeâ€"Devine® | the football game. r communication. H Honor g:duu oL ROATTTT NO S of Collego of Physician®, Surâ€" geons and Accoucheurs of Ontari0. Bpecial attention paid to the treatment of rheumatism Tumbago, boatica, obesity, etc. Residence and in Fing Stroot. Opposite ‘Woolen Mills. Licentiate of the Colleg®, Of _ SFEMiG2zeg of geous and Accoucheurs of ‘g., ssot iIpem sc n mss 0 o chort dinteuge sosth of the late H‘r:_wm‘l residence. Tolophone EPmE T AL SCSs ler and Stuebing‘s groceryâ€" W. R.Wilkinson, L.D.$., D.D.S. DENTIST. Office Open Daily. Office: Canadian Block, Berlin. A. HiLLLAE Dentist, L.D.8., Royal Uollege of tal Surgeons, D.D.8. Toronto Unlvu’dt{. Alibranches of dentistry practised. Cffice in anzen‘s Block, Berlin, over Smyth Bros.‘ itore. Entrance between Fehrenbach‘s Saddâ€" Dentist, Office in the Block, Waterloo. WELLS, L. D. A. C. W. WELLS, D. D. S., Dentists aterioo. Will visit Elmira, Zil ianx House, second Thursday ;ltld m‘lmfld fourth Friday ureda i p’lmulp. m.%lgfln Tor es extraction of teeth. The Waterioo be closed every Friday afternoon + * ‘Bar. lster, solicitor, cony a: next to ‘Chronicle Prm W"}’,;‘{‘,b EXCHANGE STABLES 8. D. 8. & G. H. BOWLBY (oy Corknss tor. Ts vuniyâ€" gee i E_ _L.‘Atcaasak of the nfl.& mi“.‘!n‘ WEBB, M. D C-nmonlnwou.mn. Painter and Paper Hanging. â€" Will un dertaks conitracts for patnting and paper hangâ€" Ing in Town and Country, Firstâ€"class work guaranteed. Charges roasonable. Apply at vesidence, Cornor of Queen and Princcss St«., on King Stroot. G. EUGHES. J, M MST 3+ Special M ionnogngce taftent aid chroste . NOECKER, 0 T. NOROE OF moronto University, IMON SNYDER Issuer of Lâ€"‘lllnn..hn. W. L. HILLIARD. Honor graduate of HN L. WIDEMAN ot Myâ€"Fost Offion Sh Juoobe Ob " will be closed every ET May 1st to November 1st. k BARRIE lwï¬ self at one of L m and was ushered to : * "awn Clefk Alétic ts discases of the n , A. D. County ‘Waterloo. Offlceâ€"At '-nb& W aterloo Telephone MISOELLANEOUS MEDICAL LEGAL fal M UR aduate of Toronto University 0 CC MDDTTLULC: Sur DENTAL LIVERIES n. W. H. BowLBy, ty Crown Attorney R. Basmu: B. C L John Bt. Berliv. ' .ww counts: JR. P. Hymmen, plambing..... .$ 30 Hanging. . Will un do. supplies........ 2 22 ng and paper hangâ€" F. Winter, frame........«««« 1 26 . ‘Firstâ€"class work Borlin Waterworks, water.... 19 70 pushigs A. Hagen, soil and teame.... 8 95 thebie is worthy of your patronage.|C, Braun, cement walks and and Princess Bbt., | _ 1; is run on brisiness principles by business tepAiring...... .«««.« «... 256 36 OP eWaterioo at himeelf at one of Loadow‘s churehes =f) E f m to a prominent séat Town Clerk Alétter is in receipt of a mh‘{::?w of anBAn:li_l Report t. Catharices Boar Trade "It is a fine namber and M'g great credit upon the Board of that gity on the -rm method of adâ€" vertising the leading features of St. \c.uwum it Pn etl wranilhe. £2., mt ‘mu‘u. Jube Rudaits on Sooth ‘ Mr. Erra Eby, who suffered a paraly»â€" tic stroke last week, spent a very boor day on Wednesday and is in a preâ€" cartous condition. 7 The franchise granted the Clark slectric road by the town of Paris, says the Review, has become null and 'vol}l ao uCmy S TD T m oc cugecds owing to the Port Dover, Brantford, Berlin and Goderich railway officials having neglected to sign the r«{uhod b;a']oemont at the time specified in the â€"law. The meeting of the Rifle Club did not materialize on Friday evening, owing no doubt to the numerous other attractions around the Town Hall and alarge number being away 0n their holidays. The open air concert given by the band Friday evening Was excellent. The solo rendered by Mr C. Harry Boehmer was a special feature and was greatly appreciated by the thous ands in attendance. ‘The Central School has changed its appearance by the coat of paint it received and will not be recognized by the children when school opens. The Committee of this school certainly did a good thing in baving the old school repainted. The Berlin Rubber Co. is ons of Berlin‘s largest and most prégressive manufacturing concerps. An idea of the vast extent of their business may be obtained from the fact that during the last few days they have shipped over 1,000 cases containing over 25,000 pairs of rubbers, to points all the way from the Pacific Coast to the Maritime Provinces. & Mr. W. Williams, B. A , Principal of the Collegiate Institute Collingwood for the past 28 years and a bailf, has retired from the profession. Mr. G. K. Mills, B. A., of Harriston, was aDâ€" pointed â€" his successor, Mr. A. M. OS VE CS nam PmRRet P dce Burnbam, B.A., of Whitby, was chosen to take the department of moderns and English, and Mr. L. H. Sheply of Bravntford the commercial work. Master Geo. Hutchison, of . Toronto, who has been spending a week in Berâ€" lin, went to New Hamburg Saturdsy. Mr. R. Reid has gove to Winnipeg, where be will act as judgo at the Winâ€" nipeg Exhibition, which takes place \next week. * Mr.â€" and Mrs. Otis Hymmen, . of Montreal, are spending a foew days at the residence of Mr. Peter Hymmen, Abrens street. The summonses for neglect in paying dog taxesate having a beneficial result. Nearly all have reported by either paying up or proving that they have no dog. Mr. R. Thompson, ofthe Athens Model School, has been appointed Prinâ€" cipal of the Preston Public School â€" to fill the vacancy caused by the resigâ€" pation of Mr. Z. A. Hall. The triennial meeting of the Dominâ€" jon Educational Association will be held at the Normal School, Ottawa, Auguast 14th, 15th and 16. Addresses of welcome will be delivered by the Mayor of Ottawa and the President of the Ottawa University, and responses will be made be made by the Hon. @G. W. Ross, LL.D., Hon. Richard Harcourt and others. Addresses will be delivered by teachers from different parts of Canada on various questions connected with the teaching profession. Mayor Kennedy, Chairman Ryan and the members of the Sewage Committee of the Guelph City Council, came to Berlin Thursday with the excurâ€" sioniate to investigate the merits of the septic tank system of sewage disposal. The Gl‘%m Council had 34 ~\ference with Dr Bryce a few days ago and as a ‘nmlnhonpï¬n tank system has been recommended for Guelph. By arecent eonsolidation of the city debt, some mooo of the sinking fund has been e available for other ‘Kr.rpuu and it is proposed to expend in the esâ€" tablishment of an upâ€"toâ€"date system of sewors. Reasons Why . .. + * W ar Han pres was cour P. 3 A F.1 Bor ;‘â€";:[" fltï¬l this a getienao a * form of apparel preseated Lonpdon Newsthe § uid 4i . ind l y a" and The regular moothly ‘%"m†Behool Board was m':w i drewed io ipia|eYening wHh the follo=ing 1 ‘sppartt vrosetited | Bettbrupts A" Dricken . ol s churehes :“““"' :QB"“". Vogt, K: a prominent séat "l"“'l n " wman. and Price grapher as shorthand $288 78 | considerat bookkesper as head m..-w;:\\‘.mm growth of t h iantsoes 1t( Toaoie es otss tr" uho armomitnde | ""Rider W,Mwmmd to be paid: * George E. Potter, hardware. .. #2 01 Geo. Paber & Uo., gold dust h block, @t6. . â€"=« + â€"â€">> Conrad Berg, repairing i . David Widemap, manure. ... W. H. Becker, 1 ream exam Frank â€" Seibert, perforating Serun Reve Geond, fang * SBachs Plumbing & Htg Co, brugh, 816. 4. .«« .« «»»«« «* 400 Philip Gies, _ do. ...... _1 80 Jn-gm.gquum 21 00 . _ repairing ro9f....». â€">»« Water Commissioners, w..ter .. Peter Hymmen, "hito wash R. Bochmer & Co., lime. _ 00. _ @O.,...0. »2skene8! Herman Vetter, painting at ONDEGL .. . _X . . »1aneyr it From Miss Ethel Roberts, Stratford, withdrawing ber engagement made with the Board last=~January, on ACâ€" gount of accepting a position in Stratâ€" ford. â€" From Miss Edith Wood, thanking the Board for her appointment. . From Miss Meln‘tyre, Hamilton, Oat.; recommending Miss B. Thompâ€" son, of London, as a kindergartner to fill the vacancy caused by Miss Walker‘s resignation. _ ___ _ From Miss Hendry, Kindergarten Supt. at London, also recommending Miss Thompson. Mr. C. H. Ziegler also sent a recommendation. _ _ _ _ From Mrs. A. Hoodless,â€"Hamilton, in reference to the teaching of Domestic Sclence in Berlin schools. _ O _ From D. P. Sheerin, in reference to rabber tips and moulds. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ From Miss Collinetts C. Wigle, Detroit, Mich., applying for a position as kindergartner. On motion Miss Roberts‘ resignation was accepted. _ $ lus t wiogs _ Miss Ethel Zlegler was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by Miss Roberts resignation. . L uks NR io nc The Secretary collected $9 from nonâ€" resident pupils. There is $45 still out standing. The Board will not allow any nonâ€"resident pupil to attend the Berlin schools until the arrears are paid. w A motion was passed authorizing the Chairman to correspond with the two applicants for the vacancy in the kirdergarten teachers‘ staff, and to secure the necessary recommendations from them. workman some two years ago in conâ€" necting a cellar drain with the main sewers, reveals a state of affairs which will have to be thoroughly investigatâ€" ed in order that the blame may be laid upon the proper pononn.L . . & L DOco e cv e ons MR Coooia e ni e uie c m On Tuesday Miss Katie Eborschlag a cook at the residence of Mr. Wn(i H. Bowilby‘s residence,_was taken to the Hospital, suffering from a serious attack of typhoid fever, and it will be a miracle if the other members of that household are not stricken down with the same disease, several of them sleeping in rooms where the ‘oollnr drains pass underneath. These cellar drains, by mistake, *have been connected for over a year past with the water closets of Hibner‘s factory, instead of the sewer. This means that therewage ofthis large manufactory has been passing through the cellar drains in that part of the town, whereâ€" as it should have gone through the sewer pipes and passed to the seower farm, and for the past year the health of that community has been in great joo’rrdy. ‘ he Health authoritios, it is claimed by those IM:( in that vicinity, bad been informed more than & yvur ago that the cellar drains Ahng iotorim and Wilmot streets were full of foul 'uwwo action was taken until Monâ€" day when connection was discovered and jthmediate measures were taken to refliedy this terrible state | ofaffaire. 6 _ Lt y The serious mistake made by some Tt has also been discovered that the cellar drains in this part of the town have their outlet just below Lang‘s tannery on Wilmot lmot‘n and . from thence their contents flow into Victoria Park lake, so that Victoria Park has been an additional sewer farm for & ï¬ur past. ‘The cellar drains were ushed on Tuesday and now the lake must be filled with sewage. _ County Council met this nor;l:‘lt the Court House. _ Chairman 08, Warden Walters, W. R. Plam, New Hamburg, and R. Gilholm, Galt, were present. , The chief item of business was the passing of the following acâ€" CoMMUNTICATIONS GENERAL BUSINES8 SERIOUS MATTER. r.... _ 19 70| week. The church is to be built on | ik.. .. awmm«mlaaanuh& on 0 soe 50(to the wante of -ax‘l'-'“ we wats to wan LJ s _â€"?-'thdnlm.b : aminttnt |noeien ts Coepiigntcn soates t improvements | necessary. « these und had the 7 80 | weather : bmbhhhlly 700 ple would have taken in the plonic. 33 89 | The ex rarsioniats got off thelr train at 1 50| the station and the majority walked to tug ner; the runners each carried a needie and thread, and upon reaching their young lady,zthe was to thread the needle and run with the gentlemen to the starting point, the first being the winâ€" ner. It was a very amusing race and4 caused a great deal of merriment. While the match was in proâ€" gress rain ht auend to the sports, and the majority started for the hotels, and the others went to the .slam grounds where supper Was sorv in a tent, in the ‘kitghen, and under thick bushes where the rain did not Jnï¬o- trate. All these adversities did not dampen the ardor of the picnickers and a good time was spent by all. _ _ _ o d C en ie nc ied In the evening through the kindness | VATV of Mr. Geo. 0. PF!!p and the local| 204 Salesmen‘s Union, the Opera House | OPT® was placed at the disposal <f the picâ€" high} nickers, and an impromptu programme | 804 12c Lo auiignine areaily o | Sne enjoyed. uelpbites apâ€" preciated the action of the Bor{lnlm of th: \in providing the â€" entertainment which | sewe filled in the time until the train pulled f&fl“{ ‘The baseball game ° between the clerks of Guelph and of Berlin resulted in a victory for the visitors by a score of 12 to 4 after five innings play. The teams were as tollows: BERLIN GUELPE Hammill pitcher _ Conway Kressler catober Millar Dumart 1st base Kelso Stephen 2nd base Ryan ZAiegler _ 3rd base gnphnu Hemmerly thort m Hallman right Schmidt centre field Stevenson left field A. W Tyson, umptre. ‘The statement made by Sanitary| The Galt Intermediates deleaten SNe Inspector Master to this journal that| Toronto Broadviews at Galt on Tuesâ€" when th@‘ellar drains neur Hibner‘s| day evening by a score of 2 to 1. A factory were flushed last Tuesday none | return game will be played at Toronto of their contents went into the lake in | on Saturday. Victoria Park Mr Ward H. B°"W+§.~ An effort is being made in Galt to C., says, is entirely incorrect. raise a fund to asdist the Gait football flushing was watched by Mr Bowlby |club to take part in the Grand Footâ€" who informs us that all the mvm ball Tournament to be ‘held at the gï¬'flm::m % in the | Panâ€"Americau from 3ept 20d to 5th. tOWRI| _ Gais Reformerâ€""What‘s the matter wnwnbodontoumflm Mm St Louis what football Tuesday and then fiowed into Vistoria really Jst ‘re moquainted with ons 2 o o is Setier ar full of 1ou!|Berlin ball, but give them a really """l‘" ;“ m““" "’m'" are firstâ€"class article; send Galt." a" â€â€œ;‘; o o ";"]" n:'h"'.fld’ wey | _ gt Louis does not require any lessons hey could be properly flushed WA8| in football, They would put Galt out uonl s en e SE through their outlet on Wilmot 8St. Victoria lake should be drawn off and emptied immediately and then be reâ€" filled from the water works hydrants along Wilmot and Victoria atroots. Mr BoO:fby has disconnected his house from the town cellarâ€"drain system and carried his cellar drain out on his own back field and all others should follow his example in this reâ€" spect where they have sufficient fall Manitoba Free Press:â€"â€"Rev. M. 1. Wing, presiding elder of the Evangelâ€" leal‘ Association, retuirned last week from his visit among the western Gerâ€" mans. At Rosthern he found the misâ€" slon under Rev. A. W. Saner making ments prevented . LPOTmp® 1R MPWERR M e OS P ments prevented him from extending| ‘The baseball enthuslasts in this m::lï¬p-ohruhhdphndhï¬o town are receiving a full quota of all direction of Edmonton. kinds of ways of playing baseball, and On returning to WhnipoLm within a week were nbiunothm Wh.g‘:udnn.w.n.l':m pasâ€" uï¬-uoflh game. s;‘;ml‘- tor m?ï¬ connection a team wearln u ult wlththo'undn the new church mmm“ltfl’n", p::d each which it is intended to erect on the| one of whom professed mldm nor‘hâ€"west corner of Alexander Ave. baseball as it should %d, Md:*l % \“" ?‘M.& Mtlm\m'go,m 2e the no tn. |o* mM v® on mumwm by the end cf the m mmhlnuahd uk u'“:o:ah “aw O:V'Ft.lwthh..'r':l- stone % s :nï¬d‘?fl. and 3 non-l;‘uul aors fised n u:: ‘ wants of a array gave an exhibition mmu.-m-- g of | abounded in n-‘.uudmm L-‘-Rm when = because n6 one of the eighteen men in wrowth of the congregation makes this | the game ever professed to play baseâ€" FULL OF FOUL SEWAGE. EXTENDED WEST ERN TOUR. ntnllthouwmbdl ry deposited in the | Pan ky e Mwm lowed into Vistori®) m»4) Kelso Ryan Stephen Fitzgerald pressed devout wishes for their spiritâ€" Mr. Wing left last week by the Great Northern. to visit friends in Dak ota and Iowa, on his way to his home in Berlin, Ontario,and has since arrived at his home in Betlin. GUELPH ALDERMEN PLEASED. The Sewerage Committee of the Guelph City Council, coml?ond of Mayor Kennedy, Ald A. B. Potric, 8. Carter, A. H. Hamilton, J. A. Scott and Mr J. I. Melntosh, of the Mercury, representing the Bou& of Trade, were highly do:de with what lha{ saw and learned by their visit to Berlin on Thursday. The Chairman of the Sewer Commumittee, A. Bricker, took charge of the visitors and drove them to the sewer farm, where the system was Iriemdatite. "if 16. Rame l:nn{ explained to them. The septic was the most important feature to the visitors, they were well pleased with the result of the work of the tank. After their visit to the farm the Guelphites were driven to different parts of the town, they were shown the road improvements, the schools and the many beautiful residences which Berlin has within its boundaries .A number of the factories were also visitâ€" ed.‘ The visitors expressed their hearty thanks to Chairman Bricker for bis kindness and also their appreciation the valuable information which they received. ting is done on your ï¬b:'-d'nlomtrmdo for you, for eve:( hair of your head is a friend. _ Ayer‘s Hair Vigor in advance will %t:vem the splitting. â€" If the splitting has begun, it will stop it. 3008 botule, "Be varemod give te pame o ve of your -':"mx‘:'_..‘.â€˜ï¬ The Galt Intermediates defeated the Toronto Broadviews at Galt on Tuesâ€" day evening by a score of 3 to 1. A return game will be played at Toronto on Saturday. An effort is being made in Galt to raise a fund to aséist the Gait football club to take part in the Grand Footâ€" ball Tournament to be ‘held at the If your druggist cannot supply you, Ee im ie d so. In Berlin the game has been well patronized but the fault les with the management. . In consequence the public of that town are made to suffer, and as an instance of the support given the team $125 was taken in at the mo in a«m:g’- game with Waterloo. There is thing, however, that this action of the management will not be uin o as applicant tor" wtmnaston an m m.cmm« » §$1.00 a bottle. All druggists. Sporting News. AY are on the anziouns seat game between the nowsâ€" Cattle Fly Oil . . FOR SALHE BY Hardware Dealers, _ Trading Stamps â€" The Popular Boot & Shoe Store = The Molsons Bank. _ Incorporatea in 1855. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Paid up Oapital â€" â€" $2,500,000 Reserve Fund + $2,050,000 A general banking business done. Col lections made, drafts issued payable in all partsof the Dominion or any place in the world. Highest rates of interest allowed for money deposited in Savings Bank or specia deposits ‘ .__ _ JACOR HESPELER, Manager Waterico Branch um.ryod a basoball pmofot&‘ allverâ€"tinâ€"oup, lined with gold (!) A aoiom stt uTh on sitee ie were fact that the Clarendons ‘put a fort fringes on the game, it woald almost dlass with first mentlioned above lml:..n."m m: lm Ti comarant e : Beore by inningm=< â€"= . = _ Commencing Wednesday _ morning we will: give Double . Trading Stamps until further _ notice. " Berlin, July 23rd, 1901, Hahn‘s Bakery 4bT o Bluff !1! wa we en 6 we Farmers protect your cattle from the ravages of flies and insects by using our Cattle Insect Oil especially prepared for the purpose and guaranâ€" teed to give satisfaction. , Warranted Patent Leather goods have come to stay. We have the finest stock of both Ladies and Gents Patent leather shoes full of snap and style, Our leaders for women are the Em&:u. Soverâ€" ol%n :.nld McPherson shoes made in very latâ€" u-'.y-“' Fogh ce To â€" lides ca C m N tos lemits cnd and Dr. Reed‘s Cushion Shoe. Repairing done promptly. Sole Local Agent for the "Blater," J. D. King‘s Cconrad Bros., Jacob S. Roos, 8. SAUDER & CO. $2,050,000| A Delightful Smoke. e fer Souk Ost One that you‘ll appreciateâ€" ; pijuble in ah always the result when you y place in the our choice tobacces.; _ _ t ost atowen s | Musical Instruments i k. Of all kinds. Walking et! w""‘m and sporting goods are am CIGAR STORE Near the Railway Track, W To introduce their cabinet ‘THIS MONTH J. DOERS â€" PHOTOS Get a dowen and Save a Dollar, Marr & Molatyvroe _ are giving a big reduction DOERSAM‘8 9 Materlo0. > c# 17 45