Q I “anâ€: ; Nr ' r ‘ m .1. ., - ‘ ON THE MOVE": ,,, -.r,-ta'frlll _V,, SN, . k Tho-venue e- and. West-Ilium" Wynn: mqmaboveu unnatural-I‘m GrArtiiittieFiiiVaeeesaities DOVItt'S City Drytr '?tetre round . ml to). Itrqutrs " this can. Lou I pair gold manna .peotasrlee Joan Dorm. No m Im hold in the " John’- thhonn church on Sundsy 0mm. Tho Bond of tho Wnudoo Mutual bu . netting " their omen Sunni†Wu. Don't will tho buobull gums be. woon Berlin and Wirloo, Saturday “4pm. During the absence of Chief Fiynu Mr. - Baum}; looking “to: the - and peace of the town. The regular quarterly meeting of the Wutorloo Board of Trade will be held In the old Council Chamber, Friday owning 8 dolook. “In Elizabeth Knuuigor plamntly â€Detained a number of her friend: at - homo Wednesdny evening. All pro-om thoroughly enjoyed the even The sum Railway Co. have ex- tended their line pYongo Bt., Wster-, loo, which makes tho walking distance to Wont-ids Park oomidenbly mortar. been tp,t2N Inspector of the Wat- "too and Fire Immune Co. to an the “one, eeueed by the resignation of Mr. Jno. Killer. Awarding to the new Canadian League Schedule amazed Tueeday Berlin and Waterloo meet each other " Wnurloo Sum-day next, July 1311. Don't mine it. In. Bean is to be congratulated upon the mecca of her pupils at the mat culmination of the Toronto (Sanctum of Music. Eight candi dam were sent up all of whom were tm-tul. Sunday next will he Children’s Day at the Evangelical Church. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. G. Ir Damn: and Menu J. W. Schneider and M. Bundle. The eervlcee oommenoe at Mr. J. K. Shim: is moving his family Into the house recently occupled by Mr. W. J. Muslim, Duke St. Mr. limb." has moved into Mr.J.Lettex'a new honor. next to Dr. Armitage’s “dance, Duke " Tho many friends of srr.Arm. Bendry of The Mutual Life "at! w]! be pleased to lam that be has passed the Inter- modhto examination of the Chartered Aownntants’ Institute. Congratula- Mr. R. P. O‘Donohoe, formerly em- ployed " Mr. J. E, Seagmm'a diml- lm, died " Winnipeg hmwulnne goth. Mr. O'Donohoo wan a member ofthe load C.M. B. A. carrying $2,000 insurance in the shove society. Feshiesrho'.U'tt buebell nine defeated Snyder, Boat & Co). teem in an inter- emng me of baseball " Westelde Park Betnmy afternoon by 17 run: to 6. Batten“, Rollie Weber and A. Nlohol; J. Gleleer and "Bunk" Helm- hooker. Mr. Gnu. Knntz, President of the Waterloo Baum _ Club, gnvo the tt-ttnirtepttti And a few of their friends . picnic In a beautiful grove along the m not: Bloomingdale on Thursday he vim; both )3le _gunoo on 'mar-s-a In. Emm: Gnu-er, Bridgaport,pa- pl! of In. hmdr, our well-known mu- “ anchor, â€and very neonatal], with lumen her tht youâ€: unmlnntion lawn n the Toronto Connervstory allude. Mm (In-or had memorized all he - required for the cumin.- Mvhkh unduly than much menu Md the moon- the hu won refiettta - and“ upon her “when William “no: maiden:- woro trut- od to quite n llvoly alumni Tnuduy m In commandant»: of the taking a! an mum-n vouby onoof in Mill. All the mammals of wk. and munda- tttat could be "iieeted by any of shun: thirty huma- m and In dhponclng . “I“ mmmo. 'Tia said In no you off " the conclusion of the on “labor. Mr. That. Orr, of strytord, bu . The Ilka! Acne- Dodds 3nd Flot- noo Davin. In than honor the nuns. tpdttli" notebo- " the Berlin- †Helpful were held but†1ttv'tt',t.' their and ex- â€Il 'ery, chugging In in a Wairriliie I" thut M†i'triftiUgltir, both man on u " worthy limitation I ,reg* h m an: tmining. Dr..‘llnA.r. Bum“ Mon‘ """ 1"gT4 3.3" “T“??? a mm a - 'gtLPX'd'g', i'kh'iiiiiiiti 'ifiJlr'f',i!ilry'tt!,itit'."i,'i: t"l'lll'gitrSWdl"alt nmhmA-guumug LOCAL NEWS hit-pm! â€0" Gia iii." All grow; anjoyod tan 'a% " Rab-mania. Wm gag“ "t,,2tlt,4t. 'gN21'f, and lab m‘... day. mud-y School and m unh- - bdnoem'o no wwmum. Apr] â€In. M. Wb, our. Foundry and ova-magnum. “For†Dawn; bun In do, that“ on Mary " " pads-hr- apply to w. M. In». Bar'htar.watertoo. 21-1 Want. km NW rd Chan- bumudn. Good mu. Apply " Wulw Bonn, Dunn, Ellhchnh, Prop. 27-N. Emu-u Em. . The summon hue not quite oom- pluod than work u we no " pun. The mult- vul Agra In tho Berlin Daily Talomph evening. Local Emulation. In]. W. F.ru"uoet,ono of the unto: “when of the Toronto Con-"nor, of Mttaie,oondrMsted the LOCI] Examin- mon for atttdttittq from Wstertoo, ttt lin, Guelph Mad Elmira in lbs Be 's studio Wednudny Afternoon. Eight candid-too patented them-elven for examination. 4 tor the lst you and 4 for Primnry Pimo. Saturday Hunt. The regain Betnniay market was luzely â€tended. Farmers brought with them large supplies of vegetsbles sud produce. Strawberries were not so plentiful, pens were in great demand led sold at 100 A box, nineteen, cur- rents. and cherries also sold at 10e a box. Eggs sold st 11 and 12c n dozen while butter sold at 16c s lb. Fresh honey sold " 12 ld, cents th lb. Cut flo- were very plentiful. A limited supply of new potatoes were quickly disposed of. eetens to Sue the Township Mr. John Dewitt, who did duty for the Township of Waterloo in enforcing the quarantine on the Castor fsmily during the recent smallpox score, has served Mr. Fred Semester, reeve of the township ,with a notice that he will sue the corporation if his account is not paid by July 15th. It appears that when he was engaged no stipulstion was made as to what he would re- ceive' Some time ago Mr. Devitt pre- sented the Township Health Omettr with an account for $61.50 for 41 days work at L50. The township authorities offered him 350 Is payment in full and it is the difference in these amounts that is in dispute. B.sserer-Weodeli Numisls. A happy event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wendell, William Street, Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'eloc2, when their daughter. Edith Mary, was united in marriage to Mr. Jacob Besserer, of Berlin. The cere- mony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Boese, of Berlin, in the presence of about titty relatives and friends. The bridesmaids were Miss Mirnie Wen- dell, sister of the bride, and Miss Mary Bowman, while Messrs Will Bowman and Herman Wendell acted as grooms- _ men. A wedding dinner was served after the ceremony, afzer which the evening wu spent in games and social intercourse. Among the gifts to the bride was a handsome cruel: from the groom's fellow employees at the buup- son fa"tory, Berlin. Mr. and Mrs. Besserer will take up their residence in Berlin. Among the guests from a distance was Mrs. Geo, 8to':kfish, of Toronto. Coming Picnics At Westside. The Waterloo Town Park is yearly growing in popularity as a resort for picnickers and pleasure seekers. several large excursions are expected ‘ from outside points, including the Gol- die and MeColloeh emploseu of Galt and the Raymond employees of Guelph, bat no definite date has yet been fixed for these. On Thursday, July 11th, about 1,000 people from Guelph will be wi‘h us. comprising the Sunday Schools of the Norfolk and Dublin St. Methodist churches. They will arrive by special train about 1 30 p. m., and will be conveyed right to the grounds. Caretaker McIntyre has the following picnics slated up to the present time:- July 13th Canadian Order of Foresters. July 20th- Waterloo Presbyterian church. July 27th--- Schufer Killer Co. Em- ployees. Aug. 3rd- Evangelical S. 8. (iii 10th-- " Jotupa Lutheran church. ‘ A meeting for tho purpose of organising a Lawn Bowling Club was bold in Lockie & Rarmo's omo. on Thunday aftmioott. The following amour: were eiccted: Hon. Prea.--Jotb. E. Sugram, M. P, Pretg.-thto, Moore. ut Vloe-PrtNr.-.-8. B. Briokér. 2nd Y1eqr-Pre..-A. B. McBride. Bott-W. E. Raymo. 'rt-.-E. P. Sagan]. Managing Comtnittes--Pre., Flea- Pro... my, sud menu-n. J. Havel", A. W. kahuna. W. Hogg, E. M. Slander! and W. a. Woichel. Bowling Club Formed, Enough money ha been subscribed to buy eight pair of bowls. The “no will bemodma the munch Alongside the than; rink, Erb St, a noon on the bowls Irvin. Persona within to join theolnb no kindly reqnnud to hand their nun" to Secy Rarmo. Wm Def-u on: The Wlmrloo football boys deleted . tom from Oalt in . friendly gun- of lamb-ll at Wauldo Park Friday oven- " trr2grsal' to 0. The “who hon put up n “tong gum and tom a, ball tn the Mud unitary the m m of the m Wntorloo -d-dttttertttthitttalt Illd on In a. "and in]! While the "ttoN m ‘nIblo tom Ind m ttM" add 'tttt the more In wucw. hm trr2 new , Than-9 nus-t!!!" "iruruo.--oeat, Tuna; bah, Kuhn, an; an huh. Mtt 'lt"',,',',','.',).,",',,':','.'.,"',"' ' m,'t-uu__- ' _ _ _ , tHK-r-Ft,"-,. M Euro, low}; 'l'calSi,lltl't,tlll'G', Tatti, â€MB.“ , lift my... nun-1mm I†HI!- of Wu on A Van we": A“ YtteTttirdAnnttat Co.- mum-cm otttteTwHCitr Hospital. u" The addreeeee of theevenlng were de livered by Rev. R. von. Pitch, end Meyer G. B. Bowlby. The former of spokes in terms of eloquence ofthe 'u benevolence end inereeeinz inure-t1 on that is being menlfeeted hythe citizens as of the Twin-City. He spoke of the Lediee‘ Auxiliary and their velneble P. end 11twelfUh desire to eeeiet in nuk- ing the hoepitel more eithtiettt in meet. lug the needs of thoee who ere celled upon to he petiontl therein. Rev. Mr. von. Pitch oontrra'rthstad the nun. who had - Ihelr exeminetione MV end would be pteeented with the or. diploma end models in token ofthMr M, alttdalm- t) duty end petience in study. _ The we e! the “ha-db . "Fl"Ir" I Dulcimer-machine. "CTi;'l"a"ATru 2rg'tggneuttgtrggrltf â€out“: no. u- . . , omt-tteld.tttteNetttt no In.“ "s, ' "lat twang“ loo Koontz-lend the lune-d new . ' trounce women In the when at and 01.50 A pair. on. menu and neon-M lender . r 100 pair Inn‘- ehoee “on. The m’e we"! on the Int , ' in. " $1.00 . pai floor we: we dam-u of it! hell .ndtramAmnedintoahalt 0' - " Mid belt-worth Me taboo, eligoing st ‘hy decontlone cl bootleg may, be each. sndleetedwltheelnnyehelnll_ . . poulblyoouldbe'ot Into the we. Mi1linit-iiiempeiess" The“ were Mad, the long and will. . corridor '8 peeked, an: on the In": Come only end - e huge“; on the outside were other. who were determined in some with“: beer some the 6 - mm. we}??? 0&- tea J. 1lfhthnartn erected for the occeeton, vowel , the Preoldent, Mr. J: C. Br. thenpt, who noted a ftt."tttlft',t' 30'le Wlterloo. P. Colquhonn, .H. ell, Rev. ton Plrch, C. P. Nlehw, Dr. J. P. Agents for New Idea Em 1Iomsberger, Geo. Randellnnd Wm. B. Schmlll. The Superintendent, Mile Duncan, the graduating nnml.‘ like _-----"--------------------------- Dodde end Mlle Devle,md the ether President J. c, BMW M PERSO Dunn of the institution, occupled the the precaution of module. Ihtoh ere front out; t,'t,t,"g by the 33!: 1Ptttf, 'tt Mr. “a The Chairman, Preeldent J. c. to on rpm m from Wood Brelthaupt, gave an opening “1de the velnehvle M “anâ€! m were the of welcome and spoke of the Iucecu given by ttto name. MM tbe that has attended the benevolence and After the M‘ d the NW od the he! llherel heartedneu of the cltueneo! Anthem, tho-in “tandem. In. IB. â€will the Twin-City in the erection of the rttad to partake ot refreshment! ottrhood. hospital md lte malntenenoe llnee ttrst"rroua" provided by the """l m- Bel them He made a verv ole-ulna refor- AuxilWy. number . The Chsirmnn, President J. C. Breithnnpt, gsve an opening nddrsss of welcome and spoke of the success that has sttended the benevolence end libersi henrteduess of the oitiunsol the Twin-City in the erection of the hospital end its maintenance since then. He made I very piessing refer- ence to his predeoeuor, ex- president Randall, snd epoke of the latter‘e great "eritiee, for the promo- tion of the Institution. The Chairman congratulated the two nurses who jwere about to receive their diplomas and wished them every success in their 1future battles against sickness end pain. Rev. Mr. ilchriet, of Water- loo, was called upon to open the pro- gramme with prayer. The programme was a rich treat sud those who took part acquitted them- selves iaaereditattle and highly de- lightful manner. The opening num- ber was a piano solo by Mr. Wm. J. Fisher, of Waterloo, who rendered his selection in thtialted style. Mr. C. Boehmer, of New York, new spending his vacation " his 11W Berlin, rendered ortraehssirrt msnner which won Mmirsth’n and encomiums of praise from all his hearers. Mr Beeh- mer has made great progress in the study of the the fine arts of song end is a credit to the town of Berlin. Mr. George Fox, the accomplished violin- ist, who is spending a short time in the Twin-City, kindly consented to con-1 tributeanumber to the programme, choosing Rath Cavatlna, his rendering of this masterpiece drawing forth storms of applause. Miss Emma ‘Zoelluer, of Toronto, who is spending her vacation at her home here, renv dared a piano solo, her plsying being characterized by wonderful execution, and, in the heavier passages, great power. The programme was greatly appreciated and the Twin-City citizens can well feel proud of such splendid musical talent as those who participated showed themselves to possess. Miss Duncan, the Superintendent, read an address that use full of inter- eating information, chiei of which was the success that has attended the in- institution in the training of nurses. During the year 19 tsppliGtiona" have been received, 8 forms were tilled and signed, 4 were accepted, I dropped out and two have grsdusted. Sim the Hospital was instituted live nurses have graduated, Misses Bye, Kelley and Kiibourne in 1898, and Misses Reade and Doeriug in 1900. His-Bye is private nursing in New York; Miss Kelly isemember of the Vietorisn Order of Nurses " Cause, Non Sootis; Miss Kilbourne at her homer, Miss Reade is a private nurse at London, and Miss Deming is at present in the, ‘local isolation Respite]. The report made an enthusiustie reference to the institution of nursing u a tine art by Miss Florence Nitrtningale, end silo poke of the great interest the late Queen Victoris took in the welt-re of nurses throughout her kingdom. Msyor Bowiby spoke of the tlrttrt) he had in addressing the sndlenoe sum made reference to the ttmat edvenee- I men: in surgery. He hes given the nurses their lnmuoston on this im- portant subject sud hes silo conduct- ed the exeminesions, end while out exsminsdon hes been more diluent: men the previous one the nurses he" been sble to nope with the diiBemtttq of the are of surgery. He (eve vein- mtrte immune to the - end competed "tenures of the eerlydpui “the 10th century with“ the present day, end in closing ma the (reassess every - Dr. J. P. 3w Altos". mum-Mm nlloling n- 'i-th-ttte-ies. “Paw.†w. Elm-annu‘ 1";th Putt tyiitt 1's1lSt'ull=s,' an “as. I... Sou-ohm , 'ii'itiiie't'thd!.ti'LEtth' "gre'.esq - ., ,,-,-.‘.! [III (iii' A bonny vow of than: VII moved by Mom P. Colqnhoun and W. B. Schmdz toth- who “and In the programme sud Wu album carried. The l’roaldont lune-tad that It the interest continue. I larger hall I111 have to be secured for the Commence- ment Enrol-u. A lpeclel meeting of the Town Coun- l cu mu held Monday evening tbr the: purpoeo of txataidertng the “and end “liking the rate for the entrant1 year. There were preeenc the Mayor in tho obeli- end Home. Rachael, Umbeeh, Seesaw and Peppler. Inn 17 )1le The rate for the pram: you In f1xed " 17 mill- on the dollar AM I awful txmaitUration of the “meted receipt: end expenditure- made up no follow“ For County Tn 1.20 mull. " Park .50 " " Pnbllo’Sohool 5.00 " " Soweto School 6.00 " " Debenmree 2.50 " e " Genetel Town Purpose. 7.80 " l Total nu for Pnbllo School 'upptet- en 17 mule. - A _ -aiarGa for Squaw School unp- porters 18 mills. Mr. Bastttot,tthairtnan of the Finance] Committee, tmbutittod the following I estimate of the malptl and expand]- turen for the current you: l mums. From sole of Iota, old lbw ground.................l From rule of lots, comm. " Licensee and an..." " semlefr-.-..-. " Mutt“ bu.......... " B.tlrmtt........-.. " Gov. School Grunt... " Poll Ind Dog Totem. . " Tue- 17 ml)ll....... County Tu................l Public Behool.............. Swat-lei Bohool............ 1mteruiDob.nturxsa.....-.. Electric Light and an. _ . . . . Boatdof Bealth........-. Intern-tad Mom"... Put Detreqttutm...-...... Brdrarttluetti.-. ....... Bo-dittWoeuArpeFttrt, Pttnttng.-..cv-tv--- Tatum-ad 80m... irtmCmmitittioAp-eutiort - u " Division WW..." WYWIAI:........ iririiiGiirGiiririkorrtetsms, 1600 00 . DP Printing 30000 hurtling Tatum-manor... 40000 (391! rtmCmmisittdoAp-uttort 606 60 lon u fra n " 'tlt', purpose“ mm.......... " & 1t.vtgitrnYoteeeLt.t.....-. 6000 MM Anasmm.............. 8000 lax-3n" Ame.tingoetur-reru.itt.l'lttti? Club drew upmro wu hold on loads: ggttt.,,'t ' "sttrdrttetbrthetadiee-oet o'clock In the on Council Inc. dar, mphymmgmpod Tbmwonpnuut, A.B. Holman: In": the our ad I... Dr. Webb, mumps L.Brmte “a A.P. Bundle, tuettrtei,B-oatdtkPtrtts. "2 " 1.3m“ "T.Kr¢ The min“. a! PM My " 3 " Laughs.“ Bord. ,psrgtenetth"N'tttl "4 " A.0. [would common a In In)“. mutton-lads. Thu-ml. No.tr,tEi-L.mqtelsrandA tatr.e,W.e1'l"tfc"ku'll tttMV no " 13.me 3.11 it!“ - Wâ€- " 7 " M'atgcifg â€inhumane-Iliad I'8 “an mums: 1i,ha'i"r,N,Rstfti :mlmgzt Nos. I, a, a, game»... aa We M -ttrtq lil""""'""'" .108 M. Ttatc!."""" mil- BCKBDOLB. man-n- Ati'. OlcbdoNdem. Ins tht m m d tho 3m6,4mtF. ' tei,tuiiiotttom-tt-0e+ (".mjuuw. Qua, “I†mm "vit,",", it'"'"" . . _ .--.--_--- _ n n mun-m no huh-ul- maintain. a. nu, an - In "and- on- causal a-nge ug. III-lye!!! @9912! IO, “"v iiGE'iiubtiy.ilfe_.tei_tteIPe mammal“. S. TOWN COUNCIL. 1.8mm“ mi 1901. BOARD OF HUI-Ta. -DgxqrBMBt l................01000 00 1001.............. 600000 lobaol.........-.. 01452 yb.nturxta......... 3274 01 gbtdeu...... 206000 Iea1ttt.........-. 40000 d Mom"... 600 00 w......'.......... 150000 mum........... 67043 un£31.... ....... 186000 .m.m-...----..... 16000 HOT“ ll Bargains " . For Friday "rT,t,tfatlTrtifhtltk't ping“ Ito, . â€Optimi- in. (up, w tti,'ttetuh'lhgti,'.ertd.t,,'dt "trttitruduihidtmua, be. - 81.50. "to"IR"pair,troing" 760. 81 lullSlJOspnir. 100 pair Inn'- also. worth 81.501032, go- ingu8i.00apair. I 26.41.10 awn 10 23,467 10 914 52 The Wirloo Woollen Co. ie at 3274 91 MS,', bun] beaming I large hydrau- 2060 00 e pump for [conned firr, protection. 1664 00 Theold pomp which had enmity of 500 400 oo phone to the mlnnte end was located 600 00 nee! the cache of the mills, it eppeere 1500 00 we not oonddered gt1ttleient protect- m 43 lon by the Flu Underwmerl end the 1860 00 Company decided toputints pump 160 00 of 760 pllone per minute ttapttsitrputd 1600 00 e up home detached from other 300 00 homing ha been hunt. The water 400 00 supply eeeured_{rom e leg-3e “30000 1483 74 Waterloo Mr. and In. Wm. Conrad returned from Woodmek Sauna-y whom they won an - ofhor m In. Bqttgagtt " I few (by. They ,rttmq.. od the Won ammonia, when dill growing town entered the mm ot citybood. inn-Bode Dav-on cannula“! u number other young friend: It her home ou Georg. " Tuesday evening. m- Helm mum! left on Tau- a" " Bnttuo, when she will take a emu. of tubing In the Fletcher Mule Method. Andrew Uuudt in spending I tow days with Manda in Form and Elon. Chief Flynn left Tends] tor Stret- Ated end other pointa on a. ten days union. Mr. and Mrs. Thom-e Billiard re- turned Stanley after spending a week n Bantam, Hutch. I“. Clara Lieergood, of Preston, III I visual- to Wan-loo Thursday. Ii- Millie Romano“. of Wood- 'tou,U the gnu: of Min Elm snidor. Mr. Whiter B.Wolle loft on Sammy morning to spend a week with friends in Toronto. Gilt 'taforttter.---MUtt Moore, Water- loo ll Mung her unnt,Mn. W. Moore, San-bury Ivonne. 'll nu, nvu.‘ . hawâ€; h "sA9'ts" Mr. and Mm. Jacob Hupoler left on Sum, morning to spend several days a " Calm-Ines. Mr. Rumba Devitt, communion moron-m, of Philadelphia, who bu been with); Wuarloo relatives for a tow dun, loft Tuesday for the Quaker City, going via 1htfNIo when he will VII]: the Ptut-Atnarittatt. The Mil-u Heintzmmn of Toronto, In the gum- " the home Mrs. N. Kil- lee, Albert " In. Flora Baattntrl in mending ton din at the Pttn-Atmsrfesan. Mitts Mlnnie 30¢th has returned from Lhwwol whore she spent two week: with her grandfather Bucking. mu Idn Martin is spending two weeks with her-tum. Mrs. (Dr.) J, H. Mata, Elmira, Mr. W. T. Blggs, Burlington, spent put of but. week with friend.- in town. Ill-Ell: May Rats spent I turd-y- let, (so! with her grandmother, Mm. Mr. B. Emilia Dorm of Philadel- Phu, Ps., In spending two ween’ holl- days at the home of his parents, Mr. And In. Ben). Devin. Mim Manhn Snider is visiting friends In New Bamburg. Dr. and Mn. New“: no spending . week at the PM: American. W 1 piece bleached table linen 54 "~‘ in. wide 25c. --_e.-i----ee.e.!e-e."-eP-e.-e-"-e- 1 piece table linen bleached, ex- PERSONAL AND SOCAlL' tn. tine quality worth Me for 65e. med RmcNAsrti.-Table damask rem- J,Ng,2efgutr,2tyt'lt,' nuts, lengths for table cloths 50e, on the “out! of her__lbwrh Mfg. 63e, 75c, 856 and 81.00. manned rm Protection guild: but, made special, for the purpose? which is fed by the hash wot or min from the Woollen mill pond on he Bt. The old pump In bo- la; out to Markham, t be ploood in been“: Woollen In lathe". The hoodlum ha now In ludopont wom- mm mm the equal of which few mm could bout. T-ri. on Schedule for Luis. Tho Committee at the Waterloo Lown Tuni- cm: drew up tho following MD. for the lads-lumen on Thun- #r Thophymmgmpoduhl- No.1,II-u L.BrIoo Ind A.P. Snider. " , " LEM " T.Kmul:lr. " , " Lanzhou " Romany or. " 4 " A. G. loan sod mum may. No.5. - L. nuptial-Ind Allow“. " g " 'ldlrggt.e'."i loom. u " . " armttaiget, (I a " 'h'llEI'l " K. Bull-c. 1otl,duudg',12"'gut"" Nos 7 and 8 an. an . scnnvu. and Saturday. 333E†*3 at 1'“,ch W. Gal, . Be Sure J"' And See These - Ryan’s on Saturday 6 piece: Mud shitting in blue cheek. and stripes, regula- nlno 14c for 12k. Tow-o.-- 1 piece toweling, good bony crab worth So for trhe, TABLE Lnmr.-- 2 pieces table, linen 56 in. wide, sped-l st Me Ind Mes Sporting Goods, Croquet Sets, Hammocks, Fish Poles, Bo Thoroughly Prepared for Business! UCH of your future success depends upon the mmzh lawn-Hon m mocha. Crxsgtrrxstnrr-ft% WM you no tyeteetitt A school. No two schools an ml L The cxoelicnt reputation that our college a '03:. the Inge â€mange we menu. the [tweak can can our uadmytr.hayelrt peer-ring Lad holding. mun- heuuvuuw "my ... m... .- __-Nr. M. -- Mom, indicate that our iaua " on ot am vary but in the Dominion. Write tor our beautiful ant-locus In which you will and full particulars I',',',',',?,',,',',',',',',',',',', collage. It you want the best in but“. 110-110an on: get. it hero. Stud- unu out new: In} B. At the recent. examinations of the Toronto Conservatory of Music the fol- lowing students from this vicinity were unoccufni in passing: '"Tiiiiricisr%Gi;.--Mitsa Helen G. Mitchell, Ontario Ladies' College, graduated with firtrt class honors. __ - vuA‘- In..- 0...“... '"iiiiiriiir" iuto.--Miss Bertha Chrlamnn, Elmira, (lat class honors); Mlu Lena Hergqtt,Waterlog, .(honors); was Emma Granger, Bridgeport, (honors); Min Florence Snyder, Wat- erloo, and Miss Alma Weldon, Berlin. Primary Ptatso,---Miatr Edna Erb and Hum Arthur Rats, Elmira; m- Alloo Cork and Mill Annie Hemp, Wnnrloo. --- -- -... Jun. 'ruorr-Mias Dntsy ulmorn, Berlin. . Primary TtMsory.--Mi" Lona Her- gott, Waterloo, (honors). A -- - . - ‘11-- r“--- a.“ A. " mum Form.- (lu clue honors) Mr. Wadenhammet Appointed. The ncmcy on the Berlin High School gtaff ttat1aed by the gt,"tgt of Mitttt Eby has been filled by t 9 ap- pointment of William Woldenhsmmor B. A., until reoetty heyday-aver of D-A., “urn "awn-u; -i-.e_-__- V, the Wad-ville High School. Mr. Weidernhmmor in In old Elmira boy. After u thorough public school course he “tended High School Ind snor- 'Il'dl took on Am Come in Toronto University, stunning with honor: in modem Ho taught awfully for some you: in the Street-ville md Wad-ville High Schooll. Be there- fore can. to " work here with . good â€hob-Ho training supplemented , you'- of moon-h! touching. He in n emulation- md thorough Instructor and ought to do good work. Mr. Z. A. Ball, principal of the Pram: Public, nu mignod Mn position 'g,,t'gt',ergl't,'t of manga- ot the brim- oonnocrlon with the Path. can, which In left "mm by the dean of Mr. Thoma Bhl'. Mr. Ball In one ot gm bet kpown and non calcium when In mommy and his Won will 't,N,ft"d be nodnd wlth rum , mau- 0!“:ch School. Bl. with ex- porhuoou II “can†on“! well ionititr him to no the petition om. ad by the Fool!!! m _ Martin Bros., Ttte shun-“mo now map " Junta. an nltgttqt can?“ GiiiGji--thtelvtrhtt In - on an IP-N'm IN- W 11. when a can! had ohm- tM “ppm ,ifef.yrcl Express Wagons,etc., successéUL STUDENTS. rerj...E?.'.E G. B, Ryan lil, Cog? ....CALL AT.... For all kinds of . ' . Waterloo, Ont. W. J. ELLIOTT, PriecipU. 1iiiiFikiiiidhytitttt h Stratford, Ont. Skirting. LUiua 'Clnra Snider, AT {out The 3 .. Busch-aha gi "l'2n1l"td"lp'"h SAME." 1 pinch blank ro', bright silk finish. speak! at: Faun Sum-- 1 pint farmer satin mgular "In. for 16e i Dams Goon-J piano Mii lustre 42 inotitU,worth 5001C" 1 piece fancy lustre "an!!! , for 50c. m" GRINADlNl.--- 2 pine-I " grenadine with oolotod ilk a. very pretty for waist. "gull! I for 50e, long a Foundry ttts, begs to call the attention of t ' farmers and others to his latest 7 rivals of 'se', California Prunes, Peaches, - and all other seasonable fruits. T .‘ Our stock ot groceries are fr w; and complete. Special attentittM paid to purity of brand. His " " market price paid for all kind; ' " farm produce, especially but i? eggs and lard. Don't fail to 3‘ us a call. We will endeavor to . MI isfy you. Prompt delivery to ‘9; parts of town. Telephone 198. H can secure pleasant room in prl family, 395 and humane loutlon. 25 minutes walk to Elysium). lent our facilities, hm not if d at reasonable rates, by “dread bar to Rev. B. B. KRAFT, a! 'lsllilllk", Pan-American Peopln Ave., Buffalo, N. Y As the coal mining companies of United States have made a new of coal only for net cash, we th. , deraigned coal dealer of the Twin» area liged to adopt the mo and in future will sell coal an or cash only. "A Absolute Watchmaker and jeweller. Corner Gram Coal Dealers' Notice Our "Gi%, Gash. ft. My patterns In “ An Wis tfft to - T Ivan, and at prices that am agreed)†surprise you "t manna “I“ Boudoir Clocks. tit When you set, your time by clock you feel pretty lure that T have absolutely the correct That: because in our bull know all about the time of and see that our clock toll- truth. The same principle All through our luminous. thing we have will “I. mom just what it ntt'tl it what lt seem. to he. ll in I thing for you to remember -. you heed Anything in our lint _ Runnyâ€. Tun Fuel. ' A. ti'iii"iilttt Bargai E. J. RODS, Mr. M. M. Bohlodel Opposite Snider‘s Kill. KLOEPFER & oo., WM. Bowl, R. PINKE, & CO., R. BOEHMER, A. A. PIPE. Apricots, Gingham Clings; Reliablllty. Central Blod Water]: Pinesâ€! W55