.t i 5.. ta, A own: I . " u 19",â€- 'lhEiklt n low: - LL . c.. It! LU'; rut. ' ‘I M†an! isa n has. I. P. 0mm. 'iiiiirfiiiiit5 'Tao to "Ci-su-ia-iam nun-hum. R. 3. . Inn-r Phi-M ' bum eta, Epoch! I?,',',,?, 'lk's1'1/'itdCil'erCe.iiF't wid ttttg 21t/'ti'iiti'iii AGUG', "eta. De tt.B. Br,i'xtr,shl'li sttt,e"dS"li'c â€395}, on. tur. Ind tiiiidri-r--Jotut it. Bortus. [mu "..%H- - ___,V, _ - and Wm at Ont-Ho. Epoch! mun pad to the treatment of mourns-mu 'iGrsriuirai8tety_etfe, Welland Riia7rEgooa_ WaWodmlmn. B. 0. T. Nomi!» Kahlua of Toronto {Inna-lit}. mu on who. at Mom‘- Bur - 3nd Accountants of Ontario. Dim-tt ot 2h' gall an mud. oetMt.--tlqw redder-co. mm wuss-loo. I Mm“ “m " a. up at. WIHIII'I "mid-tgt., 1316th Wm. 11.9.9. nu...†-.,_ “branche- " dcnnslry manned. Ir Jon-n1 Block. Damn. on: Baum _ ___ A. >........ lr-hnnI-ah' Jan-I1 am. youâ€. ..... “a, an... Ian-tau have» runny-mu In 3nd amount- (moon. I. LWIlklnoon, LB. 8., 0.0.8. DENTXST. of" Open Toily. once: Canadian Block, Berlin. gem! u a. mock. w.t.etqtx, WWI. D. B. W . _ G.1ys1TPg,F..th...? I; JI uw.nn.uuo.u.u.m. .rWNr_r_.'-P_- 3mm Wilt visit Elwin. Zulu Home. h,',,'i'trUl"r","s'lt', and Fritur And (ovum iaTirraikiFiiairoeese8ue,tie, hunch} Inna-WI; II- ODONTIJ mm: -ri.-..erehie of tooth. no .taghttt ole-villi» dosed "on m aft-tma' mummuombum 7ruarTal. "m1; "GT ‘ma: 1217' “a... - h ml at comm-cu Hm a gun. a}; 4km! may “5!: M- ILE ' 9._yuty?2.Syy.r, p. w. u KIWI“). ,_no-er Er.Fdjetee! â€mm-um“ m I. M “I My]. III-ah- wit -- an.†Ant: " “Oar-Intel.- “I PHI- 'N., (fl-Wm... nun-imam VII- M. ml, W“ .e' VPT‘V“ gnaw“). an†Pet ---='====""""" m T mm m. u 'tttirfi'tl' ad a... an.†V _ that“: unusual all N o- mam» duh. ih'iii? 'iit%liit n- upon-um " tbo mun EE1ettt-d'dterf-'-t-t-t W iiii.trlt; tttttttull/I. ___ a . G. HUGHES. "on L mum]! at n...†can. 'll? I EMT. “RUE rum R. .118FIK 'l'lx'2','hmautwrctr, ate="tttBltts"'g1'd'reneie m "in. nine mo- must. Miser!!!» mm 'luhtg.t'Watt""""" .ag-ttmlt'Met m his}? MISCELLANEOUS rum. w- "-t9r.th.teer, - ,mm man. Wank-m In... In)!» mallow-l nude. â€moor. convoy-noon qto. a "ctmroMH manna WM MEDICAL I. u. an Wu.“ OMA‘ loin: lk wanna 1mm 'lhh"ur.t.x_rserva.ue.et â€MM- ...de of rerteeiyy't.t,T DENTAL LIVER|E8 WgiiNfgylt'ire'tl'ld - M m; Ar,1tst?t,Ldt Whios, D. 11-3:- Jhttltp CARDS nanny-lull. Bot Tuvalu 'uY,rltti.lli',. ,,,.4:.-A 1-014- 1 Epoch! at. “$33: And enrol-l0 a¢w~ NM Cttat . titi,Cdl'Wi Triiiair. Tritire " h FA.' i5 Big: PM†and on we “a." Tttttm by. no to “that a earpet (new. in - “but . Monk I“ hm: good- aul “mobile t,'l'a; Tho b Jun no about In!“ 2,h'll up, 0 and U m being M in». u; B. Shut: and mu. Guam at. W“! . low du- with relatives tn George on. an: Mme; - mu Hamilton, thhourno, in houdagitut in Galt, manta: the It.“ Hum, Blair The lightnlng and thunder PM†nigh III (hm Ind close, but no dunno in recorded In this vicinity. The grand "and " Fletoris Park in receiving a much needed can of palm. It will look quite hobby when nabbed. A Tomato man lat tour teeth " . camp heating the other night. Bo us: not struck with repontuwo bat with a mallet. The tcar young men who were sum. Inoned by Chief Flynn for disorderly conduct at Waterloo on Dominion Day were titted 81 md can: by P. M. Weir on Fridny. The estate of the late Thomas Shaw ofBupoler, mounts to $2,170; one In" revert: to the widow And the balance is equally divided among the heirs. Ho left no will. The tonnen‘ section of the Toronto Board of Trade met on Tuesday, And was attended by Messrs G. C. H. Lang, J. C. Breithsupt and L, J. Breilhsnpl, of Berlin. There has been considerable cutting in prices amongs? the tanners and in order to put is stop to this out. throat system it was decid- ed to mile tho price of leather to a uniform rate. At B meeting of the Berlin High School Board held this morning Mr Wm Weidenhammer, his principal of the Wardaville High School, was unani- mously appointed to [ill the vacancy on tho touching ataff caused by the re- aixnalion of Mia Eby. The stipend will be $800 a year. Mr. Weidrteltartt- met will teach modern languages. Mr. R Reid has been appointed to‘ judge Jerseys, Gunmen, Holstein, Ayrshiree and grade came at the Win. ; nipeg Industrial Fair which Open: on July 20--Aug. 2nd. Mr. Reid will also act in a similar capacity " Toron- to, and has been recommended to the Pan-American directors as a judge of Jerseya, by Canadian Jersey owners. Rain in the early part of the after- _ noon had its efftyct upmuhe attentittmNr' " the annualpienic of’hinity Method. ist Sunday School picnic which WIS held at Westside Park, Waterloo, on Thursday. The scholars were con- veyed to Waterloo by the Berlin and Waterloo " wr Co. which gave ex- cellent service. At the grounds games and amusements of all kinds were in- dulged in and a very enjoy able time was spent by all present. The supper was one of the best. ever_eerved at any i picnic yet. held by the Sunday School, The Ill-annual Retreat of theRomam Catholic clergy of the Hamilton Diocese is at present being held in Berlin and will continue till the end of next week. Rt. Rev. Bishop Dowling is in attend- ance and also the Rev. Father ledy, missionary and lecturer of New York, formerly a Professor in Fordhszn Col- logo. The Board of Health of the Town-1 ship of Downie hue repeatedly called tho attention of the Stratford City Council to the {not that the sewage of the city was polluting the river 'Avon. On Saturday the Board sent another letter to the Council informing them that. if a bone tide effort to hove pro- per sewage disposal were not mode in two Weokl they would move to have the Meyer and Council committed to jail. Commissioners have considered it pru- i dent to oeue operations on the well n which Mean Frau ond Hervey hove been " work, the flow being so week " not to guarantees drilling any deeper About fifty feet of this well we: through the rock. The Commiuionen have concluded that they hove got out (of, the line of the f1ostntt wells, end will now prr coed to bore for water ‘ohont 1600 has nonhwoot of the in: BERLIN N EWS, well . Undor the nhio leadership of Mr. N. Zolior, the Berlin Bnnd won huh - " the recent military camp " London. Five Regiment hand: were in nttondnnoo lad in the combined; 00an given on vnrionl occasions Mr. Zolior m chosen director and nun load the military tatoo, which in m Inna-l made-l ov.nt um part in by til the hands. The â€locum of Mr. Better to lend the combined had: in I um; will†to the musicianship ot Bulb’s Bud Inter. Remus Will After boring 290 fett. I. may otrttur pm “imam-Mi.†m iii-WWIâ€. the Water {318d Shooting MM mmuummu ' -.. M-UDMQL‘IOG- “â€1... 1*- rum Turn-mulch. 'f%"-rBP.& as. --_ “it!“ oSta'dttt.ts'rtr"dtl ., 'dtt'ttt curl- G'iraiGlcGGaG7i'i'k Mr. Henry his, I w IVE. shun-auburn. â€brush. 'rserare,ir-t0iiH.. - .. - III. a. man In. h lab at] m the wing that that.“ we. Inn at but. ',e'."2"'drs, "do Do “on " new. ad at than r,Tghl"at'tf2tttt Two old»- m the W wa- nd tho m M In mm room. A hm doubl- walled India; an up until-uh them of an null and mad the WI menu». a. our!“ Inn at. a: nnd evidently In m tho and both; Into the Dom! at tho can with an trtutotioiatssattho+ duh-om door, can» [an 'lied and the nugget, which mus luv. boon new, i... ram-ed and the conical! dir chugod, entaetrstr tho you. lad jut below the right Md". He tell, {we downward, upon the gun And died tummy. _ The no brothere a] that no neon me they head the that they went to the room end new whet had occurred and lmmedhuly cloned up the home end no to the market to not": the" puente. The leuer were horror- etricken, u well " the hired men. J mph Jorma, who wee working in the fields, and to whom the guy belonged. The gun wan always kept out of harm’s In, In the bedroom of the hired mm, arm-In, and PM†oven- ing be brought It don mm Ind and it during the tel in Allowing ground- bogs, of Ibis their no qaitts I number on the farm. On returning to the homo be placed lt in the corner to who it apstairs ngaiu to hi- room, but negieoud it. Mr. Jon: u uncurally quite outcome by the weldem. 7 - The child had been eating I ptece of bread before the occurrence and bad placed it on a chair near by, making it plain that he wu handling the gun with his two hands. He was I bright little Ind and will be greatly miamsd by m. paroutl and brothers. Coroner Lackner was summoned end after hearing the story of the elden boy, who in a very intelligent little fellow, decided that death we: ceased accidently and that an inquest would be unnecessary. . - The parents have the sympathy of the community la their Hidden be renvoment a: they are well-known In Berlin, being regular “tandem: " the market. The following amusing Incidont In which Mr. George Fox, Canal-’5 colo- brated violin!“ figured, and who has for some time put bean the guest of his sister, Mn. F. a. Hugh“, of Wat- loo, is related in the Hamilton Post: in the Concert Goer, New York, which enjoys the distinction of being " the preeent time the only Algerian musical periodical devoting a re n- able amount of attention to Canadian manic, there is running . most intonat- ing series of notes or Hamilton muni- ciann who have gone out and made their mark in the world. The last number contains an amusing story otts visit paid by George Fox to Dsmrosoh in New York. George Fox, as every Hamiltonian known, was a pupil of Professor Bauman, and when be we: asked by the great conductor: “Young men, who taught you P . "Oh, I leaned in the backwoods of Canada,†said Fox. "Wall," sud Mr. Damroech, "the teacher who taught you in the backwoods or Called: Indor- etood his busineee.†The report of the Clerk of Hannah! Stan-tic- of the Dominion Government contains ' list of unclaimed but bslnnoen in the "rim cluttered Banks of Cumin. Thou . local interest He: ' Mrs. Louisa Bully, Berlin. . . . . 81.71 W. W. Gould, Waterloo.. ...... .38 Bank of Barnum. Dennis Schulook, Berlin. . - W. C. Como, Berlin. . . . . . . Merchant: Bank. Janene Rutherford, can"... 327.97 Jaa.8itnpeon,Prmtxm----. .67 UNDERSTOOD HIS BUSINESS. Holm- Bank. P. Humor, erloo. . . . . UNCLAIMED BANK BALANCES. A meeuug ot the molten:- of Ben- lin wu held this morning " 10 o’clock In the Council Chamber to qNtgtaidee the cloning of their “one - eval- lag of the week " 6.15, anemia; Belinda! evening. The mowing wee mended by about twenty merchant- ttttt of elm-It My who are diving bani. neee in this town. ' _ Mt. J. U. Clomonl was null-Inn Ind Mr. W. Hurphy acted u Soon- uty. The “truncated “10de automating-Id "udailttt- chukka-spun“: 'ut'tlthttr “want. The ovum ottttettig 1ttau','"S. g'dhtrtfgdtti on - up...“ their “on Minx. on»: not- oh-u with“ Ooh-n the sum» tsutstteAdtrued, admins-c Wyn-pin. mum-y and" m- m“ In. “no a“ 2M Thoma“ mun-ino- In“ out.“ mum-um be iiGiiG%iaik "Emma-blow hat-pond MN which. my tltTMtltt2',)',Q him tMitt.'tti.tru, mach-o ttg'trtdhll'ftWt'lehn't.' WILL NOT CLOSE THEIR STORES. Bank of Commerce. 1.89 .67 1g Now bob†cloning pump] In†be short urns we as: allowed to an um I thinkoryon. It our Journey in lit of hu been often add and very truly too that Rodin-y h Y. that in order for I pm to [me good strut you may fall ht things and about than may need to Him ttnd 'ttr" H .,. an. That should not be no one ma moment “on 3 no I Im going to you w-mm homo. Una! Un things In?" {and shout you Me the 1W i','.,',,',?,', t'?',t, k ram t poehnrr. I up,“ you I a 1! time. somewhat hard. a mi- 95.1!" P, I Ill'gthu'e1'.ittt tutu-uni . a .IO" h I. ttililirrF,i.irth"el' 0m huh-“um It In a." an. â€In. I: in. autism-nonin- h b was. -rM6t-.t- Wham-ulna“ â€Mama-bulld- tdt t-WooartttotM.bt" ad a: mama-ll on - 'g'%'tWug1tLW."tt"gti Bimbo-mutual.“ an tttorttrttnst,_rt-.th- mmm;mmmm 2'fATf21".,"t “Irish-gum up!" ; n." in veo-,uatdtuaatmrmtt.ttnrst. It Inch-u. “Myâ€: all and I. "ether-rd-tstrait-tm-h. Tmh‘bukonrm My o'iT,ty2Wl.%1'l,Utt'2"gt potieo my changes. Thou.“ boy- nndgirh whmhouvhulouno re normed; hon and tttru; an Inbound (Hotho- Iu I." bo.l oomiogmyonngmn and In. of thomuulndlowopuuouw life, uny- moving amour plus by 1ngtrtudttrothem-tettoet'riii- toruattt-ehaa-wtrsrt I. will hue to bid £1de to all our car omttsonaarthaud-mttttttsto our round. luwoallbomodfor that great day. I mph-nod was, toll“. with In In my of my old pupils. I was!“ to volcano ttmn back ititboonlrtobid Monmou- school days. In] yOIMIOII your pminllfo._ _.--..- lv Dun P-.-. " As you all know IO had deem to hue an. day one of rejoicing " mush u possible, um we know that Inn in tttatJor more Into bounmduld thtr prop-mine m eke-en and while we were buy We; tt one o! the greens: change: we have chad since I 4mmo mobs you took place. God we. plea-ed to ed! Homema- her lebore one of your More. Ah, how with to mumps-z! Mow out hen“ bleed " loved one who have gone I .. Often had like Dewitt and mud! spoken of thin, we 28th day of June. Bow little we thought that on this dey the new ot death wenld divide he. She had spoken of tho pain It would give her to leeve her deer penile end that ehe would be eble to eey e few petting word: to them. But, aus, things he" chased. he he- been “hen; wehevebeenlen. I en: lute herdeethhnepokmmou to Ill then my word- whleh ehe might hare been Inermlnedto eey to you here to-dey.: Sheheeled the wey " ne to Beeven‘ where-heexpeeeed â€Wyndham where I hope we Ihell all meet. her. Yeete mey ne- w: member our tttmt mum lubermebe new†wyouend hen-dent . were!“ the: evenin thet-toft-ttttii- In them‘detof (teeth. Mr eeneet preyer in that we me, be prepeted to die " en ttmeg. m when very often when we leeet - It. _ We me] well wondet but me tttf plo love lite so much. There in nut lug lasting in it. Lee-um.†M whetever we my MW 11mm own. It hum Wu and that some dey “with“. to 30 ‘nd leave all behind. OI! [lam-vhf during my aim myoulhnncnjaydmyphu- “than: {bandwidth-boon; w. Mum Wad attHugtt mmlmmmnnuun Mmgood,bmmlvhhdmlo t,rg,i'gfittgtteWgt"gt"f, woman. The day-than an In 'g,ht,va',t,,,,'tNathrl'lf, you â€you: . uncu- Jg','ldeg','M'1'lt,l.Mu."dJl'l srner,re-tEttteerd Mmhudnohmmm ityitestetp,','gtgT,,',tt"g â€(inn-mmâ€! you... dong-ovum Yolk-"drum “minnow!!!†to sound... I“ molt.- ,'rnlr.trtse-ihedoee Mitggtd,g"M,"d2'rdlt I the', in. mm a. d Undoc- ttttate-ttttif,".",",?..",',',', "mayâ€. t.tt-.,rt. iii-_-tti-ty-he. M Thaw-modicum ierodqantt-tome8ttttPyt: a. [Mn-amount. mum“: - I. mm "a... tt,'ttttgtu'teltr' "I ar,iSit2iit='tt;'lll/t1 “a hunch-m an: In: tom sad I thuaNdgtttgthten uni-hm and ttegg-ttNT,',',,,",,'.',',',,", . "(In warm. I: unusual“ II whorl-howl can our â€you tho but†Wohnmdtohnm. We work (malignant Inca- downd- 'sptretrortrmirtdrtmr, we. do- pudIuponou wit. We work to. “Show,“pluy Wye morta- puutmdvo Moles mathâ€. Now :01"! to hart . 'step. ... No doom um: tugiiU" you will am but to whool with I mowhn Ill-Inge tooling. I on: sympnhlzo with you bat "an In I have laid baton that My mutt be. You has been wry kind in taking an to stay retort- odnl' had If life were not no short I 'llli2", would bat do you think it ,raidt_rtit-topaetthetttl - mm it would not. Boulde- if I don’t lulu you, you leave me. See how any who so has to-day who h" Micheal bald“ Io many who have not boon IMO to be here. _ Bowen! I am glad to all you am your new when Mr. William, in one who you will lean to love and 1 hope Ind I an lure you will work as bud tttt him 3- yon buys doefoy lye: . , Miss Dewitt and myself had looked for uni to this day when we hoped to meet ell the people of the section here _ end thank them tor the many kind- nesses which they hsvs shown us since we came omen; them. As We were notpennittsd to meet I wish you pupils to thank your parents for Miss Dewitt end myself " the kind way in which they hue used us while smong them. We know that they have helped us gently with our work because when invent: think well of the teacher their children think well of them too. - Now we must part still we need not be downeen. We hue e bright hope beforene, which in that we my all meet again in Haven where we will part no more. Deer pupils I would aakroutherrttotm good, grow up to be good, neefel men end women end “all" when we ere celled Home one try one we will begled to IN. God my leeve me of on here may year- be- {ore He cell- ue home, omen mey be here hoe-e M ttme. Thou no tttings we comm keewend I am lure we would not wleh to know them-How- ever if God Iperee no we hope to meet tom time to tile in life here for even in. may I attall not tom“ you I dull duty: be ghdto hou- from you and! nun com to, vislt {on e_very “h "I. up in: no “on“. I â€that! I - o! W: my ler, amd "o-ir-eu-iss-e." "ttot-tto-rep-I. FM chkey has been loaned by tho Guelph anle W: to the St Ina-3’s dab of Toronto, and it in alto- ‘nhorllkoly he will rennin more. Maps your not!!! hi this hair, but that in no moon why you - go through lite with halt. omod hair. If you mm long, thick hair, feed it with Ayer’s Hair Vigor, ‘I 'iiiaiomVird ii im'l'xy'n-i Ira,'.".'.'.'; P.r,'gtt'tW'Pat%t â€m . . I..- J. c. Am. uni). lau- and m1. it dob, dart, lid heavy. ,'artttt,httkttspfpt/tiltiilr" -" mum prank!!! moun- um Mum-ad would do Infor- Hun. but th-' nnmd to It my mum. t5aau,i-riterryt, bulls-n: 'tee no can. I can†Mum} mum-manual» “ulna-sud» chm and-Wm "Bun“ “WM“;“E'"Q;MVY'E.'J¢"W‘M " to" â€In!†hgmeoietxm‘ï¬' amass-1r: JtdtlUfA' 'i"GGNaiiik' iiiTTi" Rha7ii5iid ___ Amimd "i?,,h'2ieiiithn'rkfth18Jtrh14 iiii " " Mm Bu"uJ8,Talt3 ttYM'. 1dhtltt I t m . in in a our "I“ A...“ "mu-tundra...» . “Mg " â€WSiVOV:m’W¢ï¬.HOmbW wtifhobuys ylnd att right tlu.ThIti‘hM ' when we can you a special lino n [on - than. ““4 tomedtopay. " -_-_ - _ - A -- A ___ __" Ian's $10 Suits for $7.50 Spades Shovels Rakes . just Garden Tals, 'Ciiii1'red' a large assortment. ' . th 1 t t d . . We (lil and Gas Stoves 1'u'ilai'te"a'n gm: he? the best, and guarantee them to give perfect satisfac- tion. _ Bicycles, guaranteed. - The Popular Boot a? Shoe Store " The Twig-City; Special Sale ALL NEW GOODS. In, “than " A mum of those hm will b. on exhibition In our window. Half Price. The Misses Fohrenbaoh, KING BY., To fondue. their THIS MONTH ONLY. -PHOTOS- q--sDehr, , Hardware t Man ' McIntyre - iureir MetshTht-nadeertnt1 wool Wet Mtl “musings. in tine hair line “taps, tight mull.- a: srade-id-dhippoch- nationalistic!!!“ ‘uht peice h.go, this weak for .3...- _ We do no who: Edition "loosen on! clothing in†e we say "regular price 010.00 or I “0.00 Ink†you can on. flung that mooey's wad: in style. comb" and - ow much lest we uk you to pay. That’s why our bargains no to popular. Those who can: shot they? no disappointed. Our value. no just that we toy: if not . ,. back and get your money. 's , "e-o-eo"" But Clown; More. .....OF...... Trimmed Rats. Conrad Bros., mm. "3.8.0:: ml!» such as the Crescent, Hyslon and Soot.- man, sum at a bargain and fully Jacob S. Roos, We give Teh'ptr Stung S. Sauder a Go., _ Store. " King St., Berlin. much-um In: Psi-q BERLIR CIGAR STORE. A Mini“! lmoko. C Sn: that you'll atrpmeriate-& , ulny: the result when you "t our choice tobacco†. lulled lulu-uncut- . ,’ of til kinds deing gt Cw Ind sporting goods an "tttM _ ourspecialties pf? _'"'," _ J. DOERSAM, l Near the Railway Track. WM mam-menu" â€minim-Will “Match-Inn who-unlit.- . Who... '. i M . on». l 7 How and Where ‘9 To Borrow lone! DOERSAM'S laudâ€.