'r 'qt-r--.-" - - 'y I.“ t, mm: gttBaIg.Propriotor _ mung In can: any " new.“ “‘ "“ â€in-WNW“ In. “and†noon- - mm 5.141: Mg W aariiiFiiiTiritw tiom The death of the late Mother Super- ior of the St. Agatha Urphsn's Home his incurred a loss to that institution which cannot be easily repaired. The deceased styftttrerd from the effects of a stroke which she encountered some your ago. To this attrtetion she added the utol disease dropsy which caused he death. Her funeral took place on Tuesdsy, the 9th inst. The ceremon» lee were conducted by the Rev. P. Brelthopl, assisted by Rev. P. Geo.) Brohmnnss Deacon, the Rev. Theo. Spots as Sub-Deacon, and F. Chas. meter. The ltequienis and burial ordlnnnces were taken part in by [he Rev. Joseph May assisted by the Rev. BttNsrt-Aesymana. Sixty children from the Orphanage, followed by the school children, then the singers, the Pastors, a number of sisters from Buffalo, N. Y., and 32 school sisters formed the beginning of the mournful procession which followed the rowel Is to their last resting plnce. Mother Joachima, who was known in the world as Maria Buseiunaun, was born in Schlesien, Prussia. in 1836, emigrated to Buftalo, N. Y.. in 1853 and entered the order of school sisters of Notre Dame in 1851). she labored for a time in Madison and Chicago, nfter which she came to St. Agatha and accepted the responsible position of Mother Superior of the institution known as the Orphanage. She always ptmsonifiod the highest Christian char- acter, combined with pmience and ability, leaving behind her nothing te memories of :respect and admira- on. Death of P. S. Pienie.-Tluy Public School Mists Nelleiy and Miss Maroon to] pietis was held on the 20th ofJane in beat Miss L. Bruce and l iss liespeler John Hill’s grove and was a decided [W] 0-4, S-ti. suceess from the word "go." Old and Mrs. Dunbar and Miss Bond [G'] young enjoyed themselves to their beat Miss Bruce and Miss Moore [W] heart’s content. The procession 6-4, 64% formed at the school house and headed Mixed Doubles. b!!! the ere marched through the Mrs. Dunbar and McKinnon [G]. p ncipa streets of the town and was a b t Mi I B d S d W gent attraction. After reaching the so; t; {as Ar ruce an aur1 ers[ ] autiful and shady picnic grounds all - ' - . _ " kinds of sports were indulged in and sdh1."g1gi11f/tyi.Tr"1/ I'I.t'f we are sure the children appreciated 6153 . on an a or [G] . , _ l‘ the fun. The singing, conducted by - . , Miss Taylor, was very good especially Men's Doubles. the'song, "Greeting to the King," ty Sutton and Baker [G] beat Gower which the band played the accompanr- and Seagram twl tr3. 3-6, "i-Cy. mont,and sung by nearly 200 voices, Sommerville and Kmutziger [W] was immense. There were several beat Putmsn and Partner [0] 1-6, 6-6, other attractions to amuse the crowd 0-0. ---, such as clay bird shooting, swings, ete. . .. After four o’clock tea was served. Our Men'is Singles. ladies deserve much credit for the able McKinnon [G] h Gower [W] 6-0 manner in which they did their part, 6-0. supplying the ea'abies. / Alter supper Pittman [G] beat Kremziger [w] a football matiwiswdrranged for be. 6-4, Ord. tween the local team and Linwood, which was very'interesting and hotly contested on both sides. The score at WEDDING AT MACTON the final was a tie, Ll. - Dominion Day.--Dominion Day was A very pretty wedding: took place observed very quietly here. Several on June ISth at St. ' “PM-’5 Church, who were anxious to see horse races Macton. the oeeaiirn 1“ Wt! lhe mar. and other 'Torts went out of town ridge of Gertrude E., daughter of Mrs. where races were held. The band who Arthur McDonald of Mornington to tilled an engagement at a lawn semi Jeremiah Riordan of Arthur. in spite with the English Church at Millbank of the curb" hour a large warmer in the evening marched through town Iwoplt' gathered " the 6hnrcu N wit- and stirred things up a little and on trees th . 't "t â€inc ceremony. The their way up made use of the upper bride who was given away by her tunity of sere:vadirigthe liner-l wi- , my. - l brother Mr. Joseph McDonald, looked cillors of our municipality who were in charming in a handsnmc gown ofwbite session at Crosshill. Never, since the silk with tioumsed skirt en train and municipality exists were they honored chifTon trimmings. Her bridal veil in like manner as a body of municipal wat? graeotally caught up with hllics of oftieeris and ofcouraedonations towards the valley and she carried a pretty the maintenance of our band were white prayerbook, her sole ornament tsivenliberalfy. Short addresses were being a beautiful gold bracciet, the made by the respective members ofthe gift of the groom. The bridesmaid Board which wcr sponded to in a Miss Lizzie McDonald, sister of the very able manner by our Mr. C. F.(ltt- bride, was becomingly a'tired in a menn who thanked the Board for their dainty dress of grey orsr,andie with l, liberality and wished them every suc- large leghorn hat, 5110 also wure a case in their work. pretty gold bracelet, presented to hm I ll - __-i--.-- ‘1. I A... I’;n-4‘nr ttwtoNttXE-TELEaRAPM Brieftc-Haying is in full swing and is a very good crop. The price of hay is low. . . . Mr. Shier, formerly principal of our public school, is spendlng part of his holidays with friends here,wllo give him a warm welcome. _ . . A number of our citizens attended the funeral ofthe late Rev. F. Tuerk, of Berlin... .Rev. TY. Lochner was away from hnmo dur- ing the past week attending (Innfmonm- at Humberatonu. He after wards pro- coeded no Tonawanda, N. Y., where he uuwmumumumm In. â€that!“ noon- ’1'me “I!†5.188.0th Tl.- - In... Carhat Adana-menu I. "ituurttr-mw-urtsaca'"". assisted in missionary services inst‘ Sunday. He will also take in the Pan- l American Exposition whileaway. Rev. _ Mr. yorberg, of Floradale, ftlled the win“ in his stead last Sunday. _ A .Mr. and" Mrs. M. Schaub attended th funeral of Mrs. Rohfritsch, of Sebring- ville, last. Sunday. . . .John iiickert, of Grand Rapids, Mich, who is visiting his parents and relatives here, was eereneded by the band on Saturday night. He will return home next Sit- nrday to resume his duties in a shoe newâ€. . . .Meesre Gustave Woiwmie end Geo. Miller will assist the 3rd line Orange Lodge as fimr and drummer next Friday who will go to Stratford for the ceiebrarion of the Battle of the Bone. _ Briefs. Quite a heavy thunderstorm l - over this vicinity last Friday night. Thing" look quita renewed that the dry spell we had the past while.. - .. . Bricks go like hot one. than days st our brick yuan, the fol.. tmhtie tnving had boo-for the put two up: 0.9. Main, Jun!) Jmui, My Lietttr, Jncob 'ht', sod Win. 2tiailti And in: 2tild teat- i I t Ts,'.",','.",)'.'."..!.'.",'?,.": 'gh". 2tgrauathltueN' To ADVERTISERS. WEI F Mother Superior Joachime. ramnu. He after wa Tonawamla, N. Y., v n missionary nexvl He will also take inl Exposition whileawa Mtendm Tuerk, was aw week at LISBON all-hum r from home am. the happy couple mm on outing Confercnn- train for It mm and ml eafuuwarda pro- amid mowers of rice. L, N. Y., Wheyehe travelling costume was " Belvicea last laaies' cloth with glove . take in the Pan- match. The bride was whilenway. Rev. of many costly and us “dale, fillttd the On their return Mr. and any“ um» to. ....Fsrmon us About. hair thrmigh fol.. wfttt their buying, And it is I very mat heavycropln an. ditrghet.-Ahtttirttt .m, . at will likely um than: the middle In. “$91! woek‘snrl lulu: AVOI'MIB crop. tut- ....The Pttlptt wu occupied by the not Bee. Mr. Sam: Sunday but In the r'. " B, htiiUtf mam-m mm ' If - F T HE mun-m A mini: chlamydia Mobs)! fat'etelf,2', m - Hotel, ai pin, on Tuna.) "may. with mph-enume- pram ttom Wood- stock, Waterloo, Balm can and Guolph. Summary-Tumors: G' L. mama, Guelph, was moved to the char and Loon Shape, um, awed u Sammy. J. Printer and F. van Noubronn were present. from Berlin. Any" player having a against the management l to the President ot the Lou to the President ot the League. Wnterloo, being the present haulers, were guarded the pennant for the In serial, but will have to play the winners of the mend eerie: for the chgmpiomhip of the League. Woodstock Dropped ihl) No player will be allowed to pin with mother team ot the league unlcu be bu been released by the team he first signed with. It In decided that hereafter game. independent of the schedule can be played by tum: that wmpoao the Lane. .. " A " VIM with regret, on the p the rtspratrentatires present, ll order to make a timuteial succ their reapeczive teaml they were pelled to decide to drop the , stock beam. Each team recogui It a worthy foe, bat as it was tlo team in the west, it would med te Berlin; Wm. llogg, Water" See'y-Treas.--Lwn Shup A new schedule was adup has not been received for 1 Each team has seven hm Berlin plays in Waterloo m and Waterloo plays in following week. mm W“ ‘0' CW -erttto, Dunn. Gatt undo-519k Guelph Mercury: A friendly gal of tennis was twe, on the tour“ the Guelph club between repreeen tives of the Guelph and Waterloo cl on Saturday. Guelph won by 7 eve to 2, 14 sets to 5, 110 games to The Be0rec- Avery pretty wedding took place on June Pith at St. Jo “who Church, Macton, the occasion l,,, fog Hm mar- riago of Gertrude E., daughter of Mrs. Arthur McDonald of Mornington to Jeremiah Riordan of Arthur. In spite of the early" hour a large numborof people gathered " the 6hurcn to wit- ness th . "-rc'iroq ceremony. The bride mm was given away by her 1mm Mr. Joseph McDonald, looked W] 6-4, 8-6. Mrs. Dunbar and was gracotully caught my the valley and she car jerable financing for the ot sum to pay travelling upon The new (Juicers elected We PrtMdent.--G. L. Higgins, being a beautiful gold braceiet, the! gift of the groom. The bridesmaid Miss Lizzie McDonald, sister of the bride, was becomingiy a'tired in a dainty dress of grey orgnnniie with a large leghorn hat. She also wore a pretty gold bracelet, presented to her by the groom. Mr. John Riordan of Arthur, cousin of the groom. acted as best man. The church choir was in attendance and rendered music suit- able to the occasion. After the core- mony the wedding party repaired to the home of the bride where a sumptu- ous dejeuner was served, after which the happy coupie ion on the afternoon travelling costume was of bin laaies'cloth with glow:- and match. The bride man the re of many costly and nauful‘pr On their return Mr. and Mrs. l will reside near Arthur. That choicest blessing.- may be their wish of a large circle of friends Persomu--MissIdttstuermei' been home on a visit rolurnvd t land on Monday. _ . . . _ Mr. an“ W, Demons! npontSumluy lam friends in Drumbo. . _ _ _ .Mr, I Goo. Keys of Gall are wont“ days nth her parents here nan. Dotweilor cailod on his Ian week. Burn Rairine.---Mr.Johnr'rh nightgown laatT'hurwhty. TI than“ two hundrod help-rs tr ,the building, includtng [mm {and children. qunthlng p. very "tiaaestorilr,ttndrr we 1 Income!“ of we 'm1tPotor. MI Lawn Tennis Ladies' Doubles ROSEVILLE In a they were com- we yer um 1:10;. drop the Wood- mg of the Association Lean: recognized in Woodstock. as it was mo only Tho second open a would mean cou- Victoria Park series or the other four the Berlin Band TI " expenses. July 11th. A ban b---., a -. ..mmh. nnvpmd nah nnrnar was the recipient i usefui‘ presents. and Mrs. Riot?ian mr. That earth's mv he theirs is In: sole ornament C: l bran-lat, the " Che bridesmaid ti l, siaker of the i" r a'tired in a t' otandie with a F She also wore a q resented to her V John Riordan no groom. acted rch choir was in red music suit- After the core- my repaired to , The b, of blue am. of hat in was of ried raised but and and rs iittg ago“ eIph ton to "†xupilol , aborvf ltr to wit- at ' The Wt ' her eel lacked {White to m and at ll veils mics of! 1M lille abs mg it Mr. ther I" tt Mt tr De. Amt-t, Julia, no to. - tted was» can. " the . ol Wuorloa. The casino all luau at tho un- ttruetiuu nub a no ppm Mu nu ol the track " Lang's haul] Sunday clamp emery In bun: run. row minute. The ICIII u 1 result grade I been rm to the minute . A cantata“ Honda-on. who mu being “in by lulu from Bull M. Mam to mag-u- Io “no . m 5eat'a term. new“. ite dead was. The recent convention of the Buli- neso Educators‘ Convention held " tlt. Thoma. was \ury largely Intended. Our local school was honored in the ap- pointment of the principal, A. W. Young, Lathe board of examiner: for the yer 1901 1902. Next ymue meet- ing of the Association will be held at Woodstock. The second open air concert ot the Victoria. Park series will bu given by the Berlin Band Thursday evening, July 11th. A beautiful silk, plush covered coty corner will be presented to the person holding the proper ticket in the prize drawing. The cozy corner is now on exhibition in the window of the A. u. B mhmer Co., and its superior beauty is attracting a good deal of attention. U te ueetieut and Now [lamp town on Monday. He le in the evening where he himself with Mr. W. E. h Ottawa Business College After twenty years oi After twenty years of married life spent in a comfortable and cosy home with the object of her former "eetioug Mrs. Rosa Sambo is suing her husband, Mr. mm Snucho, fur twelve dollars a week alimony, a writ having been is sued on Monday at, the instance of her twlieitor, Mr. I'. Billet, of Berlin. Mr and MIN. Sauclm have been residents of Berlin for many yams, Mr. Summ- following the occupation of a. Human. and it is said has accumulated quirc " aftee competency, beingowner of other ‘urpoue " the I propesrtieis besidd tho {me in whiel is now living. The norm: Farfaiture Company menced operations under the management on Monday. The Berlin Farraiture Company mm- meuced operations under tho new management on Monday. The funeral nf Chas. MUM-n Jonas, the four " .r-uiu Sun of Henry Jonas, who accidently shot himaelr, took place on Monday ttftepnoon and was largely attended. Rev. lt von PMâ€: otlisiated. The rerun!“ r of the t antral School e;'mplui '8 that persons are making themselves busy try taking away the fiower plums that have been pr, mm: on the grounds by the Central bi. inâ€! Committee. The parties will be Committee. The parties will be watched and an example will be made of than] if caught. Mr. I. W. B Sumk, who has just returned from a trip through North and South Huron, sans the wheat crop in those districts is a total failure in many places, owing to extreme heat and the ravages of the Hessian fly. The macrVirtjr,yr, m Mm; strw h 5 about reachm the bunndar) m]. at. Waterloo, and in a few more weeks work will be commqnced laying the cement walks. The Berlin Band has been engaged to play at a grand promenade concert at Galt on Friday evening Aug. 2nd. The mam]; ball Club ha, catcher, and mam The I Wt ball Club have rt‘lcased Fred Howard, catcher, and llvckmnn. the third lunac- mam The management acknowledge that both are valuable men, bat for reasons of their own, have given the†two men their papers in order to make mom for others. In all probability Thomas and Vorpagel, of Woodstock will supply the vacancies on tLe team. The IN ‘expmienca and in touch with the monetary interests of the state. was in or the class which should be chmn‘ to art with the state orgstir.trtion, and which has since the {amnion ot that body been elected, for prestige in no important new in the succu- of Inch an Minion. Mr. Unger in to be tsottgrtolnted upon the recognition of his standing. and of courts, of shut of the Fromm Nliionll Bank. wi Jacob S. Hodge", I m‘lllonalro lo. comm!" builder, of Panama, N. J., who died ha. uni. M our!» million donuts to thb Metropolitan Mucous: of Art, Ho "I not on Homily mum with rel-(hog who will can"? the will, nod Mt of the auto; teit the excopum of "totttth to mm the pay. mm of m All-alum of 01,000 no] “(I -. ulnlun' to '30.â€, h to 9 no no nun-mum m BERLIN NEWS. SUCCESS OF AN OLD BERLIN BOY. m. D. Eula: Public Sch king in Bus a) udxcate of Berlin capitalism is sr formed w purchase the Walper e property. The promoters ex. tbu deal to go through in a few Tu any "tbl hon" tyfttat_n,' tide ‘9 Sancho, for twelve dollars 1 mny, a writ having been is Xuxzdrvy at, the instance of he Mr. I'. liilzer, of Berlin. M Sancho havo been resident for many yam, Mr. Swath the occupation of tt. masnn aid has accumulated quirc petency, being owner of who “no of botiug wells " the obtaining a supply of in" n of Berlin in becoming an ideruble importance. After pm of 290 f " Lbs lut well “lure, ooaaeqtsmttly the no in mm instance prove. n let Be 1 New Hm amen Ill tooling . eel on Saturday last, is ivitsg at about 1800 . Chis! sutured a (ow ot the accident. High the acciden u I weed out of t formerly of the " stalf, and lat Hegel; in Con- pshire, was in left. for Ottawa mm associate Gowliug, of the mauve mass 0| ' 'nger, cashier of name of Berlin's municipal author- Sank, of Detroit, i‘mw are)“: beginning to reelize the P, has been no humofthe old saying. "Uneasy line iking world that l , head that wears a clown". It ap- city as a man of 1mm that that the Cheirmm " the touch with the Heard of Work: of Berlin experiencee , the etete. He eerione diillculty in obtaining from hie honld be cboeen subordinates the reverence end obe- rgtrnirmtiott, and dience due to his rank and dignity. In 'ormation ot that consequence e motion wee waned e: e I prestige In an meeting held on l-‘ridey evening that e eneceee or not Mr llivkennnn hereafter carry out the â€not is to be ineiruuuonl of the Cheirmen, Mr. N recognition ot Braun, in connection with town work. our". of tttnt of The Board bend Mr. Ricketmen on Bank. this enbiect, when he explained that -7 the Chairmen reunited him to be in about three pin-ea " once. This tale,,",."' 'it, ken mum (unwind. new Mum , KM. 't Noumea-eye e mute-sled.) “Ow-mu tint ‘memto venetian-lie mtatt tht-ttt of this more“ in not no much owing ta e 'tt MON“! Wm spirit disobedience: than“ eon- gel: 'to. a: taming-I mung. o iirTh m. m- “mm. vim. or Belwool a in . ' or $1,000 not new of excitement out the dance» "ammo,“ ',",tgt,,i"tpg,5',ll,1 net: with e .tqttuttr- ethane-t __ "' i d ' , 'alu'll'la"ltb' 1'alllllA 'NI “3an Base be Ber- latterlv = [W â€nu-gnu“ In. p- I (3in Hi- ui-u-c- - Lam: PIOI SOUTH AFRICA. ho HEW-“bun n- ' by w. In. his I... wan-u Links I umber of $080:th Wkly. No doubt. his all: - in Mn, " Mummvmlo wwbwttm “WW and to know am be In tite idlmlWlOIldbh wand. wan hung I!“ . ugh than of is. Damion. South mm, 7 - - "ear 19th 1901 I upon: A week It DeA-r then Joined our Squedron n Heidelberg. Th e were only more about two weeks, then came to smdenon three due ago. Our. to the only aquarium of Canadian hem. We wexe ant. to thin piece to break in e lot of Boer ponies that were looted, And very few ot which hue been ridden till now, so the hon hue been kept very buy for some days liming the ponies out of the big Eral, and u soon a they are got in shape we no to go put on the loot. A _ Mt that pawn Icon utm- u-riuu In as. omnlry I It“. you tom butâ€, u the time, nan-d my loan nnpdd, nut knowing when“ it would nub you or not. tb'- Ihoughwmo ot my comrade- said It Imam go all right. _ - Tm. n m. phase where the 8trath- conu had their tirtgt baptism of tire and I saw tour otheir guns. Bat the tighting is not “smother over yet; more are iota of Boom in this vhinlty, with occasional skirmishe- and prison- on) brought in. It it expected the cold weather will make them Inmndor, bat if they don't snowed in bringing them to terms this winter, it is laid they may expect guerma tlgtttitsg during all next. summer. There are eleven thousand troops here and a big column in pro- paring to no oat in ton days. . While in Heidelburg we snorted supplies about 25 miles to some forts on loot, not having any horses until now. They are transported by oxen ten or twelve to a waggon. On one of these trips there was heavy firing with big guns going on a few miles away; There are huge camps of refugees all about the country, and of course well guarded to prevent treachery, for the Boers have shown themselves to be a most treacherous people. A very large convoy of retugees and heaps of stock came in yesterday with the troops. The latter looked as if they had not seen water for months. A lot of the refugees amt-moped in a big church near here, the government supplying them WiLll food and clothing. Fifty cents in the cheapest a man can get u meal here, and the usuel charge about three shillings. During the night search lights may be seen run- A ‘4 back and forth over the kopjee mud country. Our oatfit at present comprises Stet- r U.) he's, sweaters, Khaki trousers ,u’ _ in; and boots. We tind the nights 50 cool that we sleep with all our cloth- ing on. This morning when we got up the ground was covered with frost and toe on the water pails. _ . _ I don't. know an I told you, but we are all poesessad of a [may little insect called a gray back. There are no ex- ceptions, only some have a Liner sham than others. But we mus; g: in and hear them for it is a case ofhs ing to get used to them. Such is the tor- tnuea of war in this unfortuna‘n nonn- try. Occassionally I get Quaker out; and make porridge with an; " and sowxztimen ivurrodi, and Obj ‘y it as much and probably more so than what I used to get at home. - _ Addreumo " Heidelburg as it is a sort oruadqutsrterts and they will know where we are to be found. Lovingly Yours OBSEQUIES OF THE L, F. W. TUERK, The funeral of the late Rev. F. W. Tuerk, of Berlin, was attended by In large crvrcourse"(f sorrowing friends and ci:iuns,all anxious to pay their last tribute of respect to the memory of one wh , bore in: lrreproechable chemo tor for an many years in the communi- ty in wlx on he lived. Short services were held at the house. before the funeral cortege left for the church of the New Jerusalem, on the corner of King and Water streets. It was im. possible to accommodate the throng in the church, large numbers remaining outside during the service. The semi-(swore conducted by the Rev. Mr. Francisco who preached an able salmon from Rev. 20, 12 “And 1 saw the desad,tsrmrllssnd great, stand be- fore God, and the books were opened." The Rev. Mr. Welchlie oral-ted at the services. The remains were then cer- rimlto Mount Hope cemetery, In a Numeral whid casket, covered by two tsitrjomo wreaths, one presented by tlic .mciety; forming the tsignificant mo" , “Gates Ajar," the other by ilmmnily of the departed with the mud. "Father". Thus wee one of I', l H's oldest and most respected In lune laid to rest. Math African Constabulary, Canadian Contingent tied be., hpn tlu. nu" tho HE HAS AUTHORITY t). squadron LA TE REV, nw'lm-Iu-u M annu- WILFRID, That. we. a It crowd 1 this u an unlo- lhb “no. . NI hu- woll to to. an“ h cm who tett " Gall on an: o'clock ml- wlun they - the c. P. . - " 6 w am "out“. with will oa- voy the Dumb t.2,tt.t'ttf, out 200 par-om to the Wand t-tatioqal Convention of Howard: L...- Thou who lett Ball! in“. In. In. Ed. um Md no“. In. Zing, musover; It... I. “all†U. Many. G. Johanna, New. uni lulu! Wlllhmlon and J. E. Bilge, ali of Berlin; “in Ids Walk", Haywvlllo, 1nd Mis B. Hendry, of Wang». The committee of she 2pm [league- of Canada hare done all In their power to make the trip both an Intercom; and educational one and; have arranged the epoch] min in or-' def to permit the entire pony to nap on " given palace of notable intent. The otllolal route â€looted le b the Canadian Pktlo, Wabaah, Chicago Union Paeti1tt and North-W-rn Stop-oven will be made " Chicago, where the special a‘rrivee " 7.15 am. Tneeday, and leave. " 1109 pm. the aamo day; at Denver, Colorado Springa. and Glonwood Spriugl. Sunday will be open: " Ball: Lake City, enabling those who may desire to attend aer- vloee in the Mormon Tabernacle. San Francisco will be reached on Tueeday 1 morning at ti o’clock, July 16th. After the Convention the majority of the Berlin party will take side trips, ehie! amongst which will be to Lee Angela, where a week or more will be spent in visiting friend: end sight- seeing. Returning to San Francisco the party will proceed by either the ocean or mountain route to Vancouver and return via the Canadian PtMritig. Stop-overs at any station west of Port Arthur have been secured and a very enjoyable time will be spent by the Berllnites in viewing the Canadian Northwest. The tickets are good un- til August 31st, by which time the party all expect to return. The annual garden social on Mr. Ritter’s lawn on the eve of July 1st surpassed any of the twelve previously held by the Episcopal church both numerically and tituneislly. TheWel- lesley band assisted to no small de- gree in making the social B success, as also all the other local and foreign talent. Pally 8170 was raised, a third of which will pay expenses. . . . A num her from this burg attended the For- esters’ picnic held at Crosshill on Fri. day last and report favorably. . _ .Mlsa Retta Coats of Toronto passed through the village on Saturday. . . . . .Miss Ba- bel is at present in Mitchell. Ready for Tttrmbhing--Ttits tmsgtiitl- cent crop of the present your will soon be stored away in the barns, and threshing will bein order In this oonncczion we might call â€tendon to the old reliable threeher, Mr. George Rem, who is well equipped with I firtrt class outfiit-tho celebrated Waterloo Champion thresher. Tho chill blower has been much improved and the ma- chine now cleans the grain ready for market. Mr. Reine guarantees eatin- factory work and farmers should ar- range their dates at as early in date as possible. Horses and Implements. The uuderts'gned has received instruc- tions to sell by Public Auction u Chm. Lowell's stables, west side of Qnun Street, Berlin, on a ten o'clock 3.111., the following property: Saturday, July 13th, 'ttt 1 chestnut road mare, 6 years old ; In)" road horse, l0 your! old ; draught horse, 8 years old ; 3 not: single hut-mass, (no-1y new) not. Flllgle bras mounted heavy harness, 3 agricultuml furnaces. (good), 4 democrat delivery wagons, 2 refrigerators, scaldmg trough, fanning mill, binder truck, set new iron llarrowa, 10 good lardioe barrels, a quality pnla and tube, 300 feet of Hamloek lumber l and 2 inch, also runny other “Holes too numeroul to mention. CHAN. LOWELL, J. w. “my, Progrlélor. Berlin,Julr9t , 1901 We Are Sole Agents We aim carry I good â€acumen: AUCTION SALE American Soft Front sum. the Latest Patterns. a Watch wry Bargain Box in from ot the more. , 'c"iiiieiti"i, umn..l tho. ttattention), on m mun-pun humus-shaman.“ CONESTOGO. MILLBANK, --rtut Ttor--- -OF-- Mahmud ling mm "t. of Union [his Auntie-noon Special for shades. NEW BLACK ORGANDIES, NEW WHITE ORGANDIES There are In Confectionery . . New Lot, of India TIES in all the Newest Design. New Collars, New Belts, etc This Store closes every ree,',:':";:-,,;',,,., 6.15 during July and August. odti'iicirli I day evening excepted.) _,- 'jst, 20 pieces American Muslim and Dimity in all the N-it Take Note! in our store which we particularly pride in; one in BUTTER. the other CONFECTIONERY. We have I number of the best butter makers in the County who have brought as their butter regularly weekly tor years; in warm weather it h brought in on ice and same is promptly put in I ant-cla- re- frigerator here. Is there another dealer in town who (iv. your butter such attention? there is nothing in Canada to comp“. with the G. B. sooth; we ue the tale span for me in Witch and on. "hid! convince any one of their napalm guilty. 1 NEW LINEN LAWNS, NEW INDIA LINENS, Bricker & Diebel. " 2 Articles " Saturday i EV!" PIECE SMPEO IN§IST 0N HAVING J!stytNtmttt CHOCOLATE NEW VAL LACES, NEW MUSLIN INSERTIONS. {a