PROFESSIONAL m I. LLLJ.J.LWdr. lirtrrttV . 1tle., 1 “*u U'ux‘m- “1. hats". v. will all m “I. And con-gm YNeer..'e a low-t uh. I... it W.H. mum . - wLTr;TiJiHfattcp,t.ttdktf""' 'lttatrrhGiGarCv, J E WISH. M. D. eon-u- Gonna “'st calm-M HI "ee. 99 It!) W-mloo 1mm ________-‘ V, J?2h?, fh"tf'm to Bprrskal " "lulu. we ' - 'tsmG"4jr1h7tsiCilFti,1'eEiaa'id-io M Bushman-Mn. ' a†"inriai' iar,%auas, __ ow. Dr. D. B. you†mm..." attt,ilieJ"li'c 'lt's,d 1u'h our. "ttieit'dftttta'l2Pgllt'sN' tgortirs. B. w. b. mm. Honor mdunu ot Toronto University. at 0011.30 qt I'ierte, Bur noon and Amhem at Dumb. Speak! “on mid to tho vacuum of rheumvxun hum no nun. obesity. etc. Wanna Gia gm again. - woo-Ibo Wooten Milis -cu-unn v. - N__N_eee _ an“... tho Cellos! of Phi-MAM Bur. you. sad mammal Ontario. Diseas- ot I†and an mud. otBor--Nror maidens. m an.» w-unoo. . tthortdUtaaee north of a. In, 93. W-Idufn W Talevbonf tL., 1',r.'"i1ta' Lawn-am Pgth'2grmtelli'i'sit, mutual. onâ€: I; Juan'- Block. Berlin. over thnyth Bros: m lntl'lno. between Fahrenheit; Sadd- ler And SIMOWI grocery. W. LUIIkInIon, LB. 8., 0.0.8. DENTIST. Ingramâ€. m. SfloNii,S"'Wd tor pal-mum “math. Tho um ale-will!» cloud "or! PM W irurttrrrsttoNtrTamtbdr1" man one. In In out-um" -,WateMtr, WWI. D. I. _ . -t,2y:1Yruf,ur?. gins: v U. vv- ‘1 m. u. -. _-. -e-e-"""' “than W111 visit. Elam-L. m Lu Booms, fttgttt','2h"htT And Friday sud fourth My and PM†of out: tp/MN,'?"?,,', “3.11.“an 1m ppoN.'..r.N AW, tor you.“ i 'r1w.9.Erht 4ta-FTa"iaiaaTtr, --_ hind. Chm 'l'gTa="gd'ht"fdh'e8L'ltlltacs H4 a,“ "gm... tlt Luann)- Mill-I. . _ "rd'i.i7riiiie1hgue.Prhtl'et â€Mm...“ tteg-hmm-do.-"'. Ptg.bqh-meqtet “at 'n-.'-"" not!“ ma. Rd5. I. 9-3-3031?! ' sg.umH,91ul., ttteg,',:.:','.': mum-I.- ' th 'r._ttp?i91rEh 'lttgthtiridih Go. "see'.' . tutor, cellular. oo-tMoor, m " -' ho Chmmch Priming om IBM-9' ‘OINLWIDIIAN at _ LGai,LPgt"u'2ta1t" i I lu,.--,-. “1’!“me G. EUGHES. tUk' 09m lady. once: Canadian Block, Berlin. m 1.)“!!! a n I Luv. 'Latte,",',',.',',',.',),,'. 'ngtag"ltlieW'ls'8Sre,ee, '. n own-uh. mung-t. oe, Troses/e",','.','; M ISOELLAN EOU8 Manchu-luau VIII-I- m nan " trrABLBt? - WfitWg'/JJlrt All kind- ml mu; up but _ qttere “do“ - Prin- .. - Ding‘. L113. Rays! Ulla e on on. .313. 'rt/lr/tfits),??)','. MEDICAL DENTAL LIVERIES mme-w “I"? to m uttta--Do+ CARDSIT it“ . " am -- Bur. Disappe- ot Wail. “I“ tteettn,iatra bonanz- a. h 'Al'ffll', III-lo and as!" “you _ "it.“ was: an to V“ Btmet but. Thol- [tantrum MOI-mm M It“ an ggt.""i"'"a"e"'tt""'"' an. hum road on m " In" Thu. (by. m to ambush A earpot mm. to - out“ a March M bun goods and nit-obn- t1tl'g; Tho b 4“. III 01.0.! mu , and only 6 Ind 8 Im- bolus out W than. in. M. B. sum and um. daughter In Win a [on dun with minim in 6mm. Galt Bummer - Mug Hamilton, Wlnurbonrno, in much)!“ in Cult, 111°;qu ot an limo Nairn, BM: rod The lightnku uni thunder PM†night In iitmtet and close, bat no damage In mended in this vicinity. A Toronto mm Itnt four teeth " u camp meeting the on»: night. Be In not struck with repentance bat with a mallal. The grand land " Victoria Park in receiving 1 much needed coat of paint. It will look quits hobby when iittiahed. The hut young men who were sum- moned by Chief Flynn for disorderly conduct, " Waterloo on Dominion Day were tined $1 and out: by P. M. Weir on Fridny. The estate of the late Thomas Shaw ofHupelor, mounts to 8t2,170; one lull reverts to the widow and the balance la equally divided among the bolls. He left no will. The tttttttera' Manon of the Toronto Board of Trade met on Tuesday, and wu attended by Means G, C. H. Lang, J. C. Breithtutpt and L. J. Breithtuspt, of Berlin. There has been considerable cutting in price. amonge' the tanner: and in order to put B Mop to this m1rthroat system it was decid- ed to raise the price of leather to a uniform rate. At a meeting of the Berlin High School Board held this morning Mr Wm Weidenhammer, late principal of the Wardsville High School, war unani- mously appointed to tul the vacancy on tho leaching shelf caused by the re- signation of Miss Eby. The stipend will be $800 a year. Mr. Weidneham- mar will touch modern languages. Mr. R Reid has been appointed to' iudge Jerseys, Gnrnaeys, Holstein!» Ayrshirea and made Mule " the Win. I nipeg Industrial Fair which opens on July 20--Aug. 2nd. Mr. Reid will also act. in a eimilar capacity at Toron- to, and has been recommended to the Pan-American directors as a judge of Jerseys, by Canadian Jersey anern. Rain in the early part of the after- noon had its effect upomme attendance " the annual picnic ofTainity Method- ist Sunday School picnic which was held at Weeuide Park, Waterloo, on Thursday. The scholars were con- veyed to Waterloo by the Berlin and Waterloo St. R'y Co. which gave ex- cellent service. At the grounds games and amusements of all kinds were in- du‘ged in and a rery enjoyable time was spent by all present. The supper was one of the best ever served at any 1 picnic yet held by the Sunday School. Mr. all In i. . Wish I." The Bi-ennual Retreat of the Roman Catholic clergy of the Hamilton Diocese is " present being held in Berlin and will continue till the end of next week. Rt. Rev. Bishop Bowling la in attend- ance and also the Rev. Father Cnssldy, missionary and' lecturer of New York, formerly 'aProtemr in Fordhazn Col- lege. The Board of Health of the Town- ship of Downie hue repeatedly called the attention of the Stratford City Council to the {not that the sewage of the city was polluting the river Avon. On Saturday the Board sent another letter to the Council Informing them that if a bona tide effort to hue grro- per sewage disposal were not made in two Ween they would move to have the Mayor and Council oommitted to jail. Commissioners lave considered lt pm- dent to come operations on the well at which Megan Fruer and Hervey hove been " work, the flow being so we“ as not to guarantee drilling any deeper About fifty feet of this well wan through the rock. The Commissioners have concluded that. may have got out of the line of the ftowhstt voile, ami will now prrceed to bore for water ‘about 1600 feet northweet of the in: about 1600 feet northweet of the Iaat WILL NOT CLOSE THEIR ( we". STORMV Under the able leadership of Mr. N. A -tlug of the m..." of Ber. Zeller, the Berlin Bend won heel: lln we: held “in morning " 10 o'clock Isureis " the reeettt military camp " in the Cannon Climber to ooneidet London. Five Regiment band- were the cloning of their “a,†"Orr en- In enendence end in the combined ing of the '0“ n 6.15, “coping ttottggrta girem Ott "m“. occaeione suntan evening. The meeting wee Mr. Zeller wee choeen dinewr and mended by gnome “any" merchant mo lend the mutter] moo, which I- In out of almoat my who u. doing bui- ennnnl minded event uken part in by no. in thin toqrtt. ell the bends. Thqy mutton of Mr. Mr. J. U. Chum In ohm-Inna we: to lend the combined Made in e “a Mr. W. “In?†not.“ en - etron. mum to the mutants-hip of m. The enema“ m the 601.0. m5 Band Maater. ammonium "ho1a11tttetrt.r- Reasons Why BERLIN NEWS hwmhyolyour m "trr-g-rua-bm'- . nun-mm.†. " Iain-hull at iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: After boring 290 fee_t_ th? 1mm- Mit,tttgartggt', WM " - noun-m lit-admin an On.- (Jun WIMQ‘. kï¬mï¬hm i:ilti'iiiiiiiiiii Jh "am. In. macho-OM 39903-5, ““3995!!! 32'8“ Show!!! “WY-l hr, my.“ dimple-ti. ' --. 1'21lii'd7drA'l1"a'e',%2t 'Mhll â€9““ Avuy-dmmm naming “a! 1.17), by which Huh Chal- Joau. It. burns-cl I. a! w. Bury has. I w living M w. nib. In. Bulb, In: the 'O‘W‘IO, has No My _ .. Ihlhlhyoluno coul- Ballot-j town tho who: link Mono; Ion left " hour. Mount of Ttrt meoohoot " â€on. and of tho- voro - tn tho bout Two at tho. Ion In m to.“ but“ and tho - M in mm room. A Iago dot-bio bundled touting no III landing In tho - olthomnudotuutod tho 1M ottcntloo. Ho tsttrrted ttto tho (loot out! "idetsttU III u: tho oot ot looking Into tho bond ot tho [on with tho buttotitgcatst.tther+ olthoopoo door, whoa tho gun olippod out] tho trlggor, In“ moot hare boon oookod, on rolooood and tho cantonto dio- chorgod, ontorlng tho you; Ind Just below tho right ohonldor. Bo felt, taco downward, upon tho (on and who Inoumuy. . The two brothen my that In noon on they hard the shot they went to the room end our whet had occurred and immedleuly eluted up the home and run to the market to notify their parentl. The latter were horror. stricken, on well u the hired mun. Joaeph Jonas, who won working In the fields, And to whom the gun belonged. The gun wan alweyl kept out of herm’e way in the bedroom of the hired mun, npstein, and Friday even- ing he brought it down mm and need it during the night in shooting ground- hogs, of which their ere quite I. number on the form. 0n returning to the how he placed it in the corner to take it upler again to hi: room, bat neglected it. Mr. Jane. is naturally quite overcome by the Incident. 7 - The child had been eating a pleas of bread before the occurrence Ind had placad it on a chair may by, making it plain that he was handling the gun with his two hands. He Wu 1 bright mus lad and will be greatly missed by his parents and brothers Coroner ankner was summoned end aha: hearing the story of the olden boy, who is a very intelligent little fellow, decided that death was caused aecidently and that an lnqueet would be unnecessary. _ . The parents have the sympathy of the community la their sudden be renvoment as they are well-known m Berlin, being regular attendants at the market. The following amusing Incident in which Mr. George Fox, Canada's eele-‘ brazed violin!» figured, and who has for tome time put been the guest of his sister, Mrs. P. 0. Hughes, of Wet- loo, is related in the Hamilton Poet : la the Concert Goer, New York, which enjoys lhe dlltinction of being It the present time the only ttst',, mmsiea1periodleal devoting a n- able amount of attention to Canadian music, there‘is running a moat interelt‘ ing series of notes of Hamilton muni- ciane who have gone out and made" their mark in the world. The int number contains an amusing story ot a visit paid by George Fox to Dnmroech in New York. George Fox, on every Hamiltonian known, was a pupil of Professor Boomers, and when he we. asked by the great conductor: “Young man, who taught you f" "Oh, I learned in the bukwooda of Canada,†said Pox. "Well," said Mr. Damroacb, "the teacher who taught you in the backwoods 0103mm under- stood hi- business.†The report. of the Clerk of Financial Statistics of the Dominion Government contains a list of unelslmed bank balances in the various chutered Banks of Canaan. Those ob loos! interest ere: Bunk of Commerce. Mrs. Louisa Bockly, Berlin . . w. w. Gould, wdtirrloo. . .. Merchmtu Bulk. Janene Rutherford, Gan"... 327.97 Jar. Simpson, Putnam...†.67 Bank of Hamilton. Dennis Selim-look, Berlin. . . W. C. Gown, Berlin. . . _ . . . Monon- Bank. P. Boomer, Waterloo. . . . . UNCLAnlED BANK BALANCES Mr. J. U. (Siemens was chum-n Ind Mr, W. Murphy noted a Bear.- my. The chum“ and the out“ ot an maniac ad and all the mar- ehum to up". Mr Tie," win-out tear or km. The owner- of the big storm won “not: numlmou for cloc- lngm Toad†owning! an! "rr-ed 1 that! view mommy. other mar- chum with!!! to Mn the Emmy night and. MM, and hoax» that ‘by “up!“ upon on Tuna-y 9min. this would in. the dull-0d do“. no your. m Inn-Inna In M mutton M "to I“. - In - an M.) t ttt cubic than “Md M which. by Mm, would In by m Itll the may. A “on to a. mu m on!“ an? m m In by n m d to . UNDERSTOOD HIS BUSINESS. norm-an“ mallow“: “Young Now before cloning perhaps I may be rf" showed to tell what I think of you. It the backwoods of has been anon and and very truly too "Well," said Mr. that in order for . pm to have good eher who taught things said about than they and to I of Cnnndn made:- die. Tttat would not be tht one tad ...20.21 $1.71 tt? 1't.stsohattqad - alluded"".'.)'.).",':.', no“ new not: in I a“ 't)W,Wgt1v'lun2att= " a.†an. "I. In In. “mutational-o- tttr n dteu.. Tuba-IBM")...- atttiNetttrrt__i-d whomuvh thu- tr - trt-W-trt-tat"-"" on “nomad! an - ml‘huryhrdh-tohnm litmunwmbm Bull mxum;mmmm mum-Mm.» m 'ieerNnerlaartitt--ttetttV ao-nmmmtum It new â€admin all round we "ethorsrrhrdoarotitaditeotmtA. annlngbukomcu my o'ih't'y2'fg'ghtutlt,2t't' nod“ 1::un Thain-Ill»). "ttdew whomhuovluuleuu in 1:01!th boyl and gun; tho Mahayana girl-then m m bo- oomitrgthorttanga- and wan-of Lhamlhnnldnvopuuunthm‘h "mutu- moving 1NtrtN" plan be. tngftludttrothemamtatoetrriti- torn-them“.- Urban '0 will has tabla have“ to all out dear otse-rthaud-onttuhtomsr row-I'd. M-tlure-dm. that great day. I ample-ad may ton“. with III to may of my old pupils I taught! to Idea» thin but ifitboonlrtotrld Wollmonr school days I“, you “hull your partinlue. _ - _ __ _ le Dnan Pgrrgaat- As you I“ know we had deem to have an. day one of rejoicing " much u possible, mu we know that "on tn thujoy more In to ho up.“ deal of Our programme wee ehoeen end bl" not been able to be here. while we Were buy practising it one of However I em glad to tell you thet the green“ 0‘1an we have had your new teecher, Mr, Williams, is one since I came emong you took PM who you will leern to love end I hope God wee pineal to all Home mm her and I am sure you will work as herd inborn one of your teeehers. Ah, how ttrr him ll you have done for tI18, ', and it in to reeell the put! Bow our Mill Devltt end 1111.011 had looked hwte bleed for loved onee who heve “'le to this a" Vb†'0 hopod to gone! meet all the people of the action here Often had mu Devitt and - Ind than: them for the may kind- epoken of thin, the 28th day of June. neeeee which they have shown on eince How little we thought theton thle day we ewe won: them. As we were the gate- of deal: would divide In. ttot permitted to tttttet I Willi you pupils She had epoken of the pin it would wheat your wants for Mine Devin give her to leeve her deer pupil. and and myeelf for the kind way in which ithat ehe would be eble to any e few they hare and on while tunong them. parting words to them. But, star, We know that they heve helped on thinge hue engaged. She bee been greedy with our work became when token ; we here been " 1 em m parents think well of the teacher their her death he lpokgn more to use than children think well of them too. my word.- whieh we might in", m Now we must part still we need not muted to "' to you m to-dey. be downout. We heve a bright hope She heeled the wey for In to Beeven W “I: which ig that '0 my all wnere ehe expected to meet you on end meet again in Heaven where we will where 1 hope we shell en meet her. pert no mere- Deer pupils I would Yeere mey pus but -tntterttqtrtitm, Bak Pm then to be good, grow Ill? to willeeme. Meyherlllehe ample been“. metal men Ind women and to you end her doetk . min. thit than when we ere celled Home one by even in the best of beam mm weere one we, “ll be glad to go. God my In the wide: of death. My meet lee" tome of In here my year- be- prayer in thet we mey be prepond to (ore Be “HI In home, Other! mty be die " ell timee. Death eo-ee very here but I IN“ time. Tho†I“! often when we leeet - lt. thin- l'f an 301kade 'IN',.',','.? -- _ . - - - - he a- . .llk rtqNr, We may well wondnr low lone pets-! ple love life so much. Thus in naming lasting in it. Loo-.0950“ that whatever we my in hunt-I“ our own. It balm and that some My “with" to go and have all behind. so I am going to all yuan-VIM things I have foul! Aboutâ€: Ind- the reason an: perhaps I Inn-red " time: tto-ttat hard. a...“ ... ... u" _-.e..._..r ..... whatever we my hm 'a"iTGa'tii; , go ewsy I shell not forges you I own. It hss'beenosiy-Mns and shell always be glad to hear from you that some anyone-em he go and and 1 ml! come to visit you every leave all behind. chancel they have. It it be but for 3 Now before closing perhaps I Insy be short time we een cheer each other on sllowod to tell when I think of you. It our Journey in lim. I shall Alw- pray he been oken ssld Ind very truly too that INtd mey bsesp you from the many that in order for . PM to hsve good sins you may fall into and if you truei things said about them they need to Him end "r" Kim lt will be . tusppr die. Thai should not b. a. M “a moment when He comes to call us so I an going to an â€luv“ hone. Until chat time I would ask things I hsve found that“ m. the you to 2PGtt, sri"',', befoasmyciu. It reason that page 1 “,9...“ you tM u w s eve eep times someth 'IS. " this In live to It you will receive s You well remember your Mes grand "ward, “I: abort me when I cane, how are. you "Work as If you were to live forever all thought the new teacher was, how Live as if you were to die to-dsy." tttrd-hearted, how you wished he had J, H. TAYLOR. - me sad how w you yum __ We, ,_’_ feel when he wss having. Things Fred Hickey has been loaned by he" changed since then, have they the Guelph Maple Leafs to the S: not! I kmnrthrtt-ttrttth-r Marys olutrot'rorrmto, and it in sno- sst chsnge hss been in yourselves, do other likely he will remain there. ,'rl Pg,',' m Tin-aleI link tongues t---------------=-au-------=---=---=-= w c were so my ty his: they 'g,ar2'tSth'2Yd'hl'l",', " Mitt FATHER s q st; 0 " were slwsys wishin to move mud Ind aid: their neighbors orperh- shove WAS A DRUNKARD vial: their neighbors orperh- tet hitrtofrtti-t Mum haunt-ugh: to rennin all]; thou buy tsaiids' which had no “In. for wort on now work hard, and than nod" bruin- whioh Wt non of thing- oat of school ti,tSt,"t2ytlril hove now hunk-ind» trthartdthtrskitr. Thmmlomoonhoohumohngu whiohlupmd oi Ind which you atstmhiboprottdof. Lilo knot o dram. Tine Moo short M no Go ,r-ttmtutusua"mrupartd Mawhilowom. Inuit-1th» during my mum ,rttttroutti-yrrVrptqtrF n‘hann. [Mummy-(Imm- wo Mun-d Wad Although oomattrmssrdidii-rt91dHi' mrrourgood,ti-firhtedrrtot t,rglg,tupdtgtM.Te.'tt"f, woman. Tho In in" an In 2'h"l'a'J,'h',"l,'lll,"ttr"llu'l trg",'deg',',u"g','t Womhvom lulu nonunion-Mp politic. 1-r,astd-tmtr1"Aotroy thumb-"Mom“ M 2,'ittN',tgl't,Ngr,ttfrd undlcwubywwk you to. donate“. Jppgae'au'rg, _ go oou"tte. [MiMIIHIO may L‘Jvnmmhnd m Mummy“ in" than I 'ttflt'tegul'i,tlfSt"t'r,,, w w “In†'til,tir'i'iitih'iiihriiii1',,ii'i. Mpr-tr.rq, hm.“ 'eta-i-ir-Mi-trev - Thin-no alum MWI-m-WW I. [man-cutbackâ€). will“ it In". It I)!“ 'll'llt/,','lU'A'l=u"ta'k I. "iiituiii-p1e'r.A?_er' u~~m_m-- ..- ' animal. rib. “byâ€. Innohom About " room and I think judging from ambulan- and tho Inspector'- rorn I. had o right wouldâ€. u tmttnatrtraltttat I. who" Abound think our pupil- m but! We hon loaned to lovothom. We work minnow moon- dopondo upon your work And your cocoon do- poodo npon our work. We work to- gothor, " play methane sorrow to- gahor And we rejoice logothor. Now we"! to We . ttep. ... No doom one? halide†you will can. but to eelwol with e renown“ mange feeling. I can empemlze with you bat then u I hove sold before the“ thing- rnuu be. You hove been very kind in eating me to May yet on- other your end if life were not no ehort I gladly would but do you think it wouldboeulerbrmto part theuil em druid It would not. Beeldee if I don’t lone you, you leave me. See how my who on here to-dey who have lea echool bedde- eo may who have not been able to be here. However I um glad to tell you chit your now when Mr. Williams, is one who you grill learn to love and I hope and I an Inn you will work u hard (or him " you have done for me. , Now we must part still we need not _ be downoen. We hue a bright hope hem on, which in that we my all moo: egeinin Haven where we will pert no more. Deer pupils I would "kroutheutobe good, grow up to be good, tuneful men end women and then when we no celled Home one by one we ‘ill be glad to go. God may leeve some of on here my year! be- fore He can as home, omen mey be here but. ohm time. Thou no thing- we can» unwind I am sure ‘we would not wieh to - tttqmt.Bow- lee if God ewes ne we hope to meet hem time to time in life here for even Fred Hickey ha- been loaned by he Guelph Maple Leafs to the St Mary’s club ttf Toronto, and it In nlto- gether likely he will remain there. h may Young Lady takes on herself to Cure " father 01 the liquor habit. “he "I up " Id! "a mu no]. I '.rsuse6 a ball at Ayah 11* let, at m-ymmu-ingm" Man you who: had thin hair, but that is no Ieaaon why you mun go though [lie with hali- aiarved hair. tt you want long, thick hair, feed it with Ayer'a Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. - -t7iGiri-i 70'. - um..." ttrlU1'h "Iâ€. loan-mill" than. " â€#936212 Psf,P2tty 'aytrigtlm',t'a'Jr1t, â€follow": -" mil-dole“ promised monu- - drinking. IM would do In for a than, tmtthmr'mtuvoedtts1tioer Mm. "thutur,.fter+ttate bullion: “In no no. I with.) 0mm mhmrn to 'id-ii-d-doe, ta',',",','?.?,',: WMpuon. with we bud-and an! In th. pan. Was“ him the M 'ii'a'iE'iihi', mm In It a to“ -urv, no“ “In.†all I. luv-inn Emu-'1‘: 'l'l..'ffrr. m- , I ij'itl'itigttl can». ilk giant II. MItht and. 'rftt'itt't4 - no _ it“. "I†inc. STORY OF HER SUCCESS. Ind-Inn in. run. In. i)g/;'i, / J â€I‘ at“ burHair m a oIot. AM"- J. c. ‘m. Lou-u. ml _,iii.i,,.i1ai.1'?iiii,,i' - "t' iii. - - TROUSER! R: tttt,'','t'h'ihtgtiggr,t,fr.e, 'm- I 1ttt,to,Aievaruttttrtti-.. Hon mkmumb wtifhobuyomucly and nth: right then'l‘bli‘hthh C wheureo4teiremaieeeialiimotre-teyc MM“ tomedlopny. _ -- _ 7 -___ - __ w Men’s $10 Suits for $7.50 Spades Shovels Rakes . just Garden Tals, i."iiiis"i,'red' a large assortment. . inthelatestdeaiettsWe (lil and Gas Stoves "uhlai'te"a'n 31?: keep the best, and guarantee them to give perfect satisfac- tion. _ Bicycles, guaranteed. " The Popular Boot ' Shoe Store " The 'Nircit_r'y Special Sale ALL NEW GOODS. In: ofthem " HalfAPPice. A nuinber of that ttsta will be a oxhibiclon In our window. The Misses Fohmnhanh, KING 8T. ' -:- BERLIN. “Mm ' McIntyre To Borrow lone, To introduce their cabinet use Buy Tums Tm, r-tii, THIS MONTH ONLY. s-tad-o-Dir. -PHOTOS- , Hardware 'l loo pair Minh Trouncu made of an n oet we.' cl h "matings. in tine hair lino my“. light modu- - l shades, ads and hip pockets, we made and who! 'ttht uh: price 83.50. this week (at .8...- We do no tplace fictitious ulna on our clothing but“ _ we say "regular price 010.00 or I [10.00 wit" you an and, C,'.",',', that money‘s worth in style, 00th Ind I!!!†ow much [can we ask you to pay. That’s why our bargains are so popular. Those who come that them an _ disappointed. Our values are just what we say; if not "'e back and get your money. 3 “giving-Hum:- But Clothing Store. Trimmed Hats. Gonrad Bros., OF such as the crescent. Hyslop and Soot.- man, sold at a bargain and fully Jacob B. Roos, We give 7mg Stung S. Sauder a Go., . Store. " King St., Betlin. CIGAR STORE. (, A Mini“! Smoke. f One that you'll apprma'ato-a ji always the result when you m4 our choice tab-ml _ ry, lulled lulu-uncut- j) or ull kinds. wuking magi mid sporting goods no "te'" .., our specialties, Lil J. DOERt9AMr"1 Near the Railway Track. Wm!“ m0!"- than.†mmummmq mm¢m In. my DI How and Where " To Borrow Honey -ii-r-. _ "e Ina,†a amount. "; _ 'tm,tatteaaettrtFu" was». . cu. V "GE DOERSAM'S Waterloo. lutorloo.