, Tho lung? Council ot aha Town- (thte of Watt , met, pursuant to ad- F " on Monday, July the Ist, S' 1, st tho hour of one p. m. All ' boll were preunt. The Mn in a“ chair. The mlnnmol the proced- LI.“ mung, hold the 3rd day of June, râ€. nod nod “opted. _ Pe'.tte or THE vu 32551021 for Trut TOWNSHIP OF WEL- , LESLEY, 1901. Ir Otarurmraattttrta, bills and mun m laid on the table and after being â€all, dealt with in the following man- MIR. TU... It vu moved by Geo. Powell, MNV attded try J. B. Lichty, that the follow- tttg â€count. in plld and that the In" “one his orders tor the same re- rodvoly, vig.:-. alhu Bitumen, for 69 load! of - a.. gavel It be. per load, 1000-t 3 45 Andrew Tllly, scraping with team and 2 men for 1-2 day. . 1 50 John 0ttaustt,tor taking J.Moyer to Eon-oofRelugo.......... 2 00 Whitman & Barnes Mfg Co., for Broad "tre"------. 41 91 Henry Killer, for three new cul- verts, $28.75 ; tor 4 yde of gravel, $2.20...... --_... .. 30 95 Ed. Meyer, putting in 2 sewer pipe culveru...... .... 4 00 J. P.Perteh,tetunirtg newer pipes, $2.00; tmuning plank and re patrfur Ibntments, $1.50 ; l mun Abovolllng gravel 2 days, $2.00; 2 men t1l1irtg scrapers one dar, $2.00; 2 teams with men grading one day, $4.50.. 12 00 la. Strome, for winter road through thll what.......... , 00 -Carried. It wan thereafter moved by W. J, Boga, seconded by H. N. Huehn,chat the Inn: of 85.33 be paid to Sam.Putcb - oGbGatton foerne sheep killed by a dog or dogs and that the move has MI tmter for the "mm-Curried. It VII then moved by J. B. Liehty, wounded by tNso.Pormsll,that the sum ot63.33 be paid to Joe. Kieewetmr as compensation for one Ebecp killed by a dogor dogs and that the been issue his order for the trams-Carried. On motion of Messrs. Ragga and Enohn, sanctioned by we Rseve, an order of three doll-n was granted to Joe. Kicawetter as mward fo killing a dog in the not of worrying "dl; ‘1: After duo consideration it was moved by W. J. Beggs, seconded by H. N. Huehn,that although the sheep of John Bettie], which wss killed by a dog or dogs, I“ not In his, but in his neigh- bor's enclosuro at the time, the luminous footing ot this Cora mil in that the sum of ttvo dollars be paid to in mid John ROX’ZBI and that the In". has his order for the ttthtmt.-- Mod. After the completion of all the ordinary work by the Council, the ï¬nder. received by the Retrve,reslatir1g â€the iron bridge to be constructed eel-cu the Nith River, III coco-sewn, Intern section of this Townehip, were my! and read by the Reeve. The of Councillors thoroughly ex- mined and mpnud all Lin: plmi and meditation- woompenying each tend. or and after utiefecwry Investigation dih- umeit we; moved by H. N. Batstat, monded by W. J. Bangs, that its tender of the "8trathrd Iron Bridge Worn Co. , for the ttomrtrmstion a! I noel bridge, 75 ft. long, with I roadway of 16tt. clou- ecroee the Nith River, lil canoe-elm, western Motion, in the Townehip of Welleeley,Waierloo 00., {or the Inn: of eightdinndred end - dollen, to include "trel Joint em elbnier mRtntr,trts accepted. Work T lo be completed according copious end Wenon- on or before Sep: '20A, P; 1.--CBrrled. After an snout comparison of the Hondon for the nbntmenu to _ M030, It wu moved by Goo. For- “not! by J. B. Lietttr,tttat the of loan. Rowan & Elliot for - common“ of concrete ubutmonu It. “I bridge new" the Nith 1 ' , m oottoiott, vector-n notion, ri, cold or m Inch? 'S.'l2U'a I on)!“ may “in “molooponhm his“?! 2“. Titth" an will It be " mg... TATE-T; tbt"ttertrtto Idaho!†“I -N" 'Nia-ed. man- "illlll!g?ii?tttitio1it4'llrtili auiiiiomtr-ttovte+q& tttt6th,1p01r2aurruA. -- WA-V--. , I . - V .r " t2,'d3rttth' summing-l.- in Id? In A!“ " 0- Mitt, willâ€: my»: JiitrctTrrVrti-itioy_frtre. 1rottseittteTowttntate “I†witit-d.--CF. I PBrrtttP.bartno"n, _ new; gar. "oe, " on... Jul: P-.--w-t In" - bi “.mio on July lat All tho load mu nu ke-tmet" It. Wu dog, "Watats," wulo a. Madhopmudfm “and petttre, looked tuuyMtr on an I at dunno and mummy " me!“ the " mum at lun- ud label, including . few an: and- vlelund oBktq to say not Inc ot was, which†won left out from the and bouquet. Mr. luminous, the Ion-mu uhool mute: here, And . peacock.) friend, Mr, sum, were u in“: picnic. . . PIIIOIAL --Mr. Doyle, the preeent :0th mm, has gone home to Perth for hle holldnye......l£r. main end Mr. Goode, two artiete of'l‘oronto.were visiting " Mr. Frank Snider’e during the aforementioned (out, and declared that such e banquet In never known time the days of Bolehazur, the only thing mining being the hundwrlting on the wall..-...John Knmpl, of Bar- lington, in visiting " parent: " Welt ,Montroee. _ He incidentally predlote that the Millennium will be here shortly mod the tarrffied inhabitants of the-e pane are leaning up the antique eons, “There’ll be a Hot Time in the Old Town that Night". . . _ . . Mr. Draper, e Millennium preacher, delivered two addrouee here on Bundey, afternoon and evening, June 30th. - ....Miu Home: from near Collingwood,ie Vinit- ing at Mr. Morren’a. ' . . . .John Hahn, of Milton, in home to nee his mother. . . . . .Edmad Neil hoe come home from foreign parts. He is reported to have distinguished himself shroud. end arrived covered with dust if not with glory, as it was dry weather at the time. . . . . .Mrs. John Mitchell, of Cali- fornia, is " W. Montrose for a. short eeaeon . . . _ . .Mr. and Mre.Geo.Peppler have returned from their visit to Hon- over......l(r. and Mrs. Wm. Elsley are visiting in the domains of Uncle Sam. . _ ...Mr. and MrsJoeeph Snider, of Bloomingdale, visited Mr. and Mrs. ip. Snider at W. linatrose on Sunday, July 7th......t'. W. Holmes, the learned precept r of the juveniles near this vilhge, has t; no home with his sister. Bturgmr'-TIte crows of thll neigh- borhood have exhibited their thierish proponniiius and predilection for young turkeys to such an atom lately that several of the local blundorbnuu wen unearthed and dlachnrged at them. The gun: blundemd bat didn't bushâ€... bio-log and bnslng and seeing and hauling are in full owing here just now. London, July P.-Ttu, addition to he made to ttit title of King Rd, ward VII. In compliment' lo the tt'- onion, will probably note the colon- ws by name, It is more likely to he one generic title, covaring all the (‘nlonivs. such as "Sovereign ot Ill David Tun-mu, Says "inner-elm: of Toronto, July 9. - Two fatal no? cidonts were record“ in Toronto yes- terday; The victhns were Harold Robinson, a 10-year-old lad, who lived at 49 Bolton avenue, end Frm1- erick Smith, whole home was " Ilanlan's Point. Both met violent and instantaneous deaths while " work. The front wheel of Roblmon'l bicycle wobbled while he was deliver- ing a message and he was thrown under the rear wheel of A lurry heav- ily laden with Inn-p Iron. The whocl at the wagon passed over tLet'upper portion of the boy's head, ten-ibly crushing the skull. I"eath was inun- at the wagon passed portion of the boy' crushing the skull. Pt tam-cum Frederick Smith rm- :ngagod yel- u~rany morning by Fred Ir. (Koch to make some altornt'nvw " his boat- house " llnnlnn’a l'pint.‘ It was propmed to ruse (no side If the roof about [out feet, Ind while to ens-god Smith - instantly killed. Sherbrooke, or... July P. - Four men are reported to In†tmst ther llm hut mning ry drowning In tho at. Francis Hint. mu- Bramp- ton Falls. The nrzmes'o! tho bur men could not be ecetained he! last owning. turtl.e, than unto! (In men drowned was named . Wad-ll. who served in my“. outing.“ that went. to Mouth Aldo.- " t! “to sum! punt vac pu- bolou to But Angus. - Chnlhnm. Ont., July 9. - "Ollie" Reeves (colored), “hire tntoartettqd, gave I [mud [muting m . follow- employs. A Chin-nu. It moo-mt Hon... that. Iha wmwl ttro "Volvo" from lob room and bubo- l-hod them until he an org-erm' uni -ted. Peet" wank-n- my"n ‘T'aqu. m. . "it eh, I V- m . similar â€not. . . lu- . an at t In can m. T%ootot, July '.-a .Mrrlbb and.» occurred " Ro1trt" on an. - 1st...“ no". 4 0'“. x“ I-r-ttet." 'itriqtttrr. ,tetir9t '3'); WEST IOHTIOCI NEW TITLE OF THE KING. Cram†llrlmln roar Mon luau-d. Killed In in" 9" China-I. in†Talon t a "Sovereign of "* . ' V. n. . Itf . . T .9..- 1niam _ m ".iitliitt]?',ii'i.tif,ititisl it. - Wrt m um“ than to new. he wood. and In" awake tt that: â€can - no our“ 'tre, to "olden“ ot In“, a at Paul- Bunu. In an all ttf Link may. Tho other In. “use! Strung. Street. A third may no prmnc to um Ill. layman!» Inch god a gums! pipe on lumen Sheena tho that Wad. Tho law nquul won ttrisated and the we at“ position: will b. 1luoaased " I Ipechl meeting to be held 01 Sand-y oran- by. "v _ A Noun Ward mu â€pond In {on m. Baud when»: to m mettal total outside an IMMIII“ not“. The tap will be Mog- A - -- -. -__..- -- - Tho "mutin- ot OA and} union SM “on and their no.1 and strongly and that owln; to tho bonding at I lpnr lino In tho new» of Lanes um Ind an dar-e It» volnd by m mun: chum-up "ddowtitttorurandtuttlo" - lmlty to the an but M. It put their property in s antigen-I Wu. Thou no over . down who would take the novice and the town would toqulro three hydrants, no an neo- ‘uury 10 per com. ot the contraction Cii,iii in than provided for. The on- timatod cost will be thong $1,090. The wound adoption from Show sneer. nude 3 lively kick for - and showed in eloqueu term: the ne- eeeelty of providing the ruhlenu with drinking weter and tIre promotion. It they did not mm winter from Berlin they would go to Weterloo tor is. One of the residents aid his pump applied eight {milieu with Inter Ind now it he: dried up end all have to go two or three blocks tor voter. _ _ The Commlulonen sand that they realize the jam claims of both delega- tions. The clinically to to Matytttt the construction, but they will endea- to do the beat they can and willlat them know their hummus on Satur- day evqnlng. m a '""" -v-_._,. The delegation trom the Belt Ward said very little, " the Commiuionen had already nude up their minds to grant the petition for Inter service on Mansion Street. tunmtmrrrtrmtrrr's anon. Cub on hand.......-.. $1789 35 Total receipts in June.. -.. . 316 10 Total Dhbumemonts for June. (Construction. , Mammals, labor and inciden- - Beauvoir and Stand Pipe, Materials................. ' 61 Labor and incidenma...... 2: Wawrsupply............. ( Gench Expenses Ind Fixed Chargeac Salaries and labor Fuelv............ Supplies......... "Itgitsts undlabor Valves and hydrants. . . Labor and ineidentaltc _ Labor and inoldenmla. . Metaâ€, ammonium... .. Balanc", oaah, on hand. _ . . . . Total number fist ram con< MINORS .......... ...... Total number motors . . _ .. total number hjdrantc . . . Gallons water pumped l June...................15,105,000 Pounds coal consumed . . . . . 97,800 Total hours pumping ... . . . 438 1-4 Average gallons per day. .. 503,500 Average tlmo pumping per dnv................14 hrs. 36 min. day......,.........14hr: Ammo gallons pumped per It) ormoqtt.--.o.. Pounds coat oongumed per div.-..----- Thank You Very Klndly. London. July 9. - When “but! In the House of Commons yesterday II to what publie acknowledgement VII intended of the tritt by Bernard Bub‘ er of Baltimore. Md., ot the tsoapttal ship Maine to the British ntvy, A. J. Ballour, the Government lender. nnld the utmost publicity at the thanks of Great Britain for this most. noble and generous pm Pad been given by the Flat Lord of the Admiralty, the Earl ot Selborno. In tho‘llounc of Lords. and by am soo- rotary to the Admiralty, H. o. Arte old-POV, In the Home of Oom- mons. adding: -. . " -iTriurniiiGoraro ot my Mode ot giving publicity to our “and than um. in nor. than than this." "I.“ Hum" loin-n. _ St. John's. thid., Jay 9. - n h â€and that Inns-w of Hume. Juliana, an!“ on the - of Binhop Bond of m. John'l. In! resign“ from m Dom! Him-try ow- ing to . diagram; with in col- mml our the Rail railroad quo- “on. Mr, Jun-an declini- to - I†nuts-um. etrnttrsratgtq or any!“ ta. report. “can... July 0. - noon nun I-Ilburg, can. Ion M an tate ArcMqu'u With aunt-g with ‘- nun-d was“. In to - so“ an for Mt. Min (011qu mu L~ Island and" . m cumâ€. M. van (My ' WI. 1- the .m, brt tmd to - L.’ 00“ mission, and "tqrqmeN - a you girl. _ . 01mm, 3wa O. - The Alberta left MN - morning with MO - of and lot! mun-’- hadr- glut) not n. - 'ht- - ----. .- a! 9! 'It1tyfL1itl9reer.. Pumping System w In an." tHelen Street Main. I.“ out In _ in '2,105,45 824204 t0693 2367 $71 8120 58 16 59 6500 ' 626 49 $1478 96 125 187 576 3260 428 131 66 15 54 "rq.H_l"0.M'il'hr_P"r'""tu"'."P'. m oeorttit4etn-.-dV pro-tot-ot..-.:... tore a. I“ W 0-hou- _ wanna-4w - luau. - dogma“. align-m wo-...- 1 '$-Toeeatoe.-Atqte#tpq CHI-damn“. I MQNAmcou-Iucf‘k ot Italy. And not: â€MED We... tough swim-t - ,.ittama-iuaiPrine.t_ to be Duke fill, mm. grandson ot mum I. Tho [LII-tun remind smu- I'm chm-t. through the mm. Lundon. July th-lated m, can. to London you-Why an! in! mud In undue. by tho Kb. " Mgsra'borrmgh Homo. ". while 3.- noun-nut. at this VII". “Lilli "Y In": won an: up (on. PM“. retur- tan a. continent. qrhIggeq In mind Baum. exclu- much com- meat, in Fit". at an politics! situa- tion. J. K. SHINN, den“ Duke tlt., opp-1b J. Low. mm: mm and mm. ======r.==.T== mum. on W207. m- WMâ€, "f,' u. New York, July 9. - Tho otBeiat report: of vital autistiu - 989 duo:- from but tor week gala. July 6, in the {In borough. a! div-tu- Nuv York. - n Dow-1m! can In "POO-II- " Winn rulin- In 1.“le Luau Quotation I Tum†but", Pt I. .n warm Piet" SH.ht Tht: A" "'l1"'i'C"i' t'rsT, an“... mi;- "7fate n ue a ' r . future: closed " lbs; lolldu'l ml “lures. I‘m-ht wheat caption- Nit " " " 15 eotttittto and ttour , to I). In Chlcano to-day July Ind September when mun-e- tell " Me to %e per tes,, and corn option: adv-need I can . but“! to 4795c tor July Ind 4056c tor Onto-IM- LEADIXG WHEAT auxin}. ,, Cull. Julyhjcftim Doc. ihttd Detrpit, Chicago .. New York Toledo .. Detroit, No. Duluth, No. 1 Northern . Duluth, No. 1 hard .... l Minn. No. 1 Northern . o 0 l Liverpool-cu-s-Neg. grgt nut N l; 1 cu. so an to a: um 1wt,"L't . li , 9d; No. 2 n.w.. rm to to ' " Northern spring. " 4m to " . . " turn. Itll Sept. " “All “2|:ch hir 5 rd, tgetiteN. Maue, spot. Am “mm In a ttrm: old. nomlul' by'a't Bom.', 2w}. Futurn.‘ arm; GF, 1 d, .. Boot. " 2%st bid; Oct., " Mll- Flour. Ilium. um IN to 18' . united London-Claw hut. MAME: d " mu since o retort. t ' n "wttre. outport. for v, -. y I s',', â€Purcell nuiet and In: g,tr,'I',t'g to 'r,ra a" N. No. 1 Northern up: n . . 't'l'if, line ' _ paid. Baotou Impact on. , at ' 'raielt paid. Duluth Inspection. sunk“ on n. nnlrl Duluth Inspection. .. .314- Id. Ulllutll ""'PrF""'"' - n - a, mud, Duluth Inspectlon. TPit on pnunxc. Brut. but not an". I. run. yellow. rye term». Just and mmâ€. net. Spot American. land. In. Flour. lpot mum, 22-. runnxl‘u rr. LAWIIIXOI IABFIr. 'Trt"o- Wiuytt, Pen, bunk ...... .....'. It a .... me. hum ...... ....... ow. .... l Buns. hush e..... ..... 120 100 Barley. hush ...........0 " o " ( Oats. hush ............. 0†0-31" ahtetrqrttmtt, but .. “.709 pm TORONTO PA“! pggogMrem. Wholunh. Hay. baled. cu Ion. mm.†â€to no 00 straw. baled. on: lots. ton I " 5 no nutter. dairy. m. rolls ... 0 " lt " . Butter, Prmtmprr, boxes†0 ll 0 " Butter. Creamery, lb. rolll 0 18 0 '20 Butter, tnh, prr lb. ...... 0 15% It 18% Rutter. hnkorn‘, ml} ...... 0112 " " Ite nevi-Id. deanâ€... tt 5 011 nut-o. not lb ....-...... 010 011 nu aunt! of much better mu - TM. - II_III mm awn '..... .r...... " 1l'h'kl'rd that; " has: iri,iry.7.' hii't"itiriirit',1'i'isit'ii t and In to no ttm., "Ftit.te..1".'.'.'..tt " IT, I'.:.'..'.','.:.'.'. " an. ............-.. - w... -__ w, _ " mile, lf! .... " bulk. cud ...._. â€a." mulcmleha Inâ€. " had- " [and ... " madlnnl. mlxed . ., " emu-on .. ..... m 'hnvy .......... -_, l a.» ............ *uIE-‘nt-rz'. 2i'FL'iiiirstratalth. 9'3: YtMt, 'iNW'l'P" " XIV to“ LIV. .roerr, - New You, "tr in, “new “I: have "tth' iiijit2,'d km. dr- aa' t t I. n o _ - gun. ' I Beer, tsâ€. 1 "I" "m" -- L-gt.. mil. 'iji?.iy.EijEfitE t5 'ttit/twitty)'.:)"' no. [IQ _ «A ' an: In; I. u Baer audit)» OA‘I‘I’LI Inn-1. In But-In. oo_.t.rtettt..tep..? 2.t W - the III. MARKET REPORTS. No. f Vo, ll. mt†u - whho. bush .....$0 6t to 3.... red, buatt ....... 0 " ... Me. huh ......061 66 [9052, bush .... 22% .... mama. ttii-ttttht-stil',?. ttr. eatttetqte- iiiiihid n mu. dr- " n- to " , to I. . 'tsu'.'.", t - _ _ a: I!!! 4.313 neg-13 'iiiii2'iPiisifitutt a: 'p23Lt,t'p. MN'?.' Tit 3&1? i‘m‘m'nii 13 6 " ETD iii. but - .... and“! p... lull .... dual ...s M', o... I o no :3: 100 03) 999.. I l Itt "QT? nu- -»ma- can ii,?,/Eit',iiiii,it1'ii' . v†chum “In hiv- hm‘h W - I...“ -- M, fit bqrrb+o - s - 'ie'a'i't'tiai?,'2. a Jat'Melrl'.tt'oh'l'l'f'l'll M audit“. h gth'tthpl'ttp', wt. n no Ink-Mu Mrtef. Mum-Mud“ nan. noun-watchmen “macaw. r..ltt,,.",t.itiitq,,,tit!t'e,ti"ii'; It =t,tdr'" .m' t"ttg1 an ha maintain?“ tthaue iits.j"r',"tlPhrotrtalti'illk'lli.t1q Adm,’ “mm. Ih'ffh"N"'h'h1fl3pll1f, "wtt.taettrea,'tt!.e,P..t.tfeo2t new“ ... m. A-mwmmcé Va. 'et.ittike-ar_om.e.. I“ bom- d ‘mhe Mitt wad 1 III 'Gold-s W iirrFriiFfCiaeat.e t no ',ttitra'tt 'ld. than "it!†Dr. Ham’- Common Sane Milk" “was, in - can». b "trthw 0" new 9' s,ifit1te,tfeet.r.t'.2" a ii5firfithviiirii'i-,i'jdti3fb." wt-'................- mo,ar.0-.......... no Gauguin. m. Running null au) m I Raft of B. 8. Hm Going July "th, Returning unUI mum“ G t',rtt),tt/ls','ihll,'tt,t)G.t- wi "tli or B. B. 'nm') Judicial Notice lki5triiii"G'i,F7FeGty Luisa -. d In“! ikiji,ie1.tef rea'tt1t. A m". on dun-tn M..-.- ---" - - mu at anemlm Kuhn 5iiitifl',Stf.'ti on at Vulcan†Kutha-u of tho I! Wollnhr. In a. can-n: cl I who itiGFaaiiuateuo? 'dt iiriiiii.ir!tyLi,tiiP,tt'Mrglt 1W gnu-twat: a. loll-HI. at and“. nun-tartan:- amnion of m ters MW if/l, Rh rl2tA"flieCi “I d on. o I Mammal thou-mumb- iitehte,ttt 'tttfl'", he,',',' tit',"",,'? “m " Att, "eetaded mm a. L2lltUt'"gl8h',ttll4 'tiiiiif,ie,gl,"tt2t any can“ In a no ammonmabofm IM " huh-Ibu- " JiirTiOhthqtq yo! lam-Ia .lln. ml- hmr a“ "' V- Ute. lemon.†I“. win I,".' - “I: t w m “I ed PP"; “a... S2ht2rNhh'lrl'lt "cur-am» - 1'shthtrl,'iihF..r? " “"‘ " -- Jttgrtt V â€can “I. WI no. 1ilo'lltl',"lt, TYn'gtltt'i1 In Tflat " . m _. - iil5iiTig"iit"iUi5EfEer2'Mt T'Wdt%Tih'XVi', iin%riihra 2...? . us a mum». ',llt'gtttM1'lllrlrmtl.G "ttt+o lulu am but "d-F, U *wbh-Iooi but mu mud I" â€If, on triiriiifii,rgiiiiet'rNJitl “at m. Are in ‘,A B.-.- ‘5...- www.mmmag - .60: . " M agmï¬m Tlar,'; TAura i'Y"iiiiiiaii in... " . may tow. MAI? Elwin. I 10.! - L“... m... - mm..."- "w‘m aa ae"is'a"i IURBUANT to n "d-rt d tho We! Janna much yeatet ' . A. - sy-CL-a---" o Teachers. Wanted Arm for Sale. an! W0 â€.9 Farm for Sula. "on“ for " at. 'Nlllk%a-iiGr,' iiiraia" -.. - to Creditors. "loo-Eu! Yahoo him:- â€but. t3terr. Red Door 'thr-tmt 7.32:5?!231 gm. â€.1755. 'iiit1iiiiiitiiliN mJiiG'aiiL "'7-'" _-'-" id Visit 09-!) 1llittodittitrtN Ium' ss/ 1tttr.llltttMeta, , Zia JI .14 2'V, MWMWIFm New and Old Things This will itt4,WrTiWi%FiaaiiiE 3.â€?335‘m no". to L', do“; I: 1l!rEea=rr=a1=E= d udthon In In Inland "an! '9'.- lmyfunc hum-I. Formula-writ. . a. pd“; Priuiiitff2%tlll -___ 'alters, th asitt. Ink! 'ttMM dnLhI-M a'ttg'N 'attu'nYllhtll'G't mflldï¬lhflqunflé 'liltthttt2t'retgrgter,,'f,'a',Pdllu'. autumnal-dbl- Oink-hr- Farm for Sale. iiFD Gir%rGaari%TiTiaTia not -1! " . Mel-93939)! iiRWii 'V'M’ mun-I III - Tm.“ .. “will In. tt. now-human†.eattgiauth-r.or-haut1- Mbuv-iouqhh â€may [HunmJulym Yule-Indy.“ â€ulna-ovary chub-twain.- touotdulnoo. Win-been Mypdntdnd ml. n loun- tauturmat-t-trtstiRrfitt" cdwhhmdldm “Md w-r-ttBet-hh-i-Ott" and av. M’Wmdth 1:000,th Duluth-1km eo-tttro-kr Drops-nin- ymiteihi bad at! m - Wm Olhllo- For PM and Mann. - -- -'.Mr- ___- win artt,tot* & an. an. tiiil'ii'i'iit "3 'fil2gtirty, "1"irtMh'alU, 2ettytf' . "r" - M LL; - A xsmlnuta’nlt Pan-Amerie" mumâ€!!!- iraiGGFiy Tdir.' “W"W - " I“. m m I." to and “but“ It has. 'tlhiur'3tdt'""" Ritt a... - 3.an 'FhmgqBt w Id. to - “If =tstt-t.rno-qr.Aqr". â€no†I“. i a PAY 1c tAg-tey. tn 8-95.99: Tum“. mmpninolbooumd IW.M "_. children'l, boys', girls'. Inn'- and women's, I“ in. and q ohlnkmoul Am Hold-ttnah-tsie/il can at a.» nanny clone prices. It will pay you town them. Also but: is: everybody sq evayhody's price. _ TI Milli-Id Stallfod Inf. Fiir ii iriqirirluicErq 2yiELt.e.th' a. T. wow “noun†Wuw' Buhler, fiil'?iitllitlllit?i' ntta'd'fPa', I‘m. for M. Wildfang, ' Wendy-w it Altihir, annual-punc-n-W'é» ' -irtaoetttsrstmhatCtMhh. may“... ....AT THE... "tp,ti'.t Ian's ' button not it. It " “I “Iâ€: 'IO, .3 Ian'- 4 My: III. t tttaiatt sr'? a '6.li0,8tM0, 09.3, nod m. G t6theGxtutttar,trinett%B_ W0 mmdeqt iiGTaraua ‘ gun. You...“ iieliltaUa'r ulna-vul- White Store. {4% To Buggies. A. c. Thom King St. and o6Serstt, â€RI-IN. if†rtr2t't'dgtl h LY 'gi'i'ilt a: m:- ' " me. has. n1. 'f/aug?, "Mt . l -qttb4taat d Linwood. 1't'giht'P, no as. It ; unwound-nu Cnit6gtatcee ', 'r'stitiy,', “Ml-h 'dt ii,':'9'iii'tifi'iii l in $tee,tJStjdytililiiu'l J.'8f8. ' J Farm for Sale. "cue" i-.., 1W3... WIS-i Ul",'ll'l (and New I . 1min†and-(m than.“ A summer out. pry-91B!!!†tti1it?t.ittfil1titil1lrid, Mt 't,"yehr1ttta%'9,,trt Farm for Sale. stock of hygie- in the Count} to Ideal-om. The new new]... w u and to In “:0th And N I“. Nittt'ht ."t'f,t,Tp,et,tgt'tit chap. m w and tho Wilklnlon tl'lfhu'atdtl'l'. Bonn shoeing done-o u to ttt comfort an develop ill at. Intel-Icing prenatal. - A IK-VIII." wu- nu. wax;wa "eo.,.-- t'altit C',tiT,212!,bS: ‘ I... FOR _§ALE. r)titttttp/,t8t"dtN8Bttt'. IP'SPNM‘PME‘W 1!iliiiiilh?iii, 2ut'gtar,tt r. I and " I. “may: 't'teltF'i92fei. and? on may?†or hug“. HAWKESVILLE. L-Amerimn TheVIIhAva. Home..‘.. " minted walk new ground; In my. .IRIcku-t. gehtheam, . . manna. my. TEX. ER. on LII