r':.," ' looking back over the past century 'ty" would do well to note the achieve- Etmtl of our short educational life, and club we are reasonably proud of our T udmees, let us as wise builders, in- F; Stl', its shortcomings and make use f the lessons learned. C L l need not stop to prove that the ’ education of the people of a country is "f the most vital of its forces, that is 4 obvious. History everywhere teaches ' the value of education as the greatest . humanlzing force. Blr, .,r,4eea"'Pr.'-" 1 , ‘ r no. - .trgegirttt upon an l 'irrrN, Muah not: Pro-idem mm , In"! companion " the " =Tdl'tl,'lt'ltf'liSli2: the ~ - .Ioootdlnllylhnnk youior 1'1.) high honor damn: a in: M! â€relation, in choosing no to I out your deliberation- for " and not alone toe Much of ‘5 but, bat for other honor-I and , . . “no! thrust. upon mo since . ‘ ‘ a who: inthil {Ar-tuned ‘ a llama. In looking back over ' _ l o! my illustrious prodoceuon .1tttpftBtserenPeHtPrl I feel my ' - my and that the mantle has - fullen on unworthy nhouldorl. , P or, I shall try to demoan myulr â€nylon-thin. mum In subject for 3 than Id- â€1 mm that the was had l . l claim to our roisognitiou and i . retrospective and prospective “so would not be amiss. We sand ' the doors of the 19th century â€4 forever behind us. It wee s _ “deed a. glorious privilege, to _ lived in the Victorian Age, with _ ammon- achievement: in every x of human activity. We 9.. upon the threshold of I new eeno- guy with in tremendous possibilities, 1m in mystorlous silence about what ‘lhlll be, with. _it.e burning questions of men's relation to men, with its hidden dangers, ooneequent upon the med “no for terrltorul expansion and oom- ttteedal supremecv, with its increasing In: for money, its killing competition, 1!, shall I my, abnormsl growth of Way, and I regret to say it, its corrupt, dishonest business and politi- cal methods. But while these pessi- gtttrtitt views may be entertained by "many, we remember that “Hope springs eternsl in the human breast, and spitoof pride, in erring reasons 13!“, one truth is clear, whatever is, bright." We have hopes and aspir- attoruamt ideals to which we would than. Shall we not “magnify our slice", and conscious of the dignity of on" high calling, do all we can to re- ctned, the evil and accelerate the good "ttttil every crooked path be made 18mlttht and the desert blossom as the ......._..._._,, _-_--_ The nineteenth century we fraught _ with many momentous changes, but [ pto‘behly the most import.nt was the compulsory education of its youth. Compulsory education was begun in Monti in the days of Knox and the "arid feels to-day the impress of that rugged land upon every phase of human Jason. Flohte, in Germany, in 1813 established his system of elementary education, and there is not the shadow of a doubt but that France, whose iron heel bore so heavily on the subject Ger- man after Jena, was crushed in 1870 its an egg-shell, by the superior in- _ “inseam and education of the German people ,rtilied to the stern realities of We mad that the schoolmaster made Gummy, Ind just as surely Is he or Illa muting Canada. Therefore it is toll that we have a true estimate of the grout responsibility of our profes- When we consider the history of ed- nation in Canada, but more especially of thin province, we must conclude M great progress has been made, Ialfl ssomtnemutrtyte with that made re, other lines. : From very email beginnings he: de- [doped one of the very best school was extant. 'Tia said that imitat- ie the sincerest ffattery and I am - we all noted with pleasure the (act 'ti" in Britain's latest addition to the hpire. the Orange Free State, where not New of our Canadian lads sleep :Mr int long sleep, the Canadian ‘ml qrstern is to_be copied. lion? Cs, B in planing to know that from the ttttl (layout our history as a province one were mode to educate the youth A both - In the very early days, Nouns, battling with the forest prim- ttrr'itsprxrrrtatsr engaged the young e vol! " the old, and except. to the t_", F mm th answering of eduoetlon 'ld-tttt diiBtsttltr ob nod. Bat soon But an Iniit1x from the older lands the fin-my to: moon mu felt, And mm oettlerrttrnta, at In Iii uhools were erected, in “I your: were taught,thts teach- Mttgntlf, in many can: of I It. mount of learning,tbooo you! (Mug plum to than 7 ___ â€nipped ofatust4ontlrr. CiG handing of gamma Ichaola to V __ . “own word toattand,marhod F lama: on In our history, ' In ther did, men for the ' oars Ind profession, but ttot _ India; ot our pro-on: - C [new Ryan-non upon any model 'iitt,tll amps“ whack, and In- III the Int 30 or 40 - Mn ' gem]. And If no. In preparing pup“. co nation ranked for the val- M .to., Demand“- that but - um um _,);" In}. to my banal] mgr-cum may“ “mm-do W {haw but. “at“ In" sun 'tttttcg/eu',':'?,':,:'.',',,',,':': mac-tutu 7 ts. County TeaetseriAaattelat1ttq a the Annual . letting Heldat Berlin. May and and ard, 1901. chm Hick-W - _ - “In: 18pectivo and Prospective Glance. -ttr_etteiarypyet.r.1et tGGaaaiiiisi-tttNiet1rttt ikiite-tvi-otthemtt-tt buntortbopnou} trel. t . It eeene to no that deco the intro- l due“. e! the entrenee onulnnthe‘ about 1373 e new lupnlee weaken to our eehooh, the element ot Ttst',' entered Into the qeeetion, e thy etimelue wee given. Promotion enmi- netionewere mutated end more eunu- letion glue, oomperieone were rude between eehoole and when. Today the competition in in keeping with that in other llnee of human eotlvlty,exeeedv July keen. There eoeme to be a fever- ieh deeire on the part ot none to fiatd “something new under the eon" to tech on to our eireedy overloaded and groan- ing fraternity, while we, while longing for a lapping " prooeee to begin, ere BO tseeuirtotmrd to work that ineteed of being afraid of it we ere like the mm. man who, being and if he were “told of work,,eeid "No, euro I our lie down by the elde of it", or in other worde we leave undone whet cannot be crowded in 0} Late changed advocated at conven- tions have done and will do much to- wards that end. Raising the age limit, abolishing Primary Certificates and the probability that soon the Model and Normal School terms will be doubled in length, is likely to diminish the num- ber of aspirants for the teaching and other professions; and to make it more dimen1t for the poor young man to enter the hold in competition with his more fortunate brother of the longer pugo. Brrperiuialitr, consequent upon the iFiiirGl J-, breadth of our curriculum, isa result to o t e g I be deplored. The number ot subjects y o “are? to be taught makes it an utter impossl- Bamp, I: l bility to teach all of them to the has? monop: on advantage. and although methodshavo 22h', e I" improved it is a question whether time as no pupils leave school to-dey any better “MK prepared for the battle of life than did Btttrla' the'r elder brothers and sisters of 20 In the no and 25 years ago. It seems tome that jecte seem pupils lesve school to-dsr ate mueh their 'tdots' earlier age than they did then. Indeed Manual 1 it is so uncommon thing new to find a Economy. pupil 16 or 17 yesrs of ego in s public touch upor school, while years ago in the winter will be sell months especially, young men and wo- ventlon. 1 men sttended sshool, and.a not uncom- uch of tt men expre-ion mung than: is “I education i leaned more that lest. winter in school as at pres! l then in all the other years put to- consider tt punt." T centege of ‘Cernpsre the pupils in the Collegl- ever otter sees te-dsy with those of 16 years ago therefore n and 1 III sure the tuifetNtntte, es to liver. - eel sges‘e would be very noticeable. Does Rsture, or it not seem that pupils ere metered venous pt Inneh esrlier then m the old dam is led to the the result - ot does it presuppose tsmMttttt he: tied and imprint development end re-sssrch shalom! A _ . - " majority ow A wry lurked Indexing of the up in which '0 lie. II guru-gino- and machine- Mow may of you at troubled “ifâ€? who Mer lt sumo» unlimited mum.†of ledge of an 001nm â€your. at nonbin- of m m and um, mien, nun-e mum! him or he†The undy‘ boxes cm: look and by and whim". of momma More†any! nun-mu. undo bout, minimum batman as Tune your pupils for a cream to) mm. yetevgt"tpi'ett the nod. sud you will In new a tmttkttonofbrtts-- vaunmwmmodmma Girairtiio-etttt-drhytetre the -trtoqet can hull on ion. is» for 0% no In " manna: tttM, “all. Jt'lliiltfli'ih'i'ltdiifitt',': the - h' ........... , ' _ _ " the at" I ' ‘ G " ., W3. "Ili ea , ,4}, ill u F " " a a llll'tllj, iv!" Cl R In - id, .553; b"':',', f". 0M , w “0000: C -~ _ iih I . day. on â€can not, "at a on. canvas . tutu-l to a. j‘bd In. no oett mu *5! ' want or tt,rte= a! ‘ system no tttag. ' m air-ttsig I†an tho "all“ Iy than I ups-um than. "was“ with an than“! um lb. III done to “I my“. th-htm In" yt mu', baht. I no huh no I ' In _ [INN going to a, an "I. 11:: um in 1 running, tho limit In wide, he - ' anion t- he“, the pupil in“ b. hurried om and to amino: and to Ut 1 him have very much time to this! om I his drttiiraltier. We give him Allothio I and Homeopnlhic dose. from "Holy," , ete. until no In burly Innings with hot.- 17.3 icGuUii0itkr" ‘ - we . mm abontmlpgquogonl._ - __- . We... _.._.- - _-_,,,,, Toasts school work I - ed chuseter bundles, ever, has Is 0 means» sn ond-att W h emulating "l.'-relt",tm, was» thortgttt,and eoneetexpnsshn. Tme Leaching should give the maximum ot encouragement with the mink-um of nuisance. And one ot the mast dim- eun ot our dudes " tesehers is to develop that surge!“ spirit of “no surrender,†so neces‘esry es en equip- ment for him who would overcome the diftieu1tie otlife site: school dsys we past. a - -, .. -. _q_i-L-=P-- a- y..." Let it not be thought that I am lind- ing undue fault with our system. Far from it. I am road ot it, because I saw at the Worfd’s Fair the practical application of the superior education of the people of this province in winning 95 int of - 100 prizes for farm produeta. It is not altogether a ques- tion of soil and climate, and our Dairy Schools, Farmers’ Institutes, 'rto.--ex- tensions of our School System have done much to give Ontario a very high place in the estimation ot the worlth is a noticeable fact too that while we get few if any teachers from the United States, many Canadians and their way [ to the very highest positions in the best American Colleges, an evidence of our educational status and an inspiration to us " teachers to know that our work is recognized. And what of the future! Marvellous as have been the ad.. vances of the nineteenth century, in its tmtsnehitsetmsnt of the individual. in its betusrtmorubrtb, purer laws. in its emancipation of slaves, in its greater humanity as shown in the moditieation of the criminal laws, in the establish ment of places of refuge for the p'v-U. the blind, the insane, in the o' m gelization of the nations of the r, s', and of the isles of the sea by lhes;- cud of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in its, marvellous extension of eomn,crety-a' great aid in breaking down tin: lmrricrs between tutioms--and again in the de- velopment along the lines of practical invention and tstsitmtitits discovery. the wonderful destruction of time and dis. terms, the numberlese Inventions, life- saving and labor-saving, etc , yet still more marvellous in be possibilities is the future. One etarwls almost in are as we strive to peer into the coming years. The past was an age of steam and iron, the present wilt see great developments in electricity and the yet unchained polers lying ready , the scientists’ discovpry. _ In invention it requires one more prophetic than I to venture even a forecast. Our successors in omce stew years hence will no doubt glide grnce- I fully iuto this then great city of Bertoo in their air ships, that is if salaries go up, and will dine not necessarily a: the [louse of I. and R, but as guests of .140 citizens a la mode Bellamy. And if Marconi succeeds in " inventions the worthy member from Brnnehton or Hespeler may talk across the air to his or her confrere in the wilds of Welles- iiey, Wilmot or Vii'oolwich. . . L my, Iv nun/u v. uvv....-... Politically, I believe one of the great questions of this century will be the establishment of Socialism. Already advances have been made, and muni- cipal ownershin, the control of all civic monopolies such as free libraries, {res hospitals, electiic light, electric cars, etc., the erection and management of free shelters, artisms’ dwellings, the enforcement of health immune unitary and structural inspection of all build- ings, the shortening of hours of labor, etc , these and many others are signs of thetlmes. And yet when one looks out there are many disgusting signs, the sword of the two mighiivet Christin nations yet nneheathod, the world an armed camp, the giant truste, combinee and monopolies with their octopus-like hold upon the people, ail indicate thet the time him not yet fully come when "Watt to man the world o'er" Shall brothers be tor n' that. In tho near future a number ot enh- jecu seem ready tor dimnuion u to their ndoption, vim Neture etudlee. Manuel Training, any Domeeiip Economy. Thus I null very may touch upon u no doubt n good deal will be sold about than n this Con- vention. I hove often thought that much of the moat Imam-ting lids of education is lost tigtst of in our system as at present commuted. When we consider “not only a very small per carnage of the pupils at our schools "or attend Blah School, end that therefore no opportunity ls given them, except cmslly, to study the forces of Naturs, or to strive to "count for In various phenomena, we ore certainly led to the conclusion that I very in- teresting and lostructive tUld (or ro-sesreh is closed to the rest majority of the you" poople J'llll cmumy. Does tt not soul strong. thst attororgirlmtt lave-ehool with s very Mr Men of my or mm or grommet, but with mm aâ€. has at tho mos-.0 om st “are sound It. or In! The my org-mum“ mm mu. To. you“ he " assent- to - as we: suns-s st. tltafd, d the ','l'lNtt, st tlititm0t'l', ..I or Mn. Attyt'_hMtttilq a to I03 hon null-III I upset. Thug t9tleet, b .- and“ mmbmw. 'l'd7ffl'l'2f.h7l'l'lllra7rrd'J'Jr'rt.l.i W'WMWW mi an Ii um g'lMhlt,tUT, mun and m _ -- of would baud. l OI- q.rt.qitt- Tubing In tfg',t.eMtttdtf'ttrd'St mull-.0! hon. no.“ 1,tttgtU,tttPLturht gin mom-uln- -tise -. our amstirtme-ttoett" man-J ttotartisttudea'ttr" to We - "vd-irrtpoemttamtittrretthrt 'ttt+ntrisotttt.ttrisottqrttethotrr, Omaha youthlonho earrttntt on of the manhunt of good: for our own wuu I. loot and upon tho Milan-nu.“ out: in dotettt att In If. your to mm the othor, no "and the TAQ Women tn (In lupin at. . - the prop)- an malty for not. mull, Indium-l and technical education, more 3031011: mahoduokuplntho molarmv (new; uptown}. _ _ _ _ 1B importance in obvious. ha in Que-donut it: Introduction . diqbritt'" to decide. Shell it be News! or thtt in urban dim-tote! nun»: won . u who-nuclei“ hume- ent neemnt time will all. _ _ Tho chic! canons. In in an, and than would apply too in the question ot 00W my. m. _ (1)lt dueling I lugs an of motor brain energy I ah the old departments Ion untouched; both admin we wholc boy_or girl. - --- -. (a) is look) intra-utr. They dig- nily labor, counter“: the tenancy 'at an?!» maul hbor, "annular. u w as tht man, housework treyrallr. _ _. (3) AI moral agentat Thor aro cro- nuvo sud cantata habit! of originality, nothontml, munoy, tutu, nutm- and jmthlnlnou. tdi They are preparation' for maul ocogpugqul. _ _ tsi They some n In egreeeble on“? hum the purely intellect“ And ere t III I help rather than a hind. moo. (6) The elow boy or girl in ordinary echoel ltndlee will often out-trip their oompotltore, ln thnae studios, therefore the iMatsmm to all concerned will be tt6tteiiolal. a In conclusion, many other potnta in our put education“ history and in our future prospects crowd into the vista " if demnnding e pacing remark, bat I fear I have already wooded you and shell withhold. I sincerely trust that this, the ttrat Convention in s new century, in s new "sign-and these words sudden no as T?, remember lovingly the good Tie- turia--rnar prove pleasant, profitable and instructive to us all. Let or dis- cuss the papers freely and fully and umstMshlr, so the: we may go back to our wheels with fresh luspirstions for our great work of moulding the destiny of s nation yet to be. Apropos the present smIYll-pox were a "Knight of the Grip†who was in Berlin this week, related the follow- ing story, the scene being l id in s northern town. Acase of smell-pox had been suspected by the authorities " one of the hotels and Dr. Bryce was called. He diegnoeed the c we smell- pox and coming downstairs t: locked the doors and pat the burn and everybody in it under qtuat1titttr, among them T being two prominent business men who had just. d oppod in fora social glue. Tho patient was promptly isolated in a. house on the outskirts of the town. He had a very' mild attack of the dinease and being somewhst of n t" ricatnrist he kept passenhy- informed on his progress by drawing daily Lul!etins and posting them r‘mside. Ills tlrat bulletin read "Very Bad" and was followed next dly with one in big letters “Dun", not lor g after the following appeared: "No l-‘ioworsâ€. It is loarned that John Thinner, the your); Blenheim township man, whose whereabouts no unknown, bu taken la all some $20,000 of other people'- money. Brokers in Toronto no out some $3,000 Ind the Bank of Com- merce $1,000. The mm whose indi- vidual loosi- the bowie-r is D. B. Clemens, Thnmor’l punter in the eattht busing... Tumor owed him buwoon $1,000 “(101,500 and paid $1,800 on a. forged note to the Bank of Commerce at "Arr, at well. Notes vole forged on the farmer- of the wan-hip and cashed In the bunk " Arr to the mine of $4,000 or $5,000. [humor la bellovod to have about an 000 in his mansion, 2l hula“ who rent. through ween! thm and yuan». Mr Clemons will no tho hark, " is andorstood, to rumor the amount of the note Th? bani}. tah. 'fTiGrnisiion to nppnhond Thmor, who In thought to ho non-I the bor. ttsmmi1tort [be other day two of the mutation tent. erected for small-pox "quanta â€were burned by rmdenuln we neighborhood. " in Manon? "an Hamilton should have to a. t amnllnox; it In much mm lobe re- gretted that the tutthorttU. would have to Mulron- own poop!- In trying to prevent In apron]. A Butfalo paper print: I “It ot the feature- ol the lldwey " the Pub Amerlean end whet lt one“ to no then ell. There ere some people who thlnk it will (out 030 to “0 to use them III. while mime fondly imagine am one Mmllelon prlee of any came or mere- Ibo!" will let than on - {emu-e M the mldwny. It wlll lumen both ole-euro known.“ new“ II $11.10. _ seeding hogs-mete been. d the lee, - , "trtt2ltllt'l .;; no le , barbed WI. The ll ma-ttded tr'i'liti"Sii4,t, i _ ll. , ' 'ilttfg"llllli4l i let HIS LAST REQUEST NO FLOWERS. THAMER s F0RGERIES, ol may“ mom "___ _ . 11' Fz.rti'i's'ib'c"r5ru'r'r'-, . , . " i a! _ , 1 Wm ur, W _ _ t Ltl fw'h “i ' bum a . . In... at ‘ "' In my mutt. . ?lttilr,','ii,'i?'té', ' and "tah. - - on this tmtttrettt and â€an a. it an I td i', le [rd-II - :upoe' y. t u y ‘nouhvudl. Ill width ditBoitt to “mm. 'itherr u to no. 'sees, with any historical "0t1rMr. " ttar, been nuihuud‘ try may to resuming nomin- from Cuba or from the Philip- pines. Bat itbeotmin that it In pnnlem in the United Matae baton m beginning of the In boa-om that country and Spain. The amenity in trtusirtg but itsttistorr in (1min you part some nnnsuul mildnul of tho type. “my one. of it were Maud n chickenpox, may as Gunman would. In] more won trot "r- ported to, or - by, any medical mm " all. ' Bttqr “qu1" lathe sprout! 01th. am tn the United Bum my ho {new by the has that tho public th "porn puhlhbod My by who Goya-amen " Washington [in I ton! of 11.904 one» u mporud ‘prouur in that country during tho trtf of tttret, months hound Doc. th, 1900, and Much 20th, 1901. ‘ v13! MILD up]. How mild 'he typo ll may be judged by the {not that in the“ 11,964 ttMM, only 157 fatal out. are roponod to hon occurred. Thig would only be 1.31 per cunt. Further, the 11,964 In", for renou- glvon tttrom, ho token u very much under the “can! number of cue! that have occurred, whilst the fatal on“ were doubtleu all reported. The proportion of deaths to can. In, lhoreforo, In all probability, eon-mor- obly Alon than this 1.31_por cent. . It bu been suggested tint the mild- neee at the type in due to some meteor- ologioel condition. Against this theory is the {not that, during the period since it: commencement, we hove had " lent one intercurrent outbreak of . very virulent form of the dice“. intro, dncod from the Orient. It In: quickly limited and camped out. Bat in the score or so of ttthMM' that occurred, the mortality ran up to over 50 per cent. The extreme mildness of the present discus in: defUd tron: time to time our efforts to prevent its entrance, and hes rendered it annually diMettltto handle, control and stamp oat. ' Severe cases of smallpox are, as a qrtloy too ill to leave their beds. and are eager tooan medical attendance. This leads to trotiMatitm, isolation, disinfection and vaccination of those who have been exposed to the in- fection. And so we have s reason-hie expectation of limiting the outbreak. HARD TO Hum“. But this type offtrrg more dimcnlty to the public health authorities. There is as a rule but little initial (our, very sparse discrete eruption, and no secondary fever. The patient ‘is not usually eonilned to bed, or .gen i, the house, and no medical m is De, calico in. In the country parts it is very generally regarded and spoken ot as chicken-pox or German measles. In many of the lumber camps it goes by the name of “coder itch.†Those effected by it go to their work or theiri business, travel in public conveyances, go from one part of the country to en- other, hot only in the period of incu- bation, T but often also in the early period of the eruption, and thus spread the disease generously and widely. We have had outbreaks of it in severe] {of our Provineee and Territories from the Yukon to Novs Scotis. It is pres- ent in eleven of the fourteen states of the United States, which, from Alaska to Maine, itte1rudvecborderr on Canada, with an eggregation in them alone of 4,433 reported existed eases. It is present amongst us in seven! localities at this time. , There is, therefore, grave reeson to {our its oontlnnsnoe snd spread. Voo- clnstlon ls not compulsory in Cumin es s legislative enactment, although the munlclgnlltles have poorer to en- force lt on er cert-In oondltlons. ' DOUBT ABOUX In That this disease ls smellpox is questioned by many. The following facts, however, In ooumsotrim ilthlt give a renewable sssurnnce that it ls smallpox and not ohloke'npox. It at- tnoh sdnlts quite â€often es, or Indeed more often than, children. It enacts the unvacclneted or rhoee who love not been vncclnoted for some time. It does not “not those who have been recently successfully "coin-ted. Er iery here and there e susceptlble person ’devslops e sewn tsottfiuettt or even fatal use. A _ The tin-atoning and "on the proc- enoo ot this mild form of an?†In- terrupts tad Inmrfem no or loan with trade and commerce, tau! and ammo. It In Stott hovovu, “unmixed evil. Many [my pal thmgh It. hand. wmwn: much Illness, pining or non-my. Many, wry may Inga, will be "winded for that at It - -iUGiCitie two elm-u a larg- proportion of tho pupil .of Gnu-d- nhonm h rendered Immune DA "ell- iraTGdFrk homo yam the Do- minion who atom my cum 0916"!“ 3""de .1. " . - "iaiiouia PM: The am Re- lornm up the Cockney- ". ret man. They no not 91-111. bu M .1 living, It might bond ed. WI T2hh'%'"fl% hold. do": ttght I 'rxethtsetet In an.“ how-mac: mm a. cloth holding-on or l.- mm pettitr" Notwithmndlng m 'mm tmrqrd. thu W tho Inocula- on tf/ttt Dan. 21 his, (a which n M Wu. P!!! as! an WORK " CROWN " iifGUrits k, 11‘»;ch 'of or" 1 m m tn. m “a tho 1tfaiia, '"lt tm N" dea "m" in»: ta'lt'a1'l',tthf but.†'ttur., D momma-lib I! bummughtg 0(5th in» 'ittirint Annual-ii in and“. and tttttttUt! on I?†a â€an; Tb “010100th "ttttatt It. In“ to": and “10’ with 1!“ Rum-y at their on.“ decoratio- look down upon In outbu- m crowd our, night. A can» that “nun of people wand that In In an out ttte exhibit building, vim. band. on (“than run of the mud: provide ogough music tor m _ .. - “in tho dim-nu idi- m â€totally ittte Mm the A than out. Man “an.“ d The Honda! Tow . . ttd non Mania. “is. a d tooth“ with the fiorat e..- on mounds. tho about ttNt d and: with their gondola. gondola“, combine to impu- - the mum my marvel- ot tho 20th mun. (“Ch-rue Chum†in Tomb...) Iheerdnpenon when Band-y morning end be strongly hoped "that the Bird of Victory might eventenliy perch" where he vented“ to "tel, What tbout thin Bird of Vigor-y!I Where doe. he perch? In he. perch- ttrt Inn’s he .1qu on the villa, stronger in Bight than the I“, higher than the lurk, bud to that, to land, to tmp, to bring to north, in car your band. ont I’ve lined u him, an my eye along the eight, and pulled ‘the trigger, bat the eonbunded. bird ‘oinppod on full new: and disappeared in the horizon. Ive new people not out their bird lime and sit and watch and unit and dream till their hair grew grey. and the bird kept nailing, calling. I tried Iain. once, clap: up and made e ttmb. But I only got a conpie of toil fume", Ind the bird eat on . tell, tell tree endAgavo me the ha) he! Pd like to land this Bird of “any. PII bulld him a gilded cage and be can be the whole thlug. But I was: the pun-Ion next Sundny to tell me jun how it: done. In the 'musing I heard I. minister preach from tho text, "Thou Mt not not] " and he stole tho unnon, body and LGT, wort and moot, finnly, new ondly and army, and '1ttaily brethren, a. cold deliberate and from 1: mon whose Ionl in now up when there no no moths or thieves. out): were nothing ever get.- may. luy'l'ornn In, In»: main-AWN rt-u-e-e-r- “Men-hub“. hid-lion“...- 'trrp""'""'. . Sunlight Soap How and Where To Borrow loney Reward! IF NOT TRUE. $5,000 THE BIRD OF VICTORY. An advertisement mar in- duce a person to try In article a FIRST time. But an advertisement won't LEVER mm LIMITED. In. Mud-nuns. In! a sale larger than the combined sales of my other three soaps. An advertisement ',"'ld in- ducerogle to try UN. LIG T . OAP once. But it is qul'l†and null- wanton“. 00.. p~mnmpu~n induce a person to use that article a SECOND time unless it gives unlis- faction. Iiat we SUNLIGHT p P continuously And dways. tty “in Like: was Cartoi Little Liver 'GV-o-r - on»... Wâ€! ii-tem, ','dl'dalitt, "'gii,iitt2tllu, ki , Spring ill Hi kl (t BANK OF HAMILTON Ca itat ttif, - . - 'iiadlrd all") - - - ' bwr. Total Amen - - - 16.00." mm mm. Agenenl banking business tn.- acted. FAMO' not" discounted. and advmcu nude tofbed cutie, cu.“ _ "iraaraartGii _ __ W _ uw'illrr't'tt.' and 'flu,rh%','lrlrllt. on M. low at“. . ngouturel and Munich)“ bonds "liiti.rrkTll -iiv- made on all that aim".- oble securities. _ - "rdiGiidGGi, ttpet, eaahed and collection- mndo ywhm an - “yap-able terms, __ A. world?" aiap) '7 mid i/ith' duty by Wham-am- no); by In. T ' SAVINGS DEPARTIBNT. am - mm. Slims of " and not. mind and interest gnawed at Numb-n! I“ Interest added twin. n year, In May_gnd Number.†- . 'Mohey may be withdraw " any timo_ Itil rout bony]. oy flaky. _ -' 'l Miss ftialiat I King Street, 33mm; 'rb2iiriiiv.rGiiiiiik boutrfif While the nip of inteiut may seem small when compared with that promised b speculum the boom-II certain. uni tho many b If. "It†beget wtereee... - _ _ _ BANK OF COMMENT. mum-Luann an. Otpitsl. 88.0mm Rut. $2,000.01»: mun omen, TORONTO. A genenl Banking Bum m acted n the WATER“!!! DWI“ modvodin the Baby Bank or n SpocNDopodt Ind him tate of Interest Allowed. Dran- It! In.) Order- tuned nullpolnh “but tutu. Speak! about!†pain the bummdmmm III at of m customers. mm 1m- " t.meed ales lawn“! to. on 75mm The Molsons Bank: Aux-munch- can muon- m». - but Win-I put-db. bunting a my - hi. "a. mun-um“- mdmhluh- â€I.“ hm." "oo-hart. â€was mroriiiirioi, mourning ma 1190-le " 030013.000 - Fund . “@900 Dopam- otttrtt dollar and ttreeds 1iair%Ftr my nun... te on!!! “OK “we". " J. P. BELL, Agent. ' A. W. ROBARTS. “In.“ In noun-on "" In _ new» style. and Chad“ than at T " CANADIAN |MPTLY 31E r13