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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 30 May 1901, p. 6

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IFiliiiiiiikyu. ”PM? "a! V / . ".mp- 4. - "r. Ilt {is Mt Mum In an- Wd, 'I.hlu~id.haunu m I.- at“... qrbiets oomph. tart - MI that W10 cm. W u.- l " “admit mgr-non to tr 'lLb.atljm.eoryy" “inhalant. " - ttw Venuuelu: boundu'y. l w th- United sum in ak- , - to hold the territory an more In“): It will b. to chum . nu.- w adamant. . . ~so who. had In. put t 1.3th In the Com- I P" be!“ you and ' . _ qutadigttqt was; to the pod- 'hra-Ntrt. as Auakan mar -r"P""'V ..V.Y____-. tr/Se WM Lauder replied: 'at b 'Mt. manna that the High Co.- tiii-to. wilt resume in sitting a an dam. We mast do "manila to .tttis commission to a mu. d _Mld. Iti.escausuqt- it“ ' 100 Lbs other side of the lin- _ _ mud to the question that In: ' "(and to (the Alaskan bound- tart, we'munt know it and see mt - '0 than adopt otherwise, and the" reason to believe that the so. '9,itttt mu reSune its sittings at a it"; day. One ot the question. to tt.t"e up (the most important per- F , ) in the question ot the Alston Mary. The leader of the oppoeF Meu naked if this question had been "Mtminated trom the program at the ennui-Blah. Far trom it; it in in the Very forefront of the eomxniwion. I my my; before I proceed nay further. that in justice to ourselves .|ld to the sister colony of New- 'lovndlnnd. which is represented, as ;i0 ttro, on the commission. it in no- my the commission should resume It. sitting and that there should be . conclusion. It we fail to reach 1n; conclusion, if we tail to settle: the questions which are referred to at. commission, or some ot them at “11 wants, then we shall have to rr his. our relations with our sister ”colony ot Newfoundland. That is all the rum reason why the commission Ihould be asked to meet at an early do“. With regard to the Alaskan boundary, I have nothing more to not than I have already stated many .nnd many a time. It is a question which ought to be settled and settled promptly. It is of tturtrreatest mo- ment, not only for Canada, but for the United States and Great Bri- taim " well, that the question should be indefinitely settled as to what the boundnry is between Alaska. and Canada, and the House is aware thet we hove not been able to Come to any understanding on that, and that there is only one thing that can be done under such circumstances be. tween two such civilized nations on Great Britain and the United States, and especially between two such nae tinne, related as they are to each other by so many ties, not only of interest, but ot blood. It is of the greatest moment, that this question should be settled promptly. I an to”! to my that the Contentions of the United States and our conten- tions are so tar apart that it may not be possible that earh party may nuanced in upholding it; own pre- tensions. lf we cannot succeed in that we hunt. succeed in some other. Share on two other ways which are dwnyl open to honorable nations, such as Great Britain and the Unit- ed States and Canada, and lf we cannot. succeed in the first way by a. “It compromise, then we must auc- ceed in the other way by arbitration. If we cannot genie the question be- tween ourselves we must hope that our friends. the American nation, will agree to can a third party, who can ttNt " the best )udgment. in as 'trttur the circumstances. C 18.01: Thursday morning laid upon the table ot the House the papers congested with the Mackenzie & Mann chin for compensation in connection Vim their contract tor the Yukon “in. “Sir Wilfrid said: "A: I mums! at a former sitting of the HM that I would present this 't_sattn and nah It the some time a We!“ concerning it, I beg to say that “can. Mackenzie 5 Mann have Jaunted their claim on equitable .FOIlndl to be recouped the expendi- am they were led to in _ in" con- ,_qu-Ice ot having entered into I tttN, with the overnment to the runny in the Yukon. Their 'ifMtft " presented at tirtrt mourned to “10,000. It has been reduced Itytdit film to time. Two hundred W doll." have been ulna " ISRA- nvins these gentlemen were '3)” I» not. by using the materiel It our work. There on still eome I deduction: to be nude. There I one part of the claim which will hvo'to be derittetad, namely, their 'tNRt d " tr cent. prom. on the . - their minim is to be i' a: equitoble m4. "ML our“. cannot be .52.“. But t 7 tuning to a: conclusion tho T - am the - “at T 'rat be now to o A gin-Pit" e... .. ' " f W, 3376- uhmuy-I ”an -- 1 ‘m “all; It in the inun- M-w cosh. Imam-u.- no ifi"t'?i'?/'iiitiiti/ii/i/ti' P‘- mz-W lam-durum. A“-.- - . ,:,..,. ., A, mhumcnnln-o'l. Illa-M lam-hr "plied In the _ b, ns.agroirtoafttrther by Dr. Spur-la. and that j, oe.ttMiehut-nt1tr. F it than]! up run-rd to if, ' to MIL-Col. Ruth-u. Ct _ stated tint the Kt . y "no Ontario Midst-r0 or- w dMtpuetn of the Legisla- m Kitt%ittr" in has "'eAved, but u. “an. at It. constitutionality (he “was: cl “as! ham Cc bl In 'att, I ”an. M a Ottc't, May 2lr-Sir Wiifrif 1asur- mun-mm pm“ d mucus-w. ttttttrl lot-clan”.- . “tum“. ‘. ”We w. T ”I. lAOKEXZIE a BIANN’S CLAIM. tm _ or “mum. the commission, it in no commission should resume and that there should be u. If we 1nd to reach Lamb! Souk. on”. Bound-w Dim “I. W - -se.. a k w. bill “ION. 'tttttth",',", a! m} dug-Hum "iiT2e'ith - you troiii 7" F:,' at, . in gunman: ?)fltiiiti, you tor tho an“!!! t 'itiiii. you 1:; mix-1‘ W ”I!“ "fortrot. 't . _ tiiit%. plow-lbw may»: mam?! 'ity ' “Mini“,- 'idliCeer.s,ied'.t,ttrSe,t ““9””wa tetMt. to tteisuatsorveotassomequnAo up IoMtoIm-ubm. M, 'rllttr'ch' fun-I T d an”) m unl- I m Wm in our t.1tcttr.t can. “(In [rum to .tb with 0! no mph. dividend-3 u " does the iwlnx Wealth .311 prawn, of up Minion. I and“! to Oblll'VO tho than down it» may emu ad to... “youth.“ Canada In tho “to“ " an: of the Duh a.“ When- a! York. " mod- m untrue. that they will receive t hear” welcome. 1% My mud for lb'nsusb- 1m ot 5 line 0! WI tte- tr-d Canada. and Frau will, I All emst1aeett, aid mun-idly in Melt» in; nad Increasing s trade with Prune: am. will prove “Vanuatu“ to both countries. The at providing for n bartt- 0H lame. to the Province.of Prism Edvard Inland mm to. ensued way a torstr-pond'ustt T alum amt; tho Dominion, and In: ban counted In full saturation tor all 'uma- It!!!“ out ot the alleged nun-fulln- ment of the terms ot union In respect to intereonunu_tion ‘mtween tho inland ud the mainland during the‘ winter gluon. Gentleman of the Home " Com- mom: I tin-k you tor the liberal sup- plies you have granted tnwnrd the development of our resources‘ Thin action is amply justlllcd owing to the expnmiing revel'ue ot ttttt last two years. Honorable Gentlemen ot the Senate: Gentlemen ot the House of Com- mons: I congratulate you upon the adop- tion of. many important measure. in nddltlon to those named. and I do not doubt_that they will con- tribuu to the general advancement and prosperity ot the Dominion. "" Americana Blzht. Vucouver, B. 0., May 25.-McAr- that, the Canadian representative on the Joint stinky of the international boundary at Mount Baker between British Columbia and the State of Washington, says the Americans were right in the contention inst year r.- guding the line, owing to an error in the original mrvvy. London, lily 25.-An explosion my curr“d yesterday morning at the Oni- versal Colliery at tivnithettydd, in the mtoodda Vuhy.- About a hundred men were in the pit M the time of the dilator, and there in little hope ol saving the lieva ot any of them. 'l'he runners at the Universal Col- liery are working with the greatest dimeulty, owing to lack of nit. Five bodies In.“ been recovered. The wreckage ofthe pit is complete, " moat precluding hope that the im- prisoned men can have survived. There are seventy-eight miners miss- “hon Ar. Imprisoned and Probably Dead in tho PB. no Gaunt] Anni-NV It PHI-dolphi- Deter-Inc- on u taro-n; “no to C0- Lnue III- Dun-Ion Thoreau. Philadelphia. May M.--The Prethy- terian General Assembly, by a vow which showed conclusively that a ro- vision at an Causation of Faith in is Is? .:1 hy the chum , natal-am; defeated tho anon t dismissing the whole subject Oder on Thursday by Rev. Georg. D. B or of Phila- delphia The assembly do ' led by an overwhelming majority, by a rising vote, to continue consideration of the great question after two days of de- bate, during which leading exponents ot the Presbyterian doctrine through- out the country thoroughly analyzed the creed and gave their reasons- for their positions regarding the subject. At tht opening of the afternoon nos- sion the assembly decided to vote on the amendment at 4.30 o'clock, and speeches were limited to 10 minutes. The time, hoWeVor. Was extended in order to giver-L number of comtnis alone" who wished to be heard an opportunity of tomykintr. - - The principal address oi the day was made by Rev. Dr. John Dewitt in tho morning and Rev. Dr. Churléa A. Dickey cloning the debate. Dr. Drs vitt favored dismissal. dreinring Ihat, though there might be slight divergotey of opinion on the confec- aion, the church was united on the Word of God. Dr. Dickey took ts' 60(1de “and against dismissal. He mud. " the question of revision was now Before the ”My. no av“ Could rank from n further consideration of use committee‘l mt. Dr. W. n. Robert: made . plea tor . diminutive gnu-mom “sorting the "mummy ot tn Holy Scripture an the only scum of doctrine; that the system of the Confection Iran sumo u Holy Seripmre teaches. and that Ink-u are saved by God'l electing _ . _ "in. mac-man a cum. mu _ ht ‘1th butt-"Io... and "port. Mr. O’Cmull 1!!“ M " THE PBESBYTERIAN CREED. II tt A RAILWAY 9..M08 DAV. mu.- " I'm-no- Juli . Mtt& on tau mutt-tub A MINE EXPLOSION. 5:15 In itwmro n rn Idiom $333833 a. any.” as; m a an ts-God-ir-e-d. wttoaattt_adrisoGire't. mwhwlhod ', _ f (T', at ,5, ‘i . . _.‘ I' ilLitilll!illli Fi', Ea ___ INN' r p, lg - ' 3: iiile!tEl?l,l!,iE? "/ " EE, " a ttttfttt: +4373: Ea ‘i ”. m .- If V.” . be! - l. 4 t , 11'N'tl'd an _ , we we! lee-ed, heath: no not and the . _ 1tgetlt the m, In I. “at h the: new] in - on weld-2 "Two not"?! said the, “I been" ‘eewenhthlt val-rod to table bed. Thoma-emanation“ ;1 found myself Inch no down, aired from boadaelsee, Ind weed pole II " wupodblefotellvlu pne- to be. " need aver-l medicine. but they did nothelpme. Then! emultededoe- tor, end he mid that I new»: blood, and the: my condition wee one of danger. Medicine did not new " do me my good end I found myself growing water. I rented the cum where my hurt [out palpitatiom violently alt the time. The headtehee becune oontinuoua, end my condition one which word; can tearoely doloribe. I really deepnired of getting haunted loathed the sight of medicine. I hid been ootstined to bed for shout two month when one day I friend called and urged me to try Dr. Willinme' Pink Pills. I told her I had [out faith in ell medleinee. but she was npporently determined I should try the pills, for she brouzht me about hnlf [box she had been nelng her-elf. I oonld not then do leu than try the pill-,nnd when they were ueed,wh11e I mnot say the: [felt much better, I had more con- ndence in the Pitta md got half . dozen boxes Before these were gone there nae no doubt that they were rapidly rentorlng me to my old. time health, an I we - able to sit up and then be around and out. I used In till eight or nine boxes, and before these were gone [felt as though I hid never had an echo or pain in my life. That u what Dr.Williarms' Pink Pull did for me and I think I wou'd be verv ungrateful if t did not add my testimony for tho hem tit it may be to eome other young girl , Mill Collinn’ awry would bring ho . to may thounudl of other young a" . who under as one did. Those who r pale, luck appetite, under from L041- shell, and palpitation of tho 1 tt ms, any)”, or n feeling of cons-ant Sentinels, win find renewed heal: lt and .atremnh in Ibo (no of a {on buns ol Dr. Wiliiatms' Pink Pilh. sum bc, all dealer. or um by an“, postpaid, It 60 come a box or six boxes for KI 50, by addressing the Dr. Willinmx' Medicine Co., Brcckvillo, Ont. . nasxsruic: .l-nrh'mi Fr In T rrirT ed. London, May 2.r--Dr. Morrison wiring to The Times tron: Putin Thursday. says: "The Mini-m ot the powers. including Sir heat. 8.- tow, have ummiw nzsly rejected the America proposal for the reduction of the Indemnity, nud- have agreed, Mr. Rockhill alone dissenting, to more.” import duties to 11: etrective 5 per cum, waiving claim tor come pensatory 'commercial facilities. Ger- many approves the British proposal (or payment WIT t,ciniriggtt6."- a, _ - a..- w. u__...._ ,,,,, _ it is pasted the important town of Lydenbutg. Col. Stale will ttteve command at 3,000 men, including the Vanadium 'ho enlisted in Canada and stiled tor South Africa in March. He will be one of five coi- onels serving 'under Baden-Powell. m is well ucquainbcd with hit new ter- ritory. and should be in A position to bundle it mm. Ottvu'l, Kay 25.401. and. will leave Ottawa for South Atria next week. He states he Is to take com- mand on his arrival there of n dis- trict with headquarter. st Pieter.- burg. This territory exttnds from the Portuguese border" to RhaJeaiu and the Camp possessions, and in Gen. “num- Inc-lull. New York, May 26.--It is mend, any! The Tribune'u London correl- pondent. that Gen. Bauer has been suddenly mulled from men-shire, where he he; been only!“ no the guest or Lord Guard. by a telegram from the War omee. Pukgill. Ont., Hay 26.-Parkhm celebnted Victoria. Day with I con- gress of human! smell“. all the wading yacht!“ In Canada. his. to- mental‘ The dimples' and joy have gone, and left hollows and fear. It is fat 'that. is. gone; gone with h, comfort and color and curve; a: bat pity tad lore. The most.beautiful thing 'n the world, is the baby. dt dimples and joy. Thc most pitiful thing is that same baby. thin and ip liain. The little one gets no fat from her food: hashad none for weeks": the' is “wring on whit she h.ad stored in that plump little body ot but SIU' 'iuth6i'ii)"trWrmiut y Scotty emulsion at cod-live: oil bathtub mhb. it PITY AND BEAUTY Plrkhlll'< CrTrk: ”Inn, 170%,. Tun-hon. ME tV CORNWALL " M, a.F"at- but A {~013va "Cunt-mm“! .0010- PM. Osmium um- lodotl. - a 4.1. may- atom tttd",','. an: Alma; . 'lf.',,,,'.'"."'.'" and n In". lamb.’ t3h-tarA.irrin.aaoat- I. - tgtietteroes'lria. Oat... WMAImmW. . maWWoi-‘onr. than. Mu Mun-and”; “musk-boll“ "a. “nonhuman” .t9t.ua.utmroda-6.triod 'oo.uar,-iueondiumrt.tto.. manhood-I. Jo.- Orour of hoquob. OIL. -N-ttotltrnrAhraviebm. bull. in qotttdtwittrttinut..ad hymnmuiu. Tho tight-hour mount-l. I‘m-d- in; brand” in nun-h. Bloom ttd than: and comm; hull-u no numerous Iron St. Paul-lbw; ad musty. _ T2yetioodqirtNs-h-trat- 'dusowotartore.edr1N5fiqtro" tow “by wk. Tuna-m to pound dronrassg1atRiqttmatettk3u., owinqtottoodn. A dead newly-horn colored my In. lound on the Gum! Trunk rail. war "all, luv. In» ot “Immune. Friday morning. It I: believed to In," boon thrown Iran; on o! til Man an“. DI. Thoma F. rumba-i. known in Amariea and Europe for bk cow tribunal: to medical Int-rum uni when ttt nasal surgery. died at Ma hows in St. Louis on _Fridswi aged 71 your. Mum word has been received " Burr- Fun, on... saying that the body ot Mr. Turner, on: of the three who were drowned in Doe me over two week- ..go, wu found Thur-thy awning. A _ -- _ AmxutnammiuntrmaahothhsDou- ttall Township. bu bean committed tar aid u. Parry Hound on . chums at letting tire to Phin. Dam' "ack at bay. which, with 1,000 to“. ot lumber, Wu bun-pd. . _ ' King Edward Bresented k new color to the Scott Quads on Friday morning on the Home Guards Pm ads Subnquently His ”(any Viv mused an ceremony at Hooping the (Morn. The Duke ot Cornqu and putty may be uheduled to unveil the me- morial fountain to the memory of the Ute Queen Victoria at Niagar- Fam, Ont. The Govamor-Genu'alyul work for this event. In reply to Sir Thomu Lipton. on New York Yum Club stun. him . month. or if necessary six weeks, in which to rem Ind have tho Sham- rock IT. -or, the ground for the ”America’s Cup use by: Sept; vi, A burn owned by John Schmidcr at Milvcton, Ont., In struck by lightning Thursday night, and it and all the content: were burned. includ< in; live “ask. The lots 3.“ prob- ..ny Amount to $1,500; no mur- Th. AWty VII-rant concerning an Nnalinn marine flag, mom; that amnmu consul at Bahia. Bran, exceeded his duty when he ordered um mater ot n Nova Scout; ship to bull down the Wnadim tug on par nlty ot £500; . Tho Royal Society has showed tho following; omcera: President. Prof. London, Toronto; Vice-President, tur Juneo Grant; Secretary, Sir John Bowinot; Murat, _ Dr. Jane: MC. The next meeting will be in“ at Toronto. . A The jury In the Rutledge, me. ind Jone. bank burglary robbery we in Pnrkdnlo have failed to agree. standing 10 for conviction to 2 for acquittal. The prison" m have to remain in 131 an their would trial in' September. _ - __ - A Iii-end. the onus-tn of the late King munturt, his committed mai- cide u the Penitentiary of Suite Stefano, Rom. Ho made . rope from his blnnkeu uni strangled human ac- cording to one report, but his friend- maintain tint he wan mus-Iced. _ Rev. J. J. Thompson. D. D.. of the ”3:1qu of College Swim. and prawn“. of Turkic College, at .an- no, Mo., has been dagger: moderator of me fortrasiro mum] Omen-I'M 3.111ny of (he United Who Church of North Amulcu. 7 About Inch 20 I.» Mr. W. M. Mlle-pie. "cum-er of Amunhth, Per. ceived $80 in . registered tetter trom Toronto. In the unim- beside- mu: no mm. was In ammon- note, Baring that. the money in! tor lowmlp roads, which has been 'rttte h~ld by the writer 40 years ago. Jam Alexander Dorie. "over-our the Christian Catholic charm," to arruatod " Cancun. par-nun. to tho [wild] ot the coronal"! hwy, which has deck”! Mn "aw!" 'rmte I Sadie P. Hal-tad, the mug hon-chew at tho Columbu- new, ukldkton, N. Y., who m chat-d into man-gum; on “and” night " two women 3nd whose-moo And eye. m that burned with ‘ddl. a dung-red for life all In "ill odor- iu much pain. The police hop. to not!" not Benduh “any"... Th. Im at the lata, “Jami, Cour-or new!“ of Prue- um {and dupe-u ot u: and» mud " "T.IM.60, of which ”.000 h ml auto and the balsam out tn bank. The widow and (Immut- n- ew" 85.000 etch. The Roma cumin moose of Ohm-103m ms 31.000. and an “In. a - “ no. ninth... I le" tor the death of In. Emma Lucy Judd. H. Worthington Judd, u " acme ot Bowls, and the tmqttagtd of the ginger! victim, "H an? m. ,riair'iiGitTiri. aa of: an. nu I Mrtttttttt--tt6 rm"- - 'le. 'Att. Y.' ii2iiiiitiriiiiiiit' MIR ' u no 1-3 w Nu. m In with - and an. tttor-ttii.., __ A m, I few etatttqd't “a run" 326:? th, - o. a "to M“- _ A mm",- W "ater 'tttf Ire. Dm‘me aait8 tho Finn". Bill “will. cel glad hum! 1,'MPA= nlIhMtII.‘ I‘M ”a It“ w " , Mi', " T 2.27.393 R2r r.- L , ' o i . 'tt GiilMiiaiEaB -M¢-. . “.47.. "tlt" Ile.?, 4 'ti': F ' . ”Wan 'SIN' 'N 4:: 'illttstli1 e, . I Lia aiaa “if; we». et .d't#tt' l “use an I- use» "stft6 dun. " lithe, “by”; met" "edut1t-..tet-aedtiiide. Iodine". roomy...“ at this kind has W m -tt. of - in. ma... no to mm: been ho will IO N our shore of the. ponies here moped on: with ol has“ beam. Then out up" Min emulate! products and Incohe- lured goodehu loom.“ tomb " one!“ Is to become one ot use prime (some in our genenl prosperity. There on numerous one: Insane which nigh: be unsigned " the pne- ent good times, did ewe wait. which we IDA] (lest vith on ennui futon occasion. But one thingsote is that atlt1-ttrgditttm. which eon- uiboie to our one“: prosperity not not dun continue, couscquously it would bogood eenee count with More!” prudence and eeohbmy in our business tramrtustimsr, us well is ideal: mums: of living, so that '0!!!” not only ward oi the time of depression, bat also be in a better position to meet such I period should It coma. no Art" Aru, Which Wu to De. an, an.” - Travelling in the air by means of tral. loonl in not ot very remote date. The 6rat succumb] experiments In tttie line were made In France about 1783, when the balloon nihd ncrou the Seine Ind I part ot Pull. tannin!“ In the " 25 minutes. A balloon was and for mili- ury alien-tint: at the battle ot Fleur“. Iouxht In ITN. _ . In the winter of 18646 Genet-l Mote ert R. Lee ud hie um: were detach; Petersburg, "I. The troop- were atretete od out along the lines perhaps at the nu " no to every 100719-41. _ _ HcGownn'u brig-dc held the work. not tu- from battery 45 toe the our tom. and an: where the great dam wu bum. 0n. told. n17 any the brigade wu owed out, without arms to hear a were}: from a Beientitie my who was Intvodmw‘ " Protest)! Blank. The old midla- crowded around Ind took their mu on the cold ground, and he unfolded " Iclmne for demoralizing and any": In: Grant'l army. He had just I vented In ,trshitt. _ _ ... . . . A great dell cancelling aerxtrtatittn CSD be found in books and now-papal, but than is one experiment that seem- to tare camped the notice of tile til-ion: f In dupe it was cementing like a MM, td. for that mum he had called it Agi- "Rs, 'or Tire Harman: "my? an in tanning of the two Latid herds. The frame was nude of hoop Irrm and wire. It was covered with white oak splits " was to be run by I one horsepower ~ngino. and one man to each bird would he trufBeiettt. The engine was to be in he body of the bird and to furnish power for kpoping the gluing 'pytttms._A small loop at the shoulder mu opened or closed to comm! the dlrection of the Bird of Att. A door under the throat I!" open- NI when it was desirable to descend and t door on top of the neck when the over not wished to to higher. Therir was ma- :hinory by which the tail could be spread tat or cloud. In the bod: of the bird :‘hero I“. room tor A number of In“. ind the operator by touching n “if!" with bis foot could drop them upon the my (mm a mtg distance. . . _ The “professor" aid war he Ind can» )Mrd one bird and made I tent of It: weed and how lt would work. no tied t to a not car, which wan coupled to I 'nst engine. It was attached to the in! an with tt long. stmm: mm. The word was given. and the ryilretd 93in: stut- td on at great eyed. The Bird of Art lid the tame and Ind no trauma In her as up with the iron hone without pull- ng on the rope. -- A A _ _ The “mote-nor” concluded " tenth my saying he needed a ttttle new not)?! o make bird. outn to ttlla Grant'. xrmy and ii'ii?il.ltoji' to col- maul mum. mac. Jun: trf mm :13. am: we "more” mm on Ind dteppeared, . _ _ . Mm No doubt may of the waiver: have ‘onmum this Int-Idem. but Bot long no he writer an John W. BUM. I com- norclnl mum. who tttel to tto Fhntrteettttt 8. O. Y. in I “I M an mum.» tun-y. tho M. m In], we": the lulltonhoh banana which In and new to be wlthout. a. ire-In very simply and mu the low- an bet aide-I. -riy+e m an undue Artie Avi"' He reptled, "I canola), have hard of t,eortenveadotiertott." l wt: I but Grim! wnl that. in h- but‘on the lecture platform In the (mm mm. Her lot-turn. tt b aid. Wooten-1M ormerere.dt-erm. Manhunt-an. ruin-emai- 'maNtesl but will maria. I “I of Mfgrpml Mam-u an an m. an no 'I"tSrtledt,t n! “I" II It.“ ' umm i as an; 'tt nut. "I W tum-an atitsb' ”in, lulu"! Kbmut an " ”(and MI In hunt Am In and. "rrtr for at 'at'tti't='utgt'gt'tteg win a! In 'yet.', 'etiedr., A CONFEDEWE MRSHIP. "a" THE WRITERS. Staph on implicit“. W. " 'SALADA" ABSOLUTE . . . $iMlirlf, Carter’s" Little Liver Pills. Mam For min-neo- In HI. " Col-- " - In“... Some time no a Frenchman M together A number of gold will: at Wench nuance of the hexlnninx. nud- dle tad end of the Inn century. Be m much imprint-d to use that ther mama tn color. Be not about tttsdlrtg out the muon- for this dim-m and the 11-5qu of his Investigations have been published m " Nature. There u u plenu- shoot the yellow of the 10 no 20 franc pigeon whlch but the cm at Napoleon l and Inn!- XVIII that its not otmerred in the coldphcei of later millage. Otte Idmlrer of these cola. - or that: new no a. “beautlml paleneu” 1nd ex- preuea regret that It 1- lacking In later coin; The nonunion of It in very nimble. The Illoy that entered Into the French gold coins of than our COB. hlned In much silver In copper. and tt .17“ the silver that gave the calm than Interesting paleoels. The sow colu- of may have . mm warmer and deeper tinge-of yellow. This ttt because the Purl: mm. " qrv1t u that In Motion. melt: the gold}nd the copper an” In hermeucaHr-aeth. boxes. which prevents me coup" (rum being somewhat bleached. as It always ll when it In attacked try bot ulr. So the present coins have the full qrsrtn. neu of an that a copper 11on can live. The can?!“ the um of Napoleon m were more goldeyb In lme. The silver had been taken out or the an”. The number of pawns employed in 32313-1! any! 'ttterr 386,000. - - If the coins of today are not Do land- Iome In the opinion of (amour collect on as those Issued by the out Kano Icon. they Ire superior to'thon of " _tber of the Napoleon' In the not mm tt cost- In" to run "- - HER FATHER WAS A DRUNKARD A "My You. Lady Me: a mu t. We um mm of ttt mm mm. ,Aa','ttt,gtgygt,r,'roar2,eltai -" ymuhulofm Fr?trteMreeq tom drinking. and would .trmrhtre time, no no nturnd to " m III-hum. 0mm “HAHN." no hogan“- b in. I can” an .' 2arfut'pti.'ttaf2 “gamma MW __ IT, 'e _iint'i,,tf,tto els,' 'd,'uttuNa,,lNtN1hut m“ i w, 'iyll,ir',itii'iy'ir.Fi but"; "with. M. M gum-duh. hA an In. mom] to _. Mi' _ hug COLOR OF GOLD COINS. STORY OF HER SUCCESS {Sonatina "tmrwttirshettt'. uni at. n b Inn mud-ow. m_ l. b,m-ul _wq_9al an)». PURITY, c" "/'.. ECONOMY, -.oar.t-tatwo" WIS IIOK HMOAGHI. “WWII...“ , ff), ilBWl I . ‘ ‘ ' I lllli " rl V7 .5719“? nan-duo mind" if. (It tuiouua- .7' .' .r BANKOF Fm - _ l . my“. Tod. my?“ ttt - _.v_ -_ "W W [ ku'.. wuwwa“..m onat but”... -'; , MW.» Doha“ in. Ind Wu? -‘ ‘Advucu and. gamma-Is“ Able ”caving. ' . _ iia, L: V ton1flll.'23l'ff."U,%tl ti'ittt Invent-b has. ', tf,' .'- oA'ttp, "a..." 2 2:: 'ttttt I by human-nab, '.' _,.' 1'f, __' sumo: nil-AM“, am - 00m _-. " Bums of 81 And not. mum-a. interest allowed " highest tWltlt labored. added twice 1 h lay and regret, T ai, - umi?,'ih'411'4;'rl'd arm T. a Whit. the mto at _ noon In.“ when comp-rot ' 1 promised by speculum-u. lb. _ certain, and the money in - he got. 'rheytrttte_d, ; "Vt _ _ . , _ " a an" or column -. Ir.:)',', mnuuum an; I * "r ;’ Capital. 821.000.0011. turt, “M; A genenl Banking Bulbs- Idi- wtod " the I , " WATER“!!! 3m Dopedudmodolhrndm moivodin the Elvin” Bunk ttri' swunepom sad when and tst-tallowed. Dun- and Order- but! compoun- It $iq, . nun. Special may»: paid“ - amine-loftmml And out dun:- oustomon. 31:11!th tit-III "1etpNiuttitetarNitmthtts _ my Tum In) lay-$833 "hte-h-ot-trr- “Iguanas-bur "a. h.) _ The Nelsons Bank. an” oeruri, maxim; . fig: Mano-uh! - 82.0 090$; 25: mm . _ “050.000 . :'Ji-'r - may. van-- do... Ch6. "e mumi. In“. Inn- is... "such" 'l.' mulch Dunk-u- at on,” I- V '3. van man-a m- n and h ;‘ mmu‘hlnho an u out! mu" noo- slur-LII. 'tv, Hahn's-dam _ now and Where _ To Borrow lltritrr WWUGI t av the, Lilo All Add.) In. I‘ll. ""e l Jhh-,, s," DJmnnnoqm’ J . . 3-... tae!tiisiG-nmi. rum-u Air-eat but!” W - HEAD OFFICE, mm Bottom 01m I “I”; GRAIN MARKET A W. ROBARTS. Mum" J. P. BELL. A“: TEE CHAD” i". A. Run. I'll." hill ', i any ii!, at” hat': Lt " it, 96$

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