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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 30 May 1901, p. 1

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%g@ Speaking k \:. â€"«â€" of Hats. Greatest Store. +@«t~ rres "wi wmcâ€";'o _ <Wevsl tor Cank * re Alidetior ondem _ Clothiers, Hatters, Shoes and Furnishers. A. 0. Boehmer Co. b””"n O‘DDNOSNOSASNS N EHFAPAY If You Require â€" â€" . Peter Hymmen, WHear Bank of Hamilton. â€"~:= KINC 8T., BERLIN. Rubber Hose .. Cash and One Price. WIALIALED SNSS SS S . Don‘t Struggle With. _ _ Poor Inferior Brands of ready mixed paint no matter how long and hysterical the claims are that are made for it. . Big claims in print won‘t put quality in the paint, nor satisfy you if they‘re not in the lowest price with every tin of Hlephant Mixzed Paint We passed into stock toâ€"day an elegant range of Ladies‘ skirts. These are upâ€"toâ€"date in style and perfect in fit. They come in serge and cheviot cloths, the colors are black, navy, grey and blueâ€" grey, some are plain, others have one, two or three rows of Taffeta stitching. Prices range at 3 00, 3 50, 4 50, 6 50 and $7 50. made by the Oanada Paint Co. ‘We‘re local ratail and large wholesale distributors of the paint, This means that price is a paint power with us. * . Get a sample card of Elephant Paints to be had for the asking and try a sample can. â€" Wegive the broadest kind of a guarantee with every tin. Wholesale and Retail Hardware. ‘ Next to Y, M. C. A. Building. | dies‘ We hand out full Readyâ€"toâ€"Wear Get my prices on the following brands: Lion, Sun, Kinkproof, King and Leader. I also have Hose Nozzles and Lawn Sprinkâ€" 22. THE A. 0. Boehmer Co., J. Fennell & Son, 6 A B V = A B V a A m V a A m A. Weseloh & Co., We â€"have claimed that the Oh-m Fedorsa hat at $1.50 is positively the bat in the market for the: money, We claim the same thing -th.,\;.'l‘heoiou are black, brown, slate, fawn, mauve, tan and wine color. _ In the shaped stiff hat. Our $2.00, $2.25, fl-m% and $3.00 are the very best hates Straw hats we have them in t variety at from 256. to $2.00. Caps {:nnchomoohnmd shapes at from 10c. to 75¢c. Besides bicycle and golf hats. : Come and see them., = . ___* Money Back If Not Satished, Store next to Post Office, Beérlin. w he has installed _I;Eifi shop. . to IPTTS sn hk "" Aaf Ohivk 4 Enudars fiany mill AVAWVAVIQD ES SÂ¥ ices ran sports as it rained most of the time~ Pri ge at .... Mr. Harry Lautenscblager‘s little fourâ€"yearâ€"old son, Gordon, died on Bunday, May 26th,after a short i!Iness. The funeral was held on Tuesday afterâ€" noon apd wis largely attended. The remains were taken to the Lutheran church where services were coaducted by Rey. F. Loob after which they were * taken to the village cometery for inâ€" r co. terment. We extend our sincere symâ€" 3 pathy to the bereaved parents...... LIMITED. Auother death took place on Tuesday. y One of Mr. Christ. Sutter‘s twin boys, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm= | 2700 @0044 thrO© MOBtDS, Gidd. _ Th BERLIN mu«l to make .-fl: of every at a fast rate .. .. .. manager of Shirk & Suyder‘s flour mill here has been knnry busy of late buying wheat which the farmers are wul here in great quantities The for of| some days reached 2,000 bushels and over......Our teachers attended the n | moetings of. the Waterloo County ‘Teachers‘ Association held in Berlin on ot| Wednesday and Thursday last...... Victoria Day was spent in various ways eâ€" w citizens. . Some wené fishing :.d Bov“l?:“ went to New l:;:bnrg wheu?ofllwm g on. or. The day was not pleasant for ountâ€"deg® Brruys.â€"For a couple of weeks past lots of rain has fallen. Cold, damp h'.dqnh::ha'th'ouh tion. .. . o celnng T and ow oadpmine m hoop: ing on well. ‘The prices paid for the funcral takes place on Thursday afterâ€" hollow of an upâ€"rooted tree. : The proâ€" per authorities were notified and corâ€" oner Dr. Lackner held an inquest in the woods on Saturday at 3 p. m. Lo:g ere this, however, a crowd had ‘gtt.lm'ed at the spot. Constablé Gastâ€" meier guarded the woods until the proper time arrived when the following jury was impannelled: Mr. Nelson Shants, Ch. Wanklin, Ph. Weppler, Alex. Stolz, J. Schweitzer, I. Lantonâ€" schlager, A. Gaukel, L. Montag, G. Lautecrschlager, Wm. Lautenschlager, H. Weppler and Cyrus Rickert. _ The coroner and jury then proceeded to the place where the body was bronght to open razor. The body being partially buried may have been caused by the soil being washed down over the body. But whether a suicide or a murder it will likely remain a mystery. & young men this week. â€" Brreys.â€"Most of the fall wheat and spring grains look extremelyâ€"well this year. A:flnn-u' kuchler Mai macht die Scheuerfoll Fruchtun Hou. If the above German proverb is true the outlook for q bmh::z‘hm mostly all conâ€" & to the d&‘.bh weather.. ... . Mesars. _ M and Arch. Hallman spent Victoria Day in tended the T in Beriin on T en wodk. .. |"'Iw"n-lu Bwarts uw.....:m..!. Gunkel| burg. As the weather was not favorâ€" -dm friends here on Sunâ€" .hhhl,mkmu be done during the l'q and â€"+~«. â€"«Mr. and ll:-‘ day mof.‘uhbr’t;:;. mub: endell Philipsbarg, called at | evening our assom the home fl“fl parents on -dnqmw-tunmw WATERLOO, BADEN DistTRict. "5, pes: buried in the 6t ,;,...P- PrzxsoNALSâ€"Miss L( Little spent :..:swmm-hrfiomfl mw Ilh..“"": ‘ ADDRESS AND _P_uuunflou. masrag Py rrg * yf Auay Mr. and Mrs, William Pogson, of Wellesâ€" 5‘3 I=nmul m\.” n’.‘a ley Township, Presented With an l‘ml.““r:;.gku .u.::‘g:; Address and a Set of Beautiâ€" erence. onsinger w * Smithville where she will spend the ful Dishes. Noldays... «MF. Grille and dnoghter, A pleasing event took place at the residence of "W. o?m-a&":m Millbank, when many of the members and adherents of the Millbank Methodâ€" ist church gathered to bid farewel! to Mr. and Mrs. Wu. Pogson and express the high esteem in which they are held by their fellow members in somé tanâ€" gible form prior to their removal to Manituba, After all mn;:flhend\ho following address was , accompanâ€" ied by the presentation of an elegant set of dishes: Mr. and Mrs, William Pogson, of Wellesâ€" ley Township, Presented With an Address and a Set of Beautiâ€" 3 ful Dishes. It is with mingled feelings of pleasure that a fow oft your friends have mot here this evening for the &nrpmo of having a pleassnt time with you beâ€" fore your departure from uno:ri us. In looking back over the years of faithâ€" ful services you have given your Lord and Master in this corner of his vineâ€" yard and the earnest effort to do what you could to bring others to Christ we cannot help a feeling of sadness at the thought of parting with you,. We realize what a loss you will be to our church in every department of the work, yet we feel confident that you will be faithfol wherever Godâ€" sees fit to p‘ace you. s L Workers. We desire to express to you in some way our appreciation of your faithfulâ€" ness and we wish you to accept this set of dishes as a very slight token of our feelings and our earnest prayer is that God will ever bless you and yours and that He will prosper you in your new home and that your every effort may be crowned with succoss and if we never meet again on earth may we meet around our Father‘s throne, where parting shall be no more. Yours, in loving remembrance .of METHEODIST CEURCH. Mr. Pogson was deeply aftected by the kindness of his friends and thanked them â€"onâ€"bebaif of Mre. P: and himself for the kind expnm conâ€" tained in the address and for the beautiâ€" ful. gift which accompanied it ‘They bad spent many happy years w?v.her and they would always cherish the most pleasant recollections of thei kind* friends hbere, among whom they had spent so many Rappy seasons. In concluding he wished them every sucâ€" cess in their church work. Mr. and Mrs. Pogson and family will remove to Clearwater, Manitoba, next ‘week, where they have taken up land and will make their future home Their many friends in the old neighborâ€" bood where they have spent the best part of their lives, join in wishing them :ven possible happiness in their new ome. Briefsâ€"Vistoria Day was very quietâ€" 1y observed here.. Some attended the Woodbine races, some went to New Hamburg and Berlin, but the majority worked.. ... . M. mum., prineiâ€" pal of our Public , tendered his resignation Thursday and left for Loam â€" ho prindipwisity of s ies depertment p of a ien department school at an increased salary. Our School Board must needs again adverâ€" tise for ngrlno:gd....-...On:foosâ€" ball team donned their new uniform last Saturday. A procession was formâ€" ed, headed by the Band and proceeded to the Park, whore a match &ookp&m between the regulars and & ed team out of the juniors. At the end of the , the score stood 3â€"0 in favorof m@-....o.n Teachers attended the Teacher‘s Convention in Berlin on the 22nd and 23rd, and afterwards spent Sunday under the parental roof. Our band did not give the programme on the band stand as usual on Saturday, but gave it at tkoflmrk instead .. ... Everybody is fam with the joint md-whhflmmm who is attending the Stratford Business Col ...... Mr. Jno. Schweitzor is m afew days with friends in wood ...... Mesars. Louis and ChMWohtim;o% thofn':ullo( thair nephew Mr. H. nw, orom on â€" Suturday last...... Miss u& 8mith spent Sunday under the paren» ‘nlud......lr.undln.flaam Hawkeville, were the guosts of .and Mrs. Jacob Sattler on Sunday...... Although our late Queen Victoria is was forgotten Wurg. As the wonther was now invor Millbank, May 23rd, 1901. Mr. and Mrs. Pogson. . : ie 8, little could be done during the d.:.hmd eelebration; . but in the evening many of our youths assembled «u:mxol our youths assembled BLOOMINGDALE. and with onthusiarm the Nationalt antous ies Anthem, after which thay were treated| Pzrsoxara.=â€"Mr. and Mrs. Henry HEIDELBERG. WELLESLEY. Dear Friends and Fellow Alsplay MORNING, MAY 30, 1go1. and Mre.G of List were in town Monday .. .. li-m returned home to Lisâ€" towel Saturday. . .. Mr. Ed. Berlett, of mcaumhu for the holidays. «fAXk» J. KNichol, of Waterloo, with ber danghters Edith and Mabel, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rowe on Sunday...... Mr. Dennison, C. 0. F. organizer, of Mitchell, is in town at present...... Miss Jennie Will}amson spent the 24th at her home in Harriston, Personalsâ€"Mr. Thos. Campbell and daughter Maria,of Londoa, are visiting relatives around the village.... .. Mr. M. Shants of Tavistock gant Sunday at his home...... Mr. Herb Koehler of Berlin visited at his home a few days...... Mrs. Wm. Hastings visited in ~Baden over Sunday...... Miss Maggie Forris of Berlin spent Sunday the teachers‘ convention, Berlin, last week...... Miss. M. Shantz of Berlin is visiting under the parental roof.... Miss Jean Rennie of Galt H.S. spent Sunday _ at her home......Edith Nichol of Waterloo wae the guest of the Misses Rennie, Sunday....:. Obituary: â€"It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Willise Birmingâ€" ham which occurred last Thursday morning from blood poisoning. Deâ€" ceased was only sixteeon years of age. He had not been ailing a week until death rélieved bim of his sufferings which were very great. The funeral was held on Saturday atternoon,service being conducted by Rev. Monsinger, Methodist minister of Linwood. . A large concourse of people followed the remains to Rush‘s Cemetery for interâ€" ment. ‘The sorrowing parents and sister have the sympathy of the comâ€" munity in their said bereavement. Briefsâ€"The tea meeting held here on the 24th, proved a success in spite of the wet night. An excellent tea was provided and the entertainment was of a first class order......Mr. Alex. Forbes entertained a large number of friends to a social dance Thursday evening last. â€"Excellent refreshments were provided and a very enjoyable time was spent......B. Pomeroy of Howick is the guest of Mr. J. Pomeroyf teacher here.. ... . Through the efforts of Mr. J. Pomeroy P. S. teacher a large bell has been purchased and hung on the school house here which adds greatly to the appearance as well as the convenience of the school... ... Rev. A. M. Hamilton, of Winterbourne, and Rev. Mr. Blair of Nassagaweya, exchanged pulpits on Sabbath last.. .. Mr. George Wright of Olprlnx visited his parents last week.. ... .J Loggie and his son George of Toronto are visiting friends .here......Stewart Smith of Preston is spending a. few days at home......A. Robinson and L. Eléley ~of Oustic calied on old acquaintances during the week...... Mr. Nairn of Galt was the guest ‘at the manse for a fow days......Mr. Afthur Wright with Miss Morrow, of Guelpb, spent a fow days with friends here last week. Mr. Geo. Fraser, of the Classic City, spent a few days of last week in our bnri&E L. Diefenbaker spent the 24th in Walkerton...... Mr. Geo. More spent Thursday in Elmira...... Mr. Pom, of Crosshill, was a visitor at Mr. . Rulerson‘s Sunday...... Mr,. MceDonald, of Hamilton, spent Sunday with friends near our village. ......Mr. and Mrs. McCallom and Miss Ballard spent last Tuesday in Berlin......Ada Wettlaufer left for her home in Palmerston on Saturday. ...... Mt. and Mrs. J. N. Winn spent Monday in the Twinâ€"City...... Mr. and Mrs. R. Fenton, of Conestogo, called on friends in our village on Sunâ€" d%‘.rlr ‘and Mrs. J. Martinson, of Berlin, wminonrvlll:‘gms;m- day last...... Miss Ha .my,of Buffalo, Mrs. Dyer, of St. Catharines, Mrs. Witter, of Carlsrab, and Mrs. Baumbab, of Sebringville, attended the funcral of their fathet last Wedâ€" nesday..... . R. Hamilton, of Linwood, wmm:xytbepnlpn of the Methodâ€", ist Church next Bumwm F.G. and H. J. shipped 27 fite head of cattle from St. Jacobs on Monday. o PrersoNAts.â€"Mrs. Worner, of Presâ€" ton, is visiting at Mr. High‘s...... Mr. Ezra Snyder, of Paris, spent the 24th visiting his parents here...... Miss Tavina Detweiler, of Hamilton, who has been spending a few daysâ€"with her parents here, returned on Monday ... . ..Ir.M!Mt,dewttM days under the parental us wat sls Benj. Halliman and his Miss Maranda Hallman, spent a few at Dr. Thompsonp, of London, was renewâ€" ing old acquaintances here last weoek. ... . .. Mr. Morrell attended the Teach â€" ers‘ Association last week. WINTERSOURNE HAWKESVILLE CROSSHILL LINWOOD ROSEVILLE. Mr. Adam Cash and one Price Soft and Stiff Hats straw Hats â€" â€" â€" We stock 5 different kinds of Screen Doors,. Lots of choice dimensions as follows: aft. 8 in. x 6 ft. 8 in. 3 ft. x,l:. We have 15 doz, doors and they must be sold, _ â€" _ _ Our Price on doors is very low. â€"They were bought before the advance consequently can be sold at a reduced price. Our prices are. «. Ccvnduhyourchdam. .hn.fiuubh Window Scréens in all Prices are 206, 256 and 3p0 each, . . Keep Cool .. THOMAS "~7" ze Q C P1Ga*‘ MUSIC M. WEICHEL & SOK, " .19 " " 10 " x6 â€" ORGANS â€" They‘re ‘all here. Not a &IWOME bright and beaming as SPRING SUNSHINE uumnyhlmdbdqndifiuvlfiufl for our nameâ€"â€"â€"we gunat;lusnvhgdlfi you purchase your spring hat here. We are offering a special line of Youths‘ and Boys‘ st hats at special prices. See our show window. > i We extend a special invitation to every young man to and look through our s«ock. y S4 i e SMYTH BROS., The newest Dunlop and numerous other shapes, all newest shades and combinations of pearl grey, hl.-* prices $1, $1.50 and $2.00. 7 ‘wie We are showing a fine line of Union Label H‘fi and fedoras, newest shades, pearl grey, brown, prices $1.50, $2.00 and $2.25. . > w ... ‘Becond Hand Organs taken in Exchange........ pess ring Hats .. 856. complete 35 50 SHOO FLY BERLIN, ONT. 28 and 25, South Side King St., Lactie P Aig en‘ STORE,

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