in mm": m A smut. - York. April tr.-areittta. - .orurrireoveahavotrrndoa m £501.!qu mtgnuhnuhnltrm on I. Outta]. Iuilroad ot New "e- z. uuwmzm no qqrg&rwtthitgttssttMt uncur- “gums-Agni: 013nm. 'Iigmi charm. M. Hum. - lot the nth-o“ In O Imu- p-t "tumur to an mud 1"!an hoMood this“ may .oot-tstituaerurtoett' “M to do“ M con-rd one. - sum “moon. W. I“ do“ In and custom Saturday u- "moon, and in tuition to that I Ill and sw.y by other human. I think. under that. uranium“, tt In Bo-hat manual tor them to f'Wet have performed the duty tor which we Were Called. We have (ail- nd to obtein an audience with Mr. Merton, and it is imposgble for us to break into his omee. aving done ll! that we could do, end having (tiled. we have decided to return to mn- reepective homes. "We knew all about the Central we being aloud Seturdey uter- noon. Our tirst communication to the omclnle of the company, asking "lor n eonferentxs, was sent. on Wed- oeedny lest. Replies were received, but the omcialn did not agree to hold A conference with us." m use to no» then: u. tho than M by them. We In". no nix-put. .ttetth our employs, Ind no prepared lop-gaunt)» was†paid by 0th. unread: In an vicinity. W. In" laid our men to point out usy up. In“ a. of acumen: that " - lur, and Agree to right any “that“. “It us be shown. I cannot nub. In, pr ietion as to what will h lion: on Inner side.†M chm Arthur I,“ Ulcvolud. 0.. 'April o.--ora" â€but Arthur ot the Brotherhood of Loconwuvo Engineers arrived m baudâ€. Discussing the interwar MU: Vice-President Warren at tho Damn! manna of New Janey, Mt, Arthur max _ "We In“ made requests for con- Imnoel with Mr, Warren, vico-prersi- dnnt and general manager of the Can- tu} Railroad of New Jersey, and In hum been unable to secure one. We do not propose to stand around here with our hunts in our pockets await- In; the pleasure of Mr. Warren. Mr. Arthur has no authority to order a strike. The matter mun. fimt be voted upon by the member- of the organization. Whether thh will be done, Mr, Arthur declined to Mo, P. M. Arthur, Grand Chief of the Brotherhood ot Locomotive Engi- neers. bu in many previous strike. Ihown n conservative spirit which £31109. fur, townrdi reconciling the tutrerencet, between the men End the railroad companies. ntate, View! mount involved per diam, 36403:]:50: - -. This quality of communal: ho ex- hibited to a marked degree in the Missouri Paciile and New York Con- tra! Itrikes, md in the great Pull- man ounce ot 1894. his modern“ counsel: were the direct man: of Inning . serious catastrophe. _ smu- " Ottawa. Ottawa, April th-Che J ourneyman Balrttrtr' Union has refused to accept . was. Beale submitted from ma mum bakers. ottoriptt .14 a wee [of forum and $12 for Journeyman. no men decided to any out for their previous demand tor 816 for loremen and 'ld for journeyman. . The drivers for the Dominion Manaportation Company went out on strike because the company Wu Importing men from Momma]. Edna, N. ty., April 9.--'rha City Council and School Board both panned resolution: yesterday, dil- cpprovlng ot the nation taken by the Board of Health in ordering a general vaccination in the city. The doctors appointed by the board to vaccinate the poor will not accept the tee of " cents for each case, and they have song out on strike. They nut 60 mm. The ciuunu general- tr an indith n the action of the Mad, as more in no smallpox with- II " mile! ot the city. Dunn, April tr.--Dur1ntr the ttood In Now Edinburgh on Saturd;y. the an. N. "Adam! took tempt. on . lumba- pile. A young man in tuna. volunturod to take him ashore. but '31“. on In. Why the cum. up- mt ad both m bully nods-d. In M drowning. 3100 conductors at 81,080 per day. 450 engineer- at $1,462.50 per 500 firemen at 81,125 per day. 1,000 trauma: It 82,100 per day. 200 te1egrepherts at 8970 per day. Total number of men employed, A- 7 V lav. or. - Ill-cl. Nolto. Avril 9.-’I‘horo v.- not huh t,t'gVn',g,','t,', In the con- dition o! . Prlnclp-J Cum ot .3901 Col]... tho " seriously m " 1. Iona h Sputum road. /t-aors. April 9.--Amsordirtg to . to m Duly Wait, the tm. . pm In. my†In 'tghu'.'tf, can hum. neutral h Macy's...†In "i".i-aarhoe"6'-a"q hat-Inn...- lulu W out-[Annunc- chin-UMA-an- “luminous-u. .mm on the canâ€! quNow York. ' ' In and Honey lunch-d lllill AFFECTED. Ann-Vaccl-nuon Fooling. - - n - I...†u com-rum, , A Chris'- Cold mun. dritrae2a'utxgttPlt i'itr?/ietrii1,1.1ritt'ithit" bud hummus-In. mqu_mgab_-r “Gustomm. 5’“- un nmrw‘m - 9-. W“ unmasm.uum-¢pun '1‘.me m Ltu2't, In M will â€at. and cingarlbm It - “a " w tun. Th- u...“ “if Inn that has." tron “a a. - ad on, m. u an in an... d an - all an... may "a“ in t'tgrgt tr â€and It": as all an r.- vuld hm tor tttq pm Ind. a.“ an than at an an Jpn-Ana It not. no (mt " it och-rib. might be. Th. tIre In: Int about“ on: th .tatpr, overlooking up u- nal. Tho Bell. ol.New York cou- puay plum! to crowded hon-a thin durum and waning, and In." lost everything. . . Lard-is are ll and: centre). and tho Bun-an noun new a Inv- B. Steel Corpontlon bu nun-mud its position in the urine engiwe' ntrika yeeterdny by u cuu~cut inti- mtion to the Marine Engines!" Benevolent Allochtion that It would‘ not ttonsider my dunuadl upon the part ot the Engineal' Union. that it! but: be taken out of the Lake Curiae! A-ociution. " the em- ployee of the Steel Corporation de- eire to take up any grievance they would be reapectinlly received end the grievance. taken under consider- Mon. The right ot the Enginoas' Union to my whether the boats bo- lonzinz to the “eel trust should be enrolled in the We Curlers' Atcsto, mtion or not, was tUMy diaclhi'ned. lad Corp-roll.- I.“ Ill-o- Chicago, April 0.-Tho Po" your day um: For tho trmt, tim? P" Jr, Win: - the Drop. Syracuse. N. Y., April 2.-- The State engines-s who have been inves- tigating the Juries Street Canal bridge disaster in this city Satur- day evening, have about come to the conclusion that the accident was caused by biowholm in the iron of the centre truss. Some further in- vans-Mon will be made before a {on-uni report is rendered. Work on a. temporary struCture tor the "we of tho street. will commence this morning. Ot the 40 victimn ot the accident all But three are out of duh SC. John, N. B., April 9.-'Sho danger trom Wash-outs la over, but at Fredericton a serious state of aaun exists. The ice has started in the river, and it went yesterday ct the, um of seven miles an hour, ulna-hing the.ra.1lroad bridge so bad- ly that the trains chum, cross. Sev- eral warehouses on the river front was .110 carried sway. Train: on the abort lino can only run to 'St. My. on account. ot the wash-cub. Burlington, Vt... April 9.--varmottt streams are ruled to their banks, but a yet no action: damage has been done. The only thing which prevents u: ovsrtiow In the not um the cu- tinued run In the lowluzdl turned to - on higher hills and mount,- Mna, and unlua the weather become- wu'mer so that the immense body ot now an“. rapidly. than is little dance. a that new I: m vulc- haa all ttim-ma. D'Oyly Cute. _hlno‘l “untried manager and [also at London. died on Wednesday. _ _ A police unbulanco run into 3. But- hlo hath - 'm. Muted his ukul' mad blotted qqt lb Iii. In a second. _ The phylum m attendance the discovered . fresh cheese in the throat of M. Waldeck-Ro-u, the French Premier. V The verdict of $13,500 granted to Charlotte A. Bridgwood of Bunn- ton has been reduced to $8,000, all that she asked for. Gen. Weyler, Spanish Minister of War, has ordered the exclusion of nun: from Madrid Military Hospital till the budget provides funds per- mitting them to return. . The playing schedule adopted by the Eastern Baseball League con- sist- of 126 games. The season opens on Thursday, April M, with Mom, real at Butulo, Toronto At Roche-Yr or, Hartford at Providence. Syrncma at Worcester. Chas. F. Jones, the valetxol the aged millionntre, W. M, Rice of New York, has made . second confession of the detain of the murder of the old man, lmplIcnung Albert t Pat- rick, a. lawyer. Patrick was the auggecter of the crime to secure the money bequeathed by a forged will In Jom' fuvor, Man of lion-y Olden. Wuhlngton. April A.--An crimp mom. Du Just been concluded be- tween the United State. and Quads. - which alt portal moneys can between this county um (land: will to M. tho domestic hate ot 6.10 ot 1 per cent.. Instant! of tho Mite- action-.1 an of 1 per cent... as at Plan-burg. April '.--mmrr Gon- m, u “ploy. ot an Chum-I‘m On and Iron Company, Wu “no“ way kind "may by being crushed Mm u on our an! the mum - now building an hero. Gm. In a “do". not " gmusnmm. Winnim. April OW\M titiuitPtatutrat,t"agh'gt -otR.L. WAR-db" sutnsetttee-MjauteryiPte mull-n. 1511:0471“!th- out. by 19m " I.- Ema-i um no 7mm of win-i". “My... Art! Print. Amt, Commune-c utun-u- m petri. m- a nun-t n M.TT6. Join an“ M I‘m-1 to t M d M-r, at t. M A {man was: V-u‘lu‘n-IAII Inhi- “but!†It’s FROM I‘ll! WIRE. - Oral-d I. ma. no DII‘CI' " Fund wmnmmTw-o Fuel“! quconumd. THE 000" SEWSLY ALABIEO mats.9to.-eb.ruiietkqitdt., "mttm.mrrmtrt6rtrratA. not '.ar6ar.Mta.m'tt.s"stesreil Ito-.muoamn,“ (lawlymhdm - -sarmry,tnta.Wo.i-oeM- gamma-Stunned»- bs1tfl.r-thettir, -.- u n uni-Ahm- on. m. MA' ' a. mum. m. it†mm mm that Moo-1‘14†â€out W. _ In: main. In about 160 atu. hon “a. court qetth " M2t anon. cu loppooed :3? duo " to him. m court In: about an um. number of 30143.. " Sins II. but It I. probable that. 'lb1'at; of Tune Fu Slum an both a†better UM. ' 'r C. F" " I. believed that an Mongol“! rebellion woo brought about. through _ - of Prlnoo M and Gen.“ Tuna Fu Bias, Li Hung Chang think. there ore fbont 5,000 milky troop- in Henson, and inclin- Abe' the belief that they hove not 10M In tho rebellion. He does an think the court in in any danger. and thinks the object. of Prince Tun (who was In†reported ot Hing mu with 10,000 men, prepnrod to new. Arrest, having been 'll,tt'tef, and exiled by Imperial ed ct). and Gen. Tung Pu Sun. In to emu - ‘uion ot inure-t. in order to (out un- ‘condmonu protection of thanks. no: In" to Una forum _ Unomclnl Chlnunon ot infamy!!!“ regard the rising, as moat unlortun- Ate an, the punt Limo to the inter- ests ot China, uni u ponibly mann- lug the use at foreign troop- to pro- tect even the court null. “nut-â€1““ “mutant-nu " “nuns-hindran' lull-EW‘ ' The Ministers ot the povere do not think that any present Interference is likely. It the dynutl would be overthrown, It would, to s certain extent, deny the peace negotinuone, but they don-id" that . rm not bound by tradition. like those of the preeent court, Would probably be much easier to deal with even- Palm's, Avril &--Aeeording to nt- pert opinion, China would be nbloto pay from twenty to thirty million pounds sterling without crippling her tinnmeial resources, while the un- ounta which the power! at present demand nggroguie trom eighty million pounds to one hundred million poundn. London Thun- Say- th- ick“ In an A. In. Bum M Jul. "Ad mm to “y. . u resulting from the check to Run- uh'l mbitlonl regarding Kun- churh. "Thin blow in tll the nor. um." it says. :because "Ima. when the mun-Jun M _ to treat with the utmost, contempt. bu had the largest share in denllng it. London, April 9.--U A deerptrtah I. The Times trout Pokln', and 8.“!- duy, Dr. Morrison some. as: the blow to Russian prestige tn “Then is little doubt that Ennis. will - the trtrutrtrtn in you. m. It in . remark-Mg oetmrmt at - “any - m an - tblod Chin; to with-tuna Ttr-ta. All the Appeals against. the m tion â€naming Manchu“. were ud- armed to the Emperor. It in. that.- tore, ditBeult to believe that the Era- press Dowager has not been tureqtad by tho dome of the policy ot whims her henchmu. Li Hung Chung, in. pursued. " "The Emperor has tsummoned tin President of the Board of W from Pekin to prepare for th- 1"de of the court. Probnbly this only means 3 removal to Kai Felix Fu, in the Province of Bonn, which would bring the court Into cloc- contact with the Yangtso viwoyl... Toronto, April 9.--At the Hound School yumdny afternoon about. two dozen (Megan: unnamed to orqu u now when!“ society, The Ontario Libnry Atmoeiatiott. Vulcan committee: were Mandated to our! on the I'nllmmnry busineu of the mociation. Then a con-3.1m- can ya drum up. A nun-bu! ot [upon we}. read. ' Tho mm of the society in (a pro- mote tho walrus of (he “bruit! by stimulating public have“. In {bund- in' mud Improving them, and In Bo. tmrirttt lezinlauon which will glvo un- proved “lulu in “but, work. Ottawa, April 1h--Attemt “N worth qteraluattiq has, on“ pg If. A. P. lumhmoro of Git-0t, was mad hot night. ltr. Hutch. more II . qNtbhgtowtt exhibitor " Candi-n poultry than. Thu - m - In that tam o'clock. AMI!!!“ notions Moron-A1 "In“. t.- - m. , In mut, April 6.--3.l Mectat. und mind from Pitt-burg an naming tor Mn â€found bout h an rink on Good Friday night with Cl. Glu- d Chic-(o, Bury om -tmrtterawtthotmrtsa0t-lV en. mi Inga m a m m In" been and: on in unit. Jim In“): an Slut Raul will duh h the “Round tre-ar.' m I. My ad In: 6“. for who [would and: nnc.~-J. B. Tuition. April I.“ h Inn comm-m here at a Mug And un- nplninn'i ordrr mind- an Ru. I“. “and " In" Mio- qhth M ' I - N I.“ RUSSIA HUMILIATED. Ont-rich “burl-u In". I. About lit-mp:- um " - 3011-. Icon I. In... - - l‘ovl. Wilt I. â€In. I." uraNuiadviaid 'uh-Inom ae-de-tPoe"'"".""? tthttMtte, - and .I' do in“ at and! â€III.†' chm-alum.“ that tho Iona Ill be!“ DIM rut vaul- d 'g'dl'%t=ff,f,." Iâ€. a. “I in mm. it l, h; It! - n- fel I†Oi gr, . . - In 1. I'll-W. lulu ll- hull-ub- of it to“ m a MO ada- tmduhg-km loans“; M H to Int mid.J g‘wud on n I use. qt execution. uni men about like In with humanism-union.- my.“ Mum- dcvouln. ha children In! tm “up booting my luck, I ,tt?iiiihi',il: willâ€! oreneM death to IIOII'I'LIIld or Anus-uh. “no In at“. or tbc well known alga.- Wmhnd lamb: of "J. Ketch." -e_-e-"--9-_ "TH k tor Val. In his In; clad. Crowd: "ether lad pun-baud r Mbrttstsed II who " 2ltitti'it,t.' wand. .3 lulu a bound to have It me 'mMuot8". Carma mm It and an up iieiitii7iki" m md I991! " qwkmnk we kept hard It work an“??? "ion etching; (In Crowds new - that In. - VII block- ed, and the month-d to and Ioldler'a to 0hr It. Hon. talked our two In s tow Fords II-plwy his Tub- s. “on , With Illa Puma. Bank clerk! seam-Ill, look so Meet uncomfortable and Ire Inna-t tn variably no well groomed that than gnu-nee- rarely receive patient hear mg. . , \_. Oue who VII recently dismissed for the ‘terrriblc crime of smoking a pipe in . city cafe during on or the hour: -tred to will: is called by city eour.te " lunch writes. giving’ I [in of re “action! which he deelarrt. in " sull- tio clerk In moved to lunch a pipe In the streets during bunklng hour: o, n lunch. Tho Home clerk’s salary Is not so "a mt. but nevertheless be mus! was: s silk has sud can. to the once. dressed as but with double the salary Wetting s esp to business Is not to be thought " " It Is In unpurdonabh one". In tho eyss of the bank oMeia1tc The um of the "true bunk clerk rtuure. from about 38 Ihll|lngu a week. but in mlny but- the all" In much toiter and the chum. " promotion very an“. A clerk's money In new: diminished ttttin havlng to nub-crib. to humorou- tunda. such an n W’ fund. to keep th- ereut or football ground- In order, which In him-elf ls nover IN. to no. Sammy " no holldny for him, an he does not have the one. on those dun until about 4 or 5 o'clock. It must not be supposed that the day'l work of a bank clerk ends with the dosing at the bank to customer: In Met tt only boun- " that time.-- hmdon more“. no In. With I Piper. The man with a paper during the morning Ind evening hours In Net, 'orttttr " Jegione_TItty3', Are when! 00.000 of him. A mam "iiiiidiii n nvws paper on an elevated train. In a strum our. anard I rcrrrpoat or In A railway couch, morning or evening going to or from buIIm-n h trortsplettomr. m i . run bird indeed. and look: " though he were wrecked and Mat he IIOM an a an ot tossing pupvl's He in tttttit to feet ionenqgh and almost Midom pale of civil _ lion. for his fellow men, with their faces to their regular diet of daily newn. [and]: no lice him. . tt " have limo to wire I moment from your morning paper, just look mop: you. In our or boat. observe and 1mm. Tort will see every morlnl mun ~wlth often hundreds in View at one ttme-religiously bowing at the aim! of the aura ln'sllenco that In only broken try I continuous ruslle as the - of lanes are turned. There in Around nor Curio-Icy An» All. “Don't wnnt my."-Id a North Broad. way housekeeper from her “com! nor: window to n ntreet vendor whole qenB'. on In. noticing a few Btetm away and who,“ just pulled the tp. - Gram devout new-paper rendln; community than I. fonnd In the we (muons . 17135;; TGGG um?! may uk- ed the Inn, who te,Mr,' even tt chum to tell what his " I"? -- ";irriii" GU" it got!" and the noun-homer. who-turban: "I get. ttttg ttre better a! Yte"'oe'r.t "oi0idik' ulna. "Inside-'1 “at any. attitrtlrttrr'. w..,.. “m. I Wonder what that «an» I. all In -nittg. anyhow?" Ibo Cl amid " the met- Clam-M imam-w an a. I. In“: M “on, April .,--qh.Fttt ot Mr M Inn-u Snub. we - nmu‘mu-n '.tt'2",1"sl'r"a n. .913.†k" ' ya ". Ir 90"†1mg} t0qeiMtir at an in at Slaw - G cm. and IMM- apn- ol "It Artrt "tttm" d “It mum at “In. Immanu- Thack- ah. It 'tmrttNt' Th. 0min]! Ill!- - I 1000. 2"."2T. Pi, April O.-A com- - . u h." was»: " the â€In". hart-m “do" {or the tttttt a ml" . comb“). ot I“ _ A may wty0eftttlet!1ttef BRITISH BANK CLERKS. -iWttiti7iiift, nun-simian. ,rii"aaGiudirio-arA'it In . my... . nun: A "9.4mm...“ “up; Point Aw on a.» a. ï¬lm In" Our. mtg-WMOUM-‘lh - can“ -. nit-amide 'iF"" id an} ' gum 1 cuntomem The l-pron'un Ito'- nn on" In httt “we, the "reel- ol Path. "Did you ever lee a street tight in , France?" asked no artist who had hm.L per. ly returned trom Purl; "They are during the funny spectacles. I saw one once while rs In Net, passing the Bal Bulller at midnight Lire 't)!9tli, Two little Frenchmen walked along In out n news {font "oriiiii,urirtt'utéir In conversation. in n strum A third little Frenchman ran up on tip a n railway toe from behind somewhere and kicked going to or the taller of the talker; between the m. shoulder blades. He went down with , and look: It cry. turned a somersnnlt into the cut l and Mat ter and lay there. n. In. T nil utg.1ed=,,'tMt=; tttttttr/are, hind do. that he†and t'tgahtdtgera"'d2tti'. â€minusâ€; on“ blip- you; you and. humanmmudly We: ',d-.ed'rrtt.-tre.tte, phyla oeatift on“ that - the bwmm Mum -tuoit.rtrouahmpHAtaMoi+d mum-ho you will III u on, gpdt1et'xl'tg,tt Down-tn â€tannin manna um pm. you right. Atty doctor will tell you aluminum“ Manhunt» pair thonomlolmunrud emu isttrmti-ttpattar. Annual-what In nudedtolulp 'wm “In you: 'ufort-tth,-itt-i.oettroms any: reliable, mum-um. tonlo,a.nd thin-Dr. Willis-n? PinkPiits Thou pull 1taytnoerJPtty new... Thy â€berth, red blood, on...“ the 2rtTd ally people, Met ol or young, Mg» "tiveaatdatmetg. Among the. . "unarmed the ttoaittt-brtngtttg qunittt" Dr. Wil. - PinkPillliI li- Enmo Cha- put, of Luke Tum, Ottt., who airs: "I eannos thank you enough foe the good I here derivetthmuh the use ttt Dr. Willi-mi Pink Pilla. I honestly believe tho! ban for than I would now be in my grove. My health In com- pletely broken down. Mr like waa " Hum. u rhnlk, and in node on In» econ to do any homework I would ul- mou faint from'the exertion, end my heart would beat violently an that I feared I would drop where I wood. I wu a greet. Indemfrom heedaoheuud dizzinne on well, and my oppeille we- so poor that I namely lie at 31L r trlei eeverul medicine, but they did not help me,and then I decided â€and for name of Dr. Willi-mi Pink Pilla. I got eix boxee sud before I need them ell I waa so well u I had ever been, with . good healthy color, . good oppetite had an entire modem from the ailment.- that bed mode me no muer- able. You may be lure that I will any: have a worm regard for your invariable medicine." Do not experiment with other no- oeiled tmsie.--rtm ere apt to and it e waste of money end your heelth woree than before. You will not be expel-i» menting when you nee Dr. Willinme’ Pink Pills. They hove proved their value the world over, end you on rely upon it that whet they hove done for other- they will do tor yon. If you cannot get the genuine piilefrom tour dee‘er eend direct to the Dr. WilZium' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont, end they “ill be mailed poet paid " 60 went- e box or six boxee for WMO. "And 1rtMaattr-ttow, l don't know- that street was full of hundreds of lit tle Frenchmen. lighting and chattering and screeching. They didn't use their lists. The, 'tlapped, Icrltchcd. pulled whlukerl and hair and. above all. kicked-kicked In the high French manner. not landing where we Ameri' can land, but getting home on the face and neck and on the back be, tween the Ihoulders. For Brtrtolnttte' there was pandetnotttum, and than " suddenly as " had begun the hrnwl man over and the boulevard win ttm no. Ila-MI. in; and; wulmusm' "ttin. "But afterward tn all the boulevard are: you found torn and bleeding. Frenchmen. who leaned beck llmply itt Lhelr chem whlle melt mu. Indylovel wiped dnlmlly with their mm the Blood lulu: tram the 411cc: of "nose heroic wrapper; The Ilttle lumen wept. and murmured ewe". consoling things: the um. men eeemed In the depth of rlelpnlr: but It ween'l long before lmle drlnkn were ordered and mm cln nun lighted and everybody. we. In: em! happy lulu." Won by a no“ Ian. . A valuable cup VII woo ht a M. cycle race In Ammu- by I nun who w" mm trttett he punt-d (In win!" out The race took place " In " we light carnival." no culled. In the pretence of tthmit sped-torn. In the In! In June. Mel-ville. u rider. form-d to the trout no new Inch I lead that " vlclory VII â€tuna. r MY “Cl-I NEITHER ARE you WILL WM within 25 yin!) of Ilse tttthh In m Inn to fell: hh hold on the handle born not! lone his tooth. on the - "IAN! not full from the an» ell-o; hover". “a and trunk chm JIM by the you. who!†no no! try an I whorl. " he put a the uni-Mu: you he [menu for can! “a MI to the - A In" n.- the a... It» M-tgm-Dart', boll he. mud m W Thet, out! via! a In "mod. Ltttte Tmmtlmat. you a“ an. m nun mum-0! comma-u. mm um- Treo-tt M a '" an qrttt mu, m! V. When In no mind on In '0 Giirtoi,ciiaikuwMss-, the doom Maud "an den no mahlmwmhowumhlou Muholdonunludhhn. "ml snowymummmhus 1&0“an FUNNY SPECTACLES. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL . . . . . DEPOSIT WITH DOHINION GOVT . - 'tttgs aaPettr-r-rtuutttDoiA-tgtrr-ttr In BITTE'N BY A NEVILLO ON! or THE TERI!†OF LIFE ON THE IUHMUS OF TIHUANTEPEO. A Lint. - When My Pollo- OIly OI. Ian " K-owl to lav. â€coin-MI. Trout-cl! Wilt. . - III. - Booth. "trm-tttmth-tttNUC"'" that bu been bitten by the nevlllo. n venomous lizard ot the Minna 4 Tetustuttepee/' sold Wllllnm w. Cloon. A New Yorker with Central Amulet- experiences. "This llznrd In of the all. monster finally and lo I hon-1d lookln‘ - of I mottled liver color all In from IN ten Inches long. In um I: (loudly. and. as l mid, I Am the only person known who has llved after be In; bitten. It was I can of nlp and tuck. though. Ind l dldn't get out It tor two months or more. T - "Atlt2ltrt.e,r9, j:,tliiylli21.'; :1':','iii'l'li"iiiiiilii5i'v,'iii.',i, 'u'"." "The brute bit me out of pure mum for I wm't doing a thing to it. I Ind n canoe plantation down on the Isth- mus levers! your: use and just be lero the hot season began, which m tu,Mttretr, I had an my gun: Dr. M [an Met-Donald of the BmItheonIIn Institution, who was In that country In the Interest of Brience. Whlle he wu wlth me we received an Invltntlon to VII" the great plantation of Dr. Pedro mules. one or the most prominent men of that country, and We went to Ms hacIendn near MInItItlnn. The bales of the famlly bed All gone to MexIco City, end an the weather m hot we men leafed around in 1rur py- jama. the upper garment of which I: n " sleeved "air caIIed a cumln. “One day Dr. MacDomid and l um ndjourned to the patio or court of the building, and while I in, in the was talking to him he was but! greasing end putting into shape his gun: and revolver». Be was nix or eight (ed may from me, and l was lying with my head propped up on my arm. from which the sleeve had dipped. leuving it exposed to the elbow, which rested on the grass. or course neither of us was thinking about reptilel or other dan. gel-s right there in the court of the tmtidtttg.-Btrddettfr, no} united. the doctor threw his band mi In warning. Ind I know that whatever It was he saw there was danger In my moving, and l must keep stlil. Bo I kept as etendy as I conid. and then l felt some- thing go up my arm toward my head and stop he" my‘wrilt. "I couldn’t see whit tt m. but I‘ knew something about troplenl reptiles and I kept perfectly inlet while the doctor caught up one of bl: revolve†and threw n 'conple ot cartildgel "no It. Be elmed acros- my body and fired, end as I Jumped to my feet I nevlllo It least seven lnchen long tell wrltlllng to the ground. shot through the head. The bullet had gone on Into my arm and came out at the elbow um! I we: bleeding. Between the bullet nut-kl. though, were the fun; marl:- where the nevlllo Ind Muck ltl teeth Into my no. Ind I told the doctor t thought tt had got me. " noon n he luv It be an me name kind of a hypodermic Inlet tion In the left leg, the right um hav- lng been bitten. and at once tool hln knife and ulnhed'me emu the tang max-kl. Into the wounds of my Inn be poured 3 bottle of concentrated nmmonln. Alth Instantly after I had been bitten I began to new dluy Ind to use what set-Mu me to be cloud- ot llsht smoke. And when the nmmonln um! In. I heeled over In I and “Int. . The Mercantilo' Fin 'ii";" “Five dun In“: I awoke In a mud bath by the river-sue. my body "do. In normal use and my mum making out of my momh. They Ind carried _ no then " coon u l ritual. and night sad day my mild. And " - at land bun watching by no. wttt) are. It Inn! to keep ol the nimb‘ from no Junk Every 12 honn my um um. mm from the and m cleaned. and on "not mum it us anyâ€. found to be of a M color. As - to I mar-ed to col-clonal)... I w:- urrlod to (In haul. and put to bed. Ind than tor two week. I n minedâ€?! the: want do" to a. - I up to the well known hot spring, who I m (mind for two moons- In!!! any btt of the vm toteet-b6tr. D-tttmf “u“mhnlomhhm mam balm or m - m W m In no had t don't now. MI: I. and cut gnu In. the W m and " Anna. mm - m 1". m to m can - ma- " I "at. a I would“ I. It. I. Q. In an.“ _ -- _ T “not"; Jam, I -iGiiiGTiiir. . . Hammett-rod ultimatum.†-tttftttetteterter% nod "In am our i-tttttot-ttmr-ttard mnmtutoudn. tt wan-coma unnncmummmmd mammmnmumu -- - use: at mumw-u' Aha-I Alb-d Vikki. Secretary. y.a. my. Iâ€. nunomcl . - . Um“ FOR POLh INSURANCE COMPANY. Anna-alumna oonrAma 4 . " It» â€not. iaiiiiiiWil'i.i -'"---N d Prom In I...- -r'ta'j Tho man can" aqua-:3 1 Wk! puma. 'dtllht",'NT'd'l and 'ttim',',,,, Vutchwordl. Dominion Life 1giiiim. We have IBM our law celtt' from ammo to M0AtiMt We have, inmuod out “a,†itat from mono to 3100.01». We luvs pineal all “to“ m on a 4 r cent. Bruno tttV higher = Govm‘uqdmu. We have IBM our Sun-plug our all Lawma- trom mm to m ‘We hsostn-toue A.“ to. “I‘LM to man All formqof- mud “to And endowment “nut-nu In In“. Be. my dam-(mu or “no“ Ollie. for Maul-n. Ewl'omiul Iihhmlrhllitt (in. JouLnoou - - - - -1: MAIDO'Dlm rots] Amt. all! Deanna- I. 'ifhll1lflulll MUTUAL than. his; In: rum-1‘" A' mach, April th-N w a! '0... “pix-mg income tn, pm“ I" to b. Idling in“. n I the. Immm In†c, tor " mu. notch... "m. Met hu In". parted out to. M.. tuno for £1,000. a Bond moul- " m a. pm. VIM Iii-con. n In M In te6the Jewitth «do... of lbw You Mllioned for In» a MI I ammo um am no puma who [owner “a " to the nun-u..- non - who Ric-I" a. I u no. - that m at. tended only to net-W . Juno of Rana“! A Aw, __ p.- an In the out "rah-mans 7srttr.permtt.uamtitu3yyT triirJiiGGrrahetiru9r which koi,aoittu_tdttrette iiiGiGiaoteyrytetete Bun-d Btgqec 1&qu humor-“1,3,“!!! "H v m ". - 4.. Inhznd a =dl"lt2t'ta'rd WIRE INSURARCB COIPAIV INCORPORATED IN t868 lama] an! Cull sync-a “may. was John...†" slut-sh. " Gum“. tum-.IJ-un Job-Amwlc'm mummy"... nigh-um. Tip-um.h.O-bh. "i-u-teb.-"'"- 6121M: ’. MM“ . Manama-an T hall-In“: ‘ 1mm.“ v' . __-" wwwtu-nnw "',ly Bddtmtitrtaoxratt a Pvt.,, 511W -tt, BOARD or DmdNNOBtb. In. Amt»...