r A numberot prominent citizens at- Ve'll the meeting of a Special Cum- 1 Wattle 1008] Board of Health iik night. Among those present were, Man Cochrane. County Councillor $0. Deans, and J. M. Schneider in. The feeling was very unanimous hhvor of the erection of apublie chattel! for the use of the Twin-City. Valuable information was received M various sources respecting the probable cost, and also regarding the _management ot an institution of this tind. Public pbattoim are scarce Institutions in the Province of Ontario, Infect, it is questionable if any such concern is in operation in the proviure It all. The indications are that the enterprising town of Berlin will be called upon to act as a pioneer corpor- ation in the establishment of an institution of this description in the province. This fact should not be at .ildiseonrtxging when we take into consideration the success that has been achieved by the erection ofeur House ot Industry and Refuge in which this County was the pioneer. At. though the Legislature of Ontario have passed an Act relating to the erection of public abattoirs, yet when this legislation is brought in practical use, we soon discover numerous amend. ments necessary to the proper working of such a scheme. It is with pride we recognize the enterprising and pro- gressive spirit manifested by our _ representative men in taking hold of - this matter, and endeavoring to ob- tlinthe requisite legislation in order to carry oat this design to perfection. CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION The Conservatives of North Water- loo met " Waterloo on Tuesday after- noon. There was a. fair attendance of delegates. Mr. J. M. Scully, who had filled the oiBee of President for the past nine years, declined having his nuns placed in nomination again for private reasons. The following general otrh3ert, were then elected: Prrsaidenv.-Ferdimutd Walter, Bam- bum: unwraps-1mm berg. . vimrPretr-Oaeob Dunks, Elmira. 8tsertstary-A. Oelschlager, Berlin. Treasmror-Wrn. Boos, Berlin. The different municipalities also elected vice-presidents and chairmen of divisions. bum-mmumnmuoauwv. w .0- Ihuudu am Thu copy [or w mull. man no but “an In; by noon. Gnu-l dram-enun- MF w up In an. wan-av each val. The f1rat annual Seed. Fair held in Berlin yesterday morning was a decided success. Farmers from every direction were in attendance with loads of grain Tan potatoes, _ and enacted sires" an exchanges of these commodities to their entire satisfaction. We noted a few of those present, viz. N. Bergey, Wilmer. T'p, who had a new kind of grain called Speltz, resembling barley, but when the hull was taken off pre- sented a kernel similar to wheat. We were Informed that this grain is pro- duced to a considerable extent in Ger- many, and is manufactured into tlour for baking purposes. The real German name of this cereal is Dinkol. It is ) claimed that it not only yields from 60 to 80 bushels of grain per acre, suit- able for feeding purposes, but that the straw is equal to hay. Among those present were: Mr. Tilman Bowman, Mr. E. Erb, J. Fry, Hiram Bowman, Harry Shepherd, Chas. W. Musscr, __ __. - .. !,,L.__ T mm, WWWâ€, - Chas. Wanklin, Wm. Brighton, J. Oberholtzer, A, M. Shautz, Alex. Schafer, Eph. Fry, Geo. Latsch, Wm. Hammon, F. Latecb, Eli Shantz, J. ll. Schafer and N H. Creasman. The weather was propitious, and the amount. of business done by way of buying, selling and exchanging per- fectly satisfactory. The Berlin Seed Fah- certainly promises to become an interesting annual occurence. Boon Clown-d tbo Gull-n: one" Ind Ill- Ordorly. and Shot Thu- In Cold Blood. Ottawa, April Rosa, the tttmol who Iuccopdr-d M: command of tho a letter to Col , Kowud I?“ kill: MURDER OF MAJOR HOWARD. "Dorby, South A'ru'n, PM» 1 Haul-dug, while tho rnrp: “‘vra "esorusoitarintr, Mninr HnWard, .omttaniod by his, ordwrlv. w; ml. of mil" in "dvriurr, l W. “a In nmhunlmtl by I tro Boon. who immndintrly a.“ A†of anal. tmmuniVirm and nil-I. and then hrutnlly shm th " an: In cold blood, This hn " on the borders of Sum M mulnl war. brought "tarm tedap ad buried wlth law!I _ - 00M W-um-I Pun-nu in... To ADVERTISERS. ‘le out! - may; win a Along: In £1: ll- hwy". um 0.4mm". man no d m Willin- a lumen. town-manqumm- - .rreqr,, â€29.19%“1! iiihtthar,r.-""u't" - THE ABATTOIR‘ BERLIN SEED FAIR HOLE-TELEGRAPH by hin ordvrlv, was mil“ in mlvnnm ot m nmhuslmtl by at who Immrdialrly dour ml. qsrttmtettitiort and T' than brutally shut tho cold blood. This hnp blood.' This hnmwn. Ian of Swaziland. m brought irgto 10.-Cattt. Churn. Cnnmlltn scout hr Gat Howard In unntlinn Scouts, In Iwrwnnd, tolls how l, It isms follows Mrurn. Fob, 18. - unu- A-tsly'. Term to Be Extondo m... II Beyond March 29, 1902. lil) ELECTION IN MI. dun (So-Mu." " Bunny A“ Provided I In I... It. uniform. BLIP-1h. MUNICIPAL AMENDMENT ACT Toronto, April 10.-In live humbly yesterday, lature would expâ€. 1: March next, when m t me usual Inactive u: would be In Betitsiolt venjonco required the an bill, " it would to bring down the nu an departments so u â€salon II, an earlier , Tho [allowing bills third (in). and pus Summary Conviction to Amend the Oman: Mr. Latchlord; to Guelph Railway Co. railway, Mr. Mutrie; London. Ayimer tul, Electric Railway C respecting drainage bury West. etc., Mr. Niagara Rails Park way Co., Mr. Gross; prove the Factories Gen. , _ . V The Hot; the Cove Hon. Mr. th l1 The bill w ments. 'Th. Premier moved tla- House into committee of supply. Mr. Miscamphcll nlmwl an nnmnd- meat expressing rvurrt that H'uvis- Ion had not been IL.Hl~‘ fur [max-nt- 1112 the cutting for snnluu purposes or small pine less ll'am m )",t ‘hvs in disrnetter., Ile assm'l n In» th b t'sll ‘3- tion of timber supply was a must. serious one for the WWW The Am- oriszs had largely exixumlod their timber as was shown by tiw manner in which the Michiuun llunlv-TmOll m “bu-hing mills on this 11d. 01 the border. He urged that tho Wynn: ot small timber WM Imam- ing the depletion of tho, forests of Ontario. The average size of the timber cut Was annually "octiassiuq. It was down now to 12 inchrs lor . 16Aoot lot. I. did not place any faith In tho mmments of tho 10 exploration parties sont out last summer to the effect that than bit- lion feet of, pints timbrr runnirwd in- tact ll ttm. Ontario. It would luv. but play-loan, Impoulblo for the explonn to make n the -ttme ' at their" IT’LaWNAI - - the" examination nocpssur‘: to mum anything like an am-urnm estimate. HO â€mud my he had been refused permission to 500 an item In the accoum books of the Crown Lands Department, which he claimod that. a . lumbar of the Kong, , 7 M a right to see. ITott. L. U. ihbvi. said that Mr, Misetrmpttott evidently mum nut he familiar with the work of the audi- tor of thm Provinw- if ho lmtl Cun- (wvml thr' idea that tho public "C- counts were not currm'VIy kvpt, Ho examined all the awounli ot every department of the l‘rnVim‘n and was responsible tor Hwir pruwr nudi'mq Cult†01 “All the Dob-"d He bell he t or count persor the person or lhc firm convornod. Under the circumstances the department naturally refused ta let hlm are the books but he (Mr. Davis) told him that all he had to do was to put a nntico on the order paper and he would be accorded any.inlmmution the Government had a. Fight to give him. It Wu true that the Crown Lands was the large revvrvi-produc- Inn department and that u should lmm'boum Alana "atod- noun " t w? Lat too or Susan h 'd ht, alivn labor in the roads. It replied that if nna-n. Do- III-It ll II th, 'ill M I. kingdom 're were against h dud (or Id have ruudl R ll: "e with d M M W nd.. [Men We Meet. Trustee of the politics Mr. Mote has tnken an active part as member of the Liberal Amel- atiun of North Waterloo; ho aetnd for a number of years as Viee-Prerident for Berlin and later as President of this Asusocratiou, in which capacity the organization of the party in the Town and Riding depended to a great ex. tent on his zeal and work. In the beginning of the present year he was appointed '3heritt of Waterloo County by the Provincial Government, which oftice he tills to of hr tt In the beginning of the prewnt year he was appointed '3herift of Waterloo County by the Provincial Government, which oitice he tills to the satisfaction of the general public. Mr. Motz was married on the 17th of February 1867, to Helene Vogt, and has three children: Marie, Soho 1 Sister Do Notre Dame, Fort Wayne. Indiana; William J., Editor ofthe “Journal", Berlin; and Louise, wife of Dr. John A. Zinger, Detroit. ' An individual who amuses himself bv vxpcctumiiug on stone windows, is the latest. nuisance ab. 4, "ma. Mr. Herman Bummer has been taken into partnership in the goal and wood business of R. Buehmer & Co. The Board of Audit for Criminal Justice accounts, r-mdsting of Judge. Chisholm, County Councillor DeBus and County Treasurer Bowman, con- cTided their tatr0rrroahsy.- __ __ - - Mr. Eugene Tuerk, of C"nieago,is visiting his “mull-Amer Rev. F. W. " visiting his glam Tuerk igiexhn. Mr. l y h'usst ham-u spend I ", a parehm in Berlin. On account nf r gasremrmttsJ: F. N polled to n >:,vn hi onumcrator for p M PM Miss Bow she made Brethren Church chh was held In Port Elgin last week, the prawn: pastor of the Alma S: U, B. Church or Berlin. Rev. A. 8toltro was "laden-0d wNew Dundee. Bu. W. Howe, who for the put. seven yours but been summed u Sheri-um, tn unpainted to snowman Mr Moltit and P. c. w. Magnum New Damian ghebtees. In Bath I't't'W. Agnew-1Nâ€!- - . Pst: In"! “Insult Howell n mm- the town Tl BERLIN NEWS. SHERiFF MOTZ M :3 in Berlin that. Mr. F cveni wi M At Ctuxtaielo-'rei-te, My, Apr“ u, trc-rt- 4 prese tlk ausen. Province Sax- he an ofJune 1830, Ms: education ttt lb. village. In 1848he a ; tor some yeafa he :urpeuters, farmer; we, also as salesman . having saved some edtbe Berlin Gum- about two years. t the end of the year unany mm the mm inger founded the 11". “crammed this [uncut of this well- mu for nearly forty H f weaning business on- . MAL†has been com- his position as census . roiling district No. 2 mm. Mr. M. Donald, y 'I'rlvp,raplt, has been "form this work. , ssife of John Birnie, ngwnod, is spending a rlin at the residence of r. E. P. Clcmum. of Mrs. J. S. Weaver, he has been seriously sad to learn that she is ch lt, l) born in Diedorf, aminatione at Guelph teh more so than in sumo" in the United heartily congratulate the excellent' showing ll, of Toronto, tr.. I'ewduye mm his I Berlin. and for ml High School he isa member ary Board. In nah is very ill at l, and on Easter ot the family were mm: those were um Peqaegrtat, of ‘s Alla-rt l'vqucg- and Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. William tir ff sun William , buslncia In of Mr. Mom’s utvd with Ir, having Itertal t'yoeiet, tt a the y on . no MN.', i in In. It Mal III. who but a! tu- od on Ie'gt My» hull tth and. p... duh in. the - at tho has“ at about. Otto when“ mum. that world! than not .1: Nut the non] law, but would to cowardly on. ugh to Pe',",', In. hunt: on clergyman our" to have m 41mm. punkhmont ow» In. Tho Indication- uo um that Inherent. were in {club of money, ad not and- um that they wanted lett other valunblel untouched. n In to be hoped our pallet.†will be on (in nlen tor V the» gentry. I Bishop WrUlst prouhod n powerful ‘Iernwn It the Alma " U. B, church on Monday evening. on “Twins an Spiritsâ€, it was “aimed tu vex) aren- nvely by I large oougre4pmun. A report from Heepeler. up that a _ Joint stock Company has been farmed It, that place, fur tho mnnutncturo of mutate mm “Alderman Uremzucr of Berlin in one ofits chief promoters. Hod Judge Chisholm cm A iced John Reyes. of Gall, thin afternoon as to the sanity of William Lowell, now in Ber lin jail. Witness said he had known Lowell tor 15 years but saw no "use: of lunnlly un'il six month. ago whun he inherited $3000. Bad pot known of " acting violenUy will: the excep- tion of the lime Lowell attacked him in A buggy two weeks ago. Winn?- had baud himk‘hreawn to about “mac Gnu poople. he oumlnallon had not been concuded to the time of so ing to preatr. Lowell is laid to be rational at present. The second ot a series Open 1tettear- l ml by the Haydn 8trtug Quartone Club was given in their rooms on Tues- day evening to an interested audience of Twin City lovers of music. During the put month the cluohas been study- ing the quartette compositions of Har da and Schubert, and their intelligent interpretation and skillful renderings of the various numbers showed careful study. '1'h-sntortainmetstaisre prov- ing immensely popular amongst music lovers and tend to cultivate a better taste for the music at thegreat masters and must have powerful tsiteet in mis- iing the presaernPpopalar standards. At St. John's Church on Sunday evening the service throughout was in song, with processional and reces- sional by the snrpllced choir. The or- ganist, Mr. Alton u. Heller presided at the organ, in his usual able manner. The rector preached a short though impressive sermon based on Romans 6: o, 10 and ll. In it he pointed out that a life of righteousness isthe life we want. Christ is the sun and substance of our religion. without Him there is no goodness in man. If we reach the o’i-l'th of any bad man‘s heart we will 'tiud something aside! for God. Though i he be corroded with tho dust and dross of sin, these can be brushed oft', and the image “our Saviour is left. Through Jesus Christ, is the only way this can be accomplished. To be a Christian means that we haves Master whom we can love, trust and follow where he leads.4 . OTHER EASTER SERVICES Special Easter services were held in many of the churches. Rev. Shilton, of Bespeler, preached the Sunday School anniversary services at Trinity, where musical exercises were taken in by the Sunday School scholars in the morn- ing. Communion services were con- ducted " Zion Evangelical church, f with large congregations morning and , evening. Communion Besrvieeatrere. also ' held a St. Paul's church. At the New ,Menmite churchou Sapdas evening. the pulpit was occupied by Miss Sarah ' Clare, of Guelph. The services at St. _ Mary's and St, Peter's Wore appropri- ate to Eaatertiae." At the Church St, U. B. church the children of the Sun- day School gave a very entertaining program of music and radiations. A feature ofthe evening was the presen- mation by Mr J. U. Clemens on behalf of the school. of a bible to Vernon Weaver, who left ll rlin today to join his father Mr. Moses Weaver, in Mani- tuba. 0n Easter Day at First Church of Christ, Scinntist, the bible readings were chosen with particular reference to the resurrection. The floral decor- l were otspecially beautiful, consisting of an abundance of Easter lilies with pink roses and carnation: Good congregat- iuns were present an. no... services, in the evening numbering upwards of two hundred. The solos of Mriv Bowles, “The Peace of God" by Goun- od and“The ninety and nine" were much appreciated. WATER COMMISSIONERS MEET The regular meeting of the Water Commissioners was held Tuesday night with all mr rnhera present. Accounts amounting to $692 38 were passed. P. Hymmen and the Sachs Co. tend- ered for laying services, and tht" of the former, being the loweet, was ac- cepted. The Hoepital board was granted the privilege pf putting in a stand-pipe for fire protection as long) as they pay hydrant rental. A motion was passed that the Town Council be motified that the Water Commissioners account should be credited with 8220 M, the amount collected last year from the manufacturers. Also 0495 for eleven hydrante put down in 1899 and omitted m error from last. year’s state- ment, and that provided above credits are made this Board will " the hyd- rant rental at $40 a year for each hy- dram, the other rates with town to continue this year without change and that a copy " this resolution be sent to the Council. Pa'ltinnn for water mum: on Wnltor, Cherry, Sttnnne, Tank Ind Wilmot SM. In tho Wmrt Ward; on Ellen St. from Frederick to Queen. and Eby St. from Church to Alum at, war! re» mind. They will)â€: cqpslfigrgd It s Sink] mum-lg to be culled later Onnrio ttspit' will build u pulp Ind paper mill to can '1,600,1m0 It the outlet of the Lake of the Woods. EASTER AT ST. JOHN'S g 9%, - In v-n‘. N-Cr-r 7 u.- 0“... 'orqttu.-qr. “WWAYCUOIPIO- --P_t.P%ttt R-I-.-- c-ie. a In: aqth-- B.erdmaatnr tell-"I Good Work. In liehendhell on Tneedey even- Ing the held the ml meeting a! the Berlin lode}! Minty with e - uttendence M mcmhen end MB-. The meeting In marked with her- iuony throughout, end the dill rout Ipeechee wheel“ the good feeling) existing won; all connected with the organization. Thin, taken Iiihthe good tttsandal showing. in inked tb very ulinleetory unto of a in. itintoberegretted,however, that Mr. GeorgeU Philip found it im- poui‘ble to continue an pudding uliicer. The bendeuien tried hardto duuads, him truth the comm, but Ir. I Philip was decided on this point and] afte; promising to take active part in band matters, when he had time, his resignation wan tempted. ’l‘huiizatproceeding at the meeting wan the reading of the minutee " in! annual meeting Then was read, the loiiowing. mulls FINANCIAL REPORT. Receipts. Subscription collected in 1900., Town Grant..‘........... .. Receipts 24th buy celebration " July and. " " Aug. 13th. " " Sept. 3rd. It Joint Band Concert. July 26th. u u " Aug. 10th. Planing at St. Marys Social. .. " $b Hospital Concert.. st ti School Picnic..... Special subscriptions for made sue ofold music............ From House of luduury...... Subscriptions collected 1901. . Bandm'aater Zuller, salary Brorthaupt estate. rent. - . J. F. Slumpf, tam account................... J Jaimet, repairing. . _ . . . . . . Oelschluger Bros, music stands Waterloo Mutual Insurance Co Whaley, Royce & Co., music. . Paid Band, School picnic. . _ . . " 46 July 2nd........ st " Aug. 13Lh....... " " Sept. 3rd......‘.. E. Hollinger, meals for Band. . Gas D. Stadelbauer, lamps Roll tickets†. . - . .. . . Music and instruments Sundry accounts. . . . . . Total...... --_._ .....-.$l319.88 Balance on hand.. .. .. .. .. .. $21.09 Anne inst meeting there was a do- tieit of $161161 With this year’s sur- plus Ieduetrt In leit a detieit of $142.- 25. Bntsubscriptions to the amount ol‘$1263re still nncollected and the $500 grant made by the Town Council in February is not included in the above statement. Mr, A. Vander- hart asked that the Property Com. mittee he allowed to use nllebove $100 of the subscriptions uncollected, to ininish the two rooms as yet un- furnished, and to bny'blinds. This ‘wae granted. The band greatly ap- lpreciated the action of the Council in increasing their grant to $500. It can be said that the t1natuMytt never were in better shape than to-day. President Philip spoke of the year's progress, telling of the moving from the former poor quarters tothe present finely appointed rooms, the over- hauling of the instruments, the in: creased grant, the appreciation shown by townspeople for the great improve- ment the band shows, and he laid emphasis on the year’s surplus. He then tendered his rtsignation which was necep'ed with regret. The members showed their appreciation of hisyenr's work by electing him an honorary president. We append the list ofMfieerts elected for the ensuing Fe" 2nd. gt " --J. M, Summer. tytserotary--F. ll. Illing. Treasurer-William Rona. Citizens' Committees-J. P. Fennell Dr. Arnott, J, Stiefke, G. D. La. course, J. E. Neville, P. Gian, Major Martin and R. G. Wallace. Band Committee-L. Moehus, G. Ziegler, G. Albrecht, A Vanderhart, R. Hintz, J. Miller, and B. Perrier. Property Committee-J. W Hett, h. Vanderhart and o. Albrecht, Drum Maior-Oeorgo Schmidt. i car.taLsr--0. W. Bett. A.aditora - Dr. Amott, George Ziegler. Baudmaster Zelier was called upon for s speech and got three rousing cheers and a tiger He said he was with the band and the band with him. ‘He found it adeiiaht to work with the i gentlemauiy members, and had special praise for the interest shown by the younger members. All shoved inter- est in the work sud that made his duty s piessnreto him. Rev. J. Howe. ot Sheri-m, is the (neat of Rev. D. B. Sheri. Be will not name Mn new dance no pun.- of m Alma " U. B. church for neural wet-h. . Mr. C. number's: Ind Ion My bl" rum-nod shot spa-din. - h Its-mu. bulb“ an“ gm. you.†- I The President, Secretary and Treneurer were unpainted to arrange fora joint celebration on May 24th,) with the football end basebell clube. The Rangers ere to have Seaforth down on that day, and the nix oom- peniee of the 29th Regiment may be invmd. There in I likelihood that the bend willget an engagement " the Pan Mnerican Exponition next manner. Before the clue ot themeet. inn a vote of thenke w" tendered the retiring president, and I“ joined heertily in singing “He's . Jolly Good Fellow". Thu In probebly the moot eetiefnctory ennui meeting held in ‘the bend‘e history. Contractor Bram bu secured the col-urn; for "struiiditsr the Economlod Block. ", ll H. Krug, Prprident---W. H. Schmalz. Ist. Vice PresMdent--C. N: mtetAler, EXPENDITURES Presidents - Mayor Bowlhy, G. o. Philip, S. J. Williams, H. Krug, " --J. sf, Smebler tailoring $1340 9 $600 $16 00 450 00 191 52 160 00 110 00 148 M 311 PA 38 10 10 33 65 28 00 58 00 58 00 17 00 10 00 18 00 4 00 JO 8 oo 9 00 7 80 7 90 7 00 28 00 00 00 Ol D 00 00 00 73 The Great Corner we Special The Most Shapely form can be ruin ed by poor cor sets. Our Stock Never was more complete, our prices on the whole never lower, not-with-standing many advances within the past year. If you intend buying a nice dinner set, chamber Bet, or in fact anything in Crockery and Glass- ware line we can interest you. Citrthxr-am9Chinatuil Bricker & Diebel. tho. lilasenfhtg, values in mmmm B. and C. E. T (long waist) E. T (short waist) E. T. (Erect form) Watch Spring, Queen Moah. Athletic. P. and D. Long Waist Vic- toria. Magnetic, and all styles in Net Summer Corsets. . . Corsets of crockery Quebeh. We show special IN Special styles. in Ladies' Wire Bustier.