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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 11 Apr 1901, p. 3

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Carter's Little Liver Pills. A general buuku-g need. "ir-Ga-ts' nutvl d Advsnmlpudp it' Ind‘ MOF HAMILTON “WWW” and mm on M, u“ miss. _ _... BARKER}; and M With!» I ---- ---- _ Ad-es umdr on " nblo uruv nun. Ohrques uh any (rot, collections mud- "ur ol fnvonble tel-um. Money may hr at“! I all ttSr" world van Cllrnph 'rtilst Wrt l. l by bank druh- mud h- llt.. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. sum -- (‘usVuan Suml of $1 Mud uttrrt" It l " 'k interest allowed an my on! hm“ Intel-est added In ice " 3w May and November Money umv be withdraw" at time without trouble nr lieluy. While the mu: " “NIH-"l mm lull" when t “Human d tVi/ In promised In tstseculitrtrts, 1m It oertnln. and the mum-y |~ N, be got when wnnlml. Oapital $8.Im,tm. he”, s1lb|rn,n--4 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. A general Banking Business truns- noted " the WATERLOO BRANCH "m-v-qos-. union-F- BANK OF COMMERCE; Deposits of one dollar and upwams received in the Savings Bank or on Special Deposit and highest rates of interest allowed. Drafts and Money Order: issued on all points at lowest at». Special attention paid to ibo business of fin-men and out of town euutomerl. Blank Notes for tartnvrs Isles supplied free on application. A. W, ROBARTS. MANxGER The Nelsons mrsc-i'-irfsiicri. more T a LA 1 Paid up Capital - $2_5 (n (h Reserve Fund . $205001" Agency-n1 bulking busineau (Inna (I oo‘lons nude. dram innwd ryaorbr m , .artaot the Dominion at any plam- IN " world, “when mm of inter ut momma. r - dope-twin Saving-r Bank or apari dope-ha. JACOB HIBPILER‘ Rudy-land Inter"! mayhem”) p -tbtr uncut-n the but "my M In an minu- var In prunin- use BUCKRBRRUUUH A I ' How and Where To Borrow Money In] Terms Fasy Pun er" "m-or""), SPRING IIill,lMlillr “ -ATTHR- “is“ FEHRENBACH, lust Boar lion-tun 0' “bu-Wm...“- CURE IICK HEADACHE. fin. Lite And Acurlnnv in- M Wswloo. Hm, Barnum Given a Donn“! ...BIBLIN... " b - New syn Bttr'rAkstisHF.t' lab? [near-porn": Ir 1856 but": MANCH- SECURITY. THE CANADIAN ED) P. BELL Uni-cor Wnurloo Brand ‘m unall- l 70: um. l an alumnus. m mm mm. m "tttTIF, m mm: mu. m mumm- - s x,750.ooo . - 1,250,000 - - 19900900 tutisinets.s Av _-------" 1mg _ M- ftsirlt in: tits I." mutual -ttertt of the Boriut Iii-Ind society will I). held in their ball non Friday evening. The Bellsumh recital I on Friday owning on act Bttendtulee. It may b has: date, if not, nuke havo their money “mum A number of Ital.» b turned to Sanitary [ml B lecled We .. mud to imam: the many Mend. of Mn. Cochrane, (Wife of Atdermnu thrane) that she in im- proving in health. and in in a fair way to recovery trom bu new! “are ill- nou. . kit Mr. u. F. 11otusberger, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mo. (marge u. lion:- berger, of South Cavugn, are guests at [he home of Dr. Iiomstreraer, in Berlin. Mr. It Dorechell, of the “lbw mer' statr, Gan, spout Good Friday in Ber- relatives Mr. R. " Mr and M outcome of Mr. Weir M muxhvr mommy: of th eld on Tuesday ere-Din Ibuud Hall. Rulers neaarivu oentmliz trump "eo"y. te shut MT e, npmiti and dispel o with Mr. Ab I tuld ol um": am (Wuh- turikes, awn-ulna ti In the humus, Tin-jury, c, Chairmw; Mr '4ecretary tr lmm_ht.in n d thr' od P" he Ett1 in tor the EASIER TERM ._..Al' 11lri.... BERLI IN N EWS. BEFLIN, ONT. 1htettt Want. Mi! Mll- M, I were og Thu om 1%an ol SIhII'f"y. a)! (a!!! Mr bin the elm ha Rn Blink 4 "as TWJW/I'n as SSci Harlin Y hu mg; the it' lire. lala-i ralizarion of tf dump " 'ff e, fippi'r dittpet e witt r. Ab I ta-ld ( 'th am (wnl d In omee will ho open for tho to. Mott of rum-m- and whim" on urtky.Apr-i| on. and Momdnr,April (Kuhn-urn: Any nation, or ex- rloM. may tum-inn. In"! In Berlin. Ban: of 1111t','hl Write for min. menu at "I. on. Jug-uni l) I at Slratlurd, Halted new on Good Pti lay. A. Burrell," Whitney, is tt Mr. J. F. Martinsun, Frederic M w " He "rr:: th, ir eircouragemeut to in- he cheapeninw of production, 'tit to wholesalers and re- le Mid they were the natural if misting conditions. idenhammer inflected tor the H" pointed oat the evils of 'ion of capital, and said 2ttt,t mm] communities, a "volition. control {music M Uormtm"'rit'to"ILt-t JAM/ll. h THE t LEAGUE llupklnn srirctitot ll ll nod ‘Id of the It "F M ti He the " " Dchulmg [he suirjec ll Y.M h r second smaller of said mums am " berty and proved rmmodhles tor use 1ereasod. mg of Dr. Amen, itcu'il the e ciub will b: g in the .5ng of Dr. Anion, Martinwn and f Woodtrtoeh, itinqthrtdemste oerskerr. The M ' workmen. moral effect of which tghat off mama, weather um! '6!"an on Jumb oftterfeh, of In An le- ',,',',2retrioAr';tl "ll , A non of the Rev. Juan (Mason: m... in Bertio, of Dunn, whn for the put few mom}... 'al Write tor bubocncmombor of tho -trseUl on. Jug-on“ M of». "0M" left. my 4. _ " Iii-0009‘ . ”Mun and Lc mm: ' meeting id an egnat an ed Bali Pl " m at [rum It wh be in Frank Mammy. id " where In tut hi! I'l and tr, of l1 If the " U lion, [be St "lam met In ununal 1:01 - Public Library Ol r new present " 0 clubs In amnion E Toronto League " Assoclat'mn of Cbeswrighl. of . u chair. The othe of m Annual Meeting held in Berlin, Western Football Cumuia's p'emlcr funlbztil organ]: t- tion, the “'nletn Football Annunciation, met in annual convention in the Bull]! Public Library on thud Friday. There new p'esent repretreutt"ivet' " ten clubl in addition to delegates from the Toronto League and the Inter-College Assucintian of Toronto. President chesmight. of Seafurth, occuplod the chair. The others present. we", Secre- tary Forsyth, U. b'. Boebmar, auditor; b'. ll. Gentle. representing Toronto League and Distric'; J. Bl. Jnclnon, re- preeentlng the intor-Uulleg'uts Ano- ciallon and vartsity; Dr. linden, Rang on; u. W. Brown. Seltlllllh; A. E. mm, Toronto 1liverrider, J. Gerry, Brunch; T. Alien, Galt Seniors, nnd Gall Y. M. C. A ; J. Stuart. Llano-cl; H. Travers, Stratturd (Ila-nice, nod A. “new, lletlin Intermediate; A. Uhtlg. representing the Royals was present. too, but during the morn- ing uuion he came t i an agreement with the ll hunger reprrotrutatt" to enter one team under the name of the Berlin Irtteranediausa. The Brumlla representative mined the train at Guelph, and didnot arrive until the afternoon. Mr. H. W. Brown. looked after his interests in the morn- At the forenom session, after the wading of the minutes of last annual mac-ling, reports were read, showing the assuciativu to have had a very pro- gressiveyear. There is a surplus in ' Lersury. The holders of the dif- rum“. icxncunvz. J. H. File. accretniy of the Toronto Leaguz', and Jr. Jammy, of Toronto, more re Ontario r'ootlrall Association. Ailcr tli,cussion it was decided that , ilitrts be put forward toward forming a l chiral] Executive to be composed of wo representatives of each of the Hugues n! the l'rmiuce. Messrs. For- -y:n and Jackson were appointed a committee with ,mwer to calla meet- ll'g of those representatives. The .11 wing may be called next week.. TRIP TO ENGLAND. Mr. A. W. McPherson, of Peterboro. wuou: re taking a team to Greal B'it- ain Mr. Forsyth was called upon toad- dress the woven? ion regarding this trip to England. lie thought it would not be advieablts to send a team over be- fore, 1902, and then it must be the heat Led"! that can be got to-gcther. It would not be possible to get games on with England before October, though in Scotland and-Ireland dates could be 81 cured in September. The matter l was tinally referred to the Internation- al Committee. A NEW RULE. l A new rule was added to the consti- tutirm which calls for a player, when throwing ' ball from touch, to keep hath ieet on the munch line. This rule will be tried this year, and if found satisfactory- asill-uMr-mad_ 4utom, Utnrantce forms will have to be tilled nut, which will insure visiting dubs-1c a mile from Mme teams to cover ax- pcneea of travel. Mr. Jackson, repre- sented the Toronto University Associa- tion football team, and said they would enter a team nex fall woonsmrK >L‘SPENIJED. WOODS'lm‘K >L‘SPEXIJED. The Woodstock Club was suspended pending payment of $.34 00 indebted- ness to the Riveraides, who did not have the expenses paid when they played in Woodstock last year. [ Following is the list of NEW OFFICERS. Honorary Presideut.--John A‘Jack- son. ll. A., Toronto. Pretsident.--R. U. Chesorright, BM., Seaforth. Sec'y Treaty.-. D. .Forsyth, B. A., Berlin. Vice Presidents: Maitland D'ustrict-A. Creelman, List- "wer, Inter College Asaoeiatiou-E, J. ifavitz, S. A Dickson: Peninsular Lol- mW-- W. McDonald, Detroit, J. C. Stewart, Windsor; Toronto Learns and Ditstriet-- P. ll. Gentle nod E. C. Wll- son, J','ptg.o//s',1 J. M. Cole,Wood- stock; ll mu, ll M Jackson, Salami; Central, T. Aiken. Gan. Jun-- 7 - Suafnrm m. Brunch. Jane ll Brands " Sealant]. In group A point. decide, . win counting two points and n draw one point. In group B an]: decide. TNTRRhotDTATR. May 11th-- Sanford " Lhwwol; GIN. " Berlin. 1hV18th - Berlin at gtrattord; Linwwel " Cult. May 24th-OBlt " gtratford ; Berlin “her 1.11 to am. This was r the International Committees n Lin-towel, J une In .-1, n Listnwol. June 8th --1 vol n Berlin -ita, 15th- LMowol " Sanford Burma " Gllt. GROUP A SENIOR. May 24-Rivortsidtu, " Gal: June l-Berlin at Itirertrideg, ' It 7--tlalt at Beriin. tt 15-Galt at Riverside”. " '21-Berlin at Oak. " 297~Rlveraidu " Berlin THE SCHEDULE GEOFF " ammo-Tm M, M n. qtss-Hge 3 Strntford " Berlin ; om gtratford " "lt; Listo- Assoaiation. Messrs " B SENIOR hi adj sea and mmmem k 1m and into Al Amman-Mull M . Berlin Ion ”wound, III - h mun 97 of the WM - " Thuwhy evening, when tho - M ".utaeturem' Winn nah-d. lt mm be conducted do“ the line. of ulmllu mutton: In an.“ in “animal, Toronto And WW- They In! pm (mud "a! In“ to benefit Btrriittu manufacturing hub tsatir,loitutstt lune Tttttt “Mb winning their when. to but on thq regulation of upon And lawn at“. uni leginmlon meeting than. The omen of the “I“ "e.-- Preaidout--J. I. Nubia. In. VICO Prmidottb--d. J. “I“. 2nd. Vice 1tte1'a,Ur' In... t'seerisurr-Oiear Ruin Tr-er-A. L. Brod p. Fur several ween put, aluralhll have been going on " the Berlin In. Library, and though ttttt oomph“, I the place nhowa a vastly unmoved ap- pearance and the fitting up of a - room for work. of ”bronco will Fa) lu value " on“. Only pox-nut lee, ing permlulou of tho Board will ho n‘luwed to use um room. Think to inure qulomeu to all who may M tooomsalt thew worn Pil- ol the Toronto and local dailies, mogul“ etc, will also be kapt. Largo - have been placed in the Monaco mom, in which filM ofthe Iowa. magazlnea, Toronto and local datii" are kept. . I This part of the library he been painted to correspond with the reading room. The removal of the works of reference into this new specs, [ins more room for the circulating library, and the librarian has been ell-bled to place the different books so as to be more conveniently reached {Where the German] books have been dig- tributed all over the place heretofore, now they are e'l shelved close to- gather. The same may be said of the other classified books. Much of this work has devolved upon Mr. D. Forsyth who has had the ideas of those lmprovemonu revolving in hie head for some) years past. Be, “in; Rev. W. A. Bradley and Mr. R Sinyth, who constitute the Property Committee, are to be complimented on the success which have nitendedtttair etforts. They have in view other lin- provumenls. one of which in to 00"! 1110 tioor with inlaid r, _uleum. When all these alterations have been curled lmt, Berlin will have a Free Library which will rank with any could. tho large cities. - “'bero the Honey Cam. Fro. nu Settleblhe lllll. "For diplomatic kindneu I will um forget one man." rrmarked n wrll known sportsman ot Pittsburg. "Ht certainly knew how to do tho an thing, and although It didn't can him nnylhing it helped a crowd or us out at an embarrassing predicament for i the lime. A party of young fellows. myself in the number, were camping yours ago on the Beaver river, not tar from Rock point. None of us had much mum'y after getting our will: Ind the rnrnwrs got about all that W" left in exchange for milk and butter. one day three ot us decided to go up to the picnic grounds. and. 13113 luck WM have it. we met a crowd of ("In (con our own towB. " was a Input-M ing all around until some tool gtrl suczvsicd that we all get our plum“ when. To save our lives. the three of ~;u boys couldn't have raised 3 total of l". owls, but like true soldier! " for lllllO we decided to go 11de Ind mm to luck to meet the obligation, 7 BERLIN IAIUPACTUII- ASSOCIATION. "The artist eyed us rather queerlr and our hearts began to {all Att-. whispered consultation l w“ “It“ to take him aside Ind ”you“. at» him. 1 was unharmed to can our} lining wbhad. even down to out (It! mum‘s. l Billed the one WEI] tmt r-Inquomly. and l must have and. ' mm Impression, tor, when t no as {~li0il. he aid It would be nil rtght rim Strat-trt part of " mil to no “I when he handed me I dollar bllL " '1 know how It in myself,' " I“. You want to put up a bind blur. those girls. Just hand In: no “In for the picture: when I'm ibrougl‘ " “That was what pleased the. " I tiashed that bill before an an. no. the Mr or a magnate. n w“ in! t month later that I learned from O brother of one of the girls that they han notlced our worried looks and had forestalled us by paying the pho- tographer the dol'lr I Bottriah" I “I. yu- Took I Quick “no... - It It. Word. m, vs: undoubtedly from an coun- try. Illa umbrella. a bl; cotton ttttair, would have given him IWIy our! Ind he not had one (tensors leg (new Into PAID FOR THE PICTURES. proudly I boot. He wnndered Into an. of the big quick luncheon pllcel II In”! Brnadwny. He we. looking for Inma- ttsing to on: Ind Wu jun 3mm. am at a table when bl: ere caught a an which read: "Watch Your that The Unnngoment Will Not Be Bayou-lb}. For Umbrellas Ind an: Unto. Chock- ed by the Cashier." ”Wink-Emilia" hen can“? " uk- ed the wow-n who cum to Wt on him. "'36:, there In the mu- can by on door." uld the wmrou. _ - _ The {armor lulled to the MMCI'I do“ Ind ma down " umbnlh and I 1': but that I'M new 3100' III I." .10. :"w rub!" looked up In an. "o. mm In all right." Tho firmer walked but to " GINO. ram the - In!» and Channel! over. Then he dlmbed on I chum and took the sign from It! hook. B. an!“ tt up to the enabler. "What do" um than? I. Iliad. Peopto we" balm-nu. to In.“ ard tho pretty enabler got rod In the has 8ho too! the but and DIM“. M wroto on! I receipt " '8 00 I!!! 'trn. In not life thet no but in " iirirres.e-t_+ “In it! - - n " BERLIN FREE 1.13“" HIS HAT AND UMBRELLA. Fee, rour Let" lb. all. "N 'm Jif%iF Ft."?, i,tTd1 1imigliitlllil h; Ch “.13."? 'ten',,,.,,",,"): " if, You Cln'l have it sweet without your blood being impure Ind your nerve: all exhausted. There’s fun one remedy for 'ou--- Spring Millinery . . . MISS EN ELTON‘S KING ST. - BEF Tho - Point In the Cam:- M tutu-lo] Hawthorne. The Brit reading of “The Scnrlm Letter" his been told In T. W. Rig mama's book of essays, "Contemprr 1311‘s.“ The mmw'wu xiv-awn no author's dun-est critic. his wife During the entire winter when he was at work upon the book he um med op prenud by some lot-rot ttrtrietT. “Thain-w" n knot In Me comma " the time," Bttid Mn. ll-nvthnrna Finally one Honing he wont to Iter and said that in bad written souwthing which he would like to read aloud Th- work amounted to Tory Iittlo. but "ill ho would like to rend it. All that awning he read, but as tho rnmnncr was 1tatinished at bedtime his win made no comments, knowing that hr disliked criticism until one had heard the whole. ' The next night he road ugaln, and now her suSanse grow so Tie-Te,',), that In the midst of a movinii cone she sank from her low stool to the tittor, pressed her hands to her care and declared that she could not bear to hear it. Hawthorne put down the mm and looked at her in amazement "Do you really feel it so much?" he asked. "Then there must be something In it." The next day the manuscript was de Ill-cred to the publisher, and on (hr followlng morning Mr. Jttmws t Folds. the publisher, npponrnl at the uullmr's door. When he was ndmlnod. he caught the llttle boy of the fnmlly m his arms and asked, "You splendid little follow do you know what 11 tumor you have?" no had sat up all night to road tin mlnnscript and had posited out to Salem in the mriy morning. After his Interview with the publisher Haw thorns came down atnlra with a firm step and walked about. his face "In mined by new hope and vigor. Tho world had found him out. Recognition w“ at the door. MILLINERY and FANGY GOODS. Come and see our Spring display of - We hue everything that's new. Our stock of “Icy Goods incomplete. HI. FIRST RECOGNITION. Mrs. " C. Breehhill, ”I!“ Min. is nowhere seen in newer styles And shades than at. OPENING THIS WEEK. MILLINERY. manuscript We Gan Save 'iisSssssstSssSss GNSSSSte* ln order'to save oursubscribers thOrouble oi makinglwo or more separ- ate remittances we have made special arrangements with the publishers by which we are enabled to oiler the following publications in connection with The Chronicle-Telegraph, for one year at special low rates. Special clubbing rates with all other Canadian and American ,newspapers and magazines quoted on application. The advance in the price of paper and the imposition of a postal rate on newspapers makes the clubbing rate I ittle higher for 1901 than It was for 1900. filtroniele-TAegrapy amiLVXeekly Ghoty.s (withfpremium) ' l El Cash must accompany all orders. Ma Note. Registered Letter or Express Order to W WWW sesame!) we! Coming!!! Gold and Wet Weather. Empreai.Shoets for Ladies, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Slater Bad Cruse” Shoes for Gentlemen. The Popular Boot Ind Shoe Store, Qhronicle- Chronicle, Chronicle. Chronicle- Star, , Chronicle- Chronicle. Chronicle- Chronicle- Chronicle~ Chronicle. uton......ri................ ....1 .......... Chronicle-Telegraph and Toronto Daily Star. .. . . . Br Chronicle-Telegraph and Northern Messenger.... . Buy one of our stoves. Our madman of both Parlor and Cook Stoves for either cod . wood iq composod of the Intent daigno and everyono is gur- nnteed to give perfect satisfaction. When in want of any give us a call. We 31.0 keep . large .taerk of Hockey and Club Slates. Hockey Sticks, .100 In! Cutters and Snuuge Staffers which we sell ct very low prices. CONRAD BROS, CHEAP READING FOR 1901. J. S. MOS--- Sole Local Agent. DON’T FORGET -Telegruph and Weekly Mail . . . . .. ll. . . .. . . . . . . -Telegraph and Western Advertiser. . . .. . . ... -Telegraph and Family Herald and Weekly with premiums....,. ...... ...c.......... ...... -Telegraph and Farmers' advocate. . . . . . . . . . . . melegraph and Montreal Weekly Witness. . .. -Telegraph and Daily Globe.... ...m.. .... .... -Telegrtsph and Toronto Daily News. . . . . . . . .. -Telegruph and Farmes’Sun...... ...... ...... " elegraph and Twice-a-week Spectator, Ham. DAVID BEAN, 'l 'l t You Money? cr., Sh RODS, That Granby Rubbers and Overshoes are the best. Make remittance by Postal WATERLOO Publlshor, Waterloo, Ont. 170 l 75 175

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