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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 11 Apr 1901, p. 2

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“'1'?" Lti; f. ”mil-9‘ - 'ti-k-ere-ttttttte ‘* t-.-. I... ”all!!! _ WI'.', “gm an... no a. 2'.'tlrNtr , punt-unuwuud Consuelo-Ton- PMftylt {mm . Mtr'd,t'ghta'h'd'l'dS'li. . III-mm“; tttttttttttlt _ m [mm "qgiogg "ta'tPtfeatt V etg,MAT,"tt m Mr. B. "I y -mtmotru* Jl1'l%'tWki"l'd' meg. .. A man I'll mound from m M. Bum, mm of the Pttt+ m Testing Lahmry, of Ptttatturg, PS, about and»; and Imposing the or wanna Into tho new 1 Com-wan Elm " " no . Art!“ we- received hem Mr. E.‘ W. Snider Ind 187 other magneto It!” the Council to contract I nerr' [In rudon the north “do of the c-- liver lowing from tie pro- l't,t new bridge to be built It " nob- musing with the old road. W on leading to the em rod. "in the out to the Town. Ihlp does not exoeed the mm ot sixteen hundreddolhn (81,600.00), to buy the right ot In, oouplete, the ox-ing, Manama up, and railing dong the an haunt,“ well " securing 3 mm grade sud thirty feet eur- hoeroedway. In the event that a larger sum than ntxteen hundred dol- lam II required from the Township alter hum; sdvertlaed and received tendon for the "rioag works then the add potitiomsrs request that the old road tsoistsprorodto make it I good And mommy-y. Moved by Jacob L.mtttsatsh,tmsonded by Solomon Koch, in regard to the petition from E. W, B. Snider and other» that the Room, Mr. Howlet. and the uoonder of this resolution be e mmltteb ta nppolnt an engineer to nuke I survey end loo.» end define the line a! the proposed new road end that tho clerk advent-e for tender- for the Tagioutg works to be received up to next-woo of Council. Cartiyde - _ Moved by Mr. Umbech, eeobnded try Mr. Koch. that By-Lew No. 479 to up- point the Ieverel Tomuhip offimtrg tor the current yet: be reed e nut end Ieeond time. Carried. - - “fig Cohen mourned for one hour It noon. -- _ ”ENE. PM? -irwtaariiiir" Usdsrt, were received for I new bridge across the Comatose river " " J mobs. For Abutment - E. Lorie, stone $7.40 per cubic " " concrete 6.40 " tt " Goo.C.Bn§mr,lmm 6.25 " " " A.A.MoDonm, " 850 " " " " concrete 7.00 1unraaaE1ti0tt,stons 7.00 " tttttttttttte 6.80 B. Beard: Co, atone 6.48 For stool superstructure, 175 feet tingle spun-- Cuudn Supply Co., Windsor. $3499 Dominfon " " Montreal, 4421 Gandhi: My " Toronto, 4990 3mm " " 8trsttord, 3952 Wrti1totrBriiltts Wart: Co. ' Hun- tttttttttttttu-TEL-tAPM um, plan A 39501 Milton Bridge Worleo. ,Ham- _ Mon, pun B 3934 Moved by Solomon Koch, seconded by Adam numb that we accept the tender of Rowan a Elliott for the labia-mm for the " Jumbo bridge, the Ibutmenu to be hull: of concrete according to plan and ispetsit1esattottts n 86et10 per cubic me, Cytul , N un- “Amt-cum" loved by J we: Bowlet, seconded :7 Jtoob L. Umbwh that the tender the Human Bridge Co. for pun A in use! uponmmtnro for new bridge st " .130on for the sum of $3950 be may}: tring $31110qu. Carried. C' tht-tnth. PM: m an. -rrrett Tlit 'ar, 3... he 3rirryptedbt9heAuooesdCmt- i an Walla-thy, onw- kkmAg-gdpngu- Moved by Jami» L.caabttot-ootsded by June- Bowlot um Herbert J. Down-n,“ Berlin, C. 1‘“,de In My mod to uh oh- ol the eo-tion or. new bridge " " Jacob- " four pet can. (4%) on the mm. ”for plum, ammonium, wan an! All other duuu. Car- -itirvat h _ Solomon Koch, mended Ber.' h, an By-lnw No. f 't. ' mm um. and -d. my». Bullet, waded Mu. L. nheeh tint the {mowing mat-be paid end that the Reeve tgrl " onion for the lane: Cemdlen Architect end Builder be dun-tide; tendon treated for new bridge ' 200 land K. Brubeck“ tot dem- - b plough on need 6.00 ”Cub! tsrstttrtgioe " It. . -.. hFaTGuTiiu on 1m brim Toe-l Cal-M. [and by Adam yum-eh, would hum-0| Koch, that shit council do I. Mn N ttteet “a " so. won‘tmmmu all-y um It ' doles! t. In. Jflg"dlll, fau- be but! on that an. Car. ' JO!!! L. anux, ' cm. WWI-VIC]! town's» COUNCIL. mom-mum WILL m “nun JAN. Emu-lush -“d‘l 's, an"! guttin- All the .12. M) 3950 2htg,tt,Mg,'hi't ab, a. on 'pgtitytttitfidAtl'lt,rtl',' ii??, a. 0mm “We! 'ldi1':ttlilt,t,tlitiii'i7k'l'h'E an -or.uotca'tads' Fhsa ',2eestte.trat.u= ut., m was 'm.mleleJ' d :iiiPdtttuNt.N8tltl'li “to ' . . t FiiiiiE.riiiliii"iihiiiiiiii igiiiPliii,i1tft2tt1'= {and mu 'dt Trip, mo in _'iiiific,,,TC0, . I, iv - I tttMtttt2gl',"l'fl%'tN' Inc- “I, Inn. but. ”In In“. “and. it t-rattt Tta.. MC SthetWttfl,'ltt "iiiGGiTiirsTCitAi"rrauieletyfte1et,1 .um which would and can can. . !.e?,iia,iifert,rge2t'g,tNdii, coo-n. (Amman) But who! a I“ am, me. I'm”, and any II t not“ . Gm, Dadd- Onset. Art-II lumbe- Nut-mm, 'roaurBotr,lt,tlut.N: IWmonismmooth-rm- do, Gum lulu-ml, He'd iififiitiiiiityiatyrtate but], in“ Lulu mm 1tggt,,',tt21l'tt', MI!!- W, Doll. this, In.“ th,f,t"i'ert'prgitg'lthSrd't, ala. In.“ um, can» out ,uikotttsotwttrtratB1stter ' hm WI, Edna iaTiiiiituiamittutudivuels WM, Med,',?."""' Loo ttuint-tutr-trt mom Bum“, Armd that In M INN-M) Lytt IV Drtuioru-rdrryd 11:9;ng that-(OM (ADM) ‘- Giiairarfdaitr"tttter"tmtef thetreillcwere the etrongeet opport-I cute ot the temper-emu - The I Government wee denounced heceuee it l did not give prohibition. But it they eeerohed below they would and that l the power they had to overcome wee the meme money power, the in: i meme eelileh Interest, which lice be- I hind the trMU. If thie were true, _ would it not be wiee to out oif from ' the tremc every incentive to pront- I melting. The tome of vice end el- , luremente eeeocieted with drink were , introduced buthc eehe of increeelug the prodte from drink. Cut ott the profits end you oat " all. Thie could be brought ebont by mekingrthe Gov- ernment the iquor eellcr. he objec- tione Vere that the Government would then be intereeted in making the prof- "ta. To this he replied that no Gov- ‘crnment could defy the enlightened opinion of the people by stimulating the trrmc for guin’e eehc. (Appleueeg Under Government control there woul be no inducement to ecll for the eeke of gain, end hence the eele would drop " and the ultimate ieeue would be total prohibition. rnnuc OPINION curtain. If the Government controlled the tmmo it would heve to coming it in the beet intereete of the poop The tendenciee for evil would be much leee. Ineteed of the thoueende of pereone heving initaemst, to conecrve end in- creeee the tradio, there would be but one agent controlled by public opinion. It the trefllc muet continue {or yeere, would it not be ittfluitelr better toheve it tt'etr', by the aoronttnttut--better to heve t conducted under the meet caving conditione then under the meet dcetructive! The Government em- ployee would heve no pecunlery inter- eet in diepcneiug the trattio, end would hevc no inducement, therefore, to vio. late the lew or ecll where it wee for.. bidden. He wee not prepered on thet pletform to eey he would cerry outthie project even it he had the power. Butl be commended the idee tothe thought- fulconelderetion olthecountryendto the dieeueeion of the beet thinkere ot the community. Temperence people might think the matter out end eee It the enggeeclcn wee precticehle. The twentieth century would require high. er meuhood and higher iromanhood ', than the leet, end our people could not have this and tekc the whiekey bottle I along with them (Applenee.) The Co nncii of the Tp. of .Wooiwioh opened tendon on April 2nd. for the new steel bridge on muonry Abutment: our the Cone-toga River " 8t. Jacob. Incoming to plan and tqpeesifitmtious prepared by Herbert J. Bowman c. E. with the following malt: Canadian Bridge Co.... Dominion " " ... Stanford " " ... Hamilton " " ... pot cub. yd A. A. McDonald for none. ......8 M) do mm...... 7 00 E. Lovi- for stone;......... do canal-1m. . . Goo. C. Banner for “one” .. B Bear & Co. forgtottq.... Rowan & Elliott tor stone. . . do comm. . . Tendon moped. Marty eon-amen ohm In Beetin who huoboonln the hub" of 'Tit",tt against the ulna of unit (I. hm- welcome tho mnounoomam and. by t,t."t1%'tte,"i'tr,'A'tt, on ad ttge I? than ll be uh]. t'dti pupa-u a . tt rounding.“ W h with! to- action at no u w. _ - The Manama-bled” mule thin reduction out.” the lap In- omhmmm. "moon- 'tustptioeturtMbtdortttUf the tgt) desntinhntt. unbuwmldho-luo "iilfitrther mum-pm.» 01.50 'Td11'rtl',u-ro,ao, his Pet, (that the moan My Inner-nun, M I an; tn, t'i2gl'ttlttlL'fllMty dtt,tgunTc",2tnt h 'atMt'gtt2t2fAt,W.tttt huh-signing 35am. mania a by“, n I. W'QWMPSLE mm? ova-luv if'?",',?,',', . aura-um tn- LIQUOI 7mm. *' ---.- I Dti.--a-- ML!!! 556mm “am 3- Ee' NEW ST. JACOBS BRIDGE. gov-um ml. Contracts Awarded on Tandy. tttrrmxtrmtrctrratB. C H SAPS]! GAS ABUTKms. 3962 3960. Mud-i "I... “gum, in.“ i'fituttat Pdgtit, Mt'd'.1t In”... "I ‘M M. ' W“, Btegt Kill: m my I“ an]. -- haw-I‘m unit. In- 'i!tliitily'tlii,'4llt'i1' SE PPA, but. 1tet awn“ 'it,tttdr, 'g.%', mil. nun Irwin» 'aft not“, not", Km. - A _ WM, -, In new“. t,u2NL2. IV Dtviaimg.--Beqmgtt Elm!” WIN, Hm Grubs, 011mg Iul, Ems Mr, Hunk ' Moll- Jouph, Aitred Dongs, Albert Wain-“In, than“! You. aeiI',tttiaftg,t:ttlu1tlltt' A " a , Antui’m um», JMt 0mm", LanraBlamoou, - Omok, 0mm» Bun. Jung-hot, not. Piston. Ch»!- Bott, Buy, mum! Ballistic, my Mar, wan: Schumdskl, Edwin! Rug“, Ids Raid], Lt Datum Leonor: Sang, George St: b, Chuk- Fohmbuh. VI Divuiem,-adtian Koy,ldn labor, Georg. Hum, Lou!- von Nonbmn, Lola Links, Joesph Yogurt, Ilium Turner, To“: Behnoldor, Clara Mar- tin, 14mm. Hamel, In: Knon. In... Inn- " I. 1.1...” It“. - In...“ In- m. My.“ In. our All-laud AW Hamilton, April 6.-uw proud- inp were commenced yesterday in what promises to be one of an moat mutton-.1 cue- tint In" found their wny to the count in this city. In. T. Harry Lawn, No, a. In an complainant, trad the defendant in Mrs. Tueutt-laorrr, an divers-d In. od Ir. 14m, the well-known pork packer. 7 A _ .. Teena! a Co. have issued I writ on her behalf "that the am. In. anry. Sh. “In tho court to [In her» 825,000 damage- for the sun.“ then-Mn: of her husbcnd'l unno- than. "iii; plum“! And defendant in an Action each his two children, but: being the father of the tour, cum Junie. Ann-no Explain“ " ll- “. United luk- Proposal. Manila, April t.-Chiet .1qu Arellano, who administered to Emilh Aquinaldo the oath of Alumnae. to the Units State- Government. do- wnbed yesterdny the condition. leading up to and attending the oer.- mony, which we: semi-prints. u now AGUIIALDO “A! Col'nf”. Aguinudo had uprated Min-ell u union- to learn more regarding the American system of Government. Ttte Juntlce caretully explained the 13:1- ous mount-cl passed by the Philip- pine Commit-ion,' headed by Judge Tan. and showed him what provi- iona were made for education and progreu, and for municipal and pro- vincial self-government. ado tirusliy exclaimed: "I nava- be- lloved the American. would b. no In: and liberal." Ere the annotation had ended. In had agreed to take the oath ot ab. legimce. and thin wu Imdhtaly mum-med. Pulls-u.- by _ Senor Arenano says: "Agulnddo'a union will lnduco an the tantrum“ to Immdcr sad I prodilct that the inland: will be completely ”and by June. "Agulnuldo itt sum to Tiait thq United sum, but, when I -tioat- od him on the sumac: ot holding oftiee, he replied that he had no de sing in ant. direction and hauled to retire to what. In. mm . trip to Amanda." It m "ported have “and” " tarnoon that Pro-Mont lcxlnloy but Invited Agtnnaido to via“ tho Unn- od Sam. and that an term In- nun-gout. louder any all from hull; April 16. Gen. MacArthur, than questioned "curling tho rumor. In.“ he Ind nboolutely nothing to - taunted... - Mung. April A.--Ahmstaoet. Pro- boht, the unshar- oi tho In. chic! of tho Rnllpm. 806W. In Interview-3d impel-out Ania-1‘0. Ho apron-ad him-o" " com-ed " to wttat ho Mgouitl do about IM' “lettuce to the United sum. __ An to " mt. volition. - Br the - oe tho Auntie-Ill. l wu comm. low that I III I prisoner, I must consider mt In Sou. nutty It "not. but than when I t%mrted would but. In. " we”. I would rap-wt. my msed, mmlnalm-lnlkudh- 'ret-ttr-b, you“ be Mun. _ 'nh-udlt'uoilydtq- an. mum mnnldo-md- -A-eo'. vile. now all M. vblt‘lhi W- A“- PM up In!“ W M A.-frtt. 901101- " 'rg."",u'r, ',Tdht', - " I. any 2'tl Im- "W.wr.nqh “mung-cm!” gm. “GLNM. I “to: “In. Outlaw mm 'r-.HBI--r- Mill-$81.!“- lb- put; I“ idol-t - to an: trgstaTt1'a1't2gnt2'g “an .3. ”to“ 11'Ntatt..", _', A 4 - A BIG HAMILTON SUIT: It". P-d..tbtt to m - Conn-cu - uvlhd by the hum-us. "tm--, 7mm." mi ONTARIO HOUSE A car-mot 00,000 . You“ '"+tsSghtrrotturtttetetet. TNE mol" SHIP I‘LL I» "may y. as” b or. - - 't1tlteWd'll" In. new: a. d m---... W ”‘0qu . may. Mate. "rtt t.-ahq Wm not would” u. hut-put: u a. n. A numb- at but ”when ttttrd “In“. Including Mr. Hire-rt'. my. School hm. Mr. nun-'- - -tqt M Ontulo Shop- “in“. Act, Mr. armlud'l bin to and um Agricultun} uni An. Act and Mr, (.‘urcollcn'l bill to aatmtt ttta Municipal Arbitration Art. A, resolution moved by the Pt-ire (of In "and - ttf u.” to the Impu- school at In!" wi- ‘optod. mutate-“them “that, the Kinpta- m " “PM! 'u - to can” 100' the rune a s also. eun- tet, t great. A dicta-loo {Oh to on the chute “powering the School ol lining to nor” the IWODI’lOtion. Hr. Whitney urged that this partially muted the “man to continue the [rent and charged the Pruner with pro will; in I roundebont cowardly It, to eccornplhh en object he den not - now. The Pruner pointed out that whileJJu milla- ture were bound in honor to can» tlnuo this put there were eonMdesr- eble loner opproprhtionl tor _-tttq bandit of the rebool in the stunne- whicb were under their control. Hon. Mr. lbrcourt repelled the charge that that had been anything tor- tuon: or round-bout in the nation of the Government. The men. had ‘beu thoroughly con-mend. Bever- d Oppoeit n member. protected that the qua-Hon had been wrung on the Home tt short notice:! Col. mum-on laid it Would be better to nuke e grant of $200,000 in e lamp Bum. Hon. J. M. Gib-on quid that ll members were to discuss ev- ery item in thin "irit the House had better lit a week longer, e sugges- tion which was greeted with - pleuee from both sides of the Home. Mr. Carnelian raised the point that the School of Mining had not been detined and that tho money might r so to rapport eoctariu tenchlng. Mr. Hucourt replied that the subjects of muuctlon were set forth in the not which would prevent the grant being diverted to Inch purposes. The com- mittee reported program. . The Hons. went into committee on Mr. Granar- Trading Stamp N11. Mr. Cum-11m “pus-ed the opinion that 'such teitrisUtiots should be gen- eral intend of optional with munici- pditiel. Mr. Reid (Addington) mov- ed that tho committee rite, which would tlu’ow out tho But. Mr. tha.. ham WM prepared to accept. the prin- ciple of an absolute manure. but aid that-the bill had been prepared by the merchants on the best legal advice. Premier Ron approved of luvlng the matter in the hands ttd a. municipalitieu. Mr. mm do. Bounced tuning lmw_u a species at gambling that Ihould not be ul-‘ lowed. Mr. Fat-well spoke in defence ot the trading Itnmp syltem. Dr. MN Kay said that the very fact that the solicitor: tor the t'radinq Hump com- panies asked for time to enable them to get out of the business Bhowed that it Was not, n legitimate one, Mr. Pattullo. thought it would be a kindnela to many merchant! now compelled to use trading ntampl to post the bill. Mr. Whitney did not thinkn§he bilgwould be o.ftectivet and he co idered that the introduction ot the local option principle would _rtqllt, In, confusion. Mr. Carwallcn moved 15.1156 eattuntttzh farm report progress. Mr. Reid's motion mu defeated uni Mr, Car-collars carried by a large majority, BO that. {the bill stood over for further con- i “aeration. . The Government bill respecting the University wu considered In com- mittee. Col. H-thcson strongly de. nounced Government cdntrol in unl- vordty matters, more especially in connection with the appointment at professors. Premier Ross emphailcally denlod that political eonBideratiorur had ever inmreneed the appointmeast of pro- im. No appointment v.3 aver mud. without eon-ulna; than inbor- eloed in the university. The belt evidence that the appointments oi proton-or! had been good wu tho Inocu- ot the undeni- oi the University who” sanding mummy indicated the excellence of the (unity. The Solute of nu unimity were commit-d ramming the bill and they believed the Gov- mt would bu "Upon-ml. lot Whitman. Ir. Whitm urtred the (30th to won-loaf the trmtttrm of the bill And contended m adr1.ory Board would prawn “Handful dwell-b- mu and [wrote Inn Vanity in a not. independent polltlon. Hon. It. Harcourt aid that when l wot-Ionian; wu Taeattt " In may “named and frequently .p-‘ pliant. were selected from beyond “an bound- ot the Provinre. The on- ty qua-Mon m to no. the but mu chum-bl. hgnrdl- at their pollu- al vim. He did not know wttat the polluml opinion. at the unluc- my molt-Ion m ad In and not can. _ Mr. Our-colla- and the - would not. hold much. mi: lab {or the luau- at an unlmhy no In. " u was “in 00ml.“ mud. _ _ A, FtGriim--eedthatth' Dom-m. Mus to and in. Ar “not “a Ila-0cm Aeta W ,rotaHtt.artthdramt. no Uttar -. m tho-aw mum-low?“ "E'Eonnma WM "00"- - action- at the Mtl m " m to In»! ott' - -- __ --= "MIIWMInlmW-III-I ar-ro-tastute-tret' - ponuo. mug with h.- dmu. h nun-u“ an. magma-nu " rat'bmallbw a='lrilTatll'lllu"ll'llT, Rel. P. R. Inward {W a um m-ttqt “I to curl-In rul- W'- 'ttar','.',') anon-u. I. " to m, . which was and n- on! till. - _ " 953-." 'f1Uterttr.i'ttr I Ill-I1 .. 14 lit"l,"te'tgS8"d .3” ttrinHrir% :lA1"k% £333 22tx?"tAtr2t a“ W. t has 'm at 1tl1rrl"gualtitl' uibotth.uttarhadmgttito wanna-uh. - ”5n Mr. "gtt'.'attltdltMRlt.', .ov oi tho . up “”222 It'ard"t,.tt'at on. t u " r't,t.tnnltr1lug,'aplt - C t Gun-b- Mon should In baton th- m I ... dosh. with. ., ._V Owe-uh» “was - atiet-adrotr1ttPaytAgtr'.Ar-ae "xatims. ' Fe , , A!.o*1'! IIOI. J. w. 'lest H the qua-{loll ij.iv,'t3it, ‘ Portant and ”at” " qratt that, “all; given lot that? to}. ' - that “are dun - “5 who in nu unlit-w I“ paid no on“ um 6ero'qmhqtt- 1, m u g In. Ibkh and” Inuit an tell be 'aTa"it, to [love ot twin. Tia, .Iu - Wad. China. emu Need. Bowman Favor ttf One Mn f FRIENDSHIP OF ill, CH|NA DECLINES " SIGN-IBQHV maul-nut tannin.- Mhm Inlkntdm‘ - I. gta-i-titr - " dI-IICIQ'IWOIIVM -atsr.vo.oe.a.iuii ", Clum- _ Pekln. April 8.41% -. - ermnanl. has {anally nottt1ed Bush that China, owing to an numb ot the powers. in not to at: tho Inn- churlw convention. _ ' _ _ _ "It in Chin's Gain.” pun tho formal notimmtion. "Mr' loop on friendly termgittt all mum. _ At present she is going throws”. pried which In the most. porno-lb a. m- plro'n history. and It I. -, that she should MW tho [ll-thin a w “However much - vrthtle"A'1?o" in to grunt my mam adv nt'fl on. power. vhén other-”Quack. ll impomtibia.that, for the NMg,'tfi tttit one nation friendly, 't a!!! alienate tba ”not“ 'M. m others." . . - - - 1.d Hung Chang um me. “a In, ter actua- up matter Mandy. all mt. Rush. was Mankind“ to tho same can“ limb 8Q. r" Print. China nus-tn that cm Chin-mu. except Li Hm thand. In: mint signing tht eronrottte. So soon " the monk of the pov- u'l notify tho mum." 't 'drstha' disposition in am {junkie- sight and ulna of the midi-oi, my- thing will be manually" mum cxoept. the magnum. "ho only alum. not mdw be“. an m‘ Germ and meuouJ'h. Gab mm my they can be - h "a down and an Japan-o ulna-t that they can ho rend)! tht momt’s' warning. Private do thaw. can be tned until 10°1th this may dolly the mutton to <tto Chinese ptesrttrrotmttiari.' T . F A majority of tho lint-ur- in h terror at making a general chum.“ soon as the Govmc an: In in, making ulowauco lot A M mound. tor poulbb “taught-I. although It is believed 1aac,e11 pri- vate claims In: now Mong .-- _ I Ll Hung Chan! tam! 'trtttee' Chili; have sent to the court tor WWII g list of names presented}! In- lsmn of m powers tor yum The atmtth liat has been M?” four nun-a- for dearaduhn and to 91 tor Ion ot otbm. No mutation In antlelpntod, u the men an out: woman: in local Manny. l [ _ London, April d.-ahr Bled nltti _ tsorrtarpondeetk of The Habitat tiit' amen-u mm. the Boon have and!” treason ad executed Mr. Mag“; tho pews onvoy. who took an “3' from Gen. Mmith-Dorrim Mr Oom- 'at'""""""""" m BOMB. m mu. Who w." to Boer ma Puc- Mn.“ Camber, Ort., April te-as x o. It um um- " " R. otBeia3n hem m “and an 'r.gltigh'th'.='le'df.u1' evening an the body “cm.“ tame-0h “I- m will In! Pl'st",',tl't the “$2"?th ttl '"""""'ti,, mm, s bu m on - o ' lectlon mm. aeeompaai" “new , ,1...“ er Roman, Ion. u out. . My , n. summed u that of than” " "on. ttsn',',',',', hglllhm' M'd nude one ”and My . nom- time. Thu young In!!!“ - Stn m . Ba 1itresrataty "J.'t""ar'l'M2aSt to; 't . .11.. . kery tin. his anon hit , " . ' the implant a may.“ itifik k -.. clutched [with bud “a M mum“ Ill he was found London. on... April 4.-ldvul 81m, a a. T. R. 1511501, van run out by n M m In the hell M "new" dunner: u. 1.”. and Ina-u; kind. "t M mu m and um with . "Mn-:- and in”. " . an. than an tgt.? vat min; (to. m on *9 ". you" Int'llm to a 'ttt Co M! _ I ' to co. a. M. at! t my a. - can. "rlty {cg-A m. non-n. on. m was Ma. no...» can ',ttlttt, It. 8m - much _ . a». - 'PI" “999‘“?! m~tm,mmuq "ohm ,etH,aeN.qg'eF_' “twill-um _ ".004. kah‘ on. mouth ',"c'tattt In banana-um. m “alum, 'ata-er-tHtml.. w‘u‘m'm "but“ _t"rt *"l' y lll‘l'lIl INVOI lull)!“ You" ”with h!“ Wit-Int“ ”can “It'd.“ Buy Your Easter 0m in ttttr, “on “and” well am awn a! I It?” otetat c and Marni "reds th 1 --.., to TO. a“ “It ”llwnndlm wrnxzy tmstlr: ibm' _ . “I ”I. the I r!" Mk V V “dub-volt " - arr. Como ,dii,rSitetttg “in: 'teau; 2, I: 05 km. ar,'.','.", Om-uduoforywmh. Tinned-4s? cl nwhntobny. mush-mm»! Itte?t,ee?tf.5 in“ ra"ta'iG7iiifiaTiiiriiiiririTmm 1'a,ttthtetttet an” ',htttttt 'arhtkt,tcclr,2,", n4. t,tN'pttl'tttgtg!t Thr. Urn-Eu Giiiriirdiaafa ’1.“ " "aaa -- tit Matte.'.','.".."',,' ... ' . .e..et.t.e..t". " ragga-mugs? _ mmwm Y M! Innu- 'i'l??liltri'if,?ll?éfttttiiti't, -- '7 W Bitid Andi but“ but!“ 'la'. on: "VIII 7*- 1',edi.,Ttt wusnkoo. dado-out Mun ukule- up; 1't,'lh'tL'8T'4'/'fJurM" "I! any..." a" 'iarmaFiraii" -.-A--.. " - TCTL-o' Ct5'cTE.U_l Autumn-dun I. - ll Inna-mm“! In an. Dunc-Inuit. m. Olin- unmm "_tiarr-rrnrr “Viol-n “h. -..._ - 'Nt-trep". "in!!!" '".tttat.Nttlt.T2S.'lfd 'a2ttAUT pr JOIN STREBEL. 'uer-,Begt.dhomd has Oahu-I'm - A ,‘ 'CIE" 'GRGEi "s'l" L"i7 letT. oett-diiiaii dad-94 'gboklho -r"i"Gb"r"i' "e-req...'- '"i'rGG"il"i; w" 1"."TG"GTiiiaGiiii"irG= 'AIR')' an...“ an: “3"". n 00. [etsig:tititi'iii, a: mom-t- alc-t aunt-.150 my. ‘31:“ '-'d'.Mrl'Al7, an.“ . I T._qsro1rr.ood.--"e'o-oq Med'. U", Fit'S,'ii1iiiiriilri.rriFri1Eiiii What my“: . not. . J'gTtrtrdtatiT ' _ T"tttt'i%fdeleiiheeiSge'Mg'= lad-halved w union: F'9teneN'dS"dP,,.u2iPf.i',,i.'tt'iisai' " I'f2 mWMNWm-mwm Wear-Ila; any: ‘5. Bonds: da Ce; mm was " HARNESS SHOP GRAIN MARKET. a {"3911 'ghettgte1bt1ttfat F r Hon, Youth and Bos , I'll-l. ii. canal-(rah. HON-'1' mom S. R. Hm of Men’s Suits Clothing I.tiivii' ONT Radium“ - N‘wur. I145 " M'.".'ttt.t1 but "I? b M I n n ' flJ'alu"lt mark.» d -sirt, le-n t mum- tan-lily. 4:- 'tes' mm ttar: N! u A an Mmhttn. whit kWh-d a.» , t. mad-lore“ ttorrttsoddoutttetwerc mun-I on bal I... inm- [III “has!“ In"!!! as. , Turn? It ue » I 'taril!,l.1',ili, .Mmillvr- I mill; brim. In " i t Immim» out" I... hurt, l . Inh- .anvnl‘i , , 'iiiiaidd, u: t .000, Tend: And Whole“ in». a..." t t. 1‘. " “lull. (in! cured lam A Specialty . . . l2 3-52" 'ii3iiigiiiiitiiiiihii Egh'fifimag mantl- any». W11”. - In M tt-or uw-I‘ It". Itdt --e,"et. we”! V than nun-‘5‘ and... hunt.“ mm M _ 5pm., bk are! Eau- 7" mac want (l5vv hot seam 'nrtuert cased] h“. -'isrs' II bu M a v.- " O re 3% ATOR In arm I ts, a: a menu and in so don», , u," better prepared than an Io apply my custbmers wut, the most delicious "an“ "' . tuck: steaks. , MMh'tgr't IA: til Hahn's Baker! N. i'li,-fl'deert dehverfd to an put of t c Twin-Ci b t'll2l'.llll'h'e'r; y y KING ST., B PREMIUMS FREE ”no“. {fa-”.413: _ i.'.r) l? 5m Ai?), if.» ab J” B, FISCHER, - WATERI.OO :tumu-s MI ' - $10.50 I2

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