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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 Feb 1901, p. 8

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_ ,Connoll resumed and the chair- todtho following report: your Committee of the whole "part that we have examined __. monument ofthe Treasur- nt for the year ending 3ttst. 4 her 1900 showing a balance of “bound and forty five dollars van cents ($3045.11) sud as we lune correct we recommend ion of the name. f (8d.) James Howlet, Chairman. A County rood- without the‘ '0! tholoool Municipalitioa. No V ' on the some. l ' ,riot reported that he had out?!“ for lighting thelamp Wan ‘Montrooo Bridge to . Hum for one year trom the your] 1901 for the sum of - and the snowing of the said . to William Westinll during the _ duo on you ttom the above * .14 75. i?ttt of Mr. Umbach, seconded . Koch the Council went into a be, tith. Feb. 1901. _ tion we: received from WIC lng and 65 other ratepayers _ for a new line of road to be from the Montroee and Elem test of the Grand River to the amd and that the name be on the division line between Koa. 67 sud 68 and 67 and 73 T. or otherwise use: saidlines Council may see fit. pd Council of the Town-l “with met " m. Jacobs on ' “Fob. A.D., 1901, pur- juu‘mnont hom In: union. in the char. when pro-out. of Moravian! union T ad Map! . Iva received from M. F. T Clark of the Towhnhip of _ do“ with a. petition to the . paying to make no change .13 at MMunlclpal Act ILS.0. Pt? by Jame. Howlet, seconded L. Umbach that the Council of We be a Committee to inreati- the Proposed new line of road as or by WilliamCumming, C. _ and oturs.-Carried. by Solomon Koch, seconded / that the report or . Committee of the whole on the statement of the Treaaarer's t be adopted and engrossed on 'ttec-Carried. by Jaoob L. Umbach, second- 80'oxnon L. Koch that the inter- . leg from Clergy Reserve fund ' hated to the several School e u follows, $30.00 to each Section and $15.00 to Union No. 4. Woolwich and Elmira and) Union Sections Nos. 11 and 14 y um Woolwich and Nos. 10 SI and 28 Waterloo and Woolwich Inch tad that the Reeve grant " the stuns-Carried. Council adjourned for one hour R'Stfne whole on the Audi- Ituomont . of the 'rrtsatu1rer'a ttttte 1900 with Mr. Boulez in M Township council M of Wm " 'tdr, tam“? T t ' . ts, ' showing a full ISI of - dishes nad table Sohiofole, " " Killer, for Division No. Schmidt, for Division mini, " u G. Brohmm " liiGiGi1 honey": collected and but to the Treasurer Tir.-- _ im B, Lemon, for Division go. 1. au appointed Tax Collector: puritans" 39 nie mil}. or! Mona were received from I patio. for the ofritNt of Col- ,ttetaxeq. Mb, Solomon Koch, seconded L.Hrrsttraesh that the following bmoll met again a‘l the mem- ftrlhdttlntrs. an... In... Inn-In. annex“: at-ed condition of tright) _. qtturact Items to be on tttl The no. of improper M genetol abuse of the this 'ett,tt condim not I” you; on: cu- tttttttt ”” Dump Vb won! huh. and 0-1th Of “hunt. lion No. t. I No. 5, ' No. 7, .-Carriod, . No. l, No. 2, 3 & 6. db an In W In new“ bg “1 and! a“ .0 ”tilt "i'iGi"'iuaTii'iauai_et,8 iiTaGaiiNirtu.otryre, apex-cumin In an M ttte umhomn liv- ad a I" mum- man-ninth ieurstyyrttteele tee, m... .'""'"r-re't%'"e"""'a-", ' iiradTiu_giitttee, “I awn-um» but” iyiiii'iF.Eifie,PrtNt= admin-”It'll qt 'iiirisiiiuindiBiiruto"sre M mm» to man-"b" ummanhm and mum and.“ Gooul minimum“- Llaunch] .1)de new! ot "I. j.ettc--earrud. a..." “mi "wr.-...-' Moved try Adnm Hamlet), second- ed by J. L. Umbech that Mr. C. D. Bowman be ir-ttod to take men-momentum and mete an eettmete of the several proposed chengee br the improvements of the roadwey on the St. Jacobo hill end report " next meeting of cmuMrit.--Cnrried. A“ may“... v. yum... ---i-"" Moved by James Howlet, seconded try Adam Mammal: that the following mounts be paid and that the Reeve grant his order! for the name. Solomon M. Eby for gravel on n Wollealoy Townlino. . . . . . . .5 Abr. Gingrich, for gravel. . . . . . Benjamin Bear for examining the St. Jacobs bridges... . . . . . . _ _ built-Du” GGauiii- W. mount-mi " at)» tit a new tr,rgtlif.elt,tit, m --Carried. Moved by Solomon Koch, seconded by Adam Mattuwh that this Council do now adjourn to meet again at St. Jacoba on Tnudav the 5th. day of March neat at 9 o’clock a.m.--Carrierd. J. L. WIDIMANJ . Joseph Mich“. Auctioneer. Feb. 14.--Fhsrm stock and implements of Anthony Huid,Lot No. 4. Con.11, 1 mile went. of anhvllle, on the road leading to Linwood. Feb. 16.-8toet end implements of Menno Good, 1 mile south of Elmira. Feb. 18.--8toek, implements and household effect: of Martin Banning- er, 1 mile north of New Germany and 2 mile: south-out. of Women- burg. Feb. 1fr--Moek and implements of Stephen Winn, 2 miles north of Hawksv‘llle. Feb. 20.--Fartn stock and implements of Joseph Dent, 1 1-2 miles west of St. Clements. Feb. 21.--FBrm stock, itnpitsmerrttstttd inmitu‘e of George Wiegand,2 miles west otst. Jacobs on road leading to Hawksville. Feb. 22.-stook and implements of Simon Sehiedel. 1 mile east of Bree- leu on Guelph road. l Feb. 26.-F'tsrm stock end implements of Wm. Bellsmin, A milee west of Berlin and 2 miles east of thstarsburg. Feb. 27.-Stmt and implements of Louis Lens,2 miles west "orJairtwood. Mn. 5.--gtottk and implements of Levi '3taaifer, 1 1-2 miles west of Water- loo. 17iiG 13' £0me Mar. Amos E. Weber, 1 mile west of l Brealau, 3 miles east of Berlin on‘ road leading from Berlin to Broslau. Mar. 7.-19toek and implements of Abram. H. Wsmbold, 2 miles south of Berlin on road leading to German Mills. l Mar. 8.-8tork and implements of Peter Shape, 3 miles east. ot Breslau. sud 2 miles north of Kossuib. Mar. IL-30 acree of land situated l i mile one: of Floradale trelongimrto Jacob H. Lehman will be oil'ered " I Elmira Fair _ I Mar. 11.-M3 aeree of land eiinated l _ mile Treat of Floradale belonging to David Lehman will be oiiered " Elmira Fair. a Mar. 12.-8tmtk and implements of Michael Dcreinger, 2k milee north of m. Jacobo, 2t milee south-wee: of Elmira, on Hollinger’e farm. Mar. 13.-8to9 and implements of " Andrew Schiefele, 1 mile eonth of Coneetogo, and 4 milee north of Waterloo. . Mar. ".-8toek and implemente of Edward P. Goon, u milee we“ of Weieeenberg. Mar. 19.-.-imteh and implemenee of Ephraim layer " Koaenth. liar. 20.-8wck and implemenu oi Andrew Doerbecler, 1-2 mile nonh of Erbeville and 2 1-2 milee anoth- eaetoi Heidelberg. Hank 21.--8utttk and implement- of Jacob Lehman, 1-2 mile eaee of Mondale. and 21-2 milee north- weetei Elmira. larch 21-min: and implemelm of David ”mend mile wee! of Flore- deleend lmilenonhoiYaewn. D. Rant. Auctioneer. Feb. u..--- and implemente of) D. e. Shoes, 2 nilee “than oi Equine. 6 mike noel-m of New Hamburg. 4 mike earth ot Dado, 4 milee wee: oi New Dundee and 4 like ml: at mine. ) Feb. 19.4.“: and Wu a I mama-Meade" Dee- r ds., t mike M at mule t and 4 flee some! I“ T Torah... mum-mam“ 'Ge"'"'"'""" W73 6.-8tark and - lmpkmeneg of AUCTION SALES. nmummm Clerk Mr 52 312 340 iiUk ii urti 7G"'rGriiia, T'Eiiii"i' if: out” wk..." t? 'Mn",', thr',',,,'.'.'.':" In. that and helped a ml the was“ 10 o M and“. At I? qirid =Ty er [ so. . A! . _ m . u - ', M I 1'2'l'ttc pee ' . . . . . A. have! in - Ien - We - d in” Tm. Frederick Linen the! - in. new mere on A New ”he of - dstAqef n tte been ',2"a"tn to pey M ind muted - to depend. The minim Immune Llehenn church cl which the deeeeeed wee e number. when mice! were tttWd by In. P. Lech nae! Ihieh any. ere an: to Peanut. lot inn-12:; The age “the deeeeeed In Pl re. mud Mt Linen hue been "Monte of our village " e number of yeen end were highly reepeeeed by ell who in" them. We extend our eympethy to Mr. Upper! end funny In the loee they here eueuined. . -.. .Deeth bee been ‘ very busy in our midst Intely. On Mondey lire. ruehtyr's eon, John, In celled may a the ego of elghteen yen-e. The {unenl taken place on Wedneedey enernoon . . _ . . .There ere quite e number nick in our village end neighborhood " present, grippe end other nllrnenu chiming many victime. We wish all the nick once e speedy recovery. Vernon on the mend. _ . . Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Hamilton, were celled to the bedside of her brother, R. Vernon, who wu very sick. . . . .The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Melrowski died on the 12th inst, aged 1 you, 9 months and 14 days. It was sick only tween hours with pneumonin... . . . .Slmon Hlnsberger wss to Philipeburg on busi- ness Friday lust. . . .Mlse “My end Mr. Alex. Kleswetter and 8. llineberger spent Sunday at L. Kieoretter'e. . . . . . Simon Kieswetter ls sporting s hund- some new cutter. _ -. ..Mr. and Mrs. Lemp,New Prussia, spent Sunday with Mr. end Mrs. Otto Kreee...... .Mr. Rellinger and another gentlemsn, of New Dundee, went through this vicin- lty selling tweed to the farmers. They report good business. . . Henry Schlegel bought the 75 sore term of Aug.Thuroo for 83,200. a serious attack orpremouits There is a dwelling house famine in the village and the Board of Trade has taken the matter up and appointed a committee to secure temporary qnar tore for the extra families who will come in when the Felt Co’s factory begins operations. Elmira Bigmst---Mr Walter Martin- son, of near Hawkeville, brought four hogs to the Elmira market which were four months and twenty daye of age, and weighed-live msight--750 lbs, or 187I-2 each on an average. This is the beat record that ha been reported thus far is and certainly phenomenal Briefs-Wo are glad ff tenor! Chm-Ila: Boyd "I Mr. Ill-Cleo Struck Southampton. Ont., Feb. 13.-The postponed hearing of tho North lance election trial, mwhich Jam E. ('amphell, defeated Lihnral candi- due, petitioned against Lb. return of Muhndor McNeill u M. R. was rvsulned hero yesterday mommy. It became evident to all present. shortly after the opening. that n speedy determination of the mauer would be arrived AL Chanrvuor Boyd went over the evidence adduc- ed at the previous silt.ngs. when " ter a count of disputed votes a tie was declared The Chancellor tie dared that there were so many ir- regularities on both sides that he could see no use in either side claim- ing the seat. and whirhcver side cared to claim it, would haw to Le Kin the easel Neither side seeming Mr Isaac Hilbom ll recoyerlng from gin the eatre. Neither aide seeming to be anxious to go on, l'hnncellor Boyd declared the seat vacant in the following words: "We declare that Mr. McNeill was not duly elected. and that the election is irtetTectivc and void because of the equality or vans ascertained on scrutiny. and the various irregularities which have born proved. No corrupt practices um found, and each party will stand Mr. McNeill was atlowrd tn "gcttic a short. statement under oath. and in the course of his remarks said that he had done nll in his pnwor " ensure a clean claztion. In conver- utlnn subsequently. Mr. MvNoill do cured that he would not ngain be A tho enturo I nation nul cured thn candidate otmwn. Feb. 13 --Mr. McNelll. who has Dem unnamed in North Bruce, c-nnot, of course. take his: geatt in the House. The (lovernmrnl intends to “an. n writ for a no“ e1eretion " noon at the omeul an- nouncement that tho election bu be.“ voided roadie- Ottnwg. Milton, Feb. 18.-dAtter an ' ot some _ Mum Meki punt! aw swarm anemo- influx" Gnu-ill- WI. town-l I'Ihllc Lu. wboo 0.!" You'll, Hon. Georg. Ornw'ord McKinrlmx wu tho son of an late IWilliam Me, Kladmy. . mun of the North of new. The doom-d Senator wt" born In the Township cl Trxstatgttr Hutton County. on Hun-h 29. IR2tt no In. dilated under private tttt. on. and at the Public Stimuli. H, - - m. who quite I you": man. advancing In polMa m Couch-tin principles. in maggot-ml muujmm an” 61" Thai: "qq?uiqrt--Mr. MrtNqi" - county In July. 1000, and "ttfrm M tint can” In June. 103‘). "a was“! the county unma-nnlullvl M the Ila-o ot Ooh-om 2n the MIN. have: m. gnu-l do“... a an. 'test; a. no -ryl a!“ d m an "iariit._yyr-At,rtqy.i+ iiiiFeiofLieey tftt: 1" "NOT DULY ELECTED." )wn Costa, This is the end of proceedings so far as this court named." . SEXAIOB amino-tr ulA n. In] Not Cont at " BAMBERG, Tho “an. of the ert ELMIRA T2 x? II. "N. I.” n- 'llnms "any on It Ler22xtadttt,eetitd?e LT.Ti'iGh-TF'iiGrtFiyuitt1t, 'i'riuTliiuieethm-a." -.. Than as ho no “win-without an tsu-ttrite/sell/tere? i77iFuGTiriisueog.teEe.t “hymn! 'Int.'" I’ll-M. “Worm m. “My“? irGaGTikrui-icau in 1a.. A no: a ',','ittut'd'lllrhll'4 the oecutd iumh‘m bun-u, 1.39M? FY“??? "Bk".-'."'.",'?'"--.""-." FV “1960: It his the dni huh ul- cauuo- Ind .ffd,uh'l'f'drl,Td b all.“ It nut-uh mu irGiaiu-soelt. In may (lick rum ieiifgii?pii'iitii7l 5.2m " Ann-1 flllfl Sittgt','t'.'l n [can Malice. at... h=tM'SMANTth'li7i mam”? - ‘maa: ”mm. - TTW,' hm“ PI: .terhqtt.gt ': 7 udkupm‘ 1 - "Gin; uni-mm m..- -id,- r0 hviéed to can?! up?” b W. m. orrespon c nu. 'ILTlll De. Lil. Puree, $10. N. Y. Canadian I and Dth'lop In religion the in member of the Chut He was married to Teri-Sn. daughlv John Crawford oi il Dr. Lin-clerk"- Ottawa, Feb. 13 will be appointed Ottawa, F will be app created by death. ltr, South Grey i for 24 gears ocal Ag] oterpris .0 prom! " the l Seattle, Wash., steamer Dolphin r, Alaska with news: u adian family. h at. Ihiss son I Davis. and an"! " upped will Bybsts--At New Hamburg, Feb. 3rd,' the wife of George Sykeu, of a son. Dunkel-At Berlin, Feb. 3rd, the wife of Carl Dunkel, of a daughter. shettur--- At Heepeler, Feb 5th, the wife of August. scheme, of twin daughmrs. Doesrtmeker--At St. Jacobs, Jan. 30th, .1110 wife of Wm. Doerbecker, um daughter. a! Thoms--Metzdorf-At New Hamburg, Feb. 6th, by Rev. B. Mueller, John H. Thoma, at " Jacobs, to Louisa Metzdorf. Boim--Gingrieh--At the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Gingrich. Preston, Feb. 6th, by i'G'."ii'if iiii'reii,L Zim, Isaiah Helm to Annie Elsie Gingrich. . DEATHS. Caidmtll---At Berll". Feb. tith, Jane Caldwell, aged 79 years. Ltsng--At Berlin,Feb 6th, Mrs. Albert Lang, in her 33rd you. Derotinger--At St. Agatlm, Feb. 10th, Anthony Dent nger, aged 90 years and 4 months. Engrrlhurdr--At s4terloo, Feb. 10th, l Loni: Engelhardt. aged 68 your, 4 months and 14 days Lorentz---ht Waterloo. Feb. 10th, Mrs. Ernst Lorentz, aged 53 years. Dtmry--At Waterloo, Feb. 11th, Mn. John Davey Sr., aged 72 years, 11 months and 11 days. tNIrn--At Went Mommas, Feb. 9th, George Balm Sn, aged CA yarn. Etsktutrt--At Berlin,Feb. 10m, Carl A. Eckhnxt, aged 1 year and 1 month. Graham-At Gait, Fob 8th, Agnes Rutherford, wife of John Graham, in her 43rd you. J. K. SHINN, Wuorloo, Ont. Tolephone 267, Illtetsiiii1lilllq and House tarsus. In a thriving vim-go in Waterloo. Ogunty. No must“. S‘uop soundn- iria',iiiir"r"GejiCt'or, fuAtterr ll,T biruU" "dr-s Box F. watareloo, m. bl vt'nnhlo form helm“. to the cut-loot an bu = (an? l, doused. W 'tgt1'lllll', t,itpi,etPtt'elUr'ltJllA'i pr! Ill-crap. at which! mu Incl-ad and ii'N"iGrdTGtiyeuii!reyte 0M hul- mth!vood but idP/'PgNitJ.",t Itgtattt, It...” abut Inn ',turgr “a nee-Inn "tannin-"anal " hon-a Md urn. I.“ "Miran " Mill. iaiitatrtmtF_y. rev humu- uhh-m a: .nw‘y to In. Mn Ono-pun. Add-mum)“ OMB. not. “I. 'ut-oe-trt-ere,. -.'. - - ”A Wall-III Int "les Funeral -ttn,ttttttrirnrtF. Found Farm for Sale. '. c, SHERMAN Iatndcr'cin rt‘prescnluu in the lmminion House MARRIAGES, (mm, at Murder, BIRTHS had bevn found guilty of ttw murder of ll 'tenred to lho gallowtr ll be taken. Director and Embdmot. “run-un- x-.. "u _--. -- at which ririau' Incl-nu no qtterrttrAetr' not! "n hal- d but idPregNit?,tt min chunk Inn 'srl', n aittiktiittivr,geqa . Iva-I TW2'gii " Mill. nah. For hwy-nullit- any to In. an Ono-pun. Cantu. (an “I. tiit"i'h"'s'um to the vac F McKind Oc Dr I gunk-rid oatrr “3* a arrived trc (“marge T. t cl 13.---The Ont ll sy - F, h u u you Mt r'itihiiii'iiii',iiitii, tr Maori: to t “O t law. tt 2au'fd cg . iiiiiffet' i)"g.ll?,litttt "___ 'lit/Iii?)'. Ian- 0. the“ I . Ian. I iiStirtil.E?rtt ttt T, 4 v?i.t','iriS )0... ulna mu Ian"; 0.4.1“ WI WI, cam-Ah;- “.19 Hi ' Farm for Sale. [waif-(n It!) wu- umlch loan ”you 0,13%?!“ “WEE“! on . ttMg'ttgr; “wad-rod and at} an" " cu! "than. bud-nu M b. OI the tom in a cox-numb}. ml ',,'trtiggg'f.tle,'f, Mb hummer. wax. ' "igiBt" tf. In lawman-k "an: I"! “but. A» in . km and]: d. plenty of u w. ar Mr" t"rremi-.t,t,t., A" "gag-h" The lutual Life “to. on. Formerly The Onhrlo lutunl Ltro, wil be b M It in Read 00100 in Watarr'oq thttarits, ‘ n . at out)! the clock. p. n he! Vina-loo. Fobruu y tth, mm . 'NL%httS%ta'lttt,t1"" Ito-m. nun-oh um no: Before deciding on your l vciciri'sviiiiiii,i'vt,' , ~ t an . prm (ulna BRANDIRU EEgllEifl :9.” ran mu? not. 1: f. I - . 00 e . e 5YST t [MVLGEVIKNTE R . 10mm and; N = n a Before deciding on Four t! Ip to who. uev p In; trtcl . let. [tuck wagon (ml ly new), I laugh, Mm Southern Points sunny, Cantu-n fa ocutttur. imy r ck. cu Vern“ at'ly newt” . . mnnew, T an” doubh obtain our Tourist Fares to waking Huge. hm " hm oat ml. 31013 i ASHEVILLE, bl, C. "t,rlit?i),11'tsr'l'/'/l. GALVESTON, TEXAS, mum; Ts" Itutr "Inn” HOT SPRINGS. Arm. 'dt'r'Ali', 21333:; JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA, him." y _ LOS VEGAS. CAL. Jot: Mn RUM, _..A .-e-w-.a.ibes."%e_ All turn Aultirtef )umnnl to an Add Ptit'rgteell notion in _ hereby given mm. Lu. lat annual mut- For all information apply Grand Trunk Rnilway SYalt‘ul r BE undemign r farm 'wrtylate burg. conmning ' I Mitt m h‘h. z" :wren on '" wood bush. “mm of cmint' ruWNYllp, the “‘FI Rood fuming land undu mud annu- of rub Hon. On t Ire he “out: dwe'time--" m and A big Ftont, houw~lamr hm k burn 75x71 - Aha! b2xN Me! tittt Mable Ind tprod d lug shed: 2 ood wells hard watt r and claw For fnmher pin-Liv nun: apply to Luo" KI m "AruntT, Thunday, March Tth, 1901. NOTICE is heoty R Annual Mertingnfthv M luaumm-e Unupnny ho poned until Ma ch) 1 o'ciock p. mu . “I . . Annual Meeting. wixta.rtrm, THE underricd kel price nu ti Iotps delivered 5 M pt Apply to CoNttAtt HAwu,,rorrtterly Shana s farm. "ridteaporb. tVit,. Mmhlo mummy lot tor sin on George . For pstNraisrm I ---- - 1.4- Southern Points Kip" to CG-i. m saw Logs Wanted. 3mm Valuable Farm for Sale. () THAT duh-MO o, ttt PM 5mm Niel ”mm y , m r, P “in via mmnul it "vol. I III m " NEVILLE! u" tgTURR nah M Driving, Saddle. Carriage and Working horses orhiesh you an ill-pea st my gable. Jun Uswmn Mr3 mm; " Auction '-tt 1! ttw onmar M “when m and Iummer they”, fl an» “an“. 090. D. I.-Coursa-. i1r.!"lt M. 0. Dick'on. hm. Pttee, EHORTHORN Rn few choice he.“ ASHEVILLE. bl, c, GALVESTON, TEXAS, HOT SPRINGS, ARK., JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, LOS VEGAS. CAL, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL., NEW ORLEANS, LA, MEXICO C|TY. MEXICO. House to mundane. STBAW FOR SALE. obtain our Tourist Fares t FOR SALE. For Sale FOR SALE. NOTICE. Imim: “N GG-mart .' An oairofmttttredtt- Notice. ALFRED \VIHGHT FA l, w EU KN A HT, Hunger p “up" In Imam, 1sci, at sale HOWE-mm. . an“. a an... roooetM1 In". "atotst. h an o I- ttttr; Isn’t." b toao.t tut.if, W - d: Tot', "te.rtathes'riaet, Ti'G'lCL'l"il"; my“ Mound and Than) witt “I an. bud-act hali- um. M y.“ in a coulomb}. uetgienh lit I to: summer. In: I mom or t c-c 1 mm Tog It (on. duo “m ut "an, "st, ot w. ter. ar '11;le " a: ' 01 tr" and um u! ”ISBN. . mm». an. t',rti"i'i'afd' ----------- ”Nita. Mu: ovum I "sOhor Luann)“ K KEl'TZlGKR of Canada. tripto Secret " rr ‘en that the rcahtilv FIN l‘erlin Agent. or agents For [an pus C,5iiu22firjig2Eie.titiii in" W - ' "a? 'rt"urt"9tt 2gierdt. , ' 'tIN ' otarvoW.8st-"rdnmgriet I Ile, WNW. l f"si!)h'tletfi.ii: - 4u mum rub and: “I“. w, t ', 's walk but“. I In: a; ad'. ' ”my; my}! mum!!! "'irit7isyrTai'ai iJS,i,tiift?tiii??tiit% ' a mu you It adult A Goa-n 13.53 aim" 1 any you: and an. "fiMtraou, mun-put; is”! At UM: hunk-VI D. RUDY Wedn Eli-aw ooltht don St. ('lemr mum on cummpncing at, one o'cloek,p.m sharp. the following valuable pr apertaviz: STLK K: lhy horse l0 years old, buck borse " years old.freah cow with calf at sid", Jersey cow due to who Apr. 2min. Durham wade cow due to who Apr. "ith, grade. heifer due to odveApr. SH), and? heifer due to mulve Mar. 2ist,2 heifers rising 2 yem old. There will he sold by public? suction on the hum of Simon M. Schiedel. lot Itrl, wotetloo umquhip. l miltmtol stluu,nu the road leadingto Guelph. Auction Sale Farm Stock and Implements ath mu. LU Pl .E M ENTS ETC: Massey-Harris hinder, Noxon smd drill combined’ lln‘Wl, iron axle wagon with box, bug- gy, democrat. lightslclgb, land roller. 2 l’rvsinn plows,2 Preston gang plows, 2 sets iron hurrnws, [my rack, Whal- 1oravw. (-huins, forks. set. ter1n__ter1 nest-.3. an WOW fcttqresrCctmiiii,F Ju- gle- hnl-nrss. wood che.-t,btsrrelot eider, 'vsaus"tgh' grinder. scalding trough,milk ‘cuns. stonebont, neckyokes. double- livery. cook stove, gravel box, scythe and swath, grain bags. TO bus. 0th, 1410 In". barley. 7 tons timothy hay,50 sprung Phichvns. and Ill) butpnlau‘ti TERMS OF SALE: Hay,grain.pouv tocc, chickens. and all suml of tio and under. mmh; over that amount 10 In: an hs' credit eye/tCTU";',',,' notes 01 5 par cent. per annum o for on]: pzuxnvnts of crrdit amounts. l‘nmLinly no reserve as the farm in bl <nld. V Joic Mlcxvs. , 6-3L Auctioneer I" Farm for Sale T"t5 dwimmc fat m in the mmhlp of Wol- ttIT mud-Ln: of Lot 18, Con. B, on a» tion line. mam: no u, of “mm“ mm a Dual south-east ot Linwood, NHIIIJHIHI‘ no Irre- of winch It“ MTG! in clonal Ind In I [and m of cultivu'iun. balance in 31-011 mm “Oil it " agnod ham hang- with knob ' mu lumen and wnoglntgefn let lt 56x10 'tth [lumen lulu “Iwnilt ' -.NN.r. -_"ev __ blue straw shed. driving shod. but on Ind other human“! oatbrtfldluttrr. The ("In In all underdmlned and wsil fm ml. New: “In. -pri gym-k at, trt and or the (mu. t',TIgi uprilm ' am vr " the ftsrntt and around In u. the mud "ml. Hood ,rehoot convnnhoc. For Farm Stock and Implomonu. particnla an tttr' In!» Friday February 22nd, Isol, M Lunches. Public Sale Notice to Creditors [HOLD ',.lle','.'2l,'di ' i A»... u a“ Ind-mill. mum out: uaun not I’m-mm. bauh-.tolusm.,riatt* . YI,', mount 1,'tuetpt, I... own. now - W I.“ F. n' u uqlatt mo 1rp,prteihtfgt cut auo no "tmeet to: “his - _ - J,i.ic2ii,iEiiifyi,i. -irua- if“? m, ”Him mud-I‘ll.- Itif mn- nation) my,» Mr I '00-. In“ on : tcft'tiryttyt't.'.'Sh' " not ttlt 1teugr 'd)tu't'll' t'.,'.' non now c Inc mm. “an.“ (at out on - 'eg,t'ttN'f, m Luna: g','fft I. Pexseu? 43“.. Want an In Jail: W, D a. El undone-t. £535.... A. KAUFMAN. Glut. _ will be on” by public motion- on the ot AMEN! a, mason u In In »t (twine-Wat». the “h “I. i the wt W'ullouluy. on esday, February auth, 1901, OTIrN limb can: nun-HI our M,.',',',' iltltg' .I ,'.i,'tiiiFitigift nml . m IN',',','.,','" Iona gum mo! an mm (mm, a anMno. '71de 0- or mm d: murmur In! . o a Man in! I thy n Mum“ , v0 't'll'U'l",Vr"GsriF1Fil1r..? . It grown: Hun..- 5 , an oid, hon- ' 1.'.'t'1' 0V. Iitt'i1,1' he in on k (by. h I --I. link.“ prmtt Van, - n 91‘, not. igsut not previouuty Am heal. tihiNT9, ac: Noxott hlndu. Brant. ur. N = n mud driil. combined. by a P' "Ii to ch . nun-tor. Eel: MUM-.- ' wagon (many m-wm 'gt.t2'f,',T, I longh. Murrow F'i'ilrhr,'i' . run. “than: .tanuimr. _ Jetrcr MIL). 8--tf, Shun-um 11"." " .. TrFW.F"-e ,- me" __ V _ 'il smug-d in rt,'r2et'rg,Wg,'rJ.edrl,','l den with has! M on: " "a m; In. rod. pig pm (and Pat "Mo amt tot bt or", TR', it'."tia,r,kri'iiir, um pr can. or " JOHN I. UMCEII. "-tr, m P. o. cum-b. Farm for Sale. Am Harman Pr P, F. ran MMICR. Chi-k. l 1. Jan. 10th, I'M. “an. ........... _... _-_V _ - .. ' r re. “new“. Janus “an, 1y new. wheelbarrow, “ruin ul- elv- doublo hangs. Anglo hung“ we. hm "Love.. wuer tun-35.nov, d 31mm»! hay. il-‘SALL: All sums of " And nude: ML mmunt " months crodi on Iv- ". now-I u 3 p! out. “scout for mu ot credit nmouum, Out-5nd - an,“ of John Sha, o-u, " To terms“ M ' R y " AY {o‘clock p. A. an (dun-Flu. kgnd Olen for I of I” Irwin: cone-mun. 5 [II - or-- mm... um - w _. v l 4 "to!!!“ it I. imamnfl}; t At",', m d m or loner! lor “In MI “In“. In: M) um yum-cor 'gv2't'f."dl mm. 5 min from man ,on the Grand River. I” to In a gnarl volt""). ad Ind-r may. on to 70 new! “you! mp: divitlld law 10 or " “I a; 7 "can; pic-la amt durum: luau-o with In aa " pen limbo teat, thtettrg In. in. - fen. vuh-hcu- aa may 1.e"'a viii-MM- trd; , new" I. i, wqtt. u to I " mun-m. i?i'i.'1'ii"r, V.- ithrttrt, new on! 555:... SI um M.Scalnnm.. r. Proprietor J08. I ORSCH, m“ ---. W‘ 1vtis?tt,'dd ttities,?.,'!,,",', It at!!! m paginati- a . S%1"lll a” Mt i at tux-u” 1'll,'l'/'r,t: Pct. it'iiu'oTiE. - £351 Auction Sale -. w -. iria 7. .. u1t2,ollVp,L'tTQ. iitNWti 'i!iitii/'htii?ei,1t2'ty,'i'9,' "e may”: 'f,0I'g'ttra ti t 1-“ M m". gm 0!. I! i,?rti,,"tiilg'5,k1'rtRii5,i3! pi and). " r, 'i'fii S.Pig"$to lunch-all. an. -iiiFiaaemms, m 4 m t I , suture. , w £533)... hand . but - m, den! motel-I. to” Ig,,? 42mg. 2, he n. til-c. to r. ' mill. IT') nun". I 'dWlfM'l own. arrow In plot (il,iiiii' dull, s P. url 2lt grin tom. 4 get-Lam Cunt- yukel, chains, a... - m ' at. (can lune-g “lulu”: bench. chopping bench trn noes. milk can. 'tam “I. 3 2,1ff'at I buck with“ ttdet: w I u 0“. 'llf,'ll 'clh'd,"lll'd' A " od MM - M numerous to mention. 7 A . The fun lo dad for ID phat.- lr h,'."',,', thf,th'2tu'."u"1' not. 'h'll'dh'l 8Ph't'tt.. mun-n. - Alumna! no and “do: out; on. amt amount " MM - u - proud joint not. or 5 p. out. put mom " for cub pin-uh d and“ amount" Lawn " Fool. DAVID RUDY, ISAAC BBB. " Amati“. Pt-" Farm Stool. Implant-b & loun- hold Em THERE win trp,11sht2th'irAl!2t'iiti. hum of WILLIA 4-!“ watclhullnnudlnn-a‘ d r usday, February Mth, 1901, “YMMV! Bruit?“ Fre Mr. - mcmokm und MI was of do ad u an cub; our that ”not” " mm' m Nt mvodjolnt mausol- I put out. at I. p'Lrmetre 18 . Itf.MeTu, . - - '"iiG'r"rTidiu 'Girtrrawirtt-t mm- the turn In aid. LUNCH AT NOON. JOB. menus. 1!le m. JOB. HIOKUB. WILL!“ mm Auctions". . In " ALBERT “UPI“. M THERE Winn-old? known“ tarmot LOUXSL BIN nu- - d Linwood, oath- crewman-gono- Shh» Foul-r1 37%. It“. commuduulo‘olonkp. It. 50 m T/,tee.r,t',rfakt' grow 22,iiiftStrttttN,1,g"M'i mandarin-u In“ all. by m Ah cow-(ow 1n an'. know iatuttt, - adtiteattotyrrjirmveq?ryyy, 's.e.ee.e.: oN680CNl"6r-_imr'"".eei-"r. --'.- l I ”cum ml Fariiay . fang". :0 "ir.1')2y,1Sii1P.ri'?. "Mflhll . an: cum-w .1 “a comb ma (any), n. qn. Mfg”. no aiiGairi, ,'. .r_o..y3t 'IS'.' 'lgUTh"o"fifl' mat-1335 3'57, 'iii'5iiicigi' .' "iii? ninth humans. ow hula quantity ttfttg, I'm - . .,.,.A. -- “a... n... ie2le use.“ In III-'- - on. TENIIS or HAL]; hull! . maul-wand a ',ti'thl'l 95.?! 7......" 1:17am"; in; not ICGHMNm‘I‘ mono- of audit. -timatts - J 'iairiiiaiai,.rrl" W. lam. . mu, Farm Stock and Implements i'iiiljityV.TtiS' vb: 00K11‘I lam - T yam- «M Nut-n" 1arrAfll “it ”and". Dona-"Mun an rm “you! 'aolt'teu'S2't.Rtil “gin-non lav-amul- . 'IW/or/i/fit-tFife' J" Hi“.- his MN Farm Stock we IrnNenteattu mm’ Yuma-u. '.tWd,ftta"l'Afid In Public Sale Public Sale --or

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