Fifl 'E' 00 Mon.“ an! . _ dtq-ars sunny "that girl th tq Add new.†It! - , but." 3. pus-mu - dark 0:. " _-., ta km with . low on w 'a.a - hm. than no took- . a . ugly around At tho “vo- Itll Iguana. Oh, God! would“ (tS'rftt.' Praia-[ck Caatbtms ' tho girl In loved with n and. Monte love. a but" ho who. chap! 'n Huh. cold. numbing â€:3 "bk. "I would an†my way lim w Imam. 0n. would u it Pt" ot “cu-inn an angel tron: "B. 'i"viAGrt would out. my m. upo- Brr immune.†cried Bonwick. hunk- E V , W. who had boon beodhtg Go nquln'l form, turn- upon , -- wig 7 _ - W'r‘wlo - Ii it that that. biriilii. -tnustiona?" he gay- .htteqtr, . . -.. . . 5.tPr.: Thuyar dukes MI had - Ir. That In . woman-'0 Brat Mount P. 7 i: a we we ttsv-murder or foul ttt Mrs. unison in too excited ‘ I be held ucounlabh for what Ibo “I Maid. I beg ot you, Mia. Hel- .., ply no heed to whtt Ibo bu Enid. The Iquire has burst, a blood _ which caused instant dmth -- yot’a. perketiy natural one." be con- oluded. ttriedty. 'Nut air' mpondai Vivian. tumbl- K wig: ucltegxxgnt. _ _ - - For an instant a gleam ot but!“ an darts into Vivian's eyes as they J8teett Heleua's dark ones, and Vivian it“. back in a. deep lwoon, and. to the intense surprise ot the gum". lit-Inna damn forward and catche- tln "waging tigure in her arms. "I {argue her," she says, gently. " uh. puts the blonde hair back tom Vivian’s whim lace. "Her 'trouble came upon her so suddenly; due wan frantic with horror, 3nd. " Ntto doctor says. 'we must not hold It “countable for what she has In}!!! "You are an angel, Miss Cameron, 1t,,',t,S? her so readily," whispered Wick, u he bowed tor an instant. thesr Helena} little white hand. then 4tittttesd tho room, . -- a .. . _ --- L-) -- ‘r'V' --e W, T In tho excitement no one had no- ticed that Helena stooped down and regulnod the will Vivian had snatch ttd from her hand, and which incl 311nm} unheeded to the tloor. A blank sheet of crumbled note Piotr tay beside it. and-an this, too, by a. “range coincidence, Wu torn st the eortter--every one balkv- td, as the doctor did. who picked it in: Ind laid it upnn the terble---that t v.“ this Mrs Cameron had taken Iron: Helena’s hands. Cir, HargiéhINHelena paced up And down bar room In a fever of axciw moat. -- - _ -.. '9Ch. Heaven! what shall I do?" also cried. bringing forth the [and will from ita tyiding-plaetr, and gab ’98 at " like one stunned. The voice Att conscience onswered: "Go away at once." "If I had not come here all Squire tyunerouU money would ha." been divided between his wife and Frederick. And now it in mine-tut Impoltor. Oh, I should go sway from here. I wonder that Ollie Cam- cron does not come back from the W?, and strike me. dead for usurp her rights. But can I glvo up what I have sold my life almost to Att_a_ipr-oypn lo the man I lovo?†*me his†Wm her the mumm- of.yea.r| pad and gone, when toil sud every privation known to the but poverty were her lot. How ulna bud toned early and bu in the work-room for the more“ pivtameo-atearcelv enough to keep soul and body together--suftvrintt Illgh'u, scolding- and mubbings trom trate forewotn+ and jealous com- ttost-all fof her duly brand and a um: room. HEW long she erouettod mere, her bhuh burning and her mm! full of ' confused thoughts. Helcrui nev- ". km In. If there was ever 5 young 3111 In thin world who had tasted to the M1 the bitter truita of wrest pover- tr, “at girl was Hetems---1tetxutita1, funky. guilty Helena, who had mum tuck . daring and desperate trtl .n to live the me of . Indy, tempted by ‘Mturlng gold. " cry a impair lea. her-- Wadggair. pod mm. "l will kill myself," she sail. In hr with, "before I will go back to an old lilo again! Yet how an I “In what belongs to Frederick Cage thton?" aha cried, sinklng on ber - and rocking hens“ to and tro .. an. run-awed Vivian mm Mid. “In! ly. only the day prior-2. "H I“ has not» returned. Heb-m. Fred. g: Outlaw would nave "maria-d _ '0! '" Iquln's tortumF--he nude I that died. long since," "tte - “fizzle of her In. Ina- - ' amid lb. gtve up wealth ttQ "e-" oh. back Into pawl-t] - 'll' '0 my“ wnu nova: cad mammo- no wen, _ "Poor mlerick!" murmured an m. bunny. "n I burned c'.' In told herself, "BYodqriek “It! kn Mo own, tor t mould - mo. 1t--rt" Ed ' m mighty wu the love, that 'titat to lunch the will out 1- 'TIN .WII hand- our the gun-ht. and Mt h Ila-“hi aim-on up. hr. m. manna-mg: "It In 7 '55 'W Don'- uke," u the In" 'ia, .0! who curl up from the _. i,ftlt'll's""""u'""' « _ I hot breath on in C' i I - or Wu " nnly - $BElg C . who Main. kt he on: q " ' Li .M, , ' - mid turn her head . hum amt! the mm and In. Moron. with ', - utd ttter-distorted C â€and, Mom ha. T uh cried, In o woe- tttMr- ..rf't. -ton, "I know . you . to m Hatchery. I - tt'l2"Jgrr"r,f',a"d ' Mold. no no. A" m id a. m h" I vary Arlqrt mm will," T m “In“ . t%mtttq ay- M.nood pm b'uâ€~" Ch! 'tt mrtthp C “to“ initial. A "a In Alli- cl "Ii- W‘a I...†“A â€M' 4E HEIRESS OF - CAMERON HALL. that link. ouch BY LAURA JEAN 1aBBEY, "mm" a an. W. "Y an .0 - "an†mud; to In. In. Cantrell. I "up 1 band tb- wut; n h - to any It. Inch (I. duvet-mu tr. htemsthqthrqrutrqrh.t. Walt .eieyqtrer1yi' mm;- mnuvr- um? ---.- "A also!" Vim W. "'rhe -rrho-u,-mWmre& . queue-nut)- “(hula-mot hoator_Aaatr.itmrttand ot tuhvooddmmtorltum thrust you into who. tte burning s Man‘s-nail“? "I did not not." gnaw-1d mv nc. ml}. "1 Inc can (horn-(ht ttetttat. Gould! mummy“ pot-3. tor It. Ptetaar" "In. " than. than m luv- to- mud“ at... to me. you." If puod '0'â€. and in. “Mind It than“. "dughttlucum on m. whit. nub-o a Hui-n hou- uml, than“ I‘m. "I no." "(and a. all. slowly, “I uncut-thud no“. Look " the will, Vlvlul." Ibo “claim“. wham- ly. "Ewan/thing w" H: uncondi- tionally to me. And I buratod It “at. the now might tro to you and Frederick Ounloton. " . form will direetod, which Wu and. Mon F- a can. harm." For as ttgrtagit Vivian Won was “My dun-mod; an room new» ad winking ground be: aatd an lights to dum. "Grout. Bum!" Oh. unnamed, - than; up tho slurred lragmnu; whahit Helen's word: were than? Had ha tuashand, whom me ha married tor cord“ gold, cut ha- otr without a penny - the paltry dowel“! _ T "M tho prootl for yourself," add Bolton. calmly. And with trqrn- bling has" and u: aahen (m Viv- urn gathered the fragment. In her Jeweled was and Jpn-end than upon the table. ud then ID. knew the truth. All Minor. was shocked when the Iquire'l will was mad . few days later. So provision Watt nude for his beautiful daughter Helen. Ev- errthimr he pom-eased was equuny di- vidod by the deceased millionaire] bequalt between In. young wile Vivian and hi- nephow, Frederick Carleton. True. it was duly drawn up before his daughter had returned to (‘nmer on “all; but u . later one had been made In had evidently desiroyod It, tor none other W‘I found. Tot Helen. tttill remained It Cum- $grogt Hall, and society looked on in pitrit the bmustiful outcast who found sheik! bones“: her step-moth- " root. Yet. lung. to uy. of late Vivian had seemed to be grow- ing quite fond of Helen. How Wu the world to know of the dark so- mt between the†two, and that in heart Vivian ham the lalr young girl to whom the owed Inch B drrtst ot “Munch. 0n th- gsrtesrgtoon me will we. read Frederick Cutleton sent up his card to Helm with the urgent re quest that It» would not refuse him en interview. A tow moments later she entered th- with a [manning nap. How his heart throbbed as hr gazed At the slender little tltrure in blank he: that .dvmed so ttmid- 1y to (not Mm! For . moment the beautiful face ttutrhed crimson, then {Sued to A dead white. a she draw back hegltntlngly. “HOW the must detest me foe com- ing Mm her and her Inherit- ttgf." . D W. with, . Nth! I (h. Hin be. an“; I you. training can. m the tall. swwut mu: ha in “arm could never In con- tent “II. that beautiful face lmilod for tthp. He would can the fortune that should have been Hel- enn’l on one condition only, and that Wu tint he might “to Helena "Won't. on come into the comet» vstory?" L' _ rather conluaed- 1y. "I h." Iomethlnz to--to lay to you." Ho “th that the bountiful p.r- fumed b’louoml might teach him in what worth to tell her what Was in MI he=rt--og the great, passionate love that ware-ting hia_life away. Fhet WI. " the money in the world command to what the loss ot her love would luv. been to him? He put. the thought. from him In they walked together through the Militant. blooms, Atta, yank! that my could walk trauma in. “use†satin-e Camcon'l will an him an chel- lent opportunity to declare his love and runs. the mu: bestowed on unimtiy upon him. He found her m past when the trohb en Inn-hing {all the brightest, and In dawn beside her with I“ of a law's “In! intimacy. Neither of th- aw . “mur- than than“ the green foliage, or now a which. mun-had (we. framed m gold-I Mir. peering " than through the brunt-a at the wins. . For I woman t deep clients. in bottle. than. " was strum that may an not but tho lunar! bro-th- ln‘ " the vmn -rated from an only by m mm of the palms m mm they did not hqrr the wild analysing oe her his“. hmVIvl-n.ndnlunoodun vootadtottmqtot.-ingatutam with Club-MM. to: And (lo-mung ennui. lint-ad tom»!- hblouuucro-hlnpo. . v. "my“ how “at mull mmhwyou? buyout-0' what I - u -torotr9rgt w to†in" no. met." Hut-nDodha'rWC,urlqu uwWMMa-W gluon. - In lound h. on. cud dtdh.-hqrth-todrtr%rateo he? new“ tank. flown - Artd hm who.“ " muons Till GLOBE. In a â€In It up. " - 'iairiii WI. . nun-gamma» . .MI-‘onwoovd - "'2ht'l'h'fltS"d%lll"t','lTI geyttttfPSertrt'rtt but "1‘02â€!“ but.» a M. 1m. oi tttee at - colt-Ion. I “JAVIER XII '2efLtliiffiiiritr3 pct "iir-abem,r%ef". t “up an!!! M!" "+ U -+ - d'ettul. - an.“ be; We... OM m5 Guat- '---' - - " I-pho'." he Iâ€. m, with. he too young :34 -riout.d to understand mac. od M kind thoroughâ€, but and " h (once-hr "AH I.†my tetrotthrt mil III M without . eo'tor " In on. we, upo- ‘1th m att" Mr all pity? Ah, Pl" "facile w -trt tt as... WIS: "t" mu. Wu." If“. me an cl " on “92.06:. â€a I can not at .. low. so. with It, - 't%Eh and. tmulouly. " h " "In to bar into- W. 'tDo yon mammal .0. Yu- ond?" to whiny-rod. ttiq up“. to. fairly glowing with " you to. hi it: “I “at you to - m M, [or t low. you, M It.“ you w. would not be worth am. in) that you care {or an a um. inaqtttrtt, “not one!" he and, M. driving the “enabling thr- Ire don. in his ombrm. "Look up into - w. Boles-n. and tell no that " love hu not ban (in. In mt “I Baton We. could an." Mm tho luv.- ol tttq palm tn- puts! manly. and Vivian can. hurl-ud- ty - tho new. want!†them . tisoasatt.-esnc.ttrthoruatuot In. In“ skirts. giving mm Nat “In. to drop the little white Int-d he “I Inning so mien-my and at. I - or two backward "Ah, it. you an, Helena!" ‘lhe cried. "I have been looking the noun sad [rounds over tor you. " Mr. Cutloton will kindly ucuu you for a - moment I nub-ll be glad of your aaitancet in my Boudoir, A mm “mm, dear." "viviiG" Jim,ta putty wrprlu a In. - the two standing magnum: by an gnu-lung fountain. . Ftoturtrr& could only Bow, but tn " "ttrt he was bitterly etuurrined at Vivian’s 1nopportunty appearance. But he managed to whisper, u he bowed low over Helena! hand: "I wilt come to-morrow for my on- swer. Bo kind to me, then, my during. all when I have you T wm be the hymen man in the world it you tell me that my dearest hope In to be ranted.†Helena tried to answer him, but tho words died away on her lips, and n ma moment Vivian hurried hee away. "My beautlful darllng!" murmured Frederick Geetleton, gazing wlstlul- 1y at the slender, girlish "ure tut- tlng nwey by V;viatt'tr Ilde through the green lounge. And he smiled to himsel! u'he remembered tho jealous flange that hud shot through his heart with the tear that she would look kindly won Herbert Renwies, his deeper“; rival. “How ground- leee were all my fears." he ruminat- ed, "tor " love, tender, soulful and sweet, ever shone out ot giriisrh eyes. it Ihone out of Helena'a as they was mined for one blissful moment to mine. at the moment Vivian ewe upon In!" -r... _. Aunt whistling a gay refrain of sons. ho walked rapidly from the oonscvttory; god as he reached the porch he not Herbert Ruwlck - ceqdlyg the blond marble steps. -6Wi" {night bow passed between these two who had been web de- voted friends. -- - It m but. a trifliug matter Vivian had brought Belem to her boudoir to discus. null it had served tho purpose uh- had in view of 'separate ing Helena and Frederick Cant-lawn on aha could breathe an answer to tho grant nvowal that had wrung to MI lips. "8h. win give an answer to-mor- row." Vivian d-‘mnined. "I will has! him his answw, and " will not he a [dammit nho. I ttttreg." - phat-hours Vivian pacedrhcr elegant boudolr “this and planning. while In M on room Helms. In. by the GGGrindG', her flushed face buried In the crummn roses that nodded again-tr the casewent. "He loves me," she murmured, in a .titied, frightened voice, "but I-- I-eurq not love him! I, who am only " poor sewing girl. and who In.“ nolen Into a dead girl's home, and (Mme! _ An imrtmrter--aMvrr- [as with dread when I am brought he. to {use with strangers lest the consequence! of my folly will fall uP- on m hand then and there. I must not link Ml proud, honorahlc life With mthnd. yet. how can I ttive Mm up? I can not xiv. up my love. When he discovers the truth I an diei't _ T To-morrow-he would give Freder- felt Ma inner. and that answer would be-yes. She dared not think of the (mute: she would live only In the patent. She had gum too far to draw buzk now. And an uh. looked out o-er the M hills. unother [not mac up be lore her; the face of one whom she had quito forgotten. and 3 voice sound to whisper through tho no". wind that "and the trees: "Never In Mu to no. Helena, for If you we I should am mysclt. and per- hspo both of no: for the palrs of loo- irttt one '0 love " n thge"'"' times won. than dam" "lurk will we find me now," In Vin-pad]. "he has erased to can! for no long linen. Poor hots- ," Int!" Ch. .tghed, And for an Brat “In II - lim one realised what lurk - MW Mend by the lo- ot MI Ian 7 - - -ihat Tf Mel asthma nhould goji,,'p,tht"'"""'h"b"" Joe? lurk. -. _ _ _ _ iaai" Ibo w- anes Wet Ona- tMoI’I W“. m- wound mummy him to p ttttroad, when than would be no Mb ehnm- ot or meeting In]. For Bot only would he Mt- - Itch?“ her, but in would do- nne- It More a. wand " an ti-tar,' 1.1 you to h. hon-Ina! lov- M to m Eda: Hath- . pull- uecut. “a not ov "at our“ We): - w and not " (hmm “I. by Man'- umln Ir.vttettem, and - cool bown m "mound Mm- an. 7r? ttmtl." 11m own. m Mud mu I ma: this†“to“ s'rStet".'t'tgtt"ttu"2t “mu“CMs that-0mm.“ a. â€toâ€. â€has“ -oumdeets'.tts_ “of. be. Burt" hotly: “at I. could (he - m. that I. could in you than glam:- M out a. .dmirtag - and. Us In." but. and his win. mm "I would an; be A low “3. and each pullout}. word should vityrtto with the low on and his -. _ And In an: _ he will aw: clan. for with u carefully the... love-Iona Mounts appeal. from . lovln‘ohurt can be bro-that] tank and t which Wu! liprs could nave “unwise and court‘s to nut. And more than on mum] mum bu pinned . hunhand through tho In- diana. ot s sweet and - low long. V “Chili - “In“ 2Sgil'tt,1'."gta',2h"ttt m -'w,. “kWh “GUM.“ I mmua-Wu in " Wood bot-Vanuatu! wt6-ihutntrhtmta-tttath' would an“ him-ell to W. “In. but - be! S. It. tick h, mm m!" and "vb. my. "In." - Id... Isl-1n; - †dark a. to Vivian'- ha; "bet I not at â€all. that would plan no um: that to but il- 00'." Herbert Binwlck In. down at the phno. nu his firm, whit. ttttarse' ow the has, playing " own no- mutspassizmmt. mm. " m. [and With emotion as hit an. barytone vote. brok- into the swat retrtUw. move, rd (in up my hope of the skis But tor . mug from tho- lips, love. Or but for one glance trom thin. Hug. Surrounded by beauty and pride; My heart at. thy feet would I tling, "'I'gid'r" be my quoan-be my Al the sweet refrain died awny from his lips Herbert Renwick's hoe ttushed and than grew deadly pale an ho hurriedly arose and stood leaning over tha piano by Helen's 5.6.. "I might see that heart form. I might see and seek in vain; Yet to win one sigh so tender, I'd pay with a. “tribe ot pain He took the prettly little white hand In his own that was idly turn- ing over a book of music, and his “but, piiiMonix"re eyes tiger}? scan- nod the ginl’s fuse to tind w answer to his wag. But there W9. no light of love In the dark, velvety eyes raised to his. Wu it polaible she did not under- stand him? 'Oh. heart that no plasmas: can 'Oh. would of thin world I were "Come out on the balcony, Hel- m." he whispered. “I can not speak to you here. You must com; I have Iomethlng to say to you." Helena. started back. She knew what was coming; yet she leemed quite Inmpable of refusing to go with hun, and Frederick Miami]. watching them [Mendy from tho other end of the room, - then pass out on io the rose-unbowa'od bucony togetha._ _ . _ . “She doe; not love him. in low. me," thought Frederick, triumphant- ly. "U he declares his love, the ul- swer my darling will give him will be 'No,' PF he mused, confidently. A halt hour rolled by before they veturned to the parlor. It is a mystery why women endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness, omgortnittsts,hitsh_ries)tolr,rtAt1tfn1t. and Dizzy Spells when thousands hive proved that Electric Bitters will quick- ly cure such troubles. “l sufttsred for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Chorley, of Peterson, Is., "and a lame back pained me so I could not dress mysell,bnt Electric Bitters wholly cured me, and, although 73 years old,1 now am able to do all my housework.†lt‘overcomes Constipation, improves Appetite, gives perfect health. Only Nhs. at B. Snyder’s drug store " I. Ono's I)", to Prison! I Plenu- l-g A-oe. Th!- nory I- told In Denver of I man who was one. s landing morehnnn thou. In the only dun an†cm be walked In “no“. out 0 or}. and many. Ho wu poorly clad. hm new Ind clean. He sought nmployumu from a prosperou- - 1nd nld he was willing to do nnythln‘. The mer. chant at length um him Into his eel in to clean out I room no family dirty 'hn many a common hhorer had mr fund to cum it. When ttte young man ttpp-d In the "all". ho I‘ll an neat In hi. lppetnnco " tte hurl been In the morning. " c.qtrr. the merchant though ho had dol- link or nothing. But when I. III the all". den and (rub, ho anid to the young DRESS AS WELL M YOU CAN "You've not only MI on you M will!“ to work. but “to am you have some raped for â€mall. I [out I'll [In you I Job.†Tm. young nun. who tgt a m "on bonnie the hold of a. alt-lino but noun. renting: the I-pmnt fact that the worhr It often mauled u deco t.s n " work. " In I an“. int) m " mtlttw man to an. as well " I. all do"! w Nowhm In mm†do. tho poorly dun-ad an Ind my - M " In; In: the Iowa: at- d nun-I and plan an In em I - cola-I. Imm- crawl In MI! W 0km: but“ of bard-I and HM- u ttr-d-ttroto-h- Tron him-om In mtqrNeettt to“ no (but mom NM! of mm moo-Ian. "vil- blown.†I colon that gram no“! a Innu- and than Mad In I W all - odd and handful. Mun": te name may h - Mini mm as. "NH-M“. no human and mm at!“ C no mm nun-wk to no u b m on M at a. m A DEEP MYSTERY. (To be continued.) Cures and like. Penal. Won. f'aims'Mtslery compound nun» (have. In“! "I m “an. Ion-nu Wonk tad Desperation. You! at “We“ at! tau by physician And In use In. Emily madl- clno has may proved that W. Celery Compound in nu world’n but and mu nibble medicine. - Makes New Blood :1 Builds Up the System. The relative mom nod anatomy o! hind: Color! Compound, in coagul- wn with all on)" remedies for tanking peoplo well, in olenrly Ibo!!! In tht in . tangent obstacle: and mpomlblg mndlng of the people who (0-day rely on it to cure utaotnrtia,ttervouy downy, rhoumstum, unruly“, liver and hid- ney trouhlu Ind blopg diam. D†VI ‘w-w - It HaaMatThe Need: ' InductInPut. It. power of rapidly repairing the dunes and cleaning the blood make- Palne’l Celery Compound the great aver of lilo that itis " brings to the week and otrtsrirttr tho needed namment to the nerve tipsum' all over the body, end Incl-ene- lhe volume of heelthy blood, so that a breakdown of some vital part 13 averted. Thousand: of llvee now fast wearing away can be saved if Palm’- Celery Compound be promptly and. It you are numbered amongst the nick ones, procure Palne'e Celery Compound to-dey, and can it: hsutlth-rtsetoring powers. This issue of'rhe Canadian Almanac, which tonne the fifty-fourth ot the series, is unusually valuable, and in in- dispensable to every villa and library in the Dominion. Many of the lien given are not found ekbwhore, and in no other volume can so much informa- tion about Canada be found in no small a space._ _ .. Paine’s Celery Compound F in this year of military activity, special attention has been given to Military Mater; {n thy meinipni . . The renal“ of the elections both in Canada and Britain are given. A short description is given of the British Gov- ernment, with a list of the principal offieiBhs, .aud a brief account of the emcee. The New Dominion House of Commnne will be found in full, with a list of the successful and defeated can- didates. The Provincial Governments In 3130 given,wlth a. list of1egftr1atarss m1 prlncipal governnlent emcee. -itk cGuGi, Tariff is revised to due, ad the Post omce Directory and Gazetteer. _ As s directory The Canadian Al.. menscis unsurpassed. Full lists are given of the Clergy of all denomitttF tions; Societies end Institutions; Schools, Colleges and Universities; Barristers and Solicitors in Ontario; County and Municipal 0ff1msrtr, Town- ships, Cities, Towns and Villages; Division Court Clerks, Police. Magis- trates, etc., etc Astronomical In-. formation, Tables and Statistics, Tide Tables, and general liifoirmftTiitT6r m kinda. The Historical Diary,which has been auch an interesting feature for the put few years. is continued, Price in Paper Covers, 400 pages. 25 cents. Published by THE Con, CLARK cow PANY, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Tondolin Bitten heale the stomach, 1 etnpe ell neueea and burning, melee. food digest, euree dysperrmlts,eartses cou- siipatiou. A wonderful blood purifier. puree rhenmatiem, curee cetarrb, and nil dieeneee arising from e disordered state of the liver, kidneys and bowele. 25e a bottle " Nevilleâ€: Drug Store, Berlin, or 8. Snyder's Drug Store, Waterloo. Vanmear, Veterinary Mr 26011, 35:35 it ie the bee! medicine ever came to Belleville lt cured my eon end I believe eeved hie life end where the beet praetitiotMmr oould not find e medicine to help him end Tondolin Bitter, made eucha quick cure. There must be eomethlng in it. Acre diner- Ienr from the ordinery remediee. Geo. ;Beker aye it will cure rheumatism. I ‘proved it efter suffering for fourteen yeere. Robert Porter, it will cure eel- etiee; John BellLit’e e quick cure for rhenmetiem; Mr. Vendervoort, Prince Edvard Co., error two yeere’ suffering Tendolin Bitten cured me. Wm.Prioe The doetore mid I hed chronic dye p- »ie end liver dieeeee. I wee e enact I hed magma erouudllke e beby. Tondolin rough: beet health end ottmsgttt end now I am no out and work with eny one. Every battle he. the name Tondoiin blown in the glue. Menufeetured by ProtJee. Blntr.-k A bill of (limo. in being drum up tor ll. ttymro of Toronto, nun who! nomad 1.:an Hiddlom, now do- lug I mm in Kingston ponitontury ml. in. nun, numbe- tn 0:- ransag-"arggï¬ tiira'N tt',t1tltl". .. seï¬W 'ltltt=klt,Trt - r'i'h'i'htti'2t THE CANADIAN ALMANAC. TAKE ONLY TONDOLIN‘ FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS I an“ t I 3. ml Blood and gy'iil;e"i','h"iitqggt! iiiiisi',tiititif' nil than“. W33 miivaiiiiaiE " I is/ig' f,ill1itiiirt. 'tt1t,'d'.Nar tutiir.eiri? 1ertrt2tsiiil M.A. LLB.. QC" C“ ao.. m “Mil-rho WM 2'2. m. P. &_mm aMgettl -re,7 1.'er.ittgti -- & trm v|w1I I v s. _ a...“ l I __ f . “I! _ef, ilSi; sfiiii2't'l'h'hllyt'iiit NFii .35- .... Jlr 1"“? -iFr.iiirsrr,L'2'..T,C,C'i,T. lewd, ' “W" " v," 'it., I I m. tha M “an? loan: a 1'rc"8ttC8ttat fl,'.':,."',':','.'.":', iii-ik. I, 1'l1t1'1'11T_.._-...--. our choice when.» _C.,,", W noun. . . In Hot L ' to blame-v.1 ._.__.__..__ JEWIBEIJ). 0m () “A! muddy-Iqaluit wad-om 1r"h4llia"ld'tsa-s, m. sud-I n- to do h "In“ and M h"gt'U'ftl,,iut.'u"dNll'g'l i,5,gt,r, WSIM‘M‘TME w. gland 'st'ittal1)hrS â€I. Il.": D.B.IG.~E 'ggi". De n. - w.t.trr sPdJ',t 'tf,'rth,t'iilllrii't'eE.? 1.9-. _-----------------" mm}. mm . qrer.e J?,l'21al,t/llyilr,tt'lii 13mm Wham; (t2ht'lifl, I,".T2,T,,2',"d,1 , 3 y ' Mfumxgï¬gggaï¬ï¬mmmï¬mï¬ am a... we: 'l5 Prion-W um t ' . t,i'e,'tPW""t""' Wâ€-"""" "t mm mu 'rate., I p. G. T. NOEKIR. Med-um of Tm UM. Meantime of the Congo " Eur was and Aooouchcunol On d annular treated. ofBetq-- w [dd-lot. Albert Street Wayne. I mm with of an Into w, Wald-I‘- m Tm iii-3mm DR. W. J. SCHMIDT. 'gnt,t Gndmu of ‘urouh M and d the Raft Collage of Dean! Bum a Oettar. Io. Al bunches of modern "da'tNt-rttrd inelndi crown nod Mun-k vnd who dentin. Land ammun- not! Me ger,t extraction. Wm visit. an Jacob-Gk Tri- d.arofth.etttu Olin. “in In Lt m De u LBS. Wool]. on II I . ' I. on] sar.2,t',1f.ltft. Tum Plarg,'t; Aubrmchos of iiiuustiarmeV Ole. n Juan's mock, Berlin. over by“ Bron: more, yummy bonus: mu; m- -. -- m" E "iiii isTiiiirirtFiiokr _ . 1tt.ttAltiitdnttott, n.3,, B.B.8. Damn-0mm!- Btota,T0teeMts. " NI WILLS. L. D. B. C. wanna. D. 'hh MM Waterloo. Will um mill. h! Hon-o. the second Thur-d†“a Friday and - Thur-any Bud him " cash math $111!!" ip, III. own!) In (it punk- our-nun at teeth. I'M Watch» bft1etq will he closed "a: PM" W from Mar tst no Nominal- m me t mm [VERY AND EXCHANGE "ABLE 0m. yuan, Prom. All kind- oonveyuaoon con- nur on M Nas modal-nu. mu- In your at will Il':',,',,-.,',',',,',',,'.':.", â€01mm momquo-a. (ii'le'1"l','/'lh' of M At " I," M Watt ANN' BARB “.380? F2, 'ttit'?.') !?t"t:'siirkt I: I gun. a “mud" m at! W! hi on. l!yi,,'11'.'kmm " 553mm: wan-b SM] O. HUGHES. WI. m r gun-I ttth"'""" "Iâ€. w Oftiti. Canadian Block,’ Berlin. M “If“... Shop "my. MISCELLANEOUS MEDICAL DE NTAL DENTIST. LIVERIES “M" mum up We lb 't,i7ii'il cnnun. of "rsdrira It, .mh-M KIM!" “ Ill-10.1 hum“ 9: h Of all kinds. “hiking at: ==r-. and sporting goods HT 'rl'tBlqt our specialtia. ' a... MW ' 1nd :3 ." ttr.._-eitttttMreISt 2:211qu Rembuhgi CIGAR STORE. Near the Rtiluly Truck. “turbo Firat t5ltttttt Watches, Blocks Atl1t Jewell-1 J .’ DOERSAM’ Kipling T10. Newest shades and coloring' also a fine lot of 'HUE Front Shim Our stock of furnishing! in more complete than an. Try us for your next he chin etc J. BIIZEB, Waterloo Wells Drilled Wind Illls Supplied All kinds of repairing done at reasonable price. We represent the th-the CreuaatdMotorthhttte - .k BRANTFORD Voting-nun“. all». Woman .' nun-uneven. :5? era-mum. _' . Just Opened , Out Hood-.345 1900 Models 1.eeeee,tdPe Coast} 1th - Bit%iiiil Hematite. i'%a" WA LEAPER BROS HAWKESVILLB NowndSdelnd“ Jacob Ball DOERSAM'S “arm m or lat-ho