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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 24 Jan 1901, p. 2

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- .. by the ennui meetihg on i-tiii,:',,,;; the Berlin Baud in T . I in the right direction. it FV the meet mac-ml meeting held any you“. The membership has jr" thandonhled during the you and . - " the ruminant total of The iitmgMt6tt are in good shepe. 't't,1att,',',2Sl'l'." men were pree- Ih numbers. Bat these oat- - evideneee of ritalitetnd msesful- pm perhaps lees siga1tiaant than h-Imwidt of good nature, buoyancy, " “salinity which prevailed. One ”my felt that he was among 9. M of e hopeful 1sonfid6tttNr hunk“, in the Board's ottietsrtg u! in their town. 3 During 1900 the Board of TradfyMr Wed-cine important work, the "tntrtral item of which was the pro- '.t9tr of Inother railway. Though, Ell.v they did not do it all. yet every minded person will concede them very generous slice of the credit in 1 connection. One thing which con- V ttr threetened the Board's useful- Fii'iii: “who. 'et'ett " A “ammMMMv‘ ili.a-titeetPt'ty.l'f, _ mum!“ ohm“ 5:” mad. of ”but, optn- tf,tt,tr','S,fd',l'l"; Upon the d mania”! 8°"m'nm" Wad winning the product .113...de hummus ur- - gum.- opinion Alway- um I, Must, was the constraint. not _ A! antagonism existing between‘ In of In members and the Town' M. Emmy lo essential to the . malt! and the Telegraph is mod to note the frank and straight "I!!! stand publicly taken by Mayor- ht Bowlby on Thursday evening. Hi to two bodies working unltedly bob-toole- vhloh sauna: be over- bo will be low. you impel-ant mutton no tore- hdmvod " 1901. The big furniture ahe Annual meeting qr the North, "eetoo Agruultural Society or whit Mt of it-and In a funeral "air. '"reeato't “calcar- and other-pust- . upon-1n“ u the annual meet I” [morally “coined by u bate . The North Waurloo Fall _ I h the In: stage- of decline and , mo elixir of life is speedily in- . the Mon] ooremoniu no only E: 'te,','.",', -tm.oettll Ant-m a m an tttttttgl'.:',')':,": " hmmdmmo k Manhunt-m! mum-ad.de trerttrig My Mime!- to hummus-prom“ Ttto title “and" body, ttttt not m tro-tttteo In a step forward. I m, ttpot members of the " Council and Board of Trade go bodie- will, " all mas, be kept clone touch with each other. An “will be mud; to secure for new! mttbtstttrrsrtt a level assessment for a' II of years. They will pay the full I on a low ueeeement with the muse that their “seamen: will the altered during that period, no in! how much they enlarge their " Altogether the ontlook for Ill, u we stand upon the threshold A“. 20th century, in exceedingly it - otttme. Those " Wednes- P, nudng Input hive ftrlt that they h its very pro-one. 5nd Ihndow (an. The Bond will be A a - the Direetoo by putting . ‘ would fences into better tl Something trlong thlsllne in ' tmt " ii fat from being enough. , II wrong with our Full Fair er " Other phoe- succeed. Wool- Ib' V WM,‘ WIImot, And North r - m In. good “In. Why B. - [nth llm plus we bo- , $1M; town-hip Mn “ " Mun memo! the . g. - am sad while , We» North mam d c' but.» in mendodm 'lit .1 ‘ *r8"te6to'r'p and, “in - ii!» Itrooglyi " w. Th. Airig and ’1, mm m abound Ili/MN-rf" his lid. 'l' __ Arr" Unlu- no w. 'Rilli'i7itei'l. III-ul- _ 7, ii ttLt?,.', but» a. " - . V - hum. _ c, My“ FiG'iaoertttttt TI. n, o---- D pubmvmm-d- NORTH WATERLOO FAIR “his considering where to lo- It. had onion. Berlin should it, and the first business of the Into-ea what can be done drthtrenti, The formation of an we! rm: isthmus-anus - ”an. I” - h 'tai' " “‘Mmuuuuhhkfl' b. Boo! Wu: Cum Mn. In “mu-uh tmdxto" mummm British Emmnuon qisttmordst'dl-" unto "tGrid mama-m“ an an. Btstsae-retaidttlot. t-.ttotrettm-e.t' m whom noun-unnumb- “ovhhhoommnhotnkon. -. "In“: an: «arm “an"; M',.__u,_ v.1. Tk. POND I”. MOI. tr-tor of 'tent-tbe F - - . A” In Europe. In his at“! Wood-bot“ hunt Mute- moon Atet, am 'dr"gtt"= - . V orortaV W - unbound”. t,eytthgL"t,t'tleterl - --o-- Jon. a. points out t to dub- on: not . ,tetrtmite to noon-In drawat ttt Yd'.' rt'kue'.'2'll'u,'fi uni-u hotn vur anneal In whom: mm» "to In ("or ot u, m. m a...“ urn-n a,“ by an mm ”contaminant” no!» Door Wu and the an“ deem-u in WI plat and doing in m a» "',egdf Y',', “WM Wd In. mu o "out yar- n "-e-rorh “6.100 “ma” muted the demand lot mm Ut or "to ”NI-hm ot I IWFIofIl coed tho supply. way an commission. The vote (ll-cloned that tarm 2,t""Td" the pid Tth'? doe. not " o occuiou or upon thq Peopts WON in ttvor ofthe former him ot commuting the ndvi-.bmu by I may 01794, Ind of the r, "or ot emigrating in order to better M. by . WV ot266. condition an In did NM or an - AID. Dr Bryce, secretary or the Provin- cinl Bond of Kaleb, spenhing ot the enthreeks at smallpox in may parts of the United States, snid be greatly {cued we; hem time to time we might expect cues in this Province. During the put two months, “cording to American beelth repom, there had been 800 cues in Winonn, Wisconsin, in! which 400 still existed. During the some period there were 250 cases in Indiana, 100 of which were new in December. There were also 100 easel in Colorado inst month. The work- honee in Clevelnnd has been quaran- tined on account oi smallpox, and those committed hnve to be kept in the jail meantime. There is eise MI epidemic in the lumber camps of Mitshigart,while similnr reports come from Missouri and Kansas. During the last week of De- cember, 23,700 were vaccinated in New York. So far as Ontario is con- cerned, one case was discovered in London, while the employees of I cigar factory, who are suspected, are all qutsrtsntimsd. Farmers would do well tel note that the game laws are being much more atrlctly enforced than for- merly, and that the killing of tact/ smallgame as squirrels and rabbits oat of mason may get them into trouble. Within the past few days two charges for the slaughter of this class '0! game by farmers have been laid be- fore the Police Magistrate. Read up the law and avoid trouble. _ Hero is the line along which Wood- stock is working to get the head omen of the Furniture Syndicate. The Sen- tinel Review says: The stock of the Company is now being offered through the local press and a good subscription list from Woodstock would be certain to have its ireilatmee with the directors. Sev- eral local capitalists of great acu'enees in tinatteitd matters are showing their faith in the concern by taking stock. Mr. Hugh GuthrieTM. tt., oC9ralh _ Wellington, has been choeen to move t the address in the House of Commons l in reply to the speech from the throne , " the approaching session of parlia- n ment. We congratulate Mr. Guhrit i', on the proffered honor. He will doubt a lone do credit to himself and his cr-n- h stitnente. A born orator, and nos / wooed, in a. marked degree, of talents f which tit him for public life, Mr. Gnth- , View friends look forward with much l tsonf1donea to his parliamentary career. Hamllton will hereafter elect her alderman by general vote. -- Lu, The old Idea that the body some- times needs I powerful, draatio, purga- tlve pill has been exploded ', for Dr. King's New Life mm, which are per- footly harmless, gently Itimulate live' and bowels to expel pol-anon: matter, clause the ”awn and absolutely cure Contstipatitm end Mek Head he. Only 350. n B. Snyder'a drug “or: The New York "Butt". of a recent r date up: Ten wu tlrttt imported i into Runni- itt 1638. 'ro-or each in- t' lithium oonnumeo, on the average, i nearly one pound manually. Thomtal t consumption la 106.000,000 pounds, , sad the total on“ nbo'm $88,000,000. I Ten m-l up: “other mammals: , nbont $265,000,000 per year. For 1 ‘bmdy, beer and wine the country l loxpondo Innnnlly About $650,000,000. , uo that nomethlng lit. A quorum of the , annol of the at.“ In nnnnnlly ex- panded on n,trN wine and beer, _ with m. not “was mum Manning, has It npponn tttat the gt,'d,tNvat,21t plum tome ---. oononmmulon 2Z2'l' be M. It lano- unrh In that an ant-gonna , outrun! ulna the Inhalation ot the , tte'.'""'"" an. of Ceylon nod Norfolk. who I: m th a cold, pro- “and "The PM). and the Quin-on." He um; "Re Ma tho um hump w. mud “an! wolf-n a “In; null-JO Nara at". an TEA VS. ALCOHOL IN RUSSIA rev-Mn. would“ I: " “I hunq‘ W‘tlo‘l. in" EDITORIAL NOT” BLOWN To ATOMS. non-”mun din ado! "t ”mum-annual. "Ottawa, " m nun- . - VHF,” BRITISH LABOR!” PIOSPEROUS. ago .lgunm ore-lulu. Mr. Preston [unmi- that, notwith- standing tho v-ry largo expenditure at public money by the Dominion during the Inat twenty yet" or more. with n View to sanctum; an English people upon the climatic cow dition. uni resourca of Guru“...- toniahinz ignorance is to be not. with on chry lids. He uyl upon this point: - “The agents of the Government havc not only to (ace this tact to begin with, but, in addition, they also ttnd not a littl. diniculty in overcoming prejudice. which hnvu been instilled into the minds of pro- spective emigrant: by misapprehen- lionl. growing out of mintnmmcntl in the public webs from correspond- onta who, trom time to time. [no publicity to their Vle\Vl for the bone- fit ot the community in which they lie.. T ha following In an extract of a. fair nnuiplo of communication. which occasionally appear in tho English pross in rcglrd to Manitoba and the Northwest: _ d tl 'Tbe wheat grown with great ru- pidity, and with immense prumlao.‘ until-well, until one tine day in tho} midst of harvesting the wind will drop, and to-morrow All wheat not cut, by binders racing around against time, will be practically ruined by n terribly severe front. Hence the BX- pression out there that "tanning is like gambling," and the established tact that tour-tiron"- the 431,000 tarms in Canada are mortgaged." “This is from a letter evidently writton by one who had been iTUart- min and had not been successful, It agiliuared in The London Standard (in August 27 and incidentally reach- ed my hands on my return from the continent about two “woke: txtter- “urns. A reply from me correcting the evident misstatements was given a. place in The Standard immediate- [ 1y. of Blvd In "oo----'. Ion-In I. was I" '" Wmmbw w" [M “The correspondent probnhly hud been induced to go to Canada with fals- expeclations of an easy road to succ f awaiting him there, and sine. 'iii?rt'i?ci, no doubt has done Cam. tt a incalculahle harm, irith the frequent use of just such expressions PU my nnnus on my return irum Luu _e._- -"-"w' "”'I‘l 'outincnt about two “\ka aitcr- tor him. The D.O.C.'l In the an!» wards. A reply from me correcting ent district. will m". ”twat the evident misstatements was given lions, and in tho Northwest the a. place in The Standard immediate Mounted Police "in afford "cry - Lv. portunity to recruits to get til the "The correspondent probably had Information they dtttrirq. been induced to go to Canada with Troop-r lac-[hour- will. (also expectations of an may road to Winghnm, Ont . Jun. ".--A [fond succ awaiting him there, and sine. reception Wu given to Trooger "i,':'ii?rt'cii, no doubt has done Can- Lougheed of this town luv. nitluJ le n a incalcultthist harm, with the was met at the station by a "at frequent use ot just such expressions crowd of people from the town nnd as are given currency to in this let- surrounding country um! escorted to ter. An incident of this character the Town Hall. when . are”. reeep should prove a warning to agi-nts tion Wu given him. Tho town pre- working in the interests of Canada, sented him with a gold Witch. tatib. that it will not do to minimize the ably inscribed, and the people with . ditrculties which settlers in the new purse of gold, and song: And speech- part of Canada may have to face at mied the evening, and the brave tine tlisstttisficd sunk-r returning to boy, who sald: "Do not bandago our England can. through disappoint- eyes, so we can show you how Ctgttk mont, do more harm than can 'be dinns Can die." wound up the even- righted for your. of persistent ing with a short description of the work." work performed by tho Canadian [England ment, do righted work." London Timm, gration to South turial recommend nal itself to mp0 setting the disam a population fro, also gives a copy ti Mr. Preston continues: "Under those circumstances, I respectfully submit. to your Lordship that an emigration policy for Canada should he carried out without recognizing any of the restrictive inilucvtetr “him may trom time to time be evi- dent in connection with a suggchted Imperial policy. I think we Cannot txttord in any respect whatever. to have the Canttdian work intorterred with" or overshadowed by “Hal might be torlnoil 'omcitLitrtrt' m (hum Britain. V " the time torer cm in. which I trust it will not, when the 3.... no 'i'i7ii'i'i'ri. aw... an. through disappoint- more harm than can 'be for your. of persistent tity in wlrir'" they ing I. an extract. of of eouunurticatiot" s11y Appear in the rcgnrd to Manitoba Ied. TM du- that d to -tilrate from Bot W at the "an n" PM“ my“ any at with great rt.- mcnsu proutise, tine day in tho the wind will All wheat not Around against or "a. Dad Shooting Anny-t. , thc Parry Sound, Jun. ".--Whmt out tttt of wooing In the Send]: River on Mon- Bhare dny ummoon Sid Juice and Thoma “mu Ryder, jr., ton of Jonah mdor. 'rtrre ml of unfortunu. mouth to - their P We canoe. Couldmblo trouble was ox- an“... pcrlcucod in mchlhg an more. “d th PTT- both am. no" being drowned. A rt1tion nhotgun whteh was in the mo. Won! 'tht1rtot to “In bottom, And. Inc chtnginl tygtrity hin cloth-II. Tom Ryder ,rttttt out to " re- try to ttnd it. He succeeded In nil- Tm,rciott mg " by mourns of 3 pots, but jun rdship as he went to an hold ot the mm " nui- wont oft, striking him its the muscle hy Woodbridge. Jun. 19.--A present..- ttH tion took place here In.” trvenitttrin di- the Orange Ilan, when Pu. Jpha Jr- McGroarly of Kitchener'. Home, Just in returned from South Alriu. was pm ith sented with a gold watch, The ad- He dress Wu read by Capt. T. G. Wal- ich lace of the first contingan The. ittg McGrouly made a_sllilnble mply. -riu-.aoudU-i."'r'V . .mmuum‘wj -- . I p" .' 'otuws, In. and M - it“ mum " - tyd to 00 “0% .Nb om. m». VI. b I. W macs. nah M u be gum-Him. mun " CID tag, all. on at up I.“ “I. tor on pm. no. “a... b pron-rod hon an WM Ottawa, or the district. out - "sanding In an unnu- - 1- Ontario, n. Otu't. and“. 1" rottto um Kiwi-on. A - . - “you the arrival d - I. "tl. tetratheona, not... It. In. bean appoint“ “In” man“. one" for am. an. ”no. will be Fund upon " an - ud n nonhuman will ho ant tho eandHuta., who. mag-non or pear to him to In tutu-Jury. to mmhmunpluuuqum mun-muJou-tuwrpoud“ In; n;-.lly_uapud e.8 “PM - -- v~»7- 7* Appneouw - nu to - posted by two mutual-h M w Ipoulblo WI. would” I. - gard- riding. and shooting. a! Ito-dine" and noun-iota. _ . The was at prim In tho Ideo- tion ot undid-lea will b. " tuna": 1. lion who In" already and In South Alden. .. "r"iriicai, in.“ and In Ute mounted bunche- of tho What Corpl or an Nttrttomtgt Hound - {in who luv. don. this can. cutive yearl' “alum; In the - or MM Artillery ot the at!” mm- Pollen tia 4. Men who tum and tn the Royal Canadian 3.31m.” " In- fantry. _ - 4. _ s. Man who In” served In the h- !antry :nd Kurd-on nullity ot the active milmn. ft. Other applicant... From date ot 'sttaqt.Uors to date of arrived in South Africa the M will bo one shilling t26 on") ”r diem. Railway “no from plus of ltlm'atlon. also anal-tone. on route to port ot ombukntlon. will Mpnr vided. No subsistence wlll bo allow- ed prior to an. of departure tor point of goneentratiom mu Will I. no 1!.an II Gem-3 loan-r1 1.0001. can“; . Ottawa, Jan. 19.--Thero will be no dimeulty in gaming 1,000 men in Canada to Join the South Atrium U'orustabaury. Appllcstlom are reaching the department, from all parts tor poaltlonl on the foree. Bev- eral of the applicant.- a." now living in the United sum. Home of than who have jun. returned from South All-1m want to [o back. Then will be no enlistment until Capt. Fl“ ot the Strnthconu Home ranches hero. but evcrything will be in Indiana heroes 3-433 CONSTABULW. Goderieh. Jan. 19.--With lantern In hand. Bert, the 10-year-old son .0! Edward Wise. Bayfield road, went out to put the windmill out ot [at and in doing so Wu the victim at an accident. To put the windmm from working. the shifting ot & Irv.rsr Is necessary. And in this not his mit caught to a. pinion in the man.- ing. whieh twisted MI right arm. breaking it u the wrist. and mln above the elbow, At the Berond [rat lure the bone projected. the arm barely hanging on. It wu found not-emnry by the doctor to ampuuu the um " the shoulder. BECBUI us you mum A nun. The days between tho 18th all so. of February, 1900, will b. whim In the history of O. m A“ war. Tho pert “to! by moo-nih- u-oopom with] who- “. “M d an ttorttt".-o- W'- lomd to nmndot will be -hue.tr ';,'aS't',',", :2',u1tl"llt 'te coon It“ In no pblm an no . 1000.. II (MI. tre te ttt mt-tba. A 11.1 . In. I - all; _ _ ' . m! - new. 4 JiiGhirt mu ind bully menu. tho much. Warn-w. Jan. 19. - Tho Ham old son of . reap-cub]. Jew hm hanged bimbo" the other "e. Be Mt n ion. suing: "I have In!“ mylcll out. of mu. curled“. I It.“ not help mu". 1 had to and on. what any war. doing In an other world Anon“:- In Inch“. - rm cum". but .1: Arm iguana DAY. " mm: to: "ttttty mm. Wham-Upton.“ "-.--s" Id- ”1‘00~I~mw* h “autumn-abundan- m mutant-ham mun. 'PaNtatttthlPt.Q 1-}.IOIIMO'I'.‘ - lam new hit.” mmmmcmwnc may-pinball...“ " ”WWEWWWQK tmths-amd-dnt-tale',' Qua-’0 hon-la COMMENTS " tie WHITE". um not. In no - I. A“. - - d I. a-.-' b - b M London. "n..".-91thort" tt II tun, uldmtood that that. ll [0 - for dun. tmyomd win valid unruly In Mt M. an MWMI: od w on. of th- Quuw. a. omen: “sou-mt t Int. comic}. 3 iiiat d _ " would trqytiaum" to my. _ . _ Ha I'nthy'n and“. Mom from mucu- an“ a. long-u nig- tot.iiatthutorfharu6ttarrq1q" to regs"! he: “no“ " men than mortal, and an new - at law to no. the ”mum: at I many “on ”the. to a.“ Ill- ue-u-y mutual”. _ It In taco-try to " hack to a duo prior " I!” for s “an” “tr union. also. that than “an bu nova bun u: interruption d m smooth v coking of an constitution- .1 III-china. Nes one. not “an an Prlnu of Wain. cu not tor an Queen without the authority of Pub Human. and u no nup- I." bum taken to nun-non ”INCMt " mu be uh: for ("and that Ha It- :aaty'n play-let." In" only ndopbd manure- of "caution. and an. an In "it no. to sign my uncommon! Imperttlto dominant. mouth relin- od of the worries of routlm Allah-I. tr-tttoe-rr.":-:- The Nine-a of the Dowwnnpnu of Germany, the sudden do“); ot Her Majesty‘s old from. Lady Churchill. togethor with the don!“ ot the Duke of "xeCoburg Int mam-d ot Prince Chrlauul tietor subtoqucntly, and the incidents ot the Wu in South Africa, hawthorn Creat mu- to the Queen. but «on within . wad: we has renewed 14rd Robert- and um. I manage to tho _ of Dr. Croigtr. ton, In. Lord Bishop of London. It In understood "at tho - want: for the Anna'- vlllt to the Fouth ol Frau! no proved“; an the lines crime“, laid down. and it kn quite may lint ml. ad Ib- ntmion ken: work will mu. her to undertake the Journey caller ”an was originally intended. All the morning ”porn rum-melt upon the ulookunfor pmsuhil Has. of the Mutation, but. M do not. wand It u thrill... T The den hunting and In the pro due. of 0mm batman-shy m: In duration than All“ 11th”- iuu In." datum by! ty aband- 333.33% Giarka 18m than. onbor M “I! W31 tt 'tet.er tolltrrrintt, tum“ on: m ‘ the was.» “A "mm W‘ and; Tt.ldBaiia- - h given an. nut-r madden”. mon- ks,“ nfg'ea2rt,", S,lt ny In M tttMing tn “WW of cm much their on“ w. no pun-mm to I". some intern-don a! m to spam men. Ttte mum- us than!“ all hunt than ttt date an. so than: was hood to non “a ud m ttt resident-of no provinc- ot Ontario- Moo 106 mlm a“... tad of4,393; but the Nth-ulna“ "iui6,00etteeatU_tteti-i. a.., hunmduhg (In 1900 “than not ban quit. a mort-tig' in than ttiat ,roasi.ms'.tAt-.dtmrttrtrh pro- vlomynn. and. vumwl M by moon ofthrttrd qeeettqe Mn. iiiiiiiia,,iitidiiitt'ltitg",',trt (and dou- nu not: an n- a G'ila'rtu7kici7 u my mum in i"Gri7iViliirit%k ' no} - My. ',"drl','lUNllt'aTlrl'iUTG7i; aii,o,er,ettgotTA'rt2tt,1N com-anon . atttttqttt moo-ovuop'onodhlooonn mom-It “minimums, aagdiotmrerloestHbr muons". Thaw-him out ur- hath. on; aim by “I. 'iitii, trail': 2tyl,%tga' ' an} . . 'i':'??,).!!?)?,?:??,,,'!,'?'?.' Mm 1?:an My” than“! t “hum .m minimum mama-Ugh W the m'wrrw'fim 'ls-tedit.:!:??',?,?,,),,',?,-.',?,',?,):' br t am. [ti?llili'?iiii"itttlii1t,ll,1r', madman:- ma- tdvetttideota.trthq In.» m was bins-ind ItfgTflllt but. mmfiwhzg- w br". tMglGlh181 In "eiiii2iird'Pgtbtdlh,t',r, urn-m - na. ".1... tiiltlfl?tiiitjlbC"it a u 1' _itiitdi:iieiei,'iii: :Emfiicsg ,3: .. _ 'iiiiiiiiii iiiitiiiit2iii,ii: RUNTING DEER. A Good Senna In Ont-do. m i htttte pro- , “when" oft-l- ' II Abund- "qmatov- of a. you i an _ yum a i “I. meo- w 22 , h math “by!" an - on“ hum ' was won t' MI 4,300 ttt . ot on”; m.- ' up: t m that. In ‘0‘ Each: and. Shoes no - M has 'lie'tii,i'r,i on. at: mu. an to: Mgt.', . . "h. , , .51 - I.- dlppuu at u no - ‘MI. Aa-ein undo sud come ”I and who a'ura",'lt,t',tt q "not. out. ttlh,tltu'tt'U"; canton.- IHI. III- 0 to m. Ibo. fel. prio- 01.00 uttuehet' black or a. had tg'fSglt21.t.'11t book- (or up.” . ".tottm- 'er,tdretlt MA. lca'l no.“ INT, In an. “and“! Madhou- p1 - "an no]... we» to“. 13.0%! line- to all during “Eu...“ r" cauvn guy-mu; mam-mu mm»m..w~ a... " i Logs Lrags Logs - -Wm.""'.’" de ”an! arty It will never pay now at the prices we are offering to out gm d loge into firewood. . " u a”... "it: ta't,tttrt.'1tt,eht ttr. tat -irftittteroq, We but» M no! ttM. t,2tti'diye,tt'I',ut',tWg gt,",'.,'.", 'd,Tgtttdtt.'tN'd'tiwt'htt Mun-no have," duo-vb It ' 03 " qirbaat4tittlqbiioyy I. n tho-Lona“ My» lug-hour'oudboy-qu his. not. In“. I “webs". ‘ v, e par men PRICE. s-sires- high prices paid for San Elm um tai It!“ We}: SOFT ELM, ROCK ELM, BEECH. HARD MAPLE, SOFT MAPLE, Has Berlin and surrounding (our try bad such opporturuuts as at tht present time to setute such up-to date clothing " we are ofiering, (made in the fit reform style) for quality and wormanship. equal to fnadeAo.order; and in a great man instances, far superior. We wisZ in particular to draw the attention of the public to a few things here mentioned. These are material, 'ir,or.kts.tatyshipt.colors and fit, sewn with the best linen and all]: threads all backed up by thehest mauufact urers in Canada. and at: are con» stantly adding the lest that is 0th t, ed and that cash U, 1 Iasy. Do mu bemieled but calm dxiect to tht place where you get the assortment. Never " King St S. R. ERNST & CO. Schaefer, Killer & Co. 8. SHEER (lt t “48 an AN D . . . SPOT "" for all kinds of logs Before Walla-’0 Bari-at' his: Dongl- KH lac-albumen. 1 tat autumn. ad nip-Amino It“ 1't':.re.r..'.t.t.'.e.'.'.?..t.'.'tt W) you. lelu' blurb! WI. / Kid buttoned or has but.) 't . Fi1tii15.1"ita1111tiilt? 2ll 'l on iiri'kGia.C.T.Tr'C',7.rriui Klan-ll.” tutd8i.NthootnaV Button or In: a vzyk. and. a! ara ". 5 box on." or Banjul. " with.” booh or medium hook. you 'tse tent “on. IrKsy I... "I I i . lcm Jobs, u'l m “up", m " tot mule-.... ...... .......vt.V Em 'u Hard tat War out. On!- Onlf Skin Laced hwujuc thoitd for Decemiter we". no? pub - unto-d to war well, sun I to A _ -intpeke...... o.,........,..." (Wmnucr l 00': old futon.) WATIRLOO. 3021.1 BARNES " .. - Tia-ara' "" - Ti“- tiii2tyh"iiiiii tu""""' a - a!!! 329.1122: 32: BLACK ASH, WHITE ASH, HEMLOCK, PINE, ETC. ' JOHN STREBBL Statur- . HARNESS SHOP Wanda...“ KING ST.-, BERLIN. in. HON 31' PM“ iLt ONT ES

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