(i, "ht o. Boehi,ter Go. About 50 ends containing one dress u up-tc-tlale and seasonablx. including Twee fancy mixed, colored cashmeres and mm .115 for 500. _ . . . I --- Ir---" 1"“.-- _ Ladies' Corsets. Madesby E. T, P. D. B. c. and N. c'.. Can has. The lot compr1ses black, drab, and whit, $1.25 and "w for 150. We hwe about 37 you have your choice, l gem attsaioia6NSh 'issrsritrMMMMMMMbSI il - , f,, Winter Goods Must Go -- " crrsrsd tlit dim and low prices will sell them. Profit in out o! P, 62 C 46-t10 4 'lt 69 '1 '9ssssssSNSSNSst Td â€w..u.d..mc¢£um* w disc-n. V’"""""' 'tll'=tal"l'hw. ' FiiiiiieaH'.r. graphs, PiGos and Organs Phone 194 JANUARY Clearing Sale tr---""".':' In black and brown this quostinn l 'tue, for F RS, IUI' um "mum 5m...“ m...†-et . LOOK AT ‘FHE pauses: woawn's high human ovexshoes regular 1.70 for . . .. 51.35 _ (Ihiidu'ns' "' 's " l " 1S6for'...... .90 lieu's l Ot waterproof over-shoes fog . . . . .. . . . . .. ... . .St " Men's 1.75fe'bkaiun4 for ...... ...... .... ...... ...mer I26 _ Womert'" t 2.3 ttslr: house shoes tor .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 womeu'ts felt slippers, leather soies,regultse BBC for. . . AO Childrens' house slippers at We. 20o and . . . . . . ". . . . . . . .3) O " up we will nm allow us to quote prices in every department hat we would say if you want anyuninghin winter Y.,"'.,:,?';,',,',',',",", Inna, Cups. underwear and men's taruits ings, you can av. from 5 to 35pm cent. by buying now. Lioutiers, futtem, Shoes 1f good gym? rod quality and low prices will sell them. Protlt in oat of the . Au wv- look for now is to get tir" colt. or in tome we. the winter goods must. e: - A-.. -- Ear- nausea. Children's Grey Lamb Caps. TIE RES-$593 SCENSW' I in stock and in order to clear them w trth 82.50 for .1.“ A. O. Boehmer Go., A- w matTAD:ET.f? 00-. Men's Stiff Hats. Wanless’ Music Store, . 20 King St., West; BERLIN gml Furnishers, ning one dress and perhlpa two, goods 1â€". _ incimling Tweeds Lad es' cloths, sets†and mates and tslack crepous worth 75c $1.00 and hm: Fancy Tweeds an I checks plain cloths Ill nods worth 49: and soc and n few 75c for "e, (MIME) season's styles worth $2.00 for " , has all the attachments and Improvemznls and is the beat bargain you ever saw or heard of. I: mrnmplvte and fully gulf!!!“ Mir a In.†and I“ - _ sewing machines. Edison Phono- of best grade at . Don’t Pay , One Gent before you have examined the beat, abtolutely hrst-class, highest grade sewing machine for the money on the market to-day TO HEW IDEAL . smn'nm to run omU, 8mm LIIITEII. will let COUNTY nu: ma mount?" ot tho MI. "can. tho v! own .1â€er Ina-unto lat-hf "1th museum-Mum“ M. gig. Tuwmvumed try iGiGiii,disr-ttmyuinisryrd Briertr-- A, Koehlor has pumhanod the place oconplod for t number of you: by Hanna Rolling" Ind intend! to move on it in A short time. . . .Alvin Clement. who formerly workod in our village, Ind in now in Guelph, In via- lung hero on Sand-y, accompanied by sever-l Guelph Lain. . . .Miu A. Tye, of Baysvillo, visited friends in the gil. {has on Monday. History Cunteat--T'he boys and girls of I.†4th and 6th slums of our school tt ui a clone contest in history on Friday, J m. 18Ut, the boys winning by one p " cent. The Will a“ the Part 1 onminnuon paper of 1900. The Iver- use per acumen of marks made by the bor III 51 and by the girls 50. D. ‘Hupor, Teacher. Notea-We In Again glad to let our reedere know that our villego is not yet dead, although it hue been very quiet tor A long time......We ere glad to hue with no again two of our old boys -miuu. Oberer and Henry another. Mr. Ohm-er mind some time ego from Bunnie, where he bad been working during the lumen He in now learn- ing te'tegratstty under the tuition of our agent. Me. Dixon. Mr. Huether has been working in Toronto and is home for his holidnye. .. . . .A very eucoeesiul dance we- held in our village last week and we believe there in to be another of the am. kind on Saturday night. The young people of the surrounding country will govern themselves accord- ingly. It will be held in In Mr. Sohlnn heeh’e new born. ware moo, ONTARIQ, Blaine-e Chosen-We Indonmud than“. Bohlenbooh has bought the old Town Hall from Messrs. Doene & Mr, toge‘her with the buildings ttt the out. He Intends to keep e gen- on! feed “on. which will no doubt be of grant ttqmrtlt to the farmers of the surrounding country. Mr. Schlanbaoh In . good business men and we hove no doubt bat that he will do everything in He power to “only his customsâ€. . . . . Mr. J no. 1%otrsr, our genial hotel- keeper. bee eold hie budneee to Mr. Schmidt, of Phi1iprtrgrg, who token pry-onion about the am of May. We are sorry to loco Mr. Bustier, " he has given good- “Motion. tttill we are pie-led to and that Mr. Schmidt its a worthy 'ee". - Pe-l--" party of young' people an" an: Sand†evening to try the donning. Therm good roads, a good ttam, and mr-..-...? Door! m the mMartuno to brat ta. aming. ,e6N Tttttttttg it (mm Mr. ‘Knipfel’l up home. However, it is now than.“ mm: min. . â€05‘" 8011er Ila-31mm damning fora few day-"um Chan. G. Whmmmx but dunghmr, was visiting her brother, out mum, and left for her home in Chime on “andâ€. .1 Brtefb--Mr. Simon But: of Elwin Mud m nomad!“ B. s. Sunday In: ind gun I brie! ttttttnt-tttttrad are. on mum school work... .Tho 'rottltritrtt 2r't'ft Fv‘ndny school “than ,rill be old In Elmira on â€has dnr qt this _nouth, gun 31at. A but: "new. it extended to all Sandi! taboo] workers. .. .Tho Wit- *tttqttt Moo. have rgt"e,t', fourteen â€of“ adjoin as hErAhn.rurdr" mm â€and! ur....A spasm r! of N luau Co., lnnrmll, call- " mm In _ vicinity Int week, â€mm; . M Ida......Qum- num- bot . an “may meeting Fri- if, the subject but“ "Resolved Br I. my! mm_h_aoeioty than '.thSai', 'hhh we decided In “or.“ 'atattmttr.hqrptdttta. s...Ttteatestnttytreteqtsmhtr-t giTeg,,2t,ttNL",','ltt we hog. 1!!!»an onus-m f “an to hmphd trrMr, Id. WWII-Hull: Hamilton on li' I"! M, Mr. John [Ilium of mum,“ W“ "I It.“ Wm a to an. _ 'ui-i-ttr, chm. Luna, mov- ed“ Davin-o huly......lr. all In WI. An- nuru! gall human 1"»:me I yum mm mu. m a: - DUNDEE PETERSBU Ru WI NTBRBOU RNB DISTRICT. I11 IT a,- a. 'te nun-10H “coining“; 1am: - Niki-ll“ Wilson“. WW this“ not»! we loam " tue not when d! n- cut I“: n with, 6mm». a â€who“ u- “bud at "II can hookah bol- whore much mom-u: and tuning [In 0033304 I . - I " Jun ct, I tho Inch-:1 town pt I gird n It. t'r.1t2'ar."a' PH. " "out; had r00“ hvluluda 'ld; Innâ€....||r. A. A. [at]. can: and†n his bmh'l‘nloo.... in mm. Onou of tiene, u- the guano! not In!» i-Barron snap " Ind Sunday.-....L J. Km III ‘home for Bunday......B. B. Hanna iiii a any n Whom. inn-00d Muck. ,A _:," - ... iuirusooiar--N and“. of m- Caroline settler q It. Flinn! " mlr. Iii. Mammal st a» home a! the Mdo’u wont. have Thumb! luv. I Anne company ttt Invited - won‘ mount n the comm: to “I: an young couple may "e of hummu- snd pmpomy. A sumptuous top.“ up punter of and the evening spent In dancing And many Inning. The lurid. received the and spread at ipnoonu. k A - . m tT----" I -..-.._ " 9 n in ES "iii,, wood Elnora: Logan. of the Methodist. church “tended in a body om of who "trpg9tits genuine luv i'/i'aarii tGGCritkd inducted in the Methodist church, Burke-11113. Pesrsonaiir-Mr. Wm. Motz, Berlin, was a business visitor to our town on Tttarrr4ars--.w . . Jun CarrissIusnh left for Bruce County Saturday where she intends to spend a couple of weeks with friends and relatives. . . . Mr. Louis Starr. Waterloo, spent Sunday under the parental roof. ...Mes<rs, Peter F. Schummer and Jolut Stroll attended the Board of Health meeting at Wel- ‘lesley on Saturday. . . _ . . Mr. Ambrmw MoNapp,' Chepatow, visited old ac- qaaintsnrtssitt town Sunday. ‘ Real Estate Sold-An auction sale was held at the Greyerhlehl hotel Saturday when the Ftthrr homestead situated on the west and of our town, was sold to Mr. John Freiburger of this place for the handsome sum of $630. Mr.Joe. Mlchus wielded the hammol'_ln his usual able manner. . . . Mr. John Huber has'bought the house owned by the late Fred Glee and now oconpled by Frank J. Roy. otgtaary.--Mr. Micheal Mauuscn, father of Councillor Mlttuuch of Upper Woolwieb, died Jamnry 16th, 1901, It the ripe old age of 81 yours, 10 month! and 3 days and wu interred In the Lutheran cemetery of this place on Sammy Int. Deanna pun-ed “my Inddonly. The hero“ has the nym- pathr of the community in le,?. loss. -- . _., u-___ 11...... m..- “I - v- -_- ----" - pdr-t--W. Henna Mae-elmâ€: of this place he. sto'd hie property to Mr. hoot Bel-gel end intend. to move on the fem of " father-in-iuw neer WW' lenuein. We ere - to loee our 1mm bat when we consider it in to their he» interest we wish them euc- oeee. . . .. .llr. Wool. Bmilh of Dayton ttooompanUd by the Ilene Each were visitor- " Mr. J. Saddle-R's Enndey. . . . . “in ONE, Meant. teacher here, epen: Seturdly with her parenu in BUrtitc...Mrs. O'Neill of Belem celled ion Mend- in town. Briatb--A epea of atrlrited horeee be longing to Mr. Chrut Gerber mm. being and to e telephone poet in {not at Mr. tkit,W Mm More beeJme‘ new end broke ttte sleigh pole. They Med herd m - hm " enm- clelt he! wee " head they were com qua-e humane: you very men: In out new Snood"... [milieu nede shun I att" "iiiuinootrtet..-res The. M Ike Pa. â€My! new " Odd v“ hen - week. no link. and. Woulmh Ton-bi 1rltg I“ m “11 no} u a M, an m 1."!me ST. CLEHENTS FLORADALE WELLBSLSY Mr. Michael Mann-ch, 1110me. JANUARY " 1901. Illa Three Times Warden. MR. FEED WALTER ELEC TED WARDEN FOR 3901. ,‘l'lo My Goad not Clock funds]; _ l' The {om 'glfdl1tlft a. M. Della. lam; John m, WW And Ford Walter, WMâ€; The. it", with, nod Tun-I 81mm “(who F, Ala PM and Jae wuw, mom»; W. R. mum, New Humbug no} Joni-I Ml- mu mum; g. cm, Payton. pod M, nah-III, in“! 'rearhtoq Goo. Laird, aait, X-ln GM, out Ind Anus.- not“: won “on. ILIC'I'IOI 'or vmu. After tttq member: had when ch. (10an clones the doom tttts Wsrdon no wounded with. Ott mot Inn of _ Poul-mu AM “the: Mr. Ford Wilt." Inn mung-l1 elected WudonlorlQOl. ., A _ ... -- Mr wuw took tho our ad uncl- L’ 't'h'td stile'?,????,,?.', tgllg im In . _ log " wd referred to the mince of the nation "new in securing normally in the Council throughout the your. The Ward-u thou spoke in fitting term. of the death of our has banned lover- olg-u Queen Vicugrlu. “ t - "FG Gaiakia December union were read sud mopud. -. . - The members then dieeuued f -r some time the correct procedure on their part in vlew of the death of the Sovereign whled had just been In- nonuoed. It wu decided to telegraph the Globe ofrimt Toronto and also thp, Wellington County Connoll whloh not in session for information on this point. The Clerk then read the following cohoitnrIcAXI0NS. Alex. Miller, County Solicitor, wrote dtsfining the powers or the County Board of An Ind the clue: of M- anuals to be p d upon try It: The County dlork of Norfolk wrote enclosing I copy of memorial for en- dorsation by the Council. The mom- orial sets forth the diirhsulty the pom- 1 men have bund in enforcing the by- law in respect. to hswkers, pedle's and petty chapmen. Persons evade the by law by travelling about personally taking orders which are afterwards‘ tilled. The petitioners were of the opinion that theisw could be more easily enforced if sales by samples itt- cluded all sales of goods, weres and merchandise not excepted from the provisions of the act instead of only ‘sales of certain specified classes of (iiiii,s, and if sales by orders were in. eluded with sales by samples“: The County Clerk of Dufferin tm- closed a memorial praying tor the abolition of Grand Juriee or to give power to the Warden and County Crown Attorney to direct that no Grand Jury be summoned until tan with)! bef01e the sitting of the court and then on? when basins. in known to be ready or the Grand Jury. Also that any parties to a civil or criminal action be required to notify the Sheriff ten dove before the sitting of the Court saying whether they will require - or not and in the event of no such notice being given that no jurors be summoned. _ ', The County Clerk of Victoria Co. enclosed a memorial praying the Legislature to amend the School Law so as to give the Public School Leav- bog-Examination lk, pgggngnt and distinct place in the Public Saab?) system of the province. The Clerk of Victoria County wrote re extending the jurisdiction of the County Courts. l John A. Ramadan Secretary of the Municipal Good Roads Association wrote asking the Council to consider the following questions: (1) [Laid (Provincial) is to be gunned should the County Councils designate the roads to be implorm and supervise the construction, or would you prefer some other method? ('2) Would you favor the cost. of constructing the road to be divided be'ween the Government and County, or between the Government, County and Local Municipality through which the road passes? ' . (3) Whpre meteors roads built Ir,l Government and County what would you recommend rewarding the Statute Labor on lands adjoining ouch town! (4) Would you favor mowing Counties to apply a portion of mu- Government grant for road purpose. to the purchase of Improved mud- miaintrjmushistsrr' (6) Elna you my other trt ion: of o'zenoril ott.rtbterr to offs . The Secret-:7 of Trauma Aeooi- won wrote anointing report. The 800nm of the Ontario Boer Sag-r Ami-non wrote enacting .lrculsr drawing “tendon to poodbili- mg of the but nag-r industry. J. Roe- Robert-on oncloaod mm of Hospital for sick children and up- pliod for grant. _ Llout. Col. Ache-on wrote “king for grant to 29th. Rogimom. In." W md Werner County Amman presented their ro. port for 1900. -.-- - . . . -A,_-A-_ no. "in? FiGinesiat Soot-our] wrote nolllying the Contact] of the nppolnt- non: of Mr. J. D. Moore " lusting: moan-I1 bond. The Municipul World men " anew-I 1'get,'At',ttlr, Connollkm. Tho Dominion ab! " Co. no“ to In." for County also. . Continual on.†A, Hamilton, Jen. 19.--Crmm Attor- my Cram bu band a wrtt swim you" Ind-tn“ Jdmhlmln' an- M dung-I to! a m. The his M a. an In the M um- ou d Qf'g't", Jolt: min. It 'i','.".', m “Ingrid†m ml! I Omit - _i'l,ttl't)ll,1 3-4 ay1tq.trptfte.e E'h'iui'ii put-Ind Mr. J. D iiia; "iAuest"id the The Compliments _ lo with our "but and - The put year has brought may new - - trust that mum have gone lily din-sis“ To ï¬t..." _ and to win many new one: shall ho our and"! “I" h To prove that we mean what we say A'; 600 yards of extra fitae brillinnt silk finish, black tmteadBd T . and small patterns worth 6oc per yard for Me. Don’t gli- ' tunity of scanning 6 yards of fine black dun goods " m . ri)?, Maxim Ptteq Now is your time to get a cheap buggy. I offer the balance of my buggies at a great reduc- tion in order to mike room for my cutters and sleighs. I also " fer for sale my four fine driving lbw-see. _ -i'ilTse-shoeing as usual. Am Imam; by thtt)eafLing horseman as a practical horse iihar. A A. c. Thoman, Kin; an, In»: of soon. THAT Nimble hm no" the Grunt Trunk Rarway,tour mue- wont of Berlin eon- - _ _. -A_.__._..~| L2ac'.Ta v m... ..lW..._P.NPi.- ...._. -_- "a- "H _ l Enlighten: mue- wont of Berlin eon- mlnin to; no"! " was of w bani-nod hush. till mil-Mme! In A good a of mtturn- Lion. Good buildup, good water. all plant, of mm of all kinds ‘3: to ISAAC 'tr *2, Berlin P. o. or ITA' EZRA BEAN'I'Z. on tho Neat Our, The Yellow Front Shoe Store, The and: ot s9odhave nu: this "ai-art' Time mus! won - his gun it not. l Mr. George Hickey will mend your about in about": der, sometimes while you wait. m In. bound ' tr mass for a long time and understands the pun . _ ' of SHOEMAKING and up-to data m1. of snos‘ _ PAIRING. ' 7 ' _'cf When your shoes need attention " . shoe he bring them here and your repairing will be due “Nutmeg and Diapateh" u all the old time shoal used to say. Notice. For Sale. Stock Sifting We shall offer this week - Shovel- 50 out. Back Ban In“ Croat-cut 8-". 5th.. 3100. tr, 6.0). Idiom! "' L--1-M It le- reduced. window. “a String "illll..N1U,1','l, an at out. “w Shu- and Hockey tstirs-rid an“ , r) Raw Int trtofr--0ai1 It not. A “up . not a lad. o--ontr I tow " on... a Show all Montcalm Ilse “Induction“ All villi-3.001. In“ be cold. W. - to mun-m1! 7m van on on!“ M an“ . IV. lama-11mm Mont. _ C, So Runs the Time Aw. Phone 215 Shoemaker m. Weichel ' s 23m 25.8mth8idoxim8t. oftho W. A. Ziegler, BERLIN, .SMYT y. P"; Before deciding on your My tei', ASHIVILLE. N. 0-. ’25 GALVESTON. TEXAS, y HOT SPRINGS. ARK. 4 JACKSONVILLE. IAN5 VEGAS. cum; 'd SAN Famousoo. iiiii24 NEW ORLEANS LA, 3; MEXICO CITY. In For all information - . Grand Trunk “my 8m __ SOME Chol mm. 'tr" - Southern Pttl Thratetuo and FOR SALE. obtain our Ton!“ inhalant! “ion during menthol Ji any. Won-o " it and ofhr y fdlowing very much than the selling peio" l; BERLIN. Fr'. ‘0’}