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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 29 Nov 1900, p. 2

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1'C.T.7di27iiuiriJ,"i.% - u. “a ”1 um ”um n -e--t-'"-. minim-com in on. k n with! to “an I“ The bet that all», when horn the than a! heelthy paleon- in Berlin, I". been mud from the pmvlnclnl Nth department a diphtherlQe may tend to duke the eronihurto. ot the [and public in what they hnve be- lieved to he an infallible tent. The my ot beater“, however, in known to he holed upon well founded“ lenti- Ie principles. Nothing has Sound to May it, though it In It.'",',,":','?,' m were not a cmfully made they nhonld hove been. According to the bee: medial testimony, diphtheria hoellll are eepnhlo of lodgment in the null passages, where they may ro- main tor months, and that too in her- Ions in perfect health, but who may hen been expoeed to an epidemic at- mosphere. One of the swabs contained the epittle of In Berlin physician who had been in reguler attendance on diphtheria patients " the isolation hospital. There is, therefore} nothing remnkehle about the bacilli being {end even in his mouth. The other one where two ewahe taken simul- taneously from the throat of the mar- ket clerk were returned, one diphtheria and the other, no diphtheria, is not so clear, yet does not tell outside the range of the poeeible. At tb meeting of the Guelph Board of Trade, the assessment question came up for discussion. Some of the members pointed out the anomalies in the law and said it was not, and could not be enforced. ,The merchants and manufacturers were supposed to be taxed on the {we value of their stocks, while the men who invested in mort- gages was only taxed on his income, not on his investment. Mr. G. B. Ryan took up the cudgels and showed that the progressive man who invested $0,000 in a factory or store, which was a bemsfit to the com- munity, was liable to be taxed $500 by the municipality, that is 2 1-2 per cent., while the more unprogressive man, who invested $20,000 in mort mes, got an income, say at 6 per cent. of $1,000, 0700 of which was exempt, and he was only taxed on his income, or 2 1-2 per cent. on $300, which was " One man taxed $500, tho other taxed 86, and both worth the same amount. The merchant only got the same income out of his business as the professional man got out of his, tad why he should be taxed so differ- ently he could not see. “u-mwmmqu-L The Inseamont commission is doing n lot of good. its deliberations are being closely followed and all over the country the best minds are turned upon the ”easement problem. That some Improved legislation will result is highly probable. The Globe has figured up the stand- lng of the parties in Ontario on the popular vote in the recent election. Excluding the clty of Toronto the votes polled for the Tories exceed those for the Liberals by only IM. Excluding the parts of those ridittgts-- Eest and West York--whiett are inside the corporation of Toronto, the Liber- sls hwe a majority of nearly 1000. The election of so many more Toriee then Liberals is plainly due in a large measure to the gerrymander. That as In lid to 2,'t','f, cry worked won- ders for the Conservatives in Ontario. Fortunately this device for stitiing the voice of the people will be no :more when the next election comes around. TESTS FOR DIPHTllelA. The Liberal government of Quebec‘ In. spparentiy dune so well that prac- _ “any no opposition will be offered to it in the forthcoming election. This any not be life but thing for tho province. A vigorous opposition II .. Itlmnlns to a government tn do careful Ind 'sttleitsat work, and very frequently aid. materially in duping loghlukm. MR. RYAN ON ASSESSMENT. The election expeneee of Mr, ery Robinson, the Incas-am] candidate in) Went Elgln, unwanted to $7.25, an (-er- I Med toby Ilium". Mr. Robineon in All Independent Comm-"tin, and In pee-idem of the Dominion Orange an. mm. A good new would like to an hie receiptfot winning election. He bed we unenl- against him, how- ever, or he would not live awed hie m In that mm. Be tint Ilevietery tam-eaten: " hie up. were light. The hunt "in.“ pan um- illlrTlltrh9i'il"la'l'il ImUIWII- -ttr hen -.---...-- mum-up. muons! many-uh. as: .999. "at-h ttt urn-nann- TO ADVIIITIII” 'filet?::.'.':.::::-::':. EDITORIAL NOTES. ,2; 'ugt "and and ”java-ku- M Te. jut-unload)”; MIN“ th‘th “It W‘ (lh'sTlllrrdlilCu'hTiL17Ciiii may Mt...-. aim-IMO ll Mega-dummy f) m nun-m- a”; the Mun-cf auburn-d: you. oaadtttatis “nap-minimum ttet. ullolthohh WW by th-tts-tttd-atoms-dvr autumnal. T-ttre-tire'"" common boll-Hum mutation bo- "can um: supply and typhoid. "The C ‘mervatives of Cattle, pol- itics! and journalistic. hive proved themselves most stupid, “progressive campaigners in this contest, as they proved themselves narrow and preju- diced in local politics. They won in Ontario. In no other province did they win. They claim that the contest was ' racial one. Not at all. Nor was the victory a racial victory. It was the triumph of Liberalism over defunct Conservatism. It was the triumph of a successful and patriotic Ad ministra- tion over virulent criticism and oppos- ition. It was the triumph of broad measures over narrow minds. And it will tell in the future as it has in the past, for the prosperity of Canada. We loath this cry of man against man, race against race, creed against creed. We had rather that Liberals and Comer vatlves alike should be swept into the sea than that Canadians should be dir- ided because one is English, another French, a third Irish, and so on. No country can be built up that way. We are hereto live together, to work to-' gather for the common good. Life is too short to he quarrelling with our fellow-citizens because they did not have the good fortune to be born in our country. Peace and good-will to all. There is room for all and many more. Hands should he joined in friendship or given up to honest toil. The contest is over. The victors can afford to be aim. And the vanquished should take their defeat in a spirit of resign- ation and hope for better luck next time. Let them, however, and let all others store it. well in their mind and remember itwheu the daycomee around again; No race cry, no creed cry, can secure a victory for a party in a land of free men." .. ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL UNION. The twenty-second annual maetinu nfthe Amie Mural Experimental Unim of Ontario will he held at the Agricul tural College, Guelph, on, on the Will and 11th of December, 1000, com- mencing at 1.30 o'clock Monday anar- noon. . "_d- aetutte.t.t g The program has been so arranged) that the meeting should be profitable to all persons interested in improved methods of farming. There were no less than 3,033 Ontario farmers active- ty engaged in conducting practical ex- periments for the Union this year. The mast. important results of these tests will be reported and discussed at the meeting to which all are welcome. Addresses will be rleliyered by Prof. I. P. Roberts, author of “The Fertility of the Land," by Prof. Ellen H. Itieh- ards, author of “Home Sanitation," "Coat of Living," Ke., and also by some of the beat Canadiiln authorities, on Agricultural and " mastic Science. Tue railroads will grant excursion rates to Guelph from the 10th to the 15th of December. For a programme, apply to the Secretary, C. A. Zavitz, Agrlcultural College, Guelnh, Ont. Mr Archibald Blue, Census Commit aloner for Canada, says the census will be taken as heretofore, in April, 1901, and S?, be 'conclndod within a mnvtlv Not " small the head: be counted, but also a record of the industrial life will be obtained. The scheme of enumer- ation is to take the polling subdivisions of each electoral district as units. Their aggregate will represent the pop- ulation of the district. A man in the Milling subdivision will be appointed nnumemtor. and there will be as man) cnnmaratnrs as there are polling aub- -liviainns. The enumeration will be :nade dejnr'e angde faeto. mM, enum- ~2ramn will bé sworn to secrecy. In making a TIS', of industrial life, an establishment will be called n fac- ‘ory that does not employ " least six hands. This will do away with the burlesque made of thts,growttt,of one man and two men “industrial estab- Eishmentg" which formed parrot the last census. There are 8,000 polling subdivisions in Canada. There will be s,Mo enumerawm. Special scents, perhaps 4,000, will animate industrial life. ' F We are glad the Government will‘ start the do hem nyotem, following thin exnmple of Britain. The de jure an tom lsllable to abuse, inasmuch aait take! in people who have removed from the division an actual residents. By the do facto system overytwdy found In the division: on . certain set. night in counted. 1nd than is not the same risk of duplicitlng, or swelling tttttttttttttters it” people who hate och-ed to he mi- demtn.--6xehiMttre. wan VICTORY “nus l Prom otop-iméifutt.,eot- word _ of . wonderful Masonry of a plea-n} mung liquid that when and helm roaring by my one troubled with I but cough dwlyo ensure- . good night's rest. “It can the cough too," 1mm " Himolbnrgor, “for "an audition of our fumlly have and Dr. KIng‘I 2"22r'LT, for Con-mum "dt-er nd in III! " Cough and paid- 'ert's 9 2rd'd'l life-um 117M nod he d _ [ In: an.“ Gull-tad but. a and .1.” It . ‘80,”; Tttnt bull-I In. ASTOUNDING Dt THE COMING CENCUS. CM Bechtel. RY. fame-loot W tmet" . ”Enmme ms REFERENCES " m was. Nu. not oa.-Ex-Prtsou" Kama ot the Transvaal landed her. " 10.45 yesterday morning "on thq “can!" ledul'hnd. Replying to the 1“!er of wel- come ot tho l’reuidcots ol the Fuji. and Kai-wille- Committees, Mr. Kru- ger spoke, in Dutch, and. in a low voice, but be accompanied " word. with energetic movemwu ot " hat, which In held in bi- right hand. It. -'. _ Ho said: “I thank the Pro-mun ot the Marseilles Committee had the President of the Central Cumming. of the lndependmca of the Boers tor their welcomc‘ 1 thank all this pop-1 ulntion membled in grant. concouru to greet. mu, tor, although I “ear‘ mourning for the misfortunes ot my country. and. although I have not. come to seek festivities, still I ac- cept with all my heart. these acchuw- alionl. for I know they are dictated to you by the emotions which or. ‘msplrcd in you by our trials and by your annpnthy tor our cause, which ll that of liberty, which awakened you. I um"lruly proud and happy at having chosen a my point of land- mg n port in France, to Bist foot on free toil and to he received by you us a (re. man. Mut my tirtrt duty in to thank your Government tor all thus. tokens of interest that again only rec-nay it was pleased to giv- me. “I believe England, had she bran better informed, would never Lax. consented to [his war. and since t: - expedition of Jamesou., who “ism-u to seize all two republic: without the necessity of tiriutr a Ntle shot, I have - ceased to demand a. tri- bunal of arbitration whiclt up to now has Always been retuseU, "The wur waged un us in the two now has Always been refused, _ "The wnr waged on us in the two; republics rcuched tho lust limits of barbarian). During my life 1 110v. had to tight many til-m- the suture- of tho tribes of Africa, But tho bur- bnriana we hnve to fight now if. wuru than tho others. Tiny oven urgo tho Kaitlin Ignlnst In. Tiny burn the farms we worked so in: to construct, Ind they drive out o women and chilldyun whose husbands and brother- thoy have killed or takerrprisoners, leaving them tmpro- tected and roofless and often with- out bread to cat. But whatever Ihuy may do we will never surren- der. We will fight to the end. “Our great ituperishahie confidence repose, in the (-lcrnnl. in our God. We know our cause is just, and if the justice of men in wanting in us. llv, the Eternal, who in Master of all ptmoitivs, and to whom belongs the luture, will never abandon us. "I assure you that if the Trans- vnul and the Orange Free State must lose their independence, it will be humans-o all the Boer people have been Ill-struyud with their women and children." Mr, Kruger cannot bul. be eluted at the warmth ot his reception by tho poople of Marseilles yesterday. From the moment the white, twetve-otsred lmrgc left the side of the_G'rrtdertartd with ex-President Kruger sitting in nor stern, nurroundell by the Boer re- proscntntivu. the sLorm ot cheering never tensed until he erttered his hotel. Even than n Vast concouru of people remaincd in front ot the buildim: until Mr. Krttppt nppcarnd on tho balcouy. wln-rc L1 had to fl}- lllillll tor some tittte "ucovered, no- knnwlulging the aeclurnations., of thousnmls ot admirers. who continu- ed cheering until they were hoarse. “With-rt“ The fighting orrtsration which Mr. Krun-r mad» at the landing sun” llislu-llod at once tsny"itmrresrsiors ttuit he might inlvnd hi accept a, com- prnmiso trot" the llrilish Govern- 'F ml. His unnuunccmL-m. “as greet- 1-.. with n roar of cheers and cries nl "Yive Kruger.“ "Viva. La Burrs." "\ivo Ln Lin-run" "a re- lwnlvll the sunlimcnl from the hotel balcony, when“ n'rhing to th- stnrm of neclmtuttiorts trout the solid block ot thousnnds of people, Mr. Krugnr said the rr.wetrtiorrH him that day “Ulll‘l do much to south. the wounds in his hom't. The Doors, said he, would new-r 'utcritico their lreodom. They would ranher be ox. u-rminntod to the lust man. Ilr, Kruger born thr. Sl-n voyage ex- Irmnoly well. 3'rertt of his friend. any ha looks in better butlth than hrrnro he left Pretoria. Ile rmirmi to ttis ',y"gl,',r,','J,Y1t'e', " hnur's rest and Mr. Michael avitt mlnlix'nrvd a short nddreu in helm" of tlm Irish people, which evoked most nmhusinmic "Immune from' who" x-rrsmt, during which uric. of "Vlvc l'ln-lnndn" resoumled._ The gist . of Mr, rum-nth uldrcss was interpreted to Mr Kruger. who Wu plead with tho reception. Mn Will: an _ The hotel remained for the "I! 'd 1hr dny in a - of lingo. while ct "ne tune " procession cavern] thott.' rttd strong msrchod in tho direction of the British consul-we. shouting. "lkm‘ with the 1uMqlistt." tnd rul- m: other threatrninq nit-s. The ro- MI" was that A strong body of pollen was cmupellcd to dinner-o the do monstratorn. although it Wu not found nlcmry to mnko mar. than . law umponry art-ecu. , Prof-ct m - “Id. 11:- Freud and Humor alled to Ptty their rupee", the later, M. Phi-since. making an eloquct apt-och In uympnthv with the yt. Mr. W replied briefly. he!” " how dm‘vly he had bent “(mt-had by the unvxpecn-d won't-m ot his movurn n Marseilles. and by the aympnlhy M the French peoplp After luncheon and I Hula rum. Mr, hrnger dust-Lindq-d to the hall 'of the hotel. when! ho waived the dole- gntmnn. Ha an. In a “can chair. itmodiaetety In front ot "I. 111199.00. Dr. lam]: and In". “Idler QUE - Inn-din. neu- Inn. Dr Haydn my mm“ the I‘m a" an an“. when. Br, In. ”and“ m- u a. 'lllr'UMLt, In host. an an T I!!!” A, .. Syn: p-thot le French molt. Ttse “(In Inc ”nitration. lr, - aghast.“ Mdmmdloud mulch-hum ud..l’. Kay-“lb: " in been 4-11“ that ' M Council wit a." to Bocr Prawn-tum: ducal-unnu- d ‘0. tfggt -t-wsatenaruedtn, l 9m- upo- Puiph- toc gin g. On. - law w cl p - was ”unusual Found "-. M M London, Nov. 2a.--_iq hat even " a A Ira-aqua: - ll Ill hon 'r, Gem. Muller tide-dad an Brit,- ish army “rut. the chute- ol 'w. Vishnu tio non. and cl harm“ treatment o “on“, dedlrlu-z that .11 wen: lulu». no mid an. in an. eyes o cIier,md aanaulta upon woman that won- brought to his Alkali“. two ot the numbed were Honemou :o‘lowim: the tomes. And the third w”: a local Katt-sr. __ ErTi7. ICC-Em" . "If. "No nrmy ever behaved better." said Sir “advert "There in no doubt that the fact that the war bu com. to its, crisis induces uverer treat- meat. Hut why is " so? Are the real patriots lighting for their coun- try? The whole people, whom In know A! Down, either have ulmdy surnadrred, or are prisoner-I. or an doing their level best to tsurrender. The people left in the tieid Are “that mercenaries or bandits.” A Gen. Bullet quoted In Grunge Riv- er ('olony judge on saying that an women! when the neid ceased to bl mid the “Ir would Cd. A Mule ll: l' hit-h 3““ m '- y“ I. o"... I tho M (‘ul l p by the “In". “a”. "ioerntonteirx Nov. 22.--Th.Boem . . ' Otuw. lov. 2'2.-'Tmq recount ot under Pronl. “ere defeated Nov. 18 ' . u ttiitsrum, with haw lot“. ”urge: c. :11". :loctiz: mat; the lunrvn charging through the tty- “Inf; I Y' "r“ 'od'.' Chem o ,ng Bum- '. n-. ullll doing deadly dnm- it'll) ra ' lucky]? . in 'll'rft'l “gr, as a number ot riderlees horne- ttto mount ' tm ',';',t,,",,g',,tpa"'1u, "rt'au"Til,uu' In one toil the deputy returning oG Wuo nut serious. ftecr put the number on esch ballot. umtmd of on the counterfoil. This mm" M """ ”‘m poll wax thl own out. by Which Mr. “new. TTasutoiand, Tuesday. Nor. Bacon-c lost eight. vou- more than 20. - Natives report that former his oppo-M. Pro, dent Stern and General new?" with . thousand men. traversed t c . British lines between Alexandria and 05“.. to:ae ro" I. IB. IWI. Warringhatn'ts store, and attacked " ---- llritish post. But the Boers whee ‘NIW "h" Tiaatt Nun“ "I 'uri-tmr quently retired and took the road to 'r-a-et "" 'UBhttb Dewetsdorp, in the Orange River Toronto. Bot 22.---A petition won Colony. tiled yesterdx F' “in. Rom-mu Holm- at] . K "I N. m 'h - Larry.” Jd'lteel mm 1lNBit$8 autumnal mp W... unborn lemon- " In». London. Nov. 2.%-.-'nte [allowing despatch has been received u. tho War (mice from Lord Roberta. dated Johannesburg: , “My horse tell with me "Sunday and bruised mo mmcwhnt. Am do- ing Well. Hope to be about in . duyl.” Cape Town. Nov. 22.--The Ian-11h officer certifies that tho disease pro- \-.,iling at lull. near King W.urtamtr- town, is the bubonic pluguc. Another cow was reported to-day. In connection with the bubonic plague, Sir Alfred Hillier, the British High t'ommirrstoner, In: proclaimed that all the east coast Porta of so th Africa, between fhb, tenth and lorlielh parallels are infected. sank. By“ Wounded. Ottawa. Nov. 23.--Fonowintt tuk- ble from Sir Allred Milne: received yesterday: Cape Town, Nov. 21.--410, Sena. Ryan, In, Battalion Mounted Ritter. slightly Wounded. Bellnst. Nov. 16. Referring to your telegram of Oct. 2.3. MI, Swimmer, In good health. (Signed). Milner. 'ifii. iiem, Stmlhconn's Home, ro- ported missing, has rejolncd. the Ind-pond... Party Ctr-hula - lion-m o! the Incl-Insure. llanolulu, Nov. 14, via San Fran- clsco. Nov. 2.3.---Practicaliy complete election returns trom all the islands show that Robert Wilcox is cleaved delegate to Coégress by a majority of 316 for the term of the Mtreer- enth Congress. and 277 tor the titty- sixth Congress, unexpired term. The returns also show the independent n.- tive ptrty in full control oi the l.- glslature, having . majority In each house and u' majority over both bemoan: 1nd Republicans on joint, ballot. Colnn, Colombia, Nov. 28.--The re ttel forces at. Duenu Vantur. huve been completely crushed by the Co- lombian Government troops. who captured three cmmol‘ and two gm- “Hum“. ______M_ -ee erals. Gen. Li,iln,uile Nowarnor of Panama. personnllkdirccted the op- eration: trom on board the British atmmship Tobago. seized by the Co- lombian isuthoritlea, and “Yd tho siLuann there. Pantyh- Quarry-nu A" Oily. London, Nov. 2tt.--Abotrt 5,000 men recently struck In the Ponryhn (Walt-I) quarries. because the mango ment refused to ruinsIau- n dismissed overlookcr. Lord l‘unryhn ulter- wurdl closed the qunrriI-n. Violence London, Nov. 23.--The our) con- dition is causing increasing uneasi- nesu. queen Vlcl'orét has sent . noted physician to lendh I: st“ " upgl'kr “and'lroup- we“ cent than several days ago, - ""3'" ”'"“”' I In. Imvlr nouns I'll an. a. I. Hob-II Dun-Iron“, III. mtelph. Nov, 2'.t.--Jottrt l, "oh-on. "tin-Mont ot the Fat Hun-k Show and Dominlnn (hula ttreeders' Amh- tion, and a brother of Joseph Hob loll, chief mginr-rr ot the H. T. R., I- lying " his home here dnnwormlsh ly ill. He in not expected to mov- DEFENDS THE SOLDIERS. no Pop- run-ton - mm, NM. 'At --d dmpatett to Tho Tampa (mm Rome an): the Pope on Wednesday Hound tttrs Puma ol at. Pam-1. And sin-mam! men mum-o that he had to ta'.e to Inn bod. n to m -rtatt that h. III-M t' is. , "oetr9-P-S, 1.060... ttov. Mt.--.- m u bin nun-I a u the “I". “an “AM isAwauAs mun-cs on tor. Colo-Imu- Bob“. Crush-d. 1h. gum Soul- . Doctor. " In Bunnie Hmo- ni- hum-mun.-.“ "I”; --8.. "-""--ti- Gi h Qua-unwind- "Mum.” unanimous-hum] ""‘ _"""'""" -,_ -..._ 7 - _ not. an. it. It was but an. Mr. m, “hard. not unnu- tr. is“. M UV. - uni II. that... Conrad". lava. on a. - vote. Mr. nub- In! _ out mmwumvom-um with “Wt "roho and not could u dill“!- mun a; one". Juan ..ttmFoatadtushtoe+rto_r up my Mun-din. an uni-n- ulls-i idiot. would In count-l - M and with the lumbar cl vou- can“ u not»; polled by (Jim dqmtr taming _ " than 'u no dmattt but. (but they WI. plum had lucid an hone-t intuition ot tho votm. Argument than srroeooHd on tho counting oi than: ballot. Ina-lull yin: a - 0mm a. am at the coutituency. Mr. Blo- Iun'. counsel china-i than. u m. - can. ftrBt on an ttttlot-p-r. Counsel for Mr. loci-nary argued Own“ thin. Jl'dge ngker ra-ved big decision. Should he gin tho II:- “. Milan to Mr. Hahn: the Ir suit would te A No. Vin-in. In. ".--an on - and you” Tge'U.'t, It". may. - - ctr-M -if WHY-m nfmnou an In Pro- vnaclur Will be applied (or by the Limb. In one loll the deputy returning oG “car put the number on cull ballot. umtmd of on the counterfoil. This poll was chi own out. by which Mr. IleICO‘:rt lost eight. vot- more than Us oppoml. A MIIIOI run: “an: Btu-NI! or Hiplull: [Inward "" Rhin- Toronto, Sun. 22.---A petition Wu: tited yum: F' mu. Regan-In Hoim- omd by Mr. W: y. Mn’awrson. 'ict- has on belle" of J. u. Klock. claim- ing the near. of Myriam]; In the Do minion House. The main convention is an! Shelf“! V. C. "rin of Kimb- ling h-d mo legal right to postponr the nomination. b'herin \urin issued the proclnmntion upon October MJ, tor nomination: to be held on aw Slit. On the 30th. to the petition chins, Vurln placarded the constitu- ency with notices. notilylng the elec- tom of the postponement. of the 'tom- ination until November nah. Mr. Klocl present-d himself for nomine- tion on the attrt of October. um claimed the out by “animation. Ths 'metprtfor' made on behalf of the returning omen-r that then won I; voten’ Huts. and the election must therefore be postponed. la de nied by the volition“. [Jun-II Iohetotl I (la-duct. [or the mun-n. Welland, Ont., Nov. 22.--The Lite erals met in convention here yester- day to soloct a candidate to repre- sent the constituency in the Ontario I.qi|lnture. the Vacancy luclng due to the election of Mr. W. M. German to the Dominion House. There Was a large attendance. J. F. Gran. barrister. Wetland; E. Morris, nur- serymnn. Font Hill. and Col. Cruisi- nhanks, Fort Erie. we" nominntod. Mr. Gross winning out on the bd- lot. Mr. Gross thanked the deio- gutee and accepted the candidature. Hon. Mr. Harcourt mode a “beech in delence of the Government}. policy. end referred to the great Clergue in- dustriee at Sault Ste. Marie. on Well as the lumber trade. Mr. German Wu also present and node . Uriel speech. It was reported here [at week that the Connervutl'cen would prob-bu ul- tow the bye-election to go by do- fault, but that Mr. A. W, Wright, the ('onserx “We organiser, might possi- bly be not up to make a ttttht, u Mr, "afloat-y did not feel inclined to Lake up another contact Nest now. Yumduy it m and that Mr. Whitney was In (“or of Min: A! good . ftght as possible. and u: . tort would therefore be mule to bring out the strongest man Annual. on the conservatives Mde. The Executive of the Crner‘nuve Amoeba” mu hero to-du to «new. the matter. DI. DIM -. Banned, Nov. 22.--At the un- mml meeting of the Puma“ Binder Twine Company . diefdaerd of SO per cent. wu B.cured. 1m in! “a concern pad 100 per cut"; th. you Nor. 60 put out. and I. In ”In More " per out?” one-n. In ttteV upeecheu. chimed that than extraordinary divide-AI were dug to pun-hue oi rut “and " a. right timg and who Inoculation; It. Jo- uph Stuttord. the MI w. W... voted . hula-om. bonus. "GiriiriFGTiai,% "an an in M a','tllt'fllt - on...” - I... ottawa, '07. ".--Ptt+ C. He- Cuitouab gd_ ‘Alla Gun-our, who m luv-had from In“ Mule... - rived holl- pm. look“! .Id new tfeor. no "Lett had . [and “no will. u don. al- 'ao-ttam-erm-teel. M "Pt wt}! um n In '01 d I” GREAT LUCK OF " ”ITO.- 'ttttsau""',,,'.'",'; Tgor CONIISY " "ELEANO- Imam”, n. opp-um... In". Wide: Outcast: l 'hibo.q-r, and. nod don- ‘ EWMMVQI- M III-u. lulla- cloth 'nrt -giyefyefreetP,.te'cf: (D tmiuov-orraiMur-ted l MIP, have: cloth. "Int coll-r. l than»... III-alto“ I?!” h‘lmln'h W. 'r.trmeetat4uuatt,u, 'tter: ia-GG;. IEiGriG /1iiaGhth tttqi?'.'., [and gaining; in; o.6.FqB........................-'e"" "nymmwunmuuluu- - low Odo-v! no; EM- (iii':':',?:' “chm. nun-dun Io- lhht-bovbtovomutlulo iahed.tsi-Mto66........... ...0t INLII f'g',th,'g2h', g'Pf,,'IN'T, I r'i't,t.n'.ter2't"itg',de, '0". "paw. IMF“ 'n' (nuitn. - n n00 raw: " ..c.............i........._Gu mutyle,hnnd twiued. “I!” Ian'- imporud English My" (;.ti1'l1J;t' tPiotr and trimming}. oAGGaiGTiiiiaiGTGi can... his. 3 to u umm . Emits ul IItrtt Works a. ba “I. I. Lrgt2'irir2jhitfi't'5y? .m. on. 2et gm‘ifi-éafiam " . "in“. aA8ttl-l--rl--i"-ecc-tii'a, Fresh Warm Air circulates through *‘" the oven. Steel Oven gives uniform heat. Duplex Crates. Linings that cannot crack or crumble. Saves Fuel. Cheap in Price and equal to higher priced ranges. CIRCULAR FREE from our Local Agent or our nearest house sauna mos. Lennon TORONTO WE WEMW WED. m, J. Sf 8008:4810“ Local Agent FOR Thttt WEEK . Has Berlin and surrounding coun- try had such opportunities as at the present time to aecure such up-to- date clothing as we are offering, (made in the fit reform style) for quality and wormanship. equal to made-to-order; and in a great many instances. far superior. We wish in particular to draw the attention of the public to a few things here mentioned. These are material, workmanship, colors and fit, sewn with the best linen and silk threads all backed up by the best manufact- urers in Canada. and we are con- stantly adding the best that is offer- ed and that cash will buy. Do not bemisled but come direct to the plnce where you get the assortment, Never " King St. 8. ll; Ernst & no; ", tr. SAUBER ik M. MNYlEICHEL & SON, Momma“. Wmmrxc AND VANcovm ""° l Maw-mo. 1"“ ”which“ may Before 2t "todd.... Mmf-Ita," '0 brutal-u... uyle. all ','.th'."W,',T, and 3:1 tweed-.naurltcalu. l ”doth lintuu.good In .isro15tou........ .......‘... Ian’ldngleud dual-M ‘quumhpmodlwoolum tuna. he“ [nanom- a!” ttt "-n.NedHtttrtetdrt In“ ttttri: “sings. wall ”do.“ .8- irttmVtsiyei166-..-._.. ...0t Lima: Agents, WATERLOO. 'gdttt 'u’do'hnmd'uut “I“ mmmgmqgu Sandal-son's Bakery Hahn's Bakery Hedi Suits. Beedu. "Wha- titll, his}.

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