Lilo-Like Photos, -rte, mm him- OHRONIOLE-TELEGRAPH Dead Liberals or that) Ibo have won: “In.†games every nuns†retired from political life are greet in "w“ tho estimation ot Comnstivs news- DAWD "AN.proprtetetr papers. That honest. old Littoral is .35mwfi" w m“ " “in“ the way they refer tn Mr. Mackenzie, 2tiftiti.hf2Sati"""""r"""T1t " whom they accused of the grossest 2a'ht'ottu'tttattt"" nod ,rt11 ttr corruption when he runs in onion. Ed- - ward Blake Ihois no longer in the 'i------'-------------------"-- arena of Canadian politics, is new a TO ‘DVERTIBERS great and good man, though vitilUd in Io so Mmmumummm the strongest terms when he was so .1.. than sum noon. The cow tor active participator in Canadian politi- ch-ncu mutt-0k“ no Worth-n M cal aifairr. Sir Oliver Mount was s - W- Camaal Ad'm“ W trickster and a. hypocrite when he run -auptoutmsw.tuer-otor" Premier of Ontario; no. that he has ===rcz=-c=---=c-cr-"---crc---==-----== retired to the non-partisan sphere of A pOLIT[CAL ACTOR. LieutenanteGovernor he was on able - statesman and commanded even the The sudden transition ot Sir Chan. respect of his Opponent- while he was Tapper from an extreme imperialist to Premier. Mr. Hardy yes the wicked m opponent of the Liberal policy, partner of Sir Oliver, and though he which in its every part tends to draw he has not risen to the height ot some us nearer to Great Britain, stamps the of the others in conservative estima- '0ppositinu leader as the most remark- tion, he is rapidly advancing. Mr Iloas able political acrobat of modern times. is destitute of tact, onscrnpulous, and Bo sudden and pronounced is the tiop resorts to base expedients, but Judging that one is compelled to rub his eyes from past experience I†may yet be and ask whether, even, Sir Charles is held up by the Conservatives as one or capable of such things. The follow- the Liberals who sud lustre on tho ing racy comment is from Toronto name of the partr.--8t Thomas Jour. ng.....-.a..., “um" " inumnl which in aal. To KDVERTIBERS lo on ->uttsttt-tttuatBrteoMtt 31.:th “and†noon. Tho copy tor change. mutant: no but than New The sudden transition oi Sir Chas. Tapper from an extreme imperialist to In opponent of the Liberal policy, which in its ewery part tends to draw us nearer to Great Britain, stamps the Opposition leader as the most remark- able political acrobat of modern times. Bo sudden and pronounced is the tiop that one is compelled to rub his eyes and ask whether, even, Sir Charles is capable of such things. The follow- ing racy comment is from Toronto “Saturday Night", a journal which is always conspicuously fair: After tear- ing loyalty to pieces and wrapping him- self up in the British ttag, hurling him- sel! into space as a loyalist meteor, and claiming to have been the father of Confederation and the grandfather of British connection and the great-uncle of our military system, and the moth- er-iu-law of everything that could be put into a loyalty procession, Sir Chas Tupper is suddenly missed from the front of the outfit, which was so recent- ly beating tom-toms, waving tiaga, pounding drums, lighting bontires, blowing bugles.nnd screaming for more soldiers and more money and more war and more blood ; Bud-God save us from such another tsight,--is discover- ed iu the adjoining province playing to a dillerent audience and making speeches which are remarkable not only for their untimely disloyal spirit, but for the inaccuracies for which he, as an Imperial FederationiBt and Brit- l ish Empire Leaguer, most be held l strictly responsible. so many yearn, he served in the cause which he now denounces without sparing either Ian- snags or truth, that he must be held as either an actor who is more anxious to exhibit his vesatility than his vir- me, or else as a politician who is abso- lutely unscrupulous, either as to faet or theory, and like the barn stunner who is described in the cartoon, nnx- ions to prod nee any sort urn play suited to any sort of an audience. This, of course, is the rule which Sir Charles has a right as a citizen of a free coun- try to play, bat Canadians who, occa- sionally, are willing to be entertained by harlequius, fukirs and ettrtairvctww- crs in the theatres, are not quite dense Pf reckless enough to choose their po- litical leaders from amongst the per- formers of a political playhouse." Rome was not build in a deymcither 'can Berlin hope to have all her per-' manent streets built in one year. We have commenced properly. We have the requisite machinery and ti capable engineer. lint we muathaxepatiomm. Progress has been made and is being made. It matters very little if we do more slowly so long as the work is or such permanency as to need no repeti- tion. Better build only one street a year and have it build for all time, than to patch up a dozen temporarily. Berlin is too large a place to adopt village methods, in road building. We believe the ratepayers on Frederick St. will concur in these sentiments.‘ Their street is certainly in very bad condition and they rightly desire its Improvement. Itit is to be patched lot the minimum of patching be done and have it understood that it is patch- work. We do not believe the residents on that street want anything but the best, and we feel sure their wishes have been misunderstood Alrldttvrhs intentions may be good but it would never do to allow our street building to fall into the hands of Tom, Dick, end Berry. That would be a step beckwnrd. Severnl features of the proceedings " Friday's council meeting could not escape the observant one. Firet, al- though the meeting was called spec- taltrtoeomridor the G. T. R. switch Intuit, the Mayo r graciously allowed Aid. liter to introduce the subject nearest to hie been. It was not in order n e special meeting and no “the â€all Would have been emotive; MI, I otickler on points of order, “ulnar made an exception in thin can. Secondly AM. ltter jumped into his subject with vim and eoetttdeqtertr. He note In a manner M III-minn- Pt.. or W, pr' 'ft terott'1rliii'aiiiirriiuii7ii" 'iuraiFTi' A. C. MOYER'S, 'soe our Window- STREET BUILDING. 16 for 25 00mg _"r.. Watch». Out. and“: high - “may. tho -eeal nun-mum wean-lbw “Wok“. whamm- m in who "but that gunman would but to we in to: somebody due. Thu W and the bond of work- m not in “My good Ludo: in con-1n gunners. Wuch tho when. union McIntyre, the Toronto boy who killed his father, is said to have been ad- dicted to detective stones, and of course an awful warningis given against the inthsenm, of such literature. The boy himself says he was intiuenestd by the devil. Inasmuch " he doubtless got his knowledge of the devil from his Sunday school books, the case seems also to give an awful warning against the reading of that kind orliurraturts.-- Woodstoek Express. The boy himself also says he only wished to frighten his father, because he had seer. his mother do it so often. What a pltthora of awful warnings the case contains! The Mail and Empire charges the Liberals with systematically washing deputies how to commit ballot box lauds and points to North Waterloo as an example. It "9t"-r _ _ _ _ l: is a noteworthy fact that this idea of a school to teach fraud was adopted in North Waterloo. There, as was lestitiel before the Election Court, the deputies new shown how to substitute, to switch and to spoil ballots. The "rnac'ainu" actually furnished cement and little bits of load pencil for the thumb nail to be employed in the 'sieilingytrx.ess, _ . . The Mail and Empire neglects to tell its waders that the man who sworn to the above statement admitted that he had been bribed to give evidence and that his testimony was considered valaeletgs by the judges. It has been calculated that the American travelers this year will spend over five million dollars in tips alone. Most of them will do it grudgingly, be- cause, of all the petty blackmail of our advanced civilization these gratuities are the meanest and most provoking. At the same time if one is travelling and wishes to get along comfortably he must deal out the tidbits on every hand. If you should want to know the depth of human misery simply de, clinc to give any fee at all while mak- ing a trip across the Atlantic Ocean. Then you may envy Jonah in his soli- tude sithin the wllale's interior. On the other side, ofcoursc, if you do not pay the tips, you will simply be asked for them as you would your street-ear fare. " Is pretty hard, bat than is no vscapo from it, --Saturday Evening Post. It was with extreme sorrow that we l heard or the death of MrsJaIu-s l’eter‘ of Normandy, under very sad circum- stances. On Saturday morning, 12th. ', inst, at her home near Orchardville, Mrs. Peters gave birth to three child- _ ren, with another still unborn, when the poor suffering mother succumbed, One of the children. a little girl, was stillborn. and the other two, said to he l line healthy looking boys,are still alive. in addition to the two infants, two other young children are left. The deceased was only 29 years of age and la slaughter of the latehlr. Bradley who Q';", some time ago. Mrs. Peter is highly spoken of by those who knew her, and 0 whole community is sad- ilcned her untimely departure. The so owing husband, who in well known to many Mount Foresters, as well M throughout the township, has the svmpathy of the entire community in his attlietiott. We have since heard that the two other infants have silo diod.--Rep-tttstie. The Inquest. into the death of Mrs. (thrimnn Chilton, who died at Cat. lie-Io but weak, woo conducted try Cor- oner Anderson of Mlu Cuts. The jury's Terdiet ,rtta:-"t'hat the do- ctuad. Clan-um China, come to handgun hymn-nu d_ tapt law President McKinley has loaned his warrant for the snmndevr to the Cana- dian authorities of Alonnder Dnlgloy, under an“ in Detroit. on I charge of forgery to the amount of about ",000 in Montreal. PRAISE FOR DEAD MEN. GAVE BIRTH TO THREE CHILDREN. EDITORIAL NOTES. MILLIONS IN TIPS. . Ct-tteu-rel-tti-a.---) ill THE IEll um l BERLIN NEWS I IT, " An InterestingP Letter from Mr L. g. Breithaupt. Gin-gov. In, 4th, moo. Edna: C'aaoaruaiNaoBarM. Den Sit: in “cordon†with your mum on my prom-o l and you h-tttt n that thatch of my trip no tarnish! mm my boolnotno in- terest: Leaving home on Enter “om day I reached New York via the pies- l memo» Lehixh You†hilt-y the toi. I loving morning and utter withing buli- ncu and private friends duriug the Jay bonded my coca-.1 home (for the trip) the same evening, via: the new- eot White Star 8. ti., the "Oeetutie." Early next morning we named out of New York harbor. Sandy Hook val panned about 9 a. m. sud we were soon on than bosom of the broad Atlantic. The “(neurons certainty that is claimed tor her viz: the was; modern and probably the best equipped (can ; newer atioat. Her length in 704 n. or say from about Queen St., Berlin, to the Market hole], her tonnage is over 17,000. She carries over 900 tirat and 300 mound clue paasengors making with â€wage and a crew of some 300 men a total of 2121 souls. Quite a with in itself! The lung promenade deck: give ample opportunity for nec- e-ary exercise. Her machinery is of the beat. As she is very “steady" there was very little sea-sickness on board, in fact I did not see any. Among the passengers were probably some from most of the States of the union and afew Canadians. Among the former it was said there were some twenty odd millionaires, standard oil magnates, copper kings, beef and pork packers, etc. I did not notice though that they were any happier than their fellow passengers nor could they eat more than three square meals per day either. Professional men were also well represented. The young English- man who i ad been out to Idaho, Alas- ka, the Rockies, on, doing " bit of shootin' " was of course also with us. He had already sent the bears', wol- ves’, and antilope heads to London to be trtutred--"don't ye know". lie in- tended to go to South Africa shortly "to keep in practice." Queenstown, lzeland, was reached on Tuesday the 21th ult. and Liverpool on the follow- ing morning after a u ost pleasant trip. _ This great sea port is typical of old England's vast commerce ships and‘ sailors from all parts of the world. The 1 great docks are some 8 or 10 miles in‘ l length, or say a distance equal in length ‘to that from the Berlin corporation. limit to Elmira. Many million pounds‘ sterling in value are hero represented. Its grain trade is enormous. Its cattle (trade is also steadily increasing. It has cold storage stations for mutton, one of which alone has a capacity of 130,000 carcasses. its dry docks are also noted. I visited Birkcrttsoad, where all the cattle are landed and passed through the famous tunnel under the Mersey. -. The heavy draught horses used in Lirerpoolare of the best, all hitched in tandem style(one ahead of thcothcr) and mostly led instead ot being driven. Many Canadiain horses tind a ready market here. Canadian and Ameri- can manufacturers of most. lines are imported hero in large quauitics. Quantity seldom staggers an English buyer. The world is hie market. Trade is, generally speaking. very good in Englanl. The war, howover, still absorbs a great deal ot attention. The average Englishman however does not let such a minor matter interfere 'ith his sport. In buying a 's7lrdMl'll lug paper recently 1 was somewhat' mnusod at the heading: “Clicket and War Edition"-irt lirst and war next. Everybody seems loud in their praise oftho colonials in South Africa and especially so of our Canadians. We have risen immensely in the eyes andi estimation of Great Britain. Lasting good wiil doubtless follow therefrom, commercially and otherwise. Canny dian products have today tt decided pref ereneo in the English market. I feel confident that our progressive Cana- dian manufacturers who are looking for an export trade, will not fail to take full advantage of the favorable circum- l stances now existing here. Before‘ leaving Liverpool I had the good fort- l one of seeing the now world-renowned painting “Been "Jinn" (behold the) man) by the Hungarian painter M. do Muusaccv, “1m has since then die-l. It represents Christ beside Pilate be- fore the infuriated rabble. It is a wonderful and costly work of art and appeals to one in every line. I next visited Manchester, the great centre of the cotton trade and then Leeds, noted for its iron and various other indust- rice. In Glasgow it is raining, as usual. A public meeting is being held here to-day in aid of the sufferers from the great Ottawa fire. A: a Scotchman said to me, "Canada in pan. of our- selves." This is now the prevailing sentiment. Soldiers are Mill leaving for the front. Among them 1 am told that the shoe and lamb: r trades are also well repres- ented. I was present. ycslorday when a Glasgow leather dealer's clerk bade "good, bye" to his employer just before embarking-tho latter said ', "See that you give a good amount of yomxolr, Jamie.--Your position ls open for you on your return." As tho Canadian mail is just aiming I must cut short tor the present. More later if time permits. Your: nineerely, L. J. BRIITHAL'I'T. Lomsll, Mam, May 15.-- While St. Patrick’s Church organ was polling forth a requiem, and several hundred worshipper: were In the church at 8 o'clock mass, Thomas MeDormott, a punter, fall from the steeple of the gluon?» s dlsunos of 175 feet, and wss ll . " mi ot plekou “a 'sltKAttsg mafia} caught tim m m' terr, n . putt-pdhumq 1etlirtrAtitttLiIettf, ' It. In hu descent. he “ruck a ridge of the III“ root, and bounded oror,llght- ing upon I picket fence. Matches In his pocket not ttrqt to his clothing allot he struck the fence. As “no people "13th from the church “frightened by the not.) of the My strum; an "tor-tttey found I angl- td - or m... an! my“: Max TRAGEDY OF A CHURCH. AMMYUCAGCVW " Job-III- In“ Wall and)“, win suntan! a “an tbait an “Asia-t, Ont. The u, u. Elliot "MM“. Beeiitt Aa.ey.iy W: here “and†by Mr. Id- uon. Tami-elm.“ M'- "e-es, underlain, In kw crhofommmw ia. -du.brettmsot-tttgt-etth. on m to N smut! tnth. _ - MU; risk“. mu. tttroagtaoat the noun.- Ind I . Tho dectusaed was n» on“ at the 906001th â€plant". ll m be B-eil "MM, and m (1 lb. beat hold m Boa-linen Two-LI! my 39th. “on characlurn In um pm a! the A chimney burning at I!» "aide- of Aldemnn Cuchnmo was the ml " line In than: new; winded thU worm "g. Th. brigade turned on! in abort odor and put. thing: run An the an, team were paring (In Buckner Co's store they came “1qu a ferr hoben or runmug down I bone at- nched to a butcher delivery. Mn Bonner arrived in Berlin from Guelph on Tuesday and am spend several weeks in win. Berlin Lodge 154 A O u, w voted "5.00 tor um Hull-Ottawa tire sullen on, at their awning on I‘uealay night. Mm Dab] of [be Boehmer Co., tiaa gouo to Detroit to attend the summer milllnery openings. A new ironing machine of the latest, model has been installed and is doing good work " the Pearl Steam Laundry. At the meeting of the Epworth senior, deceased left two eons " home, League on Monday evening the follow- “other in Toronto and others at nu- lug new otlicers were elected:-- known parts. He was 78 years of age, President-Arthur Foster. a native of Devonshire sud an Episco- l. Yieed'rea-d. E. Cairnes. palian. 2. " -attiia E. Gatennn. ----e-----_-.r.- 3. " -Mim M. Bingeman. Anions“; 4. FF --Misa Mary Moyer. - Corresponding set?.-".'. J. Fenton. The man who fights against his) Recording Bee'r--hrms A. Ebr. . country is never a tterm-victor Hugo. The opening game in the 'rot-pr A may. tyranny is measured only 2tu'f/ 1't"gg' was t motbt “NEWS? by his power to abuse-Donn Plait. one. u y . poop e were prese . . . The gate receipts were over $ doi'2u,tdt.'Lo11cl"iceggtgll2, worth sides which a large number of season g . . tickets at 50r, each have been sold. Egotists can not converse; they talk Though the were indicates a one sided to theutttselvea only .--A B Aleott. battle it was not lacking in exciing A man who is poor in trust is the situations. The Association boys were poorest of all God‘s ereatttretg.- Mol. outclassed by the aggressive and land. clever combination work of the Royal 'rrifhrt, make up the ttappinoaa or the forwards and the Royal defence was wisely of mortal life. - Alexander almost impregnahle. The match Smith. started sharp on time with the teams Tours are often to be tound where iactng each other as follows: there is little Borrow, and the deepest Wiggins i Miller Clemens } backs 2 Raiser McIntyre ) l Uhrig A Bochmcr . h backs Kuhn Himhnrg S b's'tit'/r'itrs Jaimot l . . Mcinke Schweitzer i "gm mug {Knee ll Bochmer centre Heller Duuham 3 . ' Knoll Hymmen f Iefr wioir, ( Wagner Itereree- Dave Brown. Joluf Filsingor and John Low-is have matched their horses for a race m Woodside Park on Saturday and have put up 87 a side. k'i'ainger'ts horse is called Curimome and Lewis’ “yer in Harry C. According to the stipula- tions of the bet, Harry C. is to win by 1-4 mile in a mile race in order to win the stakes. Much interest is being ‘ccutred in this event. and it is proba- ble that a. big crowd will be out to FGG.i' it. It will he pulled " on Saturday at 3 p m. Brown The Militia Department has just is- sued ordersthat in futureBatLalions arc to be owed Regiments. Therefore ours mm the 29m liugimcm. A prominent baud omcial says that the band will not play out on the stand before May 2Ath. Mr R Dunlw in circulating a. petition asking for a broken alone and gravel road-bod on Benton tit., instead of gravel as petilinned for hush year. A convention of Y M CA Secretaries. and p aid offitayrty of North America will be held in the Thousand Island: Park from the 6th to 10th of June. Chan Roll, was sent up to Berlin jail by Police Magistrates Blake of Gait for stealing an overcoat. lie was sent/euc- ed to one year's imprisonment in the Central Prison. The defendants in the can of J G Rainer vs Mrs Spain of llawkeaville and H Spahr or New llhburg were examined Tuesday by F, P Clement for discovery in an action to set aside a deed from Mrs Spabr to " Spain. C Bitzer appeared tor the defendants. Two children, it son and a daughter of the late Gustavo Rammel who was killed in a railway aeeident an thoGalt brunch some months have been been placed in the Berlin Orphanage through the Children's Aid Society. All the directors of the Y. M. C. A. were present. " the meeung on Mon- day evening with the exception of Mr. L. J. Breithaupt. Mr. G. v. 0ber, holtzcr was elected President, that of (ice having been left open. Mr. N. B. Dctweiler was elected a director in place of Judge Chisholm resigned. Miss Mabel Gardiner of Guelph, has been spending a few days with her friend M is: May Wing, Frederick Sc. Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Hallman are spending several days with relatives in New Dundee. Mr. Graham Lunar of Hawkesville a former attendant, at the Berlin High School and member of the Rangers Football team ls back to town to put in another term at the lllgh School. Mr. and Mrs. Max Salle of Drayton, formerly of the Alexander House, Waterloo, were visitors in the Twin- City on Sunday and Monday. Mr. A. A. Ehy has returned from Guelph when) he has been relieving on the stuff of the Guelph Mercury. Andrea Barth, aged 80 yours, 11 months and 15 days, died " the real- dence of his son-ln-luw, Mr. Beyer, Samuel an, on Tuesday " 5.30 p. m. Deceased ha been . respected real- dent oflllerlln for many yam. In re- oem ydih he made his home Mth Mr and Mn Borer. The runners! will be held on I'm!" " 2 p m from the house to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and Mount Hope for Interment. Mrs. Noah of Perlin is spending a week with Heidelberg relatives. Tuesday " noon tho home on the farm lately owned and occupied by Joseph Werner nou- Willhmlmrg was burned to the ground. The commits downnuln was and but that upturn "I burned. " I. apposed to In" an» an “on an chimney. uh Hobo] s Miller ) Raiser l Uhrig Kuhn )s's'tit'/r'itrs ROYALS Tho diatom was “so owner a! the Boswell "mu-e, and an. a! tho beat known characlurn In um part a! the country. reyuteu to he very "any, his ftunily never wax-ode! in "taut _ in. mm from lending m. " at _ nomad. Even now, â€to his "terutere1 yum. he took " " old style olangIn a tent nnd “up!†whom the whim ' him. try the rawhide or upon some sheltered wood- lnnd. “I [on the (rub air," Inpat- mud. Pups-tuna: for another unm- mor of cum) life were under wny when the fatal illueu "tixed him .11 wool: In 1895 a much-loved daughter of the deceased died in “all on] while the family were camped near the Vanuatu bridge and . magttit1eetst monument marks her letting pm in Woodland cemetery. The rem-Ina of the father will be placed in . private "an at the counter]. Bums u widow, tome you" his senior, downed left two non: " home, “other in Toronto and other: " un- known parts. Be .1378 you: of ago, a native of Devon-hire Ind an Epro- puma. Tours are often to be lound where there is little sorrow, and the deepest wrrow without any ttsartc--Jotimiott. Iryou wish to Hm a life free from sorrow, mink of what is going to happen as if it has already happened. --Epioteltrs. The greatest friend of truth is time, her greatest enemy is prejudice, and her constant companion is tstumutitr--- Colton. Rome. May 16. - A terrible tsect- dent. resulting in the death ot from 30 to 40 In rsons, took place yeater- day at Houvigtione, on the lake of Yico, during a. celebration of the fete of Ftt. Totcie, who-e chapel is on the Ilmre ot the lake. Two hauls filled with ynung people capsized while returning from the chapel, within three hundred yards of the ltmling stage. Only 13 persons were saved. I Isl", or For" Pram. Dro'nod TIIPDII;h tho 0-3011»; " Two â€on. Fulï¬l " "h running-n. m'tre.' Ilntlwny SINK. I'm-don on Thm I I "-" omlltlun- Atlncllcd. St. Louis, My... May 16. - By an nun-union! (’nlrrwl into yestroUy tro- tween Ilr"erel Monagrr Junkins of the Sulnirlum rpm! and $'morge W. Woodworth. limirmnn ot the Griev- ante Cmmuittow. which setttrd the strike, nil dithrvnrns wore submitted to arbitration. The tirst question involves n derision of the Violation of an agreement. of April G, The pr- hitrntors ore to deride whether the company or its employes violated that aura-Inuit. It lho derision is in favor of the "Mummy, thrn nil the men urn to return to work and Com- ply with tho twins of the agreement of April G. Mr. Jenkins, ngrveing to do the sumo " the decision is nguiust. Manon-r Jenkins, then the company our“: to arbitrate alt ques- tions at issue Dawn-n " and its un- Noyes. The arbitrators are to be three in number - one from the company. one from the union, and a third to he soloctrd by the two. l.ougnlmronn-n'- strike I": “l".- Toledo. Ohio, May IG. - The 1onqshorertreo's strike, Inaugurated Saturday, mul which lhrmtonmt to be tur-reaching, has terminated. After wrerul tonirrmr s the men pawn in, and nearly all ot them went. back to work. Lari-h lap-manur- â€no Pulled to Be- “0'th- situation. Shula, May 16. - Terrible ne- munts are received of the distress which prevails in all the famine diu- trims. despite the lavish distribution at lunds. Fifty-eight lacs of rupee have already been expended in pur- chasing cattle and goods, while the Government has mm'c a iurwer " lnlmont of 75 lacs ot rupees. tor re payable ndvnnrrs. Tho Viceroy. Lord Curznn ot Kalluston, has received an autograph lunar ot sympathy trom the King ot Siam, enclosing 5,000 ru- pees. The Tireroy added to thin a limilnr fMrm. 'tit', provioto contri- bution- the donations oi Lord Curum and lady Canon totttl up 15,000 ru- o" â€In "Ink- Hal-ma. Kingston. May IB. - Thomas make. npriuonrr In the Kingston Ponitemtiary. was taken to Perth yesterday morning by Keeper Donu- pre. A year ago make. who " about TO you" ot age. “’ls sentenced to the pmltontlary for the remalndcr of " In. for murdering his wife. It wu- lmld that Nuke was Insane! " the time he committed the Ion-Ibis deed, and (41min have Ilnce been made to have tdm "In-led. The Department ot Justice ttmtrly docldt-d to dip- eharzc the primer, and to place Mm In the hand. of the Path author" Um. no that he might bo lent to In Insane hospital. Blake " quite harm- Iau new, and " quiet " . and. rrn-hod " no "to“; Ottawa, Mar m. - Joaeph GN- vnll. an amnion: of J. n. Renaud. city team-(er. was jolted MI . heav- ny-lad-t cart leo driving In the viemity of Ollmnur And Hugh-mf- Ihll " Wuii, "a (all dlroetly In trortt of Us Wheels, chh on“ over Mu. killing him um [IQ-tab tr. ". “as" Inm'wom my: rug-pug tl - has THE A‘VYIII. "rsrttrrt" IN INDIA. AWFUL ITALIAN FATALITY. A NOMAD " CHOICE. .m’ui-uuidpu, AIKISITIKAIION AT ST. Lame. â€he“ H:isnoSmalll >04 crockery and prices notwithstanding every- pared to offer you the assortment in thing in this line shows an advance of and dinner sets from $5.50 up. We carry from 20 per cent. to as per cent. _ We quote you chamber sets from $1.00 I full line of Huihnd's Limoges China in stock. You Save by Doing Your spring buying at Hasenflug's. Never before was this store better pre- tho, tiasGtiug, XXX up,