an. r u' Mun-upside.“ . Mum “Mud-wit“. “cw-aw IA" Mett was In“. Leegitifi.eltp: In not mt â€up“ Tho no." taxpa- dly all.“ I). amni- an n tMy-. but [Ill not-um. but Wm ro- pulud. They mum-d nun- to the no") at the town. but we" Iva-tu- any driven out of (bur position: af- tar u: hour’. will; by our guns. They will all! hold the hub hunt dint-Ly surrounding tho town, and thus ptevom. the arm». has - his along (MAnnwuy. 1110 with In. in today'- my mam. was “an. villa tho - no reported to have Ion 100. Including 20 prisons- who w“ “In by the mound Int-nay about midday. The Boer gnu-km mambo-ed A thousand men. Th. Inlaklncn Drqb- goon. cut chair wny throw the Boers. who View [creed to must by n lieu-y nrtlllery and musket†tim. "can aro sum-“cal. landon. Jan. 6.--'Ihe Dolly lull prints n dupudh from who“, Chtpe Colony, ‘which 5:33 that tho British set are, Tum-day night. to the trucks of the wrecked trim, which got mx'ay from them and slid down towards the Boers. 11w ignition Wu accomplished by the New South Wain I‘m-era, under a. navy tire, which prevented the Boers from getting the goods trom the cars. The damask my: also that the Born luvs been surrounded. but that the liitllh or. handicapped by n lock cl gun. of large Calibre. Brill-h o.- _ London. Jan. 6.--A special deemtch from Reusburg. any: Major Harvey of the Tenth H aura was killed, and that Major AI nder was wounded white the Hus, s were pursuing the retreating no†alter the attack on the British left; Jan. 4. near Cola- Dudon-fo-oll’n nor-In: It!" a .0 In! " Kin-4 Ind " Won-Jul. Lundon. Jan. 6.--A dammit from nape Town any: It is rumored that Col. Baden-Powell has again detent- ed the Boers at Mafeklng. A Mulching was. but rescind, but natal Der. an. qNtastirgast' an re- port at the British sortie [rum that place, which was tir" announced 1mm Pretoria. Dec. so. _ The Matching despatrh says: “There was a. sortie to-day with the viuw of capturing the Boer earthworks. but " was un- uuccmsluL The works were crowded with Boas awaiting the assault, and a hall of bullets forced the British to retire. and wounding . number." Who War ottieotsarrrtscaived throudh Gen. Foreatier-WOter It Cope Town the following despatch from Colonel Baden-Powell. dated kicking. Dee. 26: "We attacked on of the enemy's works this morning, estdmsvoring to hush back the cordon northward. -- ahr British storming party num- bered 80 men, at which number 21 war-v killed and 88 were woufrded. _ "We attacked on of the enemy's work- this morning, mdenvoring to push back the cordon northward. Our force consisted of three guns, two squadrons of protectorate regi- men, on. a! an Bochuouolnnd Rings. and armored Quin. ate. The enemy had strengthened their works during the night and doubled the garrison since yesterday"' reconnaissance. "Neverthchss, our attack was car- ricd out and mused home with the patrol possible gallantry and steadiness under " very hot Are. But all ctrorta to gain the interior by malade tailed. tho tort being proo- ticnlly impragmblo. “Our attack only withdrew after six of our unicorn had been hit and a. large number of men. Nothing could have exceeded the dash 5nd courage displayed? . , ...-......,w, , "The general situation remain un- clmnged und the health and spirits of the guru-hon are very autislactory. "I regret to report the following casualties: - "Kitivd---Cupe. It. 8. Vernon Capt. M. C. Fanford. Limit. H. C. Paton, " nonaommisaioned omens and h’onpcrs. “anâ€.-. "Wounded-Capt. Charles Fltzclnr- euro. 28 non-commissioned either! and Iroopers. .. I'riBonerB--'rhree troopers. P' (hm-ml Forestior-Watker points out that. while the despatch Rives all the names, it fails to show that six om- cars were hit. [Ill-ring - " fol. Radon-Pavar- Bold Alt-ck " “an. London, Jun. 6.--The Times pub- lishes the following doapntch from llal‘cking. dated Dec. 26: "At dawn Io-day Col. [laden-Powell organized on unsuccesslul attack upon a. strong position of the enemy at Gametrec, two miles trom Link-king, trout which the liners have been maintaining a dosullory. but annoying shell and rice tire for several weeks The rail- way has recently been reconstructed between 1m- lown nml Crtunetrmt, where the Boers had destroyed it. the ttnal repairs being made in pre- paration tor the sortie. "During the night the armored train. with Maxim Ind Hotchkiss guns. under Capt. Williams and troop. took up position. tor attack Ironn two rides. Capt. Lord Charla Ilcnlinck nnd a squadron were in "some upon the lat. while tho ex- lnmx- left win; was occupied by no lllhvry "oder Major Pan?!“ and n galloping Maxim of the Cape) Potter, the whole bring under Col. How. "Emphrclnonu wen thrown up during tho night. the on†being to ANA-ck at dawn. mud â€in nrullrry tire in diam upon prolongod looting from the armored inin. "At dayhrnnk tho gum opened an nut! rapidly Grow tho reply of the 'hCmy, our shells Min-ling within tdtective range. (MM, Vernon “v. the aim-n] to can ftrtettt and to ul- nnce. Ml squndron lending oil. Gaun- olm ll lurroundod with .rrtttr,wttio0t contained may tumultuous", and their .eewr.e, oi Bro Iii“ confused the man who Ind followed (‘npuln Vernon. .M- who - his nnd In brother om- MOM. _ AS UNIUCCIISWL 80-118. " AWFUL KILLING, In! - a In. - “Mt! and“ 'C'. P.taittlt,',tlhlt 210;,“ "an.“ ai-tVery.'- "r tt awn-"Wotan.“ in nud'M'F!M*'.a-te In. - In in. lac. “imp-um... b unit h -tauw-.ayaatsrttve4 m-Mubwlgl,‘-!‘ Wu-tla-Fart-Amd Ino- mummy-mucus...“- 'ef,etrgtgrrfa',.'tttut'at erattuttamdnaddfrtr. - lyln.m.l.uoltl-wmw mud-umvmrm. 15g Ida-red no to the w -t. UN dulled the In. of unlock} “My On being shown the horrlblo wan-do he "mitted that one “I. apical" bullets ind been served out. but In aid he won mull- that {hay had att been prevhn-ly upended and that none could hun- becn and on this occasion. He then produced . handout-r tuted with dam dunno and l potread out that. BO tar as “do king wu concerned, "use had boon recalled. "Later on I called the attention of the ttetd comet. to tour ot his own men, who were ruling dead bodiel. Me exprmcd MI tenet to 1 British "meer that, despite hin instnlrtlon to respect. (be dead. the younger Boers: Were unruly and would his control. Ind he named the British soldier- of stripping General Keck and leav- ing him naked and wounded on tho Mid. thus indirectly causing his death." n-I-lomn'nu [or Inn... London. Jan. B.-Thet War one. yesterday publlnhed a desputch trom Cope Town, dated Wednesday, Jan. 8, saying that at General French'- request the Household Cavalry, I battery of tield drtillery and the First. Ban-Alon of the M): Bugl- ment have been despatched to rein- lorco him temporarily. - at Moll-no. London, Jun. tr.-_eral Gutnm'l report of the Molteno anair contirmtg the Autumnal Pres. ing " was merely a. determined at.- tack on n pulil'c outpost. which wu- smu-sslully repelled. There we" no British casualties. “out. - Won-40d. Hamburg. Thursday. Jan. A-Lieut. Gibson of the Inniahiitingn was among DI. wounded. " The Transvaal High Sheri", Jill. while attempting to sail for beluga Bay tram Cape Town was asrrestod on Friday. He was subsequently par- olcd. Cot. Pilcher’s column. including the Toronto members of the Cana- dian contingent and the Douglas my tugm. returned lo the British camp at Belmont on Friday morning. A" than: to I. Accord“ Equal light- " _ Yokohama. Dec. 16. via, Wetorie, 0.0.. Jun. 6.-'Thq memorial to the hrone brought Into the Diet, this “wok by the Opposition is prwcliwl- ly an iulponrllmml, of Premier tur- quis Yamagata and Hun-ac Ministcr \I.:r1uis Fagin lor currupl. practices. As the incidc.:t is made by a party “hirh is itself by no means untuint- 00 with cu'rupliun, and Is in a hope- Irss minority. swift defeat will be the fate of the measure. chrI-llnvu'tv llorngullfd. The bill tor the rtuulution of reli- gious arguintions exclu- much con-mom. hoe-use ot it. fuirnm and Intuitmlity. Christianin is no long- er merely tolerated, but receivcl re- cognition. Alt religious property is exempt from taxation. and religious teachers from conscription. The " hole Buddhist sects show an unex- pectedly liberal 'spirit and Are pine: lie-ally united in giving support to the measure. A The. plague at Kobe is announced to he suppressed. and a 'spccial commission tor its treatment. has been withdrawn. . The lecllng of sympathy and do- prcssion among Anglo-taxon real- donm over British reverses In Bouth Africa. is very strong. and Is largely shared by the Japanese. whose/senti- ment is swongly pro-British. Atlanta. Ga., Jan. 6.--Geortm II. l'cnnimnn of New York mused tho southwestern vestibuied liulilcd on the Southern Ruiirond at Snllsbury on Friday and chartered a. special, " hich made the trip from that city to this--m8 miie-in 279 mlnutu. Mr. Pennilnun wished to catch the Sunset Limited tor Mexico and char- tered the special to make connec- tions. , no Cavalry not... A veteran cavalry horse partake. ot l the hopes and tear- or bottle Jun the same no hit rider. A. the column owing: into line and welt: the hone crown nervous over the willing. " the wait [I own out. he will tremble and urea! end - apprehensive. " be [me been six month. in eervice. he know: every bugle cell. As the call comm to ndTatteq the rider an led him working It tho bit with hie tongue to get It between " teeth. A. he mow-e out he will either not to get on (later than he allow or bolt. Be cle- ttot bolt. however. The line. wIll our ry him tween-id after a minute he will grip. h he! hie an. and one can feel " milde- reeolre to have the wont and have done with it ll eoon on possible. A - seldom erten out l when "hit In the turmoil of battle. " is the some will a mom-Bottle l Home World. Your little wan:- uo attended to win) as much plenum and can u we devote to the large“ order! that com. before us. 7 _ V "ii/Gun- and precision In the compounding ot medicine: md puma: up! Mpuong I: gar you gory; We wmgd can “nation to our ttmh stock of Paine. Colary Qty-pound the hunks tlst') medicine of the dtsr. Pull “not a! " the and Ill! hon J'llgl 'J,'l'llltf1 " A Mt In out an “an! tog 'Mn"9totbY* a ll) CHBlstl‘l‘. voCfii LITTLE WANTS. A flying Bull's! trip. Tran SOIII. n I“. 3‘. m b Um - “a A... Mar An“- “I. b! “.4- :."=e.t A lando- dopum b to m den-t that LI. Que- wm - Palm-null. on Pet. " In W. “a mum: In Quebec I. “It clonal up no“). The“ - now may SI “will. 2“ hymn-wov- run-n tuber; of Chicago died by hia own ma while hborinu nude: temporary III-unity. A number at women have made â€pumm- lot outrun to the Guelph aarVtalureat college. Their npplicul‘lonu In W .onnideratiors. A Hun-I to. “no". on Friday night unnamed the W that. ot June- Hardy, who bu boon wand by the Toronto polka: (or tom months. Mal om amph- min Mi. nnln. that Cot. Hqro {In mien-0d m ot the Amman prisons" in the Mud. of tho Filipinos. inclining 140m. Gilmore. - George C. Creclmnn, nuperinlaulent o! the F-rmeru’ Institute, has been made I chlel in the Oneida Indian tribe, And his nun. In Indian In Chief Kayeatchkwl. e. Savanna-of typhoid tom have a m-ntinchomwol m lento- n-qmu lam, almond to ttttri-te'" b In! Joel G. Tyler, Inter teller ot the Eatery National Bank of Fitchburg, "as... was lamented on Friday to nerve ttvet years tor embezzling the (undo of the bunk. [an year Toromo'u ares created a loss ot $350,268; the insurance on the burned buildings and contents Wu $1,508,904. The total loss ova in- surnnce curried was $41,049. The Senate Committee on Privi- leges and Elections at Washington on Friday decided by a vote ot tour to three to make an adverse report upon the resolution to Beat Senator Quay. The Iroquois Waterworks Com- pany Iva: awarded $1,800 on Friday by the Divisional Court in In sun ngnlnst the Village of Iroquois lor the price of an engine and an intake pipe. The British Foreign omct, Luz no knowledge of any private n-ussvngcr having been Bent by Emperor Wil- liam to Queen Victoria, supPonoU to be connected with the seizure of German ships or any other rial-Inf. Detective (‘nmpuu, who wan detail- ed by tho ot, ario Government to in- vestigate the drowning ot Ralph and Irwin Robertson of lwmlngton, in Lake his last November. has report- ed that the deaths wee aceidentai. In“ United Sate. mwy has “ken possession at snows island In the east. The island. which is called Sl- bulu Inland, lies " the aouthwatern angle ot the boundary line of the quadrangle enclosing the Philippine group. An elevator in the furnace rumm of the brass foundry in the Illinois Steel Company’- branch Work» " Chicago tell on Friday. intently Lili- ai Gd, Workman and injuring an- other so badly that he died a. few minutes Alter. in buy gt No.19 found 9-}. Ate James Wallace and Robert Moe. two youthful inmates of the Industrial School at Elmira. made their escape [torn that institution on Friday night and have not since been cap- tured. Wallace was committed trom Toronto and Moe from Stony Creek. Owing to the withdrawal of the trans-Atlantic liners as transport: and the consequent. non-arrival of American moat. London butchers have the utmost dittieuity in pro-aur- ing supplies and are advancing prices two pence to three pence per rmmd. John o. Rockefctller visited 'Wrry- town on Friday for the Brtl time during the holidays. One of his [Sockets was Bulging with " gold pieces. which he distributed to the employca at the railroad station and wortanen.tsboyt the village. . F'V m""'"'".-""""' _ ron In the Atlantic to proceed imme- diately to Santa Dorrungos â€This or- der in probably in connection with "next-cent. demand upon the Black Republic to pay an indemnity to a French Citizen. Tim Era-ch Government burn cabled the commandant, of the, naval laund- - . - -. . - "u--. hunk Hon. John Dryden, Minister of l: ricullure, is collecting intormaUon warding cold storage stations. nnd at the "ext session of the Lcgislat- ture he will probably luring in iesis- tation In connecting with the es- mhlithom, ol cold storage and col- lecting stations in various parts ol the Province. The Toronto Criminal Sessions‘ grand jurors. in their presentment. to Judge McDougnll on Friday, urged nun." the court the necrssily ot im- posing " heavy pennlly. even to the extent of using the lush, upon such criminals as houschrmkern and street robbers who take advantage of dark- ness to perpetrate their crinws. The Sultan of Turkey, fearing lest other members of his family, follow- ing the example Bet by his brochur- in-law. Mahmoud Pasha, may make good their escape to foreign parts, has ordered tho palace polite to guard particularly against such a possibility. Detectives have Iii-end) been posted at the piers and the nil- ( \vuy nations. F W... "w An unknown thug knocked down Iliad Eternal Fermnaon in Toronto On Friday night- no aha wan going home And robbed not.†a “midi thnin and n Ili luln of money. she was both Alumni. inmlbla by her as- uilnnt. Hill Form-on in n book- Ileoper at lanmlth’n. There is n slight clue which my onahte (In polite to “mm the and. Notwith- standing nil admin of her physician. Iliu Ferguson died at 2.15 this (Sni- nrdny) morning. An hunt hub“! â€Nahum. Jan. tL-One man to and and the. Injured u the mun of an accident at the Home-tend Stool Works lull night. Two of the {mm-rd will lilo. The men were changing the r0"- on the 28 - Inch mm, when the chain with which the) and! the rolls Into plum broke, letting the hon} man of Iron dow: on Hum. “Mb! Inn-bud and - lotion. (rm-tool by tho no". was It“ in. .0me Ill TORONTO. STAINS. huvo '%iiteiiS'2't?h',ih't,Ttt d “also“ tgtttt't'."lg."=k1',rds' noun-um“ “Minuteman†man-amid“!!! "thaw mun-mu no you: - - "-tt-ntt__et'. Inn I“ on “and to! the cum-p tuyhvomullonhe-Ielvn. ll. aid. as null-had apply cl - m-wWQm-ugm My. not not in W In. A to I m nu [not a“ b see- . 'dt-es In“ -" will. k W - volt. all m of ( Thug". do not up.†In“! . -, and bound ever, (not In. "no" In :9an of mun-muted - and tlreh-n Industry. Idiom will make any man a (Ilium; Induce-I wort will land In} - among tho Mal. llllolloollmpleoldno (In. that on. boon-la to put the met down In cold Mood, and In how for men who. or. vacuuming. lire up to the um that labor conquer: Bil thing; ldleoeu old the consciousne- of In competency should make any an nil-med of Maui! and drive hlm to do oomethin; that is worth the doing. " in within the grain of every one to Icon: tome one thlu‘ that will yield both pleasure and pmllt. Sum- come. only to than who seek it. The young lulu who ll really in - will not have to he noun-d how to succeed. no may learn much by studying the tullurel of others, how- ever, Ind he will alwlyl and. after I ourvey of the [not legion of the un- lmeuful. that two eon-co lave brought them to their pteoeut winery -4dieqe- and 1neompetetser-Nttrrd" Evening Post. 1 _ tsc , a .0 u-Tee-as, B. bi tg' 'i-tf-grit:' a, 7;", "rlli 'sect:::", o . ‘1er "c%s' n A l . 'it I. [h In rr I n D l ,3 ‘n , " V = â€" ,, MEM, r Bt., m r MEG 7 Mui'. F == LT k- == . . ' " N n - I ‘ - " --- 'v , --' n. _. , ., t- “ -_ Unol. lin- Wn-n’t Inch II'rmod 'by tho Relation-Mp. “new be ye?" naked the stringer eoedinltr, u he stopped In: backboard In from of the tttstd. Uncle Hiram surveyed the ottttit nut plclounly (tom where he I“ on the farmhouse nep- wnmn' tor dlnner and evidently reached " on conch “on u to m nnlure. ï¬nial." he replied Ilowly, “I dunno u I and no dimer o' [lb er sun can tee consumption “may: - - - 'iNer u? Ilghtnln ruin a tav'mo In- vestment e mine." broke In Uncle Ell-1m ernphntieaiir. - A _ -vaGipt a patent lined'clno under. 1'm"- began the stranger. - "And I got All the books I want. got more man 'u on 'tend ter clues thet encyclopedyer teller roped In. in." un- Bounced Uncle Khan: decidedly. "uri/tet' no book agent." denied the changer -tirci'T"- _ _ ""1 tell " Pm?-- loin the stringer tuned to explain. - - -UNlither do I tiigd by patent plowl. not churns. neg windmills, net oath. In." Interiupted Uncle mem. Ll nin‘i Selma unthin; I'm gone: I column o' yonr'n." announced the stranger. with amperage gpldlty. -Lva,dr' queried-Uncle leun doubt- fully. - _ "VI. be," nmrmed the stranger. "My Innw'l cousln. Amander Medderzrasa. married p and; o' rour'tt, Bile Harrow- er." Below will be found a complete list of patents recently granted to Can- alian inventors through the agency of Messrs. Marion & Marlon, patent at- I tomeys, New York Life Building, Mon- treal: catmda--tk5,150, Albert Many, St. llyacinthe, P. Q., shoes; 65,192, Maynard & Frederick, Campbellmrd, Ont., bicycle propelling mechanism: 65,313, l'hilcae Charbonncau, Mon- treal, PAI., reclining chair; 6.3.235, Albert Many, tit. Hyacinthe, P. It, last; &5/244,0os. Omer Lamuorcattx, ‘Sorel, P. u., plow; ($5.268. Vozilm & Beausoleit, Munncal, P. ll., gnsulizw burner; 66,380, LINN Wrttrrucr, Eliza- belbpurt, N. J., lunpiuz machine. Unittri8tates-334,599, Jas. Wilson, Glen Cross. Mam, hay lander; 335,136. Robert Irving, Corwhin, Ont., fasten- ing for Mall chains: 633,440, Lavrie A Chnzeuo, Montreal, P. Q, extension tittt ladder; 315,315, N. L. Unbriilr, 8t. Hyaclnxho, P. Q., drain ditrhing plow. "In-u. I've burn tell o' somethln like met." acknowledged Uncle Hiram thoughtfully. "WW. put yer [mu In the burn: the“ good etttttr ter dinner. but ye can‘t say Ill night on It. mind ,‘ll . ,’ E .v:- _ Just as the lightbuoy is a signal - I i=2: of dangor to nilors,nnd the red light 2" f" ‘71:, 7 to ruilvny men, s) has nature equip- 'al L8 - pod individuals with danger iv.mur 3" 1‘ " - of one kind or another when the ir physic-1 ' _. p, ,; Al condition is not quite right. It may .. simply be a tired Celine, n slight cold I ; ‘ a wenktwan of the muscles, fcklo nppetite r" or some other sign-Blight st fhnst-- which indicates that your condition i‘notnlicslthy one. If the hunger signal is not Locdecl, woriuus results will follow and a com- pk ts collapse may 02cm. In n’ne cues out of ten tho direct cause ot Jw trouble is impoverished bloo l, or weak nerves. You need some- thing to brace you ur-to make your blood rich sud your nerves “only. Dr. Willisms' Pink Pills in the only medicine thst can do this promptly sud effectively. They strengthen from flrU dose to "t. . A suspicious VISITOR. . what“. MrJohn 3l,tt'g'u.qdrl; UM... an t-."u an up... u... nhly ot tho virtue d .Wlllinms' Pink Pulp. Wrnlnul 2tertt and 100'». up (In â€not: than e "and. and lawn-ops»! move“ and. tunably‘ humid-I will“. A. an Inland-tot a. mutt-Hon may till they ad- to it." PATENT REPORT. MrJohn frwtmtt f, .1 ee"" i and“: 1'pa,Ntlli2,l,Nlltt8l','lullvii"i1' A Danger Signal Past Record Life saving. T, Nun's claimant! " "mu m Em In mg m m 1eeeiai.""'"' 008W Gisrtitiiv. mun u-n'. I...“ (it,rra'e,td,t1rl,'l,1 and!“ 'Ba, In: an we women. _ They can - - tho he: that it In Pain-’3 can, Command that trough: but urn-331b, ham: and new, vignronnllfo we! hunts with the may mmluun advertised num- dl quid! u with physicists and bsapitaitreatmemt. . Aunongn the most trouble and mar- vellous recordl of cum elected b) Palm’s Celery Compound In the you jmclmed anthem of thousands who had been given up by physicians us hope!“- These Impala" cam were men and women "ttMing from kidney and live: dis-hm, stomach lmublee, rheum- lism, nervou- proetntion and lung “ending dyspepsu-all on tho brink (It the dark grave. At the eleventh hour, when ttow ad lied, and deep,black deslmndr-nr; reigned wpreme, PaineU Celery C'onr pound was ncommcnded by some good friend an a Inst resort. It did not require weeks or months for l'uiuc's Celery Compound to show its powers and virtues. A few noun or days sutyeed to convince every ttut' ferer that he or she had in truth fauna a medicine that could cope with dis- casennd death. - A _ AV _ This past record of life saving it maintained and fortitied by thousaudr of the Itrongcst. testimonials Written by men and women now enjoying the full blessings ol good health. This glorious past. record of PttimO Celery Compound as a disease banish"- or has given the wondrous medicine a place in the majorig of the homes ol Canada, where it is known as "The home phssi ian," “The home protector agair st diseue.: - - Mason-NIP“! 'E'..'.‘°"' ...,...- -- WV V w, - Are you a tnsfrerer from any of the troubles mentioned above , Are you weak and nervous , Are you sleep- less, deapondent or woman I Have you periodical headache, poor appetite or faultv digestion , If so, .try what iiaiiiFi'clii'rv Compound éan -do fol you. A bottle or two will give you satisfaction and delight. Conn Again [hell-I'd “all I" 'u" _ . SIC-"ell Brain:- Montrml. Jan. G.--The “mun- also nguin engined tho attention of the Police Magi [rule restvrduymait being ("we more refused. and the case adjourned our till Tu-sdny next. J. J. Herbert, the ex-tmer, “as the ehiet witness. llo had known Baxter [or four or five years, from seeing him frequently in the bank. He had spoken to him personally a law days before the Suspl‘l'lsluu .-r the bank. lle cxpccled to get. the $15,000 from Baxter. but haul got nothing per- sonally. lie did not apply to Baxter before the suslvendmi oi the bank. Baxter had gm. about $10,000 lrom the bank alto' ellwr. This money was paid out by the witness on cheques phat-Med by Mr. Bauer, his son or his clerks. "no of the latter was named Ihllmrd. Some of the cheques were iui;ialled by Lemieux, which was “itness' authority for cashing them, and others he cashed on his own nuthorily, with no security, P.x- eon. llnxlt-r'n name. Immieux oh- baincd possessio" oi the churn. "nd ilhixler never got then, back. Witness knew where they were now, but he trwlined to state to the court where Ihey were. Witness knew on July 24 that the hank would close, so he did not go hack. Thu-9M tt P.aie's Puts Drugs fresh and 7" re-tho best stan- d " w "os. Ir , .7; _ pst attention and b 4 raw u:iveu “hr I filling your doe- to H prescriptions. Priors vanish-III with the quality of x3111." up sturdy. t'Artll'.Th" AND LOW Paras. Attittttttetttae varietyof ch Toilet Prep:tmti"ns comimml!_\ in stock to choose from. _ . , We am noted for the variety and quality of our Permmes. The World’s leading memeine,Paine'r Crlrry Compound, the kind that cures. always in Mock, fresh and genuine. S. Soyd' r, 19ruggist" Waterloo, Out. ' Drugs fresh nu" 'l, "es. It-t , GUAnnn . "axrr.'rt " F. " AN OED. '.-,"t can mat moat favor. tb. They mvolnulqghlg In ita9ei;dtutod. Hum anti-WE! 0L! -" (f ES TO PATRONS. all if? an» $gtNitB" 'rBLWat. h . j . in tN,h'lt',lt f" "W "tlt) ‘E: .&â€-W_ THE MOHAVE INDIANS TH" ARE TH! “OCT SUPERSTITIOUO OF ALL OUR RED HEN. “In Dull "II! â€um. M In). An Cur-10¢ to lluvo- In the Incl. Fn- Thali- Ila-ll. -oo-e%ooq I“ Ill-cal TI" I. Owls. J. K, Meeklnson. formerly I coval- ment special agent. an that the Mo have- Ire the mom. superstition tribe of North American Indium. “The “unmet." nld he. “believe In I god Miro-wells Ue II the maket of nit thlngs. He has a non. whom they all Mariam-ho. who II king ot the ue. parted Iplrltl. M-re-tia, thvy Bar, conduct: the movement: of the sun. moon and “an. lie lends the rain and the sunshine and decidel whether the lesson shall bring (east or “mine. Ila murd- the hunting ground. Mat- um-ho bu full charge of arr-m In haven. or White Mountain, " they all it. “Thy belleve that the splrlt dead go up to White Mounuln In Imoke and that " the personal property destroy- ed in the (lumen with the deceued wlll so with him. Then pots are constant ly boiling. Med wlth the choleelt things to out. They luvulably cremat- their dead that Mu-zam~ho [my be appealed. and the funeral pyre I: made ready for the corpse as soon u tite In extinct, In order that the aplrit Journey to White Mountain may be nominated. " witnessed about 12 months ago the cremation of an intiuetttial subchlet, whose death was deeply mourned. The funeral [lyre was made near the tem- pornry village, just on the reservation " Fort Mohave. Shortly after night- (all all the Inhabltnuts of the rlllnge gathered about the pyre. The body, wrapped In a gorgeous Mohave blanket. with the fringes artlstlcally worked In beads, was ettrrted on the shoulders of tour haves from the lodge to the plat. form of mtiammable Brewood, “Following the pallbearers came the women and childmn and near rela- tives. The family group crouched near the pyre. The chief of the medicine men otrered tirst words of praise and thanks to Mat-o-we-tln tor making the elements favorable to an easy passage and then a supplicatioa, to Mas-um-ho to receive the spirit of the departed Chieftain with due honor- at White Mountain. "Then the dead body was placed on the pyre. the tire was lighted. the crac- kling thtmea swept t1ereely up about the corpse. and the nplrlt was on It: way to It: eternal home on White alonntaln. Friends and relatives rlmm~ ed songs of lamentatlon and Illolllll'd piteonsly "white the tiames devoured the body. At short Intervals the tour pallbearers cast upon the ttametg per- sonnl property ot the deceased la the expectation of Its golng up In smoke with him to White Mountain. thereby adding to bl: comfort "Th; mourners also contributed some of their 'cholcest personal beioIuPum. so that In hls new and eternal home the absent one might have nhont him remembmncee of their "eetiott. To the wonwn of the Immediate family was granted the privilege of contribut- ing portions of their hair tovthe Bt1atetL After the incineration was complete Mohave etiquette forbade the friends and reintlveo to eat unit or wall: them- eelvep for four days. "It In a belief nrmly Bred In the Mo- have mind that all Mohave: who die and are not cremated turn into owls. When an owl is heard booting at night near their village. they think it Is the spirit ot some dead Mohave returned. " by chance an owl falls into their hands. the bird ls properly ‘cremated. In the belief that the wandering spirit of its Mohave occupant will thereby be quieted and than enabled to approach Ma-tsho, Cotttideat that its petition to be allowed to enter the promised land and thereafter rest In peace among the other good lndlanl of White Mountain cannot be refused. "Until very recently the Mohave. held yenrly I mourning feudal. tt was the annual burning of perIonnl property In honor of the departed mem- berl of the trlbe. At the hour deemed molt propitious by the medicine men to both Mat-e-tia and to Inn-nun- ho (ho Mohave: nuembled In an open Ipot neu- their village. . high knoll usually being selected. The pyro land been prepared " though for the crema- tlon of the dead. When the tim m hottest; each member of the who con- ulhuud to the "ttteq Iom bit of per nonnl property held In choice eat-om. "A. tho tttteh smoke ttttated sky- wu-d the albumin. Indlnnl we" con- soled for the IOII of object- of per-oat! Morning-t, apparel or of hunting tnt. plement: by their ttrm belle! that the curling spoke ring! wen waned "might to Human-ho. Hug " the de- parted Iplrm. and that their loved one- on White Mount-II wen - II pone-loll of the“ proof. of their last- In; low and mombnnco. "Under the when†of their amt. tho Mount Mn unwound an Ill- nml net-Inc. u no and. Ind. except It NM " the men-don. It in not now oboervcd.â€-Wuhln¢ul no- m In In rm Inn. The coil of Inning up the can!“ fountain no cum. transla- l' London II 88.500 nor "nun. A null. - tn I buy “manna can no. m'mowbmofmwunm- “mum-h. Amman-mt “gamma-um». â€iii: um It I â€.C‘ Datum u 8. Dasha 0" Gun Pica“; ‘ “and“ Wt s%ttt2's'." rgEt? p.1 I.†. ',?,jittiiii";" . I. It " I. l TINY TIH. thiiith2EtigSiSjiWt i ".wy-rtr,e-q-, sat ,i't'ilr'iirgit't,'s'ii,ti'i,iiiitiSii, on; In» TINY “at.“ an. 'tttae-tlt'.. un- “73.5 Ttiug "teKvltib-. r. w. ti a... I... idiflil'Wta"d'ldl'= pr. mm rm tel-57L: Klpung Tie- suk Front Shh-u Our stock ot furnishings is n ore complete than ever. Try us for your next tie shirt, etc. J.RITZEB, Waterloo WATERLOO, . HONEST HARNESS AT Get one of my tqttmtdld new not: of mun.» I ‘3'. " will improve the apps-mum ot your oqgttrtoots hundred per cent. .I-u . “was. "llggm.?u'tllf, Tha Meat of It Just Opened Out Il8a,'Nlrlml and WHOLESOIIE John B. Fispher, f WM" WIN". ll "I'lul’m-l. In..." -..‘. .,. v...» of {our to“ by I dot on!“ 'mhriott and t"St wt h an at ",esrit,t1't,"f,'t, " tttttNt g t ueor'Mm, Indium mum. fl)". Children Ml . It will nuns tho " ma. _ Inn-aunt]. Depend upon i"GaiiiTtiieuuriotreeh9ee, if“ "I. . I!!an a gamma ann- has been “and by mlllm at mmhm m thee children wim- â€among. " Mammal u. akin AM hum-In _ _ LL ,Mu =rcTii..-a_ "iiiii22'if, w...- "w...“ _._. my, . F"itfiTiiftritEithtiertaeh",l 'd'WiAG"ltl' a isetttre9 than - In t n ' 'l o - JOHN STREBEL meat is what they want. A. welslaughter nothing but the youngest and healthiest been our customers can always be sure of getting delicious roast. Ind tender steaks. Our-0d Hun- . Spoon": HARNESS SHOP 1tepairiutr at moderate Ttttan During the hot season of thd year people are naturally more particular'about the meats they eat. l Newest shades and ml: , mg: also a fine lot of wgcrrtttcoer-"a""oNt POI OVIR 'lm YIAI‘ ANOTHER DOT or Str. bel’s .._MF"R."""--P"" .7 “Howl-ml BIN i,%'riii'iiiii'i1', an". redtt n- unsung-damn"? riiict?yiiittll I...“ I“: "ite.. HONEST PRH'ES. -___ (oi 1535-2 nu t [929.9934 ONT "