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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 11 Jan 1900, p. 5

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'i-:), ‘3'. bane. . E, “I. lit awry by o. Hnsseni,hstr in Sign." column ot this paper. E: iiijiss,o bicycles sold Mr. Stein tells " D” .5 would have paid all the repair- 1”" done not barring accidents -. ugmn'elnudin hum-win. WColee at 10e a pound in an] milks hot “he! " Hummus}. cheap bargains on be had at Shitholtz’u flu niture wareroonu Get your Ie-upholstering done at .thirttrolu'r,ittr upowdm furnilum l T Be, Kremurimr & Slain sold in In; Clevel'sndsduring 1899. Who bs but this , 'r . Anyone not having tried red gripe fruit NW with their oysters is missing . /miiik-. For tsale a 'uaenihatftr. r‘ 'tte' Waterloo M't'g Co. was obliged “Mum-k on 'l ueuday noon on an:- ”if the bursting of several pipes ”A!“ boiler. 'Wmmhly meeting of the Chlis- “In Mini-moo Union was held aciti-euca' ot Mu. J. B. Hagey My acumen " A oreluck. . w. P; a”. [Maurine]- of St, Clements unlit}. Mai. of Heidelberg have Igniu mum“ tin mm, for the eeiebrateo <ueeim.td Bicycle for 1900. "tety' interested in the man nfncture 'tit,tmtimt, try looking over our adver- vulumna will tind a. great bar- _ Damn machinery. 1-2t .Kvlngelmio uniccs are being con. dilated In the Evangelical church. All an invited to attend. Meetings oom- xncnoo " 7.45 every evening. ahuhttr the coming week M.Wcichel ”on will reduce their stock ofpkales, We] nicks, etc. Prices will be low. can any and get. titat choice. Th- Young People's Society Band of martin (my will meet in me Memo din thumb this evening. The cannot the evening will be “Possi- Anya. undevoryone having Any kind ot app!” to sell should bring them to TT-nbias Gloomy this week; bear in mind this week only. Evworatorrursssimr my» If you want to buy good clothing and (mm dump it will pay you to go to A. Waugh h Co's. big selling out sale, even if you but any miles to come. Sign nut to the Pod on", Berlin. On “I: Mr. Edgar Fischer ro- edvd_g thalgughmodk tee!! t?l?, “My Mr. Edgar Fischer ro- ad"! a unmanned Scotch collie 11‘ ,rtttt pedigree, the father and it“, which cost 81100. Housing E.ttrctnmdr% of Hamilton. This, no doubt, in the but. breddog in town. I'Iu an of a. Allendorf against E. l, Harp“ VII hand in the Town Hall 'ttdf . and dismissed. Harm “1’in information up?“ 'iEiiA1lt0mott, for ceiling liquor M m hot no proof could be given. noes". no Wnterloo Juniors play the Pros- r" in Junior- to-night. A munch Newfoundland dog, mod the G. T. R. station, We: who, Sand-y morning, Dec. 31.; ”will please leave him " the an and receive reward. oodlm can": TRAN IVII. The belt American cod on now sold unite! a Lipurx1t'? " IN pg- 91. “ Order-delivered co my pen or .m W274. . _ ammo. ',i!jilyi'i'i'i!, h the more ot lull . t . y?!“ 'Nllu,isv.,......-.,, ' WARM. M Serum. Apply to “n P, in. Union St. Waterloo. LOCAL tiliN'f1 Eamon-v I _ mun Fountain. Earn & Iorloek V------------ B PERFUME L. B. Duormgys mm. in this ,.ree6. Jayme-- “a. do. 'tt Brytlitttt8., Junta-a. not“ . asund- Certsinly you} mtthe be“. m "intmrirwmtdifir. I nuke A weak“? of the newest odou ot the but makers in the world. Mr-r-- - - 43 pack- ggu suitable f0 f Xmas gift! it wanna WKTERLoo. and you will 'h.-." HIV Fa _ 'tiii=tt,'h'rty,1t, Jr; .1: nuns “diallin- 'iiiiiii '2Fit2tgtyt2Ml'g4 IN It. [album $tf,tlfM",Va'cl'- .Lnl -.e-'e-e ‘" “"3." Me'---"" w“ . _ _ m "t'iiitiiiPftit.tlutiitu%di'g"fiihLi thttAt,'l'4t . ”a... - .,. . r, irc,Fihiiiii+ttrtt9.t m..-| e... ”that F BU id,iiPl't'2r8tr,,t='t,Vl, tt sfiii'ltG?ti'it"i'F,'it,E _ 'e _ . “MW#M£‘h~uu'â€"hlm n.- 33133;..." - - mull-v“ [ ”MINI. ulna tEi?y,iiiiiielfiliitttt't tut not an - any WMuBnWJuI hurl: ‘1‘.”- u-nuhouln.n.lem--d Inhabit! 0'0“!“ “man a. -. Int-ha - ,tii"carirt"tiiihi'aiiii"iii; Mr. 110671;... “all 0%:th ‘51.... ”Mt. itt1,etl'g 'dro't J,,',',,"."",",,': af " m... w... " e I , . new. . . . Rqr. C. B. Smith. will M tn tttq not; Jim 1.4332: evenlnnnlwhlehmm shalt of an ebb m L the HM an John'e chum. Berlin, will an m.- M, m. lucrxol or orncnn. Chu- Blnlr has - hollow Orlean- The “and neonatal the Even- in and In. John Kaolin all h.- gelleel Sunday when! the ell-colon tty, at and It,,tlt lie). and Mr. ttf omen wan held on Sunday In“. John Plot-ad no, “A”. wth., when the following owe-henna were ”and ”melnmlw elecledl’onheemingyenr: kuTiiiremeuotrttliarqrtttt Frauen-J. W. Schneider. mend. in town. Yie-ident--0. M. [hut-ch. Mr. Otto gm. m on “a” for 8oemrtatr--H. Mahmu- Plrndolphu. Pa., when he will eon- Tmf-Fm'k Good. Ilnne hie denim and!“ a the Unl- nel"pft'lti.- [lemma o.uet and verity. . F i 'ttpr. lee-n. John end mm: a. m- gmr'f; M. Nl,":'."" mu went . to- an on. week with "I“ P Mar, W mu comm, Mr. J. B. hackle. unann- IILA‘I'IOXS- Itim Im Inchell let: on Sammy We are “was tttrf to note any for Georgetown, when she will - , evidence of good beting and lurmony n few do” with morale, than whence _ existing between employees and em- in will go toWlmby to matinee - . players. A late instance of this no- undlel thereon!» lulled College. curred on Tueedny 2nd inst. when Mr. Mr. Jacob gm, glow, is in and Mn. Abraham Rudy orturrtatnedltNs town on m.- to-dar. Col: runner: annoys. We are sinus reused to note any evidence of good eellng and humony existing between employees end em- ployers. A late instance of this no- curred on Tueedny 2nd inst. when Mr. and M re. Abraham Rudy onterrtainedlt he an! of the Berlin Brush Company at their handsome residence, Erb street west. After I delicious oyster supper had been throughly discussed, the em- ployees presented the genial 'Ati',,',',", tor with an elegant rocker as e ight token of their estee- und as s mo- menta of his 68th birthday. A very pleasant evening was afterwards spent. orncs: DIARIES “men. On Thursday evening the amt-ere o! ttteEvangolieal cholr were elected as follows : llon.l’ree., Rev.G.D.Damm , Pres, o. M. Umbach , Vice-Pm, Harden Brubacher; 8eerTretur., C. W. Schiodol ; Execu'dve Commuru. Herman Octzel and Ira Snyder ; Chorinter, J. Bruegemnn. Mrs. C. W. Schiedel, who has 20 faithfully ”new at the organ for a number (than and is the choir’a tmstwonhy standby, was again appointed organist. The choir has now iwenty-fivo members and is in a fiombhing condition. The report of Lattendanco has been exceptionally gtod, about one-third not having missed apmctico or service for the last. two months. The service next Sunday morning will he in the interest of the Sunday School, after which the VVAT’IRLOO SEPARATE SCHOOI... thoroughly tatisMd,Martr Didbet m IV CLASS. - Gertrude Ball, Lilly requested to “he the chair. which he Klahe. Ethelyn Connor, Agnes Bey- ably t11ktd. Ther 'roqat “It '0 then mann, Edith mob, Agatha snowy, Opened with singing the National An- Antoinette Bauer. them and the way tttmy “tend Into m CLAMP-Leo Spitzig, Atop Hopf, the spirit of the was showed that the! Berths Mussel, Herbert Kuntz,Wal- were all loyal to our Qnoom Spicy tor Fischer, Gertmde cotmor,Edgtsr tspemettets were given by I few of the l Bauer, Harry Weinstein, William members, which we" followed by . Bauer, Edwin Hermon, Emma tttw gemarU on the "who? of the Schneider, Emma Wan, Adel Rey- Order, by Chief 0rganissr,E,Getryr. mano, Josephine Dietrich, Caroline HO remarked that the Canadian Order Nierechbach, Regina Herhngesr, of POW" In plononneed to be the Mary Emmy. TF best in the Dominion. The meeting 11 crass-tWi Henson. Mary broke up with the beat while: for the Seyler, Marianne Sobiech, Roan Orderyand that our Queen may be m- Bauer, Emma Bergen, Ida Karger, mratstut in all her undertakings. Freeman!) Wahl, Walt/er Strub. ..-------- I aia.-Nettia1utormamhvtroniea I“ - m. Schlosser, Austin Gibbons, George - Brandt, Mary Wlhl, George Stub. At the invitation of the Waterloo n - "1.x“__ " AL- 12..-“- Inn-unb- nl chl- We clip the following notice of the marriage of Miss Amelia C. Raymo to Mr. Brineley M. Walton, formerly'of “The Pennant,” of Sandon, B. c..- “Another of the series of happy events, which are brightening Sundown binary was celebrated on Saturday last, when Brinsley M. Walton, of the Ajax Fran- tion, and Mine A. C. Raymo, orwtgter- loo, 0nt.,‘weve united in marriage, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Menzies at Reveleloke. The bride hails [rem Waterloo, Out, and her marriage is the happy culmination of: protracted courtship. Mr. and Mrs. Walton arrived here on Sunday even‘ ing, and no now domiciled in one of the Bunnyside places. The happy couple have boot; the recipients of many wum congratulations and ex- pressions of good will. sumo“ own To M. a. mucxxm A banquet. was given at tho Mark» hotel on Monday evening by the St. Nicholu Club in honor of Milton R. Brick". who left this morning for Manual when he has accepted a good situation with James Johnoou a Co., wholesale dry goods merchants. There were proton: than: orerttrttre of the hon of the St. Nicholas Club, besides _ - .,..,,,.. :4‘_:_ m- preselone or gwu mu. Plum”, .nmu n...“ '____ ‘h "‘"w- - . _ l. The cure olthe lick end wound- to the 'haiiri"'at "TG' '11;va Bamtmrr one): TO M. R. mucxrm ed, "Mm! et pemtrttt of the Ceue- and]... ii'iiiiiiisiitti'fptii & I A banquet was given at the Market dim Contingent. " not - Bet-III- t In ',,pte'hu'g hotel on Monday evening by the St. 2. For the sick end wounded of m‘afiwomgam Nicholu Club in honor of Milton R. both more and Boer forces. maven new the an few-hip. Brioker. who left this morning for 3. To provide in the field, Phyei- g... *,,'ft, ' “gnaw-g, " Montreal where he has accepted u good "iat,',,tgQ Hoepltele,mediolnee,ete. may. 1.. to and e, we p.31 eitueiion with Jamee Johneon do Co., Be to the awaken lmpree- "tll,','.',','."?".".".'.'.?".', Ire “I "a "I wholeeelo dry goods merchants. There done that had an ell aimed in Can. - we mu tthd n. in 1tr'iiP, 'dh'; were preeent about ortrrttr-tires of the ode, through t ill-edvleed mks tfh"tpr,'2.'t i-em.- _ hoye of the St. Nicholee Club, beeidee ot e few per-eon in thie heelity, that Am.-. l- renter m it eon-rm u number of intimate friends. {the the chime of Berlin end Weterloo 'SSdt vhf”... " the dining room was beautifully decanted were in eympethy with the Deere, but the nut- er a: Lu “:1: with the cluh'e colon, royal purple and he thought it would now he difBttttlt to ',,'argrmuall'dN levi- t old gold. After the tempting viende and my one who would one to be "r. t?strtiF1Rtit1"i'7i1i, the we tgap. had been thoroughly diacmeed, the Media that light. Thebe‘ meme mg.” 't'ttl'lth'tfJtt " cheirmnn, W. J. Krueger. Propet-d of counteracting thh inure-ion he i5Eiifitiiiry k','rv"i'Eiih"'r.iiii the following toeete: The Queen, the thought would heto - I lied Clo- had um eta-arm Continents. and arm-e Society, end In taotre1oeoit"titt- a, A i!lL, Soldierelu Booth AM e; Our Gueet. modem Somety in Weterleo - m h .. antenna-tend whichwere “duly" “rework couldbedouetheueee 3...... dPt2alt".N.'h'rN. nepondedtoby lii'ereut memben of hnuehoiihe Berlin Society. . " the club. A molt euloyehle evening Mayor Dlebel Ir. we, Simon weeepent. trEiiiiii2iitrijii,iil'. epoke _.----------------'"-- h _..-------------- ttt ouy with theee View end it __-- - wee W 2ll71e'li'iP.diiiiii “I "i'iirqtr' i '31 WrriGi'iaariaa Tkititiii. c-..-,';):,';"."')'" maker-fix: , f I. Inn-um m causamu. to L'flThfllllr'Is"llli iara of the - MON-Winwm Bgtmrs.--The Mum of the homo-mm am:- Pnlbywrhn church intend balm: . ohm - Dr. Webb, of tlt,tt,tt"2r,l2l'L't . " L'?fll'll',' - A. s',',t'iil'iiii' t t U. Ill Mill-O .3”. muMMMpIn-d cum-3.3. Imus: tteiru"t,t"g.uN"li't'utlt Dlohd.A.M mt t, ' lunch will be and no lulla- '6G'C'ita'iiihiiici.i.TiiTrrAi, FGaiiiiui-ri-getr w.cm,:.n.uu,mnq mummm iqd we “my...“ iiitrr"'r"'"'ri'f"l" 'iii',tttii'gtM."t'lx"ht . a. , d t.tatntBeMlt" won? an m A“ . I m " i,A'trttidl'tdiNl'J, 'lltllh'llA31tLTl Bad: HWEXEAL. Out!" . In: Michal“ my. mumwb'hnuoo-M M, tut a...“ W Attte Eula ‘1‘.”- . and as. ;aogb__3by,.d_0,n-.I has The members of Court Enterprise 1 No. 73 held their Armani lint-listion j of 001m on Tuned-y evening. There was e very Ierge turnout of the mem- bers end the best of good (allowship prevailed. Mr. E. Gmung, of Brent- Rnd, Superintendent ot Oigntrizatitm, performed the duties of Installing ottar. The following otBtye" were ‘duly installed c-- C. D. - Geo. Allwerd. C. R. - V. M. Berlet. Y. C. R. - D. Bohlender. P. 8. - J. K. Shinn. R. B. - B. Meier. Chop. - J. Renter. 8. W. - G. Kurschinshi. J. W. - W. R, “enrich. B. B. - P. Bothnrmel. J. B. - M. Lorentz. Court Phy. - Dr. A. P. Baum Alter ell the hnsiness bed been transact d, the members proceeded to the City Hotel, where the genie! and g,tttu"tge'gi' Mr. Enoch "leer- gott. h prepared s delicimu W supper, which was greatly eppreclsted by all. After the inner tth was thoroughly tatisMd,Martr D wee requested to tske the chair, which he ably t11ktd. The Tout list wee then opened with singing the National An- them and the way they entered Into I the spirit of the song showed that they _ were nil loyal to our Queen. §picy At the invitation of the Waterloo Committee of the Berlin bunch of this eocietv, a well attended meeting ot our eidxene was held in the Board room of the Ontario Life Autumn” Co on Sunday "esninr,toeortaidor she beet menus " wearing . mad Amd in aid of the movement. There were preeent,lleyor Diebel, J B Hughes»: Webb,8imon Snyder, David ecu, A Baner,J Bitten!) M Sunder-sf. G. Hughes, F Helmet], J H Rooty.CltVton Wells, WCnrtbew,R J I Webbe, A.W. "tobarta Prank might, end ll Wegen- tttbt. On motion Mr J B Hughes took the l chair, and aim briefly reviewing the good work d me by this Society, and endorsing its objecu, he called cg: Dr Webb to eddies the meeting. Doctor mad extnct- from paw-bed report- 01 the Society, in wind: in origin and opentlon- were fully ex- [plgnogn Briefly. {tag-flue? not: If” supra-1,310; Siiieii'1- 1il,',t'itiiii,' itrttie,jegiteiiti, M' 0mm - J. B. “2...... 1.... m- “mm iE pt. ...r" ' m 'ltl'tt,'t mingbm. tarc, 3;, Pal tittiii' as": Ed 1Uigt"ald2. J. M. M W" Ben, ll ' ii.i.iiiiLl Amines-dun an. p. - Cdh"h'Ri inhuman-drum nu- T 7iiLt.7iidEy.iie2ure.t mum . I C. O. F. INSTALLATION. mom”- vii-h A noun-gauge Redem- my. Committee wee held in themed?!» Ben Pride: for Ontario lemdLile Am.) Cam- I. be will eon- pen: on Toads, evening. " nude- lieeez the Uni- -eididtot-nppes.tto, the Town Council in e Inn-Grim. en he been an... B. Ttmr done in Berlin end other pleeee, and this week “a. thq e' airmen, Dr. Webb. be written Leslie. to the Hunt reaming e - m on Eeinrdny meeting ctttte Council to eoneider the ' she will W matter. A deputation melding of J. . m flu,” B. Hughes, Dytid. 'e.amU?nlrttttr In applaud to Intoniow the Coun- cilont subject- Subscription [bu so being prepared, and m min can- "" will be made forthwith. Endowment-Intuit Mum-mall» Inn-won m Wk dnmtttrtq mt vm . _In an Town at WWI? 'eel' D|Mlll - *UFPV.. v- "-3.“. __ -- mm- urn roan . ohm. good iaiiradtiwrsttm_wttts haul uni an m. Indian [non-ton an In 31'... Fo further human npply " Jun-m ‘Bnlnlor.WnIarlm;orto Anon!) Sum Pt-%utr, is.-s,,to. Grumman. OIL House For Sale; Mt l all Hui.” k ”an?! room 0 n ', a dignita- . A'att"ddrgtf III-umber ot had-x In". um 'PMI'.',',"; Turn of Et'g,"tt Po att,',', " m. For pruned-n - q GUS. RAMBG 2-h- ‘ To WHO! rr May CONCERN. PUBLIC muc- h 2atM,'e,', that a Iran.- ingot an Board at Lie-use will. ona: for mam1otNm-ch w-owitttr. held on Liquor License Act. uni-Q Zlm-qumn A!“ Pff.t.ehlt, tIll o'uloek..m..lnou-Idor n 'tttN',',', mm , Mr G. no. elm 'horn = Town-Mp " M elk-lulu". y "Cl Want-loam I uni-ah! [gapinvyn U.qm I from - and", of iFdiiaFiirihiaii “I lotlco to creditors! Cam-u. January 2M, 1000. a 7-3-5 Guia- m...“ Eaijit tl,rt1i'l'iyiltri'i11'ii1itghh" 1ir."l'h' itiii"iiitiigiiifigi'ihfi?5 th'Pgligr 'tJh'Siilh iii'iii? “01.10! tt. Aer, “'83: may} Mall Contact." mallard“): W of Jacob S. To Rent. an. mm t Y. ii'ili?,':'l"?ifWilliamson mwyruae m Good up mum Thor. 1"uatty Loft P. S. - Agent for New Idea Palms. You as who nut living by J. Ufl'lomann'c. tG".""i'%liarc'i%iirGr,'ru"AiTri'iGrir7i. than. IMH- Amul: at ”(In 1Lu'ld ”Wham. In. h lub- p mu- ua- “137:3 Application to Purina-out. NWO! libel-by an. "all... a has. wttl In M It th- tret Iu',t d the qt",'r'htt.",tdra'I'it.'l A to boom 1',,t't'%tt,ttv.'""_ LII-ha my m. L am mg...- m... " an: In: a 'lthttlt,u"fuh'rlll.'trAll'l'rltltet,'r, mMnadODhrthc‘h-n. " A'rtrrmetst-LsttmteBttmt- " . 1htitt,RlWtt'rMihWNr,lt,2,'= Mum-ununum 'tMir. ',t'.e',rttg'e'.'S2',"gt,'dP'atyf Inl- ‘dn- f. tit-499199! My. Imm- GTiitiri “an.“ rim: a', up! no Tg,ttad,atvdtlptM'dpattt lam-Id mhre WW - ataqBaFriq. . To 1tedxfg,1',tetgt,'t',tit's L Tall-Ip- “Nahuatl-[maul ar"t",."Plrg',it,t'nrSe.it.e, . Andvlh ll INWII'IM «may mmmmm ”My In“: bracelet-tending” at tho m tho-dump I' J.?ai a; scab. an - any ttt Han-- l DOWIJIY taunts? l an antenna mama-h. “an 13-9.!Ihe-m tyretr,? Pst: NOTICE h min th moor-s! no 'llWlhlutl 'hd'l"l4J1lS.'fl. '. oT'ii'. Tti Fa ‘m -if Vtr6tauil iiid' Wuaia Gun-t7. Prowl-o. of (bath. tint All that WNW- ae".'" - 're ,.1ee1.Ire: aamia' Tii"iiFaiiT if he (in; F, mmmmz 'w' 'l'8ttt'dtut " P."., Ont; alto ntl tteo |-d_e?2'ed to we "rt - “Witt-Iii IV run-mt Inga-mm. Jere" st cum-nu Doe. "h.. an au- P." OnL: alto Inna-o laid-ted to we aim.- Giai;iiiWiii; or baton robin-r, In! 12m. 'h.rir9dRsrtteqh.utatrHvatoy'e ch on has“ " BL Plant, tstr, Tdeer, at nu ma! "trt-tsi-Ord flu-o will. “white ---__- A 13than Ivory W: ia-. A very mini-b3 hum sun-ted In I hu- 9.. M of1htt1"r1ryf 393.3293. 1lb'l'lli'i “IF-Tm: - "C.iioitid, "isiLTi.iii'ieFEtiC1fii ii "1mm.“ " have“. The, l', ',T, homo h_ln an. Jl'fAt'lfla2, I'm; iGiGCGGGt new" G% iiiii2ie5r2atii2i. 'tltp2tf,d', "°"" 'ig,ht'a',t."'d'l I?“ n u- n a n a. n all» plies. the 1'flhtll3l'8 of him. I Addru A AA . n. AArale9p..rN1t, Tg Moo to uncommon. Remnant Sale Comfortable Home in Berlin in Exchange for Farm Friday Morning JI L. AT-- Natl”- lWI. Mr. 1 "ifirikaTiiiiC6iit. L " I fl." -' This Sale Begins. lanai. 2ri"iC:'t22:": Initial-E - ii'iihii"iii "ttt tne. “and“ I” - -d. 'it4rtitm'tA"aflt4eF' "ttht m Inn-I. - In uh. I. :jiiiitieittii,t, “Wm-- “than“ unruly-(III:- ”Mutual-now- “MI.” ""g.EO&. WU tuna-nu. hLAMHLI. Inn-1h -.rGTiu. an. twin. k'rfa1ttrgitt'dtT,T'tdt'ga'N- "rd0boi.VqEd09a. uegtegShrlttgtei."l'ar"'""" iogaGiituat-t.0g. - LadteA'99seiqtht_., Id - with Inf-7:11“. "a. In... s'ttt,u'rtgrf.tg=ttf,uL'r.flu 1rmMe.erttPtteo" .. ._- Coll' iteti; 3.2} YmSFBqu-uum mime. I 'Ti-daHnehtto.trNqnmd. . "tii'MtplWlhl navy. "I ttrat" SALE store at_ on? and heel: everything or as a Way reduced frices. e have a lot o Sam- tbe Talus and Toques, or Skating! Hockey or Sleigh Driving, reg- ular 75c and $1.00 for SOC. Hockey Gloves, undressed, r e (y,', l a r $1.25 for Soc. nder- wear at reduced prices. “DOLLAR” it 00. 3:3? IT nun-bus u: LWtpA't2ht,"4'l'gn ll 33:5}; iii-{iii [Misha-VIM awn-m, "tttrrrrovhroituiityr; m 'Nf,,',it'ahttfthtgt “Ruth - ot II‘J- Idol-m, mum‘mm _ ' “and”: albumen-lento imam. Ann! Munich“ mm; And ”Kym hunky nutodny. “Mchw-M t9estheaiar, Amttwr%mitiiatmr,it, ortem.rr. Yrruod,t-roirdottttqtomt oey.qrrt, 0n the III-h o! the ttiere Slot, In" blot- thr'"tte.wbBe 'oyemlt, stock THE-3 aaTiiiiayGFGr '1' The remnants accumulated during the 1113!: of the holiday trig: when stocktaking. Icing gathoruLjrom the four corners of our store and one half their face value being milgcp Skin plain black and white. we had no time to trirthett special attention. are now. previous lo These bargain; will LttaAtt things lively while they 1ast,Jrut they wont last long. they never do with us-thath the worst of it from a put- cllaset's point of vie-ofcourse we can't beexpected to complain-- but then while EvERYONE_earft, le first ANYONE can. and your chance to get the choicest pickings In: as good as you come as early, Silks and Velvets, Flannel and Flannelettes, Tkkhyrs and Aytityrse, Prints and Ginghams, Cloth and Tweak, Ribbons and Laces, Fanbroidcry and Linings. ,a THE PUTITOFFS. to reduce the in the pCesettt rim-mu" aaa Bohe4 G. B. RYAN a co. Emu-uh OLD Knit-In} Ar, and Table" Linens, and Mantle Cloths, Il;!?'!)',),),':!:'?,?,',',!'!] “any... iiiiiii'i',i'i'i,iiltij, xii ti,ad'iil'3c,'g"r2iam1E ca' ' . "a . 2ifii'it's?kii'kii'i'ic2'; 'ftttuttt%tt2d'ttMrstStrt' "diF nad an.“ M h - i,i'iirrt?e5.'ie'5'y.5:i:'it It sl-tere. ft, 9%.5-‘12! 'rral 22e2hlSi,CaG. La. - . "NNMl'Etp. ar; t, a h a“ -Ysr,rkTrm3CtFFEtii.r, "re""' _ hr "a%'rv"2W2iteuc-t tat. Balancing _ " Accounts VI. H. Becker & 00. Beat Equippfy.1 Scl_1_ool_s In mm c pm and not would" ltiuendorudbrmwnc bonin- nan unarm- "da'tp"itt'tl,Sr the but. u.- at mule In. All no In ad to -t'ttato. Winmwm om Junta hi, For all“ cuhrawrlh W. E. GOWEINQ, _ ttt,gtahttrdtttR= hE-.-di-hq~ls_ - (Juan’s Néw Block, Berlin.) and finding the balance on the right side is what the business man does when he bu a his office supplies in £13m: Books, Stationery. Letter Files, Bindigg Capes, etc, thorn us He then realizes what a saving it is to buy frog) a house that aid]: the best goods at the low. est prices. That is the secret ofour success. GG ""-. F in at 10 o’clock Eur- Pattti'h, a your neighbor: if t'm I " itl I I 5‘.<

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