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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 11 Jan 1900, p. 1

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<Â¥ / 1 TA 4 Everything : must be ‘‘‘_ sold within the next «* â€"â€"._ thirty days. Don‘t miss .. _ ~.~. this chance of securing <<~ _‘ exceptional bargains. /. @<_ Remember the place, *%. <._ Boettinger‘s old stand, _.‘_(â€" mext to A. Roesh‘s grucâ€" "_" â€"< cery, King street. _ Buying and Selling Manufacturing Merchants. _ > Berlin _ LIMITED. * _ The Cheap Store, Hare taught us where and how to buy Right goods at right Prices. Firmly established as the oldest hardware business in this County,our services, experience and huge stock are at your command during 1900. In these days of big trusts and monopolies, it‘s the big buyers who get the favors in price. We aim specially to effect Farmers a saving, also, others in their purchases of hardware. We realize that ereryâ€" thing is advancing in price except the products of the land, and we mmake our low prices tell heavily for tha farmor‘s trade in timed like _ Mr.Jouhn Schmidt Legs to inform the people of Water‘oo and vicivity %Bat he has purchasel the stuck of Mr. R. Boetâ€" tinger merchant tailor at a rate on the dollar. Stocktaking has commenced and with it a great many odd lines are brought to light. Bargains are in order. See them tisement in next week‘s issue. placed on our counters. Read our adverâ€" If so, try a pair of ours. They are manufactâ€" ured by the celebrated Canadian Rubber Co., who are the largest and olgest manufacturers in Canada. They have built up an enviable reputation for good wearing, reliable goods, and their rubbers are without doubt the best made on the continent itoâ€"day. They will outwear any other make and we are selliny them cheaper than you can buy the isame quality for anywhere else. T ROUBLE â€"NO 2 ncement ock W. H. Leeson, IN THE HARDWARE BUSINESS THE A. 0. Boehmer Co., ’Io.nnlpn. Waterloo County‘s Greatest Store. HAVE YOU EVER HAD ANY WITH RUBBERS. Taking 37 Years J. Fennell & Son OF OFP ICIAN AND JEWELER Prevention is better than cure. It is cheaper. 1t is possible when cure is impossit‘e, Eyc trouble may be avoided by the timely use of glasses, averting discomfort, suffcring and permanent impairment of sight. We are properily equipped to adjust glasses and Prevention of Eye Trouble. A.G. Heller, WATERLOO. Sale BERLIN. & m 32 . ) _3 12TABML NODOFS IRI# year. |‘NOT® i no wind, Dbui a gentle rephy: We are aware that yorr pathway | AYl the mombauofluncnolw{rm or a stiff nor‘â€"wester generally play: through life has not always been strewit elected by acclamation. As a conseâ€"| accompaniment to subâ€"zero weather with roses, but very often has led quence everything was very quict here | We have had no sleighing this season through fen among thorns and over the on New Year‘s day, and we are money | but at present it is snowing and blow. steep and rugged banks of chill adverâ€" in pocket. The council is composed |ing, and by toâ€"ntorrow we are sure tc sity. Often has the hand of affiiction | of the following gontiomen: Reeve, | have "sleighâ€"way" as the little German rested heavily upon your stricken forms | Jos‘ah Haliman. Counciliors, Henry | boy called it...... At a falr estimatc when you followed to their graves with Zoeller, C. Christner, John Weber, | thr eâ€"fourths of the bnndbl:r in this bgowed hends those of your dear ones I. B. Ditner, of the county are t of Jog. whom God in his infinite wisdom . saw We wish the Chronicle. Telegraph f‘::hrhplouumllnd convenient and bmmmvefrmibhwofldcfunm.m“mm. and the first settlers were too poor to inâ€" n(ltflmvrwmtohko t:'n“:o:ou- perous New Year. Amn E{:p vest in w-ubdlmhtghmut‘ho to himself w sorrow dead | 4 wish is none tho iess blllldll'l'lhllrl'lflquu to then and they are safe from temptaâ€" 'hl‘!“tt:'hhtlu » ok:nm Our old stable is not tion and safe from sin‘s poliation and Gomzmazemamenn mz only comfortable, but decidedly artisâ€" are anxionsly awaiting father and motâ€" WEL LESLEY, tic. It is banked up with manure all her to welcome th-umdru\nh _ around to eares ard gables while the to again uaited an an enproken maily | wore in Poommar aven eniot s is | oo root is oorered t feot with. in uy as an unbroken were t over v same C nover again to be serered by Mfi‘ friends and relatives....‘The Revr. D./ "init"...... There is considerable but to live with Christ in joy and blisa mwu.dlhwdaz;n the I-fiub the Canadian North forever. We rejoice, however,to know | conference at Elmira t wook. | wost these parts. Those who that in all your trials and tribulationa | . . . . The fine sleighing has almost disâ€"|uave losated there" ‘are highly deâ€" yuhnhl--&n-m appeared. . . . Mr, Joseph Kennel loat a lighted with the country and are urging and have borne burden ,| very valuable horse inat Sataurday | their fitends to come...... A Happy humbly believing and trusting in Shrough infammation of the bowels. | New Year to all. when hbe says, "The days of our years are three score years and ten, and if by reason of :trength they bohl':;mm years yet is their strength, nrro:fqithmncu:ol}, and we fiy away. â€" A large number of near relatives of Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Snyder assembled at the residence of Mr. andMrs.8. Reid to congratulate the aged couple upon the anniversary of their Golden Wedâ€" ding. After pertaking of a sumptuous repast prepared by the hostess Mrs. Reid, D. D. Snyder was called to the chair. The chairman first called upon Rev. A. Stoltz who ;gened the proâ€" ceedings by raadiw rd Psalim â€" and invoking divine aid and blessing upon all astembled. Congratulatory speeches were delivered by D.D. Snyder, Enock: Snyder, and Jesse Clemens, Rosevilte» J, W. Myers. Listowel;J. Reichert, Mannâ€"| beim; Henry Sbantz, Berlin; and others‘ wher the chairman called upon Miss E. Reid who read the following adâ€" COTS OL DW Dear Father and Mother, © £ W., took (| We, your children and grandâ€" Jan. 9th. children and greatâ€"grandchildren and Wm. With, near relatives assembled here toâ€"day man; H. wish to congratulate you upon this the 4. M anniversary of your Golden Wedding. Receiver; â€" God in his infinite mercy has kept you Chr. Robr, and sustained your lives even unto 2 side Watcl alloted time that man should live, a sician; . W you no doubt m'll!:e :lth the Psaimfst Brueckner, whan ha saws 4t m se cop e e‘ ward. verify | VC CEWWNS Of SARG way. stomach. We that these wards be passed to his reward, verify lhudl.ull.m“ wmnnhsflmmhu:w lng the truth of the statement that| ho presents were numérous and [ restored to perfect health. "There is but a step between us and costly which was a purse of fifty death." He leaves a wife, three 008| Gotiars in geid. " s monik" and two daughters, the youngest of HAYSVIELE. whom is eleven years, to mourn their yâ€"« is oamaly tm rame mt . ie t en o a" time, y K se ragâ€" on‘ y. Wilbur in Manitoba. ‘The tuneral was| BRIEFSâ€"Vory fine weathet in this had a good time in the evecing...... deferred until ‘Thursday to enable|new year. .. . But the sleighing is gone. Miss Nurse, of 8. 8. No. 11, spent Sunâ€" these to returu home. .. .. The sieighing was made tery good day with ber friend, Miss May Kerr.. Davin McMiILLaA® Arso Dxap.â€"| use of while it lasted.... Wood came| ....Chas. Thompson, of Park River, The pale ho‘se and his rider has been|into town by the sâ€"ores of loads the| N. D., who spent bis vacation at R.N/ making frequent trips to this com |past two weeks....There is fine skatâ€" Kert‘s, returned to Dental College in munity of late. â€" Mr. McMillan resided | ing on tho‘rnd at present, and the|Detroit on Saturday laat......Mr. some four miles north of here and had | boys and girls are making good use of| Melville Large has {eon granted a beon in the village only a few it....For almost a couple of weeks| permit and our trustees bave reâ€"enâ€" previous to the intelligence coming the thermometer registered tero and|gaged him....Miss Rena McDougall, that he was dead. He had only been|sometimes below for the greater part | who spent a mouth at Spruce Farm, married a few months. ‘The funeral|of the time. ‘That was fine weather to has gone to Buffalo, N. Y., to visit her took place on Tuesday of last week|‘"Ring out the old, ring in the new"|aunt......Mrs. Ward entertained the and was very largely attended. _ His| year. three choirs on Monday evening.. ... : youthful widow bas the sympathy of| __D®ATH.â€"Death visited the home of Jacob Bender is preparing to erect & the entire community in her very sad| Mr. Adam Seip and took away their noew pig pen. It will_be large and bereavement. seven year oid son, Olizer, on Dec. | built according to the latest models. . Craxo® or BustxEss.â€"Mr. Jobn ?7“! last. Be bad a very bad cold|....Edward Scanlan wha rasiad ham the 5th iust. un.u-nu-w Ilvh.l::n."nnd < S been ::'.“.':,f.‘.'?.....,.f‘c-."i.m' but up to a few days beforehis death n-:bupl:z.ln. attend to business. evident, however, to his friends that his staiwart frame was being steadily undermined by an insiduous disease.. > During the first 'ukdlhu-mhbm to go down rapidly despite the efforts of his physicians.. On Sunday mornâ€" ing Drs. 2cEachern, of this: place,and Dr. Rutherford, of Listowel, met in consultation and after a careful diagâ€" the 8th dust. Mr: Jubn m-hdhhu.::lm 1 it less and in less 24 hours WATERLOO, ONTARO, TH GOLDEN WEDDING. STRASBURCG. ° TPOP] ~K.O.T.M.â€"The installation of offi r _ Wed> | cers took place in Tent No. 40, K. 0. nptuou8 | T M., on January 3rd. After the busiâ€" Bs _ Mrs: | neas of the evening was over, all reâ€" to the| paired to H. Forler‘s hotel where an ed upon oyster supper was partaken of. The 26 PToâ€" | following is a list of officers for 1900 : im and| g. p, Zimmerman, Com.; John Lorâ€" ‘€ UPOD |entz, Lieut.â€"Com.; Chas. Frank, Sgt.; peecbe# | Alf. Kautman, Fin. Se¢.; H.M. Milier, , Enotlt! Rec. Seq; Ed Weiler, Pr.; Henry pseville;} Forler, M.A.; Wm. Preasing, 1st M.O. , Maboâ€"4 G., J, Baver, 2nd M.0.G.; Chr. Magâ€" d other®! dulinski, Sen.; Adam Herle, Vick.; Dr m _ Miss}J, A. Batler, Phy. ng ad~â€"| A.0.U.W.â€"The installation of offiâ€" 1 |cers of Baden lodge, No. 245, A.0.U. 1. B. Ditner, â€" â€" of the county are bnift_oflog. We wish the Chronicle. Telegraph muhmm convenient and and all its readers a and the first settlers were too poor to inâ€" pm::.wg:n Am :::fl-' #hw-mmw;b;um a little wish is none t W“M"“W’ 9 sincere. » comfortable. Our stable is not Conmmemememe mm ns only comfortable, but decidedly artisâ€" WEL LESLEY, tic. It is banked up with manure all w around to cavres ard gables while the Bl}_lrs.â€"!lr:‘u-d Mrs. Peter Glebe | sod roof is covered two feet with the CouxciL ror 1900.â€"We had no contest for municipal hopors this year. All the members of council of ‘99 were elected by acclamation. As a conseâ€" quence everything was very quiet here \on New Year‘s day, and we are money in pocket. The council is composed of the following gentiemen: Reeve, Jos‘ah Hallman. Counciliors, Henry ., touk place on Tuesday evening, }En. 9th. Follwin}m the officers: Wm. Wll!ls }‘(;W. ; Jacob “'ogo, Foreâ€" man & utenschJager, Overseer; A. llufinnn, Recorder; John Bissel, Receiver; O. H. Brueckner, Financier; Chr. Robr, Guide; Jacob Miller, Outâ€" side Watch; Dr. J. A. Butler, Phyâ€" gician; . W. Witt, Delegate; O. H. Brueckner, Alternate. After the offiâ€" cers were duly installed an adjournâ€" m:mmmde to Wm. Witt‘s hotel where an oyster supper was prepared which was emoyed"’g;,m. * were made glad by the gifts which were distributed.... The Christmas supper and entertainment which took place in the opera house on the Friday evening before Christmas, under the auspices of the Presbyterian S. S., was also very successful. The programme was a fine one and well rendered, and all the visitors went home delighted with the evening‘s entertainment. Xxas EXTERTAINMEXTS.â€"Tho Luâ€" theran S. 8. Cbristmas festival, which took place in their church on Christâ€" mas eve, was, as usual, a decided sucâ€" cess. The chu;c: was crowded to the doors. A id programme was rendered A_l:fl:yorypne who attended Mogna w P00 JP 000C 2M AORDRCCD BRTC TOUE the thermometer registered tero and|gaged him....Miss Rena McDougall, sometimes below for the greater part | who spent a mouth at Spruce Farm, of the time. That was fine Weather to has gone to Buffalo, N. Y., to_visit her "Ring out the old, ring in the new"|aunt......Mrs. Ward entertained the year. three choirs on Monday evening..... ; DxaTtH.â€"Death visited the home of Jacob Bender is preparing to erect & Mr. Anhmw_p_lnd took away their|now pig pen. It will be large and upon you in so full a measure to have been the happlest and most hete upon carth and may the ‘Bon " of upon lkhmtz‘-{.dnc raj into your souls up your p-n! way clearer yet W unto lhuhvlh.dlngms yâ€" + Signed E. and 8. The presents were numerous and , PeCE CA .. _ | _ BHIEFE~â€"â€"ABIF, 1. W. Clomens, out EE'-PF&?&' strong .._‘-_.,.,ME. first meeting * m.u time there.. .. se o tutte te io Teuted Rron ul derel We « pehcdflnlb_h!.lh blessâ€" | urday and Snndav _â€"â€" Me â€" MMoa» esn oo grfifimfl"flw Pur Gupes, Coats _ _ â€" . m’g.%&;":" fl'%:.%“-;ufi-. our * and Twbed W uniformly cold, the v'mmry showin, 20° below on different occasions. Wg do not mind 20° or even 40° below if there is no wind, but a gentle zephyr or a stiff nor‘â€" wester generally plays accompaniment to eubâ€"zero weather. We hare had no sleighing this season, but at present it is snowing and blowâ€" ing, and by toâ€"niorrow we are sure to have "sleighâ€"way" as the little German boy called it......At a fair estimate thr eâ€"fourths of the buildings in this Now _Hamburg Independent :â€"A retty and quict wedding was celeâ€" gmed on Moniday afternoon, Jan 1st, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Schuler, Wilmot Street, when their oldest daughter, Miss Malinda L. Schuler, was united in martiage to Mr. John L. Peifer, of this tywn. The ceromony was performed at 5 o‘clock q o es‘ spent New Year‘s day with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Moyer, Preston road...... The annual oyster supper took place last Saturday evening,this time at Mr. Aaron Snider‘s. A heap of oysters were provided and ample justice was done to the bivalve, they went through 'lrmhlul......‘l'he Rev.';lr. and AMrs. erryberry are away to Hamilton toat~ tend the wedding of his sister to Mr. aunt...... Mrs. Ward entertained the three choirs on Monday evening.. ... : Jacob Bender is preparing to erect & noew pig pen. It will_be large and built according to the latest models. . . ... Edward Scanlan, who resided here some years ago, but who for the past tew years has been in Manitoba, is reâ€" pewing old acquaintances on the Huron HaiavitLs, ml#:l“w’.‘* “,‘.f. ‘yh, ll"li I' ' z “15. on d Brigys.â€"Mrs. La Fortune held a|18 Fancy Tweed Jackets, regular price $7 00, on sale at $1.50. ragâ€"bee on Friday. ‘The young people had a good time in the evecing...... . Y* Miss Nurse, of 8. 8. No. 11, spent Sunâ€" 8" H BROS., day with ber fiiend, Miss May Kerr _ wout PC OM SOE TE ;;’ ,,,,ifi‘wâ€"-â€"-â€""mâ€"-.-â€"n CCC TEmEuJ, mmen smUun unings, $25 00, Mn hn B n t |Rect ie m t e ie o M cesfi‘ it cared hnd ty T. Wardinr or actt, | onigiaption Onpertzen Siecinle seal 220 Apneentt, Pio t it t 1945 ana g rdb’flfll‘uu:"l:. h-lual'zfl'l‘.::... Grey Lamb Capsrines, $12 50, 15 00; Grey Lamb Detweliet waut o thy hospital on Ahz.'ud of Fur Gaunilets in Astrachan Grey Lamb, very cheap. & Our is novelties for X td tohin ta taeralee |Rot come Pes ad ait imfi drraie will seon be able to come home again Precarindl es s urday and iy .... Mr. Oliver CooP uny roe of afaiibg Chapmany ansiiedy in Wadier o nat, Lflwym....Uh Effie Detweiler, youngest daughter of E. W. The woather during December GARY, MINNESOTA. HAPPILY MARRIED. in rear of M @" @9Â¥ Â¥ UXAE > time we have marked on each article lower prices than >value demands. an act to amard the act ioc rp ta ing the Com an act to amard the aot soc n‘:lntlucom- pany 41 V ctor a (_Jllnp“tr;. and the ats ame ding the sam . by E-.gli ths name of the Compary to "The Mutua f\ Assurâ€"n e Ooopmd(‘n-d."a-d':rw th: date of th â€" annua) me ting. and making suc 1 other + hang s as may be ady s } le, MitA® & Snes, Lo. .2 000 ___.___Bolicitors ! rappliâ€"ants. x Ncw"o'h‘b":h given that 'l;l'.'- Out.nl‘; us + A«ur nc any w ho Par inmant or c anads at 1 arart reuw o be Dated December 2!«, 1390, STOCK SIFTING Saw Logs Wanted. Cash and One Price. Such as anyone can be proud of is here at figures of surprising LOGS LOGS LOGS 23 and 25 south side King St. mills at Waterio and Heideiburg. for all kinds of sawlogs The undersigned will pay the hi‘:lmt market prices and We pay WNIGH PRiGEs M .Weichel & Son, 5 WATERLOQ and ELMIRA SsoFT ELM ROCK ELM BEECH HARD MAPLE SOFT MAPLE Sposial Clearing Salo if Ladies® Jaok:ts,â€" Chas. Kreutziger, Ladies‘ Fur Coats, Fur Capes and Caperines. ued Capes, $18.00, 14 18 00, 20 00 and 28 00. es fos soiidbnnnaeine _ _ _ at my sawâ€" HARDWARE * SPOT CASH for all kinds of logs and to do this without loss of bought to give shoppers fl: scope for choosing must is the usual operation after the holiday rush. _ The extra goods bought to give shoppers plenty of > io¢ Furm, Town and Village Proy fl% and w commun <don, alp placed and Parties BAring pmope tie: for sale or monay Parties bAving prope tie: for rale or monay ~lend, &Abd ho â€"e dextri bnmhs.&r.r-‘ éu“ufiw'-é:y“';l'l‘l"fi: well to "l: u .dersigned varticniars, and erms. Conveyancing done. LEVI STAUFFE Wce : Devitt‘s Hloâ€"Â¥, tup stairs). w...r&,_ _ REAL ESTATE â€" th . "‘"m-'"d:?é. _They want the best. ltlnrn in o:?m.m.w '-::‘-th: as con as possi today our he:-hum p. ospect us. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Students Admitted at any Time ! Cheap Cash Store. CLEARED OUT f BLACK ASH WHITE ASH HEMLOCK PINE _ ETC. ~ud 4

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