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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 30 Nov 1899, p. 5

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2. . . Butchers Spices for Satt, 'rcs.:.. -,Headeheese,ete ,'5-" “lib-MK”- In G! kmuwsmczs- HILLIABB ' NEWER seasonaple, ."ong “quid Ammonia for house cleaning Powdered Bar-x for washing 0;qu Bod: Turkish Dyan. " and the good bulk d) ea. , Got them at Mr. C. R. Maier is selling out stock of grucmies and ehiuaware. The tu " Humor giVen at thé City Hotel on Tuesday night. was a decided success. It is rumored that 3 lord] tailoring establishment. is shortly to change pro- priewra. - P" In -. an..:.6v hi. The Hannouie Singi tend giving a big upon m a. few weeks. John Fischer purvhmwd five hand ot tine butcher's eattio from Mr. Scott, ot Owen Sound, on Friday. Good maps of Ontario at $3.50, suitable for school at use at W. H. Becker & fron', and you’re sure 0 beat BEVITT'S City ll ug St N On Saturday while Mrs. Le Due, an Albert street resident, was passing along in front of the Ontario Life ,bullding with a basket of eggs underl that arm, a. chip of a brick about as big as one's hand was allowed to tall "by one of the masons. it landed in runs basket. smashing about a dozen of the newly laid eggs. It might easily have been a more serious matter and the contractors at work on the building - . ' ___ AL, -.-. -1 We have a full lino “III .rrVBA.P-'r""' ___ _ _ would be wise to have the safety of pedestrians better guarded. 13w PURNITURI an)“. The quarters in Devm‘a block, for- morly occupied by Snyder, Rona & Co. luvs been leased by Mr. Emil P. tyshtesrholtz, who will open up a furniture i more in a few days. A fail line of fur- agtaue, wlndow shades and curtalni pole. will be carried and undertaking will limbo done in connection. Mr." tetartrol" will have n rmanent “at! of upholstereru engaging? doing all his on Wall of npholstorlng and repnlr- inc. With the wide {and ofexporionco which Mr. tystrltrrttolts gnlned during "sis connection tr1tlt, J.8TIE Rona & [ Loemu In“ new venture. Lightly]: u.‘ n .luum‘go. -- iii. ___- W ' (In our Oman right to to III meg-m nuxnmvnm MRBrtN0. ncribe, name, too will an the plo- MG ' Tho Ptmtrrtarun Christian En- ttttM.. m.- M Thanhglvlng looting no we" _------------- m 000 M last evening, when moat CONRAD 611.0!!! Sr. DEAD. our in: and nod “and” mm vers "T'"'" 'rttt I!" mwmm'Jm Bradley The doom omnod'deny " emu. and Guam: on tho two more of 1 o‘clock of Conrad Guam tV. He Got“!!! nut-livin- on mm r"Ir-Goo. m mm more than an mm as"! iGiiiaaituetrtrmoCttePprH. Ipndthmm "may... 'ira"i'i'a-tiwoaertat,tttrtytth2t ”an. ',?Elit' “an on. . iihGmerrrsugtyttEett_tuttfl,tr? .30 "i'i'ii7ifGiiil?M,ttlt _-_-i-, 't_- A- ' “mum-s... 0.3!] LOCAL N EWS Toronto recently Mr. W. nf Harlin, pulchnsed 2,500 ubluers and "val-shines at two-thirds of chair vallur. 4ling them ott' at equally inns. They are the cele- adian Rubber Cola goods. FGiitrt lot hid every Inces- I; Articles A C1033 CALL, ie Singing Socinty in- big upon; in their hull tor soap making, 1. Diamond Dye. ood old lamb tout" i Ontario at $3 and for school :1th hyme of getting the 'o. an kinds. Ft5' woollens, ete making, , A but " a'trNt new: a! tho Wm m at I. hid fr on - m mu m- an... TI. ”It it u M - law all - h Hum. mm mm on I. In cm, can. In up Dali.” and JDIR. Th0 “kiln; omen!- Ion ateeted..-.- Hol. he; - J. 3. “gram, M.P. has. - A. B. lamina. In Vice - Wm. no”. 2nd Vice - Gnu Kuhn. - Seq - Walton E Rartno. ( 'l‘reu - Norman Bea gram. ‘ Capt - E. P. Selena]. Mtumtiatt currartitatt--J. n, Sen- B gram, w. Heath], 3.000110, J. For- water and M. Lewis. Match Commune -Wm. llogg, Wm W Wciehel, F. G. Hughes, (LA. Bruce and W. A. Kampf. hier iriGiii GaiCaTiiFairitik ihU" day- ubludnmw IE. but let 'ttaagtr-T"q-eisqstr, "Teidsadsur b. ILA. no“ Satur- Jay,Dec. 4tlr--G. A. Bruce, J. B. Seagrnm. _ r'ra"K7 - Tiaiuor-Giuaits Hucghliu. BANQUET AND PRESENTATION. Season" m4 Other Interesting Sutton» ANNUAL Reunion. Mr. Julius Rnautfeutertained to . Mm 'tems. The president of St Cecilia Society and Wanted with . gold watch nad _ 2riv., . F in: w n Ridden ontcrtainmi the choir m b his late Imam; B1tytrsr-h.nwtrs l' illiamson Bros. of St Louie church Th "salay out» , closed up their store here on Saturday ing atllden Villamheu music and Bong " and meted the stock to Benin on were interspersed "ith games and At “Walilee ,tho home of. Mrtg. c. Monday----Mr- le. Steuben. of ”3 other pleasurable amusememg. The Brsithaupt on Huntley evening there tcwel, formerly at Munro, is renewing Rev Dr Spotz. pastor or the church wasahappy gathering eompotsed ot acquaintances 'tt E1mira_..Mr. A. and the lbw Esther '3chweitzer of St the oftitre, travelling and warehouse Werner, the progressive and wide- Jemuie’s, Berlin, honored the occasion staff "TWIN" with the Tcyyert'..typer: awake proprietor of the corner phar- 5), their “mama A letter "rgret- litinlent nudihc 1ta1s.onsyi.ietrr!pt mucy, has made tseveral noteworthy jug his inaLilily to bs present and departments ortheBrvitttaupt Leather improvements in his premises daring wishing the members a pleasant time, Co. 'ptr were there in "spons4) to the past few days, The telephone de- was read frome I Petius ortit Mary's an invitat 0.1 fro u the hostess and the pertinent. has been moved to the next i'oWge, Kentucky. the founder of the guests included Mr Julius knautr uhu room in the rear, the partition formerly Society. Before leaving: a beauty mm- was an employee of the. Company “D separating it from lht mattt More, "f thanks was tenderod to their Lim, to a strut time ago bat Is now a furni- taken out and the shelving rearranged, Ihostcss for courtesieses'.eudcd. WW manufacturer in Waterloo. attording incieased room. The other - e . . An moollpnt amend had been Dro- aoartruouttslt'avty been neatly paneled. One of the most pleasing events of the evening was the reading u.” the fol. luwing very appropriate verses com- l posed by Mr William J l-‘ise‘ier of the ‘ London Medical College, who was for many years organist of St Louis and an honorary member of the society:-- _ Another year has smiled on you Its blessings rich tuul bright; Once more umuml the festive board You sit and laugh to-night. V Yes celebrate in gladness Cecilia’s blessed day To the minted Queen of music Sweet homage thus to pay. . Let erery nook re-echo With the sound of mirlhful song; Let every heart beat proudly With joy and love so strong For 'tis your patron's feast day And from heaven’s courts w-night A tender ear is listening To your voices clear and bright. A tender eye is piercing Those misty clouds of lnlue 'Tis the patron-Queen of music How she smiles on all of you! Yes smiles with love entrancing On her rlients true, shit-ere, Sending down her swrulest blessings (in this feast day of the your. Let your voices then swell proudry In a hymn of love and praise And may kid saint Cecilia l Direct you through all dass, May she lead you on in future O'er this land which now yon trod L And with her harp's notes ringing; 7 Lead you on to home and God! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burlmuau of Galt spent Sunday with their friends Mr. and Mrs. Jam S. Lockie at their residence 'Arcadia', George street. L. McDonald, Hamilton, and C. llutcbimn, Tommi), were business visitors to Waterloo on Tuesday. Miss MWeoy is “smug ll'muua m town. Mrs. Ell. Hollinger gave an "At Home” to her lady friends in the Twin City on wednesday, ' Mr. Philin Kratrt is on the sick list. Mrs. Wm. Behrens, of Elmira, was the guest of Mrs. A. Devin for a few Miami during the past week. Miss Belle Burns, guest at Wm. Daw for a few days. Fred B susinger of the Waterloo Mutual M has returned from a mm to friends In Listowel. Mrs. Moses Dolph, of Preston, is visiting Mrs. isaac Bechtel for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimbeeker 1ettTuetsdtsy morning for their home in New York City after an extended visit with friends in town. In a country Poet. Office, the other day, a farmer received with his mail a large cardboard tube, about two feet. long. On examination he found it contained the two beautiful premium pictures, "Battle of Alma,"nnd “Pusey ,Willor"." They were greatly admired by all prewnt and the farmer made the remark , “I have been 1 reader of the "Family Herald and Weekly i5tBr" tor ten year: ; it in the beat - primed ml: well wow: live dollars a year. but I get the paper and than two pictures ALL FOR ONE DOLLAR r' He in- duced {our other: right were to Inb- ecribe, mdihey too will get the pie- Burl-Mme.- atWtt- iiTia"tirGiiifiiibiu. hut-laud 'tetaMytarCeN.ttre.aAm4-, t1utnarrneettrid m "and 'mlttrttdteMm u.rtter.e mot nomxem' PERSONAL AND SOCIAL GREATLY ADMIRED. t "W on "riited. “unpubdhw ri?i,tii',it,l!i,'i?lti',re?i "~qu uranium-m n. ”mum-Imam“ urns, of Toronto, is a Dawson’s, George St., min" m': an my", 4 luau-,3 2.00 cd-tt “up!!! u lat-Iv. 1‘03 0- min- Ibo “land It. PM". and “at. In “nacho“ W manna. and tttnt of W. With.- not. lat mm, to $790.00_w an“, the Immu- to duo to. Jun-I1 lat non. The my all]. William In m cumin you In and a 0276.00. 311' “AL-am APPOIX'I'ID. Them In» two. vacant-la on the) Ital! “used by the magnum of Mill King and um Watson. Ott mo- tion Ili- Buin's appiiontion van aeeepted for the sixth dieuiou, um um Fowler’- applieatiort for the 8th division, the salary in each one to be $240.00 per annum, duties to begin January'ln next. BANQUET AND PRESENTATION. At "Waldeo",tho home of Mrs. C. _ Brelthaupt on Mouday evening there was a happy gathering composed ot the oftitre, travelling and warehouse staff together with the Tannery super- i run tent and line heads oftheaiiCerettt departments of the Brvitttaupt Leather Co. They were there in response to an invitat'oa fro u the hostess and the guests included Mr Julius Kmusfr elm was an employee of the Company up to a shun Lime ago bat is now a fumi- luie manufacturer in Waterloo. An excellent. spread had been pro- tided and after this had been thor- “gin,- discussed, the President of the l (empany, Mr Louis J lireithaupt, . made a brief address. He referred to lhe splendid feeling which had always missed trctorerrt the tiru1 and their cm- ployees. This Keeling had never been marred during the forty-two years da: - ing which the Company had done business. Ho spoke of the great length oftime that employ es rernairvsd with the, firm as striki, g eiidence of the cordial relations ttst must exist. They had La. m n; faithful men in ther emplt y and tit 2y more a ways giveu a chance to new lop. (Joe of these gentl. men nae Mr. Julius kuautf, a Inc nmplny e and the guest of the evening. He hull l'uithfully served the (mu for 13 yarns and the loss of so valuable and tilivient an employee could only be a sun-ea of great regret. The firut were deeply grateful to Mr. Eutsuff for the v...l;xul.le services he had rendered and could only wish him a largo measure ol success in the furniture business. The Secretary of the company. Mr. J. C. Ilreithaupt, tlien in behalf of the firm presented Mr. Knautf with a beautiful gold; watch and chain. The watch bears on one side the inscription "With mn- grmnmtlune and best wishes of the Breithaupt Leather Co., 1987-1899. The other side been a monogram. He accompanied the presentation with a short speech. , ' .,...,. - -r-‘ -.-" But this was not the and: Mr..lolm Cummings came lurwanl and read, on behalf of the various tstaffs an "addrmas and Mr. Wilfrid-Wing presented ,Mr. ktvauft with a fine gold headed cane. The reclpient of theme well deserved lion-we though gr 'atly surprised,waru1- ly thanked his late eluplu) era and ml. low employ ce8 for thrlr kindness. 'I‘hgl'ollnning Via the address from the "ttive and travelling stair.--. Berlin, Nov. 27th, 1899. Mr. Julius Kmustr.' Dz“: Frurrso.--Permit us, your recent mtmw-employees, to address you in a few friendly parting words on this auspicious occasion. - _ n ___ ._AA a.-. .... um. ......,..-.v._, - --' 7 It was with much regret that we beard. snme thre ago that you had de. cidcd to resign your [cushion M trav- eller for The Breittsaupt Leather Com- pany, Limited,.and thus to severe the friendly relations existing betwen your- self and ns ns fellow-rmplnyees for so mrny yearn We rejoice however also, and cormmlato you on SODI‘ advance- ment from the ranks of an employee to that of an employer, and that you have now become a member of a prosperous manutaeturttrg.0rtn of tho ttttt Twin. City. _ i/ine of us remember quite well the time when you came to this our beloved Canada from the old fntyerland, a stranger in a slraugo land, nudthe dlii'iculties with which you had to con- tend In fitting yourself for the respons- ible position which you were to oc- cupy. It atroro us pleasure to say that you adapted yourself Very rapid- ly to your new surroundings, and by close application and untiring energy were able in emmpurniively short time, to speak fioent1y and write cor- rectly in theEnglishlangnnge. These requirements combined with your knowledge of business and polite and gentlemauly bearing titted you ad- mirably for the discharge of your duties use true “Knight of the Grip".. While thus engaged many little pleu- sut Incidents hnppsusd Between gour- sslfand myths unwary of whic we would wish to PM” and to do this more street vely as well up, in . measure, to show you our esteem we was» you with this (old-hooded In comm-ion no duke to express cal-1mm that M I“! trtettt ,rttter-t-iirt'e"' “4"” mm. m ,t%tsttstt you Ind your! can Illa-II; an iiaittruted mm menu; ur nuns; Fire 'masatrs p (Ila. r. nun-u, a. van-Inw- - Emblem A 4 we. "iiir.1ffai, 'LiL',,,,..,.."'?;""','.","!',?." if. a. J. and t, di3'il'N'lUa'l'd'ltr': ”some "ing goods on: GU. In Men's, Boyd and Child's which must u sold within thirty dapsst saeritieay "in". J. llffel man n P.S.---We are sole agents for the New Idea. patterns. Far-him of a Hortiradttual Society-- ' Eminent Chaat_airim of the Season" and Other Interesting Items. fl ......)lr. George Alettcr and Miss Maude Strasser, of Waterloo, spent Saturday in Elmira Miss E. Roberts, of Berlin, spent a few days in l lilnnra. dur'rg the past ucek, the guest of Miss Lily Ullyot. The latter trl ent Sunday with Berlin friends. CHANGE or mrsttirraFua.--The stock and good “ill of the drug business‘ formerly earned on by Dr. Ullyot nn Church street. has been sold to Mr. A. lil, Rowan, of Urangeville, who luuk posseswiunon Friday last, the doctor, retiring from the business in order to devote all his time and attention to his medical practice. Mr. Ron-an, the new proprietor, comes highly mount. mended as a chemist. being a recent graduate of the Ontario College of Pharmacy, and should command a fair share of the public patronage. To Form A HoimcvcicRxr. Sn- currr.--A meeting was hem in the Public Library rooms on Monday cron- ing to look after the preliminary work in connection with the organization of a horticultural moiety in Elmira. Mr. Thos. Bean, of Lindmr, 'll'j'r'l'ut'i)'l/ the Ontario Fruit “rowan! Associa- l, tion, and one of the best authorities on fiorltsuiuuo in Ontario, was present and addressed the meeting, briefly ex- plaining tho aims and objects of tho aorlon, and outlining methods for mu- ganiziug a warty. The meeting “:13 a most harmonious one, and the pros- pects tor organizing a society here are' good. Mr. Beall left on Tuesday for Hempeler where he hopes to organize a society. "FAmxzs or we '3rratsotr."--'rhis is the name of a beautiful cantata to be given under the auspices of the ill- mira nubile school in the E. M. S. hall on Friday evening, December 8th. The seasons will be represented by children of ditrerent ages, all beauti- fully costumed, presenting a realistic picture of the revels of the nimble and cle‘ver little inhabitants of Fainlanri ‘during the four seasons of the year. The programme will also include special features, such us fancy march- ing, a dairy 'msid drill, snow Bhovel brigade, kinde garten songs, dialogues, etc. Thirty-two little girls will take part.N the cantata, end if the faithful sttondance of the little ones at rehear- uls, and the painstaking work of the' teachers and others who have the pre- paration. of the cantnts in hand count for nnything, the Evil. 8. ball will be taxed to the full on the evening of Dec. 8 by " audience who will pm- noenes the mute a mttgntltorttt suc- (as ngnow) . ’ ttttd ii in u.“ Chill. '. Our Fun in Fitriuot, Collar, Hulk, ”"8. c A tt h d b Amiga-1 1ttlt: ""9"“. anathiug ever We are constantly remiviu MW goods and it is a remark“. he. . Pe "t P'atthe . that In hp te cube tremendous it“: goods selling we have done. orf Our If!!!" I” yi"es Jukeu, best nuke Pd most stylish stock is te.rly as tsell yserttd "."e it 're.at the .beginping at th? A 310 murmurs th'orttt.--- Hum M. Welchel a Son, the enter- prising hulwm merchant- of this m, “up “to good can to keep In an van of prone-I. 0'an to their rapidly Inn-ulna badm- thcy have decided to occupy than out!” button that. “In. In the was PT/d Well by William um. H! men Mm. An ml: mocking In. iGi-rrt-thtatsrtrrdtr and my on now hon-3 - Atttt In” ELMIRA. {£6}: Edi-To more} In nanny page! 5553“ '2, tr,",, Ladias’llnderwear UFFELMANN'. an own af “no of notes and tlnwaro will be placed In the new department immediately and a competent timsmith will be engaged. The polices court janitor at Hamil- tou has undertaken to put an oiluluth eager on the bible used for swearing witnesses and to wash said cover daily. In!- 2-1 and 27 in the Lower Block. Waterloo Tommhipmulf A ml it northwest of Pro-won, autumn-gt! M awn-n. known as the itre (Munich fan“. Soil :in wk cur. uuiublc or brick: b'ortarther.iufortuatum, apply on thc premise-u, or to Purses It is hard to beat our 25 cent purses. and all sorts of leather goods w,, H. Becker ' tro, Doering’s w a _," L _ - . , ‘ - - - . Bi 1i,i,ai,,,aii,t-i. 'iii,';,,; 7 _-r-ir: 7 '5iiaiiillL,,,, our sahot. we will 2 g i'p,0iii' :rii'ifiiiit 1'iii'iips"i, 'is-SY, f . " itih give a iscount of a R . r, If”; tt:i5ii,",t',a"c'si"isi:5i, I 1- 25 per cent. Bargains bhi D 0 . , The no In rum o. in otrereoatsi Freizes, leavers, T Meltons, Worsteds, m l, Highest l Prices Paid for Produce. F T First Class . Dried _ Apples f Espsclally ' Wanted. For 8an or To Rent. " OUIv A.M.Doerings -AY-- ARC-EST VARIETY {OWEST PRICES Wallets Portfolios Are Offering MARGARET ROTH. Preston, On! Idaho. , Annapolis ‘ Winter is Coming l SAVE YOUR GOAL AND WOOD "-_:,-, season. We'neniion the bile-in; lines-1 t,i,'tr,htd,et itth this week. " many instances prices as “my In: and must be in.» “ting to anyone. See them. T 52inch Buil' cloth. - vol.» toe all?” in“. in good col- on. taking t to I ytrdl toe I In“. 690cm gtt.......... we bayou-tumgoodl. ood 'huor winter duel-n. again of grown. blue and green, ml vdua we. Speclnlu.................. me, Hum tweed oodl, kin and {an ' E,') dn-En or gain, "al v.30 tss, 60c. 75c. Blanch! u me, 35c and Mht. Black cloth Cheviot snitingl. The ne'btt things. View] and oer: ticeable. Speck at 75c aod 90c. Black f,?ieatef,'g,', new designs} have alsly been received, Gr-) Liculurly nice lot-whole eoatumee or skirts. Special at Me, 606; "ilie and We. 15 piecos'plnid nods for children'. dvcsses andgndies' wrists mostly short leuglbs turd will loll out quickly “LDC nud 35e per yard. Dress Goods and Cloak Remnants are being sold at 1 bargain There is a good variety to choose from. Bee them. G.I.Ryan & Go. B meansoflheEMPLOYMEN] A'h'lll'1'i)i ofthe Four Federalcd Business Colleges situations are found for the graduate. as rapidl ' asthe drmands come in. All gtad’~ “ates of “a "gnu-ml FNRR. Bnldn this ml- unugo the gmduntu who the alpha»; of the Jhstitiee Mmton‘ was»: of Canada which In In!" tur-ttoat) ch. be, ”may 'NW‘MWAi (Janzen’a New Block, nerlln.) ST. JAGOBS, Remnants. . Preventioh of l Eye Trouble. Black Nary Sc... for ”who " totu'nm - . din-'0'. AFFi6 . I. nt "but. and "a i) New Mtu-- N" - Silk! h " putty Me- In” just. adv... if “no lama Eleni I an. in A with“! n31 a'tlt'Td'i'iu"l. i New tutinn. Sunni [has of and _ .. suin- Mn Last. - to ball -'t direct from an Inn-m l and unmet-don out. tgels , ttff'" vduo at we. , _ Childnn'n otoakingr-We, show db c- large "tiny of children's - ingsin dark and medium It.“ pretty Ind service-bio. m 75c and 'i. bullet mane cloth; black and col- , on, plain And tough M . Sprchl " from from 'Lott to Moreen skirtie--A real b I piem, ar,'tf,tg'.ougt, ghttid wide. worth . Spec“ will. they but we. Prevention ts Better than care. It Is cheaper. It is possible when can Is Inmate. ,sretnmtoarteamsaedtrmO'hetr me of glasses. 1mm 6tstatrttitrt, 3mm and per-manta! Imminent . 0mm. We are properly eqtigped to [ “his! (use! and guarantee "tiitiget. V A. G. Heller, OPTICIAN AND JEWILIR. Note Paper, Envelopes, (”WAR"). artist Bros. l your fuel bill will be greatly reduced. You will make dear fuel cheap by using less and still get more comfort. ertlng mum. l WATERLOO. To those buying at our sho: we will give a iscount of 25 per cent. aiarC8,1'Ui SpiEtllllhr. In using the DOBBIN DOWN DRAUGHT DRUM he"! AND "

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