_ _ . VOL. 44â€"NO. 48. ~ _ _ Ne Sell for Cash and we have «%€ ene Puice. VICI KID the best of all kld. Soft as buckskin, durable as calf, dressy as patent leather. This is what drove Freach Kid from the market aud made a new standard of kid excellence. _ None but Mr. Foerderer makes Vici hid, no one else can make it. Sce this mark on a shoe dressing it means VICI DRESSING. the most marvellous lifeâ€"keeper and lifeâ€"restorer for kid shocs or any shoes It keeps them young aud mellow, and should double their wear. _ See it on & shoe polish, it is VICI POLISH the porfection of a kid shoe shine bringer. Each of these is the creation of one man, and are made only by hi. A perfect leather and a perfect treatment for leather while in wear. s e . Always ask ior VICLI KLD shoes, VICI DRESSING and VICI POLISH. Then you‘ll get the best uf best. During the coming week we s~all make our censtomers aequainted with the special merits of Vici Kid and the Vici Dressings. One is is important as the other. â€" The best ouf leainer will not give up its best service unless cared for properly. The slhoes you buy from us may possess every element of satisâ€" faction, but if neglected when in use you will fail to get it from thein. 7 1 B MEawie oo l T e t‘ n bvsds eï¬ s Alisdintshn t wlid h ic ols Paaieda esnt o. tm ons s es We shall have a ladies‘ inaid all this week in our shoe departinent to tell you of the Vici Kid, aud to teach you how to properly care for it, or for any other leather wheu in use. â€" ‘The lesson is one well worth learning. AS A FITTING CLIMAX at our store. On t at day we bave arranged to give a pair of dull‘s Vici id slippers to every girl in Berlin, who, accompanied by a parent or adult, briugs her doll to the store. _ No matter how biz the doll or how little, or how odd its feet are shaped, we have a pair of slippers ready for it, or we will have them made to order. _ We want every woman, cuild and man hereabouts to know YICI KID, the best of all kid for shoe wear. We waut them to know the genuine, and that it costs no more than an imitation. We want them all to know that there is no dressing for kid shoes, or any fine shoes, for that matter, the equal of Vici Dressing. 1 r 4 * * : | 1 1 The A. 0. BOBHKER C0. Lnite 0 t , ® DOLLS‘ DAY ‘This is the Trade Mark for the man who has built by the kind in all the worldâ€" Cur Creat Bankrupt Sale| Clothiers, Haters, Shoes and Furnishers. Come early and have first choice. Pairs â€" 2,500 â€" Pairs Which We Will Clear Out at Startling Reductions. These are the Canadian Rabber Co.‘s first quality rubbers, slightâ€" ly imperfect, not the cheap American lines, and they cannot be replacâ€" ed at the prices â€"ve are quoting. In spite of the recent heavy advances in rubbers, we will sell Woâ€" men‘s Rubbers at 35¢ and 40c and Men‘s at 50c and G6Oc_as long as they last. Iouismss be EPM c teWM class t Davfsst smodua mada hy _ We also carry in stc this celebrated company, continent toâ€"day. The Cheap Store. When you buy a lantern Get a good one; something that is strong, well made, and able to stand a good strong draft of wind. The days of cheap, trashy, blowâ€" outâ€"easy lanterns are past. The genuine and most satisfactory article to buy is SMright‘s > No springs, 1 No smoke or smell, No clogging up, No pieces or elbows, Tubes made of one piece. . â€" ‘Wright & Co. were the first people to make the genuine Cold Blast Larftern and whey are the last people to make a poor article. Full stock ef chimneys, wick and lantern globes. . gougkT AT AUCTION To the week‘s work we shall make Saturday, Deceinbe A VICI WEEK ! A. 0.5OEHMER GQ, Linited MANUFACTURING MERCHANTS. A Big Consignment of Rubbers in stock a full range of Perfect goods, made by nanv. which are without doubt the best on the Cold Blast L ntern. W. H. Leeson. A. WESELOH & CO. A grand success. People came for Bargains and they got thein and this week‘s bargains are just as good as last week‘s So if you‘ have not as yet taken advant.age‘ of this special sale come this week and you will not be disuppo‘nted as we are bound to clear out the balance of the Bankrupt stock of the Blue Front store at once. Robt H. Foerderei‘s products far the largest business of Bee it on leathor, it means Store next to postoffice, Berlin. er 2nd, Berlin, Ont. Sirver WepprNG.â€"Quite a numâ€" ber of friends gathered at the residâ€" ence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wettlaufer on Saturday evening last at 4;30 p.m., it being the celebration of their silver wedding. T he bride wore her wedâ€" s ding garment which was of old gold silk and also a silver comb get with a diamond which she ware on her wedâ€" ding day. The groom also had on his wedding â€" suit. _ The spacious and htâ€" | elegant home was tastefully decorated ac. | and brilliantly lighted up, which lent a charm to the whole scene. . The . \tables looked _ beautiful with their 9| China, silver and ‘floral decorations. A8s| At five o‘clock all assembled in the dining room and after doing ample by justice to the good things provided reâ€". he paired to the comfortably seated drawing room where a fine programmé was rendered, consisting of music and very interesting speeches by Rev. 8. I Cunningham and Mr. Alex. Rennic, M | Reeve of Wellesley. A number of very pretty and costly presents found their way into the home, some being from â€"= | friends whu were not able to attend, We wish Mr.and Mrs. Wettlaufer many more years of happy wedded life. COUNTY .. ano .. DistRrict. Prsi1c â€" Lrerary â€" FoRXMALLY| OrexEp.â€"A very represenitâ€"| ative gathering met at Mr. Abrens‘|. store Thursday evening last | to take _ part _ in the formal| openinfl of Hawkesville PublicLibrary. | Dr. ore took the Chair. . The| occasion was an interesting one in the I histoty of the town. _ Hawkesville,| reckoned slow in many wn{l, has |. proved itzelf abreast of the times in |. that it has sommemorated the cluse of the contury in a permanent and fitting |. manuer. â€" The liLrary opened under| the fairest auspices. _ The Sceretary reported that it was exactly two| months since the first public meeting had taken place to ascertain the voice of the community on the matter. _ In that brief intersal a committee had been organized, a large sun of money had been raised, and a library of close on 600 books shelved anJ in order to be di tributed. One notable feature in connection with the matter, was the almost perfect unanimity on the part of the villagersâ€"only some half dozen individuals uot seeing their way to join the movement. _ Dr. More opened the proceedings on Thursdaywith a few well chosen words, then followed brief remarks by Messrs. Tanuer, Cunningâ€" bam and Winn, the principal speaker â€"â€"the Reove of the Townshipâ€"being reserved to formaily open the library. Mr. Renuie gave an excellent address, coimparing the condicions of living at the present time with those that »btained in bis own early days, ho saw wuch to wake bin thoughtful. _ Proâ€" gress w..s marked all along the social line. _ More especially was it noticeâ€" alse in matters of education. _ Inâ€" ereased educational facilities he said hiul brought about the desire for inâ€" ,| creased intellectual recreation in the | form ol wider and more liberal reading. tie was pleased to see that Hawkesâ€" ville had beenallve to these matters and had attempted to meet the new ’ conditions in its neighborhood with a \| gocd, substantial library. _ He was pleased to know that it bad been earried out in such a liberal and unanimous spirit. _ He congratulated the Town on having come into possesâ€" sion of such an excellent collection of books ; he hoped the collection : would be increased and renowed from time to time, and that much moral and inâ€" tetlectual benefit would result from what he considered was a desirable accession to any town. _ ‘The library was then prouounced formally open by Mr. Rennie, immediately after which books were issued by the librarian. WATERLOO, ONTARIO, HURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30, 1899. â€" PERsONXATLS.â€"Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Showers, of Sheffield called on their friends here last wock....Mr. and Mrs. Budd, of Glenalien, were the guests of Miss M. A. Donald last Sunâ€" day....Mr. and Mrs. Geo.‘ Laekner spent Sunday last at Crosshill. . . . Mrs. More has returned to her home after a few weeks visit to Teeswater. CREESE â€" SHIPPED.â€"Over _ 25,000 pounds of cheese were shipped from this factory on Friday, this being the last of the season. The price realized was 11 1â€"16 cents. â€" As this now closes the five years‘ agreement since the factory started we hope to see it kept on in future. We trust the patrons will consider the matter thoroughly and come to some agreement with Mr. White, owner of the factory. . The price for cheese should encourage the patrons who should talk the matter over among tl.emselves before the next meeting. PERsoX A1Sâ€"Messrs. Ed. Wanner, A. Heller, and Allan Bowman spent Sunâ€" day in Galt and Puslinch Lake...... Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shelley of Hawksâ€" ville spent Sunday at the residence of Mr. N. W. Gingerich...... Mr. J, G. Creas of Petosky, Mich., is home for his holidays...... Mr. W. 8. Henrich of New Hamburg spent Monday in town. Glad to see you Bill...... Mr. N. W. (Gingerich spent Saturday in Preston and Galt...... Miss Lizzie Miller of the Dominion Hotel received the sad intelligence on Wednesday last that her brother had been killed by a tree falling on him while felling trees. She M Mn anie o h M e e n oe es F f (Gingerich spent Saturday in Preston Brirrs,â€"One of our local sportsâ€" and Galt...... Miss Lizzie Miller of| men and his son spent one day last the Dominion Hotel received the sad | week along the river fishing, the quanâ€" intelligence on Wednesday last that | tity caught being countless...... The her brother had been killed by a tree| members of the V. B, church have falling on him while felling trees, She erected a new shed, which makes left immediately for Clifford and will| qnite an improvement in our village. attend . the ‘monl ... Miss Eval..... It is our sad duty to chronicle the Glnffleho‘ Berlin spent Snnday at death of the child of Mr, and Mrs. her home here. Silas Good, who died on Friday evenâ€" _ anrers â€"Municival matters will soon | ing, after a short illnoss. The funeral â€" Brizrsâ€"Municipal matters will soon be the chief topic of discussion. We sincerely hope that our worthy counâ€" HAWKESVILLE. ST. JACOBS. tertainment to be given h{) them on Baturday afternoon, oa Doe. %‘Ith. Everylnxly welgome.... .. The eran chureh sabbath s<houl scholars and teachers are mrdng for their anuual Xmas Festiv Date later ... ‘The commnittee of the Evangelical vchureh have decided not to ‘hold a festival this year....., Miss M. M.lne, agâ€"isst nt teacher has handed in uer resignation as teacher, She will, take a course in the ‘Foronto Normal sehooi where she will study for her 24 proâ€" fessional. BHer place will ‘be filled by a Miss Stedman also of Brantford.. ... Last year by this time we had both skating and sleighing. _ Queer. bow weather differs so much every year. We hop ‘, bhowever, that winter is not very far off. ‘The sooper it comes the betâ€" ter......The Glve Works are again in running Order. Owing to a unew process being put in work was delayed for a few weeks. ‘The quality of glue is far superior and finer in texture than that of last year and it will no doubt find a ready market. PErsoxatrâ€"Mr. Alfrod Kerr spent Sunday with friends in Rhakespeare. ...... Mr. Will Kerr wheeled to Lonâ€" don on Monday last...... Mr. J Tolâ€" shard who for the past year taught Wolfe‘s schoul in South Easthope will remove to Chesicyat the end of the‘ teim, having been engaged to teach the junior department in the public school there...... Mr. Hugh Collum and Allap Smith spent Saturday in the county town, . .. .. Mr.Frauk Tyedrove Mr. Large to his home in Poole on Saturday...... Mrs. James Orr and daugbter and Miss Sadie Leathorn of Wingham were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hâ€" Collum this week......Mr. Nicholous of the 10th line Zorra who had been ill for some time passed away on Sunday last...... Mr. Win. Grimâ€" mer is holidaying in Elma. PErsoxAL.â€" Mr. Louis Esbaugh, one of our old sports, has returned from Manitoba where he spent the summer... . Mr. Joe. Fabrenkopf and Alex. Busch are again in our midst, after spending three months in the Northwest...... Mr. Wm. Ertel spent a few days io town. ... Mr. Louis Start ‘spont Sunday nnder the parental roof. Brixrs.â€"Some of our young folks attended the Josephsburg ball on Satâ€" urday .. ..Our merchants are 30w g*tâ€" ting ready with a big suppiy of all kinds of goods for Christmas...... Hockey will be the sport in our town this winter. _ We would like to seo the n~ighboring villages take an interest in this sport, PrEixsoxatâ€"Mr. and" Mrs. (George Everett and Mr. and Mrs, John Mcâ€" Tavish were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Detweiler...... Mr. and Mrs. Kipp, of Goble‘s Corners, have been fisitisg friends here during the last week......Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hilborn, of Paris, were visiting in the neighborhood last week ...... Tax collectors aud insurance men were here last week and gathered in quite a lot of money..... . Messrs. David Clemâ€" ens, Andrew Veitch a .d John McNab went to Harriston on a hare hunt. We hope they wili be successful and come home laden with game. Fartey GaTHERING. â€" Mr. Josse Clemens had all his brothers and sisâ€" ters home excepting William, of Daâ€" kota, and Daniel, of Michigan. They had a very pleasant time and had a photo,;rapher from Ayr to take their photo. â€" Orr S1cx.â€"Mr. Menno Hallman apâ€" pears to be somowhat better the past few days....Mr. Daniel Knechtel is confined to his bed with stomach trouble...... Mrs. F. Kaiser, jr., has been taken to the hospital. We hope she will soon be home again restored to health...... Master Albert Kaiser, son of F. Kaiser, jr., was playing in the barn and went to the cutting box and had a piece of the third finger on the rizkt hand ‘aen off. Dr. Meldrum dressed it and he is n doing fins.... Mr. Jacob Cle ens suffers a great deal at times from the effects: o. the operation, and he does not improve as fast as we would like to see him, PErsoxaLs.â€"Mr. and Mrs. King, of Teeswater, on their way home from: their wedding trip called on Mr. and Mrs. Win. Carey, Mr. King being a cousin of Mr. Carey.... Mrs. 8. S. Detweiler, who was sick with rheumaâ€" tism, is on the mend.... Mrs. Wm Carey spent one dag last week io Presâ€" ton . ... Miss Eima Carey was the guest of the Misses Ella and {mmce Brickâ€" nell on Sunday last. ... We are glad to state that Mr. Geo. Milhm, jr., who was seriously ill, is slowly improving. ... . Mre. Levi Sauder and her daughâ€" ter Arianna, of Parry Sound, are visitâ€" ing friends and relatives in dxlsvlcinlty at presont, . Mrs, Sauder, after an atâ€" sence of twentyâ€"two years, had sapent her young days in this n?lghborhood. .... Mr. Frank Meyer left Tuesday inorning on the early train for Hamilâ€" ton to attend the funeral of his brotherâ€" inâ€"law, Mr. Hastman, of that place. m;karlm on Sanday afternoon at one o‘clock at the house, and from thence the body was taken to Borlin ST. CLEMENTS HAYSVILLE. CENTREVILLE. ROSEVILLE. Buizrrsâ€"The much needed N'm to the bridge crossing the mill have at last been made by Mr, ‘Thes. Quickfall of this place, who secured the gubtract iy sh rp competition with other contracto‘ s for $25. .. . Mr. ‘Thos Quickfall has again started his san will. We wish bim all success in his ne x enterprise. _ Stick to it Thomas. The repuiring of the dam, flling the basin with water and starting of the grist imill would be the next step in the right direction. . \Why not hold the custom work here that now goes to other neighboring towns......Large tiles have been placed in several streets thus securing better drainage for the village. Some road work has been doue, but much more is necessary to put the streets and roads in good conâ€" dition for traffic,particalarly that piece of road leading westward from the village to the township of Peel is much in need of gravelling. We hope that the roadmaster has n°t forgotten his responsibility......The new parsonâ€" age of the Trinity Lutheran church is rapidly nearing completion. It is a model of convenience and co 1 fort of which the members of Trinity cougreâ€" gation may well feel proud...... Mr. Juhn Steddick,‘mein bost‘of the Floraâ€" dale botel, has laid new tiles from his kitchen door yard across the street discharging into the dam basin. He has also placed a large coal stove in the sample roo:m..... . Rehcarsals for Christmas testivities have begun at the Lutheran and Methodist churchos. Mr. Simon Ratz of _ Elmira, _ oar southeastern neighbor, is teaching the children of the Methodist church..... It has been reported that some of our towns people will migrate to Edmonâ€" ton in the spring. Our village has been very quict all \ summer, but weare glad to let the outside world _ know _ that it Ims‘ awakened from its slumbers. The old proverb "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," is all too true, but we think that Jack has most of his work done now and has time to play as was seen on Thursday when our popular townsman, Mr. Kohlenbrenner; treated the young people of our vilâ€" lage and surrounding country to a ball. _ It is needless to say it was well attended _ especially by outsiders. lrundse turned out en mass" and a number of them proved to be intenseâ€" ly musical, particularly in the vocal linc. _ Everybody seemod to enjoy themselves to the utmost and it was almost time for old Sol to appear when the gue.ts dispersed. _ We understand the next affair of the kind will be held at Dundee on Nov. 30th. BrtErs, â€"Bicknoss â€" has visited a number of the families of our section but wo aro pleased to report that everyone is on the way to recovery.... We understand that our hotel, occuâ€" pied for the last few years and at the present time by Mr. Geo. Becker, has changed bands, Mr. John Rueffer havyâ€" ing purchased it. We believe it is the inten.ion of Mr. Becker to remain hors until May when Mr. Rucfier will take posséssion....Our Sunday Schocl is busy preparing for the annual Xmas tree. Our Xmas tree, in the past, has beon a docided â€"success â€"andâ€"we â€"are quite sure it will come up to its old mark this year. Pleaso bear in mind the date, Dec, 23rd.... The last har vest of the year is boing gathered in viz: the swine, which are boing slaughtored on all sides, almost as bad as the Boers in Africa, but it must be a pleasure for them as they are sufferâ€" Ing for the benefit of mankind .. .. 1t is too bad that our church is so clase to a dwelling house as some mistakes are made by it, some pcople preferring to whoe} to Badon Sunday evening to atâ€" tend church thero. ... Mr. John Hauck has parchased the old church at St. Agatha. We believe it is his intention to build a house and barn from it. IrrovEmzxts.â€"The work of tearâ€". ing down the old church at St, Agatha has begun...â€"A traveller is struck with the improvements made in our section during the summer, which are as follows : new barn erected by Mr. 8. Mauch, new driving shed by Mrs. Bechthold, barn remodelled by Wm. Lautenschla â€"or, new barn and driving ahed b{ Nelson Shantz, addition to house by Mr. M. E. Shantz, new wind mills by Adaim, Geo. and Wm.Lautenâ€" schlager and Honry Knipfel and last but not least important improvements done to the sehool. Surely our farmers aro a prosperous people. ... Threshing is now past so that farmers will be able to count the shekels. The spring crop was very eatisfactory. The Wilmot Sunday School convenâ€" tion held at Wilmot Centre on the 12th FLORADALE. PETERSBURG. "CYIDRO.‘ ONE MINUTE â€" â€" â€" â€" is Sufficient to State our Case We buy direct from the makers, that means money saving to {:u. The power of cash with the manufacturers works wonders. You a:ht benefit, the best goods at the lowest prices. Wothwwkw‘you y about our gents‘ furnishings. Roead carefully what we say. It will pay you to look it We are G:atliem>»n‘s Furnishers as well as Dry Goods Merchants We Import our Gents‘ Furnishings. over. Men‘s natural fleece lined undershirts and drawers, all finished seams, sizes 82, 34, 36, 33, 40, 12, regular value, 75 cents, our price 50 cents. Men‘s uatural wool fleece lined undershirts and drawers, finished seams, sizes 34 to 14, regular J):‘ice. §1 each, our price, 75 cents. Men‘s fine striped all woot shirts and drawers, our price 8o cents. Men‘s fine imported natural wool shirts and dzawers, silk spliced sizes, 34 to 44, prices ar $1.25, $1.50, $1.15, $2, $2.25 each. Boy‘s fleece lined shirts and drawers, sizes, 22, 21, 26, 28, 30, 32. #4, prices for 22, 24 and 26 are 30 cents each, for 28 and 30, 35 cents; for 32 and 34, 40cts. Men‘s fine kid gloves, fleece lined 5o cents per pair, better lines selling at T5 cents. Men‘sextra fine kid gloves, 2 buttons, fleece lined, $1.00. vm'l tine Mocha gloves, lined. 50 cents per pair, better lines, 75 cents. Men‘s extra line Mocha kid gloves Beaver fur trimmed, $1.75 pair. _ Our space here is tco small, we can only tell of one or two lines, we c an immease stock, well bought, well selected, the prices are right. Come Cash and One Price. Wishing to reduce my large stock at once I will give special bargains for 30 days. I will sell and make to your order all my tweeds at ready made prices. For illustration: Regular $18 dollar suit for next 30 days $11.50 which is less than he cost of production. p ‘ 159 suit lengths must be sold within the next 30 days. These bargain pricmfe of course cash only. Yours for business, The ‘Standard" Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stoves American Water White and H. HYMMEN, Clearing Sale Near the Post Office COAL OIL. M. Weichel & Son, Men‘s undershirts and Drawers. Boys‘ Undershirts and Drawers. We Stock allUSizes of Coal Oil Cane. Price. Cheap Cash Store. 23 and 25 South Side King St., Berlin. For COAL OIL or GASOLINE. IT burns common oil. IS simple as the ordinary lamp. A child can operate it. BEAUTY in design and finish. YOU can have a cool kitchen in summer. CANNOT (ail to please. AFFORD it ! Yes, it will save its cost in a season. ‘TO roast or toast, bake, broil or stew. DOes its work well and quickly WITHOUT brains, only a little coal oil and a match, ET does the rest. _ _ _ _ To examine it is to buy it. V. M. Berlet. 30 Days. Men‘s Gloves. We buy coal oil by the carload Ifyou want a gallon, five gallons or a barrel of oil vre can supply you â€"â€"~FORâ€"~. Leave us yonr order. town. We deliver to any part of the SMYTH BROS., Phone 215. WHOLE NUMBER 235 1 The Leading ... Hardware Merchant Berlin, Ont. Sarnia Prime white.