- TIMD'THY We have TIMOTHY SEED " when. Cnil and an the dock. Hilliard & Mal-lock Wilson's Fly Pads will kill bushel of flies. Operations were commenced st linen tiuets evaponliug factory on Friday. About thirty exeuraionistts left Wa- terloo Tuesday morning to visit the fair at Toronto. Mr John Fisher mcsin Toronto on Pri- day, whreo he purchased 27 held of buteher'n cattle. Mr. Abraham Detweiler, Rosevillo, has sold his farm to Abraham Kinsie for (he sum of $10,100. Tutu. Foot Cstche- Them Allvo. Joe Lenbardt has put on the road a line new buteherm delivery waggon. lngorsoll promises exemption from taxes and a free site and To water to the St. Charles Coudensin Co., if it will locate them. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Hilliard return- ed from their trip to tho Paeitie Coast with the Press Excursion on Monday evening after a month's delightful out- mg. Messrs. Frank Good, of town, and O'Neil, of Elmira, shipped a unload of hogs toToronto Monday and a carload of sheep on Saturday last. . The annual S. S. Association of Ont- ario will be held in Galt on Oct.24, M, and M. B. P. Jacobs, a prominent Sunday School worker, of Chicago, is expected to be present. The market was as well attended as ever on Saturday. Eggs sold at 15e a dom, butter 18 to 20e, com 10 to 12e per dog. cars, cucumbers 250 per pail, potatoes 50 to 60e a pail. An analysis of the Brantford water just made by Professor Mackenzie, the Ontario Government bacteriologist, proves it to be pure and peculiarly free from injurious matter. The picnic at St.Clement's on Mon- day was attended by people from a large radius and was a big success. A good program of spam including foot- ball and baseball matches,races and tight wire performance was given. Work was comm need at Roschman’s bulton factory on Tuesday alter being dosed down for a week to admit of necessary repairs. A new 75 horse power boiler, manufactured by the Goldie k McCulloch Co. wasput in to take the place of tho old 50 horse power bother formerly in use. Mr W ll Lccson, of Berlin, has just recently unpacked and placed in stock twelve large ticrces of fancy lawns fresh from the factories. This is his first shipment of new fall designs and any are now ready for inspection. Prices range from We to $6 oo. His QI 25, u 50 and $1 65 lines are world heaters. Martin N. Todd has sold the famous mare, "Bow Bells," the dam of "Curr. few Bell," who ran for the Queen‘s Plate in May, to N. C. Nutter,of Shor- brooke, Quebec. Mr. Todd bought this valuable mare a short time ago [mm Geo. Moore, of Waterloo, who in turn had secured her front Jan. sta- gram. William Gregg leftthia mom- ing in charge of "Bow Bella."--) FLIES I FLIES I " ACCIDENT. Berlin, 0nt., June 14, 1809. "m" iiriiiiiiiGiGGE On Friday afternoon while Clayton To the "tBeers orttte Federated Busi- re,'ri'trltt211,it,'dl1 hash Snyder, the young son of Mr. Simon nose Colleges of Hamilton and Gait. of Mr Bailey for many yell Snyder, was watching the men unloml- We, the undersigned. believe that 'tiiiiiiiriiir" converllnt viii ing a boiler from a fiat car at Rosch- a BusinessCollego shouldbe established of leper minim! 'm’wl man‘s factory, he fell from an adjacent in oar town and, reeoguia.ing the tnter%smrmhmtiortat chm box car on top of which he was stand- value of such an institution to our log is a mu ofitttoihmtttai ing, striking his head on the buffer. young men and young womenl would m" power a mort pttytta Fortunately he was not seriously in- respectfully request the others of the and a GG' will be “in†jawed. federated Business College")! Hamilton attend. The meeting will and Gait to establish and mink“) a Church " a o'eloek. antenna nuns“. rounxnnn. branch school here. The crowd " Hamburg on (Labor “no R Ede-u Kan-l Mueller W30 Da was nit» u to the ex “one 0 K Huge-1mm J M Stable: . , _ I a 'l,',,' Itll 1tdll of t2f,tglt Gut Pn- new of Trad. w J Wool-d . gamma Fr,',',",, ',"t watstoaxudtto_,txpeyof 1'd,',,'N'.t,'" rNegg', t " Yule: r Went-loo and pines Anon Ole-none cut-rodeo pain , "on .13. qrhik, R. J (l Buehlumpt I Khan: was - his and we “I! . Wm ““1 m m" J [mm-chilger Wm. Berlin '2: I m of 1 eon-um qrrierrr) to-tatt- AOBoohmor WOJKin' Aâ€...u.o,.o.m4 “New“ Windscidod EDD?!“ AArne "mm-multilevel At the annual meeting of the Can- adian Furniture Mamsfaetarxmr' Association held at Toronto on Tues- day, Mr. Simon Snyder, of Waterloo, was elected President, and Mr. Thou. Baird, Platttwille, Vice-President. The prospects for doing a large export busi- ness with Great Britain are excel- Itirirorter. lent. DEVTT'S tity Mg St re. '18 while “lam-loo ll? um puma "a Milka t 3 Ktht der “I “Illa“ I m to iiiy,iiiiii2e, 'l'fulrg't, g humming!" Wm. 'WI' gun “a I M at 1"d',,d'hUt msretml-.Mm At B. Geiger and we" 1",i,'teL,'l'dt' . A 0 Boerhmor W 0 J In“. About I an. or an above Wan-loo Mr funny - Sttt with Month In Tut.' mum t . decided c B mm“ A A Pipe “.0th got clan wagon to mind “Ilium“... I. In. 021mm 11:60.0.qu: I Reg, “but.“ m and!“ In on on!“ an ' PM Black on â€an . “M" ‘Lu'm' 'trttttoettt-t,aatelttortt- Imam... _ In. mm vonu’ am Rmrqre1 'd,',rfaL. Moo-alt ch the In. "airthqttnqNe.th. an. of Ir. LpgU'Lt'rU,','t?ilh,tg nix Il', My Ono- Iva-pl w ist,",,', y,'iri'iti'iie {If wa:ol: Damon -.... . . in up. - -D-tttaBtiatded box-dunno: mil-sumo. Of “0'91â€!†tum . on t,edl,',tpggg,','fNt'tUf,2e, 1hdt1t 1'ttr, Whahu'wmm: ',tgril'a?itiir1i'iittiii'i municipal m a “an. boon M9hed M In. w 2T."A - ee - ttte man» may; .9 mm 949m. 'htlt"A5giil .32...“ 'getei.t'2l tttl _ 2tt1i,egv.2NSY PPPtg Thopl'lntod vane-Imam!!!) an biannual-Ind. Tttettttatmtm. AC tseristvoer-tMthtir100tt. Of Mm itiat-qtttt-rytto9l.'r'ht tOtt per B aehel. LOCA L N EWS ELECTED PRESIDENT. We sell both at one By-hw No. 108, pound by the Town‘ Council " In June who, regulating tt_ottteah-t, was qumhodon “a Tue-day by Janice Meredith. on MMF- thm of w. M. Reade acting for Joseph Lox-hum, - the ground. that. It In not regularly poled by the Coun- oil, and that it exceeded the power: given by the statute. The cost.- ten Med at oo. Ab: to I.- thnuh In!“ and; Ambit-aqwm oatb1d . 3966 his)!†my 'rttaMxmotst_1+tq .I’I but "mt.heVr6ti-l9. 1trmtnritragtt-tihettttiorHti' mwdlhowchorha-dhds- 1h- wereewHyw-I “by†This I. the mi shootout mlvdbythm l Dun or I. ILA. taunt. Ha HA Mm dird bu null ‘m-llnguh‘Inm-on-oyund amatthodpmd75ynn0 lanthanum; 'l'hnfnmnlvtll llhplloooa lull-thy at "trt. to loam Hop. Canary. She lam tut-dtutMqrrdarrd you: up - to man: pot lung. A blognphlcnl - “as. d In. c. 'l1uPfJll In. st,'Sl a? sketch of week. waranLoo own on LAM! DAY. The town was pretty well deserted on Labor Day, large numbers of our citizens taking in the excursions and celebrations " surrounding points. The early train to the Industrial at Toron- to carried away about sixty people and about double that number accompanied the W. M. S. band to Brantford. The attractions " Berlin, New Hamburg and St. Clements all drew upon our population. Queen's weather pre- railed all day and altogether every- thing seemed conducive to the enjoy- ment of the pleasure seekers. A SEPTEMBER WEDDING. A fashionable wedding took place at A oe'loek this afternoon " the home of Mr and Mrs. F'urkei, King street, when their daughter Julia, was united in marriage to MLW. H. Kutt, both of town. The core. many was performed by the Rev. A. Arendt and witnessed by a number at the immediate friends of the contracting partr ies. Miss Alios Froshlieh assisted the bride, while Mr. Geo. Carrel] acted in the capacity of groomslnan. An orchestra was in attendance. The young couple were the recipients of many costly gifts, both serviceable tsmrormsmmttai, which show tho esteem in which they are held. The intend taking In their residence at the {one of the wise. The TELEGRAPH tenders its hearty congratulations. FIRIIIX'S ANNUAL PIC-XIC. Mr. R. Y. Stewart, chief of the tim) brigade and the other members of the department, and their families spent a 1very enjoyable time at \Vestside park ‘on Labor day, it being their first annual picnic. The town council was invited to be present and those who could availed themselves of the op- portunity to_be present. A baseball match between the Brig ade team and a team of boys furnished heaps of fan. The Brigade played 4 in- nings to the boys' 3 and the result was a draw,the brigadebeing “played out". Lunch was served in.the evening by the ladies. The picnic was a thoroughly enjoyable affair. BUstarLL-rrLBEBrrTtGEB. A quiet wedding took place at t home of Mr. and Mrs. Kleeberger, Young St., on Wednesday Aug 30, at 8 o’clock when their daughter Minnie was united in marriage to' Edward Russell, an employee of the Waterloo Mani’g Co. The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. M. Arndt and wit. nessod by a largo number of the im mediate relatives of the contracting parties. The young couple were made the recipients of numerous costly gins, of which special mention might be. made of a very haudsomeeiock pret5ctt-- ted to the groom by his fellow employees as a token of the respect in which he is held. The young couple will re- side in town. In the attentoon and evening public ‘mectiuge were held at which stirring addresses were made on the Twentieth "cerirrrryre2ertttm in its minim ty The Btsaneial district meeting of the Galt District was held at Waterloo on Monday. Ministers and lay delegates were present from the dmrxsnteirv,uitts of the district. Dr. J. S. Williamson, chairman, presided and Rev. Geo. A. Mitchell, B. A., actedas thNtmrial sec- retnrv. Arrangements were made for holding the missionary and educational anniversaries of the church and depu- tations were appointed to addrem an- niversary meetings. Rep-ms were re- ceived from the missions on the district and appllcgtions recommended. the Grimm de artmanu of church orxMyr for "'3 Pee'" 0' mu "m“ work, by new: Culp, Coiling. La.. amount}. Th†Council then ' velle, Wntwn and turtlton. The at- immed- tendance, owing to the various excur- V ---------- 9011: out of town on Labor Day, was “nun-mum only fair. B J William. H A Hagan Ant-on Brit ' U Clemon- J (I Buchlmnpt I Its-m J [mm-chug" Wm. A 0 Boohmor W 0 J King li B manta t A Pip. up not mail" . Colquboun A 0 onâ€: 99's! Bull-Pl J. Bets. aa. YIXANCIAL DISTRICT MEETING. an BY-LAW QUASHID. A BIQUISI I‘ION AINWI- will BOX! alum-nau- III-x, a" Maid-omi- Ion. Bundlwwtlu. mammal-4mm (“Ml-“hut, I Tun- 1&3th“- s..'t,M'fd'2rt'e,t out. a! m. d-eta-r' " than» 0m It... . l II- I“. Install Ian [at NI): you“. It.†in will and ID. 0mm Law Conan II- Guru; {Iguana-1:0 l in the I I no. mebdu 'atdentd,t, m: WM: “than kayak-ohm " exuded ridt to Turnaround other point-cut. L (is-om 35mmâ€. of new, F Y., in 'iursdi" 1 " week] we! the pamul not Mr. Tiplln, late ot the Berlin brunch at the Bank at Commerce, took up his dull“ at the Wamloo branch on Friday. In. Ila-c Bechtel h spending a to: took. with her 'Uetghtor, In. W. Him Burlington. - - mun - W'- IIIU " "ow - W week with tPP? Welleslev. b. sround It.“ and seems none the The Mi- halo and Eve Dewitt we". Asetttrmidstsr. Mumd on Monday M For“ Road Brom-Mr Walter Snider is mad- after . nine weeh’ visit there. In. J. ing the Iillore’ Minion at Toronto Smith, with whom they were visiting, us well u the exhibition.....lls-rs returned with them and will spend Edgar nnd Chen Hebe] Berlin visited sometime with roletlvoeinthe vicinity. relativu in Conestoga TiiGiir.' ... A Mr. Harris, at Guelph, spent Labor large eeriole of Berlin "g1fturgtl [ Day in Waterloo, s guest at In. throughhere on Labor Day so took: Anthee’. in the fine scenery of the vicinity es‘ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cork returned to qroll u the militant Multan! their home in Torontoon Monthly after surtoumtiatts.... Mr and Mrs N. B. asisitto his parents, Mr. and hire. Bonn-n returned from Grim-by on Geo. Cork. ngwher; 'le,', enigma"? ‘ , - ye...“ ooh . wmsn family Ed. Davidson, of Toronto, spent have . red to Chesiey when he Labor Day at the home of his perents "no will be ed by the Kroc Menu- hero, Mr. and Hrs. Geo. Davidson. . _ M , meturi _ - nod MrJonuhssslready n. Henry Ziegler, of Rochester, N. moved 9.tt the house occupied by Mr. Y., is visiting Moods in the Twin City Bo "¢..‘..Qulte . number from Mr. and Mrs. Cham P.;GM or he" iiti"i1iiiFi't,ti Falra'. Toma}, Carleton Mace, returned to their ....|irs. enry Holle, we are eon-y to home on Tuesday after trending: say, isstlll down with typhoid fever. week With ("Mill in toqrn. ' ....'l'he farmers in this vicinity no Mr. and hing. J. Ohlman and their busy with the seeding operations, some three children of Guelph are visiting being quite near the close of the {all friends and relatives in town. mrtrding.--Edgtxr Heist of Bridgeport, Miss l idn Bowman, ot Blair, is the Paid our who“ WM" tb “loudly ei- guest or Misa Bertie Buekberrrough. ',',iyt'ttpe,ugtr,'tiiiaa'tditi “38311021“: filLRPEEWW‘ " 'l,','ltt'i'ldl'l'l,",'l. tr Mr. Ezra. simmer went io Toronto on Monday. Waterloo was well represenwd " Nor' myntrarg on Labor Day. -- _ Mr. Chas. Kerr spent the holidays at Guelph. Rev. R. Hobbs and Mrs. Hobbs, Winghum. spent. Labor Day with her father, Mr, D. Buckbermugh. Miss Syl’illa Zimmerman has re- turned from a month’s visit to friends in Carlewn Place. Means Edgar Fisher 3nd Jack Bertol will leave for Toronto on Sunday morning. Miss IIth left on Sunday on I visit to friends in the Queen Gtr. 0. Be1us1thorV.. SSnyder.... ..... q. Suggi'tr. . "f . . . . A meeting of the Town Council was held on Saturday afternoon " the all of the Mayor. There were present the Mayor in the chair and Maura. Bean, Ruler Schiedel and Snyder. Mr. Snyder, chairman, presented the report. of the Finance and Printing Committee recommending the pigment. of the following accounts ' Wm. linus..... John mayâ€... J. Dempsky...“ it: Engrlhal dt. . Tsytr' Herr, . L.'.' J unis Hoffman GemDiobei..... ..-.W.' John Utter on aeit. . . . 'k.l',,.TEl, " " ....' .0. tr mg" ..... gem-y 'rttt2'li, Jett, The report was adopted on motion, mamma- 'tatturrizmitoi-trits order for the payment of the loveml amount}. The Council then ad- s%GuHvrjasts, 'Adv'tl. . '.".- ft . . 8 on Contract. “would " ........ tL00 A. B. Devin. 'reugraphiotr.... 1.83I P.t$aaa,Teasmintr-............. .60 S. B. Bricker. Express. . . . .. .. . Mo D. Bean, Printing and Advt‘g. 2206 . LOCAL humm'llln's. k Dunne]. Cement Wdh. . . . . 800m o. Dobbin. on noc't.... ..... $88 alumnae Wm. Snider. Elwtric Lighting 153.48 Bricker & Diebel. maria. . . . . . 1t11N Gut“. Perch: Rubber .. .... 4.50 Con-unnu’ an Company. . . . . , 11m !.I.Db’dH-ohlo a no ii/diGrer Piaf Next Friday evening there will be given an addre- by Welleeley C. Bailey Fan., Superintendent of motile-ion to bepere in India and the Eat. This im- portant msld of work has been in chemo of lr,Bniiey for many you-mud he is thoroughly convex-lent with every place of leper mission workmhlch in of an tnter%smrmhmtiortal character. ILBel- " In a mu of intellectual and spirit- nnl lumen: mort [viewing speaker, and a treat will be given them who attend. The meeting will be in Zion Church " 8 o'clock. Accxnlw. That might In" to. lulled 'srtr%rtsly for Mr unborn oo- cnrnd {In ppm-my jump; why: he â€III-"1"!" M959. l? Spud“! I Snyder Town Council WATER Wanna. ROAD Lia-r. ......e “W ...... 320 ..e... 3.00 ...... 5250 ...... PM!) ...... .75 holidays Leann. DAY Town‘s“ A Hue:1 tMrtxstrs.-Tmr trr. JAWB BAtml Osman Till Tome BY thogtag BY Hobbs, Tuna Imminent? P141130. with her The Labor Day Tournament was a huge success. Shortly alter nine o’clock k Bertol the drawing of the various teams took morning, piaoss which malted as follows: Foot- ia on . ball, Plamvllle vs. New Hamburg, , 'l‘avistuek vs. Baden. Baseball, Gal: . vs. New Hamburg, and as 'ig','.""", has re- tiurtked Waterloo drew the bye. At friends eleven dolock Maren o. Vogelsang of l Berlin called Plattsville and New Ham- burg to face the hall. After some line playing New Hamburg scored one goal. Thus ended the firBt match. Promptly Ti? Wtt8 at one o’clock the St. Jacobs band "M a“ headed the procession for the ball tttttnt the grounds lollowed by the visiting teams _ '. Boast, and their admirers. Shortly after‘ reaching the grounds umpire Rathrnan "with oflierlin called Bait and New Ham-1 Printing burg to battle for supremacy in a tive- _ payment inning game. Gait, however, waspre- I pared tor the worst, and as our boys put up a that-dt-s article of ball, the " we large audience were treated to an A l .. 320 exhibition of ball. in this game pitch- . . 3"†er Heimbeckerof New Hamburg struck‘ .. till odt nine men. The were at the end .. fiiri of flee innings was a tie, 2-2, and two Y. ir.ifi more innings had tobe played to decide .. may the contest. Galt .alter a hard strug- .. 7.00 gle managedtoget in their winning .. .75 run. The ntxtyyseh was in football .. Loo between Tavistock and Baden. These teams were old rivals and went right .. all!) in for blood. Alter some desperate .. MINI) playing Tavistock succeeded in van- .. zip-00 quishing their opponents by a score of .. â€0'00 5tol. Next came a baseball match .. 813% between the old county league teams, .. 5.00 Gait vs. Waterloo. This was a thte .. 1.83 exhibition of ball and resulted think:- y. .50 torytor0alt trratreotxrof9to7. In . . Mo the play " for second place Waterloo g, 72.06 heat New Hamburg by the exciting l. score ot2-I in baseball and New llam- .. tm.00 burg beat Tavistock in foot ball by 2 Our write-up of the feetlvltlee here trx48 would be far ttom complete if we omit- lam ted reference to the St. Jeeohe band. 4.50 The boys won golden opinions through- 193) out the day by their Re,', but noone Mon, was prepared for we a grand mil-teal e his treat as was given In the evenan eon- veral out. The pmgramme consisted M two m1. parts of six numbers each. The at- tendance was very Inge and the audi- enee grew wildly rs.""',',','," es the programme roeeed . e phylng .. far T/ISU' the oxpeetatious of the ll be old music lover- preeent end wee Kelley heartily 'lg,'ll"gtl tram time to time. on to The excel out who, the fine expreeelon. . h..- the dub end ebendon that wee put in- " " has. od our . d-tmes" Ind _ ' " " 11kt',lrg1t1ti't"" ',iiiiiit?iiiiiti5 W“ the "" W '* " u Underwear f,tdf,'g,"gl'tttg.,',g,'g','.fa"tt'.t 2i,',ttt,letg g. f? Clothing tii.?,':?.':?:',:?,?'?, ?i?c'a",i'ii':'iiiiiii'iiiii,ii?ii? " " 1%ch filte ii'iir"iiiii'iir,i'ibiil'ue. 2t'2lt,hr't7e, ',lfi learn Cul- Prion. More laying. , J. lm?EIMANNJ,hhrltt BEST 1ll()lllGlhlNlP, What-Menu. Baum-blow lac-mum! “Lin and new. none tho won. hr him-hp. Buns-Ill- Walter Snider is stand- lng the Millard mum: at Total†" well u the oxhlblthn.....lla-n to the ea, would almost place them in a c of more-donut. After the concert a who dnwlnu took phco. The lucky one. were; Amelia Kneeli- tol, chair; Robert Tye, clock; William Goya, lgpmmphs. - . " ' C. A. Booth]: upem bubon- Day tn town. ...MN. was limb-cha- and Mn. Alex. 30mm of St. Jacob- were the gum of Mr. and In. W. 3. Hon: rich on%abor Day. . . . . .L. G. Pages. nu and Phil. snow tsttmtderd the up- tlst convention hold at 1mm Int week and rem-nod on loadâ€. tit,i'ii,'ii'iiii'l?hrtr, 'h Pttue _ w t n III-main I . T. a In. Carl Btieu on!“ a PM Black on and†" 7_ In}: 9.33:: NEW FALL GOODS tooNtttttT1Nt1.OF New Fall D- Gpoda Ill!" KAI-030. IN. Mother- in "rAraton and Indian]; any had not scan them tor than 12 we". and Itiit tew My! - A -- Brutb-itetr. Wmhold is " mulle- bean-91th shoy. ...|lr.md In. Ab. Cinnam- had the minimum ot Iain; their lulu: child which died of cholera tarantula and was buried has Sunday. Bad 1oeldemeWe â€11113.;th with accident last week. While thrashing with Mr. Adam Schasfer’s machine his hand got into the gearing and was crushed. lie was taken to the Guelph Hospital where it was amputated. He is getting along as well as can be expected . . . . Fred Schaefer has started toeulnrge his house. It’s also going to be bricked up on the outside and when complete it will show u sample of his ttm, brick. . . .Seven of our boys leit " the wild North West on the ttrtrt excursion, and arrived lately enjoying their trip very much. . They were lucky in securing good places to work but oiteu think of the good old Hymn "Home, sweet Home'. . . .Some more left last week who intend taking _ up homesteads if all is satisfactory. . . . J. R. Good bought a line young horse from a man near St. Catherine and) (etched the same at Dundas the 3 other week. ...We have received l word from Mrs. A. M. Cottrell of Victoria B. C. aformerly G.T.R. Agt. here who reports very favorably for that country. . . .Quite a large number of people are taking in the exhibition l st Toronto this week....llr. and Mrs. Louis Kramp intend driving to Drumho on Saturday to visit the _ latter’s mother and Mater. -..A. B. I Moyersnd daughter intend to leave here on Friday morning and driveto Toronto, and Markham to visit friends and attend the Camp meeting in the city held by the M. B. C. church. mr for The Quaker Mae-ms, Good and daughter Emma of Conestogo and Miss Mattie Good of Berlin intend leaving here on Thursday morning for [ an extended trip toPonntsr1vania.'rur intend to stop at nearly all the large places of the state and also go outto the sen shore....hlr. and Mrs. J. H. Wisrner of Port Slain who have been visiting at Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Good left on Saturday for their home driving with horse and buggy in order to take a View of of the country and no doubt do some business as they go along. ...Driviug seems to be in fashion now. I Park. 801‘. 3...“... mm In. I-d . mfg-playing - Syn-{on l Winnipeg. Sept. '-JMrt'rt, an In. 'pmuI-ofthmuong “00.38. “mummy-awn“ at in omt-r'rMBtseurIu" night. The.“ M “upwind mum m In Inhal- but... ens-Inmmudwlar â€to! all. In my dtrtrht In "no pun!“ than.» on. m and“... Im'h-tnllmn. qRmttgaqeo whim“ W§ 5nd apparent- ly I'm-on: -rroq. efrqttt on th- shipping Mum. In!!!" And Inn both adult met-l day- mnn (Inn. Man “I sun can. to I but]. Mr. Jon-pl: [unlock-Wilton, mouth. at Pull-mt [or SMeMtetttmmatk n W. but who was elected not! particularly an . Intol- whit", nod who I. kiln; a "when. wt In tho mmt‘ .y- that the 00111:: m u Bald: Shula- have mild M e.- Monnthuthq will “in upon the non mun: d vocal- " Port at“. And um the Ola-pow men an luvlng m vow-ell. He added shut "to - m blocked on the Tyne. an! that th- Mrikq I? hom Ltmrpaot mom“. T manual“ " Liverpool m: “M In†noun-'- in W in Including It. can!» and the Luau-II." this nun-tun. hm. II canary h a. man and by in hip own-I. " San-u um " Ylslblo I. tho - I]. I. In. a“ tfrATrt,',2t. "a ttsg'. Sole Agents tor Christy's Hats pee eetetee1ltett ttee Wall! $lhthk" Mrhrhq M -ia-iiauthi- __ aid "o- not] the hit-II - I the an: - "Mancini? In". MI. “mmlnmhbn . Nut-uh.- "tt,tgttltt't “will†“year. " drum.- malhhu. VIII. w h v-- tah"',', . pttTr,t, m at one: anon! I“ â€M and madmumn “In“. 'ttit/tPitt.")",,!',','?."?,,'?,?',"",',',,', tf., 'li.ii'ti"tiiSlgt, “gig-ll tttld lor po- was as; .1339! glans: nth Marlon. 911». ".-rv who! cum 'IIII SIAIIEN'I ITIIII " 01'. an» Inn-no no - FOR SALE. A cunl Iron ACTH-A I» "boot All cu. DRESS "F. C. B. Mills, Manager, King Bt., Berlin, Ont th B. RYAN & co, 'i',, Watchman:- Ind Jeweler. I AGENT. I CENTRAL BLOCK. - wnnnwol Ast am going out of bicycle busineesl will sell all wheels in stock at greatly reduced prices. high.“ grads. _ V , Ken’s Berlin wheel ttill, nay 1iBll' - Canadian. _ _ - l Indiu' Berlin Wheel .55, 'now - highest. grade. All nbove guaranteed for one year. I Gant'u Dayton wine] 825. new 818.00 1 Ladies' " " ‘25. " 819.75 I " Ore-cant " 825. " 817-75 Big Slaughter If Prim. I new. Berlin, wheel 866 now 842.5 Allin good condition. Sale must ED- cr.. 3005, It Surely Is the Rat of the Hour Our Christ; hut, the. tlem, (moduli, Ill-poi Ind exquisitely calculi. is certainly the populating-aim to: w It dread no. _ “your! jut. " wall tf Ethoiu. we. “and thiit "rut . " dad. Tho, I." a trliWl'lhMrtt Can. and... than WLLPIR BLOCK. We have just place into stock a new line of handsome Color Ties, Derby; Four-in-hand, Bows Puffs and Silk Kipling Styles " Woollhrd t h Also A new lot of the but Silk Hd'kf our! at A 'it in am tuty of Silk Front in: Second Rand Bicycles. STRASSER & CO. hometown“: dip-tub. Emmi-lib in .nrerkiuliu-r.aartintu “to“. that that put tin-(burnt Ion-I. We "noaht-rsumedtorim-th-riuV “ion-01D... Pulling. 1_1us1r-1-jryetumeffsy-uort1ttye" Amiou Citinfbringi with ur-r-id-ite. hotpum i??,.,',?':.?,?','?,?;'.:??,?,' {sounder baud mginginblagn , Wilt pa- S?,oStar,',2t:tlrhr't done with u. try III on your eoetumee for I“ and Winter. We guarantee perfect “infection. GUARANTEED M'rBnfNlli. Wanted 2Be each a MAKING l Eyes tiring ea.sh i Prove eyestraim 5; Grocer & mum ALL "_),,; KINDS g; . OF ii,; FRUIT (i,' IN , . __, SEASON." Do not wait till scrim trouble develops. Have the strain removed. The sooner the easier. Properly adjusted glasses will do it. We artisan!“ as in relieving ere s " guaran ee satisfaction. A. G. Heller, OPTICIAN AND acthln. WATERLOO. in to be found here " the lowest pricea. We have . complete line of school euppliee in elem. scrib- blore, exemiee books, pads, not. books, school bags, composes, to. All of the beet. that in made, W.H.Beeker t Go. I. can at A..." of - un- 5 hr no “I. d Iâ€. Iâ€. ", tt'tt,l2g?W'M" cum-1% In ii ii'i':ltiiiiiii,5,i5tfiii' vraI-w f m1m~m5mmï¬ma 'v' 1'rardlMt .3“ IQM“ " 4 Geo. W. Dodds (iirii)iiit) _ Clerk's Notice. EVERYTHING LITTLE PEOPLE In an by tho