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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 10 Aug 1899, p. 8

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/ brim-a2 Tim}. That’s the way we test. Usually the eyes differ in sight.. A glass which suits one injures the other, and ultimately both suffer. We use modern appliances, and the greatest care to avoid a misfit. A misfit would hurt your eyes and our reputation. IIRLIN OPTICAL PARLOHO. makvr tsith JAkv 'vox-n/w, llv (luvs not work in “w s} the last tire m' >i\ )I‘JX's 1r gm‘t-rmnvnt until c'nlllrm f, I' Your .hr"ru's Curried lllv l New lmmlw ami l'ch-l'slm In-im. Last Y"iti" lu- was I this mnn'. but ho N‘l‘ill'Pll tun-urn Ill" m.:il lu'lm-I-n Writ Hummusv. His lilm' pic-ll in fulfilling tlw lulu-r eye ‘91:" , at a C-ll'), 'lhs, ' , time \T‘gzyr' One is iippoor'lritrr, hi; lil mum w " lir} witUd In. Wits :zln-ul Inn-h " serve-l his uplift-min mum-r uilh Jak" Wo llv docsnot work in tlu, last tire lil" .sihr 3r The shop which is a two-story lu'iz-k tatritetttw SHRED I'm-z, skunk: nu Nursin- nl‘nuv "fth" sulm- shim-minus Ilmt was (lvslrnyrcl by tie lugvthx-r will) i.“ its mum-uh. " slalvlr. Lllw- Iumlurr shwi "rrrHruutittc' mmirlz-ruhll- “train-a "ttil " Ian'gr uyr.i"url lull cl 'v,r.cl. 'l'i. five ”1'17“qu cm il Smuln} i'l ISA-S. :tn-l [hr fuutily osiicmw llu'.ll' 'i.y u .1: an!) HP. - ml lrnzn tot ll rj. ~1rl|c1imlu3 tlt . mun l~invllc~lll I‘lsul'ihl'rlli ms, Tlu. build in; v.2» inunvvhnlvl) xvi-nil: in lln- "tlil.' Mr. John Weber, the managing spits it of tho wagon and cnrriugr uni-ks of New 1rumiee, is one "r the "Must. mug- on makers in Waterloo Count). He established the lnlsizwss hrn- ln-lwu-n thirty-iiv" and forty yt-nrs au".' Fur st'arshsthttdu0ourishinurtrallvuuent- ly muploy in; from lm-lw to hl'tl-I-n hands aunl in the mursl- oi' a year turning out from right) In " humln-II vehieles. Ile wusoueofWuterloo Countr.c, must prmuim-nt and osxtcusix v c'xhihiturs mul has nuw in his pos-ist/on Hum-us ol' prizr cards as tniiltwIuus ot' his su-‘rvss 35:”) Mhihimr um! nt.unufitctmvr of of lint class work, Th" mlvcrit ul' the large factories tttttl [hr inn'wlzn'linn of so mnrh work ofa plumper and mun-l inferior gx'mlr rumlu'l the "oluttvy slums to rcrluclt tlwir warming fiwilitivs, and the Nvw Dundee cstalrlisrnmeut 1 was unwngr the claw. At prim-m this l Company turns out from twenty m ( MH-Iny-Iivv which-x u your. lu-siclvs 'lo- ing " lurgv :unnunt of n-pniring. "tc., from fov.r to tive hands bring employed. Mixl'ulh was martin-1 about fourteen years ago to Miss Rosina QuolilV of Tuvistnck. They have two children. They urn "ttUttar." ul'lhe barium. Hap- tist chum-h. He is at [in-sen! unv of Dumh-c‘s most suecessful business men muloneofits leading and mum-mini cilia-us. In fortueryvais Mr. Putin did a largo amount of building in the vil- lager. litany (of its tine residuum-s having bcen crock-d under rulllrzu't by him. the German Baptist chum-h. When he commeuecd the luminess here he math. most of the furniture he kept for sale, being a martial mun-w ter and cabinet maker. Rtrt since Philip took marge he keeps a full line ol' the latest styles in furnitunu During the winter season he makes a specialty in the manufacture of sinks fur whirh he iinds sale fur all he ran make. He has a planing mill which isquite an impun- ant branch ol" his bunnies» and quite a conveuienev forthe villaxw and MW- munding limiters. In eunueutiun with his furniture estultistuulent. Mr. l'uth has a tvell equipped undertaking de- partment "mvltraliug a hearse. " build, ing is quite a large unr, being 40x50 feet in dituvusions and two sturies high. He makes sash, doors, or auythiug the farntcrs need in that line. He also 1loes picture framing and matutiitetmvs rur- nice moulding. This gentleman mus 1mm in Nut hunch-c in Iti57 in the building “hue he is at present doing businém He is a son of Andrew s'. Path whouzunc from Germany in lii47 and rulnlxu-in-ml to work for tho Hullunm Ilros., of Merlin. "tte ot' his daily tasks was to ring lin- licll of the factory, which was the only hell of the town in that tinn-. Tue clock he had is still in use. lie worked for the llotlinun Iii-us. about pix yours, after which he founded thu furniture- lmsim-ss l'hilip is minim-tin; tudny. ll" died of dialretes in 18‘.” 3134011 til years. lliswil‘r still survives him in about tlus (illnl yearot' hrr ago. He was a native oik1usse-1rurmstadt, Gets many, and was a llt-vutul nn-mbcr of Opposite Bank of Hamilton. Mr.Wrl cri In In- over with us And we have enquired improved [wil- itiu tor attending to ytrur unm- in - Ward: Repairing and Column: Speoucle Fit any. Jung-n Bram, "F. " Iii-WHIP, 'itt"d.T' II” “in; mzbirh-nlhh- Luz: aroo.lsVl In” cl “and. "11ml " Snn'lu} in lb: rmi Emir“ H-uu' 'ily u a tt tot II 'l. 'lrmr'rituby "itirtsofilurciIi mt '. _ Baum-than]; xvi-nit! i JANSEN BROS, NEW Illjlill?liil Arnold Janus. Mm (Continued from page ti) “KIN-LR N Co PHtLIP roi'" " tt xlin' v.| hi; lillih " will! II; L. L' III ., ll BERLIN, 'ngnér. Hf Wutrult; 't tlte shop "my. Fr mars he has inn-n c'nlllx'm'lul'. Itaxin mail ln-nu-l-n my: via Mann- n'ule-rlyi-l for the rn-ulmr't ”mm and l' isttoa "tNut- r "oIttitirt. no build l No mun Bil I Mr im': 'stlil.' oi' xuurr Lupus mun-I- _ (,r..iwcoroo.lrvt ir'vor1 I) w. I ': I‘V»|:1'I‘I Jr" Mullah-.- \~|':Xl:l'H!1|‘-il|: Mr. Hilhm-r. 1 " 't "rin,siuc. “hm.- lu. Mil u' ll" lli.: [uh-4' din. in oul alga". and his tttottuvr ttt pres ll'l'lllu. fcc1ioitu: mlulvlixhuzvr b. For “lurk. "rrl'tn. Mr. H't'll u mom-ml In «Mr hi< "l tusing " ";ltchrttu'cou. :m.l 1m...” mum“ Hubby .V Co. Matm. . 1mm. in LWA',. Arte: id for 'lhrm- Hull's Irv cum” ttipuct [for hirusr0.op"v.iuur "ut 1 anal ”kn-k ttlt Mavch 23. Its", ll, In (fur Hm. qu'mnnn "fun: lph gut the mn- trrtet to supply 500 street railway l‘me "I for tiw " I‘: ol Silva Railway Co. Thaw mm- .v, cotuthttitotm. Mr. ' . llama hudgnnro may con l In: nrvnulft nl' thr, um the ht rile-up tre "r" oblig 1m” of It mvr l'nr m-Vl urc- " himsvlf.op"v.iua nut in liteirvttsvhrm “kn-k "" Marvh 23. 1395, Sn fur lu. is chin; the iv'si of saticthrtiou and has smut-NIH] "In-ml; in l-nihlillg up Cl nix-o- mqu lh- kin-p; " ctw. k of mul- rlzvs :Iml u-Iurks of "In Trvst munuliuu hm'. and also I-mrirs p, nin- lim- of in'urlr)’ tht' 1utrct 'lrs'ii,ruts tttttl lwst mntwiak In z-l-u'k and mil-~11 I'll-un- In Mr. and Mrs. 2301-5" haw " wry WHIP I'nriulvlv and pleasant horue.andappvar to 1.1- c-njnyin: life us vltritstiun and law- "hiding lu-nplv should. They are "It‘ll!- lwl's of [he Baptist ('hurt'h aml are mun“; its hauling supporttws. Mrd',ovk is u sun M the late I.pvi Ilrtek,wh" dim! in N-n'omhor, ISM. in the Gist ymr of hie :121'. His mntlu-r is >NI living be- in: “my aiout scrvuty-four pairs ol" m an l'rirrtuparte urnrly a hundred yours lty,'tt, ll'il mull-I spt'ali what " hurrihlr tall ni‘Ilw rmlirin-snr war it yum-l unfold. Upon the handle are thc initials, “II. D." Att 1'.lair,wliere he dim! about ten your: ngnns Pw retsttltts or tlw kick of a harm: The fruitsor this marriage wore Murrhildrrn. three daughters and a mu. Tlw nurthruwus horn in lHamhnl Imvnship. leunl county. in 1534. llvr great um-h- Iiory Ireustvid, was a rennin mulrr Wellington at the hat- tlvot Waterloo. As 'd vuiuul,le rvlie from him she has; a tsulrre “St-ll in that meinorairle smlginary strill- that tor- 1uinaied the military varrer quaun-lvulr In adtlition to his pi‘utk-nsiunztl ‘llllit's Ily. Burk rrprmi-nts his gmvrmm-nt as Irostmuetvr of New humlrr, having 11-- m-ivml his commission " that unit-u in 'siptentltcr.Po".r0. He is giving gru- i-ml suttisitiott in this "upacity. and hi4 luvsvnt tuvtltou ul' "Undm-ling the vim-v, if ruminm-d, should guarantor him many wars as its ianIIulu-nt if he live, auil 'iesuvs it. His daughtvrs, ."ylriu and Agnes. usually [In-side ttt Ilw delivery wiudoir and hare [um-mm vxptsrts in handling the daily arrivals "lVwspapers and him-rs. Mr. Bork is also an issuer of ma'criav,v licenses. In [574 hr “as Inarrird to Mary Arm, daughter or [hr late iii-urge "tut-, stistl. who formerly lived in lilruhvim‘ township, Uxt'm-d county, and latterly" knowhulge required in the pnnfosainn In- in uftcr yvars adopted and in which hr has I'm-n HniIn-mly suecessful. Ilt- is ll graduate of MrPin-rwu‘s Srlnml of ih-utisiry fur ISSS. and has a diploma ot' tlw same yt'itt' front the Itrtario Veterinary College of Toronto. since that time lw husbeen in aetire pruetiee in New hunch-v. In treating tlixruso; ot'tlw horse and others of the brute n-n-uiiun lu, has prawn himself u. burr- gun-n of "MIT than "nlinary ability. He ltr, a wnlc man-lire. frequrotly haviuur calls from distant points in adjoining mmilics. -u|i The suhjm-t ot" this sketch is " unlin- nl thi, section, having tirst we" the light Md") nu his linhvr's farm a mile must of New [Fund-m in 1843'. Atterre- ceis in: u minim)" school t-(lm'utinn and being iuitiatcd in the yuulim- of farm “ark lteltad ambitions fur other spheres ul'l.1hnr. He tinaiiy chum for his pro- trssiott that ot veterinary aurgvun, but fur which try tllli.s,wnt study he had ycarslreiirre gained the, preliminary m n,1,l'lt,ftt do the Int I :1 “you 'areett. shop. “on John an married “annual-III! brick residuum nou- tho _ Thy an all put-deal mechanical. M lino, and are prenatal to turn out anything from n Wheelbarrow to tho Int-t styllnh photon, carriage or heavy lumber wagon. They an: all industriouu young fellows and endeavor to turn out no- thing but titatt class work. in their tsaies-tootu are a number of exception- ally handsome and sell-made buggies and other vetuiies, though several of their best Jobs have gom out this mi- wn. They do all their own black- tuuithiug, painting, trimming etc, with also for narrows who want such work} done. Weber A Co have the mputa-‘ lion of using nothing but the best usa- toned titnber in their vehicles whieh are noted for durability, and tinc tinistt in the ironing, painting and trimming. T hey do a large amount of repair work and many an old which: taken to their shupis tumvd out with a bran 11c“ look about it. It is their aim to do strictly honest work, a policy that has drawn to them a lart,w patronage, rou- tilering the large nvauuriwturies and other tannin-min" they have to contend with. Simon is the wood workcr,golsn and Titus do the blarksmithing and Norman the painting. ; lltlh " his iii-rm: Arr. warp-.HW. Fondors are Superior It mvr " lll'Vl \u‘ck- Fylitor N" Mr. Inn-HI Lu!" v" thin 1bli I mu. Him-r izl Ilul‘ulh- 341113;);5 ll [In-sch! has " run- ixlmzrnl in thy Mackie Mr. ”Nun-r runn- In 1mm; lppl' III “LN th of his Ruin I'nmmnnilj. r.: m a Itritjwul [ and mum ' I’m-inlmlu- in i., " tratio. uf 1mm in PIN. long”) of to III-M Pl ttt 0r Inlsilh-ss whip H! 'l' -." ill: I hunk", Alum tk-r-In tho "nine ot |€nmmani rtutttrutar the Sorremry ot '.us'rato for India, Lord George llnmllmn. ‘In introducing er, Indtnn bade». Bald _ t;ttst, nfmr earehtr7uihstderat1on, the Gov- :ermm-nn hm! deliberato1r concluded that n .20le amnrhrd was require-1m the Ink-r- m“ of (mm. and that “my would not ho down-w! trom prxrsrrer"lmr the Dolley by all tho moans in ttmir power. Lomton, Ame. 9.--Th. Rum" mm- lpnnvlgnt of The Daily Mall my: tho Italian Omarnmcnt his mind 903mm tsonar-ttt ot the report that China and Japan have concluded an alliance. London. Aug. 9.--Tbo amqhmr Mm min. ot In“. J. A. Junk. In. a 9:“:ng I q Island. by” REM -. Manila. Aug. 9.-Attuinaldo has Ir, pmimi to the powers for reeoqntMon' bf "Filipino imlemndenm" in a llornmnnt datott from Tnrlst, July 27. nml Mtrrted ly lim-nmmlmm " tuw lawn remind by all Ilre fun-inn cannula in Manila, with the r arm-4’ th it the ior'warrt h. bt their nap-V tfy " ilnrprnmv-m: lamibnr. Aug 9. - Great. Cu‘lzmu Inlnn‘l " in revolt 1 ho pollrve mmml «any has Govt assnuinntwi, and the (hm-rtnr's ronivir‘nrn h hump-1|. A number". has boon omen-vi to tsqqlqt tho Islam] mnhnrl- ties In rt_ntorutpt order. Tho Inland form. wt of tho Frmmh colonial pomhnt r-‘nvhwl 1lw :xxrxlr. vulit and hula. CWb in! inc” owl. of haw. run. of bun. 91.3 cwl. of I th3t0 gum! Thi, mm] Imporra Ruched tho "C Vol £2 3.5.195, while tho exports nggrrgntul £453,60J. 1r_TrTrcr5ir,Fk1.stvitl.iidm- A Large “1|ng In Both Import. In! _ _l-;xpnrln in July. T.ondoa, Ace. lb.-.-'), statumnn‘. of Ilw Batu"! of I'm-1:: for tho month of July chov.sw im-r. mu: of £1,032.300 in imports and (um-z In} in oxpwrts. thutItAttit--At Ruth", Ptsat.ltclovvil wife of ugml '15 years and T 1lirtIattIt--At onmy,w My Hilliard. uarcrl Tl Tum _-At Waterloo, July 2ith. the tsili. of PM” l'uh-y at! sun. KhHPrt.t.--At In-rlin. July 29th, the ttili, ul' David Kititrfc!, of aelaughter. 1tru.rtttusr--At, Berlin, July 31st. the “lib villas. Mclxlrum, of u Janp,hter. Jovrr:--AtWaterloo, Aug. 7th,the wife "rd. Joyrv, of a sun. hum-:1. r-At Wtsllvsley, Aug. Ist. Un- win- or1lr'ury Dirkcrt a sun. MARRIAGE B. N'p:Fm-WrrrrEutst--At mum. Aug. 3, Ity um. WA'. Poise, Cluistian Net-h to Killil' Witnvlwl, hull] of “l'l'lill. DEATHS Lonny In Muruingtun. July 27tls, Tamas - Atta M Tang-"r. Kar:LrrtMrut---At Berlin, July 23th. . tltcuireot' Julius Kaclchmer, ora (laughter. Sum“. -At Ih-rlin, July mm, tlw " 'rir, "lieo. SUM“, of a sun. uAin..uAx--At Berlin, Aug. 5m wife of A. ti. llulImun. ofa sun Gum] --ACUerlitt, Aug. 4th, the nl'Julius Goetz, ofa sun. IlAt.LytAN--At “osmium July 22ml the wife ul' David M. Hallman of; 1lauv,hter. CutttsiNF.Ps-ln Wihuot,duly 26th. the wife oft'. N. CUristrwr, of.a 'raui,,rlr ter. .umn‘ In Moy l'ldwnnl Lam-y "r:Ntrmt--Near New Hamburg. July 2iith, the wife ol Daniel u. Bender, of a bull. U HUS; w i ll 'Ir. Shoemaker fora day Int -e.--- Fil! Minus Snider of Berlin um tho guuui of Mr and Mrs. L. U. 8ttidtyr.-- Mrs. J. ll. 1luouspetst8amU.v underlin- pam-mal min Putt Elgits.- Mia llunl of llulliilo. All»: helmet: and Mn. J.M. Si-hmidvr of Berlin were the guest: of Mrs. J. It. Good Inn 'rhttrmlar---Bouae at oar town ladies won! on an ex- pedition to a certain farm this week.-- Mrs. J. M. Schiedcl and family of Tor- onto are M present visiting patents and friends around here. M A m " ife mttews-ihtmor is very busy at present but afraid to report.-t5ouMs of our yuungmen intend taking in the harvest excurslon to Manitoba in a week or so.--"'- are some shah! prospects of a white pressed brick factory tn be started here in the near fututv.--Witar's the matter with hav- ing the mlcrtric curs coming trout Pres- ton through llrealnu to llcrlin. We think it would [my the Company all right. Cusinttut: thu " if: duughu- n... I lulll‘u ' In Canada. Thrs impurt-s front Canada in Juiy avian] 1lse [allowing "mounts: H.833 talc. mlumvl an £15116”; an“; shm-p "t but“, mint-d m 2t.3.'..',9ttGct,h'.t7 N. 1.! i, won, 1aiurvt tir, £73.19“; 19,510 rt. of halite, Tatu,:., nu £41,383; 3LIH it. of battor, valtunt at, 'tttt,%"t5; 23H.» Sewn orrmee.so. Tallinn] at Mil-HMS: ':ii,,pswit.-tr1ilre:1 (gun. ralun-I at am. has! I or thi- Mao-u: day in in little Gm titrirc-.-hm. War Harm, of willtauteUrtr, In at proton: any!“ with " daughter)”; Chou. Bat-c-ter. Ind Mn. Evin. new along nub other [Hend- of PM um were the guest: of Mr. and Mm. J. :‘I.I.m'h'V-. wife of In years. Htiur'..Nr'.tcu---At the will: of u'co, daughtrr. “my" KF'lt tlu, u if" of daughter. m": kit -At Berlin, reecntly the wire ofGeo. C. Hunter, of " son. BRITISH TRJ "r, INCREASED. . \gulvmhln Alla lloeoznklwu. Rwy-.1: In a Frrorh I n'oll)‘ Gold $1.1m] In] [In lu‘livm (In... um! Jun-n Allied Sow Avian-Inl- “can" BIRTHS. struts-At Wellesley, July 14th “We of David t"ualuters of t “I --ln “which, July 2min, the of Johns. Grosz, ofa daughter. " 4n Woolwich, July 2N'tlt of David It. Marlin. Ufa At I'laltlsxillv. July 2.5th. ay.tliutghtvvol' km. A. W. age-l 7 years and h' months. -At “mm. July 213th. the “on. Builurk jr., aged 49 ml. and 74 years in Berlin, July 2Gth, Julius Iiadvclnter, ora At lttwliu,July 27th. Cro. F'eluvn1cwlt, ora ville, July ills! Aug. 3vd. Jean Juhn fiorlltptl: months. l, July 27 , curs Solon-mu ll ik the tion. the tttred ,iyttrrt ttyretHyeiiii, a lt. A. WiNon, of Wttlkervillv, has gultllxwd 1to,'lg',T,t of tolmom on “alto lewd, Inf. , IgtgmlsA ttt -tsttbt “Cull“ n- irurc. Th" Inn law :n-- ul I'mml In Llov: hwnilv ”month ll" (nuns. and ::u thick is it that nu mam 'ary Maw “M disturb ths. tnt'mtr'.stc ol the llus- bunch. Hon-rail times lute ltr horn sought hy the {run-Hing show. mm, hm him-Dunn“ Isan nlwnyn por- 'trutoutly refund to mqu-xhihitinn. .luhnlly XII-hunu'd. of Maplv lllnll' Woodstovk, “wars " hrad ' which is his I'm-“Min: glovy, M "id's lmir hm Inn-u vrouiuu" " )vnl'w. Html all tltiu linn- lu.u< In "mrs-Tho marlin. was .mmvwhsnt 'rlow and the Murine: momma-7m brad, hanvy hogs mid ttmf ta $1730: trrcvy grunt-J's qllnlnh'm $0.30; miml, “JAR In 54.90; Yorke an») to “Alb; “mu Yorkers, “an; pica, $4.90. Ell: [III-lo ('lllle Mnrkol. bust Buffalo. Ant ".-uattlo-'t [mm were no In-sh sale can!“ yrmwduy. and about the usual Tuesday Inquiry, whim WM about "early. Shwp and Iaatus-TI,e off-win.“ were light, only three- loads, “to of which we"! left over. l'rlr-rs ml: d unuhunm d Univ-m. purl“: _ Potatoes per bug. Hay. old. Pt ton A. Ihty, mm: prr mu Nauw. shunt. 11w um Straw. 1mm! Pu' mu Chickens, PT' m Turk-1N. TN'r ll) Hut-Ks, pvr pair. Binary, I}: mllv Eggs new laid Wheat. WNW. I Whom. Yul. bu Win-at, Fire. 5m Wham gum; t; Darin-y. bu, . . . . Pm“. bu. . . . . ., Oats, tra. . ... .. “yo. bl... .. Buckwhmb. Lu. 'l'omnm. Aug, '.t.--'rha run " live Stork an the with: “rm-urn yusneniny “an ”aim for 'irmHtsy--35 lazuk, rompnam of 800 “lulu. am) sheep and lambs, l ut, hogs and " takes. Tho bulk of mule otrcrpat were of mmiinm quality orlv, many of them showing 4an ot Coming! from Minion wlmc wutur and {rod hum Inn-me scarce, uwiag to Hm drought pru- vrtWtrtg itt many [am of thcconnrry. Ton army halb'.irtished cattle. both hatchery and mpnrtns, are taming tor. ward. and not rnaugh good to supply the deman0 Ksyort mule. "hair“. ' ..SI " lo " UO Ksport, mule. 11mm. .,. I ao i IN Butchers' ttbrue-ptcd low a 2S 1 40 Hmrhors’, good , _ . . ., . b' 82) ' JO Bun-hwy“. mum-Jinn.“ .3 3;) 3 .30 naurhcrs'. C'tPtlurttt..... 3 " 2) 31) Bun-lu-N‘. 'tru/r. .mq.. 3 Ot 3 10 Mile'" Inn-x: mum. . _ _ _ A 3-) UL) " oo Bulls,hxycxrpr,worr1uit, 3 SK) 4 co Bulk. mrdiunl "strot"t.. 3 O) 3 tpt lat, ml bun and rm. "1le 4 Ic'ri , 3? 'i rurkms and tuvd. to gl a co I; M) Huh-m light... . . .. . .. . a In 3 " Palm", cut-h _ . . . . . . .. .. 3 tttt " co Sim-p. nor an . . .. . . . . 7. I.) 3 75 lambs. per run, ._ P . V . .. 4 O',t 4 " “an, 16O to ‘11)!) Irs.... El GO .. Hogs, light fut.s ... .-- I " .. Hogs. 1"savy fats ..._-. 4 tr, .. Hoar.rs,tows_r... _..,,.30.) .. I Lh'vrponl. Aug, 9'.-)>nn.a than] a! fallow: ymmnl-ny: Spot. whose, manly: No. 2 red winter, in Cd; No. 1 Son. r.- Ihi; future: qulum: tcrptcmtwr 55 and. CMtober and Soveznhrr Immlnal, Ila-um- ber .2; Wad. Mulch nonmml; corn. spot qutot; future-1 quiet. August nominal. Septudlb'l' 3.4 My], 02mm: 3% H. Saw 1stn'.tcr and December nominal. “our, 1'is ltd. calm-i. Expo" (in-man”. o,nurdd, qcisa, and tbo crop shaman is Imam”; tavor. sbrt. Trading in Chimgw “nu of a Iccat profuuiorml charms”. Until the sums den and 'smproro prices are likely w work a iitaie lawn. the LIn-rplvol Drain. 'r.tttt-U hell- In: “I t IIICJg-n ~1ho Latent Prices. Chicago. Aug, 9.-Whest markets ye!- torday “we weak, owing to dimppoiminz Who-l In" n "owrw; n! Teassteorr. and gram: um. I could n): tit. ii.own toskrp, and r "whim: I ate V0411. ulnrr: tmmp Inc to death. wo very urn-ow; an! could hardly walk Inc» the mom. I onlv "tiyiswl ttinctv pounds when I Gimme-Iced takittut lhtw unnlidnn: ' low weigh one hundrrd an] forly pnmds and am having bum huhh than cur before. I have taken the ' I‘m'uilu Pre-riptiooy the ‘t‘midcu Mrdicjl "i-stty.' and the 'Ports.' I lake grunt 1rassure III recmmnumiiua- your mevlinimw to JI' side for l Luuw that if it had not beets for thet" I would uul have been living today. lam very lh-nklnl to Gal who put the - power in your medicinvs that cured me." is a speciaiia! in the dissases of women and his "Favorite Prescription " has had the greatest sale ot alt mailidnct ever devised for the cure or the trouble. peculiarly feminine. “with; I Thousands ot J women. every . year, . ri te For over thirty yarn Dr. Pierce has been and is tsrddy chief consulting phy: Iician of the great tste.' Hotel and Surgical Ingitute. at 'ytiaio, N. Y. He Mrs. Mary E. Den-i1. of Tanner W Va Anita: ._ For mica. 3mm told “vary. I had ',Ctvert up all I gellipzy ell. I could n): he dawn " "whim: l ate would nlnvr: C death. wo wry nervous mm could Inc» the mom. I oulv \nig'nul tt when I ornamented [sting Haw new weigh one hundred an] forty all: having butler health thau cu have taken the 'ravasite New ‘Gui‘lul Medic“ "itcoscrr' and and " "Favorite Prescription " has had the greatest sale ot alt ii,dic'tnes ever devised for the cure or the trouble. peculiarly feminine. livery letter mlcln-ssul to Dr. Pierce is held anally confidential and has the most careful attcutiosr. No lestimonhl letter is ever until the written consent of has ' given. 'ii/iris, a g ’ Ji'.'d'd They: my» Ira-Na in the - 'heIuuheietetot-ut.t." “I Pierce telling their Iyluptoml 1nd askin his advice, which in {Rely given with»: Tun-onto St. Lawrence Market He doesn't Need a Hair Restorer. white. bu F* .. . n-d. bu,....... Fire, ran-mg. ba guru; bu. . . .-.. l {$1115 AND "uGF."t' ' "LPN. MARKET REPORTS, PT' pun- 'Toronto Live Shwk. Luau-[mu] Marketa HAY AND FTC] llll nhuiv“..,.$l rot 1mm. .,. I ao {pkd has I " t__...,, i: 8:] 1!llll_,.,, 3:10 "ton..... 3 " inn...“ 3 Ot 211...... 3o ml wool [1114' 3 80 I-VuanH 3 oy 1-1.. "1le i Pdri vd. to gd a co me-.rt.q 3 hi) .......- 304) _.-...... 3 7" r........ 41)!) l) "#4.... ts DD ,'.._..e. I " Ls ..._-. 4 " _ .er_-. 3 oo For 'iiteen yen" l sutreres1 ml- id ',Crvert up all home of ever uh! "sttie dawn loskrp, and Van“ alrnos'. trump Inc to iervouh an! could hanll)‘ walk I oulv \nig'nul ulnar pounds rd laking these "udicGerc, I andrrd an] forty pamds and health Hum ever before. I LT}; I. FII $1 " 00 to " 9') tr u) (U o, 40 Ill " 40 no bo 6y' to io tr to 30 (Lil-net can sutreresl my Publ ished Its author “and. rf hair "l 'rrit- 11mm bl) 10 M) I l (WEE 17 "blurring" of lhc eyes? Our ox- pert Optician can ovucomc this am lircly, and you will see as "ckttr " day," Examinationfreo. \Vhru Madam. wnung or sew in;;. Do you hm! a "mistlncss" or V V. tetee ' 'tpr "Tr WW... .. ...u......-m 'r' "an ”lily I I. "run-HI ylnlima “ll-w Inw- rrturr0tra'lr l, an n the "him ttu mvrvml- r u! Ihi- rtytip, Me 't,",!2','i'.// Nu: I um I I)!!! run: n " kvla a ill Irv ismw [hr slat t 1r.- ial imit- lmnu ‘lnrm-ln I t II?" pm ' Ariprust find and '21',h via N m. rrvy, ”run. h ("II-mm! "wet it] lat. “In In.” Tun-mu to Wiittrittest. link: " and all "troriottt':rttt trm" nut-m m llrnhd Tru" M Cr". 010K503! Jite..e! Runnym- Agcnl Does the Mist Rise (yoga/49W Slop Oh' “Noun-3 W‘hluiprg and wr, I. but tizkclvz mud I. m d to Autumn" hy Arum-d ".tist. 1&1! Hum} ram-rug" wit' lw gin-n " eertitV vim-ll mm! lam-“0910'! 1s".tlsaqrutt Amoosé W. ES I'hVAg- YORKT C WAN. --f"trHrrry't4rotweuuasusa'iusuasaucutrtu, Tor-lulu, August 22nd [899. Kast of To, "ttti" Angus} 24th _ "599. WINNtPEG aud ntlwr nun-h m MANnonA and Fm In No. 2 x'nnlnills " norm. of which 52l m‘rr‘ arr chant-1. 21. ltl'l‘t‘i bush and swamp. The {arms are an singular] that "Irv can be divided inloluofnm-n ' f nhunl csttutl bill'. Gum! buildings on bulk farms and land in " Kim-I state"' trnltivtttiou. The Estate um nnv alum! Kr m-ruul full wheat on ham No. l and nhnuI "N "CNN an tarm No. s. Tu ml 20m; [rum of ma pun-haw» mom-y. cash on 11.13 or-ue, Indum'n " ithiu mm r .h r~1 Ln: "no; F', \K'Morinn P. o. I 5",“!th IN, Fnor.uulcl'.tr. t Farm No. I. kmmn as the "It? homestead, Abmlmm Gm” Ilrvcnwd, rnny-isls of II? acnu or which Ililsmx-uurc cleared. remainder "oft ary) hunlrwmul bush. _ Both m rum: aaViGiiritu', or.yvrue! l‘uplque In school, The two Valuable tin-nu known ah Hm Ahra ham "rott'fftstnte. "ult bc mm by PuUlic Atrc tion nu lhc Abraham: Gmtribmicstratt ml Two Valuable Farms Known as the Abraham Groff Estate. an new rhrG." $5- 553; Tiara, nivr frame lwuw mu) largo Irmpe b ml. omhnrd (co trees and oth, . truit Pre, $231 o. - Auction Sale NI) swu- farce. "-0 turns Mean-l. large burn. cottdortatVrs house. 82.600. Mt new fa rm. on arms final-ml. large burn and calmer buildings. Rr.aart V Alanrhdv}; Jifvruief iitiii-irtivFiyvet farms at l-mwdn“ and XI nice list of Wild [and for safc. " rite, or call on; The undersigned oeer" for sale Ilia valuable {arm "oi-tit", of lit" acre-t mun: I r In. and 'i;tu"ted two mil-m norlhvresl of Prem um and nix llth‘u noun. ot Balm. on the farm is n good two story dwelling house. large hunk barn. and all "eyceary uulbnildlngn In gum! condition. Hard and not! water in house. IIKI‘ we" in burn and thrce guild "prii on ditrer- ent In“! hf tarm for wu"rrirrg purpose: barto is well {cm-mi. Inna-1H or " rum!“ ot l-rrhu rd. fruit tecis null gnnlv n. Flu: an?» lmnl “11.qu bush. “hum tt urn-w matures u ell mull-roll. nml mlunrc under iromt cttttir,ttiutt. Fur toxins arut lulu-w panic-alarm apply to L. U. Hs TDER Brush“ P. 0. Out. Lands for Sale - W I .7...... _..._ .. "mu“.- V'TF mun-u on “like Stu. lurI-nny occupied by Mr. J.- Corrie, Pomsewiiutt given at nun-c. Apply to UJNIEL J want. F- "t. “bastion. Just: -u 3hccrc, Am ti mew. Erory mug“ till In _ annihi- ‘Inioh noun by dung“. ' wk. and ion-nod- Utes , ou am”) at auric- up". "er'- hull: lune- lho lulu. ",'al.1te'.t'tett along-llama m to.e'tWd, mt). H' on amn- - ___ "m -“ you. w nun, tun - wrun- d ot PM wa at a “r“ um 'lff, 'itu' ' 'l'glu'llt,u'tkt,rf, n Inca" . 'IIE"; hack lo sumac vol-u. mum-.4 Pertey"' amen-Imam our blow Nor. .igm-nl up to'tioott on human) ith, i1 Anal“! max! fut 'he Pur :lmw- uf [he debug-nu: 'f lly-"I‘uun ul “Merlin; " "terworks debrI-lunm fur Forty ‘l lumen 1 Hail u. p 'snulc in Huru all I mt um um 'uu inlun‘rt d per veal per mumlu payahh 'uarly. . lmlalum Ho, uth duimuluru- Tun hundred an 1 Eighty 001er m3 able in [cl-mung! hum! men-m. internal 1 per rcm. par unnmu I»; nun: yearly. - No lender nu snarl], Ira-mod. 5mm: his mum {Tam-mu Finance L‘ommin-m Fm $1.}qu “on...“ T-a, M I a bug-957 22 ESP]? Tongan AUGUST 24 -ctaa a mu. t--AR Raul a. North an: at I ' uvl It.“ via Owen Sound. J.1or, ovorAvil b. Allowed " H inning and __" -._. -- wuvwwu. "um: I Inn [uh-u Bum. I "pesrdiiYrasra, In"; Toronto at 1.3\ p. m. Aux. Stu-1d it MA North "my. Ttstot, h (why mu ttte ms will ha run Talon“ no “fanning A. '..........w..._._.. A," - _.. A . . 4d '10-" nErQQCSEeE-E (a; i/ L7piitt"'iiti'l?i ”Inca an. A. H. XOTMSN, A_G.P.s., Total-Io. Debentures for Sale. HARVESTERS In nun-non no WANTED anyway. FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS Fine Farm For Sale P/tt, fr., 'f tPrrt brick tldytccji may": mu LANE"? mama mu." '0. _ TO son '"l11t,'ll."'.'" IN'(IP'Sfi.o. A - " Staffs-l lgnglora will)» touched br th Tuesday, Sept. 1satri,iiiiki Heller Bros. Huron County, Mich. To Let. n! '2 o‘vlnrk 1-. m. rv y?ya"et ttl'out 2n ntilcs north To um: iii ---ltr iwrurrG.triau And mum-rut to ti,rjri1,T , O UOWAN " n A. 9A KHAN, _ my T". PF'V. V. "may” kahuna! " ithin thirty days. m Shah} In} hi}; :1. tlt Bad Axe, M ich, AdminLu;-hxm H Mellon. tlil frame _ Inn-{nu da. r. of “hung lrmno The 'uttlrrmimtert all!" tor 'mk, Mn vuunhln (arm, In! In nmlth min at Blmm'n "rad, . itmot Tu nay-inn". ot Its arm m " Ian. , Milan (mm , own-hum. Hmllmh‘m New Haunt-m. four mum from Ballerina“ urban! and chtt ', "I". anon um!" (and alluvnunn, I) m ml [and wag! Per. trt.N.ttrtt " M T,gtymt any" Givlr, {Liquor License Act] Notice is hank] given Ihnt n ny-Inw was 1oMrrt by the MuIIlrlpol Cum-(1| ot the Town of tVaterloo on the M duly MJuly A It. IM prre mum: luv the lane of a Ikll'lll um to the nmmml MONK)!!! Mr tho crorliu van-d humid-- 6m; " an huh-Hun Ila-mu! and It." Inn-h My tsw a 'n n~ginlcml in tho Magi-Ir; "MN fur Hm l'umu- u! 'Tutrriooon the S7ttt an] of Jill) A. " “in. Any mullmu to quad! or w! mid.- th" uni-no or a") uan ttterror Inna! lu- nun-In wiIlIIII Hun-0 1"an hum thr, "ttte of Hahn-“ion. and (nul- n " w "rrrhtthrmmttrsr. lqu-d the $1 in a"; of July A. It "to. A. H. in "rum: Valuable Farm he Sale l‘nhlir “Mice is homhy givrn that n mPeling rat um “and of Ia'reus, l mnmisuomm for the III-{rlrl of North Hunk") will he held on tho I:le Pd of Angina I” M the Cummorcinl ll Iirl ' 'Mcrloo at " O' Clock A. M. to r'on.ider an applicant»: made by Annual Wankel of the, Tum n of Wtrtertoo tor a tratrqter at tin-Tavern Hume [mm August Fisher of Waterloo The Inu-lrmigvml hovel-x (WY-rm tor rah. his \‘nluuhlr farm coisistiug of I!” acres. situated in WtaeH"oCottnry, “HI-mu Tp, I mile north of Say llzmdvn and 5 nailed south of PM: 1% burg. o" " urv Rand largo buihlh-ua.’ all Ihat um m-rwmr '. 'I‘hrsnil is a rirh "ltsy hum in a ytomt ~l:uc JI cititivatiun. 0n Hm farm is 2 "PM: owl-m1]. ttSanus" and fruit 1mm. ch~ lam-n c", uml tum m.» is gonad hnnlv'nml bush; cedar and sprum- hrdm‘ around building! and an unwh- unts lv-‘rdrrinx on (arm. "an! and wt. IttMrt u! Inn-mo . ovcrftowirrg 'spring at barn niIII ludmulir- rum in it to chum-y watcr to lull-n : no“ pr n heel on barn. Farm can tte Much! with or without crop. Alum", " Mr" ot u hem. " new" meadow and bah-um- in wring: won. Tcrms made known by applying lo "nrtcrsioted. . A 1rttranliug minimums Lhnuhl rail M the 31rvoiy-thirrG ""rtt"e rooms. W"tvrloo. mm v.pe Hm "Nrtt1ov.at'itvat" Svtmmlnr. (nurmm'aul the, 1mm. " running napalm-(or "" the mar-k0! fur mum ('uwwil)‘. .batnuracturcd at [hu-lph. Will be put III on a week'; trim. K. N. [LUVK K, Ayn". "Utvrluo. (Int. The nudewigncd nm': Mfr-rs for sale a num- lwr of building lots nu the old Mictke property. The lots are '.e/rtuated on the wen end ur Young street nml "outh rude o? the Town park. All in, tending Purchssets urn: kindly hunted lo cull and Net? them bvfore buying etsewhcre. Apply on thr max-lines to MRS. MlHLK K, Executrix or lu CONRAD LI-lNZ, Execuloln Town Lots For Sale. ll tf. " [ck house 'at Allan St., 8 moan. Inquire Williamson Bros; These goals are m vle by one of th of the very latest style and taaterials, buy them. The G andest shirt Waist otrerintr ever known 1 t the towncf Berlin. . Maoautaeturer's Sample A Shirt A,lifaist1tso Regular plies 750 to 8175, to bo cleared at one price, spa 28- 2t, 22 c. "ma {BEAM Sli?iilli'rllll8. TO WHOM IT M AY CONCERN. and hunk; M. ttart: " x N: [and 2,'t'a Inn-QM “up... woody-gimnl“ House to Let SEE OUR WINDOW. GROFF & HYMMEN'S OLD STAND. Farm for Sale. (RN N otice. KING ST., - BERLIN, ONT. BU TTON FA “TUIXY 2tht'jie,titSti,5 ' - Inn 207 SHIRT WAISTS Isl BENJ. DE Y IT T. Lk/mu" liipl-Etor Mt. (‘manax low [lull-lac. on b. Clerk of the leading manufacturers and in, trials. You have only to see them t, Inn“ ht" mam-Hy am ll "uh-d Tush”)! tratstt In" I'm“ Jury Inf; "In " " " sand fur-w Dummy ' , hurl”. Ivar-l mild sit “an r, fc,',',' an ttrarr an An own- on! "mfg..." or "an" panama Io mllre. Ami) oo p.emHe_ to ANTUN In cum-NIIu-uN-a UNI": clrn’ huf lenln Java“ H. Brim." III! ttttet Mrm mu lhc (Mu-huh mad ahnul 2 lullrs tN-tst of Ila-shu- com-wining Alum! Pa' mung, mm! hr mild. [Cu-n thitmt almul Hm 'tlace' in in may! mmlilhm. For turthror t'Yft “lun- nm-ly In the "ttdtrrr'swtrst or to l mural Bitratr. lirrlin, "nt,, Lots 3 and tk ('lvm‘wn' Towr.sltip, hart ml.- " " Mt Int-rm. Irttots my: r u hurvlwaml [11.11111 stone l-nnw' outhstmor. 'oo" "rt-1 ice,'. cred hy sprung nml Jvils I on pn‘mncs Ia " M. Ut bonnie l'. o. Farm For Sale om'it ' Pm in 'u luu‘k. "TJ%Ur,r'ii"., I. we. in...” Pia aux Farm. hunt and T Hug Pm]: 0.", many l, M' (l ml t on Mmod an cum-m. ulgn. my“! mm 1 ‘nr 'r, mud um mm. Pa linzhm mg 'u- 1:: lie tor “-2.. o' mm." nlo 4t. mud ha r clc<i 11210 mud-am (ram _ tr orbotr w mun-u “in .1. “ml In w.“ "trott no u denigunl with nm null. " a '. My. "" an". Umuzyuncug ant-v. REAL ESTATE Thai dish-able property cumming of Wat-rm of land. may '." “Junta will: [rum the lien I'm fast "ttice. just nulI-‘Ido of (he rum-ration an 'rerrdtut "rod. (In it is a new brick house with hay window and " new bank barn with drh in: shed. We." m, barn and well anal cisteru " hopw. The house “mains 8 good aim-d 10mm. high crilings and newt-me closels In: much bert. rnnm. Aim goal send kitchen with “army. The collar " (“Third hum Illrrr pttrGOhe walls and (wiring plasteml. Firc plm-l- and was»: tap halide " “min-r the kin-lien. The wooUwo, k do!" Main: has mum-Huh urn-nixlmgs and til! " grained. Kitchen. unmmer kilrlu-II and “-0qu- sl-ml Inn-lux- "ttB roof. Splendid oreh..ot " Chl‘ll'i’. plum and rtptrh' l1 u-s. natal-In "' patch and a l kin-1N of Mam" fruitt “Ill {mu-ed. land we" manurml. Farm ig in a 1mm Maw of t "ltivariost and mlnumt-Yr adam- cd for umrkel gardening. The hum-o in situn'wd on n tot mljniniu" I he main rum] I'mm lit-rim mum-Ink and tho La. in front of "no ho.t.oti:.r, laid out inl_u nit-v: “gun r {rt-(La. Will’sEilV hé‘éilhk'rfga? "iiiirG'i'c"iaoperur. Price and tel ms rum-onuhlv. P. M. wgngn, _ - FARM FORE ALE. Th ' snecial tr, Prom-My F0 FOR SALE. Hotel for Sale I on n Exohrz st-I 500. MPH]! A IM HA 'ttrites' MAN 'iremutrs" mm". 1'foo'ovieh min M" a: n: " illlwln'lhlln; vs um} r tmltirrtijrut, Immun- -aND- In": 1y 51:.“er Pi", may hunk lnrn and wt vz-II 'rnrul. “ah I'uwu'rma Apply Gl LNN1K, Mintius w-tt. r Sale. range im'rc- of In " "rllettt mun.) haunt trees bu "er a like! I‘FHFFKIL lluqlau V. o. wit-m mud-Ir 'st, In tht, mm: P. o

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