LA 9t z+ Joyus Fexxsun _ â€" Groner Laxo . â€" Hvgo Kraxz â€" â€" wo Total Net Assets .« â€" â€" $280,17i Amount at Risk . â€" â€" $13,084, 410 Ecosomical Mutaal Firs Ins.Co Total Assets 31>t December ‘96| Lily Konnedy, Central, Borlin $334. 083. Dotty Kershaw, Contral, Wate WATERLOO MUTUAl In Amount Assured _ + + 1177 per cont Cash Premium Income _ + 12%% " * In Intorost Receipta > > / > 34041 4o " In Asset« | > > > > > 1161 C 09 Surplus over all Lisblitios â€" 4274 " _ " It is safe, sound, economically managed and equitable in all its plane, _ Its interest receipta have more than pald it« denth Josses «ince the beginning. Nocompany any where,has had a lower death rate or does better for its Pojicy, holders than the Dominion Life. Separate branches for Abstainers and Women. ‘The Dominion Jife has had q good yoar ip 1898 CgomMPANY. Head OfMfjce = ‘ Waterloo, Ont. Janxe Inxes,.cxâ€"M. D., _ Cur. Kunrr. Kso, President. Vioeâ€"Prosident. THos. Hir1iarD, Managing Director. Dominion Life Assurance J. H. Wers, M. D.. T. R. KEart, Modical Director. Supt. of Agoncies. Mircar & Sixs, __ W I. JUbpDKLL, Rolicitors. Becretary. Gxo. WxorNast, Manager. Fmncis C. Bruce. _____ E. P. Clement. B. M. Britton, Q. C., M. P. __W. J. Kidd. B.A. J. Kerr Fisken, B. A. Goo. somerville. ASSURANCE CoO. Head Office, â€" Waterloo, Ont. 1898 Ontario Mutual Life YEAR. ASSETS. BUCKBERROUGH & CO‘Y. Agents. 1888 1893 . M. TAYLOR, _ ALFRED llOSKIN.S.(‘.. 1st vico Prexident. #nd viceâ€" den 1t. Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, G. C. M. G., â€" Premier of Canada, __ _ FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY INCORPORATED IN 1863. / OFFICERS ; George Randall, President, Joi» Shuh, Viceâ€"President. Frank ilaight, Manager. " John Killer, Inspector. W. A. Raymo, Inspoctor. Meesars. Bowiby & Clement, Solicitars, Berâ€" lin. Allan Bow man, E=q., Preston. P. K, Shantz, Preston. Thomas Gowdy, muflph Jane ~ Livingstone, ., M, P., Badon. Thoinas Cowan, Keg,, Galt, vubstitution‘ the fraud of the day. See you get Carter‘s, Ask for Carter‘s, lasist and demand teo. Randall, Keq., Water 00. John Shuh, Keq., * 8, Snydor, Keq., * William Snider, Faq., _ " Geo, Diebel, Ne7., * J. L. Widemas, Keqg., Mt, Jnonobs. John Alichin; Kâ€"q., Now Hamburg. They also relieve Dis:ress hom Dyspepsia, m-d‘!'eol'hnyhh'. A per» fect remedy for Dissincss, Neuses, Drowsl -.Id'l'ubhthlh-t.c:nfl'l‘q- Fain in the Side, TORPID LiVER. ‘They Regulate the Bowels. Purcly Vegetable. "arter‘s Little Liver Pills â€" 25 â€" YEARS‘ GROWTH. Mutual and Cash Systems BOARD OF DIRECTORS. ROARD OF DIRECTORS. ROBERT MELYIN, President BOARD OF DIRECTORS 4,136,129 23,.703,.979 148619 1.885 311 533,705 6,572,719 1 313,853 13 041 914 2503,42%4 17,751,107 It Has Gained, i+ THE .. OFFICERS ASSURANCE IN FORCE. Presid Number of candidates, 25, :'n‘.p::: Nutober passed, 16 Manager. | Huck Allan, N.Hamburg 8. Knox Adam QW“% Beriin. | Lodorman Sangster y .. Bertia. | Livingstone James Baden, ... Bortin. | Melrose Edward Raden, ... Bertin, | Merner Louis N.Hambur#, «. .Bertin, | Morley Chas, N.Hamburg, .. Beriin. | Milton Sanderson, 5 Wilmot ... Borita. | Wald Wilheim, Ham! , ‘“'.""‘I Ads Cressman, 1 ma, . Foronta, m.â€"n‘ .m Blanche Van Ev'ory, t «4 Annic Veltch, Winterbourne, LottleWalper, Cen., Berlin, Lizzle Wegenest, Con., Watorloo, Menlea Weber, Sep., Bortin, Alice Wereloh, Cen,, Berlin, Olivia Winkler, St, Jacoba, Paulina Woefle, Agnes St., Berlin Mary Zeolier, 600 6 64 1 " : aae wof | Geor I u 0"‘1‘\: Bnlome Huechnergard, St. Jacobs, !g(l’ Ar:;f‘}.iq&‘l)%.ollla‘flh Jossjo L, Her, Carmol, Borlin, ‘!Ai 1| Nora Hughes, Preston, Lottie Janzen, Agnes St., Borlin, L Louelia Inaae, Conttad, Lily Konnedy, Central, ller']ln, â€" m Evyelyn Jarvis, Dickson, Dotty Kershaw, Contral, W ut‘;‘srluo.m7 Mabo! Jarvie,‘ Heapoter, lonir Kn i 706| Mary Knight, Dickson, Esther Klipport, Agnes 8St., m\l'lhl.m.5 Jossle Lapsley, Victoria, Laura Kneehtel, Contrgl, Berlin, Sation ll':l)tmnel_l, C chiat, use Lose, Copieat heutn * fat haulk Saniin: s loris, Olive Loyd, Central, Berlin, ggg Djana MeCoil, Djokson, {"â€Wd’ i"â€{g)nl gï¬nz{!‘;‘!‘ "‘;)a“:{m g;5 0“"0")"“!, nkkâ€p, theoln Morlt uk Vina Mitson, Victoi A'loola Morun..“ Agues St., hï¬ï¬‚iflu 821| Nina Mitson, Victoria, Edno Hogs, s o # 5 Ethet Hmr, Doon, Balome Hushnergard, St. Jacobs, Jossjo L, Her, Carmol, Byrijn, l.::(tio Jmm_vn, Agnos St., Borlin, AIRIA: Lottlo Abrons, Con, Berijn, Helen Ball, Separate Water}oo, Cora Botzner, Cen, Bertin, Edith Bowman, Wost Montrose Ella Bricknell, Controvillo, Frances Buel}, Carmel, Borlin, Grace Cation, Con, WatorJoo, Elsic Crossman, 8 Wilmot, Bos@lo Dawson, Con, WaterJoo. Cora Dechort, Con, hornu, Nellie Doering, Con, Water}Jao, Clara Dunke, Con, Berlin, Bertha Englort, Separato, Borlin, Almag Foreman, Con, Berlin ‘ Rosetta Fupwoll, Sep, Bor]in, j Claribe} Gyaybill, Con, Borlin, Georgina lle’llor, St Jugobs ‘ Melissa Hellriegol, Agnes, i&urlin. f Ethel Hespeoler, Contral, Watertoa, Ella Hilliard, Contral, Waterjono, _ KEW â€" HAMBURG. BXAMINATIONS. 13 Hugh Bazter, No. 8 Blenhcim Normanâ€"Detweiler, Roseville William G. Imlach, Ayrâ€" oea a....‘“""‘x’..“.:m,"""’:"g' Neb mtonneim, im i5‘ 783 | George Smys; Greonfield 577 | Rosella Williamaon, Dickie 306 | Edua Wllkln-hBunohtnn. 072 ) Aleda Wolfe, Mill Crook, 621 | Urace wm‘m. Victoria, G26 | Muble Wight, Dickic‘s, B2d M7 \» o c -....JL]..‘?.‘:R.'-, OM T 643| Anson Rogers, Dickson, 770| Allan Ronald, 27 8. Dumfries, g22 | Norman Rutherford, Mill Creck, 5g7 | Elton Sauder, Central, (mlf‘ â€" § W«gfpr Svoq;agentwh Ga 6. Shantz, I‘restop, 584| Jas. Shaw, \'lcwl"}p, Galt, 871 | Raiph Slm;;:"u. lotor{a, Galt, gg Thos, Smijth, Dickson, Galy John Spellan, Scparate, Galt, 503 | Ggo, Stevens, Victor|a, Galt, (78| Thos. Todd, Central, Galt, 6873 | Nopmgn Tojton, Dijckenn, * hq mevemely topoen Toh Cora Clemens, Rosoville Viola Willets, Rosovilie Myrtle Whyte, Maple Grove, Roselin Willtamaon, Dickie‘s, No. passed, 10. AVR. No. of candidates, 15. CROBSHILL. Number of candidates 6. Number passed 4. Alvin Gillespic, Heidelberg, Andie Pogson, 19 Wellesiey, Florence Baker, Linwood Hattic Hogg, Wellesley village Archic MeKay _ " _ Annie Hamilton, Plains Haxsuuo: §um|l:r of undgllun 7 Number Edward I‘MS Wilmot Bars, ues .. .. DÂ¥vice ant 'A'n'n'x'u"a.";‘cirï¬.."“ (hkee" Ton sminiet, 711 | Emmwct and Aundy at nome, â€" _ consistent member of the New Church. 708| Mrs. Lolhnan preâ€"deceased him some 784| seven years Twotre chitdren 187 | survive, aver wof whom have found w .R':es on t‘l’;'o‘:tha skle D:l v:d.“ border. ArO ; Daniel o Gottirigd, Join, fre: 8. xnvbm and Mre. H, Km of Wollsvilie, 637 | Missouri, and Sob of 3t,. Loul, T1 651 3To mi7 | One of the Oldest Residents of Woolwich. *":‘.92 A Gentloman Universally Respected. 277 j °no comusion attending the fire at th 694 | station they were totally lost and de 9‘:3..9 strayod, TTB 5OJ By the destruetion of tho railroad T19 | station at Brussels by fire last week 735| the ontire examination papers for the T64 | halfâ€"year for al} the schools of the ecast T04 | riding of the County of Huron were deâ€" B11|atroyed. ‘These papers are said to be GQ1 [ handed to the Brussols express agent 639| by the School Inspector for transmisâ€" TGa)sion and examination and tumlng #00 | thereof by the Departmeny of Educaâ€" §04 | tion at Toranto as per schoot law, â€" and hP j it is reported that these papers were @12 /handed hy local expross agent to the T18 {G. T. R. station agent instead of the 751 ) express messenger on the train, and in 601 | the confusion attending the fire at the #qq | in that district, publishes a satement, m a‘htch shows tt‘l:n constable ‘l)s‘ml made e arrest at the suggestion of St. Onge %g in the firat inat and that the la%- tor, with twa had recaptured fl the culprite they had been re a7g | leased by the police authorities, on the Ni |supposition that it was a case of misâ€" 5@4 | taken jdentity, 728 740 601 Td 670| mitted to the various eandidates corâ€" 622| respond to the manuscript copies preâ€" 672| pared by the examiners, with such alâ€" 620 | terations as were duly approved by the 665 | three membér# of the Board before beâ€" 608| ing printeit. Ttis a rule of the doâ€" 550| partment ‘to give no directions for 6857 | printing off papers until the last reâ€" 797 | visions are fully certified ‘to as correct 783 | by the examiners, all documents being 586 Eruerved. It may not be generally 624| known that should any objection be 337| raised respecting the character of an 612 | examination paper no special action is 612| required to be taken by the Education 507 | Department, in view of the discriminaâ€" 568| tory powers left in the hands of local 738| Boards of Examiners under the proâ€" 508| visions of,.regulation 26. In other 627 | words, local Boards of ?Examiners have 708 | authority to deal with any ciroumstance 555| which might otherwise be deemed to 571 e temEemneo submitted at the recent High School entrance examination,that no mistake, as has been inferred, was 912| made by the Wducation Department in 589 | using for that examination the question 703 r-per intended for the Public school 706 em;Lnf examination. The Rinpensub- 670| mitted to the various candidates corâ€" T40 760 | . Was t rï¬ofhi:l:dndm health 678 | Indomita! will tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, and Bowels, are out of order. T you want these qualities 661| and the suceess they bring, use Dr. 700 | Kings New Life Pills. They develop 677 | every nower of brain and body. Only 25cts at 8. Buyder‘s drug Store. i one 2 o2 22o3 o o onl Ens T En Ne _ Mr. Lohnan was a native of Switzâ€" orland and came to this country when about tmg-ono imn of age. He settled on the well cultivated farm near Hawkesvillc, on the township line between _ Wookwich and Wellealey which his two youngest sons still occupy and which continued to be his home up to a few months ago. He was a. man of great industry and pnylence and died wealthy. â€" Stifetly honorable aud upright in avery relation of life he was bgl\ls respected by a Illrce cirole of friends. He was a" life long md\ DEATH OF MR. COTTFRIED Lexâ€" The Attorneyâ€"General‘s Department has as yet received no official claims upon the the reward of $1,000 for the capture of Pare and Holden. 1t seoms probable there will l:g A pontest beâ€" tween Chipfaf ;’}q q Duncap, of Campâ€" ‘t‘\})“tq“img‘?d t. St. Onge, carctaker af the Bank of Nova Scotin there. A n Inp Dank of Nova Scotin there. A ‘Toronto commerojal traveller now down cause an injustice." Mr. John Miller, Deputy Minister of Education, writes respecting comâ€" plaints -‘dto have been made here and elsewhere:â€"‘"In order to answer several inquiries, allow me to state, reâ€" garding the paper in physiclogy and Galt; Emma Springer, Kossuth: Hoy Lantz, Ayr. On the reâ€"opening of the schools after the holidays teachers will be sent certificates for the successful pupils and the marks obtained by the unâ€" Exgmination Papers Burnod. Twat Temporance Paper. The $1000 Reward. Womnbeh‘s Iron Nerve l:'onw “o.fnm 1‘::: at at that on mmhmmduq sration for appendicitis. Would Re Cheapor. *T\ hare a proposition to make to you." said the regular patron as be book the restaurant proprietor off to one side. ‘‘Well?"" anid the restaurant man. *‘I have been coming here for some time, and I have discovered that a tip :‘ necessary if ome is to get good servâ€" ‘‘That‘s the case nearly every where. " ‘‘Well, what I want to suggest is that U‘l pay the ealary of my waiter if you will pat up the tips You really onght to be willing to take the more expensive end of the batgain, don‘t you think 1**â€" Chicago Post w other upon the head of his assistant art His accuracy and rapidity of aim are simply astonishing. At a distance af 80 feet hbe can cnt a pisce of cardâ€" board through the edge as it is poised apon the head of an assistant At a similar distance, leaning himself flat on his back over the seat of a chair, with a pistol in his band, be can send spinâ€" ming a threepenny piece which rests, half bidden, upon his assistant‘s bead. He will knock the ash off your cigar at & distance of 80 feet or light your waz vesta for you, if you care to bold it At ten yards he can cut a swinging thread. and at the same distance, with three snccessive shots, he will pick of three email trifles balanced one upon the ‘‘Yes, but I didn‘t talk much about it,"" was the reply. ‘"But after 1 met my wife‘s father I became a strong abolitionist, and very soor after I met !er I became a slave?"â€"Detroit Free M. Bordeverry, a F‘renchman.v'en give most of the crack rifle shots of the world several large pointers about their A pretty saying of an army offieer is reported by an cxdn? He married in 1865 the daughter of a man whose whole heart was in the cause of the southern negroes ‘The marriage has been a very happy one. ‘"‘Were you so much interested in the slavery question when I knew you?!‘ asked a college friend, who had not seen the officer for 80 years. ¢5, and he was op duty during a tre mendous firs for 15 consecutive hours The spray was constantly fiying from the hose, and he became, in consequence of the lowness of temperature of the atmosphere, covered from head to foot with ice He wore a akullcap and a helmet on the top of that, so that his head was the warmest part of his body avd not at all exposed, though his eye brows and whiskers became wet and were frosen stiff. ‘The afternoon after the exposure his hair, which bad be come gray cight years before and bad for three years been white, turned perâ€" fectly black, Hile Hair Tarnod Rlack. There have been several instances of man‘s bair turning from white to {hck. One of the most notable perbaps was that of an engineer in the fire deâ€" partment of Loenisvilie His age was $s APforect y it mapy a proutioeigzen for reason for any anxiety; that the operaâ€" tion was quite a simple one and could be learned in a few weeks by any novâ€" lce. Despite bis placidity, I suspected that his tongue and lips were burned. 1 was therefore surprised to see him swallow a few minutes afterward a eup of hot coffee and smoke a cigaâ€" rette, apparently without any incomâ€" ~enlence.â€"(Gantleman‘s Maczazine. When the Arab had crushed some five or siz pleces we begged him to stop. He rose and seated himseif on the Persians are said to be utterly cal lous to human suffering, but Mabmoud Bey was so much upset that he got up and went out of the room. ‘The prince, top, was visibly affected. To me the performance apprared a mere plece of vuigar trickery. By practice a man might easily retain a small plece of bot charcoal between his teeth in such a manner that it should not scorch his Without Barning Mis Mouth. A small brazier, full of redhot charâ€" coal, was brought. Seating himself on the fioor in frout of this, the Arab pickâ€" ed out with a pair of iron pinebers a big lump, which he broke into small fragâ€" wents, one of which he put into his mouth. Swaying his body to and fre, groaus, be munched the bot charcoal between his teeth. When he had reâ€" tained it nearly a minute, be spat it out and took up auother picce. ‘The operaâ€" tion appeared to cause him great pain. He rolled his eyes wildly, and at times the saliva dripped from the corners of CHEWED n:DHOTCNMOOALlo-uu Warercoms 85 King Street, Beriin, Wonderful Feats of Shooting. ar and are i8 use of Millars C 50 doses 25 cents. A Willing Slave. Hor @ver Fifty Years, are soon atâ€" 8 and 10 King Street, N. GASOLINE Endless variety of Dress Timmings, Laces and Insertions a Specialty PATTERN HATS BONNETS MRS. C. STEUERNAGEL, May be procured at lowest rates for any sum up to fifty dollars, payable at any banking point in Canada outside of the Yukon Territory, + ~® Deposits of $1.00 and upwadrs received,a Interest added to the principal twice a year, meagens s 22 e ie _/ WATERLOO BRAN OEX A Geners} Banking Business Transacted. Farmers‘ Notes Discounted. Payable at all Points in Canada, including the Yuakon District, a Principal Cities in the United Btates, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, &e, EBTABLISHMED 1807, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. gflu@flb UP)BIX MILLION DOLLARS . B. E. WALKER, Genzrar Manacezr. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ©OBBCBIBHD CAPTTAL _ â€" _ â€" . L $200,000 00 DRPOSIT wITH Dpomi®ion covr ~ ~ â€" *"*MoR mmm.m LONDON & LANCASTER FIRE INS. Co Joul-lvll.m ‘m.n'm.w. T.‘.mm Strongth, Benuty and Bpood. It is sdmired by all, copied by some, equalled by noneâ€"Also a number of second hand wheels Baby Carringes, Express Wagons, etc., in abundance and very cheap, THE MERCANTILE FIRE The GENDRON Wheel We heartily invite you to inspect our superb assortment of INCOBPORATED 175. HEAD OPFICE, ~ â€" WATERLOO, . Cosgrove, Manager J. S. ROOS.â€"Sole Local Agent. . . MILLINERY . . The most suitable power for Farm use and for running small Machinâ€" ery. Requires very little floor space; practitally no water ; no engineer ; no waiting for steam to rise or wind to blow. Will cost only 15 cents in 10 hours per horse power. No power can be cheaper. Write for prices. MILLINERY NOVELTIES. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. They fit the first time they‘re worn, and ever after, because the stretch and shrink has been for ever taken out of them while six days on the lasts, Twelve shapes, all sizes, six widths, all colors, styles and leathers, " You can‘t expect to go the even tenor of your way in a shoe that cripples. *« mMlater Shoes" are made to fit feetâ€"to cover every tender joint comfortablyâ€"make you forget you have a painy foot. Goodyear welited, stamped on the soles with name and price, $3.50 #nd $5.00. Pinch your feet in wrong shaped shoes ; make you hervous, irritable ; spoil your temper; lose your conicentration, INSURANCE COMPANY. As some are Toâ€"day. Farmers‘ Sales Notes. MONE O RDERS. ENGINES OF A. W. Robgdrts, Manager ,and current rates of interest allow ed ir, at Ehe end of May and November, Opposite Brunswick Hotel , and the Waterloo Drafts Issued