Store Near Post Office, Berlin. PUT MONEY IN THY PURSE The A. 0. BOEHMER C0. Limited Extra finc Tan Hose, sizes 81, 01, real maco yarn, worth 25¢. Ladiss‘ Shirt Waists NewGingham Checks Light and dark patterns worth $1.00. in light and dark tweed worth6.00 est styles, plain or rough straw, 7.00, and $8.00. worth $1.00. FOR $3.95 FOR 500. We Seil for Cash and we have Your choice of 200..Men‘s Suits, Men‘s Straw Hate, the very newâ€" HEAVY SAVINGS POSSIBLE Again This Week. ~â€"* YOL. 41â€"~NO. 21 The Maker to the Consumer 42, 44 and 46 King St. BE RILILN â€" C Ludies‘ Hosis y You never saw anything like them : _ Reliable merchandise â€"fresh, clean,, desirable and SUCII LOW PRICES. A special sale with the bargains in it. For 1S5¢. For 50c. Although we have had a good season‘s trade we must reâ€" duce our stock considerably to make room for extensive fall purchases which are being shipped to us now. Smaller prices a.l through the store will therefore be the rule during Julyâ€"â€"prices that will mean a saving of 15 to 25¢ on the dollar. , A. Weseloh & Co., 1i y0 1 have clothing and shoes to buy, you can‘t afford to ove;look this fact. For reduced prices sce our show windovs from day to day. > Cash and one price to all. Money back it not satisfied By taking advantage of the midâ€"summer stockâ€"taking clothing and shoe sale now going on at our store. 4 Sole Agent for Slater $3.00, $3 50, $4.00 and. $5.00 Shoes A. 0. BOEHMER C0, Limited Waterloa County‘s Greatest Store. J. FENNELL & SON, 60 pair new last, stylish kid tip. We guarantee them, turned sole worth $1.50. Over 350 yards new pattern checks» good dark colors, worth 15¢ a yard: WOMEA‘3 DSNCOLA OXFORD For $1.15. F r 1i0c. ON T. We as wlCOUNTY..m.. preigiy " sg District. WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING! JULY #0, 1899 PERsSOXAL.â€"Mr. â€"and Mrs. John E. Dippel and their son, Orion,of Broomsâ€" ville, attended the services here on Sunday evening last. ... Mr. and Mrs. Otto Homuth, of Preston, were visiting friends and acquaintances in this vicinity over Sunday....David Thaler and family were visiting friends near Williamsburg and were the guests at Simon Thaler‘s.... Fernando Latsch ‘spent Sunday under the parental |roof here and also made a short call on Wm Carey.... Mrs. Almon Lewis spem‘ Sunday evening with her sister, Mrs. Meisel....On Wednesday last Mrs. David Thaler entertained a number; of ‘ her friends at a ragâ€"bee.... ‘em. ‘ Meisel, our popular blacksmith,is very busy at present. . . . Miss Carric Wangâ€" ling attended the Evangelical Sunday School picnic in Berlin on Thursday last. ...John Y. Dippel will leave for the North West in a few weeks.... We understand that the Entrance pupila of our school passed very successfully. This speaks well for Mr. Adamson.... Frank Meyer and his mother are at present visiting friends in Hamilton. ... .Clara Chaplin and Laura Eby are holidaying _ at their uncle‘s, l)n':g Eby‘s.... Mr. and Mrs. Silas G apont Sunday at the home of Tilman Bowman . . .. We are glad to state that John Ortman‘s youngest son is now convalescent from a slight attack of scarlet fever. The rain last Saturday afternoon | visi her grand parents, Mr and was a welcome visitor to this part d|m1‘-u....flr-d’lulm the country. Farmers will start to cut | returnedâ€"from Kirkton accompanied by Our band was engaged at the Floâ€" radale picnie and reported having a very enjoyable time......The St. Jacobs football team have challenged the Conestogo team. A good game is expected as both teams are experâ€" ienced players.......Mr. Richmond, principal of our school sent down 9 pupils and all passed. Milton Heinâ€" rich headed the list, having 795 marks ... ... Last Sunday the Evangelical church held their annual children‘s day service and the church was fairly crowded. a few weeks....Allan Bowman is bolidaying with friends in Elmwood, Kincardive, and Walkerton. He will be gone for a fortnight....The Misses Rennie of Crosshill were the guests of the Misses Gingrich on Sunday .. .. My. ‘ and Mrs. Marten F. Hajiat of Craase] spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Weber. ... Melvin Haug of Toronto is spending his holidays with his grandâ€" father, Jno. L. Wideman....W. 8. Smith of ‘Toronto _ June., formerly school teacher here, is in town renewâ€" ing acquaintances....A â€" cariole of young married people from here spent Sunday at the rocks in Elora. They report having bad a splendid time. Warden Menno Hallman, of Roseâ€" ville, has returned from his trip to Port Elgin and we are pleased to record that he is very much improyed in health. . Overtureâ€"Debutanteâ€" Prendiville. Marchâ€"Right Forwardâ€"Sousa. God Save the Queen. Srorts.â€" The foorball match did not come off last Saturday owing to the Conestogo boys having had a match with Winterbourne. _ If satisâ€" factory arrangements can be made a game will either be played here or in Concstogo on Saturday. Our corresâ€" pondent for the Chronicle was exagâ€" gerating a little too much whenhe said that our bo%"s were putting in hard practices. his is incorrect as not a decent practice has been indulged in since the opening of the season. We certainly wish to play a friendly game with the Conestogo boys on Saturday. PERSOXALS.â€" Frank Ellie of Seaâ€" forth, formerly of this place is spending his holidays with friends in town.... Miss Estella Gingrich left on Tuesday morning for ‘Torouto where she will visit her sister, Mrs. N. 8. Snyder for Bax» CoxcErt.â€"Our band has not been able to treat the citizens of 8t. Jacobs and vicinity to an open air concert for the last few weeks but with fine weather on Thursday evening the following excellent programme will be rendered: Marchâ€"Washington Postâ€"Sousa Overtureâ€"SoldierofFortuneâ€"Ripley Waltzâ€"Maybellâ€" Whitley. Selectionâ€"W angâ€"Morse. Mazurkaâ€"La Cyarineâ€"Thomas. Waltzâ€"Jolly Russian Brothersâ€"Herâ€" ¢ SvocessEvt â€" Caxpivates.â€" On Saturday evening we received the reâ€" port that our Entrance candidates were all successful. ‘The highest mark 795 falls to the honor of Milton Henrich. This refflects great credit on both scholars and teacher and they have our warmest congratulations. y PERSONAL. â€" Ida Fry and Eva Lackner left on Wednesday for St. Mary‘s to visit friends. ... Ada Dicfen baker is spending a few weeks in the Twinâ€"City . ... Mrs. 4. Tanner left for Palmerston where she will remain some time visiting relatives. ... Mrs. Wm. Leper spent Thursday and Friâ€" day in Waterioo.... Miss Smith, of Heideiberg, was a guest at M. T. Becthel‘s on Sunday. .. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Waiter, of Listowel, were in town re newing _ old m&-m- Miss Alyward, of rew, is at present seriously i. Dre. Fraser of Stratford and Wilson of Piattsville beld a conâ€" sultation Iast week and gave slight hopes of her recovery.... Miss Laura Hall of the New York Training School for Nurses, is home forher holidays. .. . Alex. Hall of McGill Montreal Medical College is home for a couple of months. .... Mr. Bowman who with his wife was thrown over a bank south of the \-illsie some time ago have sent a bill to the Blenheim Council for $100 damages . . . . Miss Perry who has been stopping with her sister, Mrs. Dr. Willâ€" son for a foew years has gone to her home in Francis, Rainy River District .... The rains of the past fow days have been very acceptable. The in many places are just comâ€" ing through the ground. Barters.â€"Rumor has it that we are about to have an interesting breach of promise suit in the village....On Thursday last the Windfall baseball team visited Platsville and suffered deâ€" feat at the hands of our boys by 18 to 1. _ The Hamburg ball team gave us a call on Saturday and defeated our boys by 10 to 2. James Grieve,catcher for the Plattsville team received a bilow on the end of the thumb from a foul tip causing a compound dislocaâ€" tion of the thumb.....Ada the little cight year old daughter of Rey, Tonge is very il} with meningitis following typhoid ‘fever....Dolly the â€" oldest daughter of Isaro Battler. ia confined to the house with a broken log. .. , The PERSONALS.â€"Miss Huehnorgard is visiting friends in town . . . . Mrand Mrs G Worwade, Mriand Mrs Phil Hasenâ€" flug and Mr and Mra C Koehler were visitors to Paradise Lake on Sunday "...Mr and Mrs Henry Ziegler atâ€" tended the Oswaldâ€"Peppler wedding at Waterioo last Tuesday....Clara Stahl of Berlin spent a foew days under the parertal roof, the drug store during her vacation, left Wednesday for Glenalien where he will take charge of Dr. McNaughton‘s practice for a while. . . . Miss Dollie Mcâ€" Kay returned home after a few weeks holidays with her cousins in Moorfield ... . A number of our Foresters attend â€" ed‘ the special service held for the Order on Sunday afternoon last.... Geo. McNabb and Garfleld Bailey of Mona spent a few days at Robt. Rowes last week....Mr. Gillespic wheeled up from Orangeville Saturday and spent Sunday at R. J. Kerr‘s. Mr. R. J.Kerr was home for Sunday. . . . We are pleasâ€" ed to hear that Miss Florence Baker successfully passed her Public School Leaving â€" examination, also Lizzie Ament her Entrance. We extend conâ€" gratulations....Mr. and Mrs. Rennie of Hawksville spent Sunday at Maple Hurst....Jesse Wright of Glenalien, and Harold McKibbon of Toronto were guests of Miss Edythe Boomer last Thursday. home m after a week‘s visit among in Listowel and Palmâ€" erston. .. .. Aunie Brooks, of Listowel, is a guest at Dy. McEachern‘s. . . . Miss Jennie Williamson has returned to business after a fortnight of holidays under the parental roof at Harriston ... . Mr Flath, the medical student of Drayton, who has taken charge of Dr. McEachen‘s practice for a few week.‘ and supplied for Miss Williamson in Don‘t btm the "Garden Party" toâ€"night on Mr. R. Y. Fish‘s lawn, the last of the seqson, PERSOXALGâ€"Linnie Litter returned be A mangolds and carrots '“mml’rm good; no apples; small fruit a good crop.. . . . We would again like to the Centreâ€" Hertel and his men are working in Preston at Mr. Patterson‘s dam. PLATISVILLEâ€" HAWKESVILLE, LinWood. of Rathoe is y A Ee To Treasurer of Waterloo Tp. tâ€"2 cost of concrete pipe on Tp line. . 2ll.ll2l2l2222222 0004 49 To Jos H Bender as per conâ€" tract on Ist con. A.... .... 165 00 To Isnac Bean for 5 cedar posts At 10@22.22222.2222222.2.22. 50 To T G Daniels,work on Creaâ€" mety Creok:>...:.:..:..1.. 1 20 To John Snyder, putting culâ€" vert on lst con. A......... 5 00 To F. Hoiwell . B.‘s, M.Js mdl).'lto& June...... 8 40 To C. N. Roth oneâ€"haif amt. of contract on Wellesley Tp. PERSONAL.â€"Fred Pugh spent a few days with friends in this vicinity last week ... . Miss Alice Bedford is visiting friends in Toronto....Wo congratulâ€" ate Archic McKay and Frank Bowman on their success at the recent Public School Leaving examinations. Their success reflects great credit upon W. E. Wray their efficient instructor..... Jacob Pautler is at present slightly disabled as the result of an accident which he met with while driving down the Preston hill. Mrs Pautler and the children escaped with very slight in jury,. A defect in the harnness was the eause Moralâ€"look well toyour harness before going on a journey....A number of young ladios and gentlemen spent a very enjoyable time on the banks of _ the Grand last Sunday. One of out juveniles undertook to chri sten them the the Berlin A. B. C. elub and ventured the opinion that they did not a have dry time...Some of our farmers have begun to cut their wheat. The crop will be a very light one. The 587th session of Wilmot Tp Council was held at the Townstrip Rall Baden on Monday, the 17th day of July 1899. Moved by C N Christner, seconded by Ig. B Ditner that the following acâ€" counts be paid and that the Reeve isâ€" sue his orders on the Treasurer in payâ€" ment of the same, viz: â€" To Wm Main for operating road _ To H Salyman for 15 cedat machine to date...... ..... To Geo Main for team and operating road machine to dlatelllllllllllll02220 02 All the members present, the Reeve presiding. _ The minutes of last session were read and confirmed. Our village appears to have a move on it at present. â€" It is not however in the right direction as it has taken the form of an exodus.....The furniture factory has completed moving and with it quite a number of our citizens. There is some talk of a new industry being started to take the place of the furniture company ..... The â€" Ladies Aid will hold a social at the home of J. F. McKay on the evening of Thursâ€" day the 20th inst. A sclect programme is being prepared and an cnjoyablc‘ time is expected. Admission ten cents. KILLED BÂ¥ LIGHTNIXG.â€"Early this morning the shocking news was sounded abroad, that Mr. George Anger was killed by lightning in his home during the thunder storm which passed over this community about 2 o‘clock Wednesday â€" morning. â€" Mr. Anger is a young man 22 years old working as fireman for Mr. Carrol. He has been married only about 10 months. Mrs. Anger not being very well at this time, had Jennie Beam, a 12 year old girl to wait upon her, and was at the time of the accident, in bed with Mrs. Auger, nearest the wall while Mr. Anger bad made his bed on the floor near the foot of the bed. As the lightning struck the house the lamp went out. Mrs. Anger jumped out of bed being very much stunned by the shock but soon regaining her presence of mind ran to the neighbors for help, who when they came found Mr. Anger‘ dead on the floor and Jennie Beam in an unconscious condition. The gir]‘ was suffering seterely and was not exâ€" pected to live, but is now doing nicely. and undoubtedly will recover. ‘The sad oécurrencesent quite a gloom upon the community and a feeling of sympaâ€" thy is extended to the young widow by everyone. The funcral took place on July 14th at his home. The reâ€" mains were taken to Stevensville for interment. In the room where Mr. Anger was killed no trace of the lightnâ€" ing could be scen,while in the adjoinâ€" ing room the plaster was badly: wrecked. > ‘ _ Diev in tuz Har Mow.â€"A genticâ€" man, apparently a stranger in this community, but wasalightly known at Port Colborne, came to Mr. Ellisworth where he hired for a few days to assist in haying. | It is said that while workâ€" ing in the mow he fell over and died. The doctor says that the cause of his death was heat stroke,. He was buried the next day. Brigrs.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Menno Hallman, who have spent the last three or four weeks at Port Elgin, reâ€" turned home toâ€"day. _ We hope the outing has done him some good . . . . Mr and Mrs. Cushman, of Boston, are visiting friends in the neighborhood. ... . Mrs. E. W. Detweiler is spending a few weeks with fricnds in Mount Vernon. .il.efldh:lsul:ilhl'ui‘ol ‘I:aden. is spending her ys at E. W. Detâ€" weiler‘s....Sunday evening the Gerâ€" man Methodists held their communion service which was conducted by the presiding elder. ...A very fine shower came this morning and it did lots of good....The farmers have nearly all the wheat and ba;ley cut, but the wheat is a light crop. â€"Carried. On motion Council adjourned until WILMOT COUNCIL BLOOMINCDALE. SHERKSTON. 12 90 80 HARDWARE MERCHANTS = = WATERLOO Just reccived another sonsignment of the best articles of the kind manufactured. Every one guarantced to give perfect satis faction in baking and cooking. Economical in fuel and at low prices. Come and see them. Sereen Doors complete with hinges and knob reducéd to 75¢. Window Screens any size 20c. Gas Stovesand Wickless Oil Stoves Hardware, (;la,ss,'Painte, Cal\’anizcd Iron Work, Plumbing Water and Hot Air Heating. The Standard" Wickless Blue Flame Qil Stoves For COAL OIL or GASOLINE. And the eyes get weaker and need aid. Glasses that will suit your eyes at fifty will not suit them at sixtyâ€"five, and they require the services of a skilled optician to test and properly adjust them to the vision. Perfect fitting glasses are a second sight to those whose sight has failed, and we can suit your eyes with scientific exactness. Jeweller and Optician, H. HYMMEN Cheap Cash Store, Nos. 23â€"25, S. King St., Berlin, Ont Old Age Creeps on Apace CLEARING QUT SUMMER HATS, 25 & 506. can be made more comfortable, and at less cost, by taking advantege of the CHEAPEST SUMMER SALE OF BOYS‘ and MEN‘S CLOTHâ€" ING ever shown by the undersigned : Farmers know good Twine is the cheapest and poor twine is dear at any price It is not what you pay but what you get that constitutes a â€" Barâ€" Farmers want (Giood Binder Twine and are willing to pay {fair price for it. hi THE BEST _ Brands Plymonth make and sell Good Twine as low as Good Twine can be sold‘j No other Twine isdnlt a% ‘ood as Plymouth. We stock three brands GOLD MEDAL, GULDEN SHEAF and PLYMOUTH SPECIAL EXCURSIONS Store closes n-yov-hguthyud&tud-y excepted. Phone 179. BINDER TW I NE Near the Post Office M. WEICHEL & SON SMYTH BROS. Boys‘ Summer Coats, 75, 80, 85, 90, 1.% and $1.50 U:’-'. Bummer Coats, 95, 1.00, 1.2, 1.50 and §2.50 Hon’l Coat “3 Vut,M!'lii :lm}.;?&“& %g ‘s separate Vests, (white) 1. . H::'l Tweed Vests, 1.00 and §$1.2%5. AND HOLIDAY TRIPS. â€"42». CHatFie14L, A child can opertate it. _ s BEAUTY in design and finish. YOU can have a cool kitchen in summer. CANNOT iail to ‘?l-oo. AFFORD it + Yes, it will save its cost in a season. ‘TO roast or toast, bake, broil or stew. DOes its work well and quickly WITHOUT brains, only a little coal cil and a match. IT does the reat. To examine it is to buy it. IT burns common oil. TS simple as the ordinary lamp. CONRAD BROS. IT PAYS TO BUY ) Hardware Merchant. WHOLE NUMBER 2332 The Leading ... 816. from â€" weighting substances, such as Gelatine Size, French Clay, etc. Cheap twines crudely made from low grade fibres contain but a fraction of the quality and uniform evenness of the highly donâ€" atructed Plymouth Plymouth _ Binder Twine is celebrated for its great length, evenness and freedom Berlin, Ont. Berlin; On Hot