" luv- D 1":ou -Mr" u mu UlIlUllula In yawn moans-u oti.c.iiGuiGriiuliiy. N _l....ANat Good â€computed try " - A a. A on y r ' +to<rt_ttit 4trttarr,'k94'-'titr<r+. n, a, m eaattr-titrtr-.Mt- - Susie; gnd_Kntio Ptftert, o_l Berlin, â€2% VOL tr-NO. 26 With the coming of July comes something of a. cessation in the rush for shoes and clothing. The season is on the wsne end we feel that it is a. case of "now or never"' with us it we want to come out with clean stockw. A elem sweep is in order and a clean sweep it shell be ' All summer shoes and clothing is tobeprieed mew. Every suit of clothes endevery pair of shoes will be reduced. We will sacri- ties prxstita to inmate a quick sale on everything that must be sold at once. Yon know what to ex ct here in quality and style, and now that the profits are ctwped down him the prices, you know that if you buy shoes and clthIn; here duringjuly you will be money in. Come while stocks are ample. F or prices see our show windows. Store Near Post Office, Berlin. - 77770:" 15c and [go Leather Belts beat the world for values. They are. just the sam '. for whim h you usually pay 25c. V N Outrésc Pocket Book is ta marvel" for' the-price. You' will save gpgugh money on this purchase to buy one of our handsome Ladies' . You'll need one to carry home the money you will save by shopping here. The newest, cheapest and best assortment of low priced goods in the cgunty. YI ltindi anAstyles from ACPI' to 75c.. _ _ Bells: The LADIES' PURSES In shoes, our Men’s Black, Box Calf Lace Boob, silk vesting tops, hsteat toe, very comfortable, worth $4.00 for $2.75, and our $4.50 Men’s Tao Wicker Calf Inca Boots, silk vesting tops, perfect tisting last and newest too for 82.75. Which we will sell this week prior to stock-taking at greatly redueed “WM f5ttmhV at their been here. . . . prices. This will be a repetition of past efforts of our great clearing tl1tt'df,tr,'ith J2tr,t,t,g,rt2i'et sales, and will need no comment, for toy will tind every article as adver- rental tout Mr 1'l'll'd, W rut. tised and at a great bargain, just think! You can boy these goods A en '0", wit-Ills {ligands here on sun- manufacturers' prices, as Men’s all wool Navy Blue or Buy English dar. Serge Suit, best oltrimmings and workmanship, equal P. tenor made, iuuzvs-The cumpmeeting at New worth ttcoo and " no. for 88.00. also a tine range of Butts In the new Dundee nearly depopulatod our com- est shades of Checked Tweeds, first class trimtnittgsuasurpatsed m style. muniry on Sunday. . . .About eighty quality and fit, worth 810.00 for O1 50. and our $8 and 89 Tweed Suits. men tit' to mm 8.8. Homer's barn all wool material and good trimmings for $6.00. Also our 5 co and $6.00 on Mo y arm week. Suits tor 83 75 are a sptcya! harem. - -- _ _ --. _. . -Ta=CLTi7" The l, 0. llllBlllllilll (Nhild JWWUWW “IN†Yd'2'dt'llh'",tg ' . ';l'l'itttrg' 3.1:" Hon 8 Boady-to-Wear Blothmg and Shoes tt'fgt2rt'f."rt1'c, Get OUR PRICES Before Buying Your Twine. _ News... Idaho Gold nod-u. Goldon that and Other 3mm. We have marked prices so low that they Must. bring your BIN mm TwiNE, compiling YOU CANT AFFORD 42, 44 and 46 King St: BERLIN - t A CLEAR SWEEP. Cheap Store We P513. ie, unloaded I car of the celebrated “PLYMOUTH" EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS A. Weseloh & Co., h. l Igigifiiiid, 1mm BINDER TWINE. WM: County's m: m See our Window. for Values. To go past us this year for a W. H. Leeson, J, FENNELL t SUN. ..and.. POCKET BOOKS. Cash and One Price ONT . iii:::',';?'"" ........ "'3'..." DISTRICT. wugnwo, ONTARIO, THURSDAY Immune. JULY tl, iam Ptrttmrrgr,.-AFrn Ertot b spondin pramox%s.-srr. and Mrs. Jean a few weeks " 'di'21'r'd'i.'.'.C1"d',2 Clemon- ttrrivrd home the! an ex- Gnycrhiehl and with spam sunny tended tripto Cantu-uh and British hem mm friend: and alum...†Cohttttbia..,.A1tnn Snider“ Toronto Jams [Axum who 'tmeet the last E'.",',,',',,",,',",',.',",,',',',, Nutrient] hem.... may†" Holman] hmmm r. and In. John Imam and mm " umb- uow with mend: ofrrtrtstrp1mttttesttrt,ntE. WM Mauve- “....Jolm 0 layu- In ,miur'e....Mr. Enemy and MI], "dung shown! not, Lttt. villa". My In at Thoma-.... v.01... â€mung-lat WMMdLndmv-ï¬ol ttttttet g . tfArtetftfr '? g.eteftd,t.Ml.rA_,Art.tmrmttrtt was tine gnd . gum in every mm; o‘clock. The, {urge ham and other which showed the interest. our com- outbuildmgn of John Jackson of Pttel, mnnity when in our two musical on - burnt Gy tigtttning. The 'ttare minimums. Mr. J. Walton ~Im-upIml of the ttamen was 'distinctly Titxilrle tite ohair in place ot Mr. J. G. Reiner. Iwre and WM wllneml try a anally Mr. L. J. Itrvitloupt made a few re- tutmtmrorour vltlzenn. The thunder marks "Id mule use of the opportunity Wait ttot very heavy hete but we hm! a torxpn- ma thanks to the electors my refreshing about ot rain, which " um hearty 'mpport given him dur. was very much mated hero and will ing the Inu- campaign. be very helpful to the crops. T U', N. I'-tcauc-The-Pu1r1iachooi Thrt_h1ir1srt, when) of, 1.1mm, in: icnluwas wellattended, alargcnum- 'ttteats of their "oatrin, Misa Emma Bar of outsiders being preaent among Williams-Ura. William 1gf Liz-towel whmuwo noticed Mr. limitimmt, M. istt guest at "in WtF'arthetTths-atttrn P. P., Mr, "madam and Mr, hot-um Mums and We immune ofthe Sand of Berlin. The nttorttoon was spout "tlltepeot 1Peltr ttthir. M,G'eotrN. in various sport- mob aw football --MS. tiherk of Waterloo ttas Wine to matches, clay uni shooting etc. Music "WW tt W “W“ M Mr, Rom. Cath- wm rendered by the hand and mu otrrt'a,-st V. 'toC'aftitv, Who hauhmm} chestrn. A football match was flayed Visiting hi'i' danglltoi'. Mrs. ll. Mon" between tho Hump-wall and We Ionic: Amt" at the Pamunagr, let! for her, school teams, the more standing 1 to 0 home in Smithvllle, 2.ttpid'ygt in favor ofthe home team. The N. Nrtt, M, "new and Mr. am Mn. Fat. tum match between our team and the Wan! attended the MoorMoid can!“ (‘mhlll team was also played. when meeting '%tmlar---MIm Jennie Crmrtr time was called there WM n tie tor the In home noun Dakota visltlng her moth-' third time. it was then agreed to er and sister in town. ( play another twenty minim:- when Bttttt Btrtc_T.-A MNere, thunder the home team “and a goal to th storm mused over a little north of this Visitors 0. Iheemteert in the evening DEM?“ 1t..etria.r nlxlgt about eleven Bgtttws.--, mr senior football Main --hust, It,"?,)..,",', He0eris “WWII!!! her went to Crosshill last Tuetulay and holidays in Irartthrd.---MitmN Milne, played with the thin boys for a the wisumt teacher tr. our school left 65 prize. The game ended inn tie. forheritome m “mutton! where six- Tho return match was to be played wilt tspeed herho1idays. She “‘as ae- Snturday at our picnic. . . John Jantzi 1tompaniod by her friend, Miss Mary is building a fish pond and held a bee Heiier.-Misty Clara feyder returned last week for that purpose. Re pro- from Toronto last night. _ poses to force the water into his house -------r---. and stables... .We regret very much unwooo ' . that Geo. B. Miller has decided to go PtrRsoshLq.-:-Dr. and Mrtr.NeFhwh- toMnnitoba where he will go into the em returned home Saturday. after a atom busincss with his brother John. pleasant two weektr' holiday trip to He willloatNy about August Itst. The Listowel, Harriston,To1onto and the prospects are that he will he" his Falls-Miss Jennie Williamson Mt tixtttns to a certain party in Brussels Monday to “Wild B few weeks at her . .. .Tln- tsixteen-roar-old daughter of home in Harruton.---Mrs A. Boomer Adam Iterlett wan- taken suddenly ill returned Monday ttom a visit amongst with appendicitis last Sunday triemu in Brampton mid elsewhere.- q’. a I'-tcauc-The-Pu1srtwuwhout 'Dw,,Alhsw when) of, Mayan; LIN, ionic was well attended, Margo num- 'ttteats of their WIN". Miss Emma Ear of outsiders being preaent among Williams-Ura. Williams M Liz-towel when) We noticed Mr. limithau rt, M. is ii guertt M Itt, Wl'merhetTths-Ntm, P. P., Mr, "330(1ch and Mr, ileum who“ 1tntl9fitt "mangle otthe Sand FOOTBALL 'rotrttsaurtsi-A grand tournament was held here on Tuesday afternoon. The weather was all that could be desired. llnlnpewad club and Cmeshlll played the tInst game, maultingin aware u! 1 wow favor of Cmbill, after which the winners played with the Wellesley team which malted In a score of l to I. The Heidelberg hand WM in attendance and kept everything llvely with their lmmltiful musir. A handsome mm of money was taken in at both tents and the gate. PBtt.soyaL.--Mrs. Alex. Dingwall is visiting friends in Lucknow. .. .llr. and Mrs L. Berker of Tavismck Were visiting friend:A in town. . â€Mrs. Chas. Zinkunn and her two mm and daugh- ter spent a few days here amongst NV latives. .. .Mrs. John Ottmanu . of Hawksvillc spent Sunday in town. . _ . Mrs. Klein was visiting with Mrs. Rom. Hyde at Ratzburg tor a few days last week LAWS BocuL--A Lawn Social un- der the auspices of the Presbyterian church will be held on July 4th, a splendid programme is being prepared in Which the Wellesley Orchestra will take part. 8rmmr-Our football team played a friendly game of football with the Hamp- atead team last Saturday which result- ed in a defeat for our team by a score of 1 goal to o. Quite a number from here attended the pie -nie held at Hamp- stead last Saturday and report having hag a splendid time. I'tuttroNaL--hfr. Eli Prey ot Water- loo spent Sunday in 1mm. . . .Mr. and Mn. Jno. Frame Tiaited Mend: in Moortrttelt1 on Sunday . . _ .Mr. and Mrs. Wallace G'taiater of Wawrloo, spent Sunday at the farmer's home here. . . . Miss D. Glamor has an attackol Imm- chitis- We wish her a speedy: recovery. mtrErtr--XMr School closed on Tues- day for the Summer holidays. . . .The Entrance examination will be held here this week, Mr. R. Fenian of St Jacob; will be preckling examiner. Bttutes--The enmpmeoting at New Dundee hourly dempulawd our mm- munity on 8urtday....Attout eighty men bird to mine 8.8. Homer‘s burn on Mo y of but weak. tin, M n. 0mm who“. (lNrl1r'lLVdl'lhll%1'lt'l1'1".'. Mr. Mattet,Netin,warin our village MIMI-Ian mk....E.H. Adm- .tns,3oaehetMoemtmsue,-st Wed- ge!!!†“if“? mqt_e!etor--J. "erasa-lam Bow-u, at Ber, " Gil-I'Y. WELE‘m. 0'0.le but. mtttsostu-hir, Daniel (label and family at Communal visited friends in town on 8ustdtsr---Mists Edith Gingrich spent a few dnys with friendsln Proa- ton last week.--.) Anniu “enrich of Milvortnn is visiting under the paront~ at root-ttem-y mum of Tavintock rent-wed acquaintances here on Sun. "y.-Mrand Mrs William Wagner of illorlin spent. Sunday at the residential lof Mr Adam Wagtttotu---Mr. Jno. Smith of Butraio N. Y. is spending a few days G his home ltere.---Miist, Bechtel and Miss A Moyer of Waterloo were tho guests onii Ida Mayer over' Sunday. --aust, Gwlzginn Heller is spending her holidays In 1rartthrd.---Mitss N Milne, the assistant teacher of our school left for her home in manttord where she will spend her holidays. She Was ac- companied by her friend, Miss Mary Heiler.-.Mitsa Clara Snyder returned from Toronto last night. It. 3100-. Sum-mun. 8octau--The band Journeyed to Glenallen on Satunlay last to attend the social and Judging by the very tiworaule remu-ku heard on every side, the Glennilen people seemed to be thormlglily tsatisfied with the music. Ideal weather and a good band drew a large q-rowd and we feel confident that all present muoyed them _ selves most heartily. The football team accompanied them and played with the Glenallen boys. With the odds heavily against them our boys were able was them with the score I-I.! Our football team were greatly pleased with the treatment accorded them by‘ the Git-nailen boys and we can assure them the some hospitality when they visit our boys on the home grounds. The band has been engaged to play 'll) b'loraeiale picnic on Wmlnetsdtsy, July 12th and A number from here will tte- l company there. . _ - - Bgtr-'I'htt min on Sunday last was indeed welcome and did much good to the mp5. Farmers in this district have commenced tsaying.-- School closed on Friday noon last. The Entrance madman»; came home on Friday evening seeming well pleased with the "aatittation.---About twenty- llve gipll2',P, in the qyxetmriotttottte Guelph M trl Farm on Ttttttwitty last. --9tarterrlyservieosrwfli behold in the Evangelical church here on Saturday and Sunday next. The Presiding Elder. Rev. limb of Stratfonl will deliver a sonnon in English on Sunday evening. ' You. 'I',',',',,',",'? u gleam: by i uponlon a grave t are teettr. . Ada. the lime ttgtg tttttov. In.me in quite ill. ...Lliu Mugs†Baotou who In: been continua to the him through HIM-u h impeov- ing. . _ . . .Mr. Semen paid a. luminary trip to Toronto on Frhlay ml Satan at. . . . . Dr. J. J. Wanna all-Slum is spending some time with Dr. Brown and Dr. Jennie Hall, a tenant graduate of Trinity l’uiverstty, is trt, spend» tug part other summer wit Dr. Wil- non. _ _ _ .Haying is in mu swing in this vicinity, a number of the farmers have Katmai completed therir hating. the "an; alumina. . . .Mh an And an Evuns, toutsâ€, hue you: to than mqtesetive houn- br the war war My». _ .Mr. Walter Runny may!“ Iolnpwvo In bankrulr. _........ - Hral"ltaTa m t-virdted I '.4rG'flt'gtttlNtutt1t, a teg/eg",",','.'.'."?, - at that It t a night. ht'll7,t1'r,lg'dtW.g ut....lr. Alton an." m the Nucleus! 311;“qu Sgt. Ah. I: qua. ilyer....hlny “than. 'rrdtesVttittntmaemuUiiui ro- 'y1tt-htntioet-dahgbtmePtststie 83mm; m. Layman m E‘E‘JWE-ww orb, yr! z“ At the conch-ion of the whim JtarWChMtrrttet nuanced tho who: mum-g Itffyrtt.tr, mntnst the girl. Her own mother not the land and aware that Martha was ttttserum?., that she could do nothing W101 her and thought It would be but tar have her can! to a Deforma- Btumm.--TN, lawn nodal held at G. Tanner's on Friday [at was " decided more". The evening was all that could be denim. The programme by the children was well run cred. The pm- coeds of the evening amounted to about "i,--Atttito a number of the young folks attended the picnic held at Bam- borg hut Saturday. Pmtsosa Ltt.--htr. and Mrs. Mum-l- man of Elmira were visiting at Mr.J.C. Shelley‘s on Saturday 1atrt.--Mr.Kenzie Delion of Palmerston spent Sunday at Mr. J Ttutner'tc--pted Koerlwr and family of Waterloo paid " .\l Diofeu- hackers a tiyinR visit on Sunday last. --Iteg. J Showers and wife of Mtettield were visiting friends here this week.- Mr. M M Donald and family of Berlin spent Monday last, under the parental root-Mr. and Mrs. P.' u. Laekuer drove to Guelph last Friday to spend the day visiting the Model F'arm.-E. G. Winn spent a few days in Hamilton ‘last week, getting an insight into the ;under-taklng businee.---Mr, Emanuel and Emma Lucknow: 8 rent a few days in the Royal city last 'cer.1td;"G1'l.rrif, oceupiod the pulpit in the u. ll. church o-u-tMaps-lui-n-aiu-Loser-mutter, 'Too' a few days in the Twin-City last wrroe--htr. :1!“le Henry Frey were siatttng friends in Berlin last Sunday. l --Mrss, Allenilorf of Mooretield is at yum“: visiting Rt P, S. '3piets'.--The teachers, N. M. "itsrenitaker of Wood- Iloo,(lwrgo Lac-knot of FlormlaleJ-‘ml Laclner of St..~\gatlm and E.L.Dieivn- baker of Walkertun are at home for their summer yacatlon. " was a had mm which tame up in lse dupotrml "fin u mm court ufjnslit'o, Thur-tiny. Martha Bunch of Wm]. wlch was [placed in the dark charged try Mrs. Judah Etry wlth the thint of 2 hnttdhorrhVm, G yard: of print and $2 in manoy. The [Mueller Mum ymng, a mew child In turt Ming only " were olu, bat for all that has nin-mly served nlx maths in jail for the-11., Mr. Bowlbr appeared tor the mm In and there was no (ll-fawn. Home half dozen witness: were examined end the" evidence J"Ctverwhoimintriy Brors.--chas, Schweitzer has re- ceived word from the Secretary of the Toronto School of Art that he sucnoss- fully passed in seven departments in the advanced class. Congratulations . " . .Gco Bowman, merchant, is giving the outside woodwork of his dwelling house another coat of paint....G(-o. Wright, [Solomon Koch and Joseph Hurst purchased Massaey-Harris bin, dem, and Messrs David Koch and J Fromm" got new mowers (mm the some tirm. llonry Koch, teaehvr, Manuhoim, is rmrtieatiug at hismront- ulhome....Miss Bergey is spending her holidays at her parental hummxcw Dundee. . _ _Tietor Mrhttyro spent the holiday in town. .. .lloury llahmor is making largo gimmitios of brick this summer and is rushed to keep up to tho demands for his bricks and tile. stead. Mr. C. Helpel acted as referee. A football match was also played. be- tween the Hammond whims and Cross- hill team. After one hour of hard struggling again the home team were the winners, the score standlng 1.0. The Wellesley band furnished the music for he occasion. I 80.001. Ptcsuc.-fhe Hemp-teed school pie-ale was held but Sammy. The weather was tine. Although rain threatened to spoil the fun, it massed " after a slight shower. The respect- ive weathers had a line programme ar- ranged, Ihlch consisted ot radiations, dialogues, singing, speeches, etc. Mr. James McDomld presided u chairman. Tea-was served at tive o'clock, after which several footncee were run by the pupils. Then a procession was formed and all marched to the football groamu,wherx, a match was played be- tWeen the Welleeley and Hempetead schoolboy: which resulted in an easy victory for the home team. The were " the tirtai Mood 2-0 in favor of Hgmp- _ b .-.ttlVirGuGrariiirGii c; Mind. The-0M!†boughtIformh and not from jobbe- or /JMiirdl: m'm... Conny?“ that“ tab. but dine: from thy-um“; A - “Think! "any; “I '0 “- Ltttr.hrP?rritiseitutiiiiGG null and to the but at ttth, 2'l"'a"",'tdtgt,',P ttf has. (ring... he, shown in the lug- we; 7 . 2'tlfe'gge.t'tttt,itge,eg,tiiij " “for hou- ',2ILtt,tr: of dim“ the. we out tutorials Ind M the "wink PM con- 3hu|u can to to windowu without “In ell-lg: +ttdo6matdiiatm,met thin-pooc- . . . Wm_ em Mr. ttsetter, 'ttit Tim 'dlt,rt,', In our Homo Farm-Inn; D-rea-rt In. bun such-luau. "'7 “09.- .nnd nth stall better unman;- of lag. panh- scnool. Pscsuc.-fhe Hump-teal this your we imply all": our puma nohool picnic was held hm Sutunlnv. an tqtt& I up idiU. ff?tllg] than by Wed-ads] or . "-4V- B. 1eitlregmmtue,rra a - but on trqdm- lewdawmh JTifi 2tttt rm . . to" I "-- r. 'a'dll'iU'sSl'ld',"d mm ,riU.---Mr. aaatgrsu.'YearLid '"a't9r d but reek In New (Hmhh‘v‘) lulu-U1.Cirh Kano! in all! Mtitlht'enft Holocene-1 . ..... Pft1trftr-uauyetAt A - $IITIIOI. HAWKIIVILLI. oouumco. HARD W ABE IEROHANTS Just received another consignment of the best articles of the kind manufactured. Every one guaranteed to give perfect antic faction in baking and cooking. Economical in fuel and at low prices. Come and see them. " 1urxtwiGriiiiu,YTirrtu: l Water and Hot Air Heating. Screen Doors complete with hinges and knob reduced to 75e, J-v-ie-hr-tkr-ester-tyes-tsire 2,01?- - __ ‘aA, _ Gas Stovesand Wiskless (lil Stoves 'tln'%ahml"nldas Blue Flame (lil saves For can. OIL or GASOLINE. ( ") _.. h,ey,,?,trlil?,i2l GLASSES THAT All] Cheap cash Store, Nos. 28-25, S. King St. Berlin, Ont. Stonda- awry-mat" M’s-dumb, m Ph- Im.. _ Farmers know good Twineis the chasm: and poor twine in dear " my prim. It in not what you pay, but what year get that (institutes l Bar- . Farmer: want Hood Binder Twine and are willing to pay a fair price for it. Spring Roller Window Shades Pymouth make and sell Good "In. as low as Good Twill. dit gol . No other Twine hlttl u rod n Pt womb. We stock three brands " I an. coin" mm m Jpn-om SPECIAL BINDER TWINE. M. WEICHEL & SON SMYTH BROS. f?, ii'i"r'i,ri',?i"iiiili", lam . u I A chi] on am it. . ' BEAUTY in Mn and fusiats. woo on: In" . oool kitchen in summer. CANNOT an avian. AFFORD it 2- a. it will awe in can. in. nelson. TO rout or taut. hula, hroil or am, Dog. in work well and quickly WITHOUT bruins, only a link ml oil and a match. " dom, the not... . To examine it is to buy it. tonal. " Bhitiriattrhitie-tt--uot CONRAD BROS. at Smallest Possible Cost. ‘/2 TON. THE BEST IT "" To Mr G'ah/iuiiud The Leading . . . , Hardware Merchant- WHOLE NUMBER 2330 THE Tl8llllli. -rrirn W011; Plumbing, Hot Chap twine. crudely made from low grade ttbeer, contain but: fraction of the quality “pd uniform avenues of the highly eon- .trrteterd Plymouth from weighting substances, Inch as (ielatine Size, French City, ete. Plymouth Binder Twine is celebrated for its great length, evenneannd freedom Berlin, Ont. WATERLOO Lt',