r {j 'taArtm. " h h. ' “Uh“ w Plin- In It“ _ ' thuhbdghr . Ann-n1 Ind-c at Wa-toc-Mt-ts I. It Ya Pt-e-->N.us M The ma! nmmg of the North inert» ruined 'ttslut, I‘. held a the Zinnia-mun Home an Tummy, June tith " the election of omen and the disposing of the mine but-Bum In r_-___, The quanlinu of an excursion to the Guelph college was diseased and tut- “ally decided that it wan rather late fur an excursiml. and that the ham;- take place next year. The folldh'ing otticers were elected:- President-J. L. Uutluwh, Elmira. .Tiee-Pretsideut-J. G. Hurst, Cone». togu. Josiah .c,tatttrer. E. W. W.ilrion. The regular and supplementary mcvtingsror the t'ntiniiv,..r yrur will he held at the tulhming placvrc-- Wellesley _ St “(-th Regular. Wittterbouriw t "vrlin '. M. . . I',',',',"),'.';.'.),," : supplementary. st Uletnenttw f All meetings will be dated by the 8nperintendertt. Mr. P. W, Rodron. The last report was read and adopted. The attendant:- sun-am'd that of previous years and a deep interest was manifested by 1horw present. The tinandial statGuvnt w and a credic to the institute. Financial Statements yours. _ .. -----. . livinlu-rn' feers. - . . . Municipal grant . _ . Ll-gislalh u grant. _ Exln-nm-s of holding rtwetingsct If', Otticem salaries. _ _ . . . . . . . . - . . 25 Portage and stationery... - . _ _ . " Cashon hand fron Printing. . . _ . _ . .. -. Advertising. .. _ . . _ . Leetuvers' vqu-nsrs Ttirevtovs' "hlN'1"uv4 1rrscclr.mtotts. . . _ . . Ih-snIu-II that tlt" ottitwtsofthis In- stitute lw Itetvlry inslrm-ll-sl tot'uurieatt inrctiti,uratitrn to h1- Inmll- into llw ml- rimloilil) of rumlnrlhv: 'mrrrmmrirm tn .I'II‘ I'vosiucial Mtulel Farm at Guclph fur thc mum" mm) rillwr in l-unjum'Iiun “ill: that of tlu. south Waterloo b'ovuwts' IIMiIulu- ur inch-- pvmhotly; "Is" In ctrricpon" “ilh the. IIIIm'hII‘s of [he SMIIII Watctloo limi- 'tutr retarding H, inulunl vrrnngvnwnt “hon-h} "hvttr.siottr' he vonduetvd rm'h your by this luslilulv :1qu tlw Smith lmlilutv "ltvrtttritt'ly :Iml that mom'- ticrt: n! this luslimlr lu- vmpowt'tvrl In I-nlz-rintuum nrrmngvnwnts as they rm- tit. Ite â€not!“ I“. detect!" W "uotscuarg--Mortiot---At M. (‘Ivm- We at - In “an. a outs, June 6th, by Rev. Father “I a a“ u Hmhmnn. R. Birmingham of Water- - onwAL 'A'LO... loo, to MIM Marlin; of f'rottnhitt, , HI'NTUk- "-tt---At New (gammy. Jana-Ir In... in!» QM! m- Fan-r. w: Beauty and Glasses. -- Mark At Arw llmuhlllg, Muy 27th, women Ilw 1sife of 1tasid Huck. of" an". ' strain M I?it', At "vrlin, Mat :WIh. lln- Mfr . their an. li. Wing, nfu dunghh'r. i.' Karma» __ In Waterloo TIL, .lunv tith, " . eye: (hr wire of "my Kruger, of n mm. "a: serve any "d. - , IAIIIAOII. mature m, luau. my on. l'rt.At,riTF'.R _ "Haw" --At SC. Jnmlm, m. 6etrattttt-thetr Jun" 7th, I.) ller. A. It. Schultz, m etantgB. Walhtco UlnNN' of Witterfoo, to llmulimlal, third clmmhtt-r of C. A. "only Mted than positively tum "mu-huh. at at. .Iumlm. Bteretar.r--Allen Shaun, Waterloo. The following directors were electul: Wooltcu. J. L. Unibach-Fduiira. A. W "evitt---Wetst Monti-um. Walter Teiteh--Winterltourue. J. G. "urtst--CorwMogo. C. ti. Weber-Heidelberg. “tummy. J. " camp1wll---r'mwshill, Jun. Greenwood, Y. s.--Welles1ey G. F. Lackuvr--Hawketwille. G. G. Manser-Linwood. Albert "oering--CrotsMii0. MUTEutLoo. Iaevi staufrer--Watrrloo. M enm- .cmidcr --Blooutingdale. L. Koehler-Waterloo. Aaron F'hoenvaker---lierlin. WATEttLoo TOWN. G' LN b. " bore. Allen 8lrautz. A. B. (Emu-hull. IL L. Jana-n. Geo. Klinck. Isaac Miiboru. LC?: y , Nit! ilt " - a, ‘ (Ili,?]) = Women " 9 strain _ . their . oi" eres Tum! linlzum- nu Inn-l JANSEN BROS, huh-ll- ran-us |IOM Janurr Bro... liFNll.l"l INN PASSED Total BERLIN , OWN. F.h'PF'.NOtTURFa'. A l" INTOIIS. )(l'Zt'EI PTS. Emma. 140 1t.t.r:N SILLV‘I'Z. pm inns Fain" at rillwr in tlu. Sunni ul‘ inch-- Mt - . ' . V V. q __ , " ‘ r , rel , 'itgiteitill.'tty3!k'; . a V "r bs te. w, " i lt, _ q Wie-at. you»; u. rt: I. u. I. u I. “I -. i . - ' , Wall, 1". as â€In. _ I.†‘~“‘~‘u' Bmtrrem1atgv--At Now canâ€. ’- uli-lulla- ' tattiru.NarttrtB-ti'te, aged 0 . - . _ ym . Alderman". P. Weber, with . L or the Market Grocery, mini-he- n Traamatrt---At Beelits,at than. k nns: otrlki example Mtrttgtt an In of my. Jun Tth, Ptsdm" M t'l'g1','gll'dM or hard work and fami- humour-n, and 71,†' fill “mention to Wines. " in not be- "ogtruactr--At Wataebro Jm a", yond the men-Ila ut many oi Berlin’s cum Enabling, rife at Gia' , Kortli “than. to recall the time when Mr. P. PMâ€. in a, 'Bthr-. II held Weber carried the bod for seventy- 'ueaday, tire rent: a day, or later the young MFLLFM WI Jttmt tll cert iuid married man. struggl‘m . " In exin- hahrart, '0“ ot Henry M! . dung in once as the driver of a fielivery wagon l yet" and it months. at 'uurteen (lunar: per month. But he BArctums---At in Agni... June 8:11, t to the not a young mu of indomitable en- the ilnughter ul Wm. Baeehter, aged and tin- cg, plucky. and ,t"t.r:S:.'li1/,h that? 3 year: and 1 month. ier late 1 he decided to aune on n - . . . re name non; " himself, and accordingly made "ttit-pl', ',,'.htil,ted,1't J'I’tl. “Hui arrangement: for the lease or his 11'"d . m. a n, Met "a" " l, tected:- [rm-lit property for a ternipf years, - "a.' K. Elmira. bought tire hundred dollars' worth t4rgs.wrg--At Berrnt,June 7th, llebecea‘ , L'oues- of gmeerieu, and opened the doors of 1toly,sife of the late Samuel thuu, his new utore to the pulllll'.h HU with aged 73 years and 9 months. _ Interim. lietitors at the time said t e step "ul . . . ' . elected: mieidnl and that it “ould be only n W' gz'g't,-,.d,"ki21t?tttt'p:/lg.'e2, matter of " few weeks when the nherltl' 12'i"s iGiiiii'i , Kl " . 0 would step in and clone the doom. But . re. they WW" “n mistaken. In FPA' last STEWART-1A! Galt, June 5th, Jennie me. he eelebroted his elm enth 's,tlP1vrr'fl'2 A. Stewart. . _ ofcomuttuwing llllsllliw. l mm at very modest beginning with “no stock of Krrscrrrt---At Welletslvy, May 31st, groceries, the hardness has "inee grown Annie Emmaline. daughter of Jaeoh to rust diutemsioms, laid .xear'sturnover M.'l.iegler,a ged 8 years and c, months. of stock amounting to over $35,000. . F , lleir1ey. Thin fart alone speaks volumes for Mr. Bsssox--tn " elletuey i'.ts., May Mth, L'. Weber’s popularity and sound judg- John J. Banpon, trged 47 year". men! as a business mam. During the a-- _ __"" TF a; , , -cii7_z_zrr--t=---t-i, === summer season he also deals very exten- sively in fruits, last year reeeivingtw MARKET "ENNIS. many as the tons of grown and peach- --- u. es in one shipment. s'inee getting into - lull“: BRING-Chm" run-- more comfortable business eii-eum- YlnoII-Ihd our . Inn-- at - mini-es Mr. Weber has taken eonitid- ". c..‘._1-.. "I.†ernble interest in municipal atrairs, and was last .ttual' "levtvd a town J""."!- ad,'?,': il ',1,u,',tr,', 'talll,"".',,,,,',',""'?,] i-illor at the head of the poll in his New Monday'l this! ttque mud. He is now serving on the ('oim- Chicago. Juno ".-Who" In: erratic eil Board " his second term, being My. ttmttatstirttr within it range of eleeted this year " itliont opposition, - th, Pttr tmahet for July. Jul, and is regarded in; one of its nior‘guiw- cloned Yo and September 'to tstNtves ttte fut and intelligent ineiiilwrs. mm?- eiodntt um - its Iri D $149 49 ' W. 2m Ttvus ti.3 Iii 10GO 25 oo 4 83 Io 25 l oo good " 80 Ell! 70 oo 00 49 t9 74 The healthiest mam tlu- min-r ever saw is alive and well to-day at 94, and he took a bath only "twassiontmy--- one» in the Elli-wry at Liverpool in 1838, and again in tlw North River, in 1878, luilli of which wereaecidvntal, the gentleman being slightly inwxi- mum! when he fell in. Alnioetullpeople who live to an extreme old age are found to lit-those who am- not over- fond of atrhttiotts. but who otlwrwitw am- careful in tln-ir niannvr of living. Thomas J. llillis, M. D. (From the Medical Iteeord.) Cleanrutess is an Pxeeilent habit. It in not ltowvrei' an ulm-lutt- vsnmtial, nor an essential at all to good health anal mental activity. Thu t'urumtiuu of a piano Imunltiw~ tururs umwiutlon, after the pattern at tho New York Piano Malmtiwturvrs Association, whigh meets in New York, Washington, Baltimore and othereitivrw, u ill in all pro1ralrility he fornwd at the Ito,csitt House, Toronto. " is lllllll'l'- mood the association will tak" inn-mn- Hide-ration the advisability of either uithcquuing their putmnnm- from the Trrponto Fair ot' also have mtparate apartments for their exhibit. Mr F, P Hawkins. "f tht-llcll Urns!“ & Piano Co., will attend the meeting. 313783. G F:NTr.-- At Berlin, the wife ofEAlvutz, of n "aur,r,htef. K.xttwF.r.---At llvrlin..lum- 0tlt,the wife of Noah linipl'c-l. of " sun. 'cumthurrwrt--At Ill-rlin, June 5th, the IN © of t'has ttehingvt'k, n!" a daugh- 'tl'r. . F'TF:r'rtFH', It Elmira. Jum- “In tlw 1tift. “fin-â€rm. Slvnlvr. of " 'laugh- ll'l'. . Hmsm. At Itadeu, May 30t1n.tln- wife of Henry fhisel, of a sun. I..\ sur"---." Berlin, May lllll, the wife of Antonius Lang-n, ora so". WHILHI: At Nvw (h-rnlumJIu) P2th. thr wire of Anton ulvih'r, of " sun. li NH\\'I.I~ISr At Halt, Jum- (illulln- wife " Iles. F.. Kin-mks. of n 'laughter. " unmet. At Berlin, Jum- "th. (In- trift, nl' Hnslzn' "alum-l. ora mu. G \nLIu‘K At lh-rlin. Jum- "ttr ofGvorg" Garlick, ol' Klan-7 At "I'llill. Juno Ttlt, of u. rsru,ur, ofa 'laughter lunch _.tt Galt, .lum- Isl. th" wife of Alvx. llainl, of a mu. 1'qHuwtt---At Hull. June Isl. tln- with of Hurry Hum-h, ofa alnuglm-r. 1'tN F.vF.ttv, At Hull. .lunl- hi. the "io. ort'lucHatt thou-Lat†n daugh- trl'. llmumlcs At lh-rlinJlu- "iti. of Pvter _ "auuoesofa SIM. “or?†At A'ett lh-rnmn). Muy Nth, tlw wife of (1qu. (mm, of u sun. PianoMitoomanire. He Washed Occasionally. At Ih.vliu.thr It il‘r of Pvter s.of a mu. t ..Vett HI'I’IIHIII). Muy "all, of ('Ilus. lloctr., ul'u sun. Elli, it so" tl" It We the In Nsot-In Walk-airy TIL, May 24th, II um- I I so I load In author- lulu» John J. Banport, aged " wars. WI' wï¬cmiI'ï¬uflT'M'h": who» Ink-u BmtIo-chlcngo rut-n- l’lncl-nhd 0'0: a lung. ol - I". Conn-1h. rue... Tgr,"; June ".-.whmt {mum deolln yesterday. cloning sham 1d below MondNU tiaal tfgurm'. A Chicago. Juno ".-.Wheat wu crank: My. tiutttaastlrte within a range of nearly in per bushel tor July. July closed 9‘0 and September Kc Above the pnwlmu cloning Ihrurx= .. hull-c “out lurks“. Following were the closlng prlou " Important centred yesterday: Cash. June. July. Sept. Chlcaxo......! .. t .. New York... .. . . 91% 8 hlllwuukeo . . " K . . . _ . St. Louis . .. " " 77% T Toledo.,.... '1'?" .. 73'; 7! Detroit: ..... 78% .. 79% I! Duluth, No. 1 Northern. . . 763$ . . 'mu T Minneapolis. 71% . . 'tuf" T Toronto. rod. 72 K . . . . . Toronto, No. 1 hard (now) " K . . . . . - " lawnm- “It“. mum. Wheat. white. bu...... .IO 76 to O . Buckwhut. ba......... M. .. HAY AND "RAW. Har, timothy. per mum 00†ttt 00 Hay, clover, pcf ton.... , 00 9 00 Straw, Ihqul', per ton... 6 00 I 00 tiuuw,hmepcrtort...6tt9 500 DAIRY leDUC'rs. Butter, lb. rour......,80tg to to " Butter, largo 'otu..,i.. " " 1tgettewuu.........P-')4 u Toronto Liv. nook. Toronto, Juno ".--msmstpis of Mn mock at the cam. market yesterday were again itsrqpr-80 unloads. compound of 1,800 male, MO sheep and lambs. ',200 bogs and " calves. The quality of M male, of which tho bulk mim- ','Trfi In. very good. Trade wu Inlrly - all round. Several dealer: from outside palms were purchasing batehtsm' can-lo. and space was mom plentiful on “In bunk for “enters. The-Ia two but: oom- M-w» - .... " an vn-rl’lf. for (a: cattle more scum than it has been for the post Iwo Week-V Prices canon", remained Tottst realms for last week: Camus 8.157. sheep h088. hogs 4,160 and calm! tN. Expo“ mule. uholcu.. ...I no to " m Expo" mule. "(ha _ . .. 4 60 6 70 Buwhun' mttlapkd lab 1 66 4 " Butcher-J, 'tmM-..,-..-... 445 4-69 Butchers', medium.. ' .. 4 no 4 " Butrhers', comm-m. . . . . 8 " ' 19 Butottvrtr', Inferior. . . ... 3 60 I " Mitch um". um. ' . .. it†00 " 00 Bulls.va oxpmgoodqlty l 8739’ 4 an Bnlls. medium export. tt " I as his mlbut. nmlex.. Inn! 4 as 4 tto Sunken nnd med. to trd ll " a " leemhcnvy.‘.......040 460 Calvtm,mott.,.........ft00 1000 Sheep,pl.~rc\vl........860 an Spring lambs. ouch. _ . .. g M 4 " Mmps,in0tog00itm.... 513K .. 'iotr,lhithtf+-..662)4 .. [Av-nod mm Lita-pool. Juno ".-Pi" clad .0 [allow- My: Spot WM dull: Walls. GI: Muwlnhx. II; No. 1 the. tlurn. ', A In!- ' In: whom :43. a In “an Joly d h “d high-Ir. up. - .“ II '4“! blow-Ill! aqteq, a!!! â€it " 3‘10}!!! gain. tary rm Came. chow to extatt )5 in my!» good to chow-U _ l on Cajon.......,,...,,.., ' Mt Showâ€, choice to “my. 0 Th Show. (all to rholvo .. I no [mulls choir-u mellm.. I " Inn-In. ml to chalet . 5 Mt Lambs. summon to lair. 4 " llomsmnlimn and bury a no Hosts, Yorkers....,.... a no my: .....- TTT .....r_ I W Chm. lurk-1|. camphertlfoeA Ont. Juno ".-thw “Minna our rum-dud and - has.» white m'bmrdcd; m were sold " I â€no 02! 8'40. hint-co gluon. . V inmllflum "--olorh- - an , no his: Jun-make: no“; "o ',',ti,ra','l. May chu- tll on I." Icicle Cum. lurk“. a}: ar: 513K 6 62K ' " " 67 " E; m " K " " to .600 585 6†600 O ttya 81% ' or Than will be cold by Public Auction on the July pranks-t near hooped, on the road hull-m the from Berlin to Prawn. I mum out. of Bern". Numb-21p" on _ trtsMaw, Juno ' aoth, I“. no the huh-t bidder. the following vnlublo tB " {roam}. viz: Haney oown. 8 {one} hollow. one] halter 'i'.'littilt'r,t,eg bul we." old ' is)». I my ball when~ a thuromrh and reall- " taired In A. J. C. U. C 2 grade Janey helm". y. (huh) . undo Ayn-hire cow. , awn. My 81% some. lrlliG%ii :bluck horse. ' yar- old: . . brown me. (good road-wet) t not: old: homo. " '6 2geti,'glt,; tgt,', 1'tP, " giyt,t1 with f, In men t w Rom " . 79‘}. IraaE JTA large autumn able. N?! 80 " "tlit chum. " a * commence at , o‘clock p. m. sharp. t TER 0 qtpartor cuh: tratarieetrmonrtti " A :redlton tgl'g',',t,'l Jolnl. new or 6 per cent oil 78%, oer nunum ore-uh. No property will he rc- .noved untll mum of lulu an complied wllh. . . 0n the auto day and mum run-No farm ' unwinding of my won-n Fein nlm be olered tor . . ale. Term: made known on a†of “In. (no. LATH'II. t. e, n. Proprietor. 69 67% " 575 C35 -lIlrt1lBi-ar-it lath a!“ than!“ ',,'g,tdtdt','t, Grin-I pal and-therb- anyway-sh. it,llf!iRJ.lri!t?itiafi?l do- n! all had up u h“ a W511 ill“ alifCiFttrau" -'i" 'iouiitr ' W 'in- dl‘. no “It†I: â€and. than}. is in: he - M :3 In not: 1Ptgt't and has: "tsmrl . YPdl.1t2g mgr. .3": 2..“ rhhtW'11'rAt'/th'it t'Ntifu'gt t,'b2tttlt W Jtji,','Pgit,2"; Pic-nun knell u .. ' Thr'_tPeNtqittueae$-." iririftiio" nvGiitarad Via Outward. Carlo, Harm, lmp'amonu, etc. triGuisiuiiyiaiata.- To DIAIr [mason-ram)": three {can Mo I ‘nrly. cured at her [human and No no: in the Haul by Dr. NicttoUotth Arum-Jul bar Drums, "bve H.011HOM-I lunlilulo,m that poor per- mm. "7|:le to â€archive tho Ear [mun-.mnulcl unto the!“ from This l-‘uml wan added to by other Ilohlclcoplc unul uvnr 155.qu worth or “he Dunn-u were given Away lo tho worth) your. an annlhrr Indyhnu when! at the die. ,uw|lnrl.hc ltnlllum. sum worth or tho Fa: urn-m to be, mum free to the poor. The or. “chm-Ion Aural Institute. the meal III-comm of": kind In tho warâ€. In not conducted tot "mm. but to do Ibo [realest good to the are“. ml, number. Every penny cum-d or dun-um! w 'spent In hem-min: the dust. The admin-- I. the Act'. L. Nuygnsox 1s'trrtTcrer,uc- ASL: PRICES. [can c msr you n Nu IN In III) urn Nrm Inhaled hurtling! and 1 mm - In when mt! who: cram - Via-ch "no - ALL hr â€.100. wan or all on A B. A. OARMAN. IMPROVED and RM Mlil) FOR SALEIN Huron County, Mich. Wnlorlo‘. Anna 180. w..." .. w.--†- --.r-..rv. ...._ ___ __. w-'-- mm. uh to Mum kelp con-unlly on hm x 1','ttlhr2 at] l rah brawl. hurl. “has ch. r!- 3 " [are]: you. a! "pal-Iona. In the anal-nea- you can xsimttdrnst, r--Iy upon Boburrtt , tirat rr.irwtidf., Aettaris " your Wren-lo Geo. A Roach hu',l'Jltlt'f that ho M. 'pete' ttt"ttrt.isPtter?euee, 19.tt.r From Poorlight T1w Jonrney hum poor “gm to gum! light In wry short " thum- Bho con- mm our "part optirStn. Me ttudets 'tttmln the IIN'III of the my» parrot-cl) tytOrqtruttrAtttoes com-n mm min- iiiF.iaLGkiii/ii', I nowhwo an no "em Inc od um tanr' p5_ll£p:u_\g~_d_!_2ms In so" " REASON To mor Pr.tme.--rormt ttre. (cargnag - NEW BAKERY. FOR SALE Auctias Sale. .' --oe-. Heller ---TO - Good light r. J. Hungry, if; WWW? in (no. A. ngscn, Ila-l Axe. Mich Bill. on gablothi'ng tlhm's Furnishings KING BT., Agrest breakdown in prices. J Int to show that we csn and do sell cheaper than any other store in Berlin. If you cannot come yourself, send your thildrmt, they can buy as cheap es you can, as all our goods are marked in thin 'f1gt1rets and the mark down price is in red in . You can never lose by dealing with us. We guarantee everything we sell and if anything is not satisfac- tory, bring it back and get your money. Cash and One price to All. . here are a few of Inn, many bargains for Saturday '. $14 00 suits tt oo; " oo suits for 9 oo; looosuils for. 8 on; 7 oo suits for 5 so; 6 oo suits for 4 so Thom iv“ he mid In" Public AiteHoh In [In T Mn or Wanna-u on King "root. 110th ward. was: the rad-uni, on Rvliairle dunk-rs in slum-s. 1'lothing, Hats, WI" “Hi:- -.NCY.t In l‘ust! Puuie tttttire " herobs liven that tt meeting of the Board at â€(cum Commlauloarn tor lire Ills-trim of North Wamr’lnn Will ht helll on FM an!" the oeourtmprth an a? ot Jinn! III! a the “rand ('emnl hoIrU'n In M. " "'Mock n m. to teooMder an “tuna-Mun Imulu by Lou». l. Humid ot "I. Tos" " u ale: too, Com"! m " menu. tor a mush: M the “rum [New trom Anna-t finch" or a Mala). BEN). DEvrrr, at [Jenn-o Impede Farm for Bale. Special line at 25c, Special line at The finest a 35c. frgel line at 50c. and a very Men's and Boys specia line of Cashmere, reg I 75 ranging in mi for l 25. and up to - Don't miss this sale fm it wilt be a men-d breaker. .uuu an new. Cooking move. ml Nova (new). Aida bum] 1',gh,t,1,titt'll table. I mum-1 mum chain. mod In!!!V ' ml rocking c “In. 1 parlor usbier. kiwi-run "thin. ulnk. o and". nrm chair. C'etl't nun-Mm: and wring". acme". cup. umu-d. In" “and. I btrdroom non-s 1 oat-tre, ‘pringn Mid "murmur I. hum". wht it, and a " at other urlluluI too nun-emu: to mention. The “Meme! - cm In an Ma mini-h fur-I 'gt'tlNt,S',' man. “and "' Win-{:0 feels' W Tug Inna north 't Noe all.» I ' mil-I an: of Pun-n- ‘nu-I. 0n " "0W “can... all "m Str,'grlftr; be h-Mrhymnnlnu on! in! if,isfyttptdhL.tlr,e.r Ct $2 50 pants for 2 oo; 2 25 pants for I 75; I " pants for I 50; 1 25 pants for I oo, ' _ ' Auction Sale Sauna-y. Jun. 24th, lass, " one o'ctock p. m. 'harp, the lullowlnu valu- able, 'yrtlesto.; . . . ___. _, ., . ' Liquor License Act. MEN'S COOL UNDERWEAR Clothing for Men. To Whom " May Concern. ---OF-- Household Furniture. MEN'S ODD PAN Ts T rut M3 CASH. ll" havobun adored to' lanthbhildln so than“ the t must be sold at once. The prices we have placed on a the Goods will clear them in short order. Are you going to be in it , tiR0ni' & HYMMEN WBANKRUPT STOCK . WESELOH & CO. WILLIAMSON BROS. u [HAS El"). I'mprlm- r. 'lothing, Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishings. So Ncy.t lo l‘ust (mire. Stare clones 6.30 p. “L, rut-pt ! “on HBetq, no». I (run 14-00% ll mud: n. b In“: I m â€amu- - In FARM tor SALE 'Wm-tret' oturtttithe8rd Can 0 "tnit. 'ttmmttmra In -ttf much:- lull 3301'th Ind-null “In scoot! an: " ruluvnllnv. bah-n- "13:1wa m harem-a but. mm- hn ulna munâ€, to m n In." " 1aUngtqa, with whoa. mum. “an. can irtBete, M. In! “on night. than trom um - now .54 hit nut mum r. 7 b plin- nunlnhh “In. MI 1Hat., M. Tan and VIII-.9 Pup '2htttut't and atttht1 on mum Jl:fg.'ttt'stt Tah' 1tt."apluf "7. " G%Fiib' - 'IIN', irqtl to MIIB; 'iiiiiiiiii5 iiirtii7EE.iii,ciiiySiit'.' 'IW Donny-lul- do“ LIV! magnum. any: Dunn'- l-eku-o “at. an!!! House and Lot For Sale. Men's fine pearl fedora. regular 2 50 Saturday - _ Men's rtne.outing hats. 3 different suits, regular 75c, Saturday - - - - THE under-knoll 'mn for .10 that M “hump." h2%tt:'.'tt,Aut= and “one". also Yum In“ In no: lama-l wo I mid-sh! m. ltom-Oudmm " which I. Inn-Id n IOJ‘ImOIIIDil an all not“ do", homo. mmtdMeq out; nun. Incl-aha . In“ kit. on "t,otd Ana-nu - In collar. on» my in... which mourn-add by . wall no: man my». " . my" eadu,teM2,t J?" W5 I'm" -e Men's Me crush hats in pearl, brown and Cuba with polka dot baud, regular 2 oo Saturday . - - - Men's cool crush hats and caps, special line at 2 5c, the best quality . - - The finest assortment in Men's and Boys' straw hats ranging in price item we and up to - - . REAL ESTATE - IN Till: - Township of Maryborouch. mt House to Let Loan Exchange. - ttto- Come early if possible and bring your friends along BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY. - ml mnqggl. '90 125 5cc 50C Sole Agents fur Mater " $4 and K, Shut-s. Tttvol; I'm on Hakim Only. lac bottle of '21tt' Tw Shoo Polish with every pair of um on at Cl and over. Men's Cttocoute Bull and rant". 'EB. H) the. +rrL8 lo "New .to! {I ' . __ ___.,, ' iiiriiiiurao mi - ' _ - Him“ and Childron‘s shun " very untold 'iiiiia Bor's shoe-mt trom I 'tkt25sl on and Ladies' Show. 4 dill’mt kind- ol Mios' vesting up. (howl-u. In]. 5nd Mutton boots, leg. " 50ml 3: " III] #2 " lute, Sunni-y t ' . . " 0) [Mini tia. Chanel-u Ox‘ord Ti. mil 2 haiku. but my. " w and.) " limos. Sat- urdly - . . 3200 4 “pd: of Dummy-11w 00 and 12w -GG, - lint of Ouoed Ti.. Ga a human ovu- in Much " . . " Zinn- tor fi,iihifgiiti,iiiriiiit'g,iiiiiiiii ' H; Uni.“ ot0eottittm. I m". twin (m3! 17diJ,', 'ttt CN‘LIM no}!!! I!) -23-!!!32 “A ttrwtetn" km for tale In the Canal at “an ,'ut, a! Ststttteo, hob-I L t N». T. (Eon. O. m a mill-ooh"! 01mg @mri‘in! VIII." ..m-"w... - .-.... H _ ...- _ __-"- - _--- elf-“HI". Inn“ M In town. well ud-M [or “I " lwu or [run at any kind M It II at a our loan. well drat " "troqtetrtr" wlwh In Inch uh. [and to. H. A lam - hon-o whh “who" link In": " " I but VIII Gr." aGrd n wind mm yawn-mu which will]. an the water "my!†D mar 'gin', 0mm an". ("on rhuppr, Lulu-I II .5; mono. Ion "orhtrt, one; also amt. mo km. an». yids In. rank hon Inn-In, and tttttq- ham- .. up. A " mam-l: a valor a. the nu- m d A and wind In II which nuplle- mm" [of mun Mort - but " (nun. 1M- km in Dual] all Net, and [no ("in 'llStt um hl'l"h1 2'i,','h; act.- tn "dl Val an .c.MU.InI - , In. bmqt on him nun: I new 'Jul'. on. mm bun-3 new nit-0.0- unau- N um um" wusm-m g. [.nu In unnumbered. Ind new“. ""htTyl'l, WWI. to '22T a M r . t I norm:- [an " In_ " 9mg " Lexe, m “a nun-I’M! n ht Ink no - dM «and lumen on nun-h: mesa. Wynnâ€... Patrrt "a H. Ig', httUu 11'ad"at “on , I luv-I . on! Lt win 'a"lSlrllu', mus-3L- " blil p. - F'.'..""""" “a. "rTtiixViiiTaTrt. Vim. Imu- In. to. " -u, "urartiirii n In In amid.- unno- umm. M on T. Por (In " punk-urn wrly III'H'Iumu an. Bertm, or In no on or 010?. " DAVID STAIN. “Alma I‘Mhun. "It. (I... FcT,,'ViTir;CGri"G tiriFiliiiiri, - 35.333 - lbw»: mm nun» t.'th'P'd I Hiirtscrtr" "IOIIVII!I. Tu . cor-u rag “warm-dud by. tf.", an: Dot I t . 0% I. ‘h " " m , 1ttlt, "tRh .%_\_~J?_IL House and Lots for Sale. 'iiGriiiirrGffiiauam'a shoes. mm Farm for Sale 'ti; m) Hotel for Sale mull Faun-I; BERLIN. ONT o-rs-Zia-ir/FR' riii,'i,-tTf,iSil?v5 'uy in? 'Nto1