F’upquh-b-iuhuauuun _ HUI-mun. it... It '.; , it Amman-tn T mu Jam PM a! Win, e1oetrie runway pmuwtorgot lost again.' In a letter to the President at Berlin Jamal of Trade on May 27th, he stun-d that his lawyers would be in Berlin in a drtar two. "'trrhapts they were unable to get over the big grade at “11mm. ru'"a'ia'--""--------""'e'-r" mu“ _ " _’L<___ """"eCaT7TIT - ' m“ mt-ee, ' WW I! - ___ _ - . . bamgmaa'umn. u . 'tttdt - wmum~'m Rtuttittmt t nan-I "Grin"; be all-riot“ . H'flHh-flmu mu‘immmflwummknmmmummnmuu vb Mina-Wu ltdklugmnmh nuaandQ-m an In macaw: t ' dbndnawheuitouablimncm Micah-13. . .' . _ '"""ltat' - tttttMon " ministerial mums. It not! wall‘lwA-rm T - ‘mm. d at my whoa it abolished the 2rgfetagtyd2,','r'""" ii,.tliiiiiii.iiiiii tho his! d when; Bystets 'ltlX',l'or Xurth “Quorum .mrkul- 11235093...- I... eee, A“. Manon unit was known that tlw Gait Rcportcr had secured the nullity .itvertisittg we expected the "rowing In tNrtttttWtt1'Y and nuns unmgh how it ls. Our eotttetuporary tutytst--"Tlw 11-- llahlo, popular and largely eintulated Journal is again the, ottieial paper of the county of Waterloo. Score another tor the Reporter." We feel liko asking the Reporter the same question that the latter puts to the Gospel Banner vu, “Is the llopurtm- using Chinese tor ttfeuiporter." We feel like asking Tii.; urinal grants to the ('ounty 1n- the Reporter the same question that 1fg',.te,', ge,.',tr, J"'itt',t; t'f"lai'o'.' . , l . t . male. announ mg n tt over ." 3:: “it? ttitll/e/eg,',',? 31:33:; The mum §enwrmmm " an t " extra grant of 6500 to defray the ex- labor? o Pena"' of [imposed improvetmsttttstottre . . . . ' building, was not granted, an the Woodstock Iuprests.-jis,rht yours smut? feet not permitot a grant of ago ycstenlay Sir John A. Macdonald tttis kind being made without making . _' l I ' r bev I It . n proportionate grand to mmllarlnsti- I'.'"'"'! to t " great yom . Its tutiona in the county in whieh case the singular that tho only sucrown‘ he (hilt Collegiate Institute would been- should leave to many of his great titled te. some Ks50. .Th.o County qualities of leadership should be found, will? iii“ a?! td inclined to incur not in the ranks of the party for which a on , e " tga Ion. he fought so hard, but in the ranks of Rm otCemtmttteer, those against whom he fought. Sir ROADRAXDBRllllEs. Wilfrid Laurier has more f the old The ormmitte on roads and bridges h-aulor's marvellous magnetism. more "spotted an follows: "this genius for controlling men and Your committee would rocomlnend mom of his eapaeity for handling that the followingaeeotmtsbe paid: . . . . I. . ' it d u Alex. "tutott, labor on Green-. qul snows of "ttttotta magm ll e tan field bridge t1-2 amount) . . _ _ . $11.00 anyone who has yet come-to the sur- D. W1 omens, 1050 feet plank Tltc Minister of Justice [)l'nllmt'tl to make some amendments totheeriminal rude. They relate ehietiy to the rela- tions between employers and female empluyees, to the sale of obscene pic- tures and literature and to burglary and are intended to make thelaw much more stringent. The longest step is the proposal to use the lash tor bur- glary. We believe this method of pun- ishment would he of doubtful emcacy. The lash has come to be looked upon as a last resort and ouly to he used in cases where the crime indicates on the part of the criminal a natures" low and brutal that no vft'eetivc, appeal cuuld be made to it except through the phy- trival. The whole tcndcncy of modern civilization is to get away from corpor- al punishment for wrung doing. Whip- ping as a mchs or correction cwn in the mm- of school children has been abolished in many placcs. and the age when petty "Ill-"cos were punishable Ir.r, iuti'wting physical pain cum up to the death lw"ualty, is looked npun as a lmrlmrnus unc. Thorw who study the owstion closely agrvethat tlw rcfnrnm- tion of a criminal should by tlw ohjcrl- in- Him orall punishment, and while. tlo/pin.: mu} acvtmtplislt this cud. lln- amu-all is mmlcv ttot lo the higltsw nature of thy man. but to tln- lower ot' animal nutnrc. 'thi ling fur thieving M‘I'IIIN to ln- out of lmrnnm) with the Inn-st udmnccd mttionesof the present day. Halt Rvmrmciv--h tramp "nterv0 tlw Rvrornwr sanctum on Tut-May. He wanted vxchanges---twsvspapvrtc--- and when they were fotthcoruinq, he n-tumwl tho "omplintettt by shading “yo editor" an exvvedintrly inteoerting "ovtmwnt,a notiru- oi' (hr National (Hm- wntiun of Trauma in he held in a wevk or so at "amino, III. This t'irvuiar,0r "rail." is a tiny poster, nr "Miekpr." for handy pasting cm lamp-posts mul wuwnimnt Inmlumrku of the highway. Within the last fear week: 10,011! of tttee poster: have hum wink-d and distributed at th" run-nan of t'ttaHes Now, it wvalthy young man of Syca- murv. Ill.,whu'ntylu-s Ilium-Ira "much-1y tramp." l'mlm‘thn nnnwuf'dlox Car tonrints' Union, No. 67m" morn than 400 hohom of Cttirago have organized to attmd th" mun-mint: in the west. They claim to In- Miiiated with one- lmmlml similar organizations. An nut- line for its programme for the conven- tion but been: drawn up. It includes- Ilia-umium of the orottomk and nut-In] 'tb-aio". out of which thr [who evolved himself or Inn Mn (waived. I'tOnte [radium in db-tstr or "re- duct-cl" by drink wlll I» among tho eh.“ 'taottt when at the mowing. The "tet1rmatt" who ttmtotrd The rbrttt- " with a nil b ott his way to the pure of Inn-ting, uni lnlmlmlu "fathers, he lays. are making " the name oteetire point. Faee. iiiuiTa. Jaw-twat not Kttrettttdutettmm ttttttM, has THE DASH FOR BURGLARS HoboDdcgale In Gait. iiiir Its-wanna: nun-:nat L tr. " (lii!iil, Inâ€! a“. m A t ï¬mmbm5l- ramped.†' _ g "REM Slum: WW Agricul- tan] Smitty aahityrfsr, I tet, _ _ "Gai' ilr"ii?e' -iiiiiiiTGV "AEMMy with union from the Gummy My: " amnion-gm- qlxhiklmn. -. ‘_ -. A The County (‘nmnrlllun ttttutted up the hush-mo! their June Wm on Thursday awning shortly Inmate six o'Hork. They had been in (radon just [our dat a, and they nll departed " their homes throughout the riding in good spirits. well tsatirtied with the re- sults of their deliberations and nut un- happy in tho tlumght that their excur- sion to the County Town would net them tour dollars a day while here, all mileugl- paid. "FERN séncary of the smh Wan-rho FtftuerV 1113mm taking " a gram. . Your committee would reeommeud that the following accounts be paid: Alex. Barton, labor on Green-. field hrid (1-2 amount) . . _ _ . $11.00 D. W. 1T,k'ilit 1050 feet plank forGreentield brlrlge " amount). . 7.88 Village of Hespeler, for watch- ing bridge and tanning iron rails 2.00 Your committee inspected Walten- stein bridge in company with a com- ntittee of the County of Wellington; and we recommend that the report of H. J. Bowman, Civil Engineer, appoint- ed by both committees hemptedmnd that your committee on roads I bridges have power to let Jl'lSel1tr) a steel bridge with stone or concrete! ahutments. l Your committee would recommend: l (I) That no action ho taken on the' petition of John MeGoey and 27 0 others to improve Wallenstein Hill as the Uountyof Wellington took no action thereon. (3) That Helium‘s bridge be repaired by having new cap pieces substituted tor Prtrsnt dqcayeil 0130s. _ _ (4) That the committee be author- ized if they find it necessary to adver- tise for tenders and awanl contract for eotttaR'te or game abutments for Rau's bridge at New Hamburg. )2) That Rartmtm'ibritlge atDiew Hamlmrg be repainted and newsmry repairs be made Ao planking on abut- Int-ms. (6) That Robert Lintiek be paid tiftevn dollars il-2 amount) of umtnu'l to n-ymir Taylor'" bridge as mm as said work is completed. All of which is n'trpcetfu0y sulmliltml. FcM.Waltor, Chairman. A. J. Runs. drugs for jail . _ . . " Karl Hartung, ttwat " " . .. . . J. w. Davey, lm'zul " " . .... I'. "nuke. groemies " " . . . . . -g.R'it"trmrtmdrrgoods" "W. ' . .1 b'. Seilmrt, tiling saws _ _ . . . _ . . . l. R. Shana, repairs to heating plant--.--.-: A. Drum-s. luck and window fas- teningu "_""'"'"'"""","'"" tii That the eommiitee bts author- ized to_Ieottttpicras ot PtRehT bridge: Tlu. 'Gunty I'mlu-rty Committee rev ported as roltotvs: P. Him. thermometvr and re- pairing elotwt...__...... .80 J. H. Shopmnl, 3 cords rough _ “oral. 0.00 .luuinh shunts. wand . _ . _ . - . _ . _ 33.00 Geo. Hotiirh, '2tttontttaatsftretttmt. 40.00 The “whim-r Co., blind» _ . . . _ . 4.50 Gen. Howell, whiteavashinq _ . . . 15.28 M. Herttht, snow 'rltovellirtg . . . . 0.00 I'. Jomet, cleaning (-llimnoys. . . . 1.00 J. Sunk-r, 1 coal wood . . _ _ . . . . . 3.50 J. W. Haber. quivoum-r. . _ . . . . . 10.00 A. 0. Hummer & Co., blind. . .. t.75 Harm-man “ME. awning . . . . t . 2.10 It. llnwman. "orm Wind-mu on. 12.00 F. Semen, repairs . _ . . _ . _ . _ _ . _ 3.30 P.G'wn, l'lull‘t.-......._...... 8.30 P. Hymmen, supplies. _ . . .'. . . _ . 6.56 A. Drum-n, rep.door-.. w-.... .75 (‘itizona Gal Emmi Co. . . _ . . . . 10.00 Tim I: flu-m for holler in County. Hiding he engaged In a " man- ttom the 15th (who? to the In Aprl nu} "ttritttt, A -. A - A (.1) ThatUr, bullet in (hunky lum- Inm- lam! 'l"M','ttrk ' (a) t a a. bought not max- and "6.00. - All actual-WM I (I) That tie following acrottttttglre [midi A. _ _ - .. awry tmsd, I'itizprts (in. Control Co. . . _ . _ . . 10.00 (2) That the hamlet of A. A. Pipe for loo mm a! tgtmftinmm anal. Rayn- olalm'illr mim-s select lamp " 13.8." per ton otetivermd tse Tat! and that the tlrkotg of weight be (Mu-rad with _ (2') That a :15 foot rxtmstrm ladder Wigwam," "In totqty_tmiietttx {am ('OI'XTY I'lltll'Ell'I’Y .t... .80 rough _ -._-. 0.00 -.-__ &'t.90 mm“. 40.00 t_--. 4.50 1.... 13.28 1.... 0.00 1L... 1.00 ._... 3.50 t_... 10.00 sl.... t.75 '"lett' v" V _ " $19.45 25.06 25.24 17.70 " 3.0% ik 70 . T (than... no. wound a w In tho lulu Id Watch-n 3!!qu "'ttt"it km Emmanuel-Qua -, Inning thump-I. d It. at.“ Wm tl,gu""d"tmtt I b. Old r.',' not I n ‘ Bi mum an "rut " 2't2'l in! Bt1,tegg',,t1t,th3.t',1ttt'li Unix-Juan MLJ. B than» an! u (on-unulvc "u..,.......w.. .1... - - i. V Counil Installer dinner to rortmtitUtt, tttyt"',', 'xtmpated to - to rib-u the hy-illwll of the mum-ii and mm. Iona _ {More order and this can The Colman Vin-ind the Jail and in. tsotnetttttos be that! only an" lib has terviewod Mr. Tnceyn- tom chum M -erffteeat. It is ti you!" com- to be made in the jail. standing toiail mm on mligioll that the heathen Inspector fhanlhorlain’n tsomaMmie Millikan be emullollod moment-e tion. On the return the following C'tteettyniy A very interesting sight motion was carnal: _ was a ham at tho river Jordan. An Moved by W. It. Plum, seconded by ole omrph) accompanied by their son ll. Gillmlln. that no action be men at M hi! mu? the We representing present on the question of the enlargo- thme SIMON". will!!! come All the way meat of the jail; that the matter be hm Bulgaria, a long distance, pur- lloi'erred in order that a committee of [lonely to be “Fund at the very spot the Council may confer with the in“ where th similar ceremony was perform- Inspector on the subject; that the said ed for our Saviour by John the Baptist. committee be composed ofthe Warden, Mr. BOWIIW’B party were jun may to Alex. Peterson, J. C. Dietrich, A. H. start but as one of the eastern runners Erb, and P. Walter, and that a copy 1xt.itt It would (catch ll Greek priest there of this resolution be sent to the jail in will: hour they waited to we the inspeetor. (Fwy. In a ghort time the priest The Council again went into com- arrived and baptized the party by mince to consider the various grants. sprinkling Anuan. water o'tr. them. iilG'l'i'i'garG"irG"iiiCr'T"' “v; T w _ _ V "'tt',tit, up†I. in vital: Ajay. 'hnn 'tP,tel.ifth1ttta Mbrbum. mamma- msei,tusmgstttet. ' WI. $0053 " 4ht mm ot.3t. y, “afoul r- _ .um. â€when mum the my" otttw Rand “do, /dghijitAe, ad mu Bridge mummy In I. 1reqtMh d “In (M .m can mm on. J. Balm and itii.,eimRrerrtnrtrte?t -etaet R. Giannini the mum 'e,U'."4 tttrfitttlrtrtsttdrt.ti9.'.itttirtey Insttutry mu. 'ttttt than “Mahmud-n with a! the On unionâ€! .C. Width and G. Tatum than have that may M. Dettms, “we“ ttd thet fr""' 'vt/git/at,,?)))),,:',,';','?,,',')',;')',',)",",,'; ""°" properly mm wanna m. S' '» u v A rommhu'se was aluminium when the “QUE “"9â€ng Fi the T?rrytt Ott min at J. C. Metrkh no 0. M. Delhi, the nun-t of the Canny property -.ttttttoo was tttth A committee wan app-dam when the Cmutil Installer dinner to rortmtitUtt, many-lawn of (hymn yy.i mm. The Cannon Vinita! the Jul] and in. terviewed Mr. My†tom chum to be made in the Jail. wanna; 001ml Inspector t'ttamtterrlain't' cummin- tion. On the return the following motion was carried: _ is, Council again went into com- mittee to consider the various grants. . nil COUNTY mums. Tho following grants were made to the various [Institutions entitled to pub- lie aid throughout the Countyt-u North Waterloo Agricultural “A M society-.-----, South Waterloo Agricultural Sot'lcty.........._...... North Waterloo Pttrmerty' Insti- tute __......-...:.. South Waterloo Farmers' lu- stituto ..........'....... Berlin and Waterloo 7 Hospital. Galt Ttapiia1.Ar-lA'A- M. Agatha orphanage . . . - _ _ _ Berlin Orphanage _ . . . . . . . . . . Galt Collegiate Institute. . .. . The Berlin High School. - _ . . . Waterloo Co. 'l‘enchers’ Asso- clation................. nv-ans AME‘SDED. The by-law regarding the wwnnl for the apprehemsioet of horse thieves was amended, The reward which was for- merly $150 was reduced tot50. _ _ The mnnnittee on County Property was authorized to call for tenders for earetaking at the Court Home and tet eontraettr. A committee consisting of Messrs l-Zrlu, Walter, lheithaturt, Dietrich, chairmen of 'the standing committees and Mr. Gm. Helms were appointed to consolidate the by-lawsof this coun- cil and report as soon as "mime. A by-law was also panned appointing Mr. Thus. Pearre, P. s. 1., Thou. Hit- rrarurWaterloo, and Mr. "d. A. Hall of Preston to the Board of Examiners for the ensuing year. - M â€315111;: la; imawl to mire 82,7000 for current County expenses. a N1106- tiostof Mt per pent. on halt .vtar't , gun-3. tateuganEngear-toMeet hm, FIRST DOHIIIIOI OOIVIIITOI. 'l‘hrm- years ago, at. ottawa, tlttrittr, tlw joint mum-min“ of Ontario and I’m-hm- Proviuvial (‘ln'istinn Endeavor l'ninns, a Canadian ('onm-il oft'hrintian Endeavor wan formed, and it mus ar- ranged that tlw thttt National Conven- tinn slmuhl In: lteld "tider its atopiers, in 1899, in the city of Montreal. The annual prm'lneinl conventions onuelx-c and Otttarfo have been withdrawn " Than are thirty-tlvr not-Min m the Manta-cl Ilia†C. E. Futon, and they will ttll do their sham to mnnlor an m- {mm of the man; hoganâ€: mm, "my, enjoyable gm] ptofttabH. " In an Inn]; 03:":ch my a very large mm"; mm mm: mm ttttgireetriii of the Mammal meeting may he re- garded as already natured, an thr as at- tendant-t- is enact-11ml; whilo delegates in ecmniderahle numbers are expected from all parts of the country. A large mntinuent from "down by the sea" is looked tor, since there In to Ire but me C. E. Convention In the Maritime I’m- rincea, instead of the usual than an- nual events A tol-ttttxt rate fol-the round trip has tmen ,wrured on all railways. As farm Wide, the de- legates will blunted In the Christian homesot‘ the city; the price for them hilletn hzmheen limltml by the toral committee to GO cents per day " a ram. and 25 cents for each meat. Suitable ttewommudatimt will abo he m-ured in hotels and lumnllmr hm ttttttthee ‘1“an thu 'tmtttetartity 0H1) humming 'at,"t'f, with the inhuman! and up! ' -itttt M with»! Chanda; tst Miriam har- ing amount when .nml lemon from mam the minivan; and (a) may It’ll-Mal M a! mud HIM Will-never will, MN!- m. _ II. Alum-rut. (Mama of It. Pe" mm Juno "lol, an , , at such rates an tttedologatemtttay “15h to my" on um all who qrodd come an pix-mined rontbrtahle homes at a can! whhin their mum: irjii/iiiiiiii. tiiiii,J/y.yff, IW----- Institute. . .. . b School. - _ . . . ll, Jictiit, "__ ',tisdilhifdiii,t _ s. and. ,m. I’ll "ariehr& in I!!! View a“ in!†.w A frightful â€undul- Will often muse a humble Burn, tetthr, rem oritrur.-Nttehutt't, _ salve, the heat in the world, will km the pain and pmmptly heal it. Cums old Sol-u, Fever Sores. Divers. Bulls, Palms, Poms, all Skin Erumhma. "at Pile cum on earth. Only 25m 1: box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by S. Snyder, Drnggist. Piio erttttrtt and sin- poiilhilg In the two trul- in which tho openin- nre cot-anti: etsttieeted to the glow III wealthy 31-6th at industrial «In... The “use! In their can in even than than“); than In those which In" lieu. previously dell: with, at tho pawn which daily mace- thc- II tut most pernicious tf (re-chm all. in] poisoning. tho on. of I]. canal the min-hid h mind-d in tho howl upon which tho II. in tNe.dterreut. ttttr This!- eolnpoud of not-lite 'e" for. although 'ttttq. lull-lane. in" bilabial it in 6eeumd (hi-coco! than gin' the d-iesd amt a! n- Ihtuco In“ Idling will“ by a lad ha. I. in Oh- WI. 61mm on rherrrnr6rwfthwhfehthe-exr' [hum-nodal“!- â€to " [an "ntett_ette& an own. tho nu. “a an ae-o" III for and, [by mutual-allot " "ttgt-rt 'AlMhtbe-t-ot' EII- it Mr: qeltt , Ille- a I. a. a it “In; which“ a III-.9 - I93“- I! CID-h- 1r_toit'ivti- Two Mil m... Aha! inAlnhum "windm- dermitaeafNtpr-ttrto1ittrittid itst M?! ml. paid " for it "er cam-claim amp-Hut!" "tttertbetof (bull.- unbound. I with n nan-m nyhtth under had 'Immdun anal-Ind the m by min-h . Ammo-n 3.!!!th mmmh 'md-6t0Mtirrfthot it11htt “mu min oh halve. land but mud In the an. - the an: huh-of that In. umlalmuCMaph-I. Am eiai-rtt-ht-h-e.oflb 'e2gttgru"2',,%ttt'. .wwl â€In"... eieiityripiriittHiyhieiF' 'MM"e0i!tA-t_rte0t.We eatt'ggietethtttnel 'tttmatt-tr-tttimg. ofatr+trF.ae_t.eqb-6 In"! all Int-Md til cupid bun-Mutt.- natal-gut “bulb-b “adamant-cumin...- Weill-nonripiumot- mlutiou man-Inca.“ tumult when! map-1 In so: to mm In ttit-r--) .ttrirtMoietattut--bqttttitti_ “Maugham-minim Wattle-“o. ml rm Th- tsrxu.ee-rasartormrortmtrt.oe clam-try and In!" laden-untu- tmmllur! condition Thin-noun:- yrhinx In ei-of (but! that any can. (my 2;â€:pr nrittt In and at porn-hf - A not hilt-gum mxrldnttt (cannula tobehet In. Immune: it huh- huh-my chard comma. with "tttae, to wtmmman one: tt h and brmutorsraMthetrr-t_ unburied in%teNmp-oenmeur.it "ttoomrqr.o"ttt"rottrr-, " r-dttmrirstortme0iutrt- up" _ - A. __ For I - cl may greater than "ro-ttfthe and I. then tttree-aft" a! "noticing! 'tttttt anon-l! the he. value 0! the note in given For n piece a (rent " thou“.- the whole value at the not! in given. Porn piece "roatthn ie else at the original nothing In given But thin but pavilion h limited by the law. which given (â€caution to the tren- my department to give (all velne for e note it meow-er an we to the-nth faction of the "ttmeitier. that the note. or the mining perm! It Ire-destroyed. This last provision opens who'door a; [tumble (and. and any no the date nude by diehoneet we to the " vnmae ot It . m feftt, to. nd-u oth- 1'.",t,vet, Wt? A I'm Lees',' iii. an tho rule: of the granary toe 1tte [originating cl mutilated new The Crumb of money which come to the (minty no turned out to on. ot tbeexperuotdmidmstmsderthe mincmncopo for manage-tier. The: are lined to it. place like a part of a pue- zle This In anally done on clan. and the (taxman uo eventually put be tween piece- d gla- to hold Nam ttV ttether while they are measured to nee whether that. n tmt-UN of glue.- imhe or the no“ id-ttttnth outtake: it ieeoliule that the owner can move! nothing Sometimes it in a very serious matter to the owner. but the poor In Bot the lily applicanta fut Ill-tunes to recon! damaged money. At the tirmt W K. Vandetbilt'a been‘iful home at Name“ was burned In Vanderbilt em in about 81.000 in mutilated cur- rency. out of which the expert was able to identify for redemption all but a ttacttomo' the lam. . otceeruoirat. and new†We int " it u not alone mrttihtted money that coma to the treasury. but dirty and won monai of all him to the ax- tent of 'trar1rt'00.000.rN) a year. Sometime- eonlterfdh get put the, experts in thin bore-n Ind an caught In the other human to which the halve. no can! when the puck-gal of old no“ have gone under the knife 1nd been di- vtded up tor counting and tdesntiNatiogt before they are destroyed Bat thin in not the most frequent form of lR-m- ed fraud The mutihtod money align the cadet path to this aort of aims. Some of the emigrant)! the to- demption division with would ho thicvcl no irttemstht. Otto m in Rum sent to the treasury the halve. of some mllthllls with the cats mic. lychurred. accompaniod by m and-vie ttout the under that In Ind put the money in his pocket. hung hll out on I hum nnd that tho coat' had been burned. to the (la-traction " part nt them“: " 11g",,'gStget,,'tte,'. had redeemed the other halve- of l now- jmt "m and a half your: baton tor a money We! on ttte Bowery. in New York. and. thinking the an pun- plclmhnd Anpt n m outlnr m poutbility of attempted fraud. The Kama: mn- mlmndpodhui- new standing. Ind hll hunkm threat- med the "unity and“. with (Ii-mind It Mon-lions! his “Mutt They pm the an In the hand.“ the - mt of Justice. ind "usually Ah. ml pl.“ “my Ind was Ind Ole Would quickly have you." you "gt-d Dr. King’s Now â€it mm Thousands nf summa- hart pmret, My m.trtr. Ieau work " Sick and -e-.Reatt- nclen. M make bland and 'ttgttqttt was III In upmriumn. Easy in “to. Tn an. Only 25 an: My he): I meant]. gull! ttstr, “um “I... if»? -raruuid hi6" (Lil, illllll B. Baud r & Co. '/'i'iii"i . _ Pox: _ _ â€g: Light Weight Boat. and Vest, ttgtra'g Linen Suits and Liana Hats' g 14 King Street. Minn Ella sxevine, Gnlt, and Mr Wm LoplmnI. at Nprtll â€11!an were mar- ried Wednesday at the bride's home in Halt. Ity a horse at Cain. Scutt‘n, near Gait, on Thursday afternoon. homemnn of Gun, {ml kicked to dough Utsdertakers Ind Embalmen Calls answered day and night " hafndoty. Ttll Klipport Undertaking ta. d __.'. Oun- Tampa, with amt Tom] Sim M a. “has. Alljhnpu I Armin-w Marfto, a» ,mll Lyta A35 you 'ttqAkr...1t ton " the 1mm lito unmanned , V“ l If you travel in this class we should like to see you. Shorey’s Guarantee Card in the pockets of each garment means: t SATISFICTIIII on t8llll IlllEV " and, as we dislike to return money we must give you satisfactidn. You cannot get anything mmthan this. The laws ofthe Medea and Persian never changed, neither has the superior quality of Its main have made it the most popular Tobaéco in Chanda for nearly In]! I c n _ my. " To Keep Your Head and Body Cool S. R. ERNST ‘00., S. fMlllilll t 00., They're Just the Thing. Myrtle Navy. - . â€by???†_ _ i", Boot and S " Store. i. we are tdter.-Atver, style, kind and fashion finds its earliest showing here. The men to whim: we expect to sell Shorey's Ready Tailored Clothing who have worn made to mea- sure clothes. Edgy}: Kipling TI. New chain and oolotinp. also . fine lot of Ink Front "teta Our stock at fumiahie in more complete “an _ Try In in you In! a. phi". Are the Men , Outfitters to Ian. Just Opened Out ANOTH- IM or 32 ttinte St. Dorm! BERLIN. $23