v'ltr1i-""tT""T""Cr7, "'"'"‘ __ _ , . an. F. c. v. nul- U: tltmidt “Wigglesâ€! -iar--suya"t"e", â€than.†- Che mun-‘bm-Hn- umy’pul. (ha-3M ‘w qua-W“, t+I--"'"""" - w_'_n_ ‘7 - _ Girte=rre=d,T=a,Tt'"' f,lrt " hem†for deiioaants, artarnmtrhtmBt' to, wromful dismissal by de “helm-nib“ out... tenant; also (or .5000) damages on his th- - nun- lh foe defendants' neglect in not pro- - I. n..- -d halibut NI curing an American patent on an “my... and new improved machine, the plaintiff ‘wd up to no. de-Iny having conveyed to defendant: his cl ad volt. one-half interest in his Canadian ----=r==-=----==a--=--c---=a=r-==='= patent in consideration of the de-) fendants' ocuring the American 90va3!†CONTROL patent. {ILL Weir tookdthe 1tt ' " an mus, ti s case while Barrie an De er- 0 Pdf unett acted on hehalfof the defence. The view set forth twenty years The caseis a.y.rnewhat complicated ago by Jay Gould in regard to the 3:12;: IS still In progress a we go ._ _ ..7.7_HL“ . The view set forth twenty years) ago by Jar Gould in regard to the railway combinations, which at that time attracted much attention, that the government would some day be obliged to take control of them all, seems now about to become a ques- tion of practical politics. Governor Pingree. of Michigan, in an address the other day, said: ‘We are com 'ing to see that there is but one way ‘to deal with trusts, and that it is to ‘own them, as we now own the 'post-office trust, and deny private ‘individuals the right to carry letters as a business. So we must come 'to own the telegraph, the express und the railway trusts.' Accept- ing the tact that trusts are a natural outcome of modern conditions, the question arises whether it would not be just and proper. and even i; necessary, for the public to apply a the principle underlying them to all C public utilities which are monpo- ll listic by necessity. In its essence , this question is really one of dis- tribution,and involves the considers , tion of municipal ownership as opposed to private ownership. A great deal of the corruption in municipal government is owing to i the efforts of private individuals and ' companies to get hold of public 1 franchises, and the fact that strict i railway and other like stocks are I regarded as the most desirable of 1 investments, points to the wisdom ' of diverting them from private profit 1 into channels of public relief. Al _ ready in Chicago, Teledo and I Detroit this question has become a leading issue, and the representa- tive men in these cities who have won popular approval as advocates of the change are Mayor Harrison, Mayor Jones and Governor Pingree, respectively. Opposition to trusts has been so bitter and persistent that this wheel-about and acceptance of the trust principal by popular leaders is an object lesson in American politics of the most pro- tound significanfe: The success of the men named has had a great effect, and it is thought not improb- able that some one of the parties may firvl in it the timber for a new plank III a future political platform.“ would have the merit of being with- in the practical comprehension of the most obtuse, and of appealing to . heinterest of the individual, and . would therefore be likely to carry he popular vote. ON THE WRONG TRACK. “And as for roorbachn, let Dr. Hons- herger not forget. that. the leernls dis. trttmrtard I vile sheet, (the onl roorbr eh In the cummlun we hellevel early one Elohim» mornlng in Berlin, Waterloo, St. Clement... New Germany. Heathen And other 'toitsta, in " Attempt, to mislead the elector- " the ele'onlh hour at the thsu."--Nems Record. "That is not altogether correct. A roorbach was indeed circulated shortly before the election; but the name was not directed against Dr. Luther, but in the contraryagainst Dr. Clemens. It was a German 1.0. £01133. - .. wan-Inga!» fly-sheet, containing accusations and l insinuatlons, some of them under oath, which however could not have been proved. The contents of this fiendish sheet were fully contra- dicted in the week {allowing the election, but the mischief done by it could not be remedied any more. Copiaol this roorbach are still in "i-ee."--.'" Journal. ' " in aid that the Board of Edu- mum. - "y "" "N" """' .""ref.t" ..1 eatitm " the city of Cleveland will "ldlttnltt' 'ttts', "at',' 'ti,tit'tg,'4Sf/ae.ivi'p,,'t _ . lu, ta, " am. I a " V In an} a: can) l factory from new, 4'l'g Weinstein, m a. â€Mo“... im%str, 'ttsity', tur out all the Rim Better, J5,“ “In“, _ w.,' u pneticdly content loud also! been“. needed to: the 110......Emm sebum. chained m enormous. tttfitylf',tt2t/i'rftr'i Ever www.mm B _ F------------ ttMt Mit ' Ochoa! n Haerttott B-i-ttt In illifi'=tsftt"c1ittrt,tit, ttts,. 2het 1ielt11llll; 1,titglt'gtsltuttt'i', r gun-ZI- - S'allUUr2'"d'2,7. -ar-. i,ihtdt'ftttltld.T'l'tu'tt ties 7iitTiiiTiifie:tey?.t' 39m“ ma. nai- ) t-qht tow" dr) was: In. uni-q all iest.V wndGmhohmPuwh" hung}. iiii0stFl.iiettt'.ltt FIB phi-til whit. I): Call in Inc-unli- With duh-d- un. The injunction was was dab-dun from do. uqr.tmeefnt.Pfr, to â€can", with and.“ .75 dumps I" vs. cowu. i The second and tart cue was thud Eby " Corn & Co., an ‘action to recover 8151.93,: year's Winnipeg, May x-Alex. Ruby, accountant of the Bank of Hamil- ton, died at his brother's residence here yesterday, aged 25. Deceased had been ill for several weeks, and contracted diphtheria at the general hospital, which resulted in other complications which dehed the best medical skill. Mr. Ruby came here from Toronto, where he was for " years with the Bank of Hamilton ranch. The body is to be taken east for interment at Port Elgin, the home of his mother. The Mr.) Ruby above mentioned is a cousin to Mr. Chas. Ruby of this town and when stationed in Toronto frequently visited him here, forming ‘quite a circle of acquaintances in the Twin City, all of whom will deeply regret to ear of his death. ALEX- RUBY'B DEATH Don-indir- mkbyofm TEACHERS CONVENTION. Waterloo County Teacher! Will Hold Their mu Annual [99111; on The twenty seventh annual meet. ing of the Waterloo County Teach, ers' Association will be held at the Model school Berlin on Thursday and Friday, May 25th and 26th. Mr. R. Reid, the energetic secretary of the Association has the printed pro- grammes now ready for distribution. The programme embraces a wide range of subjects and the names ap- pended are a guarantee that they will be well treated. The officers at the Association have shown con- siderable enterprise in the arrange- ment for the programme for the entertainment at the Opera House on Thursday evening,in getting the Hon. David Mills, M. A.,.L. L. B., Minister of Justice. to deliver a lec- ture on "Britain Egypt." The ad, mission fee for the entertainment will be 25 cents. “um. I mv.-nvilliarn Winterhalt, Ber- tha Englert, Frank Hargitt, Rosetta Fonvell, Irie, Wittig, Monica Weber, Ella ickey, Fred Gruhn. Annie Forwell, Walter Russel, Eva Truszynska, Nora Badke, Andrew _ Hauss, lame? Harth. _ II Div.-- Helen Fisher, Lilian Braniff, George Lehmann, It,'r'l Cipieyicz, Lulu Bionowska, nor- ence Baumann, Leo Siess, Emma Englert. , __, -- I“ . .. - ‘I _:J-_ ....,,.-... - lit Div.-.iristina Wciden. ty"'""")'.."" ""'" __ 1 heimer. Mar Rohledcr, Lydia Street Railway P Galt. I Hannusch, L, Gabel, Louisa ' ' Fuhrman, Charles Dopp, William An Electric Lighting Pro Fehrenbach, Ida Kraen, Mathilda blom. Hunt, Leonard Gruhn. F i IV Drv.--Gertrude 8chleier, Her- Persons who have never studied 1yy.t Dantzer. Eleanor Wellheuser, the problems of electrical distribu- Alice Hannenburg, Andrew Trus, tion, even engineers of high achieve- zynska. George Benmnger, Herbert menu in other branches of the pro- Hummel, Ch." Weaver, Lawrence fession.hardly realize how extremely Erslzrt. Louiaye'nzirtg.er., onerous are the conditions under De.-- Edgy. Riedl, Clara which the central lighting-station Dahm, Clara Polzin, Antonette engineer has to do his work. Heimler, Gertrude Fuhrman, Ber. In almost every other branch of tha Lindsay, Herbert Behrend, engineering where power has to be Frank Truszynslra. Eleanor Zuber, developed the load is . practically Clara German.‘ Arttrt.ony. Harth, constant factor, whereaa the centre Laura Ihyrd.,.Eilten Riedl, Herbert lighting-station- engineer has to Miehm, Sophie Nowak. rovide plant for supplying a very yr. mv-Lawrence Gonter, Roy rage output toe a very few hours oil, 'rtrert.yelgi's"t .An.thottyrre.waId the twehtrfottr, while the plant _ Eckert, ens Hinsberger, Harry which ia to provide, this output is, F Dantzer, Herbert Weaver. Cat.ty tor the remaining hoursof the day, ', erine Schneider, Annie Bialkowski, practicall Mia and quite unremun. F 21 Gauntley. Mary Syllra, Hed- erative. 1rl,',Wl'l' a comparatively " uhrrnan. amall proportion of the plant has to ' trATBtMANt earnadivtdend on an amount of t IV Cl.tttc--- Ida Kuntz, Nellie capital enormously in excess of that Ball. Agnes Brainy, Gertrude â€period on what l. may call the Ball. George Bauer, Agtt" Her. earning plant. Ham); regard to . mun. I, the fact that, despite this great l m cas.--) Eighth. Herbert dttbaettr,rretttrtiMitromt which are t Kant}. Edgar am. "t 'aothtidtrid-yyrterrty"tterPr, Fiaeher. “an Weiasteht, tk itiirexieitttr?et.rr when , tiara Bauer. (red may ,-_',' practically mutant load can be . " "I-n __. ainad are nor-mu- , DIV. - Edgar Riedl, Clara Dahm. Clara Pollin, Antonette Heimler, Gertrude Fuhrman, Ber. tha Lindsay, Herbert Behrend, Frank Truszynska. Elemor Zuber, Clara German, Anthon Harth, Laura Ward, Eileen Riedi Herbert Miehm, Sophie Nowak. VI mv-Lawrence Gonter, Roy Linduyaonph Anthony, Edward Eckert, etis Hinsberger. Harry Dunner, Herbert Weaver. Cath.. erine Schneider, Annie Bialkowski, Pan?v Gnuntley. Mary Sylh, Hed- wig uhrman. "mm IV Clnu.- Ida Kuhn, Nellie Bull. Agnes Brmy. Gunman Bali, George BauuKA‘nu Her. SEPARATE SCHOOL in, 5th and Nth. io.' " L J. BREITHAUPT, Liberal Candidate Gnnd leoy Balm! Oom, pgny'aPEopouJ‘for mn- Li um.“ .--" We Railway, crossing the latter by an overhead crossing near German Mills, then onto Doon. From Doon to Blair the route would be direct. on high ground; almost a mile shorter P" than the present Grand Trunk route, and from Blair the road would continne, on fairly high. ground to Galt tttrl' 1,te.el? con- ... -. Fm--, :__ “an- In“. BIUUIIU |v v--~ '_-'-'" __ nect with the Canadian Pacific Rail- way near the Grand River bridge of the lattertop the north. side of the or Inc Bun. "" nu. nun... v.-- -. we, river. At Blair connection would l behad to Preston, b omnibus or herdic, the distance Ling no longer than from the regular Preston station to the main hotels in Pres- ton. An alternative route from Ber- llin is to leave King street at the lateral valley about one quarter mile southerly of, the corporation line, thence dirth to German Mills from where the route would be as above outlined. - . The maximum grade on the above proposed line is to be I per cent. It is proposed, to begin with to. have one equipment giving five services to Galt and intermediate points and au every flay. "an... on", __,. 830.000 of stock is to be sub. scribed. All that would be asked of the towns is a guarantee of bonds, so as to enable to float them at low interest rate. The amount of bonds would be in the vicinity ot 8100.030. depending upon more definite esti- mate of cost. It is proposed to issue twenty year bonds so that the guarantee would be for that period. The $30,000 of stock is in the nature of a pledge of good faith on the part of the Railway Company. This $30,000 would all have to be fully paid up and exhausted before the towns could incur any permanent liability, and irr the latter case the [ towns would become the owners of the road. The Grand Valley Railway Com- pany feels confident that it can operate the line as stated, from a station on King street,Berlin, some- where near Cedar street, as above outlined, to the C. P. R. station in Galt andearn enough to pay interest on the proposed bonds. The pro- posal ot the Grand Valley Railway Company is then virtually an ex- tension of the Berlin & Waterloo Street Railway to Galt. RAILWAY EXTENSION "iGGiiiiri/i0iiuT irirEr..t 'e: f., Eu; education to as". Direttt. will " A Number of Important Br In.“ Pulsed-A lumber at Increases In The regular monthly session of the Berlin Town Fathers was held on Monday night. A number of important by-lawl. seven in all, were given their dikereut readings and firtaliy passed. Mayor Eden an- nounced that the Council was mak- ing a new de srture in the issue of debentures this year which would effect a considerable saving to the town. Instead of printing the six debentures separately, Mr. Eden proposed, to embody their total amount in one consolidated debem ture,and thus sell them en bloc. The consolidated debenture amount ing to 812’289 94 would be the only one printed thus doing away wit the expense of getting out the other six. Clerk Aletter however tells us, that it hassincetranspiredthat an err- or hascrept into the donsolidated by. law which may require its repeal in which case the Council will have to go_(_iver the_work‘ once Pep. f "iiii liGGa i, number of com- munications. _ _ . - . On motion the tender of Boehmer and Bishop for the construction of 235 feet of sewer on Weber St. for 8195 wastcceptfd; V-w PPM-'- -e- - ’- 'iGiGGL Rickerman's request for an increase in salary was taken up and finally granted. The in- crease amounts to 850 per annum. REPORTS or COMMITTEES. The committee on sewers . recom- mended that clause " of sewer by- law be amended so that all applica- tions for sewer connections be made to the town engineer who shall be l empowered to grant same and re- port to committee at next regular meeting. _ . .._ , _ ...--....°. 1 That tender of T. Bishop re sewer connections be accepted at 36 cents a running foot, contractor . .. ,4, “.1 :.._-:..|. all toi,' Tii%irTGiil" and' furnish all material. _ A That with regard to the com- munication of Hem Strickard it is not desirable to may“: any change in farm catetaker this year. . To!“ FATHERS IE“. That your committee visited the sewer farm on April 26th and de- cided that the pollution of creek complained of is due to a great ex- tent to surface drainage from the town sewers. _ _ . On motion the Fire and Water Committee were given power to let contracts for additions to Fire Hall and also to purchaoe fire “glances. consisting of hook and la der truck, new team of horses, harness and 300 feet of hose. The amount to be expended not to ex- ceed the amount provided for in the 'Y estimates. " he reports of the committees were timuly adopted as read. - -- . '1 . . . - I I14 Mr Salnucl Schneider and Mr Ausmussen were present and were given an opportunity toexpress their dissatisfaction with the cost of walks laid down on David street in 1898 After a short and somewhat interest- ing discussion the matter was left in the hands ofthe Board of Works for investigation. . - . n . . The application of the Berlin Piano and Organ Co. for exemption from taxes was granted them for a term of 5 years. on everything exceptin the Water Works debentures ans School Tax. Mr Moyer was present representing the Berlin Piano Co. and stated that the Company would hereafter regularly employ 40 hands. Mr. J. K. Master's increau mu!- uy wu nglin taken up. discussed, and finally gamed. according to gpplication l". tto per month."~ AMI. - ’r-W-"V" -- v . 'ilTiiG we: with! recommended by . number of t councillors " de. eerving In increue u per request. Mr. Williams spoke very briefly on the fire than great and the offer made By the II Telephone Co. with regard to the erection of 5 new box... which he. Ilmoet be. come an absolute necessity, The The mutter I; however laid out _ until next can u the Council " l I whole wee not Tdt,',',', take 'lt the matter and goon wit tlnote ight out": ttthieyt. . . . , -iiii Taaa' bylaw. u patted son. (in. ' was amndod to the ttt.tt Cfi'iiiirtiirii tnt',' out - 'ttttp «It, butcher, which was the “'0va a the but: "in. ". I 'iiii2iiieug'1',f'fg'lglt and... and» - ut,,",.',': this " ".rtuu-tr't" u a. Will“. _ ittS'LTttl will: " th. Beetits.Waterho Stud Railâ€! Cupay_nd that.“ h [DIO- when: l Touts-d the Berlin Watch: Stunt hilt-y “I! n {It " Gait,a (“than of about twain nib.“ u estimated and 'soo.- mpmviding (In ("In of Berlin and Waterloo win cum-m the unmet! on twenty you bond- for that amount, at il per cent which add be. fe.tal .30 we: Jegrig. connection 'which the towns of Berlin and Waterloo have so [0:3 been crying lor. The route omlin by Mr. Breithaupt would be a cross country route and the line would hot touch at Preston, " all. He would continue the present line along King street as far a ex- Mayor Rumpel'a property and then cut acroaa the count? to German Mills, Doon and B air, running nearly parallel with the present G. T. R. tracks and thence to Gait entering on the west side over the C. P R bridge to the C P R station Mr. Breithaupt proposed to connect Preston a Blair by running a bus transkr between the two places;adistance of about three 'rl,',; ters of a mile. 't,e,t1eteetl?,so, the Board ofTrade will be held on riday evening next. The Waterloo Board of Trade has been invited to be pre- would be equal'io " all . This '1un itht Are daft; d ilt in}. when all the schemes have so far come before the will be discussed. Mr. lanes T.Shotweil, non of Mr. John 1 . Shotwell. well known here as a former principal of the Agnes Street public school. has been achieving honors abroad. We clip the following reference from the Slrathroy Ages ' - . I I“ (\L -A.__AI - h""""""' D-uv . ".Last week james T. Shotwell re- ceived oificial notice that he had been awarded the European His. tory Fellowship of Columbia. Uni. versity, New York. He received a cash prize of 8500 which with re mission of fees gives it a total value of .685. The honor of this award may be more fully comprehended when we consider that the compet: ition was open to the whole of I America." . ' Mr. J. E. Bilger, the popular and efficient book-keeper at the ofrtee of the Berlin Gas Co., was at a meet-) ingot theBoard ol Directors) n 'ay elected to the more onerous and rev sponsible position of Secretary of the Company. Mr.Bilger, who has been in the employ of the Company for between four and five years has always proved himself a capable, votficia1 and his promotion is well deserved. Mr Guy Pearson who just re- turned from London, has, we are glad to state successfully passed his isxaminations which means a promo tion to the Lieutenancy in which capacity he will Pete,. lit Hus . _ ---- A in - a a Wyn“, .._. Mr-v rim, . coming season. Guy thinks the military course all right for a youn man, and it evidently has a good cf feet on him. . "The Brownies" as produced by Prof Zoellner,at the Opera House on Friday night, resulted in a brilliant success, the Professor be- ing greeted with a good house,whose I expectations were not tmrulfilled I The audience quite frequently gave vent to their enthusiasm over the performances of the 'Hhorrrrien" whose costumes were both elaborate and tyirthprohohiyr, The leader of "tiiiiiiiarttlesofasteischmiPIltytt hie part to perfection and received hearty applause. He rendered a solo entitled "I'm a Brownie,'. which seemed to cagture the fancy of the audience an for which he was encorcd vigorously. Master Schmidt displayed . considerable vocal talent and gives promise of being a successful singer. All taking part in the programme were very artistically -gowned and presented a unique stage appearance. "The Brownish Charm' was ably given, and was one of the hits of the even- ing. The music rendered by the Orchestra was of l good order and greatly tended toward: making the event a sum. On the whole Profeuor Zoellner and thoae who aaeiatcd him are to be congratulated on the and“. attending their "bets in the diiRetrit matter oi training children for atage work, Reward of Merit. Elected Secretary- H Beiqtcttgt'c ark Mdthwl a Salad-1 “I - a. be was: Ill UP-TO-DATI . . . itiltiii,'iffiiliCiiiii" 1lejiiiiiltiiiai4aPirwitt?*io) The Brownies. A Promotion are -icuines _rtiict -.' [iiiiiiif" iiiiifit htttl 1hw8ur1iltril"llritl1B8 Blue Flame til Stoves For COAL on. or GASOLINE. ll. HYMMEN. We don't soon get tired talking about our Wall Paper, as we had most gratifying success with our "le. It is n great _ nlisfaction to us to see the same customers come to us year after year for their Wall Paper, besides we see many new customers. We do not ask you to buy if these statements ere not facts C-- _ 1. Web.†the Largest Stock. 2. Weull Chap. a. We but!» Newest and Tum“. Designs. 1 We went to make the Month of May tell by reducing our stock by " least one-belt: It will reduce your purse just lightly by coming to PATTERN HATS IILIJNBRY NOVELTIES. A Endless Metyof Dteu Timmingt, laces and Insertions I Specialty Jlly,iiiaii,us,,l.ni"rRNAclit1:a, W. ll. BECKER & 00., Mllllllttl, WITH“ tat um owst--sriugcrr1tsed Cumi- bel m in). . an: amthgmd'mmflt’fl TGairariiTaGita, - Gair%GdetaisulrttttF%et _ Tradeutisqtetrtg his been -- “(in zy'ttne,,,ti?t',',dg'2tt'W,t"t'tt; a. rithtthsmtghttte mm mm months will qivet'sr1etttytodo in out Carpet andCuruin Depumts. woiv-airsto-stir psi-Ian Oath. ti-tudiro_mtt1F)arti" 30" h "ilu-ti on. limo-rm†“with.“ WMde-gnhphb- â€at. - pup". Won-barb, up“ udmnmmwurm mm)!" 'gE?itt,7ii:i"iiiii'iiiii'iiriiii. tt"2agrgrgtlh' hwy WI“ WA}. aha-,nn‘iqlnpio-I-II with Btu-uh. WW, In. Top-try. Wool. Unh- It! III-p (Ia-pa. lo picc- Now bps-III “a: No- PM - {at bed or MM " we and pr M 100 Don-I New Ballad WWW Skill". DUI a B.ed-ud h‘mmCmot Fan. Hunk-I Bull-I all“. " " not. AuoiB-et-t " Mill. “(I Jul. Cutting. {my Teu, Conn, Hug, to" which In an - at WPM fllllijlflilll tl)llillllli, WALL PAPER,,,.,. heartily invite you to Inspect our superb assortment of . . MILLINERY . . Remember we are giving genuine bargains. IT bum common oil. IS shyly]- " the ordjmry lump. A child man otreeatoit. - BEAUTY in Mn and Elli-h. YOUunbvoouolbu-‘ilm. V CANNOT fail 1'ttt AFFORD it t on. it witl In. it. out in. anon. To run at but. Into, broil orMaqr. DOO- itl wk well and quickly WITHOUT bruins, only n little cod “had I nut-II. {The tho nut. V 1356 BERLIN, To examine it is tobuy it. special Values in, “Iii-321%“ Hardwire Merchant. ONT. Aiyf, f)()lilililffl . Berlin, Ont.