/ ‘They also relieve Dis:ress tom Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Fating. A perâ€" fect remedy for Dizsiness, Nxusea, Drowsl ness, Bad Tastein the Mouth, Coated Tongus Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegctable. New Business for 1898, all written in Canada, exceeds Ontario Mutual Life|«fszess 32 Hoad Office Hearty gre tings for past year‘s successâ€" rea; est in ts Company‘s historyâ€"are tendered to its P ic Dominion Lif: bas had 1 go d yea: in 1806° Policyholders and Agents. Growth, CoOmMPANYC Head Office =â€" Waterloo, Ont In Amount Assured ~ In Cash Premium Ixcome In interest Receipts > In assete # s In interest Receipts > > + $urg * * In assete 8000 + iT 6100 Surplus over all Li«biHrte® > 4174 0 * 1t â€" is safe, cound, ec nomic®lly ma: aged and «quitable in all its plan«. Ite inte:cst receip * huve more than paid its death lorses since Lne beginning. No compiny any where, his bad & lower death rata o: dves botter for its Policy holdeâ€"s than (he i iin.on Life. Separaie branches for Abstaiuers and Women. Dominion Life Asszrance Death losses and imanagement expenses. ow. lno every depâ€"rtment the Company the fraud of the day. See you get Carter‘s, Ask for Carters, Insist and demand substitution Economical Mutuaal Firo Ins, Co. Aeoant se Rum .0 . ~ sunesed} | SDiDg <ff.oe upon every branch Of| of a comfortable home, besides having e dik '_' rade. given fnancial assistance to several of y Canada is not the only countr} | his sons in acquiring bomes. ::'_.m k o ~ _ c lePre #hich has increased its output of gold | _ ifo now lives on and owrs lot No. Hveoknans â€" _ â€" * â€" Manage, | ~Cnt‘y, and the world‘s output bas|18, Block A, 4th concession. This was Soces or loubled withis the last ten years. No | she old original homesteadi taken up by . AD t WhkECToRt loubt this increased produntion of gold | n:4 father, who died," however, before John Fennell ‘..............................Bert# | i; one of the factors that have brought | 1e succseded in clearing it up, Matâ€" W R Domiv. @ buccullll..... _ en | ‘bout the worldâ€"wide prosperity which |shew parchased it from his brotber Fr. Bnydet .........cccc.c.cc..............Bery, | J*08da has shared in common with| Lake, fle proceeded at once to the H. Knoll .................................._Bortr | Great Britain and the United States. | sazk of Anishing the job of clearing, J. A. Mackte ........ :'m hm'tim- nroh-o .ood' lb;:“-uy vuailding and making m,â€_-.._ K Sn WNBNE _.â€"s:s1.ccssrarcercss inscc on s eb anrfactarers have volun 7 _*~~| Phis be Gusily accompli= fror Fal Provpiaphegse n mtc Rep, | ~eved the wages of their employes _ | ,f iposssant toil and :mu...J.:: P. JKOUbL stssersssvsrrer +rersesess on ++ Boren sn teimne ie cmmzmests day in the evening of life he is the sole KHon. 8. Marner ..................Now Hambo | Millor‘s Worm Powdars corrsot al | wner of as fne an improved farm as W H Bowlby. Q O.........................B@0# | j.o, Fr. BuyGOt .............cc..c..«+«.+... .« «BOFIh K We NNHBNR .. ... 12102 isz reec +8 602 ++ 4 +4 +2 BR an Lo: BFOH DWBE . . 620624600 +800 +060 + 0+ 00 BOPY ‘frak PA. Lantonschlager ...................... Borti P, JAOGDL .csccecrercises rsersr s crss o+ s BOPBn Hon. 8. Marner ..................Now Hambur M Prink Turmer, Cxk:s:s:scs:oms â€"â€" Heateh | vach arter‘s Little Liver Pills BOARD OF DIRECTORS Goo. Randal!, Keg., Waterio John Shuh, Kâ€"4., # 8. Snyder Ksq., Waterico Geo. Diebel, Fsq., n J. L. Wideman, Eug., St. Jacobe, John Allchin, Keq., New Hamburg Allan Bowman, Keo., Proston,. P. K. Shants, Preston, ‘Thomas Gowdy, Keq., Guelph, James Livingstone, Keq., M. P., Baden Thomas Cowan, Keg., Gait, BUCKBERROUGH & CO‘Y, Agents omcn' « | tbfviinndiditnt Ahbidiatbetonisd : peitert erebrtlninsiatabsbiatictetl George HRandali, Autmentd defendant to P’..h. fall sum. John Shubh, Viceâ€"President, mnmirmmnine s lize cce Frank (aight, M or. T son Eiker anag % OneCause of Prosperity. W. A. Raymo, Inepoctor, Meesrs, Bowiby & Coment, Solicttor | The gold production of Csnada is ho y Positively cured by these Mutual and Cash Systems. ASSURANCE CO. $3,750,000. Prosperity. It Has Gained Waterloo Ont. Stability. 11 73 per cent n " 0 " _ J. M. Cook, head of the celshratcd tourist sgency, is dead. Five men were overâ€"sove in an oil taok at Sarnia, Three of the mon reâ€" Mauitobs Colit '..-'ï¬ _ dead. Hoe was formerly p«s:or for years of the Gou‘!¢ Bo. Presbyterian charch. Jucob Z mmer of Preston is dead aged 78 â€" He was tormn is Bavaris, Geoim«ny, in 1821. He came to Pres t n in 1845. Ho leaves a1 mily of ten chiliren. Hoeory Schul‘s and E zwba‘b Evald of Preston were murried ou M«rch 7th. The groom is one of Preston‘s popular ind suce ssfal young business men and the bride one of its most charm‘ng young ladies. «c Bouwitz, Gâ€"rmaoy, April 5 h 1833 and came to Psesson 40 jears ago. Io 1852 he married Mary ;Bauer and to ne a wore l oâ€"a rine children, sesen of whom eurv.ve. â€" Mr. Merkel was an hoaest and industrious man. Mrs. Poirier and Sim P.rslow were hâ€"+ng: d at S). Ssholast:qu=, Q iebec, on Friday for the murder of the busbacd of the former. Toe Mivister of Justice refaeed to interfere with the : sontence of the Ovurt. This is the third woman baoged in Conaga. M s Puirier was oâ€"ganoist in tha cbcir and Parslow, her poram<u~, was a «irger in ‘be ctboir. Saturdsy, Marcb 5oh. Ho was boroa *â€" returned to live with his daughter. The remains were taken back to Louiâ€" vile for interment. Jobn Forrel), father of Mrs. W. C. Schtuster, Presto: , died last week in his 77th year. H war a native of Hes««n, G rim ny, a: dc me to Preston in 1851 where be reâ€"ised for 14 years and then went to Louisy ‘o, Ky, where he lived until about 7 mor.tha ago when To be bound band and foot for years by the cbains of disesse is the wors! forim of elavery, George D. Williams, A Manchester, Mich., tells huw a slave was made fres. He say.: My w fo baâ€" b=n so belpless for five years that sh» ‘ould not turn over in bed alone. After a ing two bottles of E‘rctric Bitters, 4e was wonderfully improved »nd â€"b‘e to do ber ovn work". Th‘s supâ€" râ€"me remedy for female diseases quickâ€" y cures nervousses®, . sleeplessnes:, melancholy, headache, backache, faintâ€" ng aod d zzy epelis. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to week, sickly, ruo down people, Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by 8. Soyder Druggist. B McKay, who lives in London, for $17,800 _ Mr. Nesbitt claimed one per cont commissicn on the sale, which wou‘!d amount to $178 _ Mr. Nesbitt wmys thit the doctor promised. him uba‘ commission. When the f.rm ws «old, bowaever, D. Adams paid only $78 commission, claiming that tlat w # enough. Mr. Nesbitt, therefore, enâ€" terâ€"d suib to recover the additional $100. The case was heard by a jury, who returued a verdict in favor of the plaintiff, and Judge Finkle ordered the defendant to pay the fall sum. 1892 wae $907,601. In 1898 it was $13,700,000. The Toronto Globe points out that last year‘s outpa: nrought Oanada into the fifth plaze as 1 gold producing country. Is predicts "hat within three years Oanada will be me of the grestest goldâ€"producine ountries of the world, if vo* the great The development of gold mining in (anada has been an advantage to Canâ€" ada in many ways. It gives employ nent to a large number of men directly nd indireotly, nJ it has had a stimuâ€" ating «ff.ct upon every branch of rade. Canada is not the only country which has increased its output of gold recently, and the world‘s output has loubled withis the last ten years, No loubt this increased produntion of gold is one of the factors that have brought ‘bout the worldâ€"wide prosperity which Great Britain and the United Staves, here times are so good that many anrfactarers have voluntarily i~â€" ‘@sed the wages of their employes Jowphine, Four foss of snow fell at O#cso Ernst Merkel of Preston died on County District Story of a Slave «apable of undergoliog in ibhe waey of| W aroch 4 â€"lq the last hnardebips aod privations and still be h.nm-hu.cddm come posssused of an in iepsadent comâ€" | the Admiral of the navy id. receive patence and resch an ege far bryoud|the pay and emoluments of the lnst that allotted to the average of manâ€"| Genoral of the army. This legislation 1817, his beptism bsing solemaizsd on Jas. a:. uuh When he was wen years the family emigrated to A-e-i?.-'.'._fs.v_v lfs Liverpoo! on the Roo‘s*+, N Y , on a steamer. From i w ~u«or vhoy came to Hamilton In t:m0 city they rewmsined about a year Here she f.mily «xpericuced their first naptiâ€"m of daoger in the New World, ue cbo era bavi~g broken out and raged with terrible fat .Ji‘y, people dyâ€" ing upon the streets by the dozea. Providence, howeser, seeimed to favor the Rash fimily, «l1 of whom csciped an abback of the dead!y epidemic. From Hamilton the family l.fo for the wilds of Wi‘mo#, accomplish‘ng the entire tr p by wagon. O1 this jwurney they »+xperienced untold hardship:, being cowpelled to cut their way through dense swamp and jangle at numerous points aloog the route. When they resched their destination in the woods not even was there a hamble cabin preâ€" psred for their receptioe. But they found aad were tendered the shelter of a poneer‘s hut in the vicinity until they could fall timber and construct one of their own. Here it was thit Mathew, the sub jaet of this sketch then a mere youtb, received his initiation in the privations endured in the life of a pionser in an unabroken wildernees. Bat he was of a robust constitution and bad no fears for hird work. _ After asisting the tither for some time in cffecting m clearing in the bush and erecting the necâ€"ssary baildings hbe coscluded to ‘ack out for his own personal weifare U+ went to Nisgara F.‘ls and worked on a farm for a year. This was in 1837 during the Rebsilion when laboring mea were scarce. Ha received $120 for twelve months, which, at that time, was considered good wages. While here Mr Rush enlisted in the service of the Gâ€"vernment, but he was finally perruaded by his employer from going uo the front The latter succeeded in procuring his discharge on the plea of b:ing ruptured, and the ambitious young man, who wanted to be a solâ€" dier, thys escaped being a mark for rebel builets. Ia the following year, 1838, Mr. Ruh returned to the vicinity of the bome he had assisted in foundiog in Wilmot _ But bis sim was to earn a bome of his own independent of parentâ€" al assistance. Hs took jbs of ciearing up and logging and soon became noted as a wood chopper and rail splitter aâ€" died on June 5, 1854, after giving birth to six children. A year or so after her demise the father agsin marâ€" ried, the second wife being a sister of the deceased. The fruits of the latter union were ten children, thus placing to his oredit a family of sixteen childâ€" ren. But only nine are now living and scattered abroad: There are thirtyâ€"one and misfortunes Mr T1th is the owner On SBeptember 6, 184%, Mr. Rash was married to Miss Eizsbeth Hagon, Rev. George Forguson officiating. She grandâ€"children. To spite of adversities Mr. Rush was born in the Parish of in bid reviving the grade of Adm:iral for the bevreft of Admiral Dowey, Jt eflect is to give Admiral Dm comâ€" prasstion at the rate of $14 a year, Admiral Dewey now ho‘ds the higheet ravk in the militaryâ€" srrvice <f the United 8 atcs, army or navy, and ranks with the highestofficers in tre princ‘psl foreign navice. was supplemental to the passage of the 2 . emmpietnitreliieeiinincmcaees Galt, Warch 7.â€"A well known otl Bismark‘y lron Nerve :d&h:::hd.bdflhunnh.g in Was the result of his splendid be«l: h. person Alison, or. was Indjomitable will and tremendou: »ner. | D8 in Dwikeith, near £jinbargb, +nd are not found where S:omach, Liver, came to Canads sand settied in Galit in 'l!du,-ud Boawelg are out of order. | 1 864. carrying on business here since, 1t you want these qualities and the sucâ€" | Bti! about ten years sgo, when he reâ€" cees they bring, use Ur King‘s New bired. He was very succemful as a Life Pills â€" They develop every power| DB#nees man, and was always a strong Life Pulle. Tl::‘oulnp every power of brain and toiy. Oanly 253 at 8. l" are not found where S:omach, Liver, «dueys and Bowelg are out of order. 1t you want these qualities and the sucâ€" cess they bring, use Ur King‘s New Sâ€"yder‘s drug store. now be supplemented by a movement to reform and simplify arbitration adedienl Oe o mige‘s i ceedings. Many who bave icoked ho’:- liike sumoree I-ndhh'b. lessly at the accomulation of . prece m"‘ï¬_fl; dents which our courts have inherited, | cures Wind seftens the the countless entanglemenhs of which M‘m"fl,{‘m the simplest disputes sre capable, snd _-m':z'a the powerfu!\ class interest arrayed on w and nure tte side of exis ing cord t‘ons have "‘"""‘?m"-“ thought that relef would come if at | andaskfer AsnBrow all, by escaping from the courts and ~â€"â€"â€"#&«~â€" not by ref.rming them. But to find What They D relief in aibitration boards, whether w offisial or private, will requiro constant| _ Brigain‘s drink bill, P vigilance, else they will take on a‘:l|shows yearly the expend compiications and entril the waste of | cants of $19 for every m time aod non;y Mu;i':“tb o-';: child in the Usited Ki the object of some "A men and Scotchmen, it going to law" says the experienced barâ€"| been much maligned in rister, and the words areso familiar we | for, while the Eoglisbms are apt to forget that they are a crush (gallone of alcobol yearl ing arraignment of our elaborate M&â€" | map manages wi h 1 66 chinery for the settiement of dieputes.| man with 145. Th Unless greater vigiiance is exercised | spends $20 40, Scotchu and mistakes already made are rectified | the Trishman $13 25. there will be an equally common and + qually judicious advice againet resortâ€" ing t» arbitation. _ As there is a bil} b fore the Lâ€"gislature, introduced by Mir. Conmee, to require municipalities to purchase private iighting plante by arbicration award when installing munâ€" icipal lighting plants, it is opportune to consider the dangers already existiog and likely to develop in arbitration _ The Town of Barrie has bad an ex.â€"| terday when the manufacturers of worâ€" perience which is by no means isolated | *tods egreed to combine their interests in an arbitration award regarding the and formed the American Woollen Comâ€" value of the waterworks system purâ€"}Pany with a capital stock of $50,000, chased from the owners by the corpor.| 000. Other combinations in the varâ€" ation. In order to arrive at the value, | i0us divisions of the industry are under which was placed at$71,000, there were | *27 and will be consummated in a costs incurred aggregating $30,000, or|short time. f close on balf the estimate. This inâ€" °_ Catarrh Can Be Cured, t2 tos uvepaper alcmatee "op Ves | . Getarch i s,atnr. 0 atmenicet conpummnntn, in news; 0 r. e c i ere is one Conmee‘s bill, and while it may be exâ€" :7’:?&"?& ';2:'7-:".‘-':; mafl'ï¬-‘:ï¬; wak treme in the ratio of coste to the aâ€" | 2sth d ty i9. ecltne & the thrcat" and mount involved, excessive coste in arâ€"| fangs. Saving testede fos wondertul curailve bitrations are the rule and not the exâ€"| P}RSF ‘:Jm'ï¬d&ï¬ï¬w‘fld%}ï¬ ception, _ Of this bill the town‘s share | charge toall sufferers from Catarrh, Asthma, was $14,300, and the coste of the| in d'."ï¬-'-’u':' Immfl' o. Fapeh, witkh Rull Waterworks Company $16,000, This | directiona for Preparig and n ing. Seot »y loss would be sufficient to dissuade any paper, â€" W,, A, Noyes 920 Powers Block, municipality from absorbing a private auhestor, N. Â¥. & plant, and also to prevent any private Married in Dakota corporation from seliing out subject to raes such an award. No justification can| We reprint the following troth a be found for this excessive outlsy. It| North Dakota psper concerning the would defray the cost of invpecting| marriage of Jobn Rusb, son of the everything owned by the company | venerable M«thew Ru=h of Pisttsville: many times over. Uniess some effsctâ€" "Married,[ November 30, «t the bome cf ive safeguard be provided against auch | the bride‘s p«rente, Mr. and Mrs A. C. things, Mr. Coumese‘s till requiring arâ€"| L zier, of Carder, by Revr. D. Haifâ€" ‘bitnuon will make it impossible for| penny, Mr. John Irvino Rush, of Birâ€" municipalities to buy out lighting or|ton, to Miss AlbertaJ Lizier, in the water plant. It will not be the cost of | presence of a larga number of relatives the plant, but the cost of deciding its|and friends, A number cf u efual and va‘ue that will be the obstaole. beautiful presents were given in tokeo It is incumbent on the Legisiature|of respect and good will. _A very plea to protect musicipalities, sind also such | sant and rociable time was enjoyed, persons and companies as are obliged to | and fall jurtice was done to thb sumpâ€" resort to arbitration, from expenditures | tuous marriage feast provid*d. It is incumbent on the Legisiature to protect musicipalities, sind also such persons and companies as are obliged to resort to arbitration, from expenditu:es of this magnitade. Were the costs of counsel limited, one or two witnesses {.miliar wich the valus ot tha proparty under consideration would be cilled, inâ€" stead of the long list who now give opinions of doubtfal value, except to increase costs and fees. If any arbiâ€" tration be made incumbent, the hoider of some judicia! cffice should be named in the law as arbitrator, and the costs sbould be limited. _ An arbitrary limic ation of costs is generally better d : Â¥W bbutnbtaisctcindibnnthidtrintstresndhbai. ‘shestadtcicivirirenintened be put fortb. _ Arbitration _ b8¢|gusipinterests and formed the Ameriâ€" failed of “" P'.'â€" heretofore OM 8¢â€"|can Woolien Company with a capital count of a oy to imitate c0urb |gâ€"ook of $50,000,000. Other combinaâ€" procedure, to droide entirely aceording | gions in the various divisions of the in to evidence submitted h’ aonhdinq ‘w’ are under way, and will be conâ€" parties, In the valuation of land th#t | sqramaged in a short time. tent, Change should be made in the direction af allowing arbitrators to seek their own evidenor, depending a» little as ble on that submisted the ,..m....u A mind cml:’ ed to jadic‘al work is apt to be clowed to all disinterested avenuse of â€" infor nttloo,hdl& only that which i; aubsi‘t«d by vhe contending parties, In the case of reil estats valuation that attitude often results in grossly unfar deci ions. Wherever possible an arbi:rstor shoold be more than a Judge. He shou‘d have personal knowâ€" of the affairs under consideration mot to ty inurougbly wadued 14 qed not to legal Mmhhnï¬-!byhlflmldp Any bill making arbitration compuo sory shoa‘d contain safe provision» agnines exorbitaot coâ€"ts and gam«s ag«inst the fature needs of arbitratio; than intricate and complicated rules rule has been carried to an «beurd ex (The Globe.) The demand for law reform might Municipal Arbitration. 79th year, and leaves a widow and saven children. shows yearly the expenditure on intoxiâ€" cants of $19 for every man, woman and child in the Usited Kingdom. Irishâ€" Srermation.. and atter toue sn enzser te ie ie anen ut ied female nhzsicians and burses in the United men and Scotchmen, it. seeme, have been much maligned in this connection, gallone of alcobol yearly, the Scotchâ€" man manages wi h l 66 and the Irisbâ€" man with 145. The Englishmen spends $20 40, Scotchran $15 25 and publishes the followirg this morning :â€" What is the first step in the actua! amalgamation of the entire woollen inâ€" dustry of this conntry was taken yesâ€" terday when the manufacturers of worâ€" sateds agreed to combine their interests and formed the American Woolien Comâ€" pany with a capital stock of $50,000, 000. Ocher combinations in the varâ€" ious divisions of the industry are under way sud will be consummated in a short time. : for, while the Eoglisbman drinks 2 41 Catarrh is a kindr. d.ailment of consumpticn, loag considered incurabie ; and yet there isone 27;&61 thar -'ih positively cm'oh &um:dl; any s ® or many years this râ€" medy was used b:.mlno Dr. Stevens. a wid«ly noted .ntlorhï¬ on ali w uf the throat and lungs, Having tos wonderful curative powers in thourands ofcaser, and desiring :0 relieve buman sufferi g, Iwili send mno( charge toall sufferers from Catarrh. a, Com:umption, and nervâ€"us diseases,this nogo in German, Freoch, or English, with full directions for tguld uâ€"ing. Sent b‘ mail by addressing. with stamp, naming thi We reprint the following troth a North Dakota paper concerning the marriage of Jobn Rusb, son of the venerable Ma«athew Ru«h of Pisttsville: "Married,[ November 30, «t the bome cf the bride‘s p«rente, Mr. and Mrs A. C. L zer, of Carder, by Revr. D. Haifâ€" peony, Mr. Joho Irvine Rusb, of Birâ€" May the life of Mr. and Mrs. Russ be a very bappy and prosperous one, is the wieh and prayer of iheir many triends." _ FIFTY HILLIONEQPDOLLABB First Step Taken in the Actual Amaiâ€" gamation of the Woolien Indusâ€" try of the U. 8. _ New York, March 5.â€"W bhat is the first step in the amaigamation of the entire woollen industry of this country was taken on Saturday when the manuâ€" facturers of worsteds agreed to combine their interests and formed the Ameriâ€" can Wool!en Company with a capital Is the baby too thin? Does he increase too slow« ly in weight? x _ Are you in constant fear he will be ill? Then give him more fiesh. Give him more power to resist discease. ‘He certainly needs a fatâ€"forming food. Scott‘s Emulsion is just that food. It will make the baby plump; increase the weight; bring color to :ll:: cheeks, and prosperity to whole body.P Tï¬:'c’lnldm take to it as naturally as they MILLLIONS OF WOOJ.LENB. Britain‘s drink bill, just published, malgamation of the Entire Woolien Industry of the United States, â€"Capitai Stock $50,000,000. New York, Marsh 4.â€"The Press John Alison, r. Dead. g-..ï¬ A lt feercrnstite t ectnntzenanetveatsecals WU‘M uyvos. mu"%mu% wiuding we 4 "'u:E‘.. re alt Cities in the Greak a & ""“g _ â€" Fmanse, Bermade, &6. % gu SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT N . 0 S dect ar uns | .. Derecite t $1.00 and apracte reesived. and earrent miins of inturatt What They Drink twentyâ€"fve cents a bottle, Sold [ 1 7 ho dsn antine es tssc d 2 s c } HEAD OFFIOE, ToRONTo ‘ :&P!,TLL(PADUP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS â€" %4 ® ® w & E3 # % 1 9 Sposi:! Attention Given to the Collection of Commersial Papor and Farmors‘ Sales Notes. of $15,000,000. _ JAMBS LOCKIE, President, JOHN SHUVH, Vieeâ€"Presiden ALFRED WRIGBT, Sccrctary, T A GALE, Inspostor, THE MERCANTILE FIRE BUBSCRIBED OAPITAL * @« % # DEPOB8IT WITH DOMINION GOVT = s All Polisies Guarantesod by The LONDON & L WM. CROWE, Agent, D. Buckrzarmoven, _ _ B. E. monthly payments : s â€" :y!;. term, monthly paym‘t,per $100 of loan fl Easy Terms! _ Easy Payment How and Where To Borrow Money. Mortgagor released at any time after two Borrowers Given a Definite Contract. Principal and interest fully paid up by nearest agency. m town is too small for that kind of a stock, ~ there is no agency. Are you there? Order "Slater Shoes" by mail from the | _ ooooe,. Stamped on the soles with makers‘ trade mark and price: $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00, Goodyear welted. Write for Catalogue, it‘s frees voron new ourralo PATDrT aus, sreu bec mannow Tive, Lige mt Ascideny ns Ages ®, t te, Waterloo, â€" Ont. posen me 12 semitninl, aric Torte Cun eÂ¥ P tetoeccted)| a| cqperm | amme susiness HEAD OFFICE, â€" â€" WATERLOO, ONTARIO. P oettent iPrice Tsl 1 | rafts Iesued on all Prinaipat Points: J.S. ROOS.â€"Sole Local Agent. point in Cunada eutside of the LEVER BUTTON CO., ToRonTo, OnT. »»>»>»»» B, KE W ALKER, Gaseaan ‘The sole agents of the "Slater Sho#* are bound by contract to carry in stock enough shapes, sizes, and widths of " Slater Shoes," to fit all kinds of feet. Where a IT‘S IN THE BOND. NOXON BROS. MFG CO, (Limited), Ingersoll, Ont., Canada. we give > mu:fl--d'c- Deliare THE SAYVING® DAXK DEPARTMENMTt The Molsons Bauk HEAD OFFICR, MONTREAL. Is A MARVEL OF SUCCESS. ('nmvucrmuhthnhnhlhuoltmm cu&mwn“ï¬hhflnm‘t Examine ib and you will see why. dfl.cdln-' &““M"“"‘“’.‘:" nnal‘d teeth can be reguiar suit condiâ€" fl-d?l'l. m.&. na-é:{‘but 7 rauling bebl huh:.:-mu-.mu a am mm.qum This machine is fur» nished with grain and grass seed box when reâ€" -Mihimh-ndg:-mdm'h- reâ€" uired. It reversible diamond steel points ?uflnuuh;-ha. umwfl.flflm&h points can be furnished. Examine it you wiil buy no other. The Hoosier Needs no Introduction,, Over 40,000 Drills and Seeders of our manu facture in use in Canada. ‘The only drill made wlmbmf‘rm-drtbotm: depth ot hoe in ali kinds of »oil. while team is motion. d.&," .h:w .e.ufoec to -::n saves seed, as every deposited at a merdopthwm. Purchase only the best you will be satisfied. We also manufucture Reapers, Mawers, Rakes, Cuitivators and as good as the best. Send for illustrated catalogue, 'llbbhu:lnlinhalunw“_l.uflh Canada, vin mnm&lfl.uï¬dgc‘m allowing any amount of pressure thrown upon the inner ends of the gangs, by th: foot of the operator, By this means a perfectly flexâ€" ible action is secured and the ground can be worked to a uniform depth. Examine this Machine carefully and compare with others. A General Banking 1 The Buffalo Allâ€"Steel Dise Harrow D-n.b.auui-’u.’" O Farmers‘ Notes collected. Advances made to responsible Farmers on The Traders Bank A W. ROBARTS, Manager. «> THE BEST DRILL MADE. Highest current rate of interest To regs bank Peprstie aod Depontt No their own names at 1 OF OaANADA ELMIRA BRANCH The No. 12 Cultivator at lowest current rates, free of charge.