_ Reonomical Matual Firs Ins, Co. ty %. 42000 E 10B M c % $ ~ pimms Eeroorient ce (entnuent He enz mt : ness, Bad Tastc in the Mouth, oated Tongus ;"",“"“"“" business in the ‘ Mbt;.&mrmu‘v'n.' ‘They h ane. ‘ ; Regulate the Bowels. Purcly Vegetable. Mr. Epb. E b, of the Boshmer D Om.1 PHM. Small DOBO, | parrmenta! 3 ore steff, will take the ; _ Small Price. road as travelier for the firm of Brown pt »ubstitution and Eâ€"b, as successor to the late Alex ; We hld abike Auo Whiting. Total Assets 3ist Decomber ‘96 Jaxes Inxcs, cxA.P., Cur. KumPr, Keq, President. Viceâ€"President WATERLOO MUTUAl ‘The Dominion Life has had a gocd year in 1806. It Has Gained â€" In Amount Assured . ~ > 11 73 per cent In Oash Premium Iccome | > 124 " " In interest Receipts â€" > > 2404 " " In Asseta »â€" + Ha " "® In Surplus over all Liabilitioe â€" 4274 " _ " 1t is safe, sound. ecâ€"nomically managed and «quitable in al} its pians . Its intorest recelp‘s h wve more vhan paid its dcath lorses a‘nos tae begl. ning. Nocomp:ny anywhere, hrs had a Jower death rata o1 d es betrer for its Po‘icy» holde~s than <h> Dominion Life. Separate bracches for Abstainers and Women. Head Office â€" _ Waterloo, Ont Dominion Life Assurance Hearty grectings for past year‘s successâ€" gr eatest in the Company‘s historyâ€"are tendered to its . Policyholders and Agents. Growth, Ontario Mutual Life the fraud of the day. See you get Carter‘s, Ask for Carters, Insist and demand ~arter‘s Little Liver Pills Death losses and management expenses. w. ln every depâ€"rtment the Company New Business for 1898, all written in BUCKBHRROUGH & CO‘Y, J. L. Wideman, KaQ., Bt. Jacobs, John Alichin, Keq., New Hamburg Allan Bowman, Keq., Proston. P. K. Shants, Preston, James Livingstone, Eeg., M. P., Baden BOARD OF DIRECTORS Geo. Randall. Kaqg., Waterio John Shuh, Kee., ® B. Snyder Keq., Waterico William Snider, Req., " George Randal!, President, John Shuh, Viceâ€"President, Frank Haight, Manager, W A. Raymo, Inspector, . _ Mossre. Bowiby & Clement, Solictiors Mutual and Cash Systems. FIRE JINSURANCE COMPANY INCORPORATED IN 1863 THOS. HILLIARD, Managing. Diroctor. uival Muvual FITQ 108, UU, COLDEST BINCB 1872 or BWRLIN. . .| B0 Retow.Zero in and Around Chicage. COMPAN Y ABSSURANCE CO. $3,750,000. Prosperity OPFFICERS: essvsas Waterioo Ont. Stability. Many thermometers throughout the|path and seek the broad road where elty, however, showed the mercury |two;may ride abreass We try and dis down to 25 and 28, and in the fashionâ€" mhur‘dlmun can ride able western suburbs lite La Grange| with one hand while the other encomâ€" it was 30 below. Amtmqm pastes the slender waist of a prott; ippaad if bee 'u'.'.'.";:, * the early morning bours they 43| _ Then weenter the holy state of tanâ€" nhu-rnibpolhomlh-ud“ h.n-u,vo have to anow on the ground caures the frost w'-fld'm. but evenâ€" ivarel portiony of cue °t ,9tiet 200| tuslly we do as wall s she rest, foring trom a lack of water supply | NMow comes the period of caring tenâ€" f Qbm,!ob.’.â€"’l\ildiy is in the g:d coideat weather since 1872. P igon wed ty o prions regiine at midnight, aad by 6 o‘clook d'nh-c'n the weather burean Many thermometers throughout the deceased lady bas been ill for the t six months, suffering from a .n:;l decline of vihl1ponr-. ::ouqunt to old age, being 77 years at the tinse of ber death. Dooen:rwu born in Audiem, Obeshire, EKog.. in 1822, came to Canada in 1863, and basspent the lart 23 years of ber ‘ite bere _ Her aged husband, one «m, Hamilton Murâ€" caâ€"hier, who at the end of eash week deposits the money in the savings bank d: p:riment of some charâ€" tered bank Wben a child has deposited The school savings bank system has b e1 adopted in the Galt public schools of Mr. D. Straoge took him 69 B‘MITé| ‘The anngal tibg of the Gal and the borses were got uext day. Preston and Hespeler '8.â€â€œ R‘n'.; Mrs. Jobn R. Muarray, whose maid«n | ®*8 boeid last week. The Directors reâ€" name was Eliz.beth Hail, died at her| Ported that the earnings were considerâ€" reaidence on the Berlin rosd near Pr+sâ€"| ab\y in advance of the previous year. ton on Wedneed :y, Fobruary 8:b. The | The to‘al number of passengers carried deceased lady bad been ill for the part| 2 1898 was 235,495, as egainst 221,â€" six months, suffering from a .n:;l 674 in 1897 ; the total freight carried decline of vital powers, consequent to | YA# 19,716 voos as against 12,793 tons old age, being 77 years of at the|tbe previous year. The increase in tinse of ber death. Dooeu:rwu born | rarninge from all sources was $1,191.99. in Audiem, Obeshire, Rog.. in 1823, | The Directora were reâ€"elected and Mr. came to Canada in 1863, and basspens | Martin M. Tojd was slected to fill the the lart 23 years of ber ‘ite bere Her|Y®0ancy caused by the death of his aged husband, one «cm, Hamilton Murâ€"| f@ther. _ Mr. Hugh McQalioch was ray, and two daughters, Mre. Bliss, reâ€"| oleoted President, Mr. Todd Viceâ€"Presâ€" siding at bome, and Mre. Suddaby of|ident, and Mr, Lu‘s Seorctsryâ€"Treasâ€" Borlin, survive ber. The funeral will | 9rer. bake place on Saturday at 2 p. m., to Tc am merlisr oo ons the Pr: stcn cemetery. ie pose Piime uce ~The central conference of the Lathâ€" ::m'uhllhl«&-bul all phrte of the province," " â€" Mr. Robt Jsokson, of Rimirs, has h.-rflhd. ol she Poesce, He will uo doubt make a oreditable and twpartial dispenser of justice. The Paimerston: Spectator has changed hands, Mr. W Schoifole selling out to Messrs. Harkness & Brother, sets, the second time he lost control of the borses and they ran away. A son of Mr. H. Straoge took him to E‘mirs and the borses were got uext day. Mrs. Jobn R. Murray, whose ma‘d«n name was Eliz.beth Hail, died at her reaidence on the Berlin road near Presâ€" ton on Wedneed :«7, Fabnu_ry 8_:h. The no in hish »aswiahatandias ah.4 ;1 ,|Gont _ consumers over the . borâ€" eter is high uotwithstanding that the der. They ought both to be vigilant, atmo pheric pressure on him is MOr® | e tpe 91d weapon of death hoongd- than when the barometer is 10#. . A*|miyg business be brought to bear in C:nâ€" the pressure of air on an ordinary #52 0| l4, a, is bas so effectively in this man is about fiftean tons, the ri8® Of| wopniry We refor to discriminating the mercury from 20in to Slin adds 4| tr5iz48 ratesâ€"the "smokeless" butdeadâ€" bout one ton to load be has to CArTYâ€" |(y yonare Todeed, it miy now be too Mr. H Stenernagel, whi‘e going from | jate, for independent refining interests Eors on Mondsy svening, bai %be¢| of Canads, at Potrolia, Sarnia and elss misfortune to bave his bands so bad!y | where have been absorbed by the trust, trcuen that it is feared some of the| and freight rates are already dancing. Gogers on each hand will bave t0o b* | The effact will be to shut out independâ€" »mpuvated. When leaving Elors be}ont American oi‘. Whether the peop‘s missed his mitte which had slipped [of O nada will submit to such railrcad down bstween the lining of his c0st|outrages tamely or make an effort to through a bole in the pooket,. Thinkâ€"| have justice done remains to be scen. ing be had loat them he drove off withâ€" out mists. On the way be had two upâ€" mz râ€"â€"s «s At i‘a last regular mesting the Pres ton Town Council paered a byâ€"law exâ€" »â€"mpting the Preston Metailic Shingle Compaoy from tazation for a wirm of alighted from his cld‘h. slipped and tel}, fractaring one of bis thigbs He wase removed to his bome and is now doing as well as might be expected. ten years _ An average of at leass ten â€"killed workmen must be employed uine menths io the year. Mr. Davn. 8. Saider, former‘y reove of Woolwich 'l‘o'nh? up-'L.‘ a serious accident last t.y. While engaged with a teanm: in his woods, be A man weighs lees when the barom> County District Gleansd learn to ride over _ There is another period d'm, but evenâ€" tually we do as well as the rest, Now comes the period of caring tenâ€" derly for smaller wheels, _ Toâ€"morrow we can wabble a littie though we suff.r many falle. The next day our line is etraighter, we call ourself a "wheelman," join the C. W, A. and own the sidewalk. Then comes cur rapid youth. We scorchâ€"and sooner or later are laid up 2. Wixazrow‘s Soornina SYRUP has been by miliione of mothers for their children while tocthing. nmumum oute oaoned uP t mek paild suffering and orrtan ildren Teething, It will relleve the poor little llï¬l:' l.mmdl‘.hly. Dornd upon it mothers there is no mistake about it. 1t cures ul-flhnl.vw-mm and Bowels, cures Wind mmom-:lm- wholeaystem. *Mrs. W inslow‘s Soothing Syrup . Jor children is pleasant to the taste and is the Dfmm’:&n of the “ -nud m temale nurses mi h’;.d‘-l.' fl: twentyâ€"fire °?h‘o. mw nuukan-.Wmm'hmm of friends and acquaintences. 8hs was a member of the Veanéral clhurch. The tuneral arrangements bave not yet beoa 1 k iGa‘t Reporter:) iee Aa old and respeoted resident towe passed into ber -on'z. im the death of Mire, Watson, o6 """Dn:fl-.dtvm 98. & J-u M.~ ;fl-hâ€"mdl:hu-..: years. two years (&-Hlbnunh.dzï¬ld her thigh bone, since which time she bas beee confaed to her bed. Bhe was mmd She had been 1940, w‘""?: 5 e ts â€" remc . be â€" :-l from -c“:o'-'h to .'WM a botel tor quite a namber of ""x. 1810 Mr. Watson died, nnlp atter wards his widow moved to Gailt and rnhuudlnlluhn Mrs. R R bertson of this town is alss a daughter of the deceased. She was a cheerful and sarm hearted persn and was much cete mel by a large cumber Petrolenm Gaszette, Titusville, Pa.â€" Have the railroads of Caneada leat their mssistance to the oil monopoly in an eff xt to control absolutely the cil busiâ€" ness of that country 1 Are the people d“bbflm buy . oil of one purchaser h 1 These completed, but inters place near Nowmarket. Afterwards we learn to ride more Now we begin to eschew the solitary A Prosperous Electric Road. For Over Fifty Years The Oil Trust o_ o4. 0_ |and never failing. Out at ail Events To delicate children, â€"â€" Scott‘s Emulsion brings ofice a Ime Haomc. pupé® $*|richer blood and firmer d-:,hn. The foreman, the job| fiesch. Better color comes the poblichen" m ‘~@u> ieg 4t | to, the checks and stronger m-;au-uh grippe, si#)â€"muscles to the limbs. ‘The b-.m'-rr&: zain in weight is substantial; TMSndn;'hn: a cï¬b- which might profitably be copied by other naâ€" tions. In the mines of that country the workmen have their tools sharpenâ€" ed by a special blacksmith, and he is paid, not by the number of tooils sharpâ€" ened, but by the number of yards borâ€" ed by the miners whose implements be Nmrp-ddnrzl&omï¬.hu. when the smith is ifa! and does his when his work is not well done, and there is a decided gain all around. at home; only a fool will be so abroad. | first bottle benefitted me, and five ln making others comfortable, you are | bottles cared me, It is a grand mediâ€" making things agreeable for yourseif;}%ine, and I owe my lifé to it." Sold by you are gaining and keeping goodâ€"wil), | E. M. Devitt, which m«y be of value and help to| | onA omaan you heresfter; you are accumulating a Biter‘s Bitten. capital of popularity and good report, w which may be used to advantage, perâ€"| While attending Kenyon Coliege hap», at a critical time, Good temper| Rutherford B Hayos, afterward nineâ€" is a great factor in success. teenth President of the United Svates, Bd temper, on the other hand, may | used to take long walks into thecountry, prove a fate! handicap in the race of| generally accompanied by a couple of life. Nobody is so poor or insignificant| companions of a fanâ€"loving disposition. that you can afford to give bim or her| This once got them into trouble. Oae causeless cffecce, Ezmibitions of ill | day they met an old farmer, whose temper may seem to do no particular|long white beard gave him a patriarcbal harm at the moment, but often it flics | appearance, and while he was spproachâ€" wounds, the rcars of which are not |ing the atudents they arranged to give easily healed. A man possessing avery | him u ‘jollying." ~One of them doffed :::role-ni requisite for ““.h..h hhhn:i:h.g;n reverence ll;i reâ€" temper excepted, may have spect as , "Good morning Father whole career marred by that lack. | Abraham !" The second saluted the old Keeping one‘s temper does not cost a|farmer and said, "Good morning, sent, It is wise to keep it, even under| Father Issac |" Mr Hayes, not to be great provocation, for deliterate reflec.|outdone in affability and politences, tion may suggeat somemethod ofredreas | extended his hand as he said, "UGood far esfer and more effective than might| morning, Father Jacob!" Ignoring have been adopted under the impulee | the ont stretobed hand of Mr. Hayes, of prasssion. If you would succeed in|the old farmer replied : "Gentlemen. of passsion. If you would succeed in |the old life, keep your temper ! â€"Success. you are 'i.,. Ib J‘"-u JoU sre an esmployer; | V***~ ~Arvoup * wtoning nc #HGeD: o pays, are an employe. _ Iv is profits ble, m"q walk of life. And| G°0. Webster,of Forsat, writes: "For this is taking the most seifish|* number of years I suffered _ greatiy view. You oweit to others to be|from mervousness, twitching of the good tempered. You owe is to your|®uscles and sleeplesences. I tried alâ€" own manhood, to your own womaubood, | 0st every known remedy without reâ€" to your seifâ€"respect. Only a coward lief. I wasinduced as a last resore to nature will be babitaaily fll--puz try . §°?f.h American Nervine The â€"steam Bogine. pus the young man in a cbair. With 62,362â€"Wm. _ McCloskey, Eees, the X ray a ekiagraph of the skull was Ont . â€"Mschiné for making fences. taken. This showed a thickening of 62,383â€"Altred Rowley Hoyland & the bone near the top of the skull on John Hamiltos, Keslo, B. C.â€"Mineral | the left side. This was removed in the lobe tracers. usual manner, the foreign ‘ metter exâ€" cized and the patient was put to bed. He awoke toâ€"day entirely rational, and Keep Your Temper | his first words were, "Why did you hit 62,481â€"John Hayden, Brantford, Ont.â€"New method of securing a crank to its axle. €2,401 â€" Diniel Wilbelm, New H«mburg, Ons.-â€"wuullio. Iï¬cblu. 62,403â€"Harry Mitchell, w&, Man.â€"Saw Horses. t 62,410â€"Jas. Hardill, Stratford, Ont. 822309 Wm: . McCloskey, Berex 62,362â€"Wu. Ont . â€"Mschiné for making fences. . _ Below will be found the report of Patents recently granted to Csuedian Toventors by the CanadianG t. This report is prepared m 1bis paper by Messrs Marion & Marion, Solicitors of patents and Erperte, New York Life Bollding, Montreal. 62,446 â€"Neil McDoagail & Thomas Longhead, Allenford, Ont,â€"Oattiefeed heaters. s 62463â€"George D. Pesraon, 1 treal, P. Q. â€"Acetylens Gas lamp. __‘Dsn‘s you think the testimonia‘s are true 1 questioned his friend. 'Oh)r,llkmthynn. Now here‘s a cage that I‘ve investigated :â€" *Mr. C. B. Griggs, a carpenter who ;l'.““LQ“w“'hfl Hamâ€" ‘ou, says he was oight yeare thast bhe had B:fh'- Disease. .g; couldu‘s get any relief, let aloune a cure till be tried Dodd‘s Kiduey Pills.© He used three boxes of that remedy and was completely cured by thens.‘ ‘I don‘s k.o;'::v mady :..lltu people hbave cured kiduoy pills, but the number must be enorâ€" mous, for hardly a week pssses that I don‘s see a testimonial from one of our citizâ€"ns in the papers.‘ ‘Dodd‘s Kiduey Pills are a gresat ::llolmâ€"thonlykflnyun under sun.‘ Fills Oured MÂ¥ O. 6. Griggs, of -â€"n-.-mtâ€"-u Heamilton, Fob. 13.â€"‘I uever know anything like the these testimonâ€" in‘s to the efferey of Dodd‘s Kiduey Pills in kidnoy divanses appear in the newepapere.‘ said a citizen, a couple ol eveninge 2go, as he laid down bis pape: after baring read ome of the teati monlals.‘ | *How is that 1° queried his friend. *Well, no matter What paper you w.p.;{-uhuup-in'sm'-i & cure kidney diseasse by Dodd‘s Kiguey PJ‘s time it is a time it is a new case that‘s talked about. ‘l‘uyk.‘lhz';. the one ease all the time, so, if are all true Dodd‘s Kidney Pills must be curing people by thousands.‘ _ â€" People Read of New Curee Every Day Paid For Doing Good Work. New Inventions It pays in every y than he dose you are mistaken in the man. I am neither Abrabam, Isaac nor Jacob, but Saul, the son of Kish, who was sent out to seek his father‘s aases, and lo | I have found them." farmer and said, "Good morning, Father Isaac !" Mr B:y.:,nalto be extended his band as he -l':.'uw morning, Father Jacob!" Ignoring OQured Nervous Twitching and Sleopâ€" Present and future health demands that this increase in weight should be steady Children should always increase in weight. Not to grow, not to increase in fesh, oclongs to old age. Deen insane, and Tfor a number of he was an fiomate of the Eastern Ilm Asylum at Kankakes. Yesterday Dr. W. G. Stearne, at the asylam, aided by the X rays, operatei on Burreli‘s skull. Toâ€"day the cloud which had so long obscured the light of Burrel:‘s mind had :ndsny.udln began life where left off twelve years ago. When but a boy young Burrell had a quarrel with a playmate, who threw a brick at him. He was dazsen by the blow and never recovered from its effects until 'horlduof yesterday. Dr.Stearns pus the young man in a cbair. With mï¬hthcuophymplwedlflvanhhldq, to the inscription as each team wins the trophyâ€"the whole combining to make one of the handsomest prizes ever offered for hockey im Canada, and the club that i‘:‘th. ï¬o‘rtnm wimnerâ€" should certainly ‘The Ontario Association has just been made the of a very handâ€" some cup for in the Intermediâ€" ate series, The trophy was donated by Mr. Richard Garland, Manager of the Dunlop Tire Co., Toronte, and will be held by the champion team of hockeyists for one year. Mr. A. H. Beaton, of. the O.H. A., sends arsketch oï¬hhocLy prize. The trophy, vhichhlmd.olmm silver, stands twentyâ€"one inches high :c@nw?‘:ï¬ï¬yanddxgt::nm It a o h n .,_ï¬n.&mgdwm.m arou a cu {:uwnypmâ€?u b-bvpm are three skates, perfectly modelled after the latest design in use hockeyists, on a ndwork of eornpted‘ ited silver in !',!'!'9,“?;‘“!“ _ On the ebony base which ~â€"_ MA L L 1. "Why Did You Hit Me? GEO. E. TUCKETT, That‘so t .Z22.11L. Pure Virginia, Cash must accompany all orders. M tered Letter or Express Order to MYRTLE NAVY, UObronicle and Farmers‘ Advocatey............... Chronicle and Montreal Weekly Witness........ .. Obronicle and Daily World.,.................... Obronicle and Daily Globe...................... Chronicle and Toronte Daily News............... Chronicle and Hamiiton Spectabor . ... ... ... ..... Chronicle and Country Gentleman................ Ohronicle and Toronto Sunday World............ Ohronicle and Toronto Daily Star................ UOhvoniolo uod Wookly Globs.::.:+s:ss;;::ssssrrsszorrrserssssses Obronicle and w.lll]xlll.......................--.....-.-u.. Chronicle and Farm and Fireside. ... ............ .e cce eees ces css Obronicle and Western Advertiser.,..............se00sseee es e0es Moue!-nylflqund\wâ€uym, with premium........ In.order to save our subscribers the trouble of making two or more remittinites we have made special arrangements with the publishers by which we are enabled to offer the following publications in connection with the WATERLOO COUNTY CHRONICLE, for one year, at special low rates, _ Special clubbing rates with all American newspapers and magazines quoted on application. Spoch:! Attention Given to the Colleotion of Commercial and Farmers‘ Saies fiotes. h JAMES LOCKMIE, President, _ o JOHN SHEEW, Vie ALFRED WRIGHT, Secrotary, T A GALE, Inspocter, BUBSCRIBED OCAPITAL » m = « DHEPOBIT WITH DOMINION GOVT s » All Polisiss Guaranteed by The LONDON & Chronicle Clubbing Offers. ____ MARION & MaRION PAPBYT sonrcrrons & #XrEmve P Otvil & Mechanica) Pagineers, Ovaduates of the 1 gaprraL (parp Up) ai® MiLLiON polzans â€" piomas sn tiimen s Arrpeliy us ty e % Rcatccadl sacess d uvn::'n IP:;!.I-R. @u: the Trincipal iwie agoun 2t the ond of haÂ¥ uh MONRY ORDERS May be prosured at lowest rates for any sum up to fifty dollacs, payable at sny banking THE MERCANTILE FIRE â€" Bun Cured, Full Weight, Solid Comfort, Style and Stamina HEAD OFFICE, â€" â€" WATERLOO, ONTARIO. & Son Co, Limited DAVID BEAN, Publisher, . Waterloo, Ont. Cheap Reading For 1899. point in Camada eataide of the Fuben Pupiiney? s o« be=a | | Drafte lesued on all Prigeipal Poigta. 3 B. E. WALKER, Ganunar Maxaess ib theiicmnibet tiibroitnes. Aidrint Mbsbbandt. tubsimtdirtint h A did A 6 d 440 4 4 AGVOORtOU.........cersee enc se senc...... $1 90 WeGkly WIRRONS.â€":+++s«res+ervec serrssrsss L 60 O + risarsrrrirrrarsrigrsrrsssx$srs02sss+s 89 D0 MOlarrsrsars rir*rrrrrsssiÂ¥sÂ¥serssrr« sar* B4 B0 sily NMowe..:.c«sersersrsessesssssrsssree U O P;:;............................‘,........ :{g BOF . . ce sas ven virs rirst2r3s sÂ¥55g55% PDEIOMMD . . . .0. ... 2 000 s se esn ces e ces eees + $2 60 anday World...................«..sâ€"â€"... $2 35 Mly SORL ... .0. e e e e se s es aese sen ces cec..s $2$ 00 with Aasets of $15,000,000, The Molsons â€"Baut HEAD OFPICBE, MONTREAL Notes discounted at lowest eurrent rates. Dnlhbaauul-u. Farmers‘ Notes colieated. â€" Advances made to responsible Farmers on their own names at lowest current rate of diacount. Collections promptly attended to. Highest current rate of interest paid en Savings Bank Deposits and Deposit Reâ€" Blank se ierime o Te af e Adfldh&m-:.& The Tradors Bank A W. ROBARTS, Manager. â€" * ELMIRA BRANCH BRAMOEHE the Yuken District, and the Norman T. Hillary OF CANADA by Postal Note, Regis §1 40 8 f $1 20