We Seii for Gash a4d we hare YOL 44~â€"NO. 7 Aro s TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY @GG+G @66 460 60625645884# 9 %4%4% Ludies‘ Waterproofs in Black and Navy Blue, something special, with large loose cape and veivet collar, regular price $5.00, for â€" _ $3.75 Ladies Wrappers . in Black and Navy Blue, with colored fowers and braid trimmed, regular price $2.00 â€" â€" â€" â€" $145 LOT NO. 2â€"â€"â€"Brown and Black with Heliotrope Flowers, braid trimmed, regular price $2.25 for ~ ® .*» â€" $555 Dress Goods The A. 0. BOEHMER CO. Limited STILL THEY GQ:â€"â€"Shoes and Clothing for men and Boys at awayâ€"down prices. Ladies Winter ghou marked down to bedâ€"rock to get them off our shelves. ___ These are genuine bargains. No old stosk. and see them. Shoes and Clothing Bargains Ladies‘ felt Juliette Gaiter, a real comfort shoe, n'nhr‘lw.lpocialfor......,.............l Ladies‘ Buttoned and laced Shoes, regular $125, Lidies‘ coarse and fine $1 50 shoes for Ladies‘ Over Gaiters, regular 65¢ for.. Ladies‘ lambe‘ wool solss for ... . We carry a large assortment of Pocket Cutlery, manufactured by the following wellâ€"known makers: Joseph Rodgers, Henry Boker, George Wostenholm, A.Field, Sheffield Cuttlery Co., Dixon Cutlery Co., besides cight or ten other wellâ€"known makers. Joseph Redgers Pocket Knives at 23+, 35¢, 40c, 450, 50¢. otc. Henry Bokers pocket knives at 23¢, 25¢, 300, 35¢, 400, eto. The Give up buying the cheap, breakâ€"samy chimmeys and put the difference in your P ud teaired two metionds froch Canadian Winter White and Amerisan Winter The Maker to the Coneumer White Coal Oils. Prices just right 42, 44 and 46 King St. BERILICDN â€" C Fine Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps Next to Post Office. °~ Store closes 6.30 p.m except Tuesdays and Saturday=" BERLIN POCKET CUTLERY Cashand One Price toall. _ Money Back if Not Satisfied. N‘.J 2â€"+â€" DrOWn ana.nucx win HEHOLUpE EIOWCTS, DIEIG Deata or Mat. Â¥urray.â€" .'.. bre dirstnismme o edinnmcniiedhurmnenes . Araniy wal :â€"-"l trimmed, regular price $2.25 for * * + 0_ $155 5 izsbetb Hal‘, beioved wife of Jobn Ng:,,,' . Phant n in B.h‘hlol:. urrsy, rea‘dir g oa B riin naduur‘.‘.,_. Lucy Forwell visited Stap le D °Pwm°nL P ‘:‘"‘ P‘b".‘â€d on lass w‘;:":l triends ‘u.lo:.Sc-hv.â€"Qllh a numâ€" 5 nigls at the ago o years. ber t hcauailiie ids whi wsend had bers tC tte Te Tan 8 |ereciogie P Droare ce Gteriar faat 7 pieces more of those Fire Tartan Plaids which were sold moutbs or more, suffering from asthma| __Mr, Thoee Hin«perger, one of our last Thursday, at 5c. _ This is the choicest batch of the lot coupled with weakness incident to old | oig sports, spent Sunday in town visitâ€" and sold everywhere from 8 to 10c ; for =â€" â€" 5 cents | age. Dcai-ndvnbom in Audie®, | ing friends and relatives â€"Miss Emma e RFINE nirs naw onnde Ens hatlaens hraoht in sell at Ro E.. gocoge :!. .._h_“.'.'“...:â€.'u'_ l,_a Toyel, l__.M is '!“ mb . w.-; Stocking is over and we find we have an overdose of one line of expensive underwear. This is the way we intend to clear it out : Ladies‘ fine wool Vest with Blue or Gold Silk Rib, Full Fashioned, regular price $1.40, special â€" A. Weseloh & Co. A. 0. BOEHMER C0, Linited J, FRNNELL & SON, ON T WATERLOG, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 16, 1899. | We :.*lCOUNTY l n oo e -r]mh;ï¬:&ï¬& precariouns conditieon for the last month The mary friends of Rev Mr Houseman ympetbise with big in his bour of beâ€" reavement. We bear thet he had re quested some other minister to fill his appointment but he aiso failed to put in an appearance. What is the maiter with Shettield? â€" Marriaos of Mr. Wm. We MWC. TEWE, COOTCOF, CCÂ¥ HMIOCT ID marriage to Misa Districh, neasr Weolâ€" lealey, on Wednesday, 8 h inst. Alter drive to We home one of uï¬nfllmm shafts and dashâ€"board to pieces, but in spite of vime as his father had been lying in a mdwd. baby boy last Graxp Coxcerat.â€"Do not fail to at tend the grand concert to be given in the Town Hall Friday evening, Feb. 24th. _A splendid programme has been arranged. The proceeds will be used to buy school furniturs. shis a pleasant time was spent l mm mmher o ts wider Tnther, livee Dsitn or Mas OperuoutZzurâ€"Tbe | had better heed th grim monster death has agsin made hi« ::dmb:‘:;f sppeâ€"r1ince in our midst and ciaimed tor his victim Hanoah L Soider, beâ€" jmes ‘oved wife of Mr Josish Oberboltzar, and daugbter of Mr Asron Saider near| _ Thz Coun Sxar Z:on, as the comparatively early. age of | decidedly cold anaj 26 years, 6 months and three 1:;-. Monday morning Dâ€"ceas:d bad been in ber ueual beaivb | registered 24 degre «nd strength till a few months ago thas | 30 below zsro. Son insidious but dread disease consumpâ€"| P°rbaps rewember vion frstened its bold on ber which reâ€"| thormometer regist sulted in ber death in a few mcntbs.|below zwo ten o She leaves behind to mourn her deparâ€"| No# Years, but tt turea husband and twosmall daughters| «ammeor were very besides a large concourse of other sor better times are 0 rowing relatives and friends. Faneral| BRIEFs.â€"Mr. 8 services were conducted last Wednes |ieading two cars c d y by Rov. J. B. Gingrich at Hagey‘s meeting houss, after which the remains were interred in the Uemetery edjoicâ€" she U B church here every Saturday evening. Mr Titus Kolb of Natcher is to have cherge cf the class We hope it may be a success.â€"Mr Geiger‘s of Little Paradise have moved into Mr receive carsful Brirrs.â€"Oar people here are wonâ€" Mr. A. Mader sold his bovines to Rr. dering bow the Manitoba people manâ€" A. White of Gueipb,â€"The Germen age to exist if the cold up there is| Medicine Company did a rushing busiâ€" much more severe than it is here. _ If|vtss this week at the Bloomingdale this is Manitoba weather we are as|ballâ€"Oar merchant tailor is, we are near there as we desire ‘to be.â€"Rev. | sorry to say, confined to his room, havâ€" Mr HRouseman presched a very practiâ€" ing had a relapee of la grippe.â€"Rer cal sermon last Sabbatht morning.| M. Steiner of Ohio, will occupy the Preaching again next Subbath evening pulï¬' in the Eoy Meseting Houee, «t 7 o‘clock sharp. All are welcome.â€" next Sunday evening, Feb. 19. Rumor bas it we are to have a singing | Service will begin at 7 30, school, now. The class is to meet in poommomcpenniznn nusic for â€"the /ocossion. â€"The s. Lintick have their at the fron bridge to perfection. rork or contract given them wili e careful attention.â€"Oar aleighâ€" very good, what is of is.â€" insinger‘s sale of bousehoid farâ€" last Saturday was a the we irvdighaati A qoie hoii ;.U:' d";': Brizrsâ€"Last Thursday the remains| _ _PLeasaxt Suzraissâ€"The family of ousshold far. | Of the late Obester Welliver, who died in Mr. Amron Scheifele were very pleasantâ€" was a | Bociin, but who was formeriy a resident 1y surprised one evening last week by i~broughy 2|Of thie place, were interred in tte| {wo slsighloads of young people from r\will move | HMawksville cemetery. His wife pre | Waterloo, to the number of abous ' â€"BKF; ‘Mn him some .:.“’.l“g years Nny.mlh-o‘:::: terides “(l:hlml." h e was sixtyâ€"five years old.â€"| young _our own ‘ ";"g;;.; xon“&»m.urmu ap| The party arrived at about 8 o‘clock L..bm up with a sore foot. â€"Mr, |and after allowing the family to reâ€" aby boy last B. J. Bailard, vl:ohhl‘; disposed of | cover from their surprise they all proâ€" his property to Mr. E G. Winn, has|cceded to spend a very enjoyable evenâ€" aot fail to 26 |Purcbased from Mr. J. Bailey, the lot | i0¢. Part of the evening was spent in o be given i» | Adicining the Presbyterian church, and | singing, led by Miss Jones and | music vening, Fap, | intends erecting a fine brick residence led by Miss Hilliard, after which some --:.m â€"Don‘s forget the sales : Extensive|bime was spent in other amusements. rill be used t | *2ctton sale of live stock on the farm Alur-ldtl;ht\hp.n{:t down to of Mr. L K. Woeber on the 24th inst , :‘:mulh;:‘w this had and the sale of live stock, implemente, partaken guests dispersed :m"; eto., of Mr. Ed. Winn will take place| for their homes, all agreeing that Mr. near Wei.| FoP 28â€" Scheifele was an excelient hoébt and inst, . After |, PRR# NAL#â€"A sleigh load of young that they had spent a very pleasant ‘ï¬:"*‘um.v:t n-:n.u‘.’-.;h. Brizrsâ€"A load of & on y ing.â€" ura â€" young h:m Mr. Henry Martinson of Henfryn is | from the village took in the Sm e shaft, 224 | Yisiting Mr. Fred Dsnaid â€"A _ goodiy | Schooi Convention at Hawkeviile and in spite of number from Orosshill and Linwood | report baving bad a very pleasant and beslk attended the 8. 8 Convention which | pro€table time.â€"The "grip" is a very ide‘s h?h‘:-. mhddhmflhlhfl'duhy prevalent, but by no means a welcome The _ BAPDY7 | son of Sharespeare .v:u‘-‘g' o. i. | Atrum Detvalien Preoish rrmirebe son Lad at s v ".l..":'_"'l_‘: Goorge , A. | Framer‘sâ€"Mise Jennie | is at present visiting triends ‘and> ao d by the best Whud'nldnhqm‘u few | quaintances here.â€"Mr. Sohinbeto, .of 'n ad days at Mr. Merrits â€"Mre, | W «lince, accompanted by Mr. Grey ao Wallace of The Plains is visiting ber| epending a few days at the hoapit«ble mother, Mrs, J. Winn.â€"â€"We sre very|nome of Mr. Géo. Hohinbeio â€"Mr. us b1“l|.3-l>-llh- Ohes, Sohweitzer will loave for Toronto havoe been very ill for the paset week with |shortiy.â€"Mr. Obarlis R. Kooh called of | decidedly cold anap the past two weeks | _ Brizrsâ€"Qaite a number from here ye.| Monday morning the thermometer | attended the anniversary services beld ub | registered 24 degrees and in some places | in the Preebyterian church on the 3rd ap | 30 below zsro. Some of our readers wili| line of Wellesiey on Sunday and also ipâ€"| perhaps remember that in 1864 the | the teaâ€"meeting on Monday svening.â€" re. | thormometer registered 30 to 36 degress | Orosshill was well represented at the z. | below zsro ten over CObristmas and|S:.bbath School Convention held in ip. | New Years, but the crops the followâ€"| Hawkesville last Wednesday.â€"The rg| sammer were very heavy, so cheer up,|regular service in the Presbyterian y | better times are coming. charch was dispensed with on Sanday ral| _ Brizrs.â€"Mr. Simon Kinsie is unâ€"| on account of Rev. W. Haig being inâ€" ag | lnading two cars of corn and Mr. J. | disposed. y‘s | Betzner one car.â€"Mr.L.Staoffer shippâ€"| _ Pzrsoxar â€"Miss A Ronnie of Waâ€" ne}|ed one car of bovinesâ€"The ice this|terioo spent Sunday under the parenâ€" iL. | winter has not beer. ao heavy for many | val roof. â€"Miss B Hastings is recoverâ€" net solos sad was accompanied by Miss | Saturday afterncon and the remains Hachnorgerd. We wish to thaok them | taken to Ced«r Creek cemetery..â€"Mre. for their able assistance. Oar orchestra | James Vietch, who has been ailing for aleo rendered some very fae music. _ | some time, died ar the resideace of her PersoxiL. â€"Miss Aunie Bseet is|ton, Audrew, on Friday, the 10th inst., Tisiniog at J. Barbach‘s. â€"Miss Oarry nosopou:.;ku-m be buried toâ€"day spent Sanday noader the as Cedar cemetery. She leavesa roof,â€"Mr.Geo ou-.un-m tamily of nine, five sons and four or attended the wedding of H. Haiter, | daughters. Waiter, of Winterbourne ; Now Gormany, on the 7th inst.â€"Mirs| George, of Port Eigin; John, of Wisconâ€" ; the old Barlin Streee Reilwey mn&h They elso ssour: d two of Beriin‘s finest teams. Myr, HAuchnergerd played several Aaeciaric: net solos snd was accompanied by Mise Loyes â€"Mr. Voisen and wife qnotflud-"t:‘:::n. A number of young people from S+. Agsatha attended the concert here Sunday night. Baiers â€"La grippe is quite prevalâ€" ent in this vicinity which no doubs is due to the extreme ed:‘ m-;hA. trespasser has been quen property of Mr, Juhn 8 lqc“yhh. He has been seen in the barn at im:â€" proper bours. The said individua! had better beed this timely warniog if he doves not wish to get into trouble. Brizrs â€"There is a great deal of sickness in this village and vicinity. There are three funcrals this week, The attendance at the school is very small at present on account of so many of the children being sick.â€"A number of young people ofthe Ohristian E:sâ€" years. This indicates a late spring.â€" Mr. A. Mader sold his bovines to Mr. A. White of Gueipb,â€"The Germen Medicine Company did a rushing busiâ€" ness this week as the Bloomingdale and will be run to its fullest capacity. Forwe NEW DUNDEK. HAWKSVILLE. â€"We bare had a of 8t Thomss; Mre. McN<«b of Dumâ€" fries ; M:s. Hamilton of Winterbourne, «nd Mre Pomeroy of Rosevillie.â€"â€"Miss Tunny of Blenheim, aged 77 yearr, died at the residence of Isadore Markâ€" ham on the old Tunny homestead. She was buried in Ayr on Monday, on which occasion Rev. Mr. Thompson of Ayr, was to conduct the services, but was prevented by an aocident caused by the upsetting of the cutter and the breaking of his shoulder blade. Reav. Mr. Backus of New Dandee, was called Tag Snas ty o ho Hoxy {8®, Rev. Henry Shantz, died nSmeln.onMy. l1th inst, Her remains will be brought to Roseville cometery for burial.â€"Mre. Kinsie, wife of Joueph Kensie, formerly remains will be brought to Roseville cemetery to be buried. Pzrsoxat â€"Miss A Ronnie of Waâ€" terloo *Sundsy under the parenâ€" val nolq.:.lbl Hastings is recoverâ€" ing from a severe attack of La Grippe. Mre. T. Playford entertained a numâ€" ber of her friends to a quilting party on Tuesday afternoon. Brirrs â€"Mies Selioe Shantz took a brip to Bienheim on Sunday.â€"Mr. Allan Koccbtc! has been iadisposed for a ftew days past.â€"Miss Kstie Bachert returned to Borlin last week. â€"La Grippe is still claiming quite a number of victims here.â€"As a result of the late cold spall waterâ€"pipes that have never been known to freeze are now useless on account of being frozen ap, 16, 1899 ‘WHOLE NUMBER 2310 2 ue=n«»=» » SpPOCial Clearing Sale. â€"_. : 8 and 10 King Street, N. Cheap Cash Store, Nos. 23â€"25, S. King St., Berlin, Ont Store closes every evening at 6.15 Tuesday and Saturday excepted.Phone 178. _ We hate to say ithtï¬.thplhlh‘ must know it as the spring will come if we wait leng enough. lhuthomhnd‘ buy one of our Heary Cloth or Fur Caps to cever your ears. New iot of Puff Ties toâ€"day. See the new "D‘e Berguac‘ Pufl. Fur Coate at cost to clear, A few heavy Friese Over: ceats at a bargain. WOOLLARD & C0. WALPER BLOCK & Berux AND VICINITY: It will be to your interest to call at Mrs C,. Steurnagels for Millinery before purâ€" chasing elsewhere as a great change has taken place, Klipport Undortaking Co 10 THE LADIES OF KATIERLOO BIX CASES x i â€"â€" OF â€" EngRe ljats For Spring Wear. MRS. C. STEUERNAGEL, _ Heavy Winter Mitts, Lamps, Skates and Hockey Sticks, Heaters, Leanterns and Meat Cutters. When we advertise goeods at a redustion we do what we say. To call is to be PDRUlï¬ -.m'u-dlmâ€"th% the on‘ Olozhh\hr*dynr?uu&owm at email the swings in your astere SPRING STOCKS of the newest and Intest tion. w.mmuummmmmmpb from ong season to the ether, With this end in view we have prices eaâ€" String and Sleigh Belis, Cross Cut Saws and Axes, HARDWARE SALE We have passed into stock this week Undertakers and Embaimes H-'!It.'y_‘l:. Beaver Overconts, Farmers‘ Sutin linings Veivet Collas» P all wool Blue Beaver Overcont, fine Farmer‘s Satin linings, ‘s Popyp 2L zuol Bine Beaver Overcont, fine Farmer‘s Satin linings, M. WEICHEL & SON We Strive to Excel by Superiority Alone, SMYTH BROS. . . MIDâ€"WINTER .. . e*srvererkkkkke0rcaessevecsee se 008 WB M 25 per cent. off...... 18 A. CHATFIELD, deweler and Optician, (KNELLS OLDâ€" STAND) â€" BERLIN * ONT stock of Rings, to equalled valueand tion to those interâ€" ested, makes selecâ€" at price ind o fore = at