71 VERY W-ses"s-seu"u-'-as--"t-aa-ueu-=-t2u £9 SANTA CLAUS IS HERE r w, J, . BERLIN, ONT; Hardware from . . ' , Thu Maker to the consumer "P1 C8iCNtEuAcEii1 GOODS We carry . hill line of Celluloid Albums, Carving Sets in men. Table Cutlery, Per. fumes, Silverware, Fancy Handkerchiefs, Skates, Skating Shoes, eto., all at our usual RoeiLBottytrr,Eiguresy, fl _ - -- -- _ _ --- - ,, -- -- _ The Cheapest: and Biggest Stock of Dolls in Town ; see our 190 and Me Dolls, they best the world for Valuer. . Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Beta, Berry Sets, Lemonade Saba. Flower Pots, Vases, Cheese Di shes. Wedgewood Jugs, Bisque Figures. ete., etc. Fancy China. in Great Variety, at prices to suit everyone. Our stock ean't be equalled in the County. 53 Different Linen of Fancy Plates, ranging from 5e to 50e each. 95 " " " Fancy Cups and Saucers, ranging from 5e to 650 each. 44 " " " Emmy Lumps. at 75a to $7.00 each. SHOP EARLY IF POSSIBLE. Store open every evening till Xmas. With In unusually large and complete assortment of HOLIDAY GIFTS for young and old. l? ancy Slippers in all the newest styles, for Gentlemen, IAdies, Misses and Children from 150 to $2.50. They are marvels of the silk weaver’s art. Selected especially for the holiday trade. Stripes, Checks, Brocades and Fancy Figures, in e cot, four-in-hand, flowing end knots and p359, the very qeweet, from_2§o to 5o_c._ -- .. . ._ _ _ _ . ... We imde cufaelvas in' providing useful gifts, sensible gifts and acceptable gitu-- gifts which will, please everybody. And our priest are sure to be satisfactory. The il NEXT DOOR The l, 0. N1Jlllllilll 80.Limited itr+iFF'4F4Firxeret-8y"iFeritsit<r<r<r--4yx4Fers4tiFWx+ We Wish You We all for Gash! and we have one price VOL. i?,- NO. 51 CE3TL' Twp Big Stbres 45 to 49 King St. Next to Post tlftiee Store clam 6.30 p.m except Tuesdays and Saturdays. ll Cash and One Price Cheap Store MERRY WESELOH & WING, 42, 44.and 46 King St. BLIN - t The it, (l: fllllilfIllflifl 00., Limited. WISH ALL READERS OF Come ihto oisr eitablishment" and let us sell you some "HOLIDAY HARDWARE,â€---we can show you a hundred things that will interest pm. To our establishment is the Economical Mutual ' Fire InsuranceCo. of Berlin,a big institution which i) insures you against loss by fire, and they give you good protection for very little money. What protection have you got against poor, cheap Hardware when you buy any P You can't tell by the LOOK of the article whether the iron or steel is good that it is made of. You must TRUST the merchant that sells you the article. We godarther than this-e-we say, "Your money back for any article not as represented." Our word is good and this gives you protection if you buy HERE. Waterloo county's Greatest Store Men’s Neckwear W. H. Lm,m, J, FENNELL t w, 0heAnd All WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1898. B.-.-'---" . - ‘T _ . if " '2M . . ah ' " iEi4 iii, MI a ' > g. © L i ' 's ’ tt t , MI 'tt , ' a; IN gig, ', a". Mt . '" 'ral " iltl at? ', 'l' M' , , Bg _ . . itm an "i-V ' I. e 19 .V "' M M . '_", I _ . . . 42. “w '14:: 'r T»:: . " . _ .;- - .4 - - ONT orders promptly and pi'ofhbly IWe fill BERLIN DEAR Mm BARB. We the pupils under your instruction during the Fast. three years desire to express our heartfe t thanks to you for the benefit we have received under your teaching. We realize that you have not only been our teacher but also our counsellor, our adviser and our friend. You have not, only instruct: ed us in the various branches of learning bat you have also implanted within us the true principles that go to make up true charac- ter. We fear we were often careless and indif- ferent and many times caused you much un- nessary care and anxiety, but you were ever patient and kind, never stern except when necessary to restrain us in our waywardness. Words fail to express our sincere thanks to you. _ _ on The {we of Christ befriend you The cure of Christ attend you Christ have you in his keeping When :11 the world is sleeping Christ be with you tomorrow Its, pleasure or in sorrow: Christ help you in temptation And _ tribulation: Christ strengthen you for duty Give to your spirit beauty And comfort you with gladuesa For every hour of udneas Christ bid his angels serve you Andjrom all ill prose". you _ - Wishing to express our thanks still further we do so by presenting you with this chain, not that we can in tlus way repay you for all you have done for us. but as . slight taken of our deep affection for you. Wish. ing you a Merry Christmas and a. Happy New Year and a. bright and pros erous future we commend you to the care T. Him who is the Father of all. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with LIN WOOD SCHOOL EXAMINATION. - Successful gas the c'osing examination which took place in our school Saturday last. Very great preparations had been made by rho teachers and scholars, not only for what ll unders “30d as an examination, out tor a public entertainment. Toe school rooms were appropriately decor- sted with evergreens and mottos and in the large hall running through the centre of the building, tables were er- miged an a hot dinner served for all wh l might) come. Invitations had been sent out to teachers and others of neighboring sections and a considerable number responded. Ot the teachers present there were, Mr. J. S Jackson of Berlin, Mr Geo McKee and Mr John Menzie of Molesworth, Mr. Ir. S. Wil- liams of Baden, Mr Curtis of 13 h line, Mr Mayer of Linwood, Miss Riddel of 11ilrerton, Miss Gleister of Jhosishill, Miss McKee, Hubersville and Miss l, Lackner of Beechvale. The examina. )tion exercises opened at 9.30 o'cloek and continued until noon and were said to have been most creditable to both teachers and scholars, Mr Bsbb'a 4th ind 5th classes in physiology excelling themselves. The examiner Mr J S Jack son,remarked that "hsre didn't appear ' so be any part of it that they did not , know". These exercises being brought i no a close, teachers and scholars, viir [ tors and parents sat down to a sump tuous repast prepared by the ladies of the section, which was most heartily enjoyed by all. At the conclusion of this and as soon as order could be re stored and the people seated as far as poasiblts9Gsster BertWilliams delivered the address of welcome, and then moved in the manliest manner possible, that Mr J S Jackson of Berlin take the chair and preside over the meeting. This motion was seconded by another bright little fellow and on being put to the meeting was declared carried unan» imonsly. By this time the school room had become so densely packed that it was almost impossible for a man of Mr. Jackson’s dimensions, to make his way to the front. Mr. Jackson upon taking the chair expressed the very great grtstif1estion it afforded him to be present at this examination and ’entertainment especially so, as he had l found the school in such an exceedingly l progressive condition. His opening remarks were of such a felicitous na- ture as to give a very happy start to the proceedings and they were entered upon with a bound and what with song and speech and dialogue for fully three hours the excitement and interest ‘of the meeting was kept at white heat. ft would be impossible to give anything like a fall report of what was presented to the audience. However, special mention should be made of the music rendered by one of the pupils, who played for the scholars’ songs and be tween the acts in a most praiseworthy manner, and of a song given by six little girls and a small boy on a teeter board entitled "see-saw" which was particularly well given as was also a dialogue entitled " W oman’s Rights." Many other selections deserve special praise but space will not allow of such. Short addresses were given by Messrs. Beggs, Crookshanks and Globe, the trustees of the section, as also by Dr: McEachern and Messrs. Boomer and Rennie, all of whom spoke in the most complimentay terms of the man- agement of the school under the prin- cipalship of Mr, W. ll Babb, and ex/ pressed their sincere regret that Mr. W. F. Babb had seen pro per to tender his resignation as the school showed itself to be in a higher state of prosperity than ever before and this feeling was heartily reciprocated by all present. At the conclusion of the exercises which bad to be cut short on account of approaching darkness. Mr, Babb was called to the front and Miss Ida Geotz came forward and read the following very happily worded address, and at its close Miss Dela Berlet presented the teacher with a very handsome gold watch chain: ADDRESS. COUNTY DISTRICT. and.. Rctusriv.-tiir, and Mrs. Christ. Streicher were in Hamburg one day last week. On the way home some- thing went wrong with the sleigh and while Mr. Streicher got oat to see what was the matter Mrs. Streicher held the horses, she accidentally dropped the lines and to regain them she got off the sleigh when the restless team started off and run all the way to New Pruesin, where they were captured and taken to Mayer's hotel stsble, Wellesley; Some time.tsfterward Mr. and Mrs. Streicher arrived and reclaimed the horses. Very little damage was done _. WELLEILEY Brtmrrs--Monday was nomination day for County Councillors. The meet- ing was held in St: Clement: and was poorly attended as far as Wellesleyibes were toomxyrrttsd,--Ueo. Miller’s stock of Christmas goods is full of pretty and interesting things. ' DEATH or JOHN LIPS --It is our sad duty this week to report the death of Mr. John Dptr, who took his departure for the better world last Wednesday, the 14th inst, at the age of 40 years. He had been ailing for a. long time past and his death‘was not unexpected. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon to the Evangelical Cemetery at Lisbon where the remains were in. terred. Mr. Lips who was one of Wel. lesley’s most respected citizens leaves a widow and five children to mourn their loss. They have the sympathy of the community in their sad ad1ieoion. DEAR lhtrsND,--It affords themembors of the Sunday School in the Evangelical church of Florsdale, great pleasure to meet you surprisingly (P) " your parental home, and express our high esteem of your person and merited appreciation for your excellent and unwearied sen ice at the organ during the past years; We would kindly ask you to accept from our hand this small, yet precious gift of God's Word, and Album. 1J,,i11hhigi you many precious years to your youthfu bloom, and this heavenly guide to be a. lamp to your feet and a light on your path through this life to eternal glory. Signed on behalf of the Sands School. J E851: SNYDER, Ki1'h1,oh OFFICERS Eratmur-/1he I. O. F. at their last meeting elected their oifioerts with the following result, viz: c, R-Bro. J T Ott. Tr Cl R-Conrad Schwind. R 8--John Soehner. F S--G L Lsckner. Trear-W 0 Robertson. orstor--Chtus Bergmann, S W-John Bott. J W-Willie Ott. S B-Sal BFrey. J B-Louis Schmermund. C D H C R-John Walker. Med Ex-H R Hay, M D. PRESENTATION ---A few weeks ago, the young folks of the Floradsle Evan- gelicaLSnnday school presented Miss Alice Walker, the organist of the Ban. day school, with a complimentary ad. dress and a fine Bible and photo album as a slight mark of the high esteem in which she is;held. Miss Welker,while taken completely by surprise, returned her thanks in a neat little speech.- Following is the ADDRESS. To Miss Alice Walker,- PERSONALS -M r. E l) Rennie of Walkkrton who has been writing on his examinations ab the School of Phar- macy, Toronto, spenb 8anGy at his home here on his way back to Walker. ton..-lIr Crooks of Holmgville is at present) visiting his sister Miss J Oroolo,-Mr. and Mrs. Ottman of Hawkesville were the guests of Mr and Mrs C Heimbnch siuuiar--hirs Zsig- ler of Paboskey, Mich., is visiting her daughter Mrs. G. T. Globe. . " "1’1?" © tt ttE ‘ g? e . . , . " BR E, 7"? - " - " . Ti5i " IE qlh lil ', 1 " Bi. M IE dst rsgNitr Mil qih Te ' "q , " iM ta ‘3 21: 313;} igE ' ' V ie,, 3-5.: FX " Ilr , l " Mt a; 'ttk _ . w -+ r "P, 3 y _ r. _ ad I _ St 'll - . 1-3. " Bi "T IN - " " l -, P a _ iS Ktt = at " = ' if $ilt " 5 " . __ a "tMim l El r: , IN " " , . " . . - 't' se' Im " ' . , ' " - - y, " " _ " , " -‘3‘ V ' Ԡ' L ’ t ql$l Rli " V1137.“ . . _ trm A ’ . FLORADALE Ihurws---Mr, Lehnen has put up on his ham th Brantford Airmotor for chopping and other purposes. It makes quite an improvement to his fine farm. --Tht, busy general store enjoys a good Xmas trade this season, six clerks are busily engaged from early morning to late at night to satisfy their numerous ioasstotntsris.--.Mi" L. Starr, who has started a dressmaking shop in Berg- man’s block, has also much work on hand. Miss Starr has given the best satisfaction to her customers already and we bespeak a large trade for her. --..Mr. Louis Schultz, arrived from Burlington to spend the winter under the“ parental rooh--hftsarsA J ,Ruggle and Martin Scherer made a business trip to Waterloo and Berlin one day last week-Mr, MtsrtseileWoehn, of Berlin, made a business trip through here last weelr.--Mr. James Walker, of Doon; spend a few days last week with his son, John, the genial manager of the fl " mill-Some of gpr Conser- vative friends attended the Conserva- tive Club meeting at Elmira last Pri- day nigh b.--A social evening was spent at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. Israel Weber at the Elmira road last Thurs- day evening. Christ make you pure and holy Christ keep you meek and lowly Until with Him in Heaven, His crowning grave be given The care of Christ defend you The love of Christ befriend you. Signed on Behalf of the School. Dela Berlett. Lolo Spshr, Florence Baker. Ids. Uoetz. Mr; Bsbb was wholly taken by sur- prise as he had not the slightest inti- mation that any such expression of the feelings of his pupils and friends was in store for him, and was quite unable to express his grtst1fhmtion at such an unexpected kindness. On motion of Mr, A. Baomer, seconded by Mr. Geo. McKee that a hearty vote of thanks be tendered to the chairman for his very '-ffiei.ent services, to the teachers and scholars for providitsgimeh an entertain- ment and to the ladies for the excellent dinner served, which was adopted by a hearty olap of hands,the most interest. ing and successful entertainment that was ever given in this school was brought to a close . THE CHRONICLE A MERRY di-ijkiri'i'jici)il=ii; 1huzrs--A sleigh load of children, and others attended the examination at Riverbank last Saturday. The ex- amination of the Breelau P. Swill take place on Wednesday, 2lat Dax-Mr. Edwin Shantz and his partner started for the bush this wete--Nr,1i',8eh Refer shipped a. car-load of brick to Acton this srtsek.--hfr. Clayton Goldbeck, iirermsn of the carpet factory, gave up his job and is attending tschool-Mi, Daniel Kramp has steady employment for the winter with Mr. A. S. Geiger. -..,.0ar Town Mershall and our posts master attended the nomination last Mendez; --_ _‘_._____ T CROSBHILL. 1hurws--/lhe Church of England intend holding a Christmas free enter- tainment on Wednesday evening, 28th inst, in the Town IGll.---Qilite a number from here attended the county council nominations in St. Clements, on 1fondtt---Mies Annie Boshart, eldest daughter of Mr. J. Boshsrb, was united in marriage last Thursday to Mr. Erb of Baden. PEmsotuL,-Mra R. Laighbon of Waterloo was the guest Mrs. J. Lennox last week.-41r, and Mrs. J, Webster visited friends in Hawksville last: week. -Mr, G. Barbour paid a business trip to Berlin on Monday. PERSONAL ---Mr. Ephraim Baer, who has been in Manitoba' since spring re- turned on Friday. The mercury fell to 35 degrees below zero in than pr0v- ince hut week so he isttr---hir' Well. ington Hallman of Guelph renewed acquaintances here last: wtselr.-Mr, _ Ephraim Hallman returned to Releville ‘on Monday after spending a week at: i;i't,'t.Ciii'rg". Knechcel and two child- ‘,ren of Berlin spent: a few days With relatives here last weelr,-Wr. Edwin Hallman, we are glad to reports, is able to be shout again. He had an attack of isppendieitis,---h1r. and Mrs, B [Bow- man, accompanied by Miss A. Bowman, were guests at the home of Mr. A, O. Bowman. CHURCH Nimus.--The U.B (Radical) bought the church property on the hill from the Liberals, the price paid being $150. Repairs have already been made. They will now be able to hold their services in their own church instead of the New Mennonite church as here- tofore. This gives us four active churches in and about this place. _ We have certainly no excuse for not being a church-going community, SINGING -The Singing Class meets every Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. As Mr. Shape was engaged every other evening of the week we were left no choice of evening. We regret, however, that bhis and the prayer meeting of those from the East takes place on the same evening. School closes to-Gy (Thursday) V BRIEFS ---Don't forget the dates of the Christmas festivals. The Presby- terian S S. entertainment: takes place in the Opera House on Friday evening, and the Lutheran on Saturday evening. -.Tfriy nomination of Township coun- mllors will take place in the Township Hall here next Monday. As it is a holiday there will likely be a 'good crowd in attenGrsets.--A crowd of young Berlinites, who journeyed to Baden on Saturday night, met with a cool reception from the old people where they intended to hold a surprise party that they decided to return home again. The reception they received was more frigid than the atmosphere, so they warmed up at another place and journeyed back again. Wish pm better luck next hime.--The annual school-meeting takes place on Wednes- day next, 28sh 'inst., in the public school for the transaction of the usual business , electing a. trustee, receiving the annual report from the Secretary, etc. All ratepayers who are interested in the school should attend. WEDDING --A very interesting event took place on Tuesday last, Dec. 13th, at the residence of Mr. Jacob B. Schmidb, Upper sbreeb, it being the oc- cassion of the marriage of his daugh- ter, Angeline, to Mr, J eremieh Good, youngest: son of Mr. J ones Good, near Baden. A large number ef friends were prosenb to wibness the interesting ceremony, which was performed by Bishop Amos Cressman. We wish the young couple a long and pleasant) journey through life. In this we only echo the wish of their hosts of friends. ELECTION OF OFFICERS ..-Baden Tent N o. 40 E O,T,M. elected the :fol- lowing offiperis for the ensuing year on Wednesday, Dec. 7th :--d?. Holwell, P, W; W J Zimmerman, C,- H N Miller, R E ; Henry Forler, M A ; J U Grady, Sgt; H Heldman, Chap, ; Wm Pressing, let M G; John Bauer, 2nd M G; C Magdalinski, Sen. ; Chag Krauae, P. The elected offieerg will be installed on Wednesday, January 4th, next. NOMINATIONS --The nomination for Co. Councillors for the dutriotr-... Wil. mot Tp and the villnge of New Ham- burg-toolr place in the Township Hall here' on Monday, There were quite a number of electors present to witness the proceedings. The following gentle- men were nominated ;-Mr. Jacob S Hallmnn, Petersburg , Mr. John Lorentz, Baden; Mr. W R Plum, New Hamburg. After short addresses were made by the candidates and several other gentlemen present the meeting dispersed. MANNHEIM. BRESLAU BADEN PRICES BUT IN HALF ! Black Beaver J uckets, this season’s im. port, regular price 5 00, for 3 50. Canadian Block Black Curl Jackets, only a. few sizes left, regular price 4 50, Bargain days for $2, 50. Fancy Mixed Tweed Jackets, regular price 5 50, Friday and Saturday 8 00. Light Grey Tweed Jackets, odd sizes, regular price 3 50, for 2 50. Dark Fancy Tweed Jackets, large sleeves, regular price 7 50, for 4 00. l Wateh is Weleome Friday and Saturday Cheap Cash Store, Nos. 28-25, Call this week and see them. All the latest styles in W. G. & R. ( WALPER BLOCK Undertaken and Embalmets Calls answered day and night at the faclory. Tieii.-r.lrrrorrXrna,,s Bows, Blue and House Derby, Flowing glam, Knots, Puffs and .30wa at Me and o. ':=':r=rd'cetteuesyrr---r-. - . a -'"'"-"-e'-'k%u4cW-%r'-ui=rTct%'ct=atct' nipwl Undertaking l, NEW OXFORD MUFFLERS L V From the tiny night Lamp to the beautiful stand amps and hanging Lamps which are unsurpassed for beauty and cheapness in the Twin-City. Pocket Knives for the old and young. The messages of Xmas joys are read in advance. Xmas days are happy days rolling you onward toward the year's end. Make your household happy-you will feel the better for it. Come in often to see us. We appreciate your visits, and wish you one and all Waterloo Sk tes Handsome Skates to fit any size foot, and which a we are selling cheap. No s Spring Skates at 49: per pair; No. 9 Spring Skates, nickle plated, at 90c per pair; Hockey Sticks from 10c up. SET OF CARVERS. A SET OF FRUIT KNIVES, BERRY AND ORAN GE SPOONS (in different styles) _ Nickle Plated NUT CRACKS, Nickle Plated SPOONS, BUTTER KNIVES in various designs. Handsome Nickle and Silver Plated TRAYS. Nickle Plated WARE A BISSEL CARPET SWEEPER (of all descriptions) (all colors of wooa.) While thinking out the problem of a Christmas present for yourself or for somebody else, what can you get more s than a beautiful Your Chance Store closes 100 DOZEN TO CHOOSE FROM. WOOLLABD ' Cl]. M. WEICHEL & SON BARGAIN DAYS Ladies' Jackets. -.£E’w LINES OF SMYTH BROS. every evening at 6.15 Tuesday and Saturday JxUpui.Phoms. 179: JANSEN BROS, . . . A MERRY CHRISTMAS . ' ' Commencing on Friday morning we sh; Special Sale of Ladies’ J acket and Cloth want to buy a. Jacket or a, Cape cheap, r quote here for Friday and Saturday, , Secure first choice. Above all other Christmas presents. Wstches are up lt at the present time that the price is within- reach of ever body. We can suppiy you in niokle, lilver, gold' filled and gold watches in all sizes and at right prices. _ WHOLE NUMBER, 2302 ...FOR.. COLLARS BERLIN _ -_e___ -____ - an """te"" Ll J"" :ket or a Cape cheap, read the rices which are Friday and Saturday, AND CgME AT ONCE. In Ladies' Jackets and Capes Christmas The overmake of a martafsoturerhe bought at 50c on the $. Friday and Saturday for 2 75, 3rf and 400, re ular values 5 00, if 75 a rl 6 00. This safe is genuine. If you want a. cheap Cape or J 3.0th COME. Fur Capes. 7 _ Wool Seal Capes 30 inches long, regular 14 00 for 11 00; Goat Cape. 30 in. long 9 50; Baltic Seal Capes 30 in. long, 10 00. For bargains in J tickets and Capel come to mornin we shal b Tras' “é gmt-it, Deny"? aquPayn 'hah, Emu-g so Well.’ I: L King St., Berlin, Ont Cloth Capes. and 1531- Cape; . Egg; Berlin, On t, either. suitable Elmira