" _ Malaga fe (e Store near Post Office, Berlin, Exncravina â€"Itb‘s & wise move to have your Xmas engraving done at as early a date as possible owing to the great rush. _ Engraving done a fow days before Xmas is sometimes lers artistic than done eariier, when our engraver is less burried. As all goods are now in, you can selech your Xmas Watches, Silverware, and Noveltics fand have them engraved and set aside for later delivery. Eprctraican Ararxy SystEnr â€"Mr Hiller of the Ball Telephone Company; was prescnt ab Monday nighs‘s Councii meeting, and «fuer the session gave the members of the Council a practical illustratbion of the Company‘s now alarm eystem. Asout six alarm boxes would be the number reqaired by this Town and Mr. Hiller promised to send the Mayor an estimate of the cost of pubting them in in a few days. ReEar Estare Cgaxnars â€"Mr. Jacob Gingricdo, living @ shorb distance wast of Raden, hrs sold his firm to Mr Jobhn Ja‘z, of New Hsmburg for $8,500. _ Mr. Gingrich bas since purâ€" chased the fine farm of Mr. Tobias Bowman, situated two miles west of St. Agatha comprising 230 acres, with fine buildings etc , for $10,250. Boarp ur Trapx â€"A meeting of the ',Waterloo Board of Trade has been called for Friday (toâ€"morrow) evening at eight o‘clock in the Old Council Chamber. Among other things comâ€" ing up for discussion, there will bs such vital questions as The Town Council under the New Municipal Act, Thke Water Works and The Removal of the Head Office of this Excise Division to Waterloo. A full attendance is reâ€" quested. â€"Lawyer E J. Bsaumont cf Galt, had his right leg amputated a litole beâ€" low the knee on Monday. The wound caused by the bullet some tims ago would ro> heal and blood poisoning was feared unless amputation took place. â€"Teamsters aend others complain that owing to the steam pips cressing underneath the road at Kreutziger‘s saw mill, the snow is molted snd the road lefb bare, making it d flicult to pass the spot with heavy loads. The proper authorities should look into the matter. â€"While shunting a car into the mi l siding on Monda»;, ‘he engine of Conâ€" ductor Houstoa‘s Ga«ib train went off the track, aleo the box car, owing to the snow on the tracks, The ecgine was goo b ck to the rail withoub much difficulty, bus the bex car had to bo lef: until Tecsday morning when the train crew came up and assisted it on the track egain. $ A Juxr® Snxor in WarsrLoo â€"Mosas COohen, a Jew ts:| og from Hamilton, moved into town a fow days ago and bas takon up qarters in the bouso on the corner of Kong and Jobn street Ho intends cpening up a regular jank shop shortly. _ He is paying the highest cash prices for old rags, old rubbers, copper, iron and other motal, Bones and old psper taken. â€"Dsan‘s "Uncle Tom‘s Oabin" held forth in ths Town Hall on Monday night before a good s‘zad bouso. Tae play, however, did not come tp to the expectations of some of those present. â€"Gao. W. Ross, Minister of Eiucs tion, will lecture on "Books and How to Road Them" at Galt on Monday evening. â€"Waterloo County Council met for the last time this year at the Court House, Berlin, on Tuesday of th‘s week. â€"The report of the last regular meeting of the present Town Counci‘ will be found in arother column. The correct thing foraChristmas Gift WATERLOO Does Quality Count With You? Xmas Perfumes . . . LASTING PERFUMES Waterloo 4s pmampâ€"stuprorordes.â€"bnp.r CODE & HILLIARD‘S Oysters CODE and HILLIAR] We sell the most popular perfume because we seil the best. Highest Grades of French, Enw«lish and American perfumes in bulk and in exquisetly decorated packages E. M. DEVITT, LOCAL NEWS . Groceries, Flour and Feed. Dispensing Chemist m AT : Grapes Heller Bros., Ont. ONT Names of the best pupils: IV Class: Ida Kuntz, Nellie Ball, Josephine Hirt, Emily Fischer, Edith Rieb, Agnes Heymann, Gertrude Ball, Lillie Klahs, George Bauer, Nettie Bauer. III Class: Bertha Massel, Adel Heymann, Herbert Kuntz, Tillie Spitzig, Edgar Bauer, William Bauer, Aloyes Hopf, Henry Hoefling, Gertrude Connor, Harry Weinstein. II Class: Josephine Dietrich, â€"Emma Schneider, Caroline Bierschbach, Edwin Hergott, Norman _ Lorentz, â€" Edgar Schlosser, _ Leander Straub, Joseph _ Fischer, Clara Lauber, Olivia Herrgott, Rosa Bauer, Eleanor Hesterman, Emma Berges, Mary Seyler, Ida Karges. I Class: Edward Huber, Fred Walz, Lillie Humel, Ernest Weinstein, Rosa Dieâ€" trich, Eleanor Lauber, Dorothes Schlosâ€" ser, Emilie Seyler. The Progress House, ab Berlin, for many years owned and managed by John Qaerin, has changed hands, Geo. M. Schmidt, lats of the Market Hotel, being the purchaser. Mr. Schmidb will take possession on Dacember 22ad,and will calebrate Christmas in his new Oharlie Smith, who is in charge of the skating rink, is fast getbing things into shape and expects to be able to flood it some time toâ€"day, Wednesday, providing the weather keaps cold. The following addition was made bo eection thrse of the coastitution, to come after the word "expsanses": "who has nob made any cff=r, which if it had been mccepted would bave madse the recipiens a professiona‘." ©Every player in tha janior series of bhe essociation must file with the Sâ€"cretary & staturory declaration by his parent or guardian that the said player bad not attained his twentieth year on the first day of January preâ€" ceding any gamoe in which he intends competing." Guelph has the Hockey Craze Six hockey teimi will likely be p‘aced on tha ics in Gaeliph this year, the Victorias, Nationals and three fac tory teams.. A manufacturers‘ city isague has also been suggosted. General Sporling Notes Ths Toronto Bassball Team has de cided to remain in the E:stern league The suspension of Oharlie L ffibon, the fast forward on Waterloo‘s hockey team last year, was raised at a meeting of the O.H.A. Executive a few days ago. Coatrer; to expsctation, the changing of the protest dsposit from $5 to $25 was but mildiy opposed, the delegaves from soms of the smaller towns being the only dissentients. _ The ru‘le was farther altered by the addition of the subjoined clause: "A‘l statutory deâ€" clarationsâ€"and papers of &avy kind in ralation to auny protess muss be in the The rule spplying to amateurs was altered to read: "Every charge against the status of an individus! must be upported by the statutory declarations, & :d the onus of proving h‘s innocence shall rest with the accused." h :nds of the Sscretary within two days after such protest has been made." A new regalation was added to the list as follows: _ "N> 9 â€"No player who has been suspended shall plsy with or egainst any clubia the 0. H. A., or in any match to which an admission is charged, until such player has been reinstated or the period of his suspenâ€" sion has tarminated." Miss Mary Gildner, of Caledonia, Micb, is the guest cf Mrs, Louis Ogswald. Mr. Ray Winger, of Emira , spent Siturday in Waterloo. To regulation and rules, section 2 was added the following clause: "Aad n>cn3a who is not an amateur in good At the 0 H. A, anuusal meeting the following amendments were made to the constitution; f 6 s anding sbali be allowed to play in any ascociation game." Mr. Herberb Roos of Mordan, Man , called at the home of his pareits hore on Friday onhis way to Walkertcn, where ha has accepted a good position, S m time after her marriage the f mily moved to E:lington, Michigan, where they rosided until last fall when they moved to the North West Territâ€" ory. Her many friends in this vicinity will regrot to learn of her sudden and antimely death, Drat or Mrs. Wirsox. â€"Mr,. Levi Stavffâ€"r received a telegram on Monday convepyicg the sad intelligence of the leath of his eldest daughter, Matilda Joavna, wife of Alex. Wilsor, of Liâ€" sombe N. W. T. Basides a sorrowing busband, six children, all boys, are left to mourn her Joa, Mrs. Wilson was born Sept. 370d,1861 an 1 was thus only alistle over thirtyâ€"sighh yeoars old. _ _ Ma Frcenrres Serrs Our â€"Mr.C H. Frochlich who bas conducted the Z mmerman House shaving pariors sn i b.lliard rooms ever eince the erection of the present etructure, bas ro‘ld out to Mr. John Bâ€"hrend, of Buaffalo. Mc Froehlich found this courseo necessary in order to give his wholse attention to his business for the manufacture cf cigar boxes, which is growing repidly. Mr. Bebrend, who is an old Waterloo boy, made good use of his tima while a resident of tha Bison City and has beâ€" come an adep$ in the hair dressing and tonscrial art, The new proprictor took posscssicn on Mordag. $25,000 Boxts â€"The Nsw Hanâ€" burg Independent says that rothing firsher h22 been. reported abornt the moving of the Now Ham®>ursg Mau f scurisg Oompen;‘s Works from that p »co only they bad en cff_r in the shape of a honus to the extent of $25,â€" 000 PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Waterloo Soparate School Winter Sports. AE k Board of Works Reeve Kaufman presented the report of the Baard of Works recommending the payment of accounts amounting to $540.11. Ib was further recomâ€" mended that the Cierk notify Gustave Hamel to settle with Ohas. Treusch for the injuries received by the latters‘ child by reason of the removal of a section of sidewalk withoub permission from the town. Chairman Ritzer presented the reâ€"| Wm. Snider & Co. fushing port of the Committee on Town Properâ€" kewors...........¢â€"~.«. 300 ty recommonding the payment of a | Bechtel Bros. brick and tile.. 17 48 number of accounts. Also that a new | Geo. Suggit, liveries,......... _ 1 00 stove be purchased for the fire hall.| W. A. Kumpf, " ........ 24 00 The auditors‘ report in reference to | Jostus Hoffman ‘" ........ 33 70 Cemetery accounts since 1869 to the | D. Bean, Printing mccount.. 29 80 presont time was also presented by the | Jacob Gonrad, a(c,.â€"...._»_ J 02 The Eagineer‘s report for the month of November was received and adopted. The committee reports were then received, and are as follows : The following members of the Council were in their places when Mayor Hughes called the meeting to order : The Mayor, Reeve, and Meesrs. Bechtel, Bierechbach, Wells, Engelâ€" bardt, Ritzer and Schiedel. They took the tims and went about the work in a systematic manner with the result that every man entitled to a deed is now known, and those who have non yeb sabtled their accounts for lots will be at once notified by circular to that effsct and failing to secure asottleâ€" ment therefor his will be placed upon the list of unsold lots. Ths Commitâ€" tee‘s report will be found below. Mr. Jobhn Ritzar, Chairmin of the Committes on Town Froparty, won the undying graticaude of his coâ€"members in the Council, and the general public on Mondaynight by successfully clearing away the mysteriss in connection with the Cemotery accounts and once more placiog them on a satiefactory business basis. Ti ia a well known fact that for years pasb, dating back as far as 1869, the books kept in connection with the sale cf Cometery lobs havs bsea in a deplorab‘s state. Lots had been sold ard paid for anvd no dseds given, others had beon sold and dseds given where no money had been received and cases were cited where lobts were twice sold. Besides this large sums amounting to over $400 were outstanding, and we venture to say that cou‘d the inhabitants of the City of the Dard, have discovered that ths ground on which they were reposing was not paid foror belonged to another, not a fow would havsa turnâ€" ed over in their gravss in righteous indignation. To seb the mattor at rest once and for all the Committes on Town Properâ€" ty dacided on a thorough audit of the books and for a couple of weeks past Messtrs 0. A HK.shoel and Martin Schiedel have been exramining the town archives and interviewing owners of lots in an endeavor toget to the bottom of this vexed question of Cemetery accounts. Jiast Regular Meetingâ€"â€"Cemetery Accounts Cleared Upâ€"Routine Business, etc. Waterloo Qounty Chx:oni}elé, Thursday, December 2, {898â€"Page 5 Come one, come all and secure bargains at the old Reliable Store of Jo UFFE LMANNq Watorlnn 6 50 to $14. Boys‘ Suits at........ 3 50, 4, 450 to $6 50 Children‘s Suits at 150, 2 00, 2 50, to $4 50 Men‘s Beaver Overcoats at 4 00, 5 50, 7 00, to $12 00. gruray Men‘s Ulatexish‘ l_)esi;‘\:a.lAu_e in Town, at 5 00, 6 50, 8 00 to $10 00. c Boys‘Overcoats at 4 00, 450, 5 50 to $3 00 Children‘s Overcodts at 2 50, 3 50 to $5 00 In ready made clothing our stock is larger than ever. Med‘s ready made Suits at 2 95, 450, 5 50, 100 Pair White Shaker Blankets at ~ â€" + â€" 5o cents a pair 25 Pieces Flannellette at â€" = â€" 3 cents a yard 2 Pieces White Shaker Sheetings 72 inches wide at â€" 15 cents a yard 2 Pieces Damask Table Linen worth 50 cents at â€" 25 cents a yard 25 Bed Comforters at = y & * $1.00 each 50 Whice Bed Spreads at + $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 to $2.25 each 20 Pieces Towellings worth 7¢, 8c and toc a yard at 3¢, 4c and 5¢ a yard 100 Pieces Grey Cotton worth 5¢, 7¢, and 1oc a yd. at 3¢, 4Cc 5¢ a yard 20 Dozen Ladies‘ Woollen Hose going at ~* 25 cents a pair 10 Dozen Men‘s Wool Socks 2 pair for â€" =â€" â€" 25 cents 26 Dress Patterns at $3 to $4 for $1 50 each 25 Dress Patterns at §4 50 to $5 for $2. 25 each 05 _\ _ at $5.50 to $8 for $2 45 each 12 Pieces Dress Goods 40c and 50c goodsat................... C561 yard 2 Pieces Dress Goods 50c, 60c and 756 goods at.............. 35¢ a yard A full range of Priestley‘s Black Dress Goods in Cashmeres, Serges, Brocade, &c, ranging at 25¢, 35¢, 5Uc, 65¢, 75c¢, $1 to $2 a yard. Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Clathing, Furs,'Hats ard (aps, â€"Boots and Shues, Groceries, Ete, SPECIAL . . . READY MADE CLOTHING TERMS CASH OR PRODUCEHE. TOWN COUNUCIL 25 LADIES‘ JACKETS TO CLEAR AT $2.50. DRESSGOODS Town Property _FALL SALE SPECIAL : lumbor.........¢.., .. Chas. Kreutz‘ger, frontage lumber........1 ...... W, uL. H‘illliard, M. D., extra expenses re Diphtheria Epidemic ....... .. ... Dan Jacobl, #/¢............ Bell Telephone s/c.......... Ed. Daernel sewer a/c ... ... Wm. Snider & Co. fushing Cemetery......; ...... Mrs, Gress, ssrubbing town Shll.%....., saxivyararss Shiedel & Hachnel, Cemetery guditfors.............. J. R. Kaufman, as per stateâ€" mont. .x .4 r.sercasn:s. L. Engelhardt, Superintending & consbruction of sidewalks Ed. Duermel, coment walks.. Lsitch & Liphardt, sscount.. Wm. Haus, account.... .... John Demski, labor .. ...... Kug. Domskl, _‘ â€"...._..;, Thos. Eiynn, _‘ _ _ .....c.. J. R. Kaufman " _........ Adam Gress e n saara k Weinstein o cA rairs Gus. Lang â€"yeveser s F. Schlote S esc John Licbty d ty ccry +s L. Schweoitzer, timber for bridge Chas Krentziger, acccunt for Committee which showed a thortage of $64 68,such shortage having occurred ab various times from the said year 1869 to January 1897 and recomâ€" mend that the Town Clerk collect the said shortage. count for October ...... 165 48 Wm. Snider & C». lighting ac count for November....155 48 Capt. R. Y. Stewart, bal. salâ€" aries of firemen........ 383 05 Tilman Shantz, 2 cords wood _ 9 50 Poter M. Eby, 1 cord wood .. 4 T5 Wm. Polz, repairing shed at 12 lbs. good Coffeefor............. ... $1 00 6â€"1be. good Tea fof..;.....r««~.«w«.. 1 00 20 lbs. granulated Sugar for.......... 1 00 Our stock of trimmed and untrimmed Hats is so varied that in cannot help pleasâ€" ing every taste. There are no prettier Hats than you will find here. Costlier perhaps, but none prettier or more stylish. _ Don‘t take our word for itâ€"come and find out for yourself. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY Outatandincg accounts for lots smount to 413 50 and the Committee recomâ€" mond that circulars be printed and sent bo the partiesowing for lobs giving them nobice, that unless paid by Feb‘y 1st, ‘99 they will be placed on the list of unsold lots. esretaker...... ......: S. B. Briekor, salary as Troasâ€" Urer.~lash . vaesiert dsn W. L. Hilliard, salary Medical Health Officar.......... A. B. McBride, Town Olerk .. Jas. Warren, salary as Eagiâ€" farm .....a.l....eccl,. Jac. Popplor, night watchman Carporation town of Waterloo G. T. R.â€"signal man....... Registry Office as per a/a. ... R O. Walker, sticking bills.. J. Kalbficisch, printing ecâ€" BDCQFYrevii..>~ .. Seb. Flyno, Constable .. Fred., Moyer, carstaker Finance and Printing The report of the Committee on Financeand Printing was presented by Chairman Bechtel and recommended the payment of the following accounts: Wm. Pe‘z, salery as Cemetery count..;. ..â€"._..s.cces. AT=50 Waterloo Consumersa‘ Gas Co. 16 20 Wm, Snider & Co. lighting acâ€" FLANNEL AND 10 Pisces Grey Wool Flannel in plain and twill, going at.. 12}¢a yard 12 Pieces Fancy Flannellettes at 12icand 15e at. .. ~..â€".. 15 Pieces Heavy Dongola Flannel lette worth 15¢, atb........ GROCERIES FLANNELLETTES UOURUâ€" TOBIRU .Vs t, account.. unti is s mos JOF +Â¥ .. esic. 6 6 t # 8 8 + on e e e 66 &t w e 8 e e k 008 6€ 66 tE & 204 m w e 4 ® k and tile.. ES.......%. 6t a 8 a t a s e e e s e e o account.. a Waterloo. «. 1.>»:§ T5 00 se wer 8 cts a yard 10c a yard 72 50 186 90 28 00 10 00 25 00 250 00 200 00 14 00 11 00 67 14 78 20 4 00 3 40 1 00 20 66 6 40 40 40 2 00 6 20 4 38 30 00 25 00 12 00 6 15 13 27 19 95 1 00 66 .67 35 00 2 25 6 58 24 00 00 60 39 A byâ€"law was introduced by Mr. Clayton Wells and passed by the Council to set aside & strip of the land on sither side of Erb streeb to the corporation Jlimits, to be used as a bicycle path, not to apply to strips already covered by sidewa‘ks, and any persons using them as a highway horeâ€" after will be subject to the regulaâ€" tions governing riding and driving on $500 American Piano, large grand upright, beautiful tomne and case, only in use four months. Must be sold by December 24th to close up an estate. Piano can be bought for less than half its cost. Terms cash or time. For full particulars address It was recommended that E4. Daerâ€" mel be paid $200 on account of sideâ€" walks providicg his bondsmen assent thereto. * LEVI STAUFFER, Oï¬ gg: Deviti‘s Block, (up stairs), Waterl((:;)oE nt. the undersigned with full particulars, and for terms. Conveyancing done. sovmoirpre omm asstsins5 Real Estate, Farm, Town and Village Prop erty bought, so!d and exchanged on commis sion, also loans placed and obtained. ____ _ _ Parties having properties for sale or mon ay to lend, and those desiz-ius1 to purchase properâ€" ty or borrow money will do well to call upon Coarse Pulverised Grocer Butchers‘ Supplies SS Hatters and Qlothiers Correct Evening Dress Men of taste and refinement and many others want to be correctly arrayed for eveniag entertainments. We make Clothes to fit you, to suit you, and to conform with the most exacting ideas of the ultra fashionâ€" ables. There is a correctness about our Clothes that will please those who know the best. Will you give us fyour next order ? â€"we are sure to please you. REAL ESTATE George W. Dodds, Piano for Sale STRASSER & CO. Loan Exchange. Mr. Wells‘ By Law. Ground â€" and â€" Fruit Dealer .c ND . 15 â€"AND â€"â€" Salt petre C. H. MILLS, Manager 5 : BERLIN, GUELPH, OWEN SOUND. Cash and One Price = King St , Beorlin Curled Cloth Jackets in Black and Colors that were 7.50, now ... .. . .. $5.50 Colored and Black Beaver Coats that wereâ€"10.00; now ... 7 â€".z.err..savs.7.50 Beaver Coats, Braid trimmed, Silk linâ€" ing, that were 11.00, now......... 9.50 Colored Beaver Coats that were 8 25 BOW . es sivirn enc r se naasriean ie se 0200 Beaver Coats, Silk lined, that were 14â€"00, cowâ€"sâ€"//.r:â€"asi>aiaieessaesl2:00 Curl Cloth Coats,in colors, extra heavy close made goods, very special at.. 450 SO Satisfactory Pepper G. B. RYAN& CO. P. 0. Box 22, Berlin. Waterloo, Ont. Has been the result of our Special Sales in Wrapperettes at 70 t easily worth 10c¢, our Blankets and Comforters and our Millinery at prices, that we go still farther and until Christnas we will give spec on Mantles and Capes. What more useful gift could you m&ie for the season than a nice Jacket, a fur lined Cape or a warm Ulster Coat â€" little girl? Our prices will be tempting and you will be more than when you see the goods. Waterlon Why not buy where yon can obtain everything you require at prices as low as any. We have a nice range of stoves, Combination Furnaces, Hot water Boilers and all kinds of Plumbing Goods the best and cheapâ€" est in town."Parties will do well to come and getquotations beforepurchâ€" asing elsewhere. Enamelled ware, Graniteware and Tinware at prices to suit everybody. Leitch & Liphard eitc iphardt. Stoves and Tinware GROFF & HYMMEN 12 only Misses‘ Frieze Jackets, in Fawn Brown and Black,regular 4.00 to 5.00 Salg pHGC.."@*+.<«%â€"¢«21.+«+<@«+. 1@3 00 6 only Ladies‘ Frieze coats, size 32 to 36, in Brown and Oxford Grey, regâ€" ulat price 5 00, sale price.......... 3.00 7 only Light Fawn Frieze coats with velvet collars, worth 8 00, sale price 5 00 5 only Black Beaver coats, braid trimmed velvet collars, worth 10 00, SAle:prite *.... anesrir . racy<nn,fo=" G:00 6 only Black capes with sleeves for elderly ladies, regular price 8.00 and 10.00;, sale price...s..«/s...r., 1+« 9. 00 Owing to the tinfavorable condition of the elements this fall , we find oursely stocked in a number of departments, and in order to.convert this surplus stock i before our annual stockâ€"taking, we will innugurate Tale of Money Saving. Double fold fancy dress goods, plaids and tweed effects, regular price 20¢, sale pricg. .. ... t i. cacrine on Tagoe 4 pieces 42 in. faucy satin finished dress goods in Brown, Myrtle, Navy and New Blue,regular price 35¢,sale price 25¢ 6 pieces 42 inch two and three toned German dress goods,regular price 500 Sale:â€"price.........«.rriÂ¥rrrlvaees 740 8 pieces all wool Cheviot serges in all the new mixtures,special value at 50¢, SAle PrIGGâ€"..â€".:.,..Â¥â€"<rrtennaare)s 374C 4 pieces Figured Black dress goods, _ good values at 50c, sale ‘price...... 35¢ Priestley‘s Black fancy dress goods, regular 1.09, sale price............ 75¢ THERE ARE DOLLARS IN THIS SALE FOR YOU. Note Our "Plum"Offerings Below, The Entire Story is a Genuine 4fpieces all wool tweed ulstering, 54 in. wide, in Brown ani Fawn mixtures, Reregular 1 00, sale price............ 25 yds Black and Navy Beaver, worth T9o, 8316 pMIi0e:sreara:errrrss.vnls 35 yds Irish Frieze in Fawn, Brown and Green, regalar price 1.25, sale 25 yds heavy Black cloaking, all sold for 1.00;, saleâ€"price ..â€"..rez...1.,. 4 pieces two toncl curl cloaking, all new shadss, regular price 1.75, sale prMice _ .n alll c a oi s rerinsiaesns § 27 inch Eiderdown flaunels, new patâ€" erns, worth 50c¢, sale price........ .. Of Vital Importance Mantles and Capes King Street A Grand 830 Days‘ Surplus Sale Mantle Cloths Dress Goods » » . TO EVERY WIDEâ€"AWAKE BUYER OF . . . lars, were 5.00, now.............. 3 .60 Misses‘ Curled Cloth Coats, were 8.00, NOW . frerf on carataesisâ€"csiss ~O, 00 Misses‘ Curled Cloth Coate, were 4 25, BOW reamat s iraine rantics es ranarrs d 0 During this sale we will give a straigh t discount of 15% off on Ladies‘ Cloth, Gol f and Fur lined Capes and Misses‘ Ulsters . This will bo a genuine Mantle Opportunity . Your chance to saye money. Misses‘ Navy Reefers, were 3.50, now $2.04 Misses‘ Navy Reefers, Red Sailor Colâ€" SATURDAY, Nov. 26th. DRY GOODS in Wrapperettes at 70 that were and our Millinery at reduced mas we will give special prices ould you maï¬e for the holiday a warm Ulster Coat for your &« COMMENGING .. $1.25 35¢ 50c m® foly 50c 75¢ 27 inch Astrachan Capes, full sweep, high storm Collar, best Satin lining, cheap at 15.00, sale price........ .51 30 inch Fur Lined Cape, Oppossam, storm collar, regular price. 15 00, sale pyice ........sr..rrseâ€"vsas». 1 Children‘s Grey Lamb Caps, good quality, worth 2 50, sale price..... Ladies‘ Grey Lamb Gauntlets,regular price 500, sale price.....,....... 1 only Black Astrachan Jacket, No. 1 quaiity, latest style, worch 40.00, colors, regular price 15¢, sale price.. 100 38 inchb fancy striped Alannellette skirtâ€" ing, worth 18¢, sale price.......... 12k0 4 pieces Apron Ginghams, with striped borders, regular price 12%c, sale 26 in. Grey Union flannel,good quality, worth 15c, sale price.............» 10¢ 27 inch Grey Wool Flannel, light and dark, regular 20¢, sale price........ 15¢ Best quality Light and Dark Grey Flanâ€" nel, 27 in. wide, worth 30¢, sale price 220 4 pieces Ceylon Flannel in natural colors and stripes, worth 22¢, sale pPHOG.++}. ..â€"cerrreranns.rgarsareventB0 25¢, special sale price.............. 150 Ladies‘ Heavy Seamless Cashmore Hose regular price 35¢, sale price........ 250 Ladies‘ Heavy Ribbed Seamless Cashâ€" mere Hose, regular price 50c, sale piice:s/lsrllelsairicet + ersh rsxcra /s 900 Long Sleeved Union Vests, worth 156, SalGâ€" prIGG .. +v/.c2rra saasarsen‘s sn 100 Turnbull‘s Unshrinkable Vests, long sleeves, regular 50c goods, sale price 85¢ Men‘s Heavy Fleeced Shirts aud Drawers, regular price 75¢, sale price 556 Extra Fine Australi in Wool Shirts and Drawers, worth 1 00, sale price.... 730 28 ends plain and fancy ribbons, were 25c to 75¢, sale price.............. 106 45 trimmed sailors and walking hats, worth from 1.00 to 125,............ 50@ 32 inch heavy shaker flannels,worth 76, Sale PriGe!...rcl..â€".anriireasaarel Extra heavy shirting flannellette, dark Ladies‘ all wool Cashmere Hose worth PHCOâ€"1 .+ â€"+â€"rcrÂ¥ 5+ stÂ¥@«>z¢45@s>«¢@s 100 Hosiery and _ Underwear sale price...... than please d Staples Millinery Furs , we find ourselves over Berlin. into cash 11.00 27.30 11.50 1.75