lh , ' vyw l , ' , , i I i'l‘L. l , " h TMi a N k . - . ' zeta N," 2 - ' RO, 'G 'gel., I *' - a 'th l,8 ,z w ' " r M a. E? , 2- , CN frr, mi A " S' v "KX; .2 , I _ (it; 305* fig; - s " a ' ' ‘t " . Age' 323.1 IE Rt . Ill 'lt C 'c. ' " - - v." C, -N -rt FGA; L' "7Ae ' Nohnmbug. Epnest Service. Specialty: Tough cases {ejected in other hands and foreign applicable“. References: Honor- able T. Besthiaumo, prop. of "La. Presse," Honorable D. A, Ross, the leading news. rulers, Banks, Express Companies & clients 11 any locality. All Patents secured through our agency are brought before tho public y f s alal notice in over 300 newspapers. . 'kr'lll"iltk & MARION Patent Experts, 3’ Temple, Building,185St. 'arii7ic,iiaGa', 3Thé only than of Graduate Engineers in 4ikt,It,yj.t1etorutyyJtttsi,n/,r.,t,,ttet hm Thousands of bottles sold this year and Everybody should give it a t: ial. Price, 25 cents end 50 cents a bottle at all the leading druggists or send to And Horse power-Clippers, Ground and Repaired at the Berlin Bicycle Repair Co's qugm St. Souph. . 1' . We are now busy grinding clippers from all parts of the country and we guarantee to grind your old clippers to cut equal to if not better than the best new clippers manufac- mred-simply because we understand ex- actly what is required and have tho latest improved clipper grinder on the market. We charge 500 a pair and guarantee our work satisfactory. Special attention given to customers from a distance. Clippersground While You Wait. first class delivery service. Dp Hcofland’s Consumption . . ' Cure .'. ' Guaranteed io cure COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS y any, LUN‘GIIEROUBLE. Undertakers and Embalmers Calls answered day and night at the faclory. Beef, Veal, Mutton Pork, amb,Bacon, Ham, Pickled Pork and Tongu , Corn Beef and Dried Beef always kept , 1 land also all kimls of Sausages as, Bologna, Head Cheese, Liver, Puck, Wiener and Sum l er Sausages N. B.--0iders taken daily and meat de. livered to any part of the town through a Klippu’t Undertaking Do. of all kinds " spceialtr. All promptly and customers treab A call solicited. and satisfaccii The Leading IlatililaMi, _ Is the only up-to-date 13111251 , Shop in town where customers can rely upon getting only the ehoieest,teheapest and be of meats [‘his establishment, has the v e puta ion 0 keeping only the best and fiaes? urletles of MEATS AND Sp USAGES A Drop In Meats supHYing cu tomers ssith st,rtct'y Iresn tltyst class meats during the not sum moaths Beef, Pork, Veal, Lamb, Mut Hams, Bacon, Corned Beef, and Sausages CLIPPERS E Gauses fully half the sickness in the world. It retains the digested food too long ip the bowels and produces bilioysness, torpid llvr'r. indi- gestion, bad tasce, comm tongue, sick headache, in- somnia, etc. Hood's Pills cure constipation and all its results, easilyand thorough' Prepared by C. L Hood t', The only Pills to take with "' $09009e06t60t90.000 te ioeomwwmoeWwwoM prom tly tell you F; 1lfi?),illhJil1e.'iis'ljy1 irririoasruHo11iLLnrtstion tuid we Will vro.mp,1Cte,ll toy,rmim if it is new and GET RICH QUICKLY. Write to-day for our tpeaistif.it.1 illustrated Book on Patents and the rtyg'lgStMtos7, of a poor Inventor who made $25Q,000_. . Sepd gs g. rom? skew}; Constipation (i)m)il_irhmlfrifli()f FOR TWENTY - SEVEN YEARS WECOOKZS BESIERJEND Bnyder's Drug Store, MRS. J, LENHARD, U5 V b The only food t the . . e that will build ' B b - a y up a weak cons- a titution gradu- Chance ally but surely is t Mr. lenhnrd is making prenm-atinns for - I11. â€mud“, ',,etc,F, and PRUMPTLY tjfiiLiLlliiL1i a simple, scientific and highly nutritive preparation for infants, delicate children and invalids. Martin's Cardinal Food KERRY WATSON a CO., Pnowaucrons. MONTREAL. Harman’s MEAT MARKET. iariaEsh SALE m CANADA. . L. HENDERSON, BERLIN. Opposite Alaandex' House Watérloo Give The one price store in the Count y Waterloo. Ont. HORSE & TOILET J 01111 B. Fischer pcciaWr. All meats delivered lstomurs tretttt d wish courtesy. and satisfacnon guaranteed. with Hood's 32.: â€Gunny, WWWâ€... W __ ssith smict‘y fresh and sing the hot summer My MovINo.-Mr, Ware, our blacksmith, moved his belonginpron Tuesday to Michigan. He intends to follow soon for the same place, where be is going to work at his trade. We are sorry to see him leave, but all join in wishing him euccrs‘; in his new home. -Mr. Mansz, wife and child moved into Mr. About One hundred tenders were received at the Department of the Interior for timber berths in the Yukon for which public oomperitiorl was in- vited. Conductor Snider, Rev. Dr, Turk, evangelists Croselay and Hunter, are all working vigorously for the salva- tion of the people of Gall. They hme a big contract in hand, but it is grarr flying to know Ury are meeting with encouraging suceess.-CxmruLPH HERALD Talk about big trees. Well, here is something to talk about. It was an elm which grew on the farm of one of the Long Bros, near Chepstow, and which was hauled into the mill there last. week. There were four twelve- foot logs in ir, and in these fourlogs there is over 5000 feet of lumber. Mrs. John Cashin, one of the oldest), residents in North IGsthope, died at her home, lot 39, con. 2, at 4 o’clock Monday, Jan. M. She was 70 years of age and was highly respected, Her husband preceded her death last: Oct. The following sons and daughters are left to mourn her demise: John, mana- ger of tha Armour Beef Co., Chicago , Ambrose and Nicholas, Br, Louis; William in Massey, Algome , Mrs. P. M. Murphy, St. Louis; Mrs. Godeln, Wiarton 3 Mrs. Francis, Strctinrd; and Kate and Due at home, SEN. IL-Leah Freeman, Willie Garbig, Johnny Dahmer, Willie Schinbein, Herman Gerbig. JUN. IL-Willie Schiefele, Luida Martin, Elvira Hass. SEN. PT. II-Martha Dahmer, May Free. man, Lora Dahmer. Nora Miller, Amiel Fell and Pearl Sel1iefeie---equal. JUN., PT. IL-Harvey Miller, David Dahmer, SimonReist, Norman Dahmer, Willie Fell, Annie Clayfield, Katie Kuhl, Katie Schiefele. SEN. PT. L-Solome Hess, Frances Knowles, Johnny Gerbig, Arthur Hachborn, Henry Schneider, Diella . Shelly. JUN. PT. L-Emilia Kuhl. LEcTmus-A very interesting and entertaining lecture was given last Friday evening in the New Mennonite church, on "Esstern Countries," by Rev. Wm. Nash of Port Elgin. By vividly describing his trip to Africa, he took the audience on an imaginary journey to the land of the' Negroes. They were all well pleased with Mr. Nash’s lecture. A. C. Bowman's house, on Tuesday of last) week. He has hired to Mr. Bow- mam-Mr. C. Rohr intendrto move to near Baden in the near future. CONESTOQO Public school reports for two weeks in J anuary '. FIFTH CLASS. -Arithmetie, Reading, Geometry, Algebra, Grammar and Phyiologv: Eda Euler, Edward Schweitzer, Philip Harper, Charles Schweitzer, Ralph Snider, May Hysert. SEN. JV.-(eo. McKenzie. JUN. INl.-Isaae Brubaker. SEN. IIE-Lydia Schiefele, Winifred Harper, Edwin Good, Sadie Knowles, Henry Hackburn. JUN. IfL-ieinda Martin, Amelia Scheifele, Herbert Wihon, Emma Loebsack, Edna Trupp, Leander Euler, Marian Struck, MANNHEIM BnrErs.---Our singing school was not as well attended this week as usual, owing to the storm of Tuesday evening. The school will be droppi d for two weeks on account of special meetings being held in the ehureh.--'ihe farmers of this vicinity got in several cars of corn for feeding purposss.-hfr. Ben- jxmin Hellman bought Mr, Ware's property for 8800.--The meeting con owning our Post Oftiee resulted in Mr. Lsutenschlager being put in for post- master, Mr. J, Poll, assistant post- master, while the post cffioe will remain where it is at present. NerEs.--Mr, John Schweitzer has pur- chased Mr. Menno Bricker’s farm for the sum of $3950 --Mr. Allen Meyers who had been living on the Bricker farm has rented Mr, Jacob Kinzies farm near 1Joon.-Missg Nellie Hagey of Zion and Miss Mattie Hagey of Brantford were visiting relatives here last weelr_-a1iss Lida Bowman spent last week visiting Galt friends-Mr A. bl. Me. Nally is in poser ssaon of a fine new piaco-Rssr. Mr. Kaufman occuv pied the pulpit of the Mennonite Church here on Sunday morning last.- Mies Susie Bowman of Bloomingdale has been spending the last couple weeks in our town.-Mr. E. W. Det- weile'r of Roseville was in our town on Tuesday. A Wife‘s Last Hope. Husband Smitten With that Direst of of Sufferings-Rheum/n-South American Rheumatic Cure Gives Relief in 10 Hours. Mrs, C. Saunders, Brookbury, Que, writes: "My husband was oonfined, to his bed for two months with acute rheumatism, pains and fever. Doctors could give him so little relief, I had about lost hope of his recovery. I was: induced to try South American Rhea, matic Cure and tea hours after com- mencing its use all pain had left him. He took in all three bottles, and is now well and strong, and free from every pxirtc-aold by E. M, Dewitt, Weber-1 490* _ ncs(c:-, s" “v. , r o: l News ot the Waterloo County District Gleaned , From Exchanges. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT BLAIR. P, H. HARPER, Teacher, A. BERGEY, Teacher. The following obituary notice we copy from the Brussels Post of Dee- ember 17ch. Deceased was a brother of Mr. Geo. Hislop of Strasburg and resided in Waterloo County when he first came from Scotland foe about A Worthy Resident Passes Away, -After a severe illness extending over 31 months, John Hialop, an old, well known and highly esteemed resident of the 14th con, passed away from time on Tuesday morning about 6 o'clock, in his 75:h year. Deceased was born in Selkirkshire, S30tland, and worked at railrotdiog at and near E linburgh for a time. He came to Canada in 1849 living for about 3 years in Water, loo County, and in 1852, along with his father, 4 brothers and a sister, Mr. Hislop moved into fhey, then a com- parative wilderness, and took up the farm, lot 2, lich con., upon which he continuously resided until the summons came on Tuesday. About 42 years ago he was. united in marriage to bliss) Catharine Sillers, of this township, who pre-deceased him over two years ago Mrs. Hislop was a helpmeet indeed to her husband a Id they by industry, frugality, and economy made for themselves a very comfortable home. The subject of this notice took an act- ive interest in public aifcirs. He was township Treasurer for 11 years and afterwards sat in the Town. ship Council for eleven years as Councillor and 1st Deputy Reeve Mr. Hislop also served as school trustee and was noted for his strict integrty in all duties that pertained to an; position either personal or public. In the long ago he met with an accident, while chopping, in which bis left foot was seriously iijured by a glanzing blow from the axe, and from which he was alwaysa little lame. Three month, and a half ago gangrene set in the toes of this foot and at times since then, de, spite all that could be done, the patient sutfered a good deal and gradually wasted away, although his splendid constitution warded off the final shock in a manner that surprised many. Four sons and two daughters survive viz '.--- John, Archie and Andrew, of Grey; William, of Assinaboia, N.W.T. , and Misss Annie, homestead, and Miss Maggie, of Chicago. Mr, Hislop was a Liberal in politics and a Presbyterian in religion. The funeral on Thursday was largely attended, 120 rigs being ‘counted. Rev, John Ross B. A ,Brus- sols, conducted the service. PETER N, LAING Peter N, Laing, one of the oldest pioneers of North Eisthope passed away on Friday morning, January 14th at the ripe age of 89 years, 11 months and 14 days. He was the son of the late Robert Liing, a native of Ber- wickshire, Scotland. In 1839 deceased was married to Helen Lsing, also a native of Berwickshire, who survives him, They came from Peterborough to North Easthope in 1841 and lived for a time on the farm now owned by Harry Paterson; from there he moved to the farm now in the possession of Geo. Callin, where he remained for nine years, He disposed of this prop- erty and retired to live in Stratford for three years. Taking a liking to farm life he purchased the farm of the late Jas. Ridden, where he resided until his death. m leaves a family of six chi'dren. , first came three ymrs The value of a striking title to an article or story is understand by no American periodical so well as The La dies' HomeJournal, writes a New York correspondent. It has made its titles famous by their uniqueness. Its ‘Side Talks With Girls.’ 'Heart to Heart Talks' and 'Unknown Wives of Well. Known Men' have been ridiculed and paraphrased from one end of the of the country to the other. But it has all been grist for the Phildelphiw period. ical. Just now the title of 'The Inner Experiences of a Cabinet Member's Wde' is attacting attention. Julia Magruder’s new love-story is given the title of 'A Hesven-Eigsing Hill'--talren from Shakespeare, really, but who but the Journal would have thought of it? Marion Crawford’s new story is called 'The Dead Sinile'--a tit'e good enough to sell any story. ‘The Man I Never Married' is tacked to a new series. 'The Man Under Thires-Ne' made the rep- utation of Lilian Bell in this magazine. 'My Literary Passions,' under which Mr. Howells wrote in the Journal, served at once to attract attention, Jullan Hawthorne sends a strong story to the magazine, but with a poor title. It is immediately rechristened 'There are no Wolves in Ireland.' Yet each title adopted by this clever magazine fits the story and is really the best cap- tion for it. ‘A Minister of the World' started that story on its success. 'Mr, Beecher’s memoirs of her husband. ‘The Gentleman Whois Going to Die' is the caption for a forthcoming story by Clara Morris. Talk about clever- ness in titles, what magazine is such a pastmaster in the art as is The Ladies’ Home Journal? And a newspaper man knows how difficult this art of title, making is, Bat nothing is so valuable in attracting the eye of the public. The Stratford Beacon says :--Mr, Kilmer, the commercial master of the collegiate institute, is quite a. numis- mutist. He has, at present a collection of about 5,000 rare coins, to which he is constantly adding, Yesterday he received from New York a Roman As, which was the current coin at tho close of the first Roman kingdom, 450 B C. It is a large circular piece of bronze weighing 9 oz.,, on one side of which is struck the likeness ot the two- headed god, J snus,---from which the name of the first; month of the year, imam-is 'riyidr-lt,ykioiihyilp,.tttih, Waterloo County Chronicle, Thursday, pebriiii'iitir" d, i89tr--Page 2 Success in "Striking" Titles. LITERARY NOTE. OBIT UA RY. A Rare Coin. JOHN HISLOP and forward, and on the other a. ship's prow. Its metallic value is only 181 censs,but its numismatical value is $25. Its commercial value as a coin, in pre- Christian times was " This coin.waa divided into .3139, 3lirdu, -il,-th and 1 12tha. If the men of ancient Rome had to carry a hundred dollars worth of Aees about with them, they would require a. dray-or probably they needed their chariots for that purpose. Below will be found the only com- plete report of Patents granted this week to Canadian inventors by the Canadian dr, United States Govern. ments. This report. is specially pre- pared by this paper by Messrs. M arion Sn Marion, Solicitorys of Patents dr, Experts, Head Office, 185 St. James Street, Montreal, from whom all infor- mation can be obtained. CANADIAN PATENTS. 58,(50(r--Charles Racine, Ste. Anne des Plaines, PQ --Boolr Support. 58,612--Lefebvre,Poliquin h Lavoie, Lowell Mass.--Chimney Cleaner. 58,639--Franeois Beaulsc, St, Jude, P2--Csrriagre Axle. AMERICAN PATENTS. 597,394--George Booth, Toronto, Can. --Dentid Cuspidor. 597,575 - Christopher Dutchburo. Highiield, C)an,---Car Coupling. 597,510---Edward S. Piper, Toronto, Can.-iryele Stall. 5(J7,700-Frederielr C. Robertson, To- ronto, Can.-Greuit Breaker. Kidney Clouds Bladder Troublss--Acate Kidney Dis. orders-Diabetes-Brig) Disease Dispelled by South American Kid- ney Cure-Rs/let in Six Hours. Kidney Symptoms are legion. Have you dull, aching pain, or tstiffness in the loins, tenderness in the Kidney re- gion, headache and backache, visual disorders, dizziness, sluggish circula- tion, irreguler heart, dropsicalswell- ings, bot or dry skin, sediment in the urine. Any of these indicate kidney disease. Seed sowing for a fatal har- vest. South American Kidney Cure is the one proved, tested and never- failing speeWs for kidney diseases in all forms at all stages. It has worked miracles-Sold by E. M, Devitt, Wat- erloo. The voting on $25,000 system of waterworks for Mount Forest, resulted in the. lay-law hagigg sustained by a TRUSTEES AS SECRETARIES "Few attentions will please her more than to seek her to tell any bit of news that you may have heard. Aside from the fact that the average old person feels lively interest in the affairs of friends and neighbors, she will value, more than all, the implied wish for her sympathy in soy king her. to share your budget. Treat her with special honor and deference in the presence of your servants, your children and your friends. Their conduct will be model- ed after your example. In imagina- tion, put yourself often in her place. It will help you to be fair and kind. It you have already had unpleasant experiences of your mother-in-law’s presence in your home, if her peculiar- ities grate upon you, if she is intrusive, irritating, apt to interfere with your management of your children or house. hold, 1 can only treat the same formula --'Make her love youd It may savor of the old copy-book precept, ‘Be good and you will be happy,' but to over- come evil with good is the divine pre- scription, and nothing can long resist Christlike methods. At least, the ex- periment is well worth the trial," Gait School Board Discovers it Was Doing an Illegal Act. For a great many years the Galt Pub'ic School Board has appointed one of its number secretary-treasurer, and at the end of the year made him a grant of 875, At the end of last year considerable opposition was raised to the making of the usual grant, on the ground of its illegality. Since that; time some investigation has been made into the meaning oi the clause of the Ontario Schools Act bearing on this point, with the result that; at the statutory meeting, held last week, the new board appointed an outsider, Mr. Albert MoCree, secretary-treeeurer, in the plaice of Dr. Thomson, a. trustee, who has held the position for several years. Nearly every School Board in the province appoints one of its number secretary-treasurer, and makes him a. grant, a proceeding which is andoubt- edly illegal. The Mother-1n Law Should be Treated With Speelal Defepenee. "Bear anything before you permit yourself to complain to your husband of his mother's faults," writes Mrs Burton Kingsland on "The Duty of the D snag/er-its-Law," in the February LADIES’ HomE JOURNAL. "Say to your own soul, ‘May God do so to me, and more also, if I ever do anything to rob a mother of a fraction of her ohila's love.' The sturdy toddler at: your side may make'you a. mother-in-law some day, and as you sow now so you will reap. Should you ever find it neces- sary to break through your rule of silence never speak while under irrita- tion. MRS. WrssLow's Soo'rmue SYRUP has been used brmillions of mothers for their children while teething. It disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send a1 once and ft,) abottle of “Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" or Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it. It cures Iyiurrhara, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cu res Wind Colic, softens the Gums,reduces In- (1arnmation, and gives tone and energy to the wholesystem. "Mr k.Winslow's SOOI hing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescripiion of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenerfive, cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for "Mas. W nisLow's SOOTHING SYRUP YOUR HUSBAND’S MOTHER. Patent Report, For Over Fifty Years LOOKED M DEATH As the Only Means of Relief from Bright's Disease. But Dodd's Kidney Pills again Proved Their, Value-seven Boxee Cured MP. McIntosh, Who, it was Thought Must Die, Thamesville, Jan., 31.-The resi- dents of Thamesville will zealously enter into the project of erecting a monumena to theamemory of Dr. Dodd, the discoverer of Dodd's Kidney Pills. While Dresden can rightfully claim that a. very large number of lives ahave been saved, in that town, by this bless. ed remedy, yet its splendid work has not been limited to that town. Through out the western peninsula ot Ontario this great medicine) known and used, for experience has proved beyond dis.. pute, that it is the only cure for Bright's tDisease. Diabetes, and all other forms of Kidney' Disease. The case of Mr, A, McIntosh,:of the Clifford House, Dresden, is well known o the people of Thamesville. It was indeed a marvellous recovery, for few, if any, of our citizens thought he could gets better. It was firmly believed that death alone could put; an end to his sufferings Although it was known that Dodd's Kidney Pills had cured many severe cases of Brighths Disease, it was thought the disease had secured too firm a hold in Mr. McIntosh’s case for even that medicine to avail against it. But only one box of .Doddu Kidney Pills was needed to prove that the medicine is just as sure a. cure in the worst and most. hopeless case, as in the mildest. Before Mr. McIntosh has been using them a week he began to improve. Soon it was seen that he was indeed recovering, and Dodd's Kidney Pills had gained one more splendid victory. Dodd's Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists at fifty cents a box, six boxes for $2 50, or they will be sent on receipt of price by The Dodds Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, A GENT.u--"The best Life of Her Majesty have seen.†writes Lord Lorne about “Queen Victoria." Agents make tive dollars Ideals. Ouuit free. . An American Woman's Audience With the Venerable Pontitr. The strong interest which attaches itself to Pope Leo and to the Vatican makes especially readable "A Private Audience With the Pope," in the February LADIES' Home JOURNAL. It is from the pen of Inez Merrill, an American Woman, and is cleverly de- scriptive. "Ae the Pope entered the room all present knelt," she says, and goes on to explain ' "We had no deft nite Idea of the etiquette of the occa- sion, so we proceeded as we thought best. He came to our party almost at once, and addressed me firsst,fle speaks French to the general public; to priests he speaks Latin. Our courses are practical and are offered to the public with confidence that the instruct- ion is Ihnrough and the best to be obtained in the country. Individual instp notion; Students can enter at any time. Circulars free. - "Six priests kept close to the Pope as he moved about the room, One of them was an interpreter, who supplied the missing links in the conversation it necessary, in order, I suppose, to make the occasion less tedious to the Pope. However, the Holy Father spoke distinctly and slowly, and in spite of the excitement of the moment we were able to understand all that he said. "Pope Leo XIII looks very old,very feeble, with that pallor peculiar to age; his eyes and black and shining, but withal kindly; his thin, white hair and noble brow would incline one to a feeling of reverence even if he were not a Pope. He is of medium height, and his shoulders are a little rounded, as might be in one who looks down from such an elevation as his, His smile-that veryum1clrtallred-ot smile --is benign. He wore a. bright red cloth of the most beautiful texture. This was closelrbuttoned to his feet, Over this was a. pure white garment made of some soft material, and it is in this that most of his photographs are taken. On his head he wore the small skull-cap called the zucchetta. It, too, is pure white. There is a tassel hang- ing down to one side. The thought that Popes for centuries had been wearing garments precisely similar to these lent an added interest to this quiet person, moving unobtrusively around, among his guests. On his hands he wore mitts ot white wool." Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health. Now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping out. - _ - Thihgr get started in the wrong direction. Nature makes the cures after all. Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with hypophd- phites can 1io just this. It streng'the/as the nerves, feeds famished tissues, and makes rich blood. 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. POPE} LEO-AT HOME. -.ueer.7E -rFii>ss,,, C4fg/-y2.i.ftt2 STRATFURD, ONT. 'AiwuulT80tl COME“. W. J. Elliott; Principal \w " v , " V " Mr " _ 8'Ws'tsaeattthet' 'it%ttit:sktgtEWiStr:Qtt: ®&W&WW®‘WNRVNW‘®WM -\ sh' A ls = 4‘ . ti x ltW' a opens the door to distinction. A man refleeted in his ineckwear and linen. Just the rei1eetion that any man might be proud to have associated with himself may be seen in our brilliant display of novelties in fur- nishings. We draw the line at new. Al. ways come to us to see what can’t be seen elsewhere. Come fin-d? and you’ll see Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, ies, &0. It's the only way to see the latest in everything} What’s more off color than back number furnishings? Move up and get of us the latest. All Policies Guaranteed by 'The LONDON daLAN©ASHtmtorrmaprs. CO ,with Assets of $15,000,000. Total Net Assets Amount at Risk [ucreasejin 1895 THE MERCANTILE FIRE HEAD OFFICE, - - TI SUBSCRIBED â€CAPITAL - DEPOSIT WITH ‘DOMIN ION GOV’T Economical Mutual Fire Ins. Co. JohnFennell'..............................Ber1in George Lang w....,...................,....-, WHBowlby.QC.........................Berlin Fr. Snyder.................................Berlin H.Knell r...,,,,..,.......,..............)' J.A. Mackie..............................Berlin H.L.Janzenj..............................Ber1in L.J.Breitnaupt.................‘..........Ber1in RS.Lautenschlager......................Bet1in P. Jacobi .............V...,................Toronto Hon.S;Memer..................NewHambur C. Pabst ....................‘...........Hespeler A.B.Powe11..............................London Frank Turner, cal...........,...,...)), Geo, Pattinsoni..........................Preston can FENNELL GEORGE LANG l-- Hueo KRANZ Capital,$2.00il,000. Rest,$l ,500,000. Interest: allowed on sums of Ifout Dollars and upwardsm, Kindly favor us with a call and we shall It pleased to show you specimens and designsi Monuments, Headstones etc... and quote yo figures for any style ot work ember in Gtanib or marble. Firs classiwork guaranteed. ErtL8treet, opposite Market, WATERLGO l GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED.I WATERLUO Granite and Marble Works. The Molsons Bank Drafts Issued on all Principal Points pr you have lost) a10ved one and desire to erect a lit/nt tribute of seeetion/to the memory of the eparted one. THE SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT A Man May Be Loved Ones Mr Highest current rates on speisia1i1epoistts £1003 HESPEIER Manager Waterloo Branch. Wrecks of Fortune Head Mine, Waterloo, hi, JOHN BITZER. Waterloo. ht. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Mutual and Cash Systems. SHAEFEB BROS. The Key to Success OF_BEBLIN- BOARDLOF DIRECTORS. Rich and well to-day, but what of the marrow? On every side appear : I l t t .. IIII..................-......... Lie tr........'...'......'....... 'nr....,............-...- aapt.-...-......... nachlager ....r................ ymer..................New m net, JE,..........,...,-., And the Family of srffluence to-day may be reduecd to poverty to-morrow l. _ President. Jomzsmm, Vttrea'reMttertte JagtEy5pMaLEE,"Wtutturtntr Director; in A GAEEOittareetor, THE SANCTUARY OF FAMILY LIFE. Life Assurance INSURANCE COMPANY. $310,854 $13,329,672 r' 1 $3,000,000 of Health mcolu‘onu'mn 1875. Not otherv, ise provided tor should be protected by Presiden Vice-Pro - :Manage . ,Berlin . .Berli . .Berlin . . Berlin . .Berlin . .Berlin . . Berlin . .Berlin . . Berlin Toronto The Ontario Mutual Life TR,", undersigned offer to sell their liver! stock consisting of horses, carriage sleigh. 61.40., at. a reasonable ftgars. Terms on be ad by applying to 13-0111“ 1-D liké rCiiiiiriw%Erijiki" spectm 25 cents. worth $1. Big my. Capital unnecessary. The First and Highest Authorized Capital... . . .. Capital Paid-air-.......,, Total Assets over ....... Deposit receipts issued. Notes discounted. The collection' of sale notes a specialty. Money transferred to all points ab lowest current rates. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interest allowed on 9.11 mm of 81 and, a? wards, ramming in the Savings Bank depar _ mom. 30 (135 or over. from date ot deposit to date of wi draws] at THREE PER CENT. per mnum, compounded hall-yearly. AGENTS Head fflim, . Waterloo, Ont. Authorized Capital 81.000300. _ Gov’t Deposit at Ottawa $50,00 Subset-bed Capital 3257, Paid up Capital $64,408 JAMES INNES, M. P., CHE. KUMPF ESQ“ PRESIDENT, Wtma'mriiiriiitp THOS. HILLIARD MANAGING DIRECTOR. The Policy of the Dominion Life is a straight promise to pay-like a bank draft, almost unconditional. No re- striction on travel or occupation. ___ rm".-. When two or three yea/rs in force 't is nan-forfeimble wen for failure to pay renewal premiums, remaining in â€n " mrrr M'.'.-.-- -.----- Equality between policy-holderc is secured by insuring in three trldrge8-... abstainers, general and toomes-gitring each in pro.hu the true beneiit ofUs own longevity. _ THE Dominion Life Assurance Go’y The RATES compare favorably with any in the world. Your choice of all sound plans assurance oferee, no other, AGENTS WANTED. Apply now for choice of territory to TBOB. EILLIARD Managing Director THE TRADERS BANK Total Assets alst December '96 $334,083. It provides a legacy certain instead of l lawéeuit possible. ‘uz'z force T‘ILL THE Aiiifi' iii EZRA 032m). Btttpiagtaruumioy COMPANY, 13mg Livery for Sale. WATERLO o, ONTARIO. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Geo. Randall, Esq., Waterlo John Shun, Esq., " P Ill. Bowman, Elam. M. P., Waterloo 8. Snyder Esq., Waterloo William Snider, Esq., " Geo. Diebel,Esq., n J. L. Wideman, Esq., St. Jacobs. John Allehin, Esq., New Hamburg Allan Bowman, Esq.. Prsston. P. E. Shantz, Preston, Thomas Gowdy, Esq., Guelph. James Livingstone, Esq.. M. P., Baden Thomas Cowan, Esq., Gait. OFFICERS: tTeorge7tant1tui, President. John Shuh, Vice-President. C. M. Taylor, Secretary. John Killer Inspectord W. A. Raymo, Inspector. Messrs. I Wowlbr * Clement), Botioit Berlin BUCKBERROUGH& GO’Y. Agents, INCORPORATED IN 1863. ELMIRA BRANCH. A policy of assurance in Payable to the wife and F? children, cannot: be reached , by any creditor, or swept b] away by finsneial ruin t LI t t g, Domestic duty is, Life Insurance for tection of the Home par-excellence t ' t Agencies in every City and town in Canada. KUMPF & ZIMMERMAN' 5,5311 "Klomiikg Rolf Figlda In a sound well-es- tablished, reliable and fair- dealing Company .--......8 700.009 v"................ 6,000,00it N. T. HILLARY. ntssutiter " 6200,000 00 50.079 " is, therefore, for the pro- whieh is £2 r2d