if“ _ [3] _ PLATTSVILLE Mr. Frank Motherisl has purchased the store of the Jno. Sin-rt estate now occupied by Kelly k Co. . . .Dr. Will- son hm moved to his magma recently purchased from the Kilbor' 'estnte . . . . The stores are doing 3 great Christmas trade. . . .The I. 0.0. F. - held an "At Home" in their lodge room at which about a hundred and titty of the memb- ers s'nd their friends were present. All spent an enjoyable evening itbmusic speeches sud besides parmking of on excellent Lunch. .The various churches are holding Xmas entertainments. . . . mev. and Mrs. Smith entertained the young people of the Methodist church at their home on Thursday evening. . . M r. William Robertson who hos been very ill with typhoid fever and infUm. ation is able to be up again, Miss noggin Perry is also able to be out again after being confined to the house nearly two months with fever . . '..Cnrds are out for tho wedding of Miss Bar- bara Hall, and Mr. George Guthrie of Ayr. The wedding takes place on New Year's dar. ' .Mr. Walter Ron)- sny is home [from the maritime' pro- vinces where he hns been unveiling in , the interests of the Plnttsville Milling Co. . . . Mr, E. Cnrswell of Woodstock College is home for his holidays. . .. Me. Hunter lost his fiue black more "Crockery girl." She got her hind foot over the rope by which she vns tied in the stable and threw herself break. mg her neck. ty' ISAND REL-1.5 Teaming wood has been the principel work for the farmers around here this lest few weeks,bui the reins of this lest. week bee brought it to e steed etill . . . . We have bed our echool exeminee ion on Wedneedey end Inch e turn out. a the perente of this section a." us in seldom lean, some of the Floredele peoplesalaomates over and gen an e cell, my their number hing Mr. 'Semnel M. Weber 1750 we. do.“ " chit-lee end ebly filled tU plea. leery body expand the-aim well - with the m of the new ellell mthonevdpleadvill hr rt “Lu-.0» Hui ‘3 - good I)“ U ttrerhhIqi'+ fiiefe 'ted., ' teachers who examined the classes and addressed the gathering, _ yoTEs.-Centreville, the capital of S. S. No. 5, Waterloo,. was there in person-Had those male children of twenty summers remained at home and trimmed their mustaches, or the places where they supposed them to be, the human beings present might have enjoyed the day toetrer.--Evtsrrbody jeans in commending chairman Berry on his aptitude for the position of manag- er of such a gnxthering.--Mr. J.B.Hagey sustained his reputation as “house warmer" at an examination, by his original clasvrquestioning.---some peo- ple consider it good policy to vary the point of attack during the dinner hour. --We know better now why some wiltcot folks were so emphatic about returning home Saturday evet1ivg.-- Tbosepeople who are so anxious the week before about tho hearing of the classes as compared with the hearing of the music and dialogues, generally arrive in good time to secure a reserved seat for the latter. We have put on some extrk spurts th bouiht the best goods and the newest designs. stoc , and promi-e you thezbcst attent on. " U 00 4 75 n 15 00 . 10 " We hsve the largest and most complete stock of Fancy China, suitable for Christmas Presents, all at reduced prices. To glve you n idea how goods are gain , will quote alfew prices : Pudding Sets at 81.40. for $1.10; Berry Sets at 82.25, for 'IIS,'., Vases " 25e, at lac; Vases at $4 ior t.r, Plate Handles at 10e for tic; China Celery Stands at 50e, for 26c; Rose Bulls at 25c f r 2%; Five O'clock Sets at 81.50 for $1; Sands at 500 for 2lie; Cups and Simona at L'.5c for 10c; Moustache Cups at 35c for Mc. Everything in our immense stock will be sold in compisrison, . -- OF THE - . - Most Complete CHINA STOCK in the County. A GREAT CHRISTMAS, SALE! H. A. HUBER, the Leading Artist, Berlin. You will {never regret calling T H. A. I) Huber for your N PHOTOS OF FAMILY GROUPS SPECIHL MDUCEMEN I S st-ef:',-", Continued from First Page Hi ier )nced Tl'gA Urrl,: at "‘81 'Sd Everything going n a big discount. See the following quotations ' DINNER SETS at 8.5 50, for s 4 50 TFIA SETS at 8 9 60dor87 " n 8 00 6 50 n Limoges) 00 12 50 ,, 10 (lt) 8 ou u " 20 00 16 50 'r 12 oo 9 50 _ We are doing more business this year than ever, which is no surprise, for we came to please you and are making finer work than ever. Therejs some satisfaction in knowing that a professional is doing your work, and hot an, amateur. Jo EN F- BECK, $3 06 $2 40 5 01) 4 00 down. 8 ou 9 50 12 00 preoentl were diuributed Among the been "moeoaira-Grvtu'.s--- 'seholarstodfrtuya...,NesxtNisar hwmn'milm V 'rersesingttserLseumn oumtt,ritttsotit :1; John iiiiiri'dirhi,' 01; F theirChristnu "ttesetatinmeastin the Haitian“; Imam, " Jibit. and style....lr. Funnier too-ind M81 Goo. Johnna, 82; On" . nut, guhin the has 1tll,12tttt Hunk“; John Gillian. 81; Wm. to make a W. Ie-tttit.. at., _81; Jon. Schmidt, 31; iiiiiiiti??i?ii1i'iii,r. but it um 5mm. 51;,Jocoblotm, ar.,- likelyhnaur.... t. ahttehtattN 'ts9ltit. C T -4, . 1rt+,eti-e6tt-mis.ererre, 'ufcttiillSl'ct?g . '; ".' '1-,t,iitt1etr-thttd.eu. It“ nail , -. ‘M _rl,rtiiiiiui, -0.att+hoheHir*'kte'ait- Ai v“’ ' s 3. SCHOOL hAPrmAruvs:--The most successful public examination ever held in our school took place last Friday. Among the visitors were Mr, and Mrs. Macaulay of Harriston, Mr, and Miss Kines of Listowel,visiting teachers were M:. P. Harper Yattcn. Miss Brown, Mr. Campbell and Mr. Strom of Peel and the Misses King of N 09 Woolwich. People of thauction turned out re- markably wenhere were also a numb- er from Nos 9 and ll, The scholars were examined by visiting teachers and others; their answers were prbmpt and to the point showing the good training they received under Misses Harder and Kines. After recess Mr. Walker was called upon to take the chair and a short program was well rendered by) the pupils. To mention all: the numb era would take too much space but the cantata entitled "Amerimh Birthday" was worthy of special notice. It was remarkably well rendered by a numb. er of the little folks, Another and a more touching scene was the reading of and presentation of a suitable address to the teacherst who are leaving, and a beautiful parlor lamp to Miss Harper, while Miss Kines received a splendid water service. Both were taken by surprise. Miss Harper replied firet, and after thanking the scholars heartily for their,kindneas, briefly reviewed the past three years spent so pleasantly among them, and hoped that they might meet again. Miss Kines also replied in a few well.ehoUn remarks. Mbrt speeches were also delivered by the visitors from outaide, and lust by the people of the section. The gethering broke up by singing the national anthem. A - W --"_--_ -- "e"" w fwl “VII", 00, The closing exercises of our public iiiiiiii'uiiR,' alsry es “neuter, 8120; schools were held lost Friday conduct. Joe. :Kolb, linking paper to Poor ed by our respective tesche in the House, 81.50. steps of sn exsminstion follzwed by Moved by Mr. Quickfsll, seconded nu entertainment consisting ot Recitat- by Mr. Weber-Ong the members of ions, Dislognes sud Singing which was this Council u paid their, ‘respective done in . ve'y creditsble msnner. . . . salutes mating in all to 'lmulr-.- Lsst 1?Iidarhtvening our English church Curried. . held,,.their Christina Tree entertain- Moved by Mr. Wtrtrotttsmsded by, ment when on excellent progrsm was hrr.Weur-ah" the _ parties rendered by the pupils after which he denied dog in, lining presents nt,flePmte, anon; the been em-trad, att-tChi-- Mind... __.I -.__IA 11", A III . - _...-. - ‘ "s, --.-.-- NEW J unusual Cmmcrr---TU Rev. L. B. Tafal will preach in German at 10.30 A. M. 39d in Euclid: " 7 P. M. subject: “The Word became Mash." . . . .In general the sand hill horses have to live on straw thialwineer and some have quit living, The Sleigbing has disappeared and misrepresentation of the caatt.-Utw. should the weather continue as it is ried. for a. fewdnys more farmers will be Moved by Mr. IGgtsy, "etronded by plowing. . . .Though the weather Wtb8 Mr. Weber-That" whereas complaint dull and the roads bad Mr. Ruggle re- h“ been lodged With ths Council by pom a good trade in Christmas goods several farmers residing in this munici- last week . . . . Both Sunday schools hold polity who htwe lands on both trides tbe their annual Christmas tree festivals railway ‘trsck that the said railway on Christmas night. Both have pre eompany'a gates are too narrow to pass pared good programmes and will no through with farm machinery. doubt draw large crowds A Be it therefore resolved that this CHAMBER SET n to lease our customers, having 'ttetre'puaaed to see you inspect our No. 4 King Street, qulin WELLESLEY FLORA DALEI 175 t Wain?!†.01 3:3; I by Moved by Mr. Quickfsll, seconded titat. by Mr. Weber-Ong the member- of ' was this Council u ptid their, respective .'... 1eut-ortntirtqinall to 'lmulr-.- Moved by MnQuickfall, seconded by Mr. Weber-That the following ac- counts be paid end the Reeve grant his order to the treasurer for the several amounts, viz: Hugh Wallace, filling 'approaches to bridge at Blair, $6.13; Charles Wilson,sawer pi pe,84.80 ; J acob Hilborn. plank and repairing culvert, 75c; Samuel Markle, timber for cul. vert, 50c; Nelson Shantz, grove], $20.79; Wm. Morrison, brick tet. $7.50; Jacob Shafer, plank, 450; Al . Fttttman, sewerpipe, [$17 .36; Geo. A. Tilt, telephone occonnt, $1.10; Poet. master at Blair, postage to date,815.47; Hyde & Co., sewer pipe, 813,00; Eph- raim Weber, digging out stumps, 82; Henry Stoeckle, teaming sewer pipe, $2; August Burgetz, timber and lay. inq sewer pipe, $15.52; Nicholas Kloepfer, 1 sheep killed by doge,83.66; A.Clemens,1 lamb killed by dogs$2.33; John W. Martin, 1 sheep and lamb killed by dogs, 86.00; Silas Good, lumber end labor, $10.12; Jones Snider, gravel, $13.60; John Grant, gavel, $1.80; cu. Pabst, re-plnnking bridge st Speed-ville, $8 M; George Tilt, 3 months' sultry as clerk, $87.50; John Dippel, i ooat;aurveying road,83; Ikki M.Weber,grsvel,$l.50;Dr.Mu110y, balonce on coconut for' medical attend. Tr. at Deon, 822.20; Geo. Zittle, sheep killed by dogs, $2.66; Iohn Snider,grevel,$5.05; Wendel E.Shontz, gravel [end timber," $2.25; Matthias Kline, timber and lobar, $1.75; Frederick Shufer, tiles, $3.85; Elisa Ifolb, gravel end timber, $18.42; Dr. "Roberts, sewer troxea " New Germany, $14.96; Anson Grob, gavel, 81;. Eli‘s Duppel. up", $1.76; Jacob Weiler, taking pan to Poor Home, 82; Peter Shark, slay u manta, 8120; Joe. gKolb, tanking MPG! to Poor Home, $1.50. Be it therefore resolved that this Council petition the Local Legislature through the members thereof for the? North and South Riding of the County of Waterloo to have such legislation enacted as will compel the Railway Companies to change their gates to the necessary width.-'-Carried, Moved by Mr, Bartel, seconded by Mr. Quickfall--/rut the motion passed by this Council during the present year, making Isaao H.Woolner an allowance of fourteen days’ Statute Labor for placing stone along the side of the Pub. lic Highway adjoining his farm and also the receipt given him therefor, be and is hereby rescinded to all intents and purpoeee said allowance having been made to Mr. Woolner through a misrepresentation of the eaats.-thsr. ried. Moved by Mr. Harte], seconded by Mr. Quiokhul--That the petition of Simon:Reid and obhera on behalf of Robert Scott, who sustained a serious loss to his cattle during the past. season through some unknown cause be laid over until the next session of eouneil,-- Carried. ' Moved by Mr. Weber, seconded by Mr. Huey-LThnt this Council grant $25 to George Hilker to mist in pro- curing him the necessary clothing, em, to attend the Blind Institute " Brant. ford, providing the Council of the Town of Berlin grant n like nmount for the same purpose. The money to be paid to Mr. Martin B. Snyder ..-.Carried, Moved by Mr. Qniokhllpeoonded by M . 1Inrtel-.-/ihat By~hwa No.7 68 and 'Ill) imposing e special drainage tax on certain properties in this municipality under Bylaw No. 727 be read the necessary number of times and weed. -turried. [ Moved by Mr. Hugey, seconde by Mr. Weber-That the collectors be paid their reagective sslnrieo for the T year 1895-.. tried. The council met at the township hall on Mondoy, Dec. 16th, pursunnt to statute. Members all present. ahd Reeve in the choir. Minutes of pre- ceding amnion red and, approved. "u, ....tstthrtotutWimaso and I',', nice weighing bubinele in ii . man and mud in almott ankle deep. . "The Extensive Aretiptr'.,'tuu outed are. at the In. tJktit Ott. mvill held next‘SsNrdey. Isle maggots†" 12 Cilirii' tteric, Min egeout mm to rod holidsye under the pron " " Waterloo, while Mill McLeea will go to he'r hoinet in Lintowel. proved ttti!,' hi In; inflow†mom; / WM†My Council tltjlr : 'edt, IK., .lihm - DEATHS _ Cbraam-Nov. 17th, at Manor Park, Iam. don, England, of Pneumonia, Rev. Robert Collier, Wesleyan Methodist Mini-tor, aged 71 years. (Tne dec a 0.1 gentleman was uncle to Rev. J.C. Stevenson, Ebh.) Waoetmtts-.1n Eat. Zorn, on Dec. 11th, 1895, Jacob Wage-tar, aged 87 yuan, 5 months upd 26 days. 8cmmmm-LIn Wan-loo: Town-him Dec. Itth,, Samuel ikheirieh, aged P! you", 8 months te?,', ttt Doc _ ia An Rougmamr.- n ti go rt, " ' In. Brahma, widow of sh? late 1ihiiGi Hol- linger, as“ " para. 9 month. ands darts. V . _ &gertiotr-- In Mn, Dee. 15th, June Swarm, relics of t e um Juno Simpson, aged " yuan, 8moothramt " doâ€. Bort-At 'ttttgd"'. 14th, In. Mtry " Bott, use . )0"!- _ l, Ramon-At emu, Dee. an; and Ma. Balm ttf, lt you-"II 7 pm. Bqpmarc-9nt" l . in H», @311; ?,?r"iii7ii"fti'l'lulbe'ii' u‘mun 'sgrGyl'-'a'tts Johan. B.: of III In. M!- 'iiii"fh'Gi'4 than wife of Mr. Trimbel, of a. hon. GRoscu-In Mibertotf, Dec. 14th, the wife of Wm. Grouch, ofa son. ,9 , LuDEn--At Platteville, Dec. 15th, the wife of Oscar Leader, of a son. MAssos--ln No- th Dumfries,netsr Ayr,Dec. 17th, the wife of Wm. Manson, of a daughter. . Rtrrirtmroruy-At Greenfield, Dee. 5th, the wife of Wm. Ruthertord, of a son. Srtutrm--At Gait, Dec. 14th, the wife of John Steele, of a son. "HAgoeEt-1n Hespeler, Dee. 14th, the wife of Geo. Hammet. of a son. , MARRIAGES BtrsDi- RaMsmnm-. At the Mennonite church, E at Zorn, Dec. 8th, by Rev. J. M. Bender, Mr. John R. Bender and Min Lena Ramseyer, both of East Zorn. 1acrsi-Rorsi--At the Mennonite church, Eat Zorro. Dee. 10th, by Rev. J.M. Ben. de , Mr. Abram Lichti, of St. Agatha, Waterloo county and Mina Lena,dad hter of Mr. Jacob how, 15th com. gnu: Zorn. ' GrsoEra.,-Domaas-At the U. P. Meme, Dee, 18th, by Rev. A.G. King, D.D., Mr. Arthur Ginuell end Miss Elle Mey Doug- las, both of flpringfield, Ontario. HErtoLD--BzLuL-At- th residence of the hride's mother, in Sha "peare,Dee, 11th, by Rev. R. Pyke, Mr Harry Herold, of Toro to, and Miss zzie M. Bell. Gtmrtusr--scaarr--At the Norfolk Street Me 1mm church, "n Dec. 19th, by Dr. Henderson, enlisted by Rev. D., Guthrie, Mr. Hugh Guthrie to Miss Scarf, both of Guelph. -- - _".7 , BIRTHS A MEYEtts-Un Tavistock, on Dec. 11th, to Rev. and MN. Meyers, ofa son. _ BoItHM--Irt Wat rloo, on Dee, l7th,the wife of Nathaniel Boehm, of a daughter. CmusrrAN8EN.--1n Grand Haven, Mich., on Dec.'9th. the wife of the Rev. B. Christi- anaen, of a. son. Wrrarmi--rn Elmira, Dec. 17th, the wife 0 Cue... Wilken, of iaon. lhaaoN-an Elmira, Dec. 15th, the wife of Hy. Dislion, (of the Advertiser), of a daughter. BrrrEk--Near St Jacobs, Dec. 16th, the wife of Henry Ritter, a. son. _ BmmAcmm'--Near St. Jacoba,Dec. 16th,the wife of Tilman Brnbacher, of a daughter. REYNOLDS-ln Elmira, Dee. 13th, the" wife of w. J, Re tt Ida, ofnson. 14fy)1r:1.rA"t1itl.sl'. H_amhuvg, Dec. l4th,the A Quarter of a. Cohtury It is announéed that The Canada Presbyterian will commence with the lat of January, its Twetttrfitth Year of publication. The paper has gradually grown from small beginnitw,urttl now it is recognized as second to no religi- ttttg' journal in the _Dominion. Its columns have always commanded the best talent in the large and inf1uentU1 denomination it so worthily represents; and for the coming year, all the old- time favourites are retained, while a number of new writers have promised to contribute to the various depart- ments of the paper. The "make-up" of The Presbyterian is simple and compre- hensive. Its table of contents each week falls under the following head. ings, viz: Notes of the Week, Our Contributors, Teacher and Scholar, Christian Endeavour, Pastor and Peo. ple, The family Circle, Our Young Folks, The Missionary World, Health and Household Hints, British and Foreign, along with a strong editorial page. The yearly subscription continues at $2,005 but any of our readers who desire club rates should write the oftiee, 5 Jordan Street, Toronto. A New“! Granted by the Court of Appeals hut Tht"rev-o Place I Albany, N. Y., pea IW-The Court of Appeals Menu-hind the decision of the Genenl Term in the one of the people, appellate, egeinet Erastus wr men. This we. en append from ejudg- meat of convictioa,[end granting 3 new trial. Mr. Wimen in: e member of this, '; firtgt of Mean. A. G, Dun a Co., and 3 1m convicted of forgery,end sentenced 7 to five, and 5 half your! in State prison. The court of Appeel’e decision tdfirms the General Term decision granting a new trial made on Account of the judge miedirecting the jury, in his chtsrge on the trial. The District-Attorney stet- ed in Making the appeal just dismissed that if the State lost, the indictment against Mr. Wilma would he dropped: your. 1531. liGhte repliai in ah,,. Htretttehte' 'mrkgComboil adiodmed Ric Au. tajy?te-Fi!tlirirt_ on ,' _ sllltd,stlttl'. We: ttsiiialict? “ll. hit new 'ttsl that: your. hob living Ari: MB. WIMAN BUOOEBSFUL: nun} it L A. T1141, thrift Iths [at lit. cm. Ibex; sad; 1imsumiei , ' -- "__-__ "T"'--. -e. - -w.... v'un. aw“: v “will: WWII“). "t, ton sheet " foot doe . mm GW.." warehouse. an. hum some by prom o t driving 11'tittr,gtt m: dwelling 10 rooms, .ErSet.ttq. . pr per , '" bathroom. and all WU 1tortvmiettiites; poet. .AND. CUNNINGHAM, t'tith connection; 'J'gt,h'a'httd',rg,t2 nevi mo a: tut', 1'tr,.Httttt Ittrst as mm. Dee mu, m THE TRADERS BANK ONE of the tinettt eqalpnod farms in Ontario for sale, now occupied by John I Robson. “his farm cantata: 31.5 acres. more or less ; splendid trui1dsnga, tttYelp fenced. and In the tineat state of cultivation. 4:10:10 to Mr nsbornugb Station. past-owed and church. A large part of the purchase r'l,"I't"7,' it so desired. can rcmRin on mortgage at per cent. t For further particulars apply t , JOHN I. HOBSON. 60-at Moaborough P o For Bargains in Violins. Aooordeonl, Autohrps, Guitars, Mouth Orgunu, andatikimu of 5&3..me Kitdai JAKE’S CIGAR STORE, Nair the My†Dhmd, Waterloo A FINE Inge brick store and dwelling in New Darla-.whm . large and preamble 95:19:21.1:- hte ee ltr WM mm store ArmutrrtuNa,-The wise and push- ing merchant always tree.', name and goods well before the p lie. No better means of reaching the people of the townships of Waterloo, Wilmot, Woolwich and Wellesley than in the columns of the WATERLOO COUNTY CHRONICLE, as there is hardly a. post- ofliee in these townships where there are not more Chronicles than any other paper. , The camel is a beasteoi' great strength and endurance. Nothing hurts it until the Broverbial "last straw†is added to its urden. The human digestive system is very much like a camel. You can impose on t to ewonderi'ul degree. It is really as- tonishing how much abuse it will stand before it breaks down. "The lest straw Fr doesn't break it down, but it makes it stop work. Continually put the wrong things into your stomach, and digestion will get weaker and weaker. Before long, some- thing worse than usual will be eaten, and will go through the stomach into the bowels, and there it will stick-s-that'. eon- stipation. Let it continue, and there is math-, lug bad that it will pot lead to. Nine~tentha .of all human sickness is due to constipa- tion. Some of the simolest symptoms are coated tongue and fou breath, dizziness, heartburn, f1atulenee, sallown as, distress after eating, headaches and 'lfl'j'tt,h"e'1. A little thing will cause constipation and s little thing will relieve it, , Dr. rerce’e Pleasant Pellets are e ce cure or con- ,stipetion. They are ti , sugar-coated Ill',",',",',; mild and us in their action. . ere is nothing in} 'ons about them. IYon can take them' nst as freely as you 'take your food. There is no danger that you will become a slave to their use. They will cure you and then you can stag taking them. Send for free sample gale age 0 from 4 to 7 doses. Wot d's ispensery‘ Medical Association, 'Btttrato, N. Y. I ' A GREAT BOOK FREE. Over 680,000 copies of Dr. Pieree's Com- mon Sense Medical Adviser have beep sold ' the regular price, " . The rofits on .iht,' immense sale hare an an“? in print- ing . new edition of 500,000 copies. bound in strong paper covers. which is to be given In, emerald}! free. A copy will be sent to any address on receipt of 31 one-cent mama to giver. 51133911. and arguing only. TImRight Place Ad'dreu World’s ' ftteii5i,iliiij?iri,f rtoelftiott, 663 Mtin Street; utmo, . Tr. kW" _ a. of a: bio Opuun.‘ 112% a! WM. I JOSEPH HICKUS. 3 Thnredey. Dee. 2tk-hruotoek and im. pl‘emente id Adam Bttkatain-bet-t St Clemente end Heidelberg. _ _ wAmLoo. Doc. sumo: Puliwheat.................. ...... I)! Farm For Sale. MARKET REPORTS We!» FOR SALE OR TO RENT iiijiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiit .-'tV--.....4...-.. .. 7 . l . ye1ieter.,leeeu.c..i...".."..". "Am HAIR-fl". OP CANADA. J. T.' WILI’ORD. Doe. IF-PPI-' , 2,t,,3toT1ttu"aeh',i r.- d. WING. New Dundee WHIODIOUS “on“ and . 'ret " qteter to In I. a. "damn: Block, giil'iiil,l'iili's ho had. 'llrid may Fm lay. ON the premises of the understand. on or . Ishout. 2e,t,','t'g,ef; (an wand Huger on " Blunt, ypro ro Pt an paying "ttdet.... " pe y War-allow and can» To Li. AWE]. RESULTS.» -"'-"v T_'-'"'--"', u- '1qu “nun-ulna uuu'nr Kat. 'fa'yh'cd1gtt Imbbick's orttoe, Queen street. AAI. Hahn c , D?Juty Returning omen South Wnrd -Oftice o the Waterloo Woolen 2',"ytig,r; King street. George? Davidson. tha" nth eturnlnx ottieer an liFettdL.at me Old Council Chamber. MAI-Int House. C. A, Rachael. Deputy Return. the Ottioer '1 he follnwiug Are the retiring School '1 rust. can: North Ward. C. M. Taylor; East Ward, an"... [nulA‘A_. on,“ ... _ -- - at the hour ot half past seven o'clock in the evening. _ _ NOTICE is hereby given that a running of the Electors of the Town ot Waterloo for the nomination of candidate for the 6Moes of Mayor. Reeve, Ihtputr.tteeve, Councillors and School Trmwcs for said ".own ot Wat-r200. will be held tuthe'rownJull,Murirct House, on Monday, the 30th dar' of December. 1898 In case n poll is demanded. the sum: will be held " the foliowi: K places in the re=pective wards on Monika, Jam 6th,1898 1 North Ward - index-mm room. King street. 01;"ng _0tckthr, IlHy1.ts .RAtqtniniOTBcer W7 house. [or No 89. G. C. T., John Edict, Den. Rev. Omoer. Polling Sub-Invidon No. 5. Con. rad UmbaetN house. Lot No M, G. C. T., John Brom hep. Ret. 0mm. Pulling Sub-Divininn No 6, G. Weiss'a vogun fat, Heidelberg. J. Weiss, Deg. Rot. OtBtier. Po ing Submvisinn No. T, at y oe Show West Montrose on [Lot 71, o. c. T.. Wm Mitchell mp. Ret. 6ihiip. a Ot all which 'ii,is"iifi,"ii,iiiiii' is required to m ke notice and govern If accordingly. ' J. L. WIDEMAN. hwnship Clerk Given under my In ad at the Clerk's Odice. at Bt Jacobs. this 3rd day of December, A D, 1895 ELEGTMS FOR1898. - F. CO UHOUN. Ret. Ottteer Dated at Waterloo. 1Y?fllf, December, 1895 " noon, for the pure l f nominating candi- dates for the oineeo Re. w, mrat., and Second Deputy-Reeves and twri, Councillors for the ensuing year. and it more than the 'l."f"l'i'b'di number of Candidates are proposed I ttttn adjourn tho proceedings until the timt Monday in January. 1iB6, when a bun mu be cam†in ouch of the Polling yublhvisiona at n a of the clock in the morning wd conlinue open until ttee of the clock in t o nut-moon and no longer. It the 'gltrtiap/te.'it viz: Polling Sub- v.No.l, l i-nuanonm. Wi -ler- hourne. Joe.Stork fd'glhtieiJt'ril2,llint, Sub Division No 2, at icon Kuenzle's _Bhop, Comes- to?†Walter Snider, hep. Rat. ottitxtr." Polling Su -Division No. 8, " the old School House. St. Jacob. Wm Melifer. Bop. Bet. omoer. yol1intryeutepivoen -- o_4, gr Peter Miller's Monday, December Mth, 1895 NOTICE. is herebyflven to the Electors of the Municipality o the Township of Wool. wich in wourdancv with sections I09. IM, 115 and 116 ot “An Act" roam-cum Municgml lusti- Luuonn in the Province of Ontuno. " Ms., Cap. " Bee. 108, that I require the presence of the Electors of the add Mllnid lit] at the Old School House in the Village 35:. Jncobs. on Dated this 1i.iEdiiiif DbbeibéF. iti, Nomination ttnd Election of Councillors, (ha-etc. In regard a! to Ibo claims of which they IM have had notice ma ‘he said executom will not be liable tor the and “new or any part thereof to my Demon or phone of whose claim notice shall In" been received by then u the time at such dutHbution. W. B. WINKLIR. _ - _tht, Jacob! P 0 can...†OI we “uni, " In: nun a, mum. And notion is further given that "tor said data the executor- of the INN the aid Cath. u-lne Data will proceed tottirtribtrte the use“ qt the 331513qust won‘t.» petieq opuueq 2hh'llkir"'1u'A'riee'uu's'r' sum, January 18th, 1896 0110! ta 'ggd'iPhqi't par-gut toumute in an: be . that 3-1 pol-woo but.“ 6 aim. or demands against the at“ out the said fiautlh1'tBtt an, unwanted (2150; before the bh an"? Ian , post. ro- paid or deliver to I a un 'trrittue4, the" “Km 3 d “dream. full pol-Liam": of th, ir chums and Moment. of the" account and the suture ot the. mum tter, heid.br ttem, .. .. tth o'w"d2t'Prg,"p"tun,2,t,S','n hwfm angoo, 'tor t g puma-n g; my"; diBiik "ttatirToi"tiiCihir' Eryn-0' "it?! WI an Annual Report and dl be t'h"gMlttU.t Ry mutual. mini, "t w ioesD_oe "In. G, M. TAYIDR. . t . 1.. B-tary JP 'l'fa'fll'.'dg'lu'l"Mhu-r"rira' copy Watorlm mum Insurance " uutmusrGarnNo. '. In the (“We of Cedar“: thues, fate of the Village _ef Hmokwitte, in the County a} Waterloo, Widow, deceased. 0001) than. banana: six moms and . thisttehiiriitiiii John amt. t esent an†by B. A. Schumann. 'a'l,U,"1',' CONRAD KUEHNER turbo, December toth, I“ House To Let. NOTIGE In Gllllllll% TOWN op WATERLOO. NOTICE atiiiiihiw, LIFE STRAYED. P. s; sPi‘nTsT'" - - - Hawksvllle P o cqreunoux s we IPX, Fothitiikifirr Iziinitirji.Fitorioo, ' an; topaz, Huntsville M--et Executor-a " the hrur ot elm " MW the {allowing nrupvm T T lust No, IO, In (hr el, Nt 'l section of the "mm-1 , ll' lands uboiu thr ville 7 nine thereis a good iA)lls outbuildings in wood l pat tor (mm: and round: h' COMM Hot Vet"? r." Dated n Waterloo. ttrl-lf. UNDER and by tamed m a I John anucx “hm time ofsnn- In re ' public auction a: " car, at Spattrs Mn - - oomunovx & leer" Vader's Bet 'p 'mtte .et Etrrloo. the 1'itty S! funny, the :Lutagdnour ot ch on r 'ttau, ..1'liUI' number Fire It 'mgtqegt locum: t cumming fifty . ig t--tttet out My gum amen-1 'tship of “ t tained in 4 slfrod S. MM‘ulv at time of Mic. H public auction l (inner. a! nu}; Linwood, on Ttutstiir, the 9th day of January, liilliirlrhil)li Ul Valuable Farm MISVOF>A w ' re .. â€Donutob nl s; h iiityf, homoewhhi "=1.“- 'l'GLS mmoflhe was»! ',Gite' a'iToFiariifdeetl al It further terms "tsd Utxttle--Thorouehrr, d H." t Ayrshire grade hurry 1:04;. .n v 5 .- . in calf, {I cowr m fit f. 'd ya: u u t .‘ heiter in on". '2 ."t'tir fl d bah: ya“ .: shire grade hum. , wncg u. m. sheep-ti mu.» Pig‘-'l boroughb'ed “Wk-MW mu g M side. B4-rkah " " . pg; ,. :4- months o d. Poultry-about in, i,en,.'otiuc.tts r, ty lmnlemcnts “1'â€: r sl'n' w» 1mm er, :sulky " rub" Ir“ my; n tooth Need d 1 FF ctil',u,t pr m» m bob sit-uh nm'ly m-u_ bugs, ' ,.' root pulper.pcw :1rwchrw . _ an r Urrows,doubh_ Hr: , md my 'trl w. ember, hay vat k _ Q a mm, U' , 'so team hurt t'stt (‘0mpwh . "t '.' Cr a 'T itrte,tr,grtsinb-. my man. w EM 8m) $0001., 'vetCg , 1mm _ srl. Hay-About 3 Iona, Grain Abuut " bs,-) . 1 . mixed, 2.1 bu~lw _ ', " x», 'ttortrrps Abou: fur-1m»: I'. Hnusch ld 12:va t(r.'r,A' ,'o" l wash sink. Mdelnmhl. up nun. benches, luungo, In“), [l.,", an t" attricultu"a; {urn I' ,m-z sr, . w . ',n' small ruby "ash rub. miwr harm W churn. lin pxpum. almu‘ A“ A? f . t' other articlw to, u::..~ o-rr nnm‘m 'l ERMS OF SALE H of 8ivnnd under. mm moti'ct'eeisl 't am." l thing will be Mk an l _ prfeior hand“ th (r. , MICKL'S a will u tTaotsiotyi/.ro,r, of Elmira. in Woo w 'sorn.rnonei.rut " loritw orly,su, "tidiiiesrrTr, i foal by Sunny salt colt. 7 AUCTION Shi, (PY, T “my: ova thtuautu illint turlcs; tt, Bud pigs cash. J08 MICKUS. Farm Stock, Implements. , Friday, January ( h 'prow. gang plou It...) double hnrnem why glans cum-curd. bins, t'u Dullur cooking "0V1" In oats, 40 blhhcls Ol Mr I barrel rim-gar. forks. J olh¢r_9y[icles mo n ‘le _ ' Aurtlunow‘ M cllcsey, Dow lulu-r l Farm at. cur, hor-re, years old, black mart it, rm coming t years. f I- trt _ my; furrow COW, from cow. L' In 2 fat heifers- 23mr~ula,1,w 13 ewe», ram l..mh. 'd "rrHr. v rm pigs If not hold wow. a dog. Implement». no Hxnrior cultivntnr, ungmv. 1 ' t '.1ri)l.chuprring tnl, my a beginv ing at om rt Clemehts am the furm of Mr prgpr-rty. viz, THERE will be cold by Pub; Thursday, Deec %N.qree-o emu, mo lo, â€â€˜3'“ v in Apt-11:6 young came. 7, 'iit"m'p b" utmtshu-i"iGC n “ma" T or. Kayak". tb ea In ll, PM†tooth Culkilwor, C' iron an,“ Plow, 2 advance Pl "hs,'d m 1&l Flown. “union's In "â€3620qu GG/ii';, horse Power wnh hi E Belt, F rnnlng Mid. "on Puii, Manure Sled, “thcloormw 3H; Rack, 1 Riueh Half lruru, 1 " Wagon. top l,'1'irvsti,tiii. 13m Biei ha. Cutter, 400 l li ale, . 'i"vt!i'ld Mm tune, 100109: CU,; cur SOWSOKIdm: ('hainx.mw â€mu 3 setsHumcna. 1yyr,r,yiji(iil0/etl, 12h bushels PM“. lit, bmhmrhq Turning. zoo bushels Pump-u! 75 t “use ("got grevioumy y... m PUBLIC Alum - -___- ‘_. --. nanny-I3 r.tii'iif.r-fr1it?, Tu Shula. Chickvnn. and a] Cash l over that nmnun spammed su-uriu. JOSEPH MICKl‘S. Aueridiie,.,, Wilmer, Dee. 16 h, 189: mt nndenignn “M†T irtiuctiGi w "l by Pl we promise: of Jiscob lie/vis' tor mile was: of 51",,“le _', of Blatm's road, Dll Tuesday, 7193mm commencing Rt 12 om ... “a. 1 lowing ylluablr- â€0516;: Pori, Q... 1Aorie'tr-mas t; m, 7 “M I Stink sorrel. 5mm "(We hNd...“ "'"!' 1.tlf, ', bay t'0't. (-nmin'g RIM“, 00man 2 years. Hired m Mii.', Faun} I Cattle-lt CORR, lvo lo, ' Je, tut ind,',',t,u',,rey,it, We. a 'li,,';,) Ici, gr. 'l'k'e"euz/tttr/ f? e,i'ril?,e 1‘." AUCTION ii, ' NIH?“ and by jiiiiiiMi: SALE. A. D., 1895, Underpig Stock, Imple; A'M'hor 3105|> Ski T "..c:r't' ““""nu1n.' CL', styyr,r,l,rFriiiill'lillitliil “3104;. t HI'IdI'Hw: Frxat For, Ir L o l r m in" ff" I 'r ' ' the Mm“ "V 13..." "-111 iifl I', ..-mp CITE, _ Oy mhn H C) UF - """'r", Hm ll ttif/Qi 1'l io month. m Ember we sci {PM}. Near Limit ALA†Emma l I “C0" 31119: PM In! Pl tm, 1lrtn Mi (mum; rmn h " WU Jierd.' I P tart {nun ": old, In Ott fir}: he: "d, Pe mm": "an. t m titt, 'lid, Id.0 ic, 3.“ng INK" A: " ci, ttt) ’ l f,llt.tl, Pi D he i RIDE um " it