mass I 5 our b1 and Jrot buy, T; 'ulCapes,Boas ffs. We Show rant Ruff in Lamb, Mink; it R, and Ger- nk. Just ths >r these cool mess! we an? up-to. 1 our Lined V Coat, with la Sleeve. I as us. rc the Stand: 11111131." _",-,":"::),".'",, ' more buaim, l) month of 001 than We evar di 18 same time be Stare, lat ab, LES Town. hand, another SS IS Ingssl t 0' busmea, ab we that fir amumhwi discussion Jl [up 1'. Strr‘k‘ts l,.'.. 31-11110 Dewitt. has much im- ;"~ Fm a; penance of his block by p:-:'.-':' glass fronts.' He has r :A .v put in such fronts in his own " r» tttul Snyder, Rooe& Co'e and now 'rv, mm engaged in putting in an extra ilr2~~ pinto glass in the M01301: Bank. Itrother of those popular concerts '4: i c-i auspices of the High School Lim- .ry Society willbegivenin theTown H411, Bcrlin, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 14511. They have been fortunate in securing the services of the tiling young reader and impersonator, Mr. A. Perry, Variety will be given the Programme by Chris Lo Simple, por- ftzrmer on theleello. 1t'rgttN"t o diplomas And eel-M to e "o. eesaful candidates ot the school Vin ho a pleasant future of the yaw ment. . h, Muail, A! ll w tu I H l'ruf, A. C. 1lounteeru senior class , up“ will give an entertainment _',; on tho 12th of next month, ' "V m-ml iutoresting scenes taken lhxid Copperfield will be given x. mtumm l Waterloo branch of the A. O. _ . L'h-ndul the morning service of 1rrrvulist church in a body on 'su" uwrniug. The annual sermon 2.: nsilctl by the Rev. J. A. Me- .xl:1,A\l,.\,, psistor of the church. 1':o, Council at its last meeting wraml the Fire, Light and Water 12.1’,’ 'tr to complete an agreement _ ' 'r' Waterloo ComnsmeriGaa Com- I gutting eight electric lights \x“: St. between Noecker and 3lllllmlillil, H " To AuVERTISERS E. linuwles gw Al irieting of the Band ot) . _ lu' held next o1iig'ti,1't,t _ ouirck, in the, Council All numbers are urgently l to attend. ", H'.\'eill, of Yatton, Peel ', \ 'id his tine farm of 100 acres Halon Snvder for $5,100. The n Ali n-XCt-llent state of cultiva- h 'N tirno buildings on it. I. m "Ministerial Association i w. ll. Atkinson's, Berlin, on , Nic. r. Rev. Mr. ParnAyr. L.L' I' un "Christ and the Minis- ) 'I', , which gave rise to AD H in: boitght the "Nm from A, Pequeg- 1;..rkin, please take . man 311' accounts 1.. paid within 30 ,. _ vuhdorily set- 1n E thru'r stock. ll. Harper of Yatton has i ti prxm-ipal of the Con «x huO‘I for 139‘}. ".u‘ul lulled hay and one of mm unloaded at Huaeu- "use a: FLT“. track. MOW), Indians in prices tire ot. ].aug x Co's, Berlin,wbo u idson,theToronto ruler, di mile record to 59 see. H -;:-L in attend the Operet- n the Liedertafel Hall amiun JVC, Ball included. virotrt the genuine Tanks tll't' is simply delightful. " Lyn Sold by J.Doersam. /r' of Preston has now a c'," vnough to become a l, uf asking for incorpor- \ l, .\ ICWS. .'hob,priter,taas bought and sr,ood-will of the job and conducted by Mr: in " Last be left at this office Saturday noon. The "A must be left not late At. Casual Advertise. up to noon Wednesday massions of the Peace if _ will . be held at the lsalin, commencing on 't' 10th. p sud Snider are the ttlu, lluspltal this attention of our of Mr. CL. Hend- , Gait, for Bevel-ad -2he Young People connection with the’ church will hold a. tttmint evening. l -I,aare Curtain and Rug! " ttemit hut-gins st R.D.qug & Cou. - j r-Oar/ttsuits" will ti many things of interegoeto them in the 'utretii- ment of hater dt CoU Berlin, which appears on the first; pg of this name. They are now en 'sgod‘ in selling oit their mémmoth a“); of Dry Goodgete , worth '40,000. entire and are ofhritrg exceptional bargains to induce rapid sales, as they have only is limited time in which to sell, being ollliged to "cute their present premises shortly. We cannot give our renders better advice than read their advertisement ‘and then go and see that Boehmer & ‘00. sell just what they advertise. ---A pretty gov will nlwuys be more l vital to a woman 31m 3 vote. Priest. ley's dress fabrics, by their glow, their l intrinsic retinetneqt, and distinction, confer a most obvious character upon the wearer. The famous Henrietta are likely to he surpassed by the new 'Eudora' a fabric which has suddenly become all the rage. There is extra weight which is equally adapted to the long folds of the plain skirts or the drapery which we may soon expect. And then there is an exquisite glow, and a matchless quality. Wrapped on "The Vanished Board" and the Dune Prieatley’s stamped on every five yards. SCRANTON’ & Lauren Co.u,-Now is the timeto place your orders for beat hard coal at bottom prices. Hogg & Habbick. ti NOTICE.--- Ifnscrupulons merchants in Berlin and Waterloo are pretending to sell our goods. Parties desiring them call on Creoman 8; Hallman and Uiller & Bowman, sole agents in these towns. The report circulated that we work in shoddy and inferior stock is false. We guarantee all pure. Try them. Baden Woollen Mills, H. M, BRcnAcuri-l6-3t, SHOOTING Mprci.--t! pigeon shooting match 'inaugurated by Mr, H. B. Duering, which was postponed from Friday last on account of rain, takes place this (Thursday) afternoon, on S'eagram's farm, b-ginning at one o'clock. Over two hundred pigeons, together with numerous turkeys, geese, ete., will be competed for by the many crack shots who are expected to be present. UPI-1x Mmimera--The next open meeting of the Town of Waterloo Hor- ticultural Society will be held in the old Council Chamber on Tuesday even- ing next, the 19th inst, at 8 p. m. The subject for disscussion will be Grape Growing, Training and Pruning. Mr. George Bolduc,one of the moat success- fat amateur grape growers will lead. The public are cordially invited to " tend and take part in the discussion of this interesting subject. l DEATH or MRS. PETER Sunuc--We regret that it becomes our sad duty this week to chronicle the death of Mrs. Peter Shirk of Bridgeport after a pro- tracted illness, on Thursday evening. Her maiden name was Miss Magdalena Martin, daughter of the latt- John Mar. tin. Mrs. Shirk was a woman of a very kindly disposition, and was much beloved by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. Her remains were interred at Berlin on Sunday forenoon. The funeral was very largely attended. ANswruts.uw---The first anniversary of the Harmonie Singing Society will be celebrated in the Liedertafel Hall this (Thursday) surging. Two oper- ettas, "Der Trompeter won Krsechs- ingen" and "Der Freischuetz von Cam. erun" which have been carefully rehearsed, will be rendered on this occasion with instrumental accompani- ment. After the entertainment a ball will be given for which Mr. Zeller’s orchestra will furnish frrst-chsaa music. Tickets including dance, Me; reserved seats, Mc, Plan of Hall at Knmpf’s [ bookstore. MEDICAL AssssocrArroN.--4 meetlng' of the Waterloo and Wellington Medi. cal Association wen held Friday after- noon nt 3:30 p.m.,in the Council Cham. ber, Berlin. Dr. iy.s.Bowlbrpreaideetsl occupied the chair. Drs. Lett, Brook, l stewart and McKinnon of Guelph pe. l Lucy of Drayton; Dr. Lundy of Prea- ton; Drs.Webb and Noecker of (rrt"ir') loo and Dre. L B,tyemems,uekner and ' Minchin of Berlin, were present. Dr. l ‘Webb read a. pnper on Practical Lite l Assurance Exkaiinatioms which gave ( rise to an animated nnd Gut'iitue) discussion. " -----i---- BUSINESS orvras--The photograph- ie, busxnese, which of late has been our- ried on by M r.D.S. Huber, he changed bonds, Mr. Huber .hnving disposed of the business to Mr. A, C. Meyer. Mr. Moyer, although still I young mm, hos not come here on n novice " the bui- neu, tor, combined with on attiat's eye, hehuhndno umllnmonntof ri- onoe. In order to introduce ban?» w - - , ,1- c, once. Mt Omar w .........._-, __ - work and boom his Christmas trade; he has decided to othr cabinet photon " 82.50 per dean (formerly will a 'li'; Ho does not gamma tttiuarttsetrtuietnt odor long than Dec. let.---" . l _ +3.10!!!»er I". alibi ' all " “qty fhrteeti' I many things the tuiretii. Berlin, which of this was. in selling out 1%an next Monday --A meetipg friend: a Burlington. V Mr. John B. Thomas is ill ,'i,th ittiUaiunation of the lungs. _ We are glad to onto that the condi- tion of Sheriff Springar is gnduclly improving. Be is, however, not yet able to leave the house. l Mr. U. B. Bricker of Essex Centre spent Wedneod-y in town, the gust of his father, Mr. Jacob Bricker. Mess". Wm.Snider and Dr. Bowman returned from Muekoka on Mondsy. They both report having shot two deer 3nd thus reached the limit of the luv. One of the carcasses arrived on Wednesday. l Mr. M, S. Hallmsn and Miss Hild. Hullmau spent Sunday with friends in Wilmot. ' BAPTIST. ' A: the result of a public meeting held some time ago in the German Baptist Baptist church. Berlin, In English Baptist church has been organ- ized for Berlin and Waterloo. Regu- lar services have been held fof the past three months, though the church was not organized till last Sabbath, Nov. 10th. The audience room of the new Y. M. C. A. building has been secured as a place to meet in, and a cordial invitation is extended to all to attend lthe services. Service every Sabbath [11 an. and 7 pan. Anniversary sermon will be preached in, the Methodist church on Sunday, Nov. 24th, by the Rev. Geo. F. Salton of Stratford at 11 mm. and 7 pm. The proposal to have Crossley and Hunter vUit Ottawa this winter ban Kalle!) through, In would be a great field to work during the iseisision..- Brockville Recorder. The Canada Conference of the Evan gelicnl Association held a ministerial meeting at Listowel beginning on Oct. 28th. The offiet reelected were ; Presi dent, Rev, WL. Wing of Berlin ;Vice- President, Rev. D. Dippel, Elmira ; Sony-Tress, Rev. H. Dierlamm, Milver- ton. Besides the transaction of various business matters the following topics were introduced and discussed. “The preacher and his bible," by Rev.E'Eby; I "The preacher" message and his object" - -- -- .rf"%l ,2,u- --..I by 'iiJlii%iiLsr ; "hChrut'e tsicond advent according to Acts 1 '. 11," by Rev. D. Dipptlit'0t'ye and work of the Holy Spirit," by Rev.H. Dierlsmm; “Dangers which threaten us as a church in the reception of ministers, and how can they be avoided," by Rev. G.Braun; "Our obligations as preachers toward each other as predecessor and successor on field of labor," by Rev, F. Meyer ; “The preaeher's relation. bearing and influence with the people," by Rev. A. Thomas. Council Chamber, Nov. 6th, 1895. The Council met this evening at. the can of the Mayor. There were present the Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and Messrs: Hespeler, Bauer. Bechtel, Froehlicb, Bricker, Uffelman, Maier, Kaufman, Kumpf and Bruce. -,iTitTe'ri/iathrr, Holtzwortb was read by the Mayor, claiming injury to crop. Referred!» Sewer Committee. __ A IA! " 42-! rN_...,...,...trresas u"o" Liwnvnlv‘. vy ~- V. -- The report of [the Relief Committee recommending a. grant of $50 to the Tzember family was adopted and the Mayor authorized to grant the Rev. Mr. Sanders 850 towards the support of the children. was, LIGHT AND WATER, The Fire, light and Water Com- mittee presented a report with the draft contract which was adopted and committee instructed to close the con- The chairmen of the Finaqce Com. mittee presented , report recOmmend- ing the payment a, of the following “counts: u H.B. Ducting, smallish. Geo. Boffrmus.......... LouisEolm......,..... G.T. Railway, w.atthman J. Kieswettir, I. BechteltSon, brick...........; 158 " HymmenaRu-ol, lower pip...'.. 12 00 'ii.1irBowmap,Entrieysrirwarrw. 7500 Hamilton & Toronto Sewer Pipe Co 8% " T must. iri"iiiiir1iitiL1att. and 158 tongu- Ill-to plumbing with. unit-r1 condi- - C - . n12__._ ' h lull in Oven- mdiwobi, bridge.... ..... on on Hamilton Toronto Sewer Pipe Co 144 y, _ The report was “opted and the “Mayor nothgriud to grant hi: order for the psymens of the It.neee,e,t: _ A- A |‘__:_.l -. SL.- - ',1',iCiiriiHiriiiiirs ngMMW-W asemnitt-tth macaw-tow iGoooaeriit8tu j C,", q 'z'ii7l'iili"iiFriiiifotet her." Baylor sotmild " addition P. Iain www.- rowrszocoum. Bechtel&.Son,brick............ Straub r...,...........'..',"". Jackie,w09d .-.:---,ct:: / ’sckie,w00d................ . Kreutzweiser, 8 mos. fireman" FIN mums mumxnnn’s anon. TOWN COUN OIL. The Churches. BRANCH "WEB AGNWNX. FdT M ETHODNT 16 70 375 Worth Talking Attttttt--d The Speeial Sale J ac. 1Jfrelmann's ITEMS IN DRESS GOODS- ITEMS IN HANTLES & Inntt--at . A choiee assortment ot the prevailing modes which are worn by ladies of admitted taste and fashion. These goods must be sold. You know what that means as to prices. ITEMS IN STANDARD GOODS-- _ My Stock is How complete tel I falland winter ear. Fine navy) OVEBU OATS . serge, 2 piece sri'l1,r, $1.25, $1.75, $2.2Y A fine jail Wool Tweed ---t-- Suit, 2 pieces, $ .50, $2.75, $3.00, $3.po, $3.75; 3 pieces, $4, $450. $5, Do You Want To Buy an $5.50, $6, i, OVERCOAT this Fall? Good Value an »Fit Guaranteed. ---. Boy' odd Pant and Coats, black If so, don't failtosee our stock. We, have Worsted Suits', louse Suits, Vel- a“ _m ' "Hum vet Suits, Navy Blue Pea Jackets. Tons of OVEHUDATS and SUITS to choose from. Large stock Undershirts and Drawers at all prices, and the values cannot be beat. We offer you as nice 3 line of Goods as you ever laid your eyes upon, in our Fall and Winter Selection of Men's and Boys' Clothing. Hats. Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods. Boots and Shoes. This is a. chanee that will be counted as a fortunate occurrence in your life. A chem e to get just what you Want. at a. J'2,'hlt' you-tyet-to-Psy price. If you want to get a little better article at a. little lower price than you expected to pay, Come to our store. Come and look " our goods. They will Qerify our statements. No. 20 to 24 King Street East, Berlin, Ont., Next door to Neville‘s Drug Store. appointment of a. plumbing inspector were read a. third time nn_d passed. "'iiiidiFGr with regard io opening Margaret. Street was laidover for future consideration, MRS. JOSEPH IIAGEY. I On Monday afternoon, Nov. 4th there passed away at River Bank, near Breslau, the oldest resident in the neighborhood in the person of Sophia Bricker, at the ripe old age of 82 years, 10 months and 14 days. She was the widow of the late Rev. Joseph. Hagey, who had been bishop of the Old Men. nonite body for many years. The fun- eral took place on Thursday, the 7th, from the old homestead to the Old Mennonite graveyard at Breslau, fol. lowed by a large concourse of friends and acquaintances. The funeral ser- mons were preached by Itevds Ab, Martin and Noah Btaueer in both German and English. Martin preached in German from Math. 5 l 8, and Stauf- fer in English from Heb, 11 :16. .-. _.- .__°___, 7, V e The deceued was born Dec. 20th, 1812, in the Township and County of Waterloo. near Freeporb. She was daughter of Samuel Brickpr, who emi- grated from Pennsylvania. In 1831 she was married to Joseph Hagey, from which marriage were 11 children, 10 of whom are still living. Of the near relatives living, there are 10 child- E11, arisrother, v48 grand-children, and 40 great-grand-children. Meal-5.13 Puddicombe, C.Sterling, inmate T. Sterling, P. Heinbocker, Knight, 1trlll,T.c Buckel and Rstz, have gone for a two Toronto ..., weeks’ '.hunt in Muskoka. Judging from the amount of provender taken . along, it looks " if the hunters had 1tg,re y.'.', not much faith in their ability to sup- 'dt,tf,,',fiGii' ply their needs with the ride... .The 211'l'l"'.?.'l'., third week in J snuory in fixed for the tftg'dlt,','lt Poultry Association show . . . . Mr.Fred .. Goebel bu purchased the livery do. plrtment of Bennigaah' hotel, Wolloce- Gait burg, and is manna there this week. ,His friend. gave him I rousing tare. well Friday night....Mr. Ferdinnnd can w..... Morner, lecturer, in making Hamburg Blur....... his hoodqnlrten for the coming lecture; flg'flirr.y. moon. . . .Misa Katie Nichol bu re-, WMâ€. turned from o week's visit to rel-ting St. noon†in Berlin...Ahe former- uronnd here! Etgrg1ra .... ‘mhringing in [use drove otemU) "iiar%hsiatt,totaeeeytfr8 . in; thought!†,rtntii.C.Mr, f, tfl.'%iar, â€Maura“! Ary 1mm hm 1rdttiP: htd his torsion: portly “Relief. 'alt! ..... and: uplit, in the “theâ€? on I _ iii'"i'"f:iii: A variety of Fabrics, Patterns and weights, adapted to weath- er which we must now expect, at really one-half their original price. ' Our usual stock of the essen- tial is kept well in hand and kricgs are in accordantie with {he lines. B. BRUNK & CO,, -smphéu ""ood thou. NEW HAMBURG Obituary. Examine thisList Waterproof Coats, Caps and Uls- ters, the latest style of Sussex Coat (Currie of Glasgow,' maker) with velvet collar, sewed seams, warran- ted not to crack or harden, Coats and Vests for fall wear, nice lot of Fancy Vests, Full Dress White Pique Vests; Wool and Cashmere Socks, Merino Socks, Cotton Socks, Tan Colored Socks, Silk Socks, Lisle Thread Socks. The Best Jralue to be had anywhere. Before Going to the City Ex- amine My Stock, and Save Time and Trouble. . BOYS’ and . YOUTHS’ C L O T II I N G. Boys’ and Youths’ Overcoats As I have just opened this part of the stock recently, my purchase is entirely new. Goods bought be- fore the recent advance in prices Full stock of Sizes of all Goods. W. J. Wbollard, WALPER BLOCK Gents’ Furnishings, Hats and thwi, Boys' and Youths' Clothing. Dress and FOR a good fit and Stylish Dress or Mantle go to the ACTUAL RESULTS.) wrsiifirhrw, LIFE Under a 15 your Endowment. Annual Premi. um 357.12 for use 29 issued Nov., 1880. on the life at Mr. Donald L, McKay. Ktiieardine, Ont Face Value of Polley.................slooo on Total Premiums in " In. @858 so Detmet Dividends Paid..... In tt 744 " "all“: Over Con. . .. . . Belng a return of 3134101- each 8100 invested or " per cent. Compound Interest on the Pre miums paid, besides 16 years“ lnsuxnnce. W. l. IlDDELl. tterr. W. "BRODY, In W. S. BONUS, Supt. of Agencies tdt"4igsiiicy.y, ew am um...†Baden ...e.......... Pawnburz......... Berlin.............. Breslau r........... Toronto.......-... Toronto Brash“: ...........' e rs urg ........ swam m .... tStratford.......... acid-kt-, have at WW - Lam-Hid I 'ffeiii2iififitiNlN'hStt" And come Hero To Buy. 42-U Railway Time Table. Galt and Elmira Branch. GOING NORTH. GrandTrunk Railway GOINGEAST. LI. A.I|A.le ard .........,' 515 859 - MISSES CROFT, Mantle Making. 7.1 V 2453.“: Upstairs, UffehmuN Store, Kurt street, Waterloo IIII.’ s 15 1i is 16 " GOING WEST. GOING SOUTH Ail-LI. 1180 8% 281050 2121102 ---11t6 2341124 2401129 3(31157 ... $255.1 For Fall and Winter. Children'ts Cloaking and Fur to match for trimming. Ladies' and hildren's Underwear, Tam o'Shanters, Mittens, and a great variety of other goods at very close prices. " Winter Knitting in full blast, None but the bggt yarns used. Also Custom Knitting done to o er. MRS- ai1ER,tCiiirE9 WHEN that time comes we shall be ready again {vith a magnificent . display of suitable presents cheaper than ever. For the present we want to sell ' . Prize Books, Bibles/Albums, Wall Paper, ete Our stock being large in these lines, we will allow 20 per cent. discount. Bibles at Soc and up. Albums at 75c; a good one for$1.50. In prizeibooks we have the Pansies, lilsics, E. P. Rods, etc. Wall Paper with wall border and ceiling to match. Buttcrick's Dress Patterns. W.H. BECKER & co., Booksellers GROW & - ( 2ll0illlilllilll . NEW GOODS "it1i_tt:)tii'. t, Hymmen. The Noted lifillinery, Mantle and Dress Goods House. 600D RELIABLE GOODS. " COME MI) SEE! CHRISTMAS IS COMING. Fancy Goods Store, King St., Waterloo. BERLIN. Iii