IE [$3 “If! A.. when†with “Macao. Giiriac." For some time past there has been considerable talk of cabinet recomtruc- tion it Ottawa. The World, believing that the future progress and proeperity of the country depends upon the mun- tennnce in power of the Liberal Con- servetive government, desires to Ice u strong end able e body of men minim isterittg Join as on he found in the country. The 'reoent expression of opinion in than column in hvorol Hon. J. A. Chepleeu being invited to join the mini-try has been endorsed from ottmutttttermttrs the other and the World is in u with: to. There seems to be something in the wind. If the Toronto World can be relied upon a shuffle of the cabinet is contemplated but whether before or " ter the Parlinmentury session and the vote upon the Manitoba school queer tion, does not appear. The World 88,2 _ dents quoted by counsel ernment. lhcision was Before the Court of Appeal in To, ronto 0- 'l‘humluy the nutter ot' the brew,-r,' an I distillers' license was urgutd. he points to be decided were whether the Provinci¢l Government , had the right to require brewers and distiller‘ ti, take out lxcenses for the sale of their' commodities, and whether it Win llv’t‘istr‘y to exact the same fee fro-u at. such persons liceimcd. The l lawyers for the Government pointedi out decision, to their Lordship, in i which “we po.uts had been decided in I favor of the Government, and the quer tion then arose that if such were the Cate, why should the matter he brought before the Court of Appeal at all? Deputy Attorney General Cartwright explained that the Government Would like the question settled one way or the other, and that as it was the intention to carry it to the Privy Council the Government would l he a decision from their Lordsiiips on the matter. Mr. S. H, Blake, held that the licensing of the brewers and distillers by the Dominion , Government in "ect gave them per- I mission to sell their manufactures, and I quoted authorities as agiinst the prece- l argurd. 1'... Whether the had the right dlscillen n.) 1 sale of their} it wan n.†ms There The Montreal Star says that Mac. kenzie Bowel! is suffering "qeurvy" usage at the hands: of the men whose battles he is fighting, It is said on good authority that since he has been asked for appointments to the Senate, to the Customs House and Post (Mieets to the chain of Deputy Ministers, to the Bench, and to other desirable posi- tions, by something like sixty conspic- uous men who are supposed to be loyal memheis of the Conservative party. l The composition of the next U. 8 Senate will be as follows : Republicans, 44; Démocrata, 39; Populist, 6; vac- ant (Delaware), I. Sir Charles Rivers Wilson, president of the Grand Trunk Railway, was mar- ried on Saturday to Hon. Beatrice Mostyn. Subscription ".00 per annum in advance; $1.50 if not no paid. High vim-u pruning, English and German, tt all in branches. Advertising Maw reasonable, and will be and known on in shaman. A CA LL T0 MEREDITH Waterloo Bounty Chronicle. Medicine Co. . Loos! Noticetr--hfeAlpin Tobacco Co. Bordeaux Clues Co-- erup of Turpentine- Dr. Agnew's Catarrhnl Powder-- Golden Medical Discovery Ayers' sunmptrrilU-- Price’l Tobaclhare. Hood's Sarsapu'illa Cures-- . Painn’s Celery Compound-- Condition Powders-. l Honest Help-L. A. Edwards. Conaggnptxou Cenquor?sd--Dr, Williams Co. 1 - . House Wantod-'--Feretuon & Rondo. Fresh Bread, da-A. E. Sanderson. N otiee-O ' L. Widemsn. In Full t3wimt--Boehmer & Co. Notiee--A. M. Brubacher, Clipper Grmdirsg---C. L. Henderson. Almost Dead -Dr. Williaini Medicine THURSDAY. NOV. 14th, 18N) DAVID BEAN, Proprietor, Waekly Xewspnper Published every Thurs day morning. flug. - Galt Banana Colle-g. ' Get Out of tlse. Hoare-R. D. Wuesepeoo6--W. J. Woollard. To 1et---Cisarlm Mugging Al's]: Bor-8. R. Ernst & Co. Worthing Tulking Aboi-J.Ofrrlman Chins-tn and Crockery-Geo Hum- NewAdvor EDITORIAL NOTES. be something in the )ronto World can be fie of the cabinet is whether before or " for the Gov- reserved. not: thiaweek p race- Bauer 3 Epinionuchplng Molnar m' Bo. intitrtittmc. 13,3.“ l state of trade in possible with Oct.1894, because the same taritf is not in force but a customs tariff designed to incrense the 1894 revenue by 81,500,000 or more and an excise revenue two or three hundred thousand dollars heavier. Mr. Foster celculuted in his budget that he'would get $1.700,000 or 81,800,- 000 more out of his additional taxes ; with this and a reduction of $2,400,000 in the expenditure Mr. Foster calculnt- ed he would pull through. Thereven- no for the four months ending Oct. 31, has been thus increased by -ess9,ooo,l but the expenditure is only $436,000 "less, so that Mr. Footer is running be, hind or ahead on the expenditure item and bids fair to face another detuit. Interim expenditure statements. how. ever, nre of little value u experienpe bushawn. The "petMtiture,tsaa, new: be "eertained until the close of the ttit. cal your, but the revenue an. dt io the net debt, yhile it is mm (lot OOOinexceaabl thiedebt last y " t cube thowntUta he“, 1ur; in left out of the “stunt. l, taxes of 1895 are bringing in more rev- enue. No comparison bearing on the Another Detleit Susring The Mini-tor of Finance in The Face. Ottawa, Nov. 11,--The monthly statements of the public debt and rev- enue for October sppear in the Canada Gazette. Compared with 1894, the month’s revenue shows an increase of $371,000, with 1893 an increase of $115,000, and with 1892 a decrease of $163,000. 0f the monthU increase of $371,000, no less than $332,000 is from customs, which shows that the new 23,509,019 gallons,wherens the consump- tion for the four preceding years aver aged $678,651. The transactions in methylgned spirits netted to the trea- sury a proiit of t?2i,780. Mr, Wood has administered his department at a cost of 844,555 less than the estimated expenditure. _ " Canadian- Consuming Lesa Beer. tt Spirit. and Tobacco c: Ottawa, Nov. 7. --0anadiam, are drinking less spirits and less beer and I more wine than they did a year ago, , according' to the report of the controll- er of inland revenue, which has just been issued, and is the first of the de- , partmental reports to make its appear- . ance. They are smoking less tobacco 1 than formerly, so that the outlay‘ of Canadians on luxuries of doubtful utility is in nearly every item being curtailed. In 1874 we drank per head 1.004 of a gallon of spirits. We now consume about one-third' of this, or .664 of a gsllot1 per head on population. As compared with 1894, when the con- sumption was .742 per head, this is a substantial decrease. The tendency in the matter of beer since 1874 has been towalds increased consumption. Thus, in 1874 Canadians consumed 3.012 gal- lons of beer per head, whereas in 1895 the consumption was 3.471,but this was much less than the consumption of 1894, which was 3.722. In the drink- I ing of wines there has been a gradual l decline for the last twentv veers. The l consumption per head in 1874 was .288, or less than onethird of a gallon per I head‘, who reas in 1895 it was .090,some- I thing less than a tenth of a gallon. ' The cor samplion of 1805 was.001 more t than that of 1804. We used 2 163 s pounds of tobacco per head in 1806, as t against 2 264 in 1804. The excise re- a venue for 1895 fed below that of 1392- n 3 4. The total collections for the year C just past were $7,912,097. From the til same source we derived in 18% the , sum of $8,441,495. This decrease. is a recounted for mainly by the fact that it the consumption of spirits in 1895 was d INLAND REVENUE RETURNS be carried font, we are tsatisfied the premier will do that which is best tor the country and the party. That the Ontario contingent requires to be strengthened is generally admitted, and the World receives with satisfac- tion asuggeetion that Hon, William Ralph Meredith,- chief juttice of com- mon pleas for Ontario, should step down from the bench to enter the " eral ministry. There are few abler men in Canada than Mr. Meredith There is certainly no man is public life today a cleaner or more honorable re- cord. Honorable and eloquent, there is possibly nobody in Ontario to-day better calculated to lead the Conserva- tive hoststo victory, and to rally the young men of the province under hie banner, than the judge. For years in the local legislature he led the opposi- tion members with marked ability, and now that a request again comes to him to enter the tederal arena, the World I trusts thit Mr. Meredith will not be I unresponsive tothe call. ., l 0mm to federal politia it no dio- tant date. But Mr. Chepleeu’l meet line to the nuke of the government will not otulitm. More is required. Rar. porte hue been current q the city for two or three deyo put that Sir Meo- kenzie Bowell it oontmnpUting . bald coup. Aa to the preoiee method in which the prom-ad ubinet tstttsfBe will $ THE PUBLIC DEBT, "r'-""- u-J- o--" I " is not didhmit to 1111de Sir Ill-chub Bovell'n ptteitios, Be in 'willing to do anything trttlo moon 1Aripur, ' to plum; the tttf, the - at the 3'H0 in; Warming tohvo Mr. . tarttttre.dimism6turViiii. _ qoeliGUii i"iiiiiiiit""di-so,i the Globo’l Went up c-- ( " in not Malt to undouund Sir u-.n....:_ n, - A - [ tion," but to support them because they I are true to the National Policy and true to the traditions of Sir John A. Mae. donald. There seems to belittle reason for all the current talk of disseneions in the Cabinet. Oa the contrary there is an evident determination to strengthen the Administration by bringing in new and iniluentitu blood. This is the con- struction that is tobe put u the talk ot Mr.0hapleau coming in from Quebec and Judge Meredith from Ontario. A Conservative Cabinet with Mr. Chap- leau to reconcile the 1i'renelrCamuituiu, and judge Meredith to reconcile the Conservatives of Ontario to a moderate remedial bill, and moat of all to rally the entire party to the real iatmsr--ttuit of maintaining the ihnral policy of the country, to promote good feeling Ithronghout the. Dominica and to her- lmonize racea ind creeds for the com- mon good-thits Items to, be the task that the Conservatives will' be called on to perform in the forth coming tour months or so before the general elec- tions, and it will be under the leader- ship of Sir Mackenzie Bowel! that all this will!» undertaken. . D,V_., ---__ “v IMO sultan. l The Government probably recognize that there are diffiealtim, in the way of getting straight candidates in these tidings. Huron they can hardly ex. pect to carry, but they intend to fight for North Ontario and Cardwell with all the energy they can coPmand.They will make a strong appeal to the Con- servatives in these ultra Protestant rid. Ings not to condemn them because cir. I cumstances which they never creetedl compel them to abide by ï¬ne constitu- shove, and that if members of the Uove out go into “dings they will ii,'i,i.Cl'ii,i:lef:'.ssi,a', as committed to re- tuedis legislation. The Controller of Customs will aleo have to declare him. self about this . e, and as far as The World can learyhe will have no hesi- tation in doing so. He has continued in the discharge ot his departmental duties and avoided noything calculated to be a source of trouble to his col. leagues; but once the Government out- lines its policy, as it will do in North Ontario, Caldwell and West. Huron, the Controller, in justice to himself and to his colleagues, muartdo the some. ' In the bye elections which will come on a‘moub irvm"diately, the Government are bound to put up can- didates who are friendly to some such Iona of remedial legislation as outlined The Government will not pretend to say that there should or should not be Sepamte schools in Manitoba judged on their merits, but triinply that the constitution gives them, and therefore that they intend to obey the constitu- tion, both because it is legal and be. cause the peace and good feeling of the country call for the maintenance of the compact of Confederation. . - in Ontario will try and bring their fol- lowers in each of these great provinces into line on such a policy. The Govern. ment will justify the bill on the straight ground that the Catholics of Manitoba Lie, as Mr. Foster pointed out at Lon- don the other day, within the constitu- tionae finally interpreted by the courts in asking for a remedial law giving them some kind of Separate schools. v The Federal Government intend to _ redeem their pledge of last session to . introduce a bill of relief for the Catho- lics of Manitoba. Their measure will In all probability be a moderate one; in - respects a compromise. It will likely enact that Catholic ratepayers will be free to have their schoon taxes go to the support of Separate schools, that they wilt be free to have their own text books in histury, and that certain privileges will be conceded In the way of religious instruction. Bat outside of this any Separate schools thus creat- ed will be Hulljv‘ct to public school in. spection , teachers sent to the provm- cial ttxtunmatiouts for eertifieutea; ahd the authorized text-boots of the pro- 1vinee. There will be no reconstitution of the old Separate schools ‘with their admitted ineiheieney. This, in well informed circles, is supposed to be the extent of the Government programme of remedial legislation. If it is it will be adopted by the entire Cabinet. and the French Conservative leaders in Quebec and the Conservative leaders The Government intend coming to Parlinmentwiehh. remedinlbill in regard to the Manitoba schools in case one Greenway Government do nothing in the meantime. And it is not likely that that Government will do Ibything. l The Governor Genet-.1 will be back at Rideau Hull within 5 fortnight. the six brtr<rleotioos in Ontario um Quebec will be fixed u tn their datetr, the VI.- conciea in the Santa willbe filled, and Parliament will in All probability be in tsession within forty days. In. W. P. Hahn, In?†m in Ottawa on Saturdny.‘ and we Toronto World thin morning given In name de finite idea on to whole the Government stands. Extract. from the World'e an delputfh md:7 - . macaw swam} a; £33 " A little over a. week ago Mr. Geo. Tuseuihsg formally opened for the bone. flt of the good people ot Waterloo and vicinity what may not unjustly be cell- ed tb modern City Grocery and China Hall. For a time prior to the opening Mr. Iuaenflug was kept exceedingly busy superintending the work of decor- ation and renovation and we think that he will not fail to be rewarded for his pains as through these vest improve. ments we predict for him en enormous _ increase in business soles; nd as he has now adopted the strictly cosh sys- tem of doing business he wil be able [ to give the people better bet io and still not rob himself of his j t profits, The interior of the store no presents a. very neet and tidy up oe. The floor, wells,end ceiling have, been re- painted, and upon numerous tt e tshles, specielly designed for the p Mr. mtttrnfhnr gives A tMr splendid displey' to his superb Peoetaimit' of climax-e of all descriptions. I i i, ' . We must not onion-1W thet liiiiii;iitii7)d;Ti the“. m Does the fact of only 200,000 Chris. tian women banded together in the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, to defend the home from the saloon by organized effect, which means right ‘ home training, right education of head, heart and band, the righteous laws tur foreed, that shall both warn the young feet away from the pits of temptation, and in time take away the tempta- tion itaelf,--touch not your health, oh, Christian Woman, not yet enrolled in; the glorious army? Where are the millions of mothers and home-keepers who can arise in the majesty of woman- hood and say, “The saloon shall no more tempt our sons and destroy our daughters-Press Supt. l In some stated the people are to de- eide whether or not their boundaries shall be freed from the curse of the saloon, the distillery and tlte.brewery, whether a wall shall be built between the home and the enemy of home, or the pits of temptation still be open to lure unwary feet. In this hour of tits cisiou, "where are the Christian', t" The battle will be sharp, the victory must depend much upon the acts and influence of the Christian men and wo- 1 men. l What can be done to make l safe paths for our children f .--ia the question of l to-day. The friends of education are building a wall of knowledge that a little child will _not climb over to the pit of ignorance. Warning Jighta are burning all along the way that science treads. Are the Christians as aroused to see that the Sunday schools and the churches stand shoulder to shoulder with the teachers on this question) F l . ZARNKE vs Bore. i Judgment in the case mentioned. f below, which was tried at the recent , Aselzea in Berlin, was given on Satur- day hurt week. The litigants are both I . from Baden. l Zarnke " Boye--Juemeat in action tried at Berlin Assizes, brought to re. cover 81,383.03,amoGt of a promis- sory note and interest and counter claim for $2,400 for board and lodging of plaintiff by defendant for seventeen years, and for $62 for goods sold and delivered. The Plaintiff, an uncle oil the defendant, expressed his willingness to allow $900 to be deducted from his claim and take judgment for $483. The learned judge is of opinion that, while the claim of defendant is a "counter- claim,†it is in the nature ofa “set off," pure and simple, and not such as before the Judicature Act required the insti- tation of a cross-action to recover it. J udgment for plaintiff for $483.03, with full costs of action, thus allowing $900 for board, which is 8190 more than defendant is entitled to against Statute of Limitation, which was ,pleaded. Defendant not to have coats of set-off or counter-claim. C. Bitzer (Berlin) for plaintiff E.Sidney Smith, Q C, for defendant. va‘ SuTi5.TT'Tr -. '-""." "T" -e. I!†in, but." ti% them to clot who on begging-him to help them, and [all will dim“ hip own' term. m will rule the Chbin‘et it he enters it. Mel-rs. Ems-rt end Montague know Outedo is hopeleser lost to them if they hove to carry Mr. Chuplenu in addition to their other burdeoe. The Ontario Con. servetives blamed Mr. ataplenu, in 1891 for all the Printing Bureau bood. ling, and dtsoUrrsd him unfit to take chsrge of a spending department. " karnzie Bowel] must give up every- thing to Mr. Chapman or do without him It is Chepleuu. and Cabinet re. coustruction,with puetrable resignations, or the weary plodding on of the Bowell Ministry to their inimitable end. The situation is not affected by vspid reit. erations of senseless denials. A Modern Grocery. W. C. T. U. Comet. Local Legal. io and t profits, present- 00. The and - ".“""'7“: mun-I- we on. ttteel'?, ado of np-b-dsta_ fu.“d' , noun-ohm magiâ€. bul wit mun-â€ham... 5A'e1eti1t hoiiy Iiiiiiiiii 110". IIIUWIU mt up tub, i. tut. W. Bok .313 licking 'li nutrition MM dunk-1... AA! " -.- L tteheytit 9nd, aisother It, all!“ n. h “a, . â€7â€" ttha, i'isi?/?iibeh','ii, tl1"k'rdta.rd an“??? " . y ma, from than Eula-m Irehgeyir thtt 99 tahria ttttr, new illustrated by W. L. Taylor. Dr. Purim-VI paper on “The fath 91’s Domestic Beadahi " lucidiy, md with fine discrimin- ation 't',lLd u futher'. duties end reaponsi- bilitiea in the'mme. An intemtin deter-ig- tion of "Girl Life in Modem ii'iiihiii'i',': " given by United Show ComnIE. 8. “lane and mutated by Eric Papa. Thomas Wentworth Higgimou select: for "A Young Gen Library†one hundred book: hr Amer-F can Nathan, but ndnpted to the Won at dtt, ‘of {fifteen Ornamental And 000 ve me. o c we: In tailed by Pele 11. Heat?“ pictured: and "1110 Honda Dance at Wormcqno ache" is the title of El. Burton 'r'dTi'llll',Tlt't'eft' and best short 'rtory,--tw two-part uovelette ---whieh open: moot delightfully in the N tMN embe Ladies‘ Home Journal. It dull with New {fork fuhitmab1eir.-iirat at the Home Show and subsequently in Virginia, the per- sonage. and ')'b'i?txi,'g,"httthi,ite,ii,r, to the author’- happiest 'tffortts, tt tttet is con. cluded in the December Journal 'tlil in "tin- ticull illmtnted by W. L, arartor. Dr. 'ii?i,iie.1l?i'.lli1t on 'Te ytNr'ipmnekii, _ An Admlnblo T'haut1rmtrisrtmr Maga- zine and we are well satisfied with the result, cost or less, and will continue to do so. public that we not only reduced the prio our general stock, and from time to time unheard of in Berlin. We place on sale _ Ulsteis $6 oo, fo l Overcoats 3 oo _ Suits ' 4 so l Pants ss , Rubber Coats 6 co , Men's .Underwear So " Dress Goods 12% " Dress Goods 3o , Blankets 2 75 , V Flannels L , I 5 , Bed Spreads I 15 , Milliner , Ribbons, ete., at and below cont. etc., to select fiom cheap. Boots and Shoes too nun tion will convince you that they are right in styles, , Do not forget the plaee-- d Greatly Reduced Prices ' 'The Holida: Because ive have been King St. East, Berlin. LOW NOW, $30,000 Worth â€of hniim 5 STORY 125 x 45 WAREROOMS NOW COMMENCED /The SIMPSON 00., Mild), Please examine our stock of ht0Eimuttt'8 SUPPLIES before going elsewhere. WE ARE ALWAYS B0SY----AND WHY? SELLING GOODS Dognce at i" that must be sold and we will sell for the next two months at Greatly Reduced Prices, to make room for the immense stock of goods, we are now making and Importing, to show at the pen- ing" of our New Warero6ms. Anybody requiring Furniture wi kindly bear in mind that we are selhng at prices NEAT 'EB ; TH AN in our present premises and all 2us 30 n tt ' 2 75 .. " 3 5 L , I 5 " " I lds _ _ I 15 If It t d s, em, at and below coat. Large assortment of l L Boots and Shoes too numerous to quote prieett at they are right' in styles, quality and prices. . MNF-- t only reduced the prices on our OPERATIONS lrom time to time will offer nu: lines We place on sale to-day : the - - - - TR,- ?i8?ii,tctiiriiBrr.? (a: co The Great, Bankrupt Store: CATCHY _ --e "J . . $6 oo, former price 4 50 35 6 co so IN OUR What the min of today need- most is not nthletica in s guns-inn, but plenty of fresh ur in the Inga. I n- Iteqd ot q quantity of violent examine “nth-m bun weak hr 00va hours Mud, he need. to lean t obmthe right, “and right, and lit right. The ning 11mm or you; My: who-hm i,itfii'iiiliiiiii'yi'iiii keep. it up adtw M. in“ It the time It: 1t19ei,.trtVi"iiiiiii'c1' et in .... ,V__- uvvu-wu 5 nut“ Alh' f mbro’u, “Mitten of the Saul] Home†, Mrs. gum: Abbotty :Sohiial s1ii/,e t/ a Chagallâ€; rs. Man’s " u iona e iaiti t. umaâ€md Min Hooper’a VIll'JU, for Dainty Gowns." The Novetlrlabor Jam-ml in on idly ongagfng in ita i natntiom Ind 'r'Rretl'l in every line, exactly ldnptod to the i2'hhttii Jason’s diva-don of alt mem. bers of a household. By The Curtis Pub. lishing Company, Phihdelphi. ' on. dodar per you; ten cents per copy. _ -- __.... new...†a BOBOI'Dlng story, "The Luck of the Pendexminga,†ME Bange’ final report of "Paradise Club’s meetings; Mr.Bur%tiAi "The relief ot the rr1ynraard, and A fthlee,1 minim number, "The con. Itellatibq Arch,†written for the muguine by Thom.- Clark. Of especial timeliness we . chat on orgmizing and conducting a liter. u‘yclub. by Louise Stockton ' Ruth Ash- mom’I. “Mutt-an of than R..." u“, " -- flytio, of M rs. Furniture m'r's and lhtdsrtakers - "rs" Large assortment of Hosiery "DMII- On r...AAA H, . . york to"do We have sold some goods at We would impre_ss upon the DESIGNS What "0...“, Bellam " . a 'l,'e,2l',?,,tl'.to,t,tipg :tory g, No. 18 King St., Beéin old foods, bit upor; t My need. most . â€mania": but in the lung. la. of. â€019% examine $8 oo s So 5 50 I 25 7 So 75 3 so 18 t_40 4o Hosiery, Gloves, ;, but an inspec. at prices Brisker thbl {The Largest Store. The Finest Sleek al The Best Business Piece in the Town. Call and see us, You cannot miss the Stand: f'lR1, MANTLES Because we are upto- date in all our Lines' Business is Booming Business! Business! Business I Beautiful Capes, Boas and Buffs. We show an elegant Ruff it Grey, Lamb, 1%? Blue F & R, and , man Mink. Just the thing for these cool evenings. J u§t to hand, another 'i't'ivohi,)"s'u'c'is'." i,s/fyyyP,tpi,1, f, tt 59 “Thaw x beiutifuLl1'rl j""ccr"r.'. . r ti 'i ol Mantles it: j) ' . -tf , J: The . leg hi "tbl, f [uni I t) . t Ladies' oat, with any; Mandala Sleeve. nee o owned an them. Chules E. Kuo' in the same tune forts, It is our buslness sell and YOurbusm to buy. Talk ah business; We h: done more bum in the month on ober than We ever; WHY til visiting week- -We dirtcl tlt we“ to the uh ', mn of Berhn. sy --Htrrley Dan khan." reduced the half twin, r ondu st Peterlroro --Great reducnwn- kid at RI). Lat»; sl selling off um 'e Mr. P. li. Hal} " enguzvd m 1H: Co public hctwn'lvo _ -Donotforgr" 1,, (Mind Ball at 1,rtt tonight. Admxxmnn Imoking mixture 1 Try tb 10c pNckrsv" -The village populut-ion lawn town, and talks ation " such. a, of changes ll M Utor than copy for chant! oGdheertu.v w on“ .coeptasd of “ch week. air"', plant and L' o owned and a: Chtrles E. Knowis yen-s. Ph. Pequegn .--The Gall Il met at Rev. ll, - Honday, Nov. ; amd I paper “In ‘ ..-A special mowing Trade will be held I.': ing,at b o'clock, in 1 Climber. All nu tr,lrt "quested to amend -Thos. U'Nm. , township, sold his tint to Mr. Solomon tiusdr hm is in an excl', tion and has fito, 1m; try of To-du; \\ '.,, manned diacumox -Prot. A, C Mum in alocutiou will 'ci't' in Berlin on Um ‘._'":1 when several 1m tt ~11 hom Dnvid Cup}u-r11l in full costume, ‘...One carlomi 'r, Jed straw jus; "(a warehouse a ..-The “Hum U.W. attendcd the Methodist Sunde mnrnit. ya preachml I -The CuunH at 's'tt) tumor-ind 1hr l'l'u Liul Committee tour :4 its. t with the “7mm "9mm: "tr Gr puth; - {‘11 Q a King tit. w “1"!) Union Streets l . .-1qr.Men" l'na't‘ 'teoeed {hr a; p, it " Fitting in rirstr ' w- " Math 1in in ".. 'i,n 'tore nnd Snydvr. 'l k" a ‘hllnen engaged 1' you“ lange plato glass: 1'. 12w l Imam, bl A, i Rsiing bought the â€not! from A l’wluvm â€t, Berlin, pleas" Lake Woe that All “('Chunh can» paid with“ :;l "r or satisfnnoniy wt 3fessrs Shuh " 'rn.e Trusrrr, al “or and tled. L OCAL -N ry; NMI The aroma iron To AuVERTXSER noor mun 2ttly " ’30:“; and and bought theI a; " Mount e H'COF pm Ml In 6t. us ll